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== Alpha 0.905 ==  
== Next Release Notes ==
(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)
[[Bionic Dues Post Release Notes]]
== Alpha 1.000 ==
(Released October 8, 2013)
Happily, nothing new needed here. :)
== Alpha 0.938 Release Candidate 7 ==
(Released October 7, 2013)
* The city map sidebar buttons now no longer respond to clicks while a tutorial message is up, to avoid weirdness when someone opened the customization window before closing both of the initial city map tutorial messages.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
* Fixed a bug where at certain screen resolutions the inventory/store/customization background would not scale out to the side properly, thus resulting in a black bar to the right.  Specifically 1600x900 would do this, among others.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
* Added bits of colored highlighting in the hot tips and other similar popups to help break them up a bit.
* Updated the fully-yellow text that was used for popups from the bot speech to instead be more of a reddish glowing color.  This is also now used on the loading screen and for the game credits.
== Alpha 0.937 Release Candidate 6 ==
(Released October 7, 2013)
* Human Cryopods are now immune to aoe splash damage.  So directly shooting them with a rocket launcher will kill them, but hitting the square right next to them with a plasma cannon won't even scratch the paint.  As the new description states, "It's almost as if you were supposed to be able to clear rooms around them without hurting the pod."
** Thanks to Aquohn and others for inspiring this change.
* Electric floors now no longer get the overdrive bonus.  Just the mines now, really.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* The fact that the player can choose to shorten the campaign with the Robot Command Center missions is now mentioned in a bunch more places and more clearly than in the past.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* City mapgen now makes Robot Command Centers not seed _too_ far away from the player's HQ, as otherwise their intended purpose of providing an optional campaign shortener is only sometimes met.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for inspiring this change.
* The world map icons for the robot control centers and the bahamut missions are now more distinctive in their glowiness/coloring, so that they attract the eye more for players who are potentially otherwise going to overlook them.
* Changed the bot logic for "if I can shoot a cryopod or chase a player, have a 10% chance of always shooting the cryopod and a 90% chance of picking evenly between shooting the cryopod and chasing the player" to "if I can shoot a cryopod or chase a player, have a 10% chance of shooting the cryopod and a 90% chance of chasing the player.
** Thanks to Aquohn and others for inspiring this change.
* On the Exo customization window the mousewheel now scrolls the bottom-left stats block.
** Thanks to nas1m, Pepsisolo, and others for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions where enemy bots could shoot cryopods while either or both had never been seen before.  Now only bots that have been seen can attack cryopods, and only cryopods that have been seen can be attacked.
** Note: sensor vision still counts as "seen", and this includes Tuck's pre-scouting of each mission.  Tuck just has different experiences in hostage missions, with the advantage of knowing where the pods are and the disadvantage of having less leeway in alerting any bots near the pods.
* Added a "Menu" button to the bottom of the city-map left sidebar and mission-sidebar.  This provides a mouse-only way to get to the escape menu.
** Thanks to Cyborg for the suggestion.
== Alpha 0.936 Release Candidate 5 ==
(Released October 7, 2013)
* Level 1 enemy bot stats have been boosted a bit on most difficulties.  The other early levels have been boosted slightly too, though not very much.  Anyway, the point is to make the day-1 stats (attack, not just health) a bit more different between the difficulties.
* AmmoBot base health from 40 => 60.
* BatBot base health from 50 => 150, since the random movement makes it rather nonthreatening, and it may as well at least have a chance at absorbing some fire.
* EagleBot:
** Base health from 50 => 150, for similar reasons as the BatBot.
** Now instead of getting permanently stuck moving one direction forever even once it cannot move in that direction at all, it just gets stuck moving whatever direction it moved last, and if there is no valid move in that direction it can pick whichever next move it wants to.  The idea being to bring these back in the realm of "buggy", rather than "broken" in terms of threat level.  It's also amusing to see a bunch of them careening in various patterns across the level.
* LeaderBot base health from 350 => 200, and AbsentmindedLeaderBot health from 350 => 250.  Not as low as the other buff-bots but not as tanky as it was.
** Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
* Updated the Assault Exo tooltip to reflect the recent change in its inherent +%shield-related bonus.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Updated the Trap Skill tooltip to reflect the recent change that it lets you evade traps of that level or lower, not just strictly lower.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Shortened the Virus part's description slightly to avoid a minor overrun problem in the part-picker window.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* The fact that Trap Skill provides bonuses to your Sentry Turrets is now mentioned in a bunch more places.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a very longstanding bug where the "list of normal bot types that could be spawned on this spot" used during mission mapgen was never being cleared.  Ever.  So basically any normal bot spawned in any of your missions was fair game for seeding in any future mission until you quit the application.  Didn't matter if you went from playing Ironman-Misery to a new Casual game, that Casual day-1 mission could easily have MastermindBots, etc...  Well, fixed now!
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where Welding Laser and Shotgun weapons could not damage tiles (mines, etc) with their splash damage (the direct hit worked fine).
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* Sentry Turrets now gain +5% to their ammo capacity per point of the deploying exo's trap skill.  Effectively this means that every 2 points of Trap Skill gives each of your turrets an extra shot.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Mousing over a weapon icon on the mission sidebar now displays that weapon's range on the map.
* Fixed a bug in the inventory and store windows where they would try too aggressively to remember their previous filter settings, etc.  The result could be kind of strange in that you'd come back from another mission and the store would appear to only have one item (because only that item met the filter you set like an hour ago and had forgotten).
* The 10x attack power modifier on Overdrive missions now applies to tile-based attacks (mines, electric floors, etc) too.  What could go wrong?
** Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where the hand-crafted bot mix was exactly the same on the first two days, and the 10th mix was never used.
* BlunderBots (not GaffeBots) now are much more likely to not hit their target when misfiring.  Previously with their short range and frequent cramped conditions simply picking "random tile in range" had a very, very good chance of still hitting the player on the "miss" shot, making these instantly lethal if you got in range.  Now you actually get the "warning shot" (in most cases) which is helpful given the high relative health of the things.
** To compensate, their range has gone from 4 => 6, matching their GaffeBot "friends".
** For the curious, the GaffeBot did not get this change, as it always misfires, and should retain the RNG-Hates-You quality.
* Fixed a bug where some queued commands were not being cleared when a mission ended, resulting in (among other things) a semi-rare case related to mouse movement and smooth local movement where you'd instantly win the next mission you started (if you didn't quit the game in between).
** Thanks to Aquohn and others for reporting this.
* Fixed a bug related to mouse movement that could make it impossible to start another mission without quitting the game and coming back in first.
* Removed the mission-won and mission-lost central-screen messages (big ones that don't go in a box) since the mission-result-screen's logic was already clearing the mission data and thus them anyway, leading to them flashing really quickly on the screen and instantly going away.
** Thanks to windgen and nas1m for the suggestion.
* Added an ability to disable additive blending via the graphics settings, in case that is the culprit behind why explosions cause slowdowns permanently on some linux installs.
** Thanks to Penumbra  for inspiring this change.
* Added a new option to the graphics settings: Destroy Materials Between Frames
** Normally the internal texture materials are pooled and reused between frames, but this may cause issues on some graphics cards on linux.  If you suspect this may be the case, enabling this option may help (at a minor RAM/CPU performance cost).
** Thanks to Penumbra for inspiring this change.
* Added a new option to the graphics settings: Destroy Sprite Meshes Between Frames
** Normally the internal sprite meshes are pooled and reused between frames, but this may cause issues on some graphics cards on linux.  If you suspect this may be the case, enabling this option may help (at a minor RAM/CPU performance cost).
** Thanks to Penumbra for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.935 Release Candidate 4 ==
(Released October 6, 2013)
* Fixed a bug in the store where clicking the same part twice in quick succession could cause a null exception.
** Thanks to Cyborg for the report and save.
* Parts looted in the last mission will show with a "New!" icon on them until you start the next mission.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Missions that you can deploy to, that you could not deploy to before the last mission, show with a "New!" icon on them until you complete the next mission.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* The following bots' special effects now no longer "pass through walls", as in many ways it was actually cheaper CPU-wise to do it this way (rather than check every single entity on the map) and it will certainly feel better for the player:
** ClawBot
** RadarBot
** LeaderBot
** AbsentmindedLeaderBot
** CommandBot
** MastermindBot
** RaptorBot
** AmmoBot
** ShieldBot
** SilenceBot
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* MastermindBot base shields from 350 => 175.  They're nasty enough without being tanky too.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug that allowed a new mission to be started before the Mission Result Window from the previous mission had been closed, which generally resulted in the new mission being dumped from memory when the result window was closed.
** Thanks to Aquohn for the report that led to this discovery.
* Refined the tooltip for the Robot Army button at the top of the right sidebar on the city map.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestions.
== Alpha 0.934 Release Candidate 3 ==
(Released October 5, 2013)
* Enemy stat progressions have been adjusted to not be slow in the early levels and not quite so fast in the end.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* While there's still full capacity for variation between the levels of different bot types (on the difficulties that have that uncontrolled variation) in the middle of the game, they'll generally be closer together at the end now due to no individual one being allowed to go past the "target' end-game average level for that difficulty.  This helps avoid situations where the RNG says GG by pumping all its levels into just one or two really nasty bot types.
* Hacker parts are now about 50% more likely to be picked when a new part is generated.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* Reactors are now about 10 times more likely to be picked when generating loot in/for a Reactor Fab mission.
** Thanks to Winge, nas1m, and Misery for inspiring this change.
* Player Sentry Turrets:
** Max Ammo from 80 => 10.
** Attack from 120 => 150.
** The idea being that you can still get a ton of total sentry shots, but you won't get them from just a few turrets.
** Thanks to Misery for the suggestion.
* The ShieldBot now has a 2x virus cost due to the benefits the player can get from a virus'd one.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where the scorpion bot ALWAYS countered the shot killing it, regardless of range.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug that could cause uncommons to spawn in the store for commanders other than Emma.
* Fixed a bug where in some cases the above-part text on a store item could still wrap down into overlapping the part image.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Added the SilenceBot's redirection range to its tooltip.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where bots could not shoot at each other if in unexplored space.  RazorBot hilarity potential is now much higher (in testing, it was common to see several BlunderBot rounds flying every which way followed by a voice clip from a TreadBot in the darkness saying "Ow! That Was My Nose!").
** Thanks to Misery for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where the AvalancheBot would not actually electrify the tile he was moving onto, just the ones adjacent.
** Also fixed a typo in the tooltip.
** Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where pressing one direction key to start a move, then another direction key that _would_ have moved you against a hackable tile (from your old location) brings up the hacking confirm popup despite the fact that you're not touching the terminal.
** Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug which could prevent you from getting "Won Game (with blah blah)" achievements because the game thought you'd already completed that game.  Now it does the achievement check regardless of whether it thinks you've beaten that campaign already.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the Mission Result Window's "don't close until closed by player" behavior and "automatically exit any current mission" behavior combined to make it such that:
** 1) loading a save in a mission
** 2) completing that mission
** 3) not closing the mission result window, but reloading the save (with or without quitting to the menu first)
** Would cause you to immediately exit the mission in the loaded save, leading to various tomfoolery.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report and save.
* Put in a fix to the issue of music no longer streaming in properly like in past Arcen titles, but instead trying to entirely buffer first.  This was a fun issue based on the parameters changing around during the upgrade from unity 3.3 to 4.2, and then to cap it off there was a further bug that made the streaming never end after we fixed the first thing.  Yay infuriating engine things!  The solution was oddly to make it loop, which of course we're not actually letting it do, but then it does tell us when it is done.  But of course that makes perfect sense.
** Thanks to Qieth and Cyborg for reporting.
* Added a "Disable Explosions" toggle to the settings window.  Unless your computer or GPU are very low end you want nothing to do with anything that reduces the explosiveness of this game.
** Thanks to Penumbra for the suggestion.
* Added a new unbound-by-default "Debug: Clear Graphical Effects" utility keybind that dumps all the data tracking explosions, particles, etc from the game.  Useful to check if they're clogging up performance for those (well, the one case we know of, at least) who see a permanent fps drop after the first big explosion, etc.
* Fixed a bug where the BlasterBot's, um, "special attack" would only apply to its previous tile, not to the tile behind the previous tile.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
== Alpha 0.933 Release Candidate 2 ==
(Released October 4, 2013)
* The BombBot's description now reflects the stats of its self destruct device, instead of its non-functional pistol.  This fixes its description saying a range of 1 instead of 4 (its actual aoe radius).
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* Fixed a bug where evading a trap required a trap skill "greater than" the trap's tile level, rather than "greater than or equal to".
** Thanks to Aquohn for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the Epic Assault's default loadout would result in an erroneous text-wrapping on the in-mission sidebar mouseover.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for the report.
* The in-mission sidebar exo button mouseovers now list that exo's trap skill (if any) for quick reference.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* Holding control while mousing over a tripwire tile now shows the tripwire's alert range.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where killing a BombBot directly on top of an Explosive Rune would not detonate the rune.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where player-ally units (sentries, virus'd bots, etc) would not cause a StealthBot to stealth when attacking near it.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a typo in the name of the Robot Forces Command Computer.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed another bug where you couldn't walk over mostly-empty squares of the bahamut device's footprint.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed several text issues with the robot army detail window & grid.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestions.
* Fixed a bug where one of the special line-of-sight rules (that you can ALWAYS see a tile diagonally adjacent to you) was allowing you to get line of sight on a tile through a solid wall.
** Thanks to Aquohn for the report and save.
* Fixed a typo in a Virus part suffix name.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where sentries would play bot death sounds on death, instead of normal object explosion sounds.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug where some actions that don't actually take a turn (and don't cost stealth points when stealthed, etc) DID cause the player's "I'm EMP'd" counter to count down.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
== Alpha 0.932 ==
(Released October 3, 2013)
* Fixed bug in last version where aoe stopped working basically at all.  Now Rockets Make Things Go Boom properly again.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report.
* Added a new music track for the city map (this makes #4), this one being the first original one for the city map.
== Alpha 0.931 Release Candidate 1 ==
(Released October 3, 2013)
* Fixed some bugs in the bot AI where it wouldn't consider a target that it could not move to (despite being able to shoot it without needing to move at all).
** Thanks to Misery for the report and save.
* The "Abandon Mission" button now has a confirm step.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Significant revamp of most/all of the tooltips from the city map player-forces sidebar, city map enemy-forces sidebar, and the mission sidebar to all use pretty much the same format (a header with a particular text color, size, and font; followed by a body with a particular text color, size, and font).  Feels much better now, in our testing.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Some further refinements to the start-new-game window's tooltip and popup for Ironman.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this.
* Fixed a bug where the GalaxyBot and SkyBot both had the SentryBot's unique ability to alert a ton of bots if alerted without being killed.
** And made the fact that the SentryBot has that ability much clearer in the tooltip.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug on the store window where doing sort-and-filter for a stat could cause the text above a part to be wider than the part button and thus wrap the stat display to a second line (overlaying the part itself, and looking inconsistent with other parts that didn't wrap it); now the buttons will expand (slightly, in general) to fit the text as needed. 
** If the buttons become wide enough that the display can't handle the same number of columns, the number of columns decreases accordingly.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Now when damage has been redirected, it lists the target that the damage was redirected from, not just the poor sod who actually gets stuck with it.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* A variety of more music has been added.  We're now up to 9 in-mission tracks and the (final count) of 3 city map tracks.
** All but 2 of these at the moment are remixes of tracks from past games, but the remixes are pretty killer and fit right with the goals for the new tracks.  More new tracks will be arriving prior to release and after release.
=== 60 More Achievements ===
* Added Achievements for winning the campaign with each commander, on each difficulty below Misery (so 30 total).
** Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
* Added achievement for winning the campaign with ironman enabled. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
* Added achievements for destroying 20, 50, and 100 enemy bots in a single action.  One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 15 total.
** Thanks to Tridus and Winge for inspiring these.
* Added achievement for winning an assasination mission by killing each boss with a pistol shot.  One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
** Thanks to Tridus for the suggestion.
* Added achievement for winning a hostage rescue mission without losing a single cryopod. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
** Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
== Alpha 0.930 ==
(Released October 2, 2013)
* Fixed a bug where Fuel Tanks counted as allies for the purposes of CannonBots not feeling lonely.  Though one supposes it's kind of funny and appropriate that a CannonBot find a giant explosive to be an appropriate companion, but so it goes.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Now mines, player mines, tripwires, and electric floors are the only tiles to display a tile level (since hackable tiles now display their hack cost directly, and nothing else really has any truly meaningful info to infer from level).
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* The code for determining which overlay a tile got ("you will shoot at this tile if you click now", "you will hit this tile with splash damage if you click now", "the enemy under the cursor can hit this tile", "your whistle/overload will hit this tile if you click now", "you would shoot at this tile if you clicked now and were actually in range") had become a festering warren of unloved and tangled code (authored by the same person writing this change note, incidentally).  There was always some kind of bug or another with it.
** So now it's been rewritten completely, and is clearer and way more efficient.
** This fixes a recent bug where hovering over an enemy with an aoe weapon but without shift held would show a reticle on the enemy but not on the affected splash area.
** But probably introduces some other bugs simply because it was a rewrite, so let us know if you find anything.
** Thanks to Winge for the report that broke the camel's back.
* Improved the Ironman? tooltip and popup on the start-new-game window.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
* Parts now have anywhere from 75% to 125% of their "base" price as their actual price, determined when the part is first created.  This helps the store look more varied.
** All parts from old saves have the base price.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* Customization, Inventory, and Store screens:
** The navigation buttons at the bottom have been revamped to be consistent in placement, size, and text from screen to screen. 
** The missing transitions (customization <-> store, inventory out to city map) have been added.
** The Inventory and Store main areas (that display the parts) have been enlarged so that the overall window area and positioning (and thus nav button positioning) is the same as the Customization window.
** Thanks to windgen for inspiring these changes.
* Fixed a typo in the Misery difficulty tooltip.
** Thanks to GrimerX for the report.
* The mouseover tooltips on the weapons on the customization screen now list their special categories (Energy Weapons, Projectile Weapons, Area-of-Effect Weapons), if any.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Now, when the part-picker needs to display a part with a name longer than the bottom columns can accommodate (A MkXXV Unobtrusive Magnetic Containment Chamber Of Unobtrusiveness, say), it just draws as much of the name as it can followed by "...".  Full name can be seen in the inventory, as usual.
** Thanks to Winge and Arnos for the reports.
* Improved the name of the potion-terminal effect that restores the hacker's shields.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* The mission results screen now displays a line above the loot saying whether it was from surviving exos or (in a hostage mission) from saving cryopods.  Incidentally those are the only two sources on that screen, and they're mutually exclusive (you don't get the normal parts for surviving exos in a hostage mission).
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where loading a save from the first day, without having opted out of the initial briefing, would cause the voiceover to play but not actually pop up the briefing text.  Now it brings up both voice and text (if you don't want to hear it again, click the button that tells it so).
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* The "complete a mission while only using a single Assault Exo" and similar achievements now ignore the very first action you take during the mission, allowing you to complete them with exos other than the first one in your roster.
** Thanks to Histidine and Ipkins for the suggestion.
* Partly because the shop interface is now bigger, but mostly to help reduce the chance of literal "I can't find parts of type X at all" situations, the size of the store's stock has been increased (from a total of 8 => 12 for non-Emma, and from 24 => 36 for Emma).
* SkyBots now only spawn DumBots when they are within your vision range, not within sensor range or elsewhere.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* Three music tracks for the city map are now in place: these are actually reused tracks from later AI War expansions, since they fit well with the original music for this game, and since there is only so much time for new composition with a schedule this short for the game.  We figure that more variety is preferable to having everything having to be fully original.
* The first three music tracks for in missions are now in place.  Two of these are completely original, and one of them is a remix of a track from an AI War expansion.  The remix is pretty sweet, with new percussion, better mixing, and some other tweaks.  It fits right in with the flow of the new tracks, which are particularly sweet.
== Alpha 0.929 ==
(Released October 1, 2013)
* Steamworks integration for Linux has now arrived!  Now it logs your achievements properly to steam when you are on linux.
* Shrunk the footprint height of the bahamut device by 1 tile, so that you should now be able to walk near it in a more sensible fashion.  If anything still feels off with it, do let us know!
** Thanks to windgen for reporting.
* HunterBots and MurderBots are now single-mindedly targeting players, rather than getting distracted with things like sentry turrets, cryo pods, or whatever else.
** This has the added benefit of making it so that the +sensor range buffs do not cause hunter bots in hostage rescue missions to be somewhat impossible.
** Thanks to Winge for inspiring this change.
* RazorBots no longer seed after there are 10 days remaining.
* DiamondBots and RecoilBots no longer seed after there are 5 days remaining.
* DoomBots no longer seed before there are only 45 days remaining.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* LeaderBot, CommandBot, MastermindBot, and TeslaBot no longer show up before there are only 47 days remaining.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* Added a new "special seeding" bot that does not show up until there are only 10 days remaining: DeathBot.
** This is basically the DoomBot crossed with the HunterBot.
* Added a new Absentminded LeaderBot "special seeding" bot type.
** A faulty propulsion system barely makes up for its powerful shotgun.  Has an unfortunate ability to inspire bots around him, giving them a permanent bonus to their attack strength.  Kill him first!
** Cannot appear until there are only 47 days remaining.
* Put in a fix to make it so that the "layaway" modifier text now shows up on the actual store icon at the bottom of the store icon, so that you can see it more clearly.
** Thanks to Pepisolo and windgen for reporting.
* Misery difficulty's tooltip now includes some text explaining why it does not have unique achievements.
* Fixed an issue where stealthed bots would show "vanished" and play their sound cue when you loaded a savegame containing them.
** Thanks to windgen for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the last version that made the AI really stupid with groups of robots in a thin hallway.
** Thanks to Misery for the report and save leading to this discovery.
* Amended the blockade mission type tooltip to state clearly that you win by killing all the robots there.  Shoot Things In Face To Win! (no, that's not actually what it says)
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Ammo Chests, Shield Recharge Bays, and Stealth Recharge Bays now no longer "open" by you stepping next to them, but rather by you trying to walk into their tile like hacking a door (with the confirm too), so it's much easier to avoid accidentally using one on the wrong exo and/or at the wrong time.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug in the last version's "hold shift to put something in layaway" logic where it would still buy an item you could afford.
* Loot Containers (not the small ones), Ammo Chests, Shield Recharge Bays, Stealth Recharge Bays, and the mission structures for Armory, Science Station, Bahamut, Salvage, PartsFab, Propulsion Lab, Reactor Fab, and Shieldworks missions are now all immune to weapons fire, as previously there was either no reason to destroy them (for the chests/bays, which are always seeded out of the way) or the health was so high as to make it impractical.
** This does not apply to the "empty" versions of the chests/bays.
** This prevents "explosive peeking" by shooting an aoe weapon at a door with a chest behind it with Battle Popups on to make it tell you the name, etc.
** Thanks to windgen for inspiring this change.
* The Part-picker top line now shows the name and "number" (1 through 4) of the exo in context.
** Thanks to Teal_Blue for the suggestion.
* AOE splash damage decrease by distance from ground-zero from 10%-per-two-tiles => 15%-per-two-tiles.
** Thanks to Misery for the suggestion.
* For the tips windows with "Ok" and "Ok and don't tell me again" options, now the simple "Ok" option will suppress that particular message until the current game is exited.  So if you go to the customization screen, get the tip message there, save, quit to the main men, and re-load and go back to the customization screen you'll get the tip message again.
** Thanks to Breach for the suggestion.
* The mission button on the in-mission sidebar now shows the number of enemy reactors left, in destruction missions.
** Thanks to Histidine for the suggestion.
* The mission exit tile now draws much more brightly when the mission victory conditions have been met.
** Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
* Tile tooltips now list exactly how many hacking points they cost to hack, and the descriptions no longer try to give a formula for how much it would be.
** Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
* Now when bots drop random loot you don't get the piece instantly, instead it drops a small loot chest instead and you have to walk over to get it like you would normal small loot chests.
** Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
* The loot drops from enemies now have a 5% chance of being a rare loot container instead of a regular loot container.
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
* The mission button on the in-mission sidebar now shows the number of fabricators left to be destroyed, in factory missions.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Fixed an... odd tooltip for the Robot Fabrication Machine.  Yoda-esque, almost it was, but not quite.
** Thanks to Arnos for the report.
* Now when you switch exos, the one being switched in retains the facing direction of the one you switched out.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* After you have met the requirements for finishing a mission, but have not yet exited it, the icon on the sidebar for the mission now glows green.
** This is excepting missions like armory, salvage, shieldworks, etc, where the only objective is to reach the exit—for those, it never shows green.
** Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
== Alpha 0.928 ==
(Released October 1, 2013)
* Removed the rules about bots never reacting to an exo beyond X range (even when alerted) since they were creating various tricky edge cases with virus'd bots being able to fire on totally inert targets, enemy bots seemingly-inexplicably standing still despite being alert and having a path to the player, etc.  The rules being removed here were really only to make the multiplayer model feel right, and that didn't exactly work anyway.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report and save inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where the Sandbox menu keybind from skyward was still showing in the keybinds window.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* Fixed a keybind description that was still referring to placing multiple units/structures.  Yay for geologic strata in our localization files!
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Improved the instructions at the bottom of the store window to be clearer about what clicking a layaway item does.
** Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where pressing an arrow key on the main menu could cause a null exception.
** Thanks to Ipkins for the report.
* Amended BodyBot tooltip to clarify that it dies when an adjacent ally dies, not necessarily an adjacent bot (if it's virus'd and the thing dying is not).
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
* Changed "put an item in layaway" to be a separate UI action from "buy item" on the Buy tab of the Store window: now you shift-click to put something in layaway (regardless of whether you can afford it).
** Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where moving your exo while not looking at your exo (due to the suppress-viewport-movement toggle) would cause your exo to make many moves in quick succession due to the "if something moves outside the viewport just do it instantly" rule.  Now exo movements are never done instantly.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* ThunderBots no longer get free shots at cover while EMP'd.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug where mousing over a stealthed bot with an aoe weapon that was in range would display a targeting reticle.  Kind of a dead giveaway.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Player-side Stealth has been dramatically changed: instead of acting as a "time freeze" (in a very real sense, that's how it was before) all it does is prevent enemy units from seeing you.  So your sentries and virus'd bots will go on attacking the enemy, and the enemy will go on attacking them back.  And if the enemy is chasing a cryopod or whatever... well, stealth won't stop them from doing that.
** Enemy bots will also no longer automatically face you or emit their targeting lasers at you.  The lack of the targeting lasers actually deprives you of some important info (are they in range?) but it would never really look right to have them pointing right at you the whole time you were in stealth.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for inspiring this change.
* Several changes have been made in AI target finding to prevent situations where crowds of enemy bots are piled up and immobile because they've picked targets they can't get to without walking through each other.
** Which one supposes is thematically appropriate for many of the bots, so perhaps that behavior can come back for some of them, but not all bots are supposed to be that dumb.
* Fixed a bug where the "Destroy All Traps In Sensor Range" potion terminal effect (and possibly some others) was using a shared tile list but also doing the fog-of-war-update routine inside (which also uses the shared tile list).  Now it uses a dedicated list to avoid stomping the shared resource.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where Fuel Tank explosions could "steal" the explosive-rune-mirroring that the triggering explosion would have caused, thus making a plasma cannon hitting a rune cause a chain of fuel-tank explosions instead of (far more impressive) plasma cannon explosions.
** Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where hitting an explosive rune with the last round of ammo from a weapon would produce chain explosions that did no damage.
** Thanks to windgen for the report that led to this discovery.
* The customization and store screens can now no longer be opened from the city map while the mission result screen is still showing (it's weird logically, and looks weird when done).
** Thanks to nas1m and Aquohn for inspiring this change.
* Fixed the AmmoBot tooltip to not claim it only replenishes the ammo of a single ally (it does so for all in range).
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug where walking into a hackable object and continuing to hold the walk button in that direction while confirming the hack dialog would result in the hack confirm coming right back up (with misleading info, too).
** Thanks to Breach for the report.
* Deploying Mines or a Sentry Turret now counts as a full action (so enemy bots get a move in response, it costs a stealth action if you're stealthed, etc).
** Thanks to Histidine for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where the flavor text message at the top of the mission result window was actually having the automatic wordwrapping logic applied to it multiple times in succession, which in one particular case led to some very weird wrapping.
** Thanks to GrimerX and windgen for the report.
* Fixed some tooltips that said "hacking points" to say "hacking point(s)" since it was giving a quantity that could be 1 or more (or zero).
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where locked doors (and other invincible tiles) could take damage from exploding cover (shot by a ThunderBot or killed by anything in a destruction mission).
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed some bugs that caused the game to consider your exo a target to be fired upon with a simple click (instead of shift-click), and a similar bug where it did the same for invincible tiles (including locked doors).  This also resulted in targeting reticles being drawn on simple mouseover (which they should if clicking would fire, but now they don't because it doesn't).
** Thanks to Winge for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where changing a binding in the edit-bindings window would cause most of the text on the window to disappear.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Trap Skill's impact on player-deployed traps used to be a fairly weak exponential growth that didn't get much above +26%.  In the last version it was (silently, as it happened late and didn't make it into the patch notes) changed to give +25% per trap-skill-point.  Now, based on further feedback:
** Boost to attack power of mines and sentries, and shields of sentries, from +25%/point => +20%/point.
** Now boosts range of sentries by 1 per 3 points of trap skill.
** Thanks to Misery and others for inspiring these changes.
=== Misery Difficulty, And Difficulty Level Changes In General ===
* Normal Difficulty changes:
** Enemy alert range 7 => 10
** Multiplier for non-boss health 1 => 1.3
* Hard Difficulty changes:
** Enemy alert range 10 => 12
** Cost of items in store is now 1.2x higher
* Expert Difficulty changes:
** Cost of items in store is now 1.6x higher
* New Misery Difficulty:
** Same as expert with the following differences:
** Enemy alert range 14 => 18
** HQ Health 3 => 2
** Enemy levels per day 20 => 22
** 3 very mean terminal effects rather than 2, and 4 mean terminal effects rather than 5.
** Regular bot health and attack exponents: 1.13 => 1.14 and 1.18 => 1.19
** Boss bot health and attack exponents: 1.10 => 1.11 and 1.13 => 1.14
** 3.2x multiplier for non-boss health rather than 3.0
** Cost of items in store is 2.8x higher
** Score multiplier on victory 50 => 70
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* The special bots now appear more frequently on higher difficulties.
** 1 extra per mission on normal, 2 on hard, 3 on expert, and 5 on misery
* Tripwires now appear more frequently on higher difficulties.
** 1 extra per mission on expert and 2 on misery.
=== Robot Army / Final Battle Balance ===
* The number of starting robots in the final battle roster has gone back to the sort of numbers that you used to see, except on casual and easy, where it remains lower.
* The way that individual bot line costs are calculated for purposes of adding them to the final battle has been shifted around dramatically, so that you'll be seeing much higher percentages of the meaner robots (and bosses) in the final battle, rather than so much "chaff."  This makes the final battle a lot more intensive without actually having to have tons more robots to do it.
* The manufacturing level increase per day has been changed around for a variety of difficulties:
** Normal 2 => 3
** Hard 3 => 6
** Expert 2 (oops) => 9
** Misery: 12
* The starting manufacturing level has been changed around for a variety of difficulties:
** Easy: 10 => 20
** Normal: 15 => 30
** Hard: 15 => 30
** Expert: 15 => 40
** Misery: 50
* Example end-day Normal difficulty bot levels:
** 137
** 119
** 53
** 75
** 30
** 16
** 15
** Total: 445
* Example end-day Hard difficulty bot levels:
** 199
** 168
** 111
** 69
** 43
** 26
** 25
** Total: 641
* Example end-day Expert difficulty bot levels:
** 270
** 225
** 97
** 134
** 57
** 37
** 36
** Total: 856
* Example end-day Misery difficulty bot levels:
** 340
** 280
** 180
** 112
** 72
** 48
** 46
** Total: 1078
* The number of regular bot spots in lion's den missions has been cut roughly in half from 150ish to 85ish, making it so that between the 5 lion's den missions you cannot completely clear out the final battle.  Still, you can make a great dent.
* To still make lion's den missions exciting and challenging, however, the number of "special seeding" bots (that are not part of the final battle and which are extra challenging in general; shieldbot, etc) have been increased from 4-5 to 50-60.
* Defense missions are now much physically larger, the largest missions in the game, in fact.  They also now have (potentially) 2x as many bots in them, 450ish up from 220ish.  They also now always have exactly 5 ammo closets somewhere in them.
** This really changes the nature of the final battle, so that it is fought in fewer longer segments rather than in more serial segments.  And to go along with this, failure is more likely if there are tons of bots around at the end, so that's good to.
** Bear in mind that the 450ish is a maximum, and is only met if you actually have that many bots left in the ranks of the final battle forces.  If you have, say, 300 bots left, you'll see 300 bots here.  If there are 800 bots left, you'll see 450ish.
== Alpha 0.927 ==
(Released September 30, 2013)
* EMPBots will now not rush sentries or virus'd bots, only the player.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where alerted TreadBots were not always alerting other TreadBots.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where DoomBots or DiamondBots stepping on mines would trigger their "when I hit something else" logic.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* Fixed a bug where sentries (and other AI-controlled units) could sometimes get 2 shots where they were supposed to get 1.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where ThiefBots and GalaxyBots could trigger their on-hit abilities on themselves when stepping on a mine.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug in Ironman where when it autosaved it would boot you to the main menu as if you had intentionally saved.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where if you had any actions currently in progress when you saved, loading that save could cause an infinite loop.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
== Alpha 0.926 ==
(Released September 30, 2013)
* Ironman!
** Added a new "Ironman?" toggle to the start-new-game menu.  Its description:
*** Are you insane?  Then Ironman may be for you!
**** When Ironman is enabled:
***** The "Save Game" menu item is renamed "Save &amp; Quit", which immediately saves your game (to "Ironman_1", or "Ironman_2" if you've already got a separate game by that name, and so on) and brings you back to the main menu.
***** The "Exit Game" and "Load Savegame" menu items are removed (to quit, you must save; to save, you must quit).
***** Your save is automatically updated any time something really embarrassing happens to you.
**** If you are new to this game, and are wondering "Is Ironman right for me?", the answer is "No!".  Please get familiar with the game first :)
** Thanks to... oh, all of you asked for it, and you're probably better off with folks not knowing you share in the blame for this.
* Made several changes to city mapgen's choices of what type to make each node, mainly for the benefit of the player's initial position (enough choices, and not putting the wrong stuff too close to the HQ), but also to make blockade placement more interesting and so on.
** Thanks to GrimerX, Winge, windgen, and others for the reports and inspiration leading to these changes.
* Fixed a bug in the part-picker that was preventing the header label (which includes the system name) from drawing at all most of the time.
* Fixed a bug where Fuel Tanks could be disabled by EMP.
** Thanks to Aquohn for the report.
* Amended the Welding Laser tooltip and behavior with:
** Targets a vertical or horizontal area based on your facing relative to the target square, but will switch directions if you hold the alternate-fire-mode button (control, by default).
** Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
* Added new "Fog Of War Dimness" slider to the Graphics tab of the Settings window:
** In a mission, squares you've previously scanned with sensors but can't currently see are drawn darker than normal.  If that's too dark, you can use this slider to reduce the effect.
** Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a number of bugs with how the explosive runes "search for other runes within 5 distance to mirror attack to" logic, which led to... well, lots of things.  Runes within 5 distance not going off.  Runes 14 distance away going off, etc.  Basically you rung the doorbell and the toilet flushed.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Put in some protections against the kind of bugs that led to the explosive-runes oddities, as it's the sort of thing which could theoretically strike anywhere.  This will spit messages to your screen starting with "Warning! ReleaseWorkingTilesResult" or "Warning! FillWorkingTilesInRange" if the errors occur. 
** Please let us know if you see those, and include your ArcenDebugLog.txt files (and preferable the save where you ran into the situation).
** The game will keep going and probably work mostly fine, but we need to know about these cases before 1.0.  The warnings will probably be suppressed by then, to avoid unnecessary alarm.
* Fixed a bug where a bot could select a target that was close enough "as the crow flies" (if crows flew through solid walls at least) but too far away as the wolf runs (if wolves had laser beams), leading to the bot just sitting there because it could not path to its target.  Despite another target being within range in both senses.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions that was messing up the healthbars on tiles (so doors, etc) and making them draw much shorter than usual.
** Thanks to Winge, nas1m, and windgen for the reports.
* Added the first 90 achievements, most (probably all) drawn from player suggestions:
** Win the game (5, one for each difficulty)
** Win the game without taking any HQ damage (5, one for each difficulty)
** Win the game without ever losing an exo (5, one for each difficulty)
** Win the game without any epic exos (5, one for each difficulty)
** Win the game with all exos being of the same basic type (30, one for each difficulty and exo type combination)
** Win a mission by only using one exo, of a specific type (30, one for each difficulty and exo type combination)
** Win a mission without using stealth (5, one for each difficulty)
** Win a mission without using a standard weapon (so either not killing anything or just using mines, sentries, overload, virus, etc to do it) (5, one for each difficulty)
** Bear in mind we are still integrating these into steam, so you won't see them logged there yet.
** Thanks to nas1m, Pepsisolo, Tridus, Winge, and Ipkins for suggesting/inspiring these.
* Fixed an old tooltip that was still referring to the ability to pick a different city.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where teleporter tiles would try to switch the mover to the matching teleporter even when that other tile already had an entity on it.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report and save.
* DumBots spawned by a SkyBot now no longer give credits or random loot drops.
** This doesn't apply to DumBots spawned in older saves, as the game doesn't even know they're "summoned" instead of normal.
** We know it's fun to farm these, but you can already farm DiamondBots for credits if you really want to, and the infinite farming needed to go.  Could have limited the number of max summons from the SkyBot, but didn't want to lose the fun of the infinite horde.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where AI-controlled units (including player-team sentry turrets and virus'd bots) could target and fire upon units that were stealthed (whether player-stealth or stuff like the StealthBot's robot stealth).
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where the exo-pod buttons on the city-map sidebar were using  the wrong mouseover tooltip logic and thus not factoring part bonuses into the health display, showing how many virus points it would theoretically take to virus it, etc.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* The health multipliers for exos in various difficulty levels has been tuned:
** 1.1x instead of 2x on normal.
** 3.5x instead of 5x on easy.
** 7x instead of 10x on casual.
** Thanks to Pepisolo, Misery, Das, and Histidine for inspiring these changes.
=== Parts/Stats Polish, Round 4 ===
* We're getting into the last stages of polish here, so trying to address pretty much any stat issue that's sticking out to players.  It will seem like a lot of change at once (which isn't great for isolating variables for observation)  and we generally take the "do a big change, then pick a middle ground if it was too much" approach rather than the "do a small change, then do another change in the same direction if it was too little" approach, at least at this stage in a game's life.  But please bear with us, we're making progress and we're still listening :)
** As usual, most of these changes have no impact on parts already generated in old saves.  But things like bot stats and inherent exo stats will generally change immediately, even in old saves.
** Thanks to Tridus, nas1m, Misery, Pepsisolo, Teal_Blue, Winge, Histidine, windgen, and others for inspiring these changes.
* The Nano-Rifled Barrel part can now go in any weapon, not just projectile weapons, as it is the only part with +attack as a primary stat.
* The robot stat growth exponents are now separate for shields and health, as shield levels were feeling fine on Hard/Expert after the last change to bring the exponents down, but the attack levels were feeling low.  So the attack exponents are now:
** Normal/Boss on Hard from 1.12/1.09 => 1.15/1.10 (numbers before last change were 1.16/1.10).
** Normal/Boss on Expert from 1.13/1.10 => 1.18/1.13 (numbers before last change were 1.19/1.13).
* Previously damage reduction had felt very underwhelming on Hard/Expert, so last time we added a 2x/3x to that stat on Hard/Expert.  Then it started feeling OP.  That's probably because of the attack exponents going down significantly at the same time, so since those are going back up it's probably not good to entirely remove the buff to damage reduction on those difficulties.
** So it's going from 2x/3x => 1.5x/2x.
** Also, damage-reduction can now only negate up to 90% of incoming damage; you can't use it to prevent the last 10% (that's still subject to regen, but you'll need more than a token regen to heal it, probably).
* Previously Regen felt underwhelming (under the recently introduced new model, at least) so last time we buffed its range of values from 5-to-110 all the way to 15-to-330, but that's seemed pretty OP.
** So now it's going from 15-to-330 => 10-220.
* Apparently at some time after the trap-skill values were last set the tile levels came way down (or maybe the trap skill values were just set wrong, dunno).  Either way, it's become trivially easy to get trap skill to 17, which is enough to dodge all traps on day 50.  So:
** Trap-Skill value from 3+level => 1+(level/3).  So the highest trap skill you can get on an item is now 9.
** Trap Skill now also occurs as a variant effect on fewer parts (all primarily-propulsion parts kept it, most others did not).
* +%Propulsion-related-stats has been feeling underwhelming since the three related stats (stealth, overload, and trap-skill) are relatively secondary compared to what +%Attack and +%Shield-related-stats can get you.  The same is true to a lesser extent for +%Computer-related-stats.  So:
** +%Propulsion-related-stats value range from 6%-to-30% => 12%-to-60%.
** +%Computer-related-stats value range from 6%-to-30% => 7%-to-35%.
* "-power cost of all parts in this system" has felt useful but ultimately underpowered for many for a while, so:
** Value from level => level*2.
* Power reactors continue to be harder to come by than is really quite fun, so their occurrence rates have been boosted 25%.
* High durability was too easy to get for pretty much all exos in the last version, but it was particularly egregious for the Assault Exo, so we're trying:
** Inherent boost to shield-related stats from +50% => +30%.
* +%AOE-radius has been pretty OP for a while.  It's also one of those "really hilarious when it's OP" things so we're not really itching to nerfhammer it.  Still, some adjustment should be made.  So:
** +%AOE-radius value range from 25%-to-100% => 25%-to-75%.
== Alpha 0.925 ==
(Released September 27, 2013)
* Redid the exponents for normal/boss bot health/attack increases by level:
** Hard: 1.12/1.09 down from 1.16/1.10
** Expert: 1.13/1.10 down from 1.19/1.13
** Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
* The Fuel Tank tooltip now says range of 4 instead of 1.  Range doesn't generally mean "splash area", but since the tank's attack range of 1 is not actually relevant to the game...
** Thanks to nas1m and Mick for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where holding shift and mousing over a wall border tile with an AOE weapon would draw an area as if you could shoot the wall, when in fact it would not let you.
** Thanks to Winge for the save that brought this to our attention.
* Fixed a bug where enemy weapon stats would stop showing correctly (0 max ammo, etc) when they were out of ammo.
** Thanks to Arnos and windgen for the reports.
* Improved the log message that comes up when you try to move into a hackable door without enough points to hack it.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Virus cost is now 3x for CommandBots (which give a significant mission-long shield boost) and 5x for LeaderBots (which give a significant mission-long attack boost).
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where destroying a Robot Fabrication Machine could take an enemy bot type down below level 1.  Now it will only consider bot types that are at least level 2.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* Actions which break stealth now also cost a stealth turn, to avoid exploits like the epic science firing the chaingun on odd numbered turns, etc.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report.
* HideBots now automatically decloak if they are the only type of bot left (Fuel Tanks don't count for this).
** Thanks to Arnos for inspiring this change.
* Virused bots now show up with a blue outline, rather than red, to make them easier to pick out.
** Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
* Basically all ways of sending a command with the in-mission UI now shut down while a popup window (confirm or info) is being shown, to avoid weirdness with you still being able to interact with the game board under or around the world, etc.  Tooltips and whatnot will still respond.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Now when Mouse Movement is enabled, Left-clicking your exo itself (when no arrow is shown) will cause you to wait a turn.
** Thanks to Mick for the suggestion.
* Entity movements that occur offscreen are now handled instantly just like they are when they happen in the neverseen fog of war.  Entity shots are always shown, since it's possible to have shots from entities offscreen coming onscreen.
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
* The "new stock has arrived in the store" message now shows up above all the messages about robot level ups and robot manufacturing.
** Thanks to windgen for suggesting.
== Alpha 0.924 ==
(Released September 27, 2013)
* Fixed a bug from the last version where you could no longer hack stuff by walking into them.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
* Fixed a bug where clicking the Hacking button would erroneously give you a message implying that it did anything.  That was never actually a way to do hacking before.  But it is now!
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the game was in such a hurry to declare a local mission victory, display the result screen, and get back to the city-map that all the context necessary to populate the result screen was gone before it could use it!
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report and save.
== Alpha 0.923 ==
(Released September 27, 2013)
* The City Map now draws half-length lines from visible nodes to their invisible neighbors (if any).  Except for when DaysLeft is 0, when no lines are drawn (since only the HQ draws).
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* TigerBots (and other units paralyzed by whatever means, as opposed to simply taking weapon system damage) that have only one turn of paralysis left will draw targeting lasers (if applicable) since they will fire after your next action.
** Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
* Fixed a bug where not all line-of-sight checks were symmetric (that is, if point X can see point Y, then Y always and in every condition can see X; this is interestingly enough NOT a given with simple raytracing)  So sometimes an enemy would alert despite just barely not being able to see you (because they could, actually, but you just barely could not see them).
** Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
* Put in an optimization in how flavor object rotations are computed, which helps with CPU load when many many many flavor objects are being drawn on the screen at the same time (farthest zoom on a mostly revealed mission map, for example).
** Thanks to GrimerX for the save that led to this discovery.
* Firing a shot that will actually hit your own exo (either directly or through its own splash damage; fuel tanks and whatnot are your own lookout) now has a confirm prompt.
** Thanks to Misery's 386319th Brawler for suggesting this change as it dissolved.
* Fixed a bug where killing a NinjaBot did not immediately unclamp your sight range (you had to move or otherwise trigger an update to scouting first).
** Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
* Made it so that if your sight range is diminished by a NinjaBot, bots you _would_ be able to see with unimpaired sight can still shoot you.
** Thanks to windgen for pointing out the extreme exploits that could be done otherwise.
* Put in an optimization to how firefight missions generate.  Also, there is now far less cover in them, and no explosive runes.
** Thanks to windgen for reporting.
* Put in some host-side shortcuts that make the game not seem laggy (it technically wasn't, in the sense that lag is normally meant) in situations where the game has to do a fair bit of processing when switching your exo from tile to tile (mainly in very late mission situations, in a large mission).
** That was a muddy explanation, eh?  To be more clear:
*** Previously, there was the appearance of lag because there would be some "hitching" between when your exo moved from one tile to the next.  In some circumstances this hitching would get worse than others, making it seem like lag. And in terms of your exo, sure, it was movement lag; but you could get this lag while the game was running at a solid 60fps, or even at 250fps (yes, literally), and it would not be alleviated.
*** The problem was in how some of the queued messaging for multiplayer purposes was artificially slowing down command processing.  And the game isn't even multiplayer now!
*** The solution to this problem was to take of the queuing and messaging for the movement orders, on the host only, to make them execute way faster.  The messaging has been left in place for sending to clients, so they should continue to be functional if we ever add multiplayer back.  Though they will be subject to the queuing lag, while the host now will not.  It's good to be the king! ;)
** Thanks to GrimerX for a save and report that helped us to figure this one out.
* Fixed the text of the Confirm keybind, which was left over from Valley 1.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* The tooltips for the five boss types now make it really clear that they are bosses.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
* The DoomBot description has been updated to actually state what causes them to become more powerful.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
* The factory mission text has been updated to make it clearer how the mission is won.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug where RecoilBots were turning every other bot in the level to HatesEveryone rather than just turning those within range 2 of themselves.
** Thanks to Misery and Winge for reporting.
* Updated the linux portion of the system requirements text file to say "Ubuntu 10.10 or later, although other unsupported distros may very well work"
** Thanks to windgen for suggesting.
* DoomBot ammo has been reduced from 99 to 20, to make them more balanced specifically after you virus them.
** Thanks to Arnos for suggesting.
* Sentry Turrets no longer grant credits when they die.
** Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
* Fixed a couple of awkward wordings.
** Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
* Fixed an issue where player squad bots and turrets would still attack cryo pods.
** Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
* The number of bots that were getting created for the final mission, and which start out selected for the final mission from the first day, were vaaastly too many, and have now been cut down quite a bit.
** Thanks to Histidine and Misery for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.922 ==
(Released September 26, 2013)
* Added a new option to the game tab of the settings window: Allow Mouse Movement
** When enabled, an arrow appears underneath your Exo.  Holding the left mouse button will move you in the direction of the arrow, as if you were holding WASD or similar on the keyboard.
** Thanks to PattyG, Mick, Misery, nas1m, and mrhanman for suggesting.
* Changed the usual "when control is held" logic for mousing over the fuel tank to display the aoe splash radius rather than the attack range (the latter wasn't even used for the fuel tank's "weapon").
** Thanks to nas1m and Cyborg for inspiring this change.
* Switching exos while stealthed now costs a stealth turn (from the exo that's being switched out).
** Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
* Virus cost multiplier tweaks:
** DoomBot's from 11 => 5.
*** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
** AmmoBot's from 1 => 5.
*** Thanks to Misery for pointing out the... remarkable... utility of a virus'd ammo-bot.  It may need to be adjusted to just not refill player ammo instead, but let's see if we can make this a meaningful choice first.
** SkyBot's from 1 => 3.
*** Thanks to windgen for bringing the hilarious utility of a virus'd SkyBot to our attention.  Your own personal DumBot factory!
* Fixed a null exception that could occur if you won a mission while your mouse was hovering over the mission icon on the left sidebar (mainly possible now that ending a mission immediately sends you back to the city map).
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
* Fixed a bug where hovering over the remove-existing-part button in the part-picker was not showing the stat change that would result (as hovering over the remove-existing-part button used to show when it was included in the list of parts).
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
* Fixed a bug in the last version where the HQ healthbar would draw like 50% when actually at 100%, etc.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the city map left sidebar commander button would show the image of the first commander since the app was started, not necessarily the current game's commander.
** Thanks to windgen for the report.
* Fixed a bug where AI player-squad units could shoot cryopods.
** Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
* The EMPBot's now includes the emp range (7) and alert range (14).
** Also displays the emp range when mouseover'd with control held.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring these changes.
* Part-picker header line now displays the name of the in-context system (so "Reactor", "Shotgun", etc).
** Thanks to Cyborg for the suggestion.
* Part-picker, when in the context of a weapon, now always includes the attack power, ammo, attack range, and (if an aoe weapon) aoe range in the comparison block, under an "(unchanged, but related)" subheader.  If a stat has already been listed because it is being changed, it is not listed in that new section.
** Thanks to Misery, Tridus, nas1m, orzelek, khadgar, Winge, and bytestream for inspiring this change.
* Put in a couple of null checks that may help with a mysterious null reference exception that we can't duplicate.
** Thanks to Histidine, Winge, and nas1m for reporting.
* RadarBots no longer affect player shots unless they are actually activated.
** Thanks to Winge and Pepisolo for suggesting.
* Put in a possible fix to the game not being able to set resolution properly on Linux.  Please let us know if this works, though; if so, it was our own mistake and not Unity's.
* The Shadow Torpedo now has its own projectile graphic, which by an oversight it previously did not.
* Put in a probably fix for a null reference exception (harmless in this case, but annoying) that could occur on linux builds of the game.
* Added a new settings option in the graphics tab: Disable Ground Mist
** The ground mist is a rather subtle effect, so you lose almost nothing by disabling it.  However, it can substantially improve your framerate if your framerate is suffering, particularly when zoomed far out.
** In one test case of a fully-zoomed out view of a fully explored map, disabling ground mist reduced the number of draw calls from 872 to 729, a graphical load savings of more than 16%.
* Added a new settings option in the graphics tab: Disable Internal Wall Machinery
** The glinting machinery inside the edges of the walls is a relatively subtle effect, so you lose very little by disabling it.  However, it can substantially improve your framerate if your framerate is suffering, particularly when zoomed far out.
** In one test case of a fully-zoomed out view of a fully explored map, disabling ground mist reduced the number of draw calls from 872 to 776, a graphical load savings of 11%.
* The per-day manufacturing level increase is now 6 on hard and expert, rather than 7 and 8, so that it now matches normal difficulty.  Given the way the bot health increases on hard and expert, this was kind of double-dipping.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* Based on player feedback for the new Regen model, the regen stat's value range has gone from 5 to 110 => 15 to 330.
** This doesn't apply to parts already generated.
** Thanks to Winge and Misery for inspiring this change.
* Since the usefulness of the damage reduction stat is hit particularly hard by the increases on Hard and Expert, it now gets 2x and 3x the values on those difficulty levels, respectively.
** This doesn't apply to parts already generated.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a longstanding bug where the mission sidebar weapon button mouseover would append the exo's description to the end of the tooltip.
* Fixed up the visualization of "what can be regenerated?" on the exo health bars to not wiggle around the total length of the bar as regen happened.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report and save.
* The in-mission tooltips for the exo buttons on the sidebar now list the name and ammo of each weapon on that exo.
** Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
* Changed the StealthBot's rule from "cloaks when a player within X distance of the StealthBot fires a shot" to "cloaks when a player's shot lands with X distance of the StealthBot", to match the tooltip.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* The "Days Left" counter at the bottom of the city map now says "Days Until Final Battle".
** Thanks to James Bartholomeou for inspiring this change.
* Full steamworks integration for windows and osx has now been added, although there are not yet any achievements to sync with steam.
* Genji now starts with all four exos as Epic, instead of just the first two.  This also means his map has no Bahamut missions.
* Added a "Prevent Automatic Camera Movement" toggle to the Extras tab of the Settings window:
** Useful if you have a small screen and need to tweak your camera position a lot, this toggle suppresses the recentering that happens when you move your exo around.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Improved clarity of Meg's tooltip.
** Thanks to Tridus for the suggestion.
* The save-game process, in the "overwriting existing save" case, now:
** Creates a backup before deleting the existing save.
** If the backup cannot be created, the save operation is aborted as presumably the attempt to actually save the game would also fail.  A message to this effect is displayed.
** If the backup operation succeeds, but the save operation fails, it then tries to copy the backup back into the previously existing save location.
*** If THAT recover operation fails, it displays a different message emphasizing that the previously existing save file is now gone and that the player try saving to another location.
** Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
* Whistle has been changed back to only applying to enemies in sensor range, rather than ALL detected enemies.
** But to make this intelligible to the user the game now draws whistle's range as an overlay when you have the mouse cursor over the whistle button.
** Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
* Overload now also shows its range when you mouseover it.
* Rey now gets two free respawns in a mission, instead of one.
** The number remaining is displayed on his commander button on the mission sidebar.
** Thanks to Tridus and Teal_Blue for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.921 ==
(Released September 25, 2013)
* Fixed a bug where EMP was disabling only enemy weapons, not enemy movement.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* The tooltip for the mission sidebar's Deploy Mine ability now lists the attack power of the mines themselves.
** Also, the tooltips for actual mine tiles (and electric floor tiles) lists the attack power of that specific tile.
** Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
* Now when your exo is EMP'd each weapon will say so and how long the paralysis will last.
** Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
* The glowy crosshair thingies that draw around the edge of the explored area now have a totally truthful mouseover tooltip.
** Thanks to GrimerX, Aquohn, and many others for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where an attack order was not actually being checked for "does the weapon have ammo left?" before being executed.  So it should now work fine in the rare circumstances where the interface's checks on "should I issue an attack order?" did not catch an out-of-ammo situation (rapid clicking player, etc).
** Thanks to bytestream for the report.
* Regen rework, due to the previous model being too difficult to really represent in the UI:
** Instead of a 5-number "regen window" that slides every time you take a hit or get a regen pulse, your exo now just remembers damage taken up to your Regen stat's value.
** Instead of each turn healing your full regen stat's value against anything in that 5-number window, now each turn it heals 1/5th of your regen stat each turn, until the "remembered damage" hits zero.
** Your exo healthbars on the left sidebar in a mission now show a white extension for any part of that exo's shields that has been lost but will regen if you don't take any more damage (and amended the tooltip for those buttons with the actual amount of damage that would regen, if > 0).
** Note: no rebalancing of the actual Regen values has happened with this.  It's probably necessary, but it'd be better to let y'all play with it and see how it feels to see what direction and how far the numbers need to go first.
** Thanks to Tridus for the new regen model idea itself, khadgar for the healthbar-display idea, and Arnos, madcow, Teal_Blue, Misery, Winge, Pepsisolo, GrimerX, chemical_art, Gemzo, nas1m, and orzelek for other feedback inspiring these changes.
* Fixed a bug where if the player was standing on a trap, enemies would not target them or chase them.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where MastermindBots were granting more actions than 1 to bots depending on the MastermindBot's level.  This wasn't technically a bug, it was apparently a design oversight.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Rather than there being a 100% chance of bots shooting at human cryopods instead of shooting at you, there is now a 10% chance.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* The manufacturing terminals have been removed from the game, and instead the normal potion-style hackable terminals seed in their place.  This was just too confusing and low-value of a mechanic.
** Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
* Fixed some error messages that could happen around newly-spawned entities.  This was most apparent with the SkyBot and its spawned DumBots.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* The message log now has two new options: DISAPPEARS AFTER A BIT and OFF.  The former works like most other Arcen games do, and the latter simply removes it entirely.
** Thanks to Teal_Blue for suggesting.
* When a robot is being protected by a shieldbot and has its damage redirected, it now does a little popup on that robot.  That way if a shieldbot is out of sight, and the player does not read the message log, it's still clear what is happening.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
* Robots are now able to move through and destroy false walls like they do cover objects.  This solves a number of issues where the bots would seem to just be sitting there uselessly and strangely inert if their preferred target was on the wrong side of a wall.  It could also cause performance issues in some cases where a lot of robots were alerted on the other side of a false wall from a player.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* The tooltips in the start new game menu no longer compete with the hot tips message there.
** Thanks to Breach for reporting.
* Dropdowns no longer show the tooltip over the dropdown itself when the dropdown is expanded; they then only show the tooltips over the individual items.  This makes, for instance, the difficulty dropdown on the start new game screen feel way more natural.
== Alpha 0.920 ==
(Released September 24, 2013)
* The city selection dropdown on the start game window has been removed for now, as the base game is only going to come with one city now.  Further ones will likely be added as either post-1.0 content or expansion content, but for 1.0 Port City seems like plenty, and we want to avoid stirring the pot and introducing new issues as much as possible at this point.
* All of the remaining bot chatter sound effects are now in place.  All in all, this release adds 115 new lines for 25 new situations.  Previously there had been 80-something lines for 10ish situations, so this is quite the increase.
* Fixed a bug where the customization screen's lower-left stat block was displaying non-whole-number values in the wrong contexts (like 22.5 stealth actions, etc).
** Thanks to nas1m for the report.
* Mostly due to the Epic upgrade to the Assault feeling lackluster compared to other epic upgrades, but also because the plasma rifle makes more sense as a "cross between a rocket launcher and a plasma cannon" than a "cross between a laser rifle and a... well, really big laser rifle (with very little ammo)", the player-side plasma rifle:
** Attack from 600 => 1000.
** Range from 9 => 8.
** AOE from Diagonal-1 (which is effectively no AOE, unless you add AOE boosters) => Radial-3.
** Ammo from 6 => 3.
** Thanks to Tridus, Winge, and others for inspiring this change.
* The tooltips for mines and sentry turrets now specify that they can only be placed on empty floor tiles.
** Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where AmmoBots could grant ammo to themselves.
* Fixed a bug where every time a bot shot at you, it would say its I-just-saw-you-for-the-first-time words.
* Fixed a bug where TreadBots were not really working properly in terms of alerting all their brethren throughout the entire level.
* Virus rebalance:
** Range of virus points found on parts has gone from about 10 to 210 => 15 to 150.
** The bots that used to cost extra to virus now have their costs multiplied instead of added (with different values now), to avoid the extra-cost part becoming way less significant in the later game.
** From the new description: "For 2 turns after it is virused, a bot's normal movement and shooting functions stop, well, functioning.  Most special behaviors will still work (for better or worse)."
** Virusing from stealth still does not actually break stealth (that much is intentional) but now virusing does actually count as a full action and thus costs a stealth point if you're in stealth at the time, as well as giving nearby bots a turn if you're not stealthed, etc.
** Thanks to chemical_art, Misery, Tridus, Teal_Blue, and Winge for inspiring these changes.
* StealthBot was not cloaking for the appropriate amount of time.  Fixed.
* Fixed an issue where cloaked enemies that were EMPed would stay cloaked forever.
** Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the "make all cover in sensor range explode" potion effect just quietly deleted the target cover.  Now it goes boom.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* Potion terminal effect type "All Bots In Sensor Range Gain Range-2+ Invisibility" category from "Mean" => "VeryMean", which greatly restricts its chance to appear (particularly on lower difficulties).  Added a new one to "Mean" so there's enough of those for seeding.
** Thanks to Ipkins for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where potion terminal effect type "Disables Random Exo Weapon" would pick from all systems, not just weapons (it basically silently failed if it picked a non-weapon).
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a bug where potion terminal effect "Enhances Exo Attack" actually halved exo attack power.  Totally unintentional defect.  Yup.
** Thanks to mrhanman for the report.
* The Power line on the exo customization screen now turns red when power consumption exceeds power generation.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
* The game now autosaves to "AutosavePreMission" immediately before generating a mission you've clicked on from the city map.
** Thanks to Aquohn and Arnos for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where you would usually start each mission in the last exo you used in the previous mission, rather than the first exo in your roster.
** Thanks to nas1m, Cyborg, and others for the report.
* Now bots that, for whatever reason, either cannot move or cannot shoot are never considered invisible.
** Thanks to khadgar for the suggestion.
=== Part Stats Polish, Round 3 ===
* As usual, most/all of these changes have no impact on parts already generated in old saves.
* Changed the definitions of the part types that have different effects for different systems (like +aoe for weapon and +power for reactor) to not be eligible for prefixes/suffixes which grant any of their primary stats, as otherwise this results in buggily large values for the stats granted by those prefixes/suffixes.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* The effective item-level bonus from rarity used to be +2/+4/+6/+8/+10 (for common/uncommon/rare/epic/legendary) which made the rarities (particularly uncommon and rare) seem fairly unimpressive at the beginning of the game.  And in general the +2 on common was causing more perception problems than it was solving. So now this is +0/+2/+5/+8/+12.
** Thanks to Misery, chemical_art, and others for inspiring this change.
* Adjusted the occurrence frequency of several types of parts to lessen the impact of "how many variants of this part are defined?" on the frequency that you will get them.  This was particularly noticeable with the sentry turret part (which only had 2 variants, compared to others with 4 or 5).
** Thanks to Misery and others for putting us on the trail of this one.
* Fixed a bug introduced back during the switch from 50 item tiers to 25, where power generation/consumption was generally (10*level) and (-5*level), respectively.  Those numbers have now been doubled accordingly.  Math-wise the only real impact is to bring the default power production of the exos back into line in terms of what it gets you effectively.
* Significantly reworked the progressions of the following stats away from a purely exponential model to a sort of three-stage linear model that hopefully will give a more pleasing sense of "numbers going up" at all stages of the game:
** +Attack (for a specific weapon)
** +Ammo
** +Overload
** +Shields
** +Regen
** +Damage-Resistance
** +Virus-Points
** Attack and Overload were also buffed in the process, in terms of the overall max at the end of the game.  Ammo also got something of a buff there.  The others more or less stayed the same in terms of max-tier stats.
** Thanks to chemical_art, Misery, and others for inspiring this change.
* Put a cap on just how high trap skill can boost sentries/mines.
* Since it looked a bit weird (or at least underwhelming) to have uncommon parts (greens) that were exactly the same (aside from power consumption) as common parts (whites) 2 mk-levels higher, changed greens from 80% chance of either prefix or suffix => 100% chance.
** Thanks to Cyborg for inspiring this change.
* When a new part is generated for loot or the store's stock, the mark level is no longer always exactly determined by the day but instead:
** 20% chance of 1 mk level low (minimum mk 1)
** 25% chance of 1 mk level  high
** 20% chance of 2 mk levels high
** 1% chance of 3 mk levels high
** 34% chance of normal mk level
** Thanks to khadgar, Tridus, and others for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.919 ==
(Released September 20, 2013)
* Fixed a bug where holding shift would not show your attack ranges for non-AOE weapons in the prior version.
** Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
* Hostage rescue missions no longer include fuel tanks, since those were often too dangerous around hostages and could create unfair situations where a hostage was un-rescuable even with stealth.
** Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
* Fixed the description of TeslaBots, which implied that they would sometimes miss shots, which they do not.
** Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
* Fuel tanks, sentry turrets, and robots on the player's team (virused bots) no longer show the "virus points to convert" part of their tooltip.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a regression from the early alpha period where RadarBot had stopped making shots landing near it miss.  Instead it was making shots fired FROM near it miss, which is not remotely the same thing.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Fixed several ways in which fuel tanks could be "alerted" as if they were enemies.
** Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
* The base health of CommandBots has been reduced by 50%, to make them less of a pain.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* Improved the clarity of the tooltip about the computer terminal - intel to make it clear that you do indeed have to hack it.
** Thanks to Coppermantis for suggesting.
* Removed the "Multiplayer?" checkbox that was still in the start new game menu.
** Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
* Improved the wording of the hot tip about how you find loot so that it's more clear.
** Thanks to Arnos for suggesting.
* The description of the switchplate now makes it clear that all non-Exo machinery gets shut down by it (so, that includes turrets), rather than just bots themselves.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Hovering over the actual icons, not just the text, in the bar at the bottom of the city map now gives you the tooltips.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
== Alpha 0.918 - Better, But Please Keep Watch ==
(Released September 20, 2013)
* Put in another ton of changes aimed at not just generalized efficiency, but specifically at resolving a performance issue that strikes OSX builds of the game for some reason.
** And, naturally, this could mean a whole slew of new and exciting bugs.  Sigh.  Apologies for this, it's regrettable but part of why we're still in an alpha.
* Fixed a bug where you could not simply right-click to fire at an object that was not an enemy or fuel tank in the prior version.
** Thanks to Winge, Tridus, and Arnos for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where AOE weapons would not show their radius when targeting an enemy or other target unless you were doing ground-targeting (holding shift).
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a longstanding issue with the game where parts of a large multi-tile object could be one visibility while others were a different visibility.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version where certain types of pathfinding would not work, such as enemies trying to move along with one another in a line down a narrow corridor.
** Thanks to Winge and Misery for reporting.
* Fixed an issue in the previous version where sensors would go up to a door but not onto the door itself.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a number of other oddities with sensor scanning in the prior version.
** Thanks to Misery and Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where sentry turrets would attack other sentry turrets as soon as you placed the new one, but no further.
** Thanks to bytestream and Misery for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where destroyed tiles and in some cases explosions could show up in or over the blackness of unexplored areas.
** Thanks to windgen for reporting.
* Fixed a bug on Linux/OSX where the EMPBot was not showing its graphics due to case sensitivity in the OS.
** Thanks to windgen and Pepisolo for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where splash damage from exploding cover objects was always centering on the player.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
== Alpha 0.917 - Please Still Keep An Eye Out ==
(Released September 19, 2013)
* Put in a fix for a bug in the prior version that would cause savegames that were on the city map to error out.
** Thanks to Hyfrydle and orzelek for reporting.
* Put in some self-check code that should make the game not completely disallow your continued movement if there is an error inside of the game AI code.  Which obviously we don't want in the first place, but a failsafe is also good.
** Thanks to bytestream for reporting.
== Alpha 0.916 - Please Watch For Strange Behavior ==
(Released September 19, 2013)
* Fixed a bug where Overload was considered a stealthy action (and thus could be done without the enemy bots responding).  Maybe you were pressing the "partially blow myself up" button very carefully?
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed a couple tooltips still referring to "trap avoidance level" instead of "trap skill level".
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the game to seem extremely laggy when it was technically just being really... well, kind of stupid.  When a bunch of instantaneous commands were queued for the game to execute (like enemies powering up other entities, or even thinking about doing it—commandbots, etc), the game was only executing each one one-per-frame, which is an extremely silly thing to do that made the game seem laggy just because it was twiddling its thumbs.
** Thanks to Misery for tipping us off about this.
* Put in looooaaads of performance improvements under the hood.  This may have some blowback in the form of new bugs, but it should make things run more smoothly on lower-powered machines.
* Virused bots and turrets are something that enemy bots will deal with better now, preferring to strike them if they are closer than the player rather than being single-minded after the player.
* Adjusted how vsync is set in the game, and how some other internal graphical settings work.  This should improve performance on older GPUs.
* Got rid of the custom cursor from the prior version, as it didn't work except on windows anyhow, apparently.
== Alpha 0.915 Linux Support! ==
(Released September 18, 2013)
* Fixed a continual expansion of managed memory that wasn't really so much a memory leak as it was a memory inefficiency.  Probably.  At any rate, it's fixed now; this was to do with mapgen.
* The health of non-boss bots on hard difficulty is now 2x instead of 4x, and on expert is now 3x instead of 7x.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
* Added a new custom cursor for the game - hardware cursor.
* Upgraded the Unity 3D game engine from 3.3 to 4.2.1.  Knock on wood, this has finally gone without a hitch after a number of issues in prior versions between 3.3 and 4.2 preventing us from upgrading.  If you see any anomalies, please do let us know.
* Now that we are on Unity 4.2.1, we've added a linux build for the game.  This is 100% untested at the moment, as we are still getting our VMs set up.  If you have a linux box and would not mind testing it, please do!
== Alpha 0.914 ==
(Released September 18, 2013)
* Dissolver, Shotgun, Volatizer, and Welding Laser were previously not properly treated as AOE weapons.  Fixed.
** Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the self-destruct (now overload) ability was not drawing explosion particles on all tiles in the area of effect.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
* Fixed the Explosion Booster description incorrectly claiming that the AOE-boost caused targets to take more damage (it used to slow down the rate of splash-damage attenuation, but no longer does so).
** Thanks to GrimerX for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the potion-terminal effect that was supposed to give all bots a ton of extra attack power was instead reducing it to a minimal level.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* Fixed a bug where the current robot level was being applied twice for a +shields boost from a CommandBot, leading to some pretty wacky numbers on bots thus buffed.
** Thanks to Histidine for the report.
* Plasma Cannon:
** AOE radius from 7 => 6.  To bring the max from parts down from 28 to 24, mainly.  Goodness it's still huge.
** Range from 12 => 13.
** AOE damage is now reduced by 10% for every 2 squares distance from the point of impact, to a minimum of 20%.  This is most noticeable for the plasma cannon, but applies to all AOE weapons.  In general the idea is that the actual number of tiles hit goes up hugely with each additional point of radius past a certain point, so you're still definitely getting your money's worth.
** Thanks to Tridus and Winge for inspiring these changes.
* Fixed an issue where players could not virus bots that were standing on anything other than empty floor.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Clicking the hacking button now gives you an actual error message when you are pointed at something invalid.
* There are now little popups off your exo when you successfully activate an ability like stealth, hacking, mines, or whatever.
* When you try and fail to virus something that is not a bot but fail, it now does a little popup saying this.
* Fixed a bug where if you tried to take an ability like virusing an enemy, but failed, it would still give enemies a turn.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where virused bots would in some cases state that they were granting double moves to enemies when they moved, whereas they don't actually ever grant moves to enemies at all.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Bahamut missions no longer spawn so many bots as before; these were pretty interminable on higher difficulties in particular.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* The higher difficulties no longer add more bots, instead just using the same number of bots as are in medium difficulty.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* On hard difficulty, non-boss bots now get 4x the shields they previously did.  On expert, it's 7x.  Boss bots already had plenty of shields and do not get a bonus.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a null reference exception when players ctrl-hovered over enemies with disabled weapons.
* Fixed an issue where the tooltips for enemies were not updating in realtime with their actual stats changes.
** Thanks to nas1m, Ipkins, mrhanman, and Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a bug that was likely affecting all sorts of stat buffs on exos and bots: when in-mission effects were applied to them, they were always applied twice.
** Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the TethysBot was getting well more than 5 boosts from its ability.
** Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
=== Part Stats Polish, Round 2 ===
* The "+X% Sentry/Mine Strength" stat has been removed and its function rolled into the "Trap Avoidance Level" stat, which has been renamed "Trap Skill Level".  This moves the main burden of that particular role from the computer to the propulsion system, helping to balance propulsion with the other systems and the Trap stat with the other two propulsion stats (Stealth and Overload).
** Since the sentry-turret and minelayer parts no longer have to split their item budget across their main stat and the strength-boost stat, their magnitude calculations:
*** For +sentry-turrets, from (3+level) => (1+level).
*** For +mines, from (7+level) => (3+(level*2)).  So now it's much easier to get mines in quantity than sentry turrets.
* The Self-Destruct-Level part stat and ability have been reimagined as "Overload".
** The effect is pretty similar, except that instead of instakilling you, it just hits you with the aoe (like if you shot an AOE weapon at yourself somehow).  It also only does 25% normal damage to you, though this multiplier may need tweaking.
** The end result is that it's basically a point-blank-aoe weapon that drains your shields instead of ammo.  We are confident in your ability to make hilarity ensue.
*** More to the point, we hope this ability's potential hilarity will better compete with Stealth for your propulsion slots, on at least one exo.
** It also still fires on-death, but does 4x as much damage then, and does a radius-8 explosion instead of radius-4.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo and others for inspiring this change.
=== Exo-Customization Screen Polish ===
* The Exo Customization Window now has mouseover tooltips for each of the weapons (if your cursor is within their area without being over a filled slot of theirs; otherwise it shows what's in that filled slot), listing attack power, range, aoe radius and type (if any), and ammo capacity.
** Thanks to Tridus, Misery, nas1m, and orzelek for inspiring this change.
* The Exo-Customization Window's lower-left scrollable stat block now uses a standard format regardless of current stat values, so you can always go there to see all the important info in a summary form.  It also groups the stats by "shield-related", "propulsion-related", etc.
** Thanks to nas1m, khadgar, Misery, Tridus, and others for inspiring this change.
* Added a "Remove All Parts" button to the exo-customization screen that... well, does pretty much what it says.  After a confirmation.
** Thanks to Tridus, mrhanman, Pepsisolo, and Winge for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.913 ==
(Released September 17, 2013)
* Fixed a bug in the previous version that could cause the game to experience massive slowdown on the exo-customization screen within a mission due to a ton of debug-logging.
* Since system-damage-resistance recently became irrelevant on difficulties below Hard anyway, and it's been confusing people even before that: Removed the System Hardener part type and the System-Damage-Resistance stat.
** No difficulty now has the possibility of causing system damage from normal enemy shots.
** All boss shots now have a 10% chance of causing system damage (on all difficulties).
** Shields, Propulsion, and Computer are now immune to system damage, only leaving weapons capable of being disabled that way (by boss damage or a bad potion terminal).
* Fixed a bug in the last version where the exo-customization screen's summary of exo-wide stats could factor in an inherent exo-wide +% boost (like the science guy's +50% to computer stats) twice, leading to an incorrect readout.
* The exo-wide computer, shields, and propulsion % boost stats now no longer draw in the exo-customization-screen's bottom-right summary or the part-picker's comparison block.  All the stats they actually affect are drawn in those areas (where relevant, in the comparison's case) already, so it was confusing and largely redundant.
* Refactored the generation of BalanceInfo_ModuleEffectType.csv (the game writes it to your RuntimeData directory during the game's initialization) to be easier to read.  It's helpful when giving balance feedback, at least.
* The last two floor graphics are now in place.
* When a bot has its weapons disabled, it no longer stops showing its stats for that weapon.  This helps you plan better for when it comes back from being disabled.
* The "I'm lonely!" popups for CannonBots no longer show if they are not in current vision.
* Fixed a bug where splash damage would not work if you shot directly at an EMPBot.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* Fixed an issue in recent versions where empty slots in your exo customization window could have a mark level.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* In the first "Hot Tips: City Map" screen, it now tells you to not worry about the final battle quite yet, that more info will be forthcoming after the first mission.
* After you click out of your mission results of your first mission, there is now a "Hot Tips: Final Battle" that says the following:
** During the final battle, your exos will face off against hundreds of enemy bots in a mission taking place inside your HQ.  You will have a couple of tries to win it, each time whittling down the final forces more, based on how much health your HQ has.
** Doing Lion's Den and Assassination missions can help whittle down the number of regular enemies and bosses in the final battle.  Attacking Factories can reduce the level of enemies in the final battle.
** Most other missions are based around improving your own Exos.  Which kinds of missions you choose to undertake is up to you.
** Over on the right-hand sidebar here on the city map, you can see exactly what enemies are currently slated to be in the final battle.
* The current and proposed modules in the part picker now show their icons next to their text so that it's easier to see what they are (and just more attractive in general).
* The current selected part no longer shows in the part picker list of potential parts, as that was visually confusing.  Now it just shows down in the bottom textual section, as previously mentioned.
* There is now a dedicated "Clear Current Part" button on the part picker, rather than having you click the current part to unequip it (which was confusing).
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* For purposes of "things that affect AOE weapons," grenade launcher was previously not counting as an AOE weapon.  Fixed.
** Thanks to nas1m, Winge, and Misery for reporting.
* HideBots have had their base attack range reduced from 4 to 2, since they are invisible from more than 5 tiles away.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug where Casual mode was not seeding any bots, and thus could also throw some exceptions.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
* The tooltip on the robot command icon on the far right of the city map was still referring to training grounds missions instead of lion's den.  Fixed.
** Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
* The tooltip of the sniper exo no longer refers to the alert range being increased, as that was not true anymore.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Improved the clarity of the wording on Hot Tips: Missions.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
* The Hot Tips: Missions now explicitly tells you what your reward is per exo surviving (more loot).
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
* The human cryopod text has been updated with the following extra text in its description:
** To win the mission, you must have at least one of these still alive, and you get more loot for each one that lives.
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
* The hostage mission has been updated with the following extra text in its description:
** To win the mission, you must kill all of the bots in it.
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
* Improved the clarity of the tooltip text for the parts fabricator, armory, science station, bahamut device, construction vehicle, propulsion lab, reactor fabricator, and shieldworks.
** Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
* Virus points were in one place incorrectly called "virus level."  Fixed.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* ScorpionBots accidentally had their weapons surgically removed!
** Thanks to Aeson, Misery, Winge, and Tridus for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where you could still give queued orders to your exo while windows were open like the escape menu.
** Thanks to GrimerX, Pepisolo, and Winge for reporting.
* Put in code such that you cannot give any orders to your exo if there are more than 1 queued move/attack actions left to playback from the bots or yourself.  This lets you still move fluidly, but keeps you from being able to queue actions that are then irrevocable if there is too much going on and you click or press a button without realizing how much is still happening.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* "Hates Everyone" robots now also hate each other, rather than just hating the player and non-Hates-Everyone robots.
** Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
* Salvage, Assassination, Lion's Den, Bahamut, and Robot Command Center missions are no longer allowed to seed directly next to the home command of the humans, as that makes the start of the game far too constrained.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* The "Customization and Loot" hot tip now only shows up once per visit to the city map in a game.
* Fixed that issue with the left side of the city map not being clickable unless you were zoomed in, thanks to the bounds of the sidebar there.
** Thanks to PattyG for reporting.
=== Part Stats Polish, Round 1 ===
* Note: generally speaking, none of the changes below affect parts already generated in saves from previous versions.
* Sentry Turret stat magnitude from 5+level => 3+level.
* Mine stat magnitude from 12+((level-1)/2) => 7+level.
** It actually ended up lower than the Sentry Turret, before.  Whoops!
* AOE-boost stat magnitude from 4.17%*level (capping at 100% at level 22) => 25%+((level-1)*3.125%) (will cap out at 100% at level 25).
* Overcharger stats rebalance:
** The following second-order stats:
*** Exo-wide-Attack-boost.
*** Exo-wide Computer-related-stats boost.
*** Exo-wide Propulsion-related-stats boost.
*** Exo-wide Shields-related-stats boost.
** Used to be 5+(1.13^level)%, and so started at 6.13% and grew to 26.23% at level 25.  The problem is that they grow so very slowly in the early levels, when second-order stats don't need to really be exponential in that way (the stats they modify largely already are, to the extent necessary):
** So now they're simply (5+level)%, giving 6% to 30% with linear growth.
* Similar to the above, the +%-to-all-power-generation stat from 12.26%-52.46% exponentially => ((5+level)*2)%, so 12% to 60% by linear growth.
== Alpha 0.912 ==
(Released September 16, 2013)
* Removed a few ways in which it was still previously possible to (for example) get +Hacking from a part in a Shield slot, etc.
** Won't affect parts already generated in old saves.
* Part-Picker UI:
** Added "Sort and Filter By" dropdown.
*** With the following options:
**** Normal
**** Kind
**** Power Impact
**** And then one for every effect that is actually present in any of the parts eligible for the slot.  So "+X Max Shields", etc.
*** When an effect is selected, it also filters out (doesn't show) any parts that simply don't have that effect (for that system) at all.
*** When Power Impact or an effect are selected, it also shows the actual value for that stat above each displayed part, instead of displaying the mark level for each part.
** Reworked the comparison area to:
*** Show exo-wide values for stats in the comparison area, rather than showing you what's coming from that specific system.
**** Except for stats like Ammo which are inherently system-specific.  But even for these they're displayed below all the exo-wide stats, in a sub-section specifically marked "(System-Specific)".
*** Focus only on what would actually change from the part switch being considered at that specific moment, rather than including other stats that would remain the same.  While it would be nice in some sense to display absolutely all the exo's stats, in practice this would require a radically different layout and even if it fit...  honestly, that'd be an awful lot of text to have to parse for a "comparison" that should be far simpler than that.
** Thanks to Tridus, Misery, Pepsisolo, and many other players for feedback leading to these changes.
* Added the above-mentioned "Sort And Filter By" dropdown to the Inventory and Store interfaces, too.
* The game now maintains a "LogicLog_PartGeneration.txt" file in your RuntimeData directory that gives details on the computations used to generate a part's stats.  Not all the details, by a significant margin, but enough to be helpful to us in debugging why you're seeing very high values in some cases, etc.
** So basically while you're welcome to look at this for curiosity's sake, this is mainly for you to include along with a bug report about some part's stats.
* Fixed a bug where coolant-tank parts could give... curiously large +maxHealth and such stats.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* Explosive Runes no longer show up in Bahamut, defense, assassination, or lion's den missions.  These were trivialized by the runes.
* Explosive runes are now only triggered by direct hits, rather than via splash damage, which was their original design anyhow.
* In the keybindings editing screen, there are now 15 items per page rather than 10, making it much easier to see what is going on.
* Rather than just lumping everything into a semi-organized General tab, the input bindings screen now has Basics, Abilities, and Switching.  These are also better organized than previously.
* The "hold middle mouse button down to pan" keybind is now actually visible, and is also re-bindable.
** Thanks to greywolf22 for reporting how that was invisible.
* All six of the special abilities now have keybinds (all default unbound) that you can set order to trigger them without use of the mouse.
* The MurderBot now cannot be converted with the Virus ability, and the DoomBots and WyvernBot and RaptorBot and Boss Bots all now cost more virus points to convert, though still possible to convert.
** Thanks to Tridus, Misery, Winge, Aeson, khadgar, MaxAstro, Hyfrydle, Histidine, and madcow for suggesting.
* The number of virus points required to infect a bot is now shown in its tooltips.
* The tooltips for the exos no longer doubles their descriptions.
* Probably fixed an issue with Explosive Runes not in LOS not being triggered, although this hasn't been definitively tested.
** Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
* When you win or lose a mission, and the mission results window pops up, it now immediately takes you back to the city map view instead of being in the mission view.
** This gives you a more relevant view of things, as well as preventing some strangeness such as after a fuel depot mission when it seems like nothing blew up.
* Fuel Depots no longer have a mission exit that you are required to step on; simply destroying the large fuel tank itself now wins the mission.
* Fuel Depots are no longer crammed with cover objects, as that made traversing them rather a pain (and too easy, what with the way the bots were arranged).
* Fixed a bug where sometimes specific missions would fail to load with an Exo in them.
** Thanks to Hyfrydle, Gemzo, and Ipkins for reporting.
* Fixed a strange bug where very rarely after one Exo died, the next would not swap in properly and the game would just be at a standstill.
** Thanks to Coppermantis for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where attacking an explosive rune tile with a sufficiently large AOE weapon like a plasma cannon with lots of AOE upgrades could make the game interminably slow and then crash.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Bots now prefer to attack the player instead of the player turrets.
* Bots now get a turn after the player takes a turn regardless of how far away the bots are, making bots more effective at chasing you.  And getting rid of some strange issues where they would do nothing because they were slightly outside of your turn-propagation range.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Stealth.  So it looks like this is basically OP right now.  And also a little more confusing than necessary with the "consecutive" thing.
** Firing a weapon, deploying a mine, or deploying a sentry will now cause your stealth to break (and be unable to resume until the next turn).
*** The Ninja Exo is exempt from this new rule (bwahahaha).
** The concept of "consecutive stealth turns" as a stat has been removed: you can now burn your whole pile of stealth turns all in a row if you really want to.  We were seeing lots of confusion on how that worked and it wasn't making the job of displaying stats any easier.  So this is basically the buff to go with the nerf of not being able to stay stealthed while firing (unless you're a ninja, bwahahaha).
** Thanks to khadgar, Misery, chemical_art, MaxAstro, Histidine, Hyfrydle, nas1m, and others for inspiring these changes.
* Since the "Regen Window" concept is a source of frequent confusion among new (and even not-so-new) players, it's been removed as a stat.  The mechanic is still there (unlimited autoheal would lead to a lot of waiting around), but is just internally always 5 now, with the description of Regen updated to just say it works on damage "a few turns" old.
* Put in a few performance improvements related to pathfinding.
* Made it so that when the AI is taking a bit longer than usual to calculate its moves, the game doesn't get jumpy in the sense that it starts skipping animations.
== Alpha 0.911 ==
(Released September 14, 2013)
* The concept of the scavenging level has been removed in favor of just having items get better with each passing day.  Otherwise it was far too complicated to understand, and in general players were not getting the top-tier items anyhow.
** This probably also fixes the "no energy cost" or "negative energy cost" bug from the prior version, but let us know.
* The progression of item levels is now a bit faster, so that you wind up with the max item level a few days before the last day, rather than exactly on the last day.
== Alpha 0.910 ==
(Released September 14, 2013)
* The scavenging computer terminal has been made more clear in terms of what it means when you hack it.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* Previously, the first slot in each system in the customization screen was not showing a mark level.  Fixed.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* The changes to how many prefix/suffixes/stats each part grants have been rolled back to the way they were in .908.
** Thanks to a variety of players for suggesting.
* The prefixes and suffixes that granted ability points had previously been removed in .909.  That has now changed so that:
** Stealth-related and self-destruct ability points in prefixes/suffixes only come in propulsion slots.
** Hacking, virus, sentry turret, and mine ability points in prefixes/suffixes only come in computer slots.
** This returns the ability to get more hacking points without it being quite so crazy in terms of getting things from all systems and sides: it was previously far too easy to get too many abilities very strongly on even an exo with a cruddy computer.
* The hacking cost has been returned to just the level of the tile, rather than 5 plus the level of the tile.
** Thanks to orzelek and Winge for reporting.
* The number of random loot drops from enemies has decreased dramatically, although they are still there, since it was filling up your inventory pretty fast.
** Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
* The first three levels of robots now give relatively more credits than they previously did.
* The granularity of the item levels has been cut in half, which should be a very good thing for players who have been thinking the individual increments were too small.  Basically the balance is still the same as it ever was, but rather than there being a max of 50 item levels, there is now a max of 25, and you progress through them half as fast.  But level 25 is the same as level 50 used to be, and level 10 now is like level 20 was before, etc.
** As a part of this, this makes it so that you actually will stay on a given item level at least for a few missions, rather than constantly having item levels just fly past you before you can really stay there long.
** This is easy to change back if the adjustment is not popular, but we hope you'll like it.
* There are now quick buttons for getting back and forth between the player inventory and the store when the player is on the city map.
** Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
* The following explanation has been added to the layaway line on the store window: "Layaway costs you nothing, but keeps the item around for future purchase."
** Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
== Alpha 0.909 ==
(Released September 13, 2013)
* Bionic Dues is now a single-player game, Arcen's first.
** http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,13835.0.html
* Fixed a bug where installing or removing parts with the "-X power cost of other parts in same system" effect would not properly update the exo's power consumption numbers.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* In the prior version, your first exo was still getting a free hacker piece of loot by accident.  Removed.
* Added two new floor types to the game.
* Player turrets no longer rotate to face the player, and they also now a red glow like enemies do.
* Player turrets are now fully lit and animated.
* Turrets can now be destroyed by holding shift and firing at them, and the tooltip for them now states this.
** Thanks to mrhanman and Hyfrydle for reporting.
* HideBot, SilenceBot, and StealthBot are all now fully lit and animated.
* Emma's special ability turned out not to be that great, and so has been completely redefined into something a lot more exciting:
** A young socialite from the relatively privileged upper-middle classes, she still was not able to afford the expensive bionic implants that could have saved her from the accident that claimed part of her face and neck.  Still, she is able to use her social connections to open up useful doors into the deeper black market: the store carries three times as many items for her compared to other Exo drivers.  This allows her great flexibility in kitting out her Exos exactly as she wants to.
* Fixed a bug that was making player turrets act extremely stupid; they would often want to target guys outside their range, and thus just do nothing.
** Thanks to Misery, Aquohn, and Winge for reporting.
* Made it so that "hates everyone" enemies and player turrets will not target cover objects and computers and the like.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where when Exos had too much damage reduction on, enemy AI would go wonky if they could not do any damage to the Exo anymore.  Now the damage reduction can never reduce enemy damage below 1 (which, come on, is already tiny).  This fixes the AI, aside from making enemies not totally pointless in that sort of case.
* Fixed a bug where "Hates Everyone" enemies would act really strange around cover objects, often getting stuck.
* Adjusted the bottom left scrolling section in the exo customization screen so that it doesn't have bad line breaks and in general has more room.
** Thanks to Winge and mrhanman for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where half of the 5th computer slot was unclickable.
** Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
* TreadBot, PantherBot, and TigerBot are now fully lit and animated, meaning that all the bots are now fully lit and animated!
* The wall edges no longer ever get dimmed by the "have seen here but don't have current LOS" fog of war, making it so that the edges of the play area are much more distinct from the "never seen this" fog of war.
** Thanks to Penumbra, mrhanman, and Winge for helping to figure this out.
* Added in some bits of flavor machinery behind the walls, very dark and dim, just hinting at more in there.
* All three of the wall edge graphic types have been updated to be more mechanical-looking and not have any organic flavor to them at all.
* Increased the damage dealt by the LeaderBot, CommandBot, and MasterMindBot 4x, so that they actually have some combat value directly.
* Put in a fix to a very strange issue where apparently a Player Squad robot was selected instead of the Exo.  The game now autocorrects this if this happens.
** Thanks to Tridus for providing a save where this was happening.
* BombBot, EMPBot, AvalancheBot, BatBot, EagleBot, and GaffeBot are no longer allowed to be in the final battle.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* The internal per-level scaling exponent for enemy shields and attack now varies by difficulty, and is now different for bosses and regular enemies (generally bosses need to grow slower since they start more crazy to begin with).
** Previously, this was always 1.08.  Now it is typically 1.08 for bosses and 1.11 for normal enemies.
** On hard difficulty, this is now 1.11 for bosses and 1.16 for normal enemies.
** On expert difficulty, this is now 1.13 for bosses and 1.19 for regular enemies.
** This matters _enormously_ in terms of enemy balance, because, you know, exponents.
** Specifically the formula is exponent^level * (attack or shields).
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting that the per-level effects of enemies were not really enough, particularly on higher difficulties.
* Fixed a bug where the Expert difficulty level was only granting 9 levels to bots per day instead of the slated 20.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Factory missions, if won, now blocks most bots from leveling up at the end of that day!
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* The range at which enemies are alerted to you if they have LOS on you now varies by difficulty level.  Normally it is 7, which is what it was before.
** On hard it is now 10.
** On expert is is now 14.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* Added a new "Show Robot Forces Window In Missions" option in the Extras tab:
** With this on, you'll see the city map's right-hand window even during missions.  Normally this is not something you'd want to do, as this blocks some of your screen real estate.  But particularly if you have a condition where your eyes need (relatively) equal amounts of light coming into them at once, this helps to balance out the amount of light hitting each eye during missions.
** Thanks to Aquohn for reporting the potential issue.
* The self-destruct button has been moved to the bottom of the list of abilities.  Thus if you have more than 5 abilities this is the one that disappears.
** If you have more than 5 abilities equipped now, it properly only shows the first 5 rather than doubling up #5 and #6 on the same slot.
** The idea of finite space for abilities is intentional, although we'd not expected players to be able to get all the abilities on one exo due to limited slot space.  However, the way some of the loot is set up, this became surprisingly possible and is potentially something we need to deal with.  But for the moment, it doesn't act bugged at least.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* AOE damage rebalance:
** Rocket launcher default range is now up to 9 instead of 7, but its AOE range is down from 3 to 2.  Its ammo is also down from 11 to 7.
** Grenade launcher default range is now down from 9 to 6, and its ammo is down from 26 to 14.
** The reasoning is that these things can be upgraded pretty enormously, and they go from being powerful to being ridiculous.  Now they go from being moderate to being powerful.  Otherwise it's too easy to just AOE your way through all the levels.
** Thanks to Misery for sort-of-kind-of suggesting this.
* New parts are now much less likely to have prefixes and/or suffixes.
** Thanks to GrimerX for pointing out the issues with how easy it was to stack lots of stuff, and to various players for pointing out how overwhelming it was to have extra stats on so many items.
* Ability-granting stats now no longer occur in prefixes or suffixes.
** This does not affect gear generated in older saves.
** Thanks to various players for pointing out how easy it was to get every ability on every exo.
* Fixed an issue where health on objects was being reported as shields instead of health.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
* The volatizer now uses a new Ring pattern of attack, rather than a line attack.  Thus making it more distinct from the welding laser, for instance.
** The ring attack hits the center tile, as well as the outermost layer of tiles around it, leaving everything else in the center untouched.
* The shotgun now uses a conical damage pattern rather than the radial damage pattern used by grenades and so forth.
** Thanks to GrimerX for reminding us to do this.
* The "Hot Tips: Missions" now mentions the keybinds for switching weapons and exos.
* Fixed a bug where the walls could be carved out (!) by explosions of tiles from the ThunderBot or the explosive cover in destruction missions.
** Thanks to Misery and Histidine for reporting.
* Finally got the zooming in the city map to work smoothly with more clamped edges of where you can pan.  This way you don't start panned off into the middle of nowhere!
* When enemies get EMPed, it no longer says that they ran out of ammo.
* Fuel tanks will no longer be granted buffs from nearby enemies, or be vampirized by them, etc.  If you see anything more like this, please do let us know, as it's not all in one place.
** Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
* Fuel tanks can no longer be disarmed by EMPs, and never say "out of ammo."
** Thanks to Aquohn and GrimerX and Histidine for reporting.
* Fixed an incorrect description of the "Exo-Wide Shield-Related Boost" stat.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* Emma's new commander ability is now more impressive:
** Instead of getting 8 Rares and 16 Epics in the store, she gets 6 uncommons, 6 rares, 6 epics, and 6 legendaries.  The ability to buy uncommons is nice because they're cheap, the ability to buy legendaries is nice because... we shouldn't have to tell you that.
** For Emma, when the store rolls a new part it has a higher chance of rolling a part type that is not already present in the store.  Rolling an already-present type is still very possible, though, since you may want more options of the same type.
** Now the store only normally pays you 75% of an item's value when you sell it, but for Emma will still pay 100%.
* When you switch exos, it automatically deselects stealth as that happens.
** Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
* Fixed an issue where it was possible to cascade-lose several exos in one attack volley if the first one died.  Now it can't even damage the one that gets swapped in until you take your next action.
** Thanks to Penumbra and greywolf22 for reporting.
== Alpha 0.908 ==
(Released September 12, 2013)
* LeaderBot is now fully lit and animated.
* When you hover over an enemy while holding the Ctrl key, it now shows the attack range of their current (biggest) gun.
** We considered making it always do this, but it felt too fiddly and strange when we tested that out.
** Thanks to madcow and mrhanman for suggesting.
* CommandBot and MastermindBot are now fully lit and colored.
* A new keybind has been added that triggers your whistle ability.  It is unbound by default.
** Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
* Added keybinds (default unbound) for cycling forward and backwards through the list of exos on your roster.
** Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
* Added keybinds (default unbound) for cycling forward and backwards through the list of weapons on your left sidebar.
** Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug where the +%-to-(shield,computer, or propulsion)-stat was being _added_ to each related stat, rather than multiplied in.  So the science exo's +50% computer stats thing was giving it an effective +0.5 hacking points, rather than adding half-again as many hacking points as it would otherwise have.
** It had been showing correctly in the bottom-left of the exo customization screen, but not actually behaving properly in-game, hence further confusion.
** Thanks to Winge for the report.
* The "+% to power generated by parts in the same system" effect (which is featured most prominently on the Magnetic Containment Chamber part-type), has been changed to "+% Total Power Generation", with the following new description:
** "Increases all power generated by this exo (including the reactor's base amount, and any power-generating parts installed in any system)."
** Also fixed a bug where this % wasn't even being fully factored in for power generation by parts in the same system.
** This may result in an overall effect that's just too nice to the player.  Our kindly players would _surely_ inform us of such an intolerable discrepancy, right?
** Thanks to orzelek and others for inspiring this change.
* DragonBot, BombBot, EMPBot, RaptorBot, and WyvernBot are all now fully lit and colored.
* The amount of (primarily) loot per level has been dropped:
** The frequency of the locked doors with loot behind them has dropped from a general range of 5-8 to a range of 3-5.
** The frequency of hull repair and stealth repair stations also has dropped substantially.
** The frequency of the small loot chests that are scattered throughout levels has been reduced as well.
** In particular, this cuts out the higher volume of lesser loot.  The goal here is to make it so that your customization stage between each mission is not so lengthy.
** Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
* Put in a fix for a rare issue where if you wind up being stuck in a mission that couldn't seed you for some reason, you can still abandon—and most importantly, abandon it without losing a point of HQ health.
** Thanks to Aeson for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where level 0 items could crash the game when viewed in your inventory or the store.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* The hacking cost of hacking doors and computers is now 5 + ( TileLevel / 3 ), where TileLevel is the day ( 50 - DaysRemaining).  Previously the hacking cost was just ( TileLevel / 3 ).  There are some exceptions that are cheaper or more expensive than this baseline.
* The virus cost of converting enemies is now 5 plus the robot's level, rather than just the robot's level.
* Thanks to Aquohn for inspiring this change.
* The level of tiles that are relevant to have a level (locked doors, traps, and computer terminals) now shows in their name in their tooltip.
** Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
* Updated the description of normal and glass doors to encourage players to shoot them for tactical reasons (since walking up and opening them is usually the stupid choice).
** Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
* Automatic Doors now have 100x more health, so that it's more likely you'll have to walk up to them and actually open them yourself, verus shooting them.
** Hey, variety is good.
* Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
* Rather than getting a piece of loot that provides hacking points, the science computers just get an inherent 6 hacking points.  This is more powerful, and simpler for the player.
** Thanks to Histidine for inspiring this change.
* Rather than getting an incredibly-unusually-good stealth generator at the start of the game, each exo now gets those same stealth points and consecutive turns as inherent effects.  That both feels more natural and frees up one of the propulsion slots for other stuff later on.
** Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
* A number of the robot voice prompts no longer play when in fog of war, and a number of the more frequent ones play only some of the time now (such as the BatBot).
** Thanks to khadgar for suggesting.
* Splash damage no longer has a damage falloff as the range gets further from itself.  This was never represented in the GUI very well, and was generally a bit confusing.
* Previously the locations that splash damage could hit did not match up with the actual overlay of where it said it would hit.  Fixed.
** Thanks to Winge for reporting.
* Adjusted the difficulty levels around so that the lower ones are more appropriate.
** Added a new Casual difficulty level, which has more or less the stats that Easy used to, except with 10 HQ health rather than 7.
** Easy difficulty now has 5x exo health rather than 10x.
** Normal difficulty now has 2x exo health rather than 4x.
** Thanks to Tridus, mrhanman, and Histidine for suggesting.
* The following mission types now give at least rare-quality loot instead of at least uncommon-quality loot:
** Armory
** Science Station
** Shieldworks
** Reactor Fab
** Propulsion Lab
** Their descriptions have also been corrected to not imply giving Epic or Legendaryy loot (there's a small chance of it, but certainly not guaranteed).
** Thanks to Histidine for the report.
* Keeping up with the Joneses!  Enemy ranges were quickly getting outclasses by player ranges, but no more.  Now the enemy ranges increase by 1 every X number of levels for that enemy, where X varies by difficulty:
** Casual: 12 levels
** Easy: 9 levels
** Normal: 6 levels
** Hard: 5 levels
** Expert: 4 levels
** This may be too extreme, we'll see.  But we want players to have an easy time of it at the start, relatively speaking, and then get into increasing hot water as the campaign progresses.  This way those range extenders don't become balance-breaking, they become quite important.
** Thanks to Tridus and Misery for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.907 Alpha Round 2 Start ==
(Released September 11, 2013)
* The full (as opposed to the partial preview that was there before) title track for Bionic Dues, "The Home That We Once Knew," is now integrated into the game!
* Completely redid Tuck's bonus, since he was kind of useless with his other bonus:
** Tough and resourceful, Tuck's skills at sleuthing lend him an enormous tactical advantage in missions: he can see both his objectives and the location of all terminals and loot without first exploring to them.
** Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
* The description of Axis has been rewritten to make it clear how powerful she is:
** A professional scout drone pilot before she became an Exo driver, Axis has the ability to see 4 missions out on the city map instead of the usual 3.  Even more importantly, she has the ability to undertake missions that are 2 away rather than the usual 1, thereby letting her skip missions at will.
** Thanks to Histidine for inspiring a shift.
* Added text to the bottom of the missions hot tips:
** The finishing touch to any mission is to find the Warp Pad and get your Exos out of here!
** Thanks to Breach for suggesting.
* The health stats on all the bosses have been majorly scaled down so that they are still impressive on the last day, but not insane.
** Thanks to mrhanman and Cyborg for reporting.
* The function of the whistle has been redefined a bit, so that it now alerts all enemies that you have detected which are not currently alerted, rather than those in your (invisible) sensor range.  This basically makes it work like probably everyone thought it already did.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* The system stats for mines were garbled in the customization view.  Fixed.
** Thanks to Winge and nas1m for reporting.
* When Rey's fifth Exo is restored, it now comes in with full ammo and no disabled systems, unlike before.  If you see anything more strange with this, please do let us know!
** Thanks to Coppermantis for reporting.
* The font of the normal tooltips has changed to the more compact font used for the Exos.
* Fixed a bug with the tooltips of scrolling textline areas where the tooltip detection was not being offset for the scrollbar's current position.  This was causing the wrong tooltip to show for items once the scrollbar had been used.
** Thanks to Tridus for reporting.
* Fixed the missing localization for ModuleEffect_Desc_IncreaseSpawnedUnitStrength.
** Thanks to Winge, orzelek, mrhanman, nas1m and Tridus for reporting.
* The tooltips on locked doors now note that you should walk into them to hack them.
** Thanks to Coppermantis for suggesting.
* Previously, using some of the in-game keybinds on the main menu or the city map would cause unhandled exceptions.  Fixed.
* GalaxyBot has been mildly redefined such that it now increases the range at which enemies are alerted to you without increasing your sight range.  Doing both was confusing.
* Added more to descriptions of the difficulty levels to make it clearer to players which they should choose:
** Easy: For people new to the game who want to ease into things without being slagged in the face by robots all the time.
** Normal: For people who want a bit more of a challenge, but still are playing without optimizing every last piece or loot or every last move they make.  You can definitely get slagged in the face, but it probably won't kill you most of the time.
** Hard: The baseline difficulty of serious play for the game.  Your health is much lower, the enemies are more numerous.  To live you must optimize your Exos and economize your moves.
** Expert: For, well, expert players.  Your health is even lower, the enemies are even more numerous.  You must play well, very well, to live.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* The sight range for all exos has been increased to 16 instead of 8, and 20 instead of 12 for the snipers.
** Now that sight range does not (improperly) affect the alerting of enemies, this doesn't matter too much (well, not in a negative sense).  It lets you see more of the level more clearly, and frankly better models what might be considered some form of reality.
** On the positive side, this also lets your longer-range weapons be fired at the extents of their ranges more (speaking here of longer-ranged weapons further upgraded with range-enhancing parts).
** This also does let enemies with long range weapons fire at you from the same sort of longer range, since enemies can only fire when in your line, although there are not many enemies that are that long-ranged to begin with.  So that doesn't really change much.
** Thanks to Aeson for inspiring these changes.
* The following enemy attack ranges have been adjusted to make for a more interesting playing field:
** TigerBot: 5 to 5
** DoomBot: 6 to 7
** TethysBot: 5 to 7
** DumBot: 3 to 4.
** Invigorated DumBot: 4 to 5.
** BlasterBot: 4 to 5.
** BlasterMaster: 3 to 4.
** DragonBot: 5 to 7
** WyvernBot: 5 to 7
** ClawBot: 4 to 7
** ViperBot: 3 to 5
** The reasoning?  This makes being out in the open more dangerous than it was previously.  It also makes for more of a mixed field in terms of ranges, and makes the ranged assault bots (DumBot, BlasterBot, BlasterMaster) more distinct from the "melee" assault bots (BatBot, EagleBot, NinjaBot) in terms of range.
** For the bosses in particular, this also gives them all a quite-long engagement range, meaning that you'll want to resort to things like mines and sentry turrets for them in particular, since they hit hard and hit far.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring these changes.
* Greatly updated the way that bot highlights are done, both in sensor range and out of it.  Should be way more clear, and it still looks attractive.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
* BatBot, EagleBot, and NinjaBot are all now fully lit and animated.
* The MurderBot, ScorpionBot, TethysBot, and ViperBot are now fully lit and animated.
* You can now get full tooltips on bots that have been detected (show with the gold wireframe) but not visual range just as if they were in visual range.
** This lets you make tactical decisions a lot better without having to memorize wireframes.
** Thanks to Tridus and mrhanman for suggesting.
* WyvernBots and RaptorBots no longer can seed prior to day 30, since players need time to prepare.
** Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
* PantherBots and AvalancheBot no longer appear prior to day 20, since their effects also require some preparation before you can meet them properly.
* On the exo customization screen, it now shows the base mark level of each item in your slots, so that you can easily tell how old in general these things are.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* The store now shows the level of the items in it, and also no longer shows the money values overlapping the items above them inappropriately.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* And lastly, in the inventory and part picker windows, it now shows the level of all the items there, as well.
* Fixed the explanation of which stats get boosted by the stat-enhancing shield-related, computer-related, and propulsion-related stat boosters.  Previously the explanation lied to you, apologies.
* Each part's description now explicitly states what kinds of slots it can go in.
* The text descriptions of each part now states what systems it can be mounted in.
** Thanks to mrhanman and nas1m for suggesting.
* The horrendously ugly borders for the part buttons have been made pretty.
* Fixed the lion's den missions to give much more open, difficult terrain, which is what they were supposed to have been doing all along.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* The Lion's Den and Assassination missions now warn you that they are very difficult and should not be attempted until there are 30–40 days remaining or fewer.
* Opposite day!  Fixed a bug where missions that were supposed to give awesome loot of a specific type (shieldworks giving you shield-related stuff, for instance) were explicitly giving you anything BUT those kinds of loot.  Whoops!
** Thanks to nas1m, Winge, and Misery for reporting.
== Alpha 0.906 ==
(Released September 10, 2013)
* Player ammo reductions relative to 0.904 (increases from 0.905, though):
** Laser Rifle 50 to 35.
** Machine Gun 80 to 55.
** Rocket Launcher 14 to 11.
** Gamma Ray Laser 20 to 18.
** Grenade Launcher 36 to 16.
** Chaingun 100 to 70.
** Shotgun 30 to 24.
** Volatizer 20 to 17.
** The prior changes were a bit too harsh, so this is the middle ground.  Further feedback welcome!
* Fixed a bug with ClawBot where it was healing itself (!) as well as its nearby allies each turn.  Wow OP.
== Alpha 0.905 ==
(Released September 10, 2013)
* The DiamondBot and RecoilBot are now fully lit and animated.
* The DiamondBot and RecoilBot are now fully lit and animated.
* Fixed a bug where the DragonBot's grenade launcher stats were swapped with the player ones, making the DragonBot terrifying and the player incredibly weak.
** Thanks to orzelek for the clue that led to this finally, after a number of people mentioned it.
* RadarBot and ShieldBot now fully lit and animated.
* You can now opt out of repeated showings of the intro briefing text and voiceover.
* Fixed a rare parts-related null reference exception.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* BodyBot is now fully lit and animated.
* Only Hard and Expert difficulty levels now have system damage (in the sense of a random chance from enemies), since that's a bit more complex and can be frustrating if you are still learning.
* The part attributes and parts that are specifically for system hardening and system damage prevention are also now limited to hard and expert difficulties.
* Added the new Capacitor part type, which provides another way of generating power either directly in your reactor or in your computer.  Actually this isn't power generation, it's power savings, but it works out either way.  See the game for details, and yes we know this only sort of makes sense if you are big into electronics.  The game already makes fun of this, so you don't have to. ;)
* Updated the explosive runes a bit to be easier to use via only triggering from certain kinds of weapons.  Their text has been amended as follows:
** These runes are actually a warning label overlaid on top of sub-floor explosive equipment:  so straight-shot and laser weapons won't penetrate far enough to cause any problems.  Only rockets, plasma weapons, dissolver blasts, grenades, shadow torpedoes, and volatizer fire will trigger the runes.
** Thanks to Cyborg, mrhanman, and orzelek for inspiring this change.
* Indirect shots against explosive runes now triggers them the same as direct shots do.
* Reduced the number of floor types (for now) to just the ones that are most attractive, and which have the tile-based grid.
** The tile-based grid in turn makes the fog of war look nicer, and makes movement and attack ranges a bit clearer.
** We will be doing more floors in the coming weeks, but we want all of them to be up to the standards of the very best ones we have already, so we cleaned house a bit.
* Invisible robots and robots that are allied with you no longer draw targeting lines at you.
* Invisible robots that are right next to an Exo now become visible no matter what.  Otherwise it feels like a bug when you try to move into their tile and mysteriously cannot.
* AS AN EXPERIMENT, the game has been updated to use pessimistic line of sight rather than the more permissive shadowcasting algorithm.
** This prevents any instances of being able to shoot around corners on the part of yourself or bots, but it is much more restrictive view-wise.
** In the pre-alpha stages we had a lot of unpleasantness with this, but on further recollection the problem was how we were visibly modeling the LOS rather than the LOS method itself.  So this may work out fine and feel more natural than the prior approach.  So far that does actually see the case, but we'll see.
** Thanks to Misery for pushing this issue.
* When enemies or tiles get shot, it now automatically alerts nearby enemies, as you would expect.  So you can't shoot somebody and have the guy next to him just sit there.
** Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
* When enemies are not in fog of war, you can already tell if they are activated or not based on their animations and glows.  However, when they are in fog of war that was not possible to tell until now.
** Now enemies in fog of war that are deactivated show up darker in their wireframe view, and then they become full bright when they are activated.
* Some of the overly-alert-happy logic for enemies has been changed.  It was a bit unclear, and the new alert logic handles the cases that make the most sense anyhow.  It should in general feel a lot more natural now.
* Enemies which are within 7 range of you now see you when you get near.  Before it was 20, which made it pretty crazy if you were a sniper.
* Updated the pathfinding for enemies enormously; it got changed away from the kind that worked so well in Skyward at some point, but now it has been reverted to that and enemies now act much more sensibly.  Dangerously so.
** There was also some funky (lack of) pathfinding around fuel tanks that has now been fixed.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting the strangeness here.
* When your weapons are disabled, it now shows them properly red and cracked on the sidebar.
** Thanks to Cyborg and nas1m for reporting.
* Meg is now the default commander for new players, as she is easier to play with than Axis.
* Fixed an issue where the electric floors in Assassination missions could sometimes let you into loot closets without your having to unlock the door.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* There is a new Warp Page (Mission Exit) tile that now seeds in all missions.
** When all your mission objectives have been completed, stepping onto this pad will warp your Exos out and declare mission victory!
** In other words, these are the "stairs down" if you are thinking of other roguelikes.
** The reason for this addition is to give you more control over when exactly you win a mission (so you can explore more prior to exiting if you want).
** In old savegames, you may find that you insta-win your current mission if the objective is simply to find the mission exit, which doesn't exist in that mission.  Later missions in that same savegame won't have this effect.  We figured you'd prefer this to having the mission being unwinnable. ;)
** Thanks to mrhanman and nas1m for inspiring this change.
* Fixed the collision box on the reactor fabricator not being the right size.
* Fixed an issue where old exos were not being properly cleared out of memory, and thus all sorts of strangeness could happen including auto-won and auto-lost missions, and I'm sure more.  It was also a form of memory leak.  Good grief!
** Thanks to Histidine, Aeson, and Misery for reporting.
* The trap evasion message was showing up garbled with a hex address.
** Thanks to Cyborg for reporting.
* The laser rifle now has range 8 instead of range 6.
* Plasma Cannon now has no falloff in its damage that it does to enemies, it now has a range of 12 instead of 6, and its radius of splash damage is now 7 instead of 4.
** This is the grandaddy of guns, and was not really feeling like it previously.
* Player ammo reductions:
** Laser Rifle 50 to 20.
** Machine Gun 80 to 30.
** Rocket Launcher 14 to 7.
** Gamma Ray Laser 20 to 18.
** Grenade Launcher 26 to 16.
** Chaingun 100 to 40.
** Shotgun 30 to 18.
** Volatizer 20 to 14.
** The idea here is that you need to actually swap out and use more of your Exos, and ammo scarcity during missions actually feels present.
** The prior alpha balance had been based on much larger levels (about 300% larger), and we had not scaled down the ammo to match the newer, more compact (and more fun) levels.
** Note that the ammo for the low-ammo weapons are unchanged, so aren't shown above.
* The name for ninja exos was saying tank instead—oops.  Fixed.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* The portrait of Rey no longer has his text blending in so much with his shirt.
** Thanks to Aeson for reporting.
=== Tutorializing ===
* The way that the stat lines are done at the top of the part picker screen has been reorganized somewhat so that it goes by column before going by row now.  This makes the visual space look more sensible, and this plus some other changes also ready us for doing tooltips on those individual line items.
* All of the stats up at the top of the part picker screen now have tooltips that explain what each of those stats mean.  This is in addition to the previously-added tooltips on the Exo stat lines on the main Exo customization screen.
* There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the city map that shows when you first enter it (after the game start voiceover).  This also has an opt-out.
** You have 50 days. Each mission will bring you closer to the final battle.
** Each mission has consequences that will equip your Exos or weaken the enemy in the final battle. You can take on up to 50 missions in any order, then the robots attack.
* There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the customization screen that shows when you first enter it.  This also has an opt-out.
** You get loot from winning missions, from hacking locked doors, and from spending credits at the store on the left sidebar of the city map.
** Customize your Exos to your play style between missions.  Getting to the final battle is only half the challenge. You will need creativity in design to get there!
* There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the missions that shows when you first enter one.  This also has an opt-out.
** A "turn" is a single action (take one step, shoot one shot, use an ability, switch Exos).  After you take a turn, any activated enemies each take their turns.
** Go slow during fights.  Hang back and let your enemy come to you.  Use narrow places.  Use your whistle ability (left sidebar) to draw them out.
** Switch which of your four exos is active, which gun they are using, and activate special abilities such as Stealth on the left sidebar.
** Mouse over your objective (the mission icon on the bottom left for each level), and try to survive with the least amount of casualties. You will be rewarded!
* New tutorial-y text added on the end of the description of loot containers in tooltips:
** Don't forget to actually go into the Exo Customization screen between missions (on the left sidebar in the city map).  Creatively customizing your Exos is a huge part of surviving to the last day.
* Added the following to the description of the Assassination mission type:
* Added the following to the description of the Assassination mission type:
Line 8: Line 2,127:
** Thanks to Aeson for inspiring this change.
** Thanks to Aeson for inspiring this change.
* Training Ground missions are now called Lion's Den missions to better reflect their nature.
* Training Ground missions are now called Lion's Den missions to better reflect their nature.  Otherwise players seemed a bit too inclined to jump into an easy-sounding mission and get killed.
** Thanks to Aeson for suggesting.
** Thanks to Aeson for suggesting.
== Alpha 0.904 ==  
* When you go to start a new game, it now has some hot tips there as well.  Which can be opted out of.
(Released September 9th, 2013)
** All of the pictures on this screen can be clicked to change which Exos, Commander, and City you are playing with.
** If this is your first time, feel very free to leave the defaults alone for now.  It's a strong party good for new players.
== Alpha 0.904 ==
(Released September 9, 2013)
* In the store, exo customization, and inventory windows the message log now disappears after a little while of showing like it used to (it does not hide outright since that's also where MP text chat goes).
* In the store, exo customization, and inventory windows the message log now disappears after a little while of showing like it used to (it does not hide outright since that's also where MP text chat goes).
Line 76: Line 2,199:
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
== Alpha 0.903 ==  
== Alpha 0.903 ==
(Released September 18th, 2013)
(Released September 8, 2013)
* Changed how mines/tripwires/etc do their "on stepped on" logic so they no longer fire when an entity is being put on a tile during game-load or because an exo is switching in to that tile.
* Changed how mines/tripwires/etc do their "on stepped on" logic so they no longer fire when an entity is being put on a tile during game-load or because an exo is switching in to that tile.
Line 115: Line 2,238:
** Thanks to Breach for reporting.
** Thanks to Breach for reporting.
== Alpha 0.902 ==  
== Alpha 0.902 ==
(Released September 8th, 2013)
(Released September 8, 2013)
* Fixed a display bug where the amount of power generated by an auxiliary reactor or whatever would display as 4000 instead of 40, etc.  FWIW it was counting correctly in the stats.
* Fixed a display bug where the amount of power generated by an auxiliary reactor or whatever would display as 4000 instead of 40, etc.  FWIW it was counting correctly in the stats.
Line 184: Line 2,307:
** Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.
** Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.
== Alpha 0.901 ==  
== Alpha 0.901 ==
(Released September 8th, 2013)
(Released September 8, 2013)
* Fixed a couple of typos in the stealth tooltips.
* Fixed a couple of typos in the stealth tooltips.
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* Fixed a bug where temporary system damage from EMPs was not wearing off.
* Fixed a bug where temporary system damage from EMPs was not wearing off.
[[Category:Release Notes]]

Latest revision as of 17:21, 2 February 2015

Next Release Notes

Bionic Dues Post Release Notes

Alpha 1.000

(Released October 8, 2013)

Happily, nothing new needed here. :)

Alpha 0.938 Release Candidate 7

(Released October 7, 2013)

  • The city map sidebar buttons now no longer respond to clicks while a tutorial message is up, to avoid weirdness when someone opened the customization window before closing both of the initial city map tutorial messages.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where at certain screen resolutions the inventory/store/customization background would not scale out to the side properly, thus resulting in a black bar to the right. Specifically 1600x900 would do this, among others.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Added bits of colored highlighting in the hot tips and other similar popups to help break them up a bit.
  • Updated the fully-yellow text that was used for popups from the bot speech to instead be more of a reddish glowing color. This is also now used on the loading screen and for the game credits.

Alpha 0.937 Release Candidate 6

(Released October 7, 2013)

  • Human Cryopods are now immune to aoe splash damage. So directly shooting them with a rocket launcher will kill them, but hitting the square right next to them with a plasma cannon won't even scratch the paint. As the new description states, "It's almost as if you were supposed to be able to clear rooms around them without hurting the pod."
    • Thanks to Aquohn and others for inspiring this change.
  • Electric floors now no longer get the overdrive bonus. Just the mines now, really.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • The fact that the player can choose to shorten the campaign with the Robot Command Center missions is now mentioned in a bunch more places and more clearly than in the past.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • City mapgen now makes Robot Command Centers not seed _too_ far away from the player's HQ, as otherwise their intended purpose of providing an optional campaign shortener is only sometimes met.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for inspiring this change.
  • The world map icons for the robot control centers and the bahamut missions are now more distinctive in their glowiness/coloring, so that they attract the eye more for players who are potentially otherwise going to overlook them.
  • Changed the bot logic for "if I can shoot a cryopod or chase a player, have a 10% chance of always shooting the cryopod and a 90% chance of picking evenly between shooting the cryopod and chasing the player" to "if I can shoot a cryopod or chase a player, have a 10% chance of shooting the cryopod and a 90% chance of chasing the player.
    • Thanks to Aquohn and others for inspiring this change.
  • On the Exo customization window the mousewheel now scrolls the bottom-left stats block.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Pepsisolo, and others for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions where enemy bots could shoot cryopods while either or both had never been seen before. Now only bots that have been seen can attack cryopods, and only cryopods that have been seen can be attacked.
    • Note: sensor vision still counts as "seen", and this includes Tuck's pre-scouting of each mission. Tuck just has different experiences in hostage missions, with the advantage of knowing where the pods are and the disadvantage of having less leeway in alerting any bots near the pods.
  • Added a "Menu" button to the bottom of the city-map left sidebar and mission-sidebar. This provides a mouse-only way to get to the escape menu.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for the suggestion.

Alpha 0.936 Release Candidate 5

(Released October 7, 2013)

  • Level 1 enemy bot stats have been boosted a bit on most difficulties. The other early levels have been boosted slightly too, though not very much. Anyway, the point is to make the day-1 stats (attack, not just health) a bit more different between the difficulties.
  • AmmoBot base health from 40 => 60.
  • BatBot base health from 50 => 150, since the random movement makes it rather nonthreatening, and it may as well at least have a chance at absorbing some fire.
  • EagleBot:
    • Base health from 50 => 150, for similar reasons as the BatBot.
    • Now instead of getting permanently stuck moving one direction forever even once it cannot move in that direction at all, it just gets stuck moving whatever direction it moved last, and if there is no valid move in that direction it can pick whichever next move it wants to. The idea being to bring these back in the realm of "buggy", rather than "broken" in terms of threat level. It's also amusing to see a bunch of them careening in various patterns across the level.
  • LeaderBot base health from 350 => 200, and AbsentmindedLeaderBot health from 350 => 250. Not as low as the other buff-bots but not as tanky as it was.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
  • Updated the Assault Exo tooltip to reflect the recent change in its inherent +%shield-related bonus.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Updated the Trap Skill tooltip to reflect the recent change that it lets you evade traps of that level or lower, not just strictly lower.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Shortened the Virus part's description slightly to avoid a minor overrun problem in the part-picker window.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • The fact that Trap Skill provides bonuses to your Sentry Turrets is now mentioned in a bunch more places.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a very longstanding bug where the "list of normal bot types that could be spawned on this spot" used during mission mapgen was never being cleared. Ever. So basically any normal bot spawned in any of your missions was fair game for seeding in any future mission until you quit the application. Didn't matter if you went from playing Ironman-Misery to a new Casual game, that Casual day-1 mission could easily have MastermindBots, etc... Well, fixed now!
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where Welding Laser and Shotgun weapons could not damage tiles (mines, etc) with their splash damage (the direct hit worked fine).
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • Sentry Turrets now gain +5% to their ammo capacity per point of the deploying exo's trap skill. Effectively this means that every 2 points of Trap Skill gives each of your turrets an extra shot.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Mousing over a weapon icon on the mission sidebar now displays that weapon's range on the map.
  • Fixed a bug in the inventory and store windows where they would try too aggressively to remember their previous filter settings, etc. The result could be kind of strange in that you'd come back from another mission and the store would appear to only have one item (because only that item met the filter you set like an hour ago and had forgotten).
  • The 10x attack power modifier on Overdrive missions now applies to tile-based attacks (mines, electric floors, etc) too. What could go wrong?
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where the hand-crafted bot mix was exactly the same on the first two days, and the 10th mix was never used.
  • BlunderBots (not GaffeBots) now are much more likely to not hit their target when misfiring. Previously with their short range and frequent cramped conditions simply picking "random tile in range" had a very, very good chance of still hitting the player on the "miss" shot, making these instantly lethal if you got in range. Now you actually get the "warning shot" (in most cases) which is helpful given the high relative health of the things.
    • To compensate, their range has gone from 4 => 6, matching their GaffeBot "friends".
    • For the curious, the GaffeBot did not get this change, as it always misfires, and should retain the RNG-Hates-You quality.
  • Fixed a bug where some queued commands were not being cleared when a mission ended, resulting in (among other things) a semi-rare case related to mouse movement and smooth local movement where you'd instantly win the next mission you started (if you didn't quit the game in between).
    • Thanks to Aquohn and others for reporting this.
  • Fixed a bug related to mouse movement that could make it impossible to start another mission without quitting the game and coming back in first.
  • Removed the mission-won and mission-lost central-screen messages (big ones that don't go in a box) since the mission-result-screen's logic was already clearing the mission data and thus them anyway, leading to them flashing really quickly on the screen and instantly going away.
    • Thanks to windgen and nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Added an ability to disable additive blending via the graphics settings, in case that is the culprit behind why explosions cause slowdowns permanently on some linux installs.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for inspiring this change.
  • Added a new option to the graphics settings: Destroy Materials Between Frames
    • Normally the internal texture materials are pooled and reused between frames, but this may cause issues on some graphics cards on linux. If you suspect this may be the case, enabling this option may help (at a minor RAM/CPU performance cost).
    • Thanks to Penumbra for inspiring this change.
  • Added a new option to the graphics settings: Destroy Sprite Meshes Between Frames
    • Normally the internal sprite meshes are pooled and reused between frames, but this may cause issues on some graphics cards on linux. If you suspect this may be the case, enabling this option may help (at a minor RAM/CPU performance cost).
    • Thanks to Penumbra for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.935 Release Candidate 4

(Released October 6, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug in the store where clicking the same part twice in quick succession could cause a null exception.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for the report and save.
  • Parts looted in the last mission will show with a "New!" icon on them until you start the next mission.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Missions that you can deploy to, that you could not deploy to before the last mission, show with a "New!" icon on them until you complete the next mission.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • The following bots' special effects now no longer "pass through walls", as in many ways it was actually cheaper CPU-wise to do it this way (rather than check every single entity on the map) and it will certainly feel better for the player:
    • ClawBot
    • RadarBot
    • LeaderBot
    • AbsentmindedLeaderBot
    • CommandBot
    • MastermindBot
    • RaptorBot
    • AmmoBot
    • ShieldBot
    • SilenceBot
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • MastermindBot base shields from 350 => 175. They're nasty enough without being tanky too.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed a new mission to be started before the Mission Result Window from the previous mission had been closed, which generally resulted in the new mission being dumped from memory when the result window was closed.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the report that led to this discovery.
  • Refined the tooltip for the Robot Army button at the top of the right sidebar on the city map.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestions.

Alpha 0.934 Release Candidate 3

(Released October 5, 2013)

  • Enemy stat progressions have been adjusted to not be slow in the early levels and not quite so fast in the end.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • While there's still full capacity for variation between the levels of different bot types (on the difficulties that have that uncontrolled variation) in the middle of the game, they'll generally be closer together at the end now due to no individual one being allowed to go past the "target' end-game average level for that difficulty. This helps avoid situations where the RNG says GG by pumping all its levels into just one or two really nasty bot types.
  • Hacker parts are now about 50% more likely to be picked when a new part is generated.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Reactors are now about 10 times more likely to be picked when generating loot in/for a Reactor Fab mission.
    • Thanks to Winge, nas1m, and Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Player Sentry Turrets:
    • Max Ammo from 80 => 10.
    • Attack from 120 => 150.
    • The idea being that you can still get a ton of total sentry shots, but you won't get them from just a few turrets.
    • Thanks to Misery for the suggestion.
  • The ShieldBot now has a 2x virus cost due to the benefits the player can get from a virus'd one.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where the scorpion bot ALWAYS countered the shot killing it, regardless of range.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause uncommons to spawn in the store for commanders other than Emma.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the above-part text on a store item could still wrap down into overlapping the part image.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Added the SilenceBot's redirection range to its tooltip.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where bots could not shoot at each other if in unexplored space. RazorBot hilarity potential is now much higher (in testing, it was common to see several BlunderBot rounds flying every which way followed by a voice clip from a TreadBot in the darkness saying "Ow! That Was My Nose!").
    • Thanks to Misery for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where the AvalancheBot would not actually electrify the tile he was moving onto, just the ones adjacent.
    • Also fixed a typo in the tooltip.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing one direction key to start a move, then another direction key that _would_ have moved you against a hackable tile (from your old location) brings up the hacking confirm popup despite the fact that you're not touching the terminal.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent you from getting "Won Game (with blah blah)" achievements because the game thought you'd already completed that game. Now it does the achievement check regardless of whether it thinks you've beaten that campaign already.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mission Result Window's "don't close until closed by player" behavior and "automatically exit any current mission" behavior combined to make it such that:
    • 1) loading a save in a mission
    • 2) completing that mission
    • 3) not closing the mission result window, but reloading the save (with or without quitting to the menu first)
    • Would cause you to immediately exit the mission in the loaded save, leading to various tomfoolery.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report and save.
  • Put in a fix to the issue of music no longer streaming in properly like in past Arcen titles, but instead trying to entirely buffer first. This was a fun issue based on the parameters changing around during the upgrade from unity 3.3 to 4.2, and then to cap it off there was a further bug that made the streaming never end after we fixed the first thing. Yay infuriating engine things! The solution was oddly to make it loop, which of course we're not actually letting it do, but then it does tell us when it is done. But of course that makes perfect sense.
    • Thanks to Qieth and Cyborg for reporting.
  • Added a "Disable Explosions" toggle to the settings window. Unless your computer or GPU are very low end you want nothing to do with anything that reduces the explosiveness of this game.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for the suggestion.
  • Added a new unbound-by-default "Debug: Clear Graphical Effects" utility keybind that dumps all the data tracking explosions, particles, etc from the game. Useful to check if they're clogging up performance for those (well, the one case we know of, at least) who see a permanent fps drop after the first big explosion, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where the BlasterBot's, um, "special attack" would only apply to its previous tile, not to the tile behind the previous tile.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.

Alpha 0.933 Release Candidate 2

(Released October 4, 2013)

  • The BombBot's description now reflects the stats of its self destruct device, instead of its non-functional pistol. This fixes its description saying a range of 1 instead of 4 (its actual aoe radius).
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where evading a trap required a trap skill "greater than" the trap's tile level, rather than "greater than or equal to".
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the Epic Assault's default loadout would result in an erroneous text-wrapping on the in-mission sidebar mouseover.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for the report.
  • The in-mission sidebar exo button mouseovers now list that exo's trap skill (if any) for quick reference.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • Holding control while mousing over a tripwire tile now shows the tripwire's alert range.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where killing a BombBot directly on top of an Explosive Rune would not detonate the rune.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where player-ally units (sentries, virus'd bots, etc) would not cause a StealthBot to stealth when attacking near it.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a typo in the name of the Robot Forces Command Computer.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed another bug where you couldn't walk over mostly-empty squares of the bahamut device's footprint.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed several text issues with the robot army detail window & grid.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestions.
  • Fixed a bug where one of the special line-of-sight rules (that you can ALWAYS see a tile diagonally adjacent to you) was allowing you to get line of sight on a tile through a solid wall.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the report and save.
  • Fixed a typo in a Virus part suffix name.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where sentries would play bot death sounds on death, instead of normal object explosion sounds.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where some actions that don't actually take a turn (and don't cost stealth points when stealthed, etc) DID cause the player's "I'm EMP'd" counter to count down.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.

Alpha 0.932

(Released October 3, 2013)

  • Fixed bug in last version where aoe stopped working basically at all. Now Rockets Make Things Go Boom properly again.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report.
  • Added a new music track for the city map (this makes #4), this one being the first original one for the city map.

Alpha 0.931 Release Candidate 1

(Released October 3, 2013)

  • Fixed some bugs in the bot AI where it wouldn't consider a target that it could not move to (despite being able to shoot it without needing to move at all).
    • Thanks to Misery for the report and save.
  • The "Abandon Mission" button now has a confirm step.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Significant revamp of most/all of the tooltips from the city map player-forces sidebar, city map enemy-forces sidebar, and the mission sidebar to all use pretty much the same format (a header with a particular text color, size, and font; followed by a body with a particular text color, size, and font). Feels much better now, in our testing.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Some further refinements to the start-new-game window's tooltip and popup for Ironman.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this.
  • Fixed a bug where the GalaxyBot and SkyBot both had the SentryBot's unique ability to alert a ton of bots if alerted without being killed.
    • And made the fact that the SentryBot has that ability much clearer in the tooltip.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug on the store window where doing sort-and-filter for a stat could cause the text above a part to be wider than the part button and thus wrap the stat display to a second line (overlaying the part itself, and looking inconsistent with other parts that didn't wrap it); now the buttons will expand (slightly, in general) to fit the text as needed.
    • If the buttons become wide enough that the display can't handle the same number of columns, the number of columns decreases accordingly.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Now when damage has been redirected, it lists the target that the damage was redirected from, not just the poor sod who actually gets stuck with it.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • A variety of more music has been added. We're now up to 9 in-mission tracks and the (final count) of 3 city map tracks.
    • All but 2 of these at the moment are remixes of tracks from past games, but the remixes are pretty killer and fit right with the goals for the new tracks. More new tracks will be arriving prior to release and after release.

60 More Achievements

  • Added Achievements for winning the campaign with each commander, on each difficulty below Misery (so 30 total).
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
  • Added achievement for winning the campaign with ironman enabled. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
  • Added achievements for destroying 20, 50, and 100 enemy bots in a single action. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 15 total.
    • Thanks to Tridus and Winge for inspiring these.
  • Added achievement for winning an assasination mission by killing each boss with a pistol shot. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
    • Thanks to Tridus for the suggestion.
  • Added achievement for winning a hostage rescue mission without losing a single cryopod. One for each difficulty level below Misery, so 5 total.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.

Alpha 0.930

(Released October 2, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where Fuel Tanks counted as allies for the purposes of CannonBots not feeling lonely. Though one supposes it's kind of funny and appropriate that a CannonBot find a giant explosive to be an appropriate companion, but so it goes.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Now mines, player mines, tripwires, and electric floors are the only tiles to display a tile level (since hackable tiles now display their hack cost directly, and nothing else really has any truly meaningful info to infer from level).
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • The code for determining which overlay a tile got ("you will shoot at this tile if you click now", "you will hit this tile with splash damage if you click now", "the enemy under the cursor can hit this tile", "your whistle/overload will hit this tile if you click now", "you would shoot at this tile if you clicked now and were actually in range") had become a festering warren of unloved and tangled code (authored by the same person writing this change note, incidentally). There was always some kind of bug or another with it.
    • So now it's been rewritten completely, and is clearer and way more efficient.
    • This fixes a recent bug where hovering over an enemy with an aoe weapon but without shift held would show a reticle on the enemy but not on the affected splash area.
    • But probably introduces some other bugs simply because it was a rewrite, so let us know if you find anything.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report that broke the camel's back.
  • Improved the Ironman? tooltip and popup on the start-new-game window.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Parts now have anywhere from 75% to 125% of their "base" price as their actual price, determined when the part is first created. This helps the store look more varied.
    • All parts from old saves have the base price.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • Customization, Inventory, and Store screens:
    • The navigation buttons at the bottom have been revamped to be consistent in placement, size, and text from screen to screen.
    • The missing transitions (customization <-> store, inventory out to city map) have been added.
    • The Inventory and Store main areas (that display the parts) have been enlarged so that the overall window area and positioning (and thus nav button positioning) is the same as the Customization window.
    • Thanks to windgen for inspiring these changes.
  • Fixed a typo in the Misery difficulty tooltip.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the report.
  • The mouseover tooltips on the weapons on the customization screen now list their special categories (Energy Weapons, Projectile Weapons, Area-of-Effect Weapons), if any.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Now, when the part-picker needs to display a part with a name longer than the bottom columns can accommodate (A MkXXV Unobtrusive Magnetic Containment Chamber Of Unobtrusiveness, say), it just draws as much of the name as it can followed by "...". Full name can be seen in the inventory, as usual.
    • Thanks to Winge and Arnos for the reports.
  • Improved the name of the potion-terminal effect that restores the hacker's shields.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • The mission results screen now displays a line above the loot saying whether it was from surviving exos or (in a hostage mission) from saving cryopods. Incidentally those are the only two sources on that screen, and they're mutually exclusive (you don't get the normal parts for surviving exos in a hostage mission).
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where loading a save from the first day, without having opted out of the initial briefing, would cause the voiceover to play but not actually pop up the briefing text. Now it brings up both voice and text (if you don't want to hear it again, click the button that tells it so).
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • The "complete a mission while only using a single Assault Exo" and similar achievements now ignore the very first action you take during the mission, allowing you to complete them with exos other than the first one in your roster.
    • Thanks to Histidine and Ipkins for the suggestion.
  • Partly because the shop interface is now bigger, but mostly to help reduce the chance of literal "I can't find parts of type X at all" situations, the size of the store's stock has been increased (from a total of 8 => 12 for non-Emma, and from 24 => 36 for Emma).
  • SkyBots now only spawn DumBots when they are within your vision range, not within sensor range or elsewhere.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Three music tracks for the city map are now in place: these are actually reused tracks from later AI War expansions, since they fit well with the original music for this game, and since there is only so much time for new composition with a schedule this short for the game. We figure that more variety is preferable to having everything having to be fully original.
  • The first three music tracks for in missions are now in place. Two of these are completely original, and one of them is a remix of a track from an AI War expansion. The remix is pretty sweet, with new percussion, better mixing, and some other tweaks. It fits right in with the flow of the new tracks, which are particularly sweet.

Alpha 0.929

(Released October 1, 2013)

  • Steamworks integration for Linux has now arrived! Now it logs your achievements properly to steam when you are on linux.
  • Shrunk the footprint height of the bahamut device by 1 tile, so that you should now be able to walk near it in a more sensible fashion. If anything still feels off with it, do let us know!
    • Thanks to windgen for reporting.
  • HunterBots and MurderBots are now single-mindedly targeting players, rather than getting distracted with things like sentry turrets, cryo pods, or whatever else.
    • This has the added benefit of making it so that the +sensor range buffs do not cause hunter bots in hostage rescue missions to be somewhat impossible.
    • Thanks to Winge for inspiring this change.
  • RazorBots no longer seed after there are 10 days remaining.
  • DiamondBots and RecoilBots no longer seed after there are 5 days remaining.
  • DoomBots no longer seed before there are only 45 days remaining.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • LeaderBot, CommandBot, MastermindBot, and TeslaBot no longer show up before there are only 47 days remaining.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Added a new "special seeding" bot that does not show up until there are only 10 days remaining: DeathBot.
    • This is basically the DoomBot crossed with the HunterBot.
  • Added a new Absentminded LeaderBot "special seeding" bot type.
    • A faulty propulsion system barely makes up for its powerful shotgun. Has an unfortunate ability to inspire bots around him, giving them a permanent bonus to their attack strength. Kill him first!
    • Cannot appear until there are only 47 days remaining.
  • Put in a fix to make it so that the "layaway" modifier text now shows up on the actual store icon at the bottom of the store icon, so that you can see it more clearly.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo and windgen for reporting.
  • Misery difficulty's tooltip now includes some text explaining why it does not have unique achievements.
  • Fixed an issue where stealthed bots would show "vanished" and play their sound cue when you loaded a savegame containing them.
    • Thanks to windgen for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the last version that made the AI really stupid with groups of robots in a thin hallway.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report and save leading to this discovery.
  • Amended the blockade mission type tooltip to state clearly that you win by killing all the robots there. Shoot Things In Face To Win! (no, that's not actually what it says)
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Ammo Chests, Shield Recharge Bays, and Stealth Recharge Bays now no longer "open" by you stepping next to them, but rather by you trying to walk into their tile like hacking a door (with the confirm too), so it's much easier to avoid accidentally using one on the wrong exo and/or at the wrong time.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug in the last version's "hold shift to put something in layaway" logic where it would still buy an item you could afford.
  • Loot Containers (not the small ones), Ammo Chests, Shield Recharge Bays, Stealth Recharge Bays, and the mission structures for Armory, Science Station, Bahamut, Salvage, PartsFab, Propulsion Lab, Reactor Fab, and Shieldworks missions are now all immune to weapons fire, as previously there was either no reason to destroy them (for the chests/bays, which are always seeded out of the way) or the health was so high as to make it impractical.
    • This does not apply to the "empty" versions of the chests/bays.
    • This prevents "explosive peeking" by shooting an aoe weapon at a door with a chest behind it with Battle Popups on to make it tell you the name, etc.
    • Thanks to windgen for inspiring this change.
  • The Part-picker top line now shows the name and "number" (1 through 4) of the exo in context.
    • Thanks to Teal_Blue for the suggestion.
  • AOE splash damage decrease by distance from ground-zero from 10%-per-two-tiles => 15%-per-two-tiles.
    • Thanks to Misery for the suggestion.
  • For the tips windows with "Ok" and "Ok and don't tell me again" options, now the simple "Ok" option will suppress that particular message until the current game is exited. So if you go to the customization screen, get the tip message there, save, quit to the main men, and re-load and go back to the customization screen you'll get the tip message again.
    • Thanks to Breach for the suggestion.
  • The mission button on the in-mission sidebar now shows the number of enemy reactors left, in destruction missions.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the suggestion.
  • The mission exit tile now draws much more brightly when the mission victory conditions have been met.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
  • Tile tooltips now list exactly how many hacking points they cost to hack, and the descriptions no longer try to give a formula for how much it would be.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
  • Now when bots drop random loot you don't get the piece instantly, instead it drops a small loot chest instead and you have to walk over to get it like you would normal small loot chests.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
  • The loot drops from enemies now have a 5% chance of being a rare loot container instead of a regular loot container.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
  • The mission button on the in-mission sidebar now shows the number of fabricators left to be destroyed, in factory missions.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Fixed an... odd tooltip for the Robot Fabrication Machine. Yoda-esque, almost it was, but not quite.
    • Thanks to Arnos for the report.
  • Now when you switch exos, the one being switched in retains the facing direction of the one you switched out.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • After you have met the requirements for finishing a mission, but have not yet exited it, the icon on the sidebar for the mission now glows green.
    • This is excepting missions like armory, salvage, shieldworks, etc, where the only objective is to reach the exit—for those, it never shows green.
    • Thanks to Winge for suggesting.

Alpha 0.928

(Released October 1, 2013)

  • Removed the rules about bots never reacting to an exo beyond X range (even when alerted) since they were creating various tricky edge cases with virus'd bots being able to fire on totally inert targets, enemy bots seemingly-inexplicably standing still despite being alert and having a path to the player, etc. The rules being removed here were really only to make the multiplayer model feel right, and that didn't exactly work anyway.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report and save inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sandbox menu keybind from skyward was still showing in the keybinds window.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • Fixed a keybind description that was still referring to placing multiple units/structures. Yay for geologic strata in our localization files!
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Improved the instructions at the bottom of the store window to be clearer about what clicking a layaway item does.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing an arrow key on the main menu could cause a null exception.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the report.
  • Amended BodyBot tooltip to clarify that it dies when an adjacent ally dies, not necessarily an adjacent bot (if it's virus'd and the thing dying is not).
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the suggestion.
  • Changed "put an item in layaway" to be a separate UI action from "buy item" on the Buy tab of the Store window: now you shift-click to put something in layaway (regardless of whether you can afford it).
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where moving your exo while not looking at your exo (due to the suppress-viewport-movement toggle) would cause your exo to make many moves in quick succession due to the "if something moves outside the viewport just do it instantly" rule. Now exo movements are never done instantly.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • ThunderBots no longer get free shots at cover while EMP'd.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where mousing over a stealthed bot with an aoe weapon that was in range would display a targeting reticle. Kind of a dead giveaway.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Player-side Stealth has been dramatically changed: instead of acting as a "time freeze" (in a very real sense, that's how it was before) all it does is prevent enemy units from seeing you. So your sentries and virus'd bots will go on attacking the enemy, and the enemy will go on attacking them back. And if the enemy is chasing a cryopod or whatever... well, stealth won't stop them from doing that.
    • Enemy bots will also no longer automatically face you or emit their targeting lasers at you. The lack of the targeting lasers actually deprives you of some important info (are they in range?) but it would never really look right to have them pointing right at you the whole time you were in stealth.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for inspiring this change.
  • Several changes have been made in AI target finding to prevent situations where crowds of enemy bots are piled up and immobile because they've picked targets they can't get to without walking through each other.
    • Which one supposes is thematically appropriate for many of the bots, so perhaps that behavior can come back for some of them, but not all bots are supposed to be that dumb.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Destroy All Traps In Sensor Range" potion terminal effect (and possibly some others) was using a shared tile list but also doing the fog-of-war-update routine inside (which also uses the shared tile list). Now it uses a dedicated list to avoid stomping the shared resource.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where Fuel Tank explosions could "steal" the explosive-rune-mirroring that the triggering explosion would have caused, thus making a plasma cannon hitting a rune cause a chain of fuel-tank explosions instead of (far more impressive) plasma cannon explosions.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting an explosive rune with the last round of ammo from a weapon would produce chain explosions that did no damage.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report that led to this discovery.
  • The customization and store screens can now no longer be opened from the city map while the mission result screen is still showing (it's weird logically, and looks weird when done).
    • Thanks to nas1m and Aquohn for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed the AmmoBot tooltip to not claim it only replenishes the ammo of a single ally (it does so for all in range).
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where walking into a hackable object and continuing to hold the walk button in that direction while confirming the hack dialog would result in the hack confirm coming right back up (with misleading info, too).
    • Thanks to Breach for the report.
  • Deploying Mines or a Sentry Turret now counts as a full action (so enemy bots get a move in response, it costs a stealth action if you're stealthed, etc).
    • Thanks to Histidine for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where the flavor text message at the top of the mission result window was actually having the automatic wordwrapping logic applied to it multiple times in succession, which in one particular case led to some very weird wrapping.
    • Thanks to GrimerX and windgen for the report.
  • Fixed some tooltips that said "hacking points" to say "hacking point(s)" since it was giving a quantity that could be 1 or more (or zero).
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where locked doors (and other invincible tiles) could take damage from exploding cover (shot by a ThunderBot or killed by anything in a destruction mission).
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused the game to consider your exo a target to be fired upon with a simple click (instead of shift-click), and a similar bug where it did the same for invincible tiles (including locked doors). This also resulted in targeting reticles being drawn on simple mouseover (which they should if clicking would fire, but now they don't because it doesn't).
    • Thanks to Winge for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where changing a binding in the edit-bindings window would cause most of the text on the window to disappear.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Trap Skill's impact on player-deployed traps used to be a fairly weak exponential growth that didn't get much above +26%. In the last version it was (silently, as it happened late and didn't make it into the patch notes) changed to give +25% per trap-skill-point. Now, based on further feedback:
    • Boost to attack power of mines and sentries, and shields of sentries, from +25%/point => +20%/point.
    • Now boosts range of sentries by 1 per 3 points of trap skill.
    • Thanks to Misery and others for inspiring these changes.

Misery Difficulty, And Difficulty Level Changes In General

  • Normal Difficulty changes:
    • Enemy alert range 7 => 10
    • Multiplier for non-boss health 1 => 1.3
  • Hard Difficulty changes:
    • Enemy alert range 10 => 12
    • Cost of items in store is now 1.2x higher
  • Expert Difficulty changes:
    • Cost of items in store is now 1.6x higher
  • New Misery Difficulty:
    • Same as expert with the following differences:
    • Enemy alert range 14 => 18
    • HQ Health 3 => 2
    • Enemy levels per day 20 => 22
    • 3 very mean terminal effects rather than 2, and 4 mean terminal effects rather than 5.
    • Regular bot health and attack exponents: 1.13 => 1.14 and 1.18 => 1.19
    • Boss bot health and attack exponents: 1.10 => 1.11 and 1.13 => 1.14
    • 3.2x multiplier for non-boss health rather than 3.0
    • Cost of items in store is 2.8x higher
    • Score multiplier on victory 50 => 70
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • The special bots now appear more frequently on higher difficulties.
    • 1 extra per mission on normal, 2 on hard, 3 on expert, and 5 on misery
  • Tripwires now appear more frequently on higher difficulties.
    • 1 extra per mission on expert and 2 on misery.

Robot Army / Final Battle Balance

  • The number of starting robots in the final battle roster has gone back to the sort of numbers that you used to see, except on casual and easy, where it remains lower.
  • The way that individual bot line costs are calculated for purposes of adding them to the final battle has been shifted around dramatically, so that you'll be seeing much higher percentages of the meaner robots (and bosses) in the final battle, rather than so much "chaff." This makes the final battle a lot more intensive without actually having to have tons more robots to do it.
  • The manufacturing level increase per day has been changed around for a variety of difficulties:
    • Normal 2 => 3
    • Hard 3 => 6
    • Expert 2 (oops) => 9
    • Misery: 12
  • The starting manufacturing level has been changed around for a variety of difficulties:
    • Easy: 10 => 20
    • Normal: 15 => 30
    • Hard: 15 => 30
    • Expert: 15 => 40
    • Misery: 50
  • Example end-day Normal difficulty bot levels:
    • 137
    • 119
    • 53
    • 75
    • 30
    • 16
    • 15
    • Total: 445
  • Example end-day Hard difficulty bot levels:
    • 199
    • 168
    • 111
    • 69
    • 43
    • 26
    • 25
    • Total: 641
  • Example end-day Expert difficulty bot levels:
    • 270
    • 225
    • 97
    • 134
    • 57
    • 37
    • 36
    • Total: 856
  • Example end-day Misery difficulty bot levels:
    • 340
    • 280
    • 180
    • 112
    • 72
    • 48
    • 46
    • Total: 1078
  • The number of regular bot spots in lion's den missions has been cut roughly in half from 150ish to 85ish, making it so that between the 5 lion's den missions you cannot completely clear out the final battle. Still, you can make a great dent.
  • To still make lion's den missions exciting and challenging, however, the number of "special seeding" bots (that are not part of the final battle and which are extra challenging in general; shieldbot, etc) have been increased from 4-5 to 50-60.
  • Defense missions are now much physically larger, the largest missions in the game, in fact. They also now have (potentially) 2x as many bots in them, 450ish up from 220ish. They also now always have exactly 5 ammo closets somewhere in them.
    • This really changes the nature of the final battle, so that it is fought in fewer longer segments rather than in more serial segments. And to go along with this, failure is more likely if there are tons of bots around at the end, so that's good to.
    • Bear in mind that the 450ish is a maximum, and is only met if you actually have that many bots left in the ranks of the final battle forces. If you have, say, 300 bots left, you'll see 300 bots here. If there are 800 bots left, you'll see 450ish.

Alpha 0.927

(Released September 30, 2013)

  • EMPBots will now not rush sentries or virus'd bots, only the player.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where alerted TreadBots were not always alerting other TreadBots.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where DoomBots or DiamondBots stepping on mines would trigger their "when I hit something else" logic.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where sentries (and other AI-controlled units) could sometimes get 2 shots where they were supposed to get 1.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where ThiefBots and GalaxyBots could trigger their on-hit abilities on themselves when stepping on a mine.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug in Ironman where when it autosaved it would boot you to the main menu as if you had intentionally saved.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had any actions currently in progress when you saved, loading that save could cause an infinite loop.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.

Alpha 0.926

(Released September 30, 2013)

  • Ironman!
    • Added a new "Ironman?" toggle to the start-new-game menu. Its description:
      • Are you insane? Then Ironman may be for you!
        • When Ironman is enabled:
          • The "Save Game" menu item is renamed "Save & Quit", which immediately saves your game (to "Ironman_1", or "Ironman_2" if you've already got a separate game by that name, and so on) and brings you back to the main menu.
          • The "Exit Game" and "Load Savegame" menu items are removed (to quit, you must save; to save, you must quit).
          • Your save is automatically updated any time something really embarrassing happens to you.
        • If you are new to this game, and are wondering "Is Ironman right for me?", the answer is "No!". Please get familiar with the game first :)
    • Thanks to... oh, all of you asked for it, and you're probably better off with folks not knowing you share in the blame for this.
  • Made several changes to city mapgen's choices of what type to make each node, mainly for the benefit of the player's initial position (enough choices, and not putting the wrong stuff too close to the HQ), but also to make blockade placement more interesting and so on.
    • Thanks to GrimerX, Winge, windgen, and others for the reports and inspiration leading to these changes.
  • Fixed a bug in the part-picker that was preventing the header label (which includes the system name) from drawing at all most of the time.
  • Fixed a bug where Fuel Tanks could be disabled by EMP.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the report.
  • Amended the Welding Laser tooltip and behavior with:
    • Targets a vertical or horizontal area based on your facing relative to the target square, but will switch directions if you hold the alternate-fire-mode button (control, by default).
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
  • Added new "Fog Of War Dimness" slider to the Graphics tab of the Settings window:
    • In a mission, squares you've previously scanned with sensors but can't currently see are drawn darker than normal. If that's too dark, you can use this slider to reduce the effect.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a number of bugs with how the explosive runes "search for other runes within 5 distance to mirror attack to" logic, which led to... well, lots of things. Runes within 5 distance not going off. Runes 14 distance away going off, etc. Basically you rung the doorbell and the toilet flushed.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Put in some protections against the kind of bugs that led to the explosive-runes oddities, as it's the sort of thing which could theoretically strike anywhere. This will spit messages to your screen starting with "Warning! ReleaseWorkingTilesResult" or "Warning! FillWorkingTilesInRange" if the errors occur.
    • Please let us know if you see those, and include your ArcenDebugLog.txt files (and preferable the save where you ran into the situation).
    • The game will keep going and probably work mostly fine, but we need to know about these cases before 1.0. The warnings will probably be suppressed by then, to avoid unnecessary alarm.
  • Fixed a bug where a bot could select a target that was close enough "as the crow flies" (if crows flew through solid walls at least) but too far away as the wolf runs (if wolves had laser beams), leading to the bot just sitting there because it could not path to its target. Despite another target being within range in both senses.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions that was messing up the healthbars on tiles (so doors, etc) and making them draw much shorter than usual.
    • Thanks to Winge, nas1m, and windgen for the reports.
  • Added the first 90 achievements, most (probably all) drawn from player suggestions:
    • Win the game (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Win the game without taking any HQ damage (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Win the game without ever losing an exo (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Win the game without any epic exos (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Win the game with all exos being of the same basic type (30, one for each difficulty and exo type combination)
    • Win a mission by only using one exo, of a specific type (30, one for each difficulty and exo type combination)
    • Win a mission without using stealth (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Win a mission without using a standard weapon (so either not killing anything or just using mines, sentries, overload, virus, etc to do it) (5, one for each difficulty)
    • Bear in mind we are still integrating these into steam, so you won't see them logged there yet.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Pepsisolo, Tridus, Winge, and Ipkins for suggesting/inspiring these.
  • Fixed an old tooltip that was still referring to the ability to pick a different city.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where teleporter tiles would try to switch the mover to the matching teleporter even when that other tile already had an entity on it.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report and save.
  • DumBots spawned by a SkyBot now no longer give credits or random loot drops.
    • This doesn't apply to DumBots spawned in older saves, as the game doesn't even know they're "summoned" instead of normal.
    • We know it's fun to farm these, but you can already farm DiamondBots for credits if you really want to, and the infinite farming needed to go. Could have limited the number of max summons from the SkyBot, but didn't want to lose the fun of the infinite horde.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where AI-controlled units (including player-team sentry turrets and virus'd bots) could target and fire upon units that were stealthed (whether player-stealth or stuff like the StealthBot's robot stealth).
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where the exo-pod buttons on the city-map sidebar were using the wrong mouseover tooltip logic and thus not factoring part bonuses into the health display, showing how many virus points it would theoretically take to virus it, etc.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • The health multipliers for exos in various difficulty levels has been tuned:
    • 1.1x instead of 2x on normal.
    • 3.5x instead of 5x on easy.
    • 7x instead of 10x on casual.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo, Misery, Das, and Histidine for inspiring these changes.

Parts/Stats Polish, Round 4

  • We're getting into the last stages of polish here, so trying to address pretty much any stat issue that's sticking out to players. It will seem like a lot of change at once (which isn't great for isolating variables for observation) and we generally take the "do a big change, then pick a middle ground if it was too much" approach rather than the "do a small change, then do another change in the same direction if it was too little" approach, at least at this stage in a game's life. But please bear with us, we're making progress and we're still listening :)
    • As usual, most of these changes have no impact on parts already generated in old saves. But things like bot stats and inherent exo stats will generally change immediately, even in old saves.
    • Thanks to Tridus, nas1m, Misery, Pepsisolo, Teal_Blue, Winge, Histidine, windgen, and others for inspiring these changes.
  • The Nano-Rifled Barrel part can now go in any weapon, not just projectile weapons, as it is the only part with +attack as a primary stat.
  • The robot stat growth exponents are now separate for shields and health, as shield levels were feeling fine on Hard/Expert after the last change to bring the exponents down, but the attack levels were feeling low. So the attack exponents are now:
    • Normal/Boss on Hard from 1.12/1.09 => 1.15/1.10 (numbers before last change were 1.16/1.10).
    • Normal/Boss on Expert from 1.13/1.10 => 1.18/1.13 (numbers before last change were 1.19/1.13).
  • Previously damage reduction had felt very underwhelming on Hard/Expert, so last time we added a 2x/3x to that stat on Hard/Expert. Then it started feeling OP. That's probably because of the attack exponents going down significantly at the same time, so since those are going back up it's probably not good to entirely remove the buff to damage reduction on those difficulties.
    • So it's going from 2x/3x => 1.5x/2x.
    • Also, damage-reduction can now only negate up to 90% of incoming damage; you can't use it to prevent the last 10% (that's still subject to regen, but you'll need more than a token regen to heal it, probably).
  • Previously Regen felt underwhelming (under the recently introduced new model, at least) so last time we buffed its range of values from 5-to-110 all the way to 15-to-330, but that's seemed pretty OP.
    • So now it's going from 15-to-330 => 10-220.
  • Apparently at some time after the trap-skill values were last set the tile levels came way down (or maybe the trap skill values were just set wrong, dunno). Either way, it's become trivially easy to get trap skill to 17, which is enough to dodge all traps on day 50. So:
    • Trap-Skill value from 3+level => 1+(level/3). So the highest trap skill you can get on an item is now 9.
    • Trap Skill now also occurs as a variant effect on fewer parts (all primarily-propulsion parts kept it, most others did not).
  • +%Propulsion-related-stats has been feeling underwhelming since the three related stats (stealth, overload, and trap-skill) are relatively secondary compared to what +%Attack and +%Shield-related-stats can get you. The same is true to a lesser extent for +%Computer-related-stats. So:
    • +%Propulsion-related-stats value range from 6%-to-30% => 12%-to-60%.
    • +%Computer-related-stats value range from 6%-to-30% => 7%-to-35%.
  • "-power cost of all parts in this system" has felt useful but ultimately underpowered for many for a while, so:
    • Value from level => level*2.
  • Power reactors continue to be harder to come by than is really quite fun, so their occurrence rates have been boosted 25%.
  • High durability was too easy to get for pretty much all exos in the last version, but it was particularly egregious for the Assault Exo, so we're trying:
    • Inherent boost to shield-related stats from +50% => +30%.
  • +%AOE-radius has been pretty OP for a while. It's also one of those "really hilarious when it's OP" things so we're not really itching to nerfhammer it. Still, some adjustment should be made. So:
    • +%AOE-radius value range from 25%-to-100% => 25%-to-75%.

Alpha 0.925

(Released September 27, 2013)

  • Redid the exponents for normal/boss bot health/attack increases by level:
    • Hard: 1.12/1.09 down from 1.16/1.10
    • Expert: 1.13/1.10 down from 1.19/1.13
    • Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
  • The Fuel Tank tooltip now says range of 4 instead of 1. Range doesn't generally mean "splash area", but since the tank's attack range of 1 is not actually relevant to the game...
    • Thanks to nas1m and Mick for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where holding shift and mousing over a wall border tile with an AOE weapon would draw an area as if you could shoot the wall, when in fact it would not let you.
    • Thanks to Winge for the save that brought this to our attention.
  • Fixed a bug where enemy weapon stats would stop showing correctly (0 max ammo, etc) when they were out of ammo.
    • Thanks to Arnos and windgen for the reports.
  • Improved the log message that comes up when you try to move into a hackable door without enough points to hack it.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Virus cost is now 3x for CommandBots (which give a significant mission-long shield boost) and 5x for LeaderBots (which give a significant mission-long attack boost).
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where destroying a Robot Fabrication Machine could take an enemy bot type down below level 1. Now it will only consider bot types that are at least level 2.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • Actions which break stealth now also cost a stealth turn, to avoid exploits like the epic science firing the chaingun on odd numbered turns, etc.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report.
  • HideBots now automatically decloak if they are the only type of bot left (Fuel Tanks don't count for this).
    • Thanks to Arnos for inspiring this change.
  • Virused bots now show up with a blue outline, rather than red, to make them easier to pick out.
    • Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
  • Basically all ways of sending a command with the in-mission UI now shut down while a popup window (confirm or info) is being shown, to avoid weirdness with you still being able to interact with the game board under or around the world, etc. Tooltips and whatnot will still respond.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Now when Mouse Movement is enabled, Left-clicking your exo itself (when no arrow is shown) will cause you to wait a turn.
    • Thanks to Mick for the suggestion.
  • Entity movements that occur offscreen are now handled instantly just like they are when they happen in the neverseen fog of war. Entity shots are always shown, since it's possible to have shots from entities offscreen coming onscreen.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
  • The "new stock has arrived in the store" message now shows up above all the messages about robot level ups and robot manufacturing.
    • Thanks to windgen for suggesting.

Alpha 0.924

(Released September 27, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug from the last version where you could no longer hack stuff by walking into them.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the Hacking button would erroneously give you a message implying that it did anything. That was never actually a way to do hacking before. But it is now!
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the game was in such a hurry to declare a local mission victory, display the result screen, and get back to the city-map that all the context necessary to populate the result screen was gone before it could use it!
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report and save.

Alpha 0.923

(Released September 27, 2013)

  • The City Map now draws half-length lines from visible nodes to their invisible neighbors (if any). Except for when DaysLeft is 0, when no lines are drawn (since only the HQ draws).
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • TigerBots (and other units paralyzed by whatever means, as opposed to simply taking weapon system damage) that have only one turn of paralysis left will draw targeting lasers (if applicable) since they will fire after your next action.
    • Thanks to windgen for the suggestion.
  • Fixed a bug where not all line-of-sight checks were symmetric (that is, if point X can see point Y, then Y always and in every condition can see X; this is interestingly enough NOT a given with simple raytracing) So sometimes an enemy would alert despite just barely not being able to see you (because they could, actually, but you just barely could not see them).
    • Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
  • Put in an optimization in how flavor object rotations are computed, which helps with CPU load when many many many flavor objects are being drawn on the screen at the same time (farthest zoom on a mostly revealed mission map, for example).
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the save that led to this discovery.
  • Firing a shot that will actually hit your own exo (either directly or through its own splash damage; fuel tanks and whatnot are your own lookout) now has a confirm prompt.
    • Thanks to Misery's 386319th Brawler for suggesting this change as it dissolved.
  • Fixed a bug where killing a NinjaBot did not immediately unclamp your sight range (you had to move or otherwise trigger an update to scouting first).
    • Thanks to windgen for the report and save.
  • Made it so that if your sight range is diminished by a NinjaBot, bots you _would_ be able to see with unimpaired sight can still shoot you.
    • Thanks to windgen for pointing out the extreme exploits that could be done otherwise.
  • Put in an optimization to how firefight missions generate. Also, there is now far less cover in them, and no explosive runes.
    • Thanks to windgen for reporting.
  • Put in some host-side shortcuts that make the game not seem laggy (it technically wasn't, in the sense that lag is normally meant) in situations where the game has to do a fair bit of processing when switching your exo from tile to tile (mainly in very late mission situations, in a large mission).
    • That was a muddy explanation, eh? To be more clear:
      • Previously, there was the appearance of lag because there would be some "hitching" between when your exo moved from one tile to the next. In some circumstances this hitching would get worse than others, making it seem like lag. And in terms of your exo, sure, it was movement lag; but you could get this lag while the game was running at a solid 60fps, or even at 250fps (yes, literally), and it would not be alleviated.
      • The problem was in how some of the queued messaging for multiplayer purposes was artificially slowing down command processing. And the game isn't even multiplayer now!
      • The solution to this problem was to take of the queuing and messaging for the movement orders, on the host only, to make them execute way faster. The messaging has been left in place for sending to clients, so they should continue to be functional if we ever add multiplayer back. Though they will be subject to the queuing lag, while the host now will not. It's good to be the king! ;)
    • Thanks to GrimerX for a save and report that helped us to figure this one out.
  • Fixed the text of the Confirm keybind, which was left over from Valley 1.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • The tooltips for the five boss types now make it really clear that they are bosses.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
  • The DoomBot description has been updated to actually state what causes them to become more powerful.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • The factory mission text has been updated to make it clearer how the mission is won.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where RecoilBots were turning every other bot in the level to HatesEveryone rather than just turning those within range 2 of themselves.
    • Thanks to Misery and Winge for reporting.
  • Updated the linux portion of the system requirements text file to say "Ubuntu 10.10 or later, although other unsupported distros may very well work"
    • Thanks to windgen for suggesting.
  • DoomBot ammo has been reduced from 99 to 20, to make them more balanced specifically after you virus them.
    • Thanks to Arnos for suggesting.
  • Sentry Turrets no longer grant credits when they die.
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • Fixed a couple of awkward wordings.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue where player squad bots and turrets would still attack cryo pods.
    • Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
  • The number of bots that were getting created for the final mission, and which start out selected for the final mission from the first day, were vaaastly too many, and have now been cut down quite a bit.
    • Thanks to Histidine and Misery for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.922

(Released September 26, 2013)

  • Added a new option to the game tab of the settings window: Allow Mouse Movement
    • When enabled, an arrow appears underneath your Exo. Holding the left mouse button will move you in the direction of the arrow, as if you were holding WASD or similar on the keyboard.
    • Thanks to PattyG, Mick, Misery, nas1m, and mrhanman for suggesting.
  • Changed the usual "when control is held" logic for mousing over the fuel tank to display the aoe splash radius rather than the attack range (the latter wasn't even used for the fuel tank's "weapon").
    • Thanks to nas1m and Cyborg for inspiring this change.
  • Switching exos while stealthed now costs a stealth turn (from the exo that's being switched out).
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
  • Virus cost multiplier tweaks:
    • DoomBot's from 11 => 5.
      • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
    • AmmoBot's from 1 => 5.
      • Thanks to Misery for pointing out the... remarkable... utility of a virus'd ammo-bot. It may need to be adjusted to just not refill player ammo instead, but let's see if we can make this a meaningful choice first.
    • SkyBot's from 1 => 3.
      • Thanks to windgen for bringing the hilarious utility of a virus'd SkyBot to our attention. Your own personal DumBot factory!
  • Fixed a null exception that could occur if you won a mission while your mouse was hovering over the mission icon on the left sidebar (mainly possible now that ending a mission immediately sends you back to the city map).
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where hovering over the remove-existing-part button in the part-picker was not showing the stat change that would result (as hovering over the remove-existing-part button used to show when it was included in the list of parts).
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
  • Fixed a bug in the last version where the HQ healthbar would draw like 50% when actually at 100%, etc.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the city map left sidebar commander button would show the image of the first commander since the app was started, not necessarily the current game's commander.
    • Thanks to windgen for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where AI player-squad units could shoot cryopods.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report and save.
  • The EMPBot's now includes the emp range (7) and alert range (14).
    • Also displays the emp range when mouseover'd with control held.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring these changes.
  • Part-picker header line now displays the name of the in-context system (so "Reactor", "Shotgun", etc).
    • Thanks to Cyborg for the suggestion.
  • Part-picker, when in the context of a weapon, now always includes the attack power, ammo, attack range, and (if an aoe weapon) aoe range in the comparison block, under an "(unchanged, but related)" subheader. If a stat has already been listed because it is being changed, it is not listed in that new section.
    • Thanks to Misery, Tridus, nas1m, orzelek, khadgar, Winge, and bytestream for inspiring this change.
  • Put in a couple of null checks that may help with a mysterious null reference exception that we can't duplicate.
    • Thanks to Histidine, Winge, and nas1m for reporting.
  • RadarBots no longer affect player shots unless they are actually activated.
    • Thanks to Winge and Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • Put in a possible fix to the game not being able to set resolution properly on Linux. Please let us know if this works, though; if so, it was our own mistake and not Unity's.
  • The Shadow Torpedo now has its own projectile graphic, which by an oversight it previously did not.
  • Put in a probably fix for a null reference exception (harmless in this case, but annoying) that could occur on linux builds of the game.
  • Added a new settings option in the graphics tab: Disable Ground Mist
    • The ground mist is a rather subtle effect, so you lose almost nothing by disabling it. However, it can substantially improve your framerate if your framerate is suffering, particularly when zoomed far out.
    • In one test case of a fully-zoomed out view of a fully explored map, disabling ground mist reduced the number of draw calls from 872 to 729, a graphical load savings of more than 16%.
  • Added a new settings option in the graphics tab: Disable Internal Wall Machinery
    • The glinting machinery inside the edges of the walls is a relatively subtle effect, so you lose very little by disabling it. However, it can substantially improve your framerate if your framerate is suffering, particularly when zoomed far out.
    • In one test case of a fully-zoomed out view of a fully explored map, disabling ground mist reduced the number of draw calls from 872 to 776, a graphical load savings of 11%.
  • The per-day manufacturing level increase is now 6 on hard and expert, rather than 7 and 8, so that it now matches normal difficulty. Given the way the bot health increases on hard and expert, this was kind of double-dipping.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Based on player feedback for the new Regen model, the regen stat's value range has gone from 5 to 110 => 15 to 330.
    • This doesn't apply to parts already generated.
    • Thanks to Winge and Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Since the usefulness of the damage reduction stat is hit particularly hard by the increases on Hard and Expert, it now gets 2x and 3x the values on those difficulty levels, respectively.
    • This doesn't apply to parts already generated.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where the mission sidebar weapon button mouseover would append the exo's description to the end of the tooltip.
  • Fixed up the visualization of "what can be regenerated?" on the exo health bars to not wiggle around the total length of the bar as regen happened.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report and save.
  • The in-mission tooltips for the exo buttons on the sidebar now list the name and ammo of each weapon on that exo.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
  • Changed the StealthBot's rule from "cloaks when a player within X distance of the StealthBot fires a shot" to "cloaks when a player's shot lands with X distance of the StealthBot", to match the tooltip.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • The "Days Left" counter at the bottom of the city map now says "Days Until Final Battle".
    • Thanks to James Bartholomeou for inspiring this change.
  • Full steamworks integration for windows and osx has now been added, although there are not yet any achievements to sync with steam.
  • Genji now starts with all four exos as Epic, instead of just the first two. This also means his map has no Bahamut missions.
  • Added a "Prevent Automatic Camera Movement" toggle to the Extras tab of the Settings window:
    • Useful if you have a small screen and need to tweak your camera position a lot, this toggle suppresses the recentering that happens when you move your exo around.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Improved clarity of Meg's tooltip.
    • Thanks to Tridus for the suggestion.
  • The save-game process, in the "overwriting existing save" case, now:
    • Creates a backup before deleting the existing save.
    • If the backup cannot be created, the save operation is aborted as presumably the attempt to actually save the game would also fail. A message to this effect is displayed.
    • If the backup operation succeeds, but the save operation fails, it then tries to copy the backup back into the previously existing save location.
      • If THAT recover operation fails, it displays a different message emphasizing that the previously existing save file is now gone and that the player try saving to another location.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for inspiring this change.
  • Whistle has been changed back to only applying to enemies in sensor range, rather than ALL detected enemies.
    • But to make this intelligible to the user the game now draws whistle's range as an overlay when you have the mouse cursor over the whistle button.
    • Thanks to Winge for the suggestion.
  • Overload now also shows its range when you mouseover it.
  • Rey now gets two free respawns in a mission, instead of one.
    • The number remaining is displayed on his commander button on the mission sidebar.
    • Thanks to Tridus and Teal_Blue for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.921

(Released September 25, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where EMP was disabling only enemy weapons, not enemy movement.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • The tooltip for the mission sidebar's Deploy Mine ability now lists the attack power of the mines themselves.
    • Also, the tooltips for actual mine tiles (and electric floor tiles) lists the attack power of that specific tile.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the suggestion.
  • Now when your exo is EMP'd each weapon will say so and how long the paralysis will last.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for the suggestion.
  • The glowy crosshair thingies that draw around the edge of the explored area now have a totally truthful mouseover tooltip.
    • Thanks to GrimerX, Aquohn, and many others for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where an attack order was not actually being checked for "does the weapon have ammo left?" before being executed. So it should now work fine in the rare circumstances where the interface's checks on "should I issue an attack order?" did not catch an out-of-ammo situation (rapid clicking player, etc).
    • Thanks to bytestream for the report.
  • Regen rework, due to the previous model being too difficult to really represent in the UI:
    • Instead of a 5-number "regen window" that slides every time you take a hit or get a regen pulse, your exo now just remembers damage taken up to your Regen stat's value.
    • Instead of each turn healing your full regen stat's value against anything in that 5-number window, now each turn it heals 1/5th of your regen stat each turn, until the "remembered damage" hits zero.
    • Your exo healthbars on the left sidebar in a mission now show a white extension for any part of that exo's shields that has been lost but will regen if you don't take any more damage (and amended the tooltip for those buttons with the actual amount of damage that would regen, if > 0).
    • Note: no rebalancing of the actual Regen values has happened with this. It's probably necessary, but it'd be better to let y'all play with it and see how it feels to see what direction and how far the numbers need to go first.
    • Thanks to Tridus for the new regen model idea itself, khadgar for the healthbar-display idea, and Arnos, madcow, Teal_Blue, Misery, Winge, Pepsisolo, GrimerX, chemical_art, Gemzo, nas1m, and orzelek for other feedback inspiring these changes.
  • Fixed a bug where if the player was standing on a trap, enemies would not target them or chase them.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where MastermindBots were granting more actions than 1 to bots depending on the MastermindBot's level. This wasn't technically a bug, it was apparently a design oversight.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Rather than there being a 100% chance of bots shooting at human cryopods instead of shooting at you, there is now a 10% chance.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The manufacturing terminals have been removed from the game, and instead the normal potion-style hackable terminals seed in their place. This was just too confusing and low-value of a mechanic.
    • Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
  • Fixed some error messages that could happen around newly-spawned entities. This was most apparent with the SkyBot and its spawned DumBots.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The message log now has two new options: DISAPPEARS AFTER A BIT and OFF. The former works like most other Arcen games do, and the latter simply removes it entirely.
    • Thanks to Teal_Blue for suggesting.
  • When a robot is being protected by a shieldbot and has its damage redirected, it now does a little popup on that robot. That way if a shieldbot is out of sight, and the player does not read the message log, it's still clear what is happening.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Robots are now able to move through and destroy false walls like they do cover objects. This solves a number of issues where the bots would seem to just be sitting there uselessly and strangely inert if their preferred target was on the wrong side of a wall. It could also cause performance issues in some cases where a lot of robots were alerted on the other side of a false wall from a player.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • The tooltips in the start new game menu no longer compete with the hot tips message there.
    • Thanks to Breach for reporting.
  • Dropdowns no longer show the tooltip over the dropdown itself when the dropdown is expanded; they then only show the tooltips over the individual items. This makes, for instance, the difficulty dropdown on the start new game screen feel way more natural.

Alpha 0.920

(Released September 24, 2013)

  • The city selection dropdown on the start game window has been removed for now, as the base game is only going to come with one city now. Further ones will likely be added as either post-1.0 content or expansion content, but for 1.0 Port City seems like plenty, and we want to avoid stirring the pot and introducing new issues as much as possible at this point.
  • All of the remaining bot chatter sound effects are now in place. All in all, this release adds 115 new lines for 25 new situations. Previously there had been 80-something lines for 10ish situations, so this is quite the increase.
  • Fixed a bug where the customization screen's lower-left stat block was displaying non-whole-number values in the wrong contexts (like 22.5 stealth actions, etc).
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report.
  • Mostly due to the Epic upgrade to the Assault feeling lackluster compared to other epic upgrades, but also because the plasma rifle makes more sense as a "cross between a rocket launcher and a plasma cannon" than a "cross between a laser rifle and a... well, really big laser rifle (with very little ammo)", the player-side plasma rifle:
    • Attack from 600 => 1000.
    • Range from 9 => 8.
    • AOE from Diagonal-1 (which is effectively no AOE, unless you add AOE boosters) => Radial-3.
    • Ammo from 6 => 3.
    • Thanks to Tridus, Winge, and others for inspiring this change.
  • The tooltips for mines and sentry turrets now specify that they can only be placed on empty floor tiles.
    • Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where AmmoBots could grant ammo to themselves.
  • Fixed a bug where every time a bot shot at you, it would say its I-just-saw-you-for-the-first-time words.
  • Fixed a bug where TreadBots were not really working properly in terms of alerting all their brethren throughout the entire level.
  • Virus rebalance:
    • Range of virus points found on parts has gone from about 10 to 210 => 15 to 150.
    • The bots that used to cost extra to virus now have their costs multiplied instead of added (with different values now), to avoid the extra-cost part becoming way less significant in the later game.
    • From the new description: "For 2 turns after it is virused, a bot's normal movement and shooting functions stop, well, functioning. Most special behaviors will still work (for better or worse)."
    • Virusing from stealth still does not actually break stealth (that much is intentional) but now virusing does actually count as a full action and thus costs a stealth point if you're in stealth at the time, as well as giving nearby bots a turn if you're not stealthed, etc.
    • Thanks to chemical_art, Misery, Tridus, Teal_Blue, and Winge for inspiring these changes.
  • StealthBot was not cloaking for the appropriate amount of time. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where cloaked enemies that were EMPed would stay cloaked forever.
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the "make all cover in sensor range explode" potion effect just quietly deleted the target cover. Now it goes boom.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Potion terminal effect type "All Bots In Sensor Range Gain Range-2+ Invisibility" category from "Mean" => "VeryMean", which greatly restricts its chance to appear (particularly on lower difficulties). Added a new one to "Mean" so there's enough of those for seeding.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where potion terminal effect type "Disables Random Exo Weapon" would pick from all systems, not just weapons (it basically silently failed if it picked a non-weapon).
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where potion terminal effect "Enhances Exo Attack" actually halved exo attack power. Totally unintentional defect. Yup.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for the report.
  • The Power line on the exo customization screen now turns red when power consumption exceeds power generation.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • The game now autosaves to "AutosavePreMission" immediately before generating a mission you've clicked on from the city map.
    • Thanks to Aquohn and Arnos for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where you would usually start each mission in the last exo you used in the previous mission, rather than the first exo in your roster.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Cyborg, and others for the report.
  • Now bots that, for whatever reason, either cannot move or cannot shoot are never considered invisible.
    • Thanks to khadgar for the suggestion.

Part Stats Polish, Round 3

  • As usual, most/all of these changes have no impact on parts already generated in old saves.
  • Changed the definitions of the part types that have different effects for different systems (like +aoe for weapon and +power for reactor) to not be eligible for prefixes/suffixes which grant any of their primary stats, as otherwise this results in buggily large values for the stats granted by those prefixes/suffixes.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • The effective item-level bonus from rarity used to be +2/+4/+6/+8/+10 (for common/uncommon/rare/epic/legendary) which made the rarities (particularly uncommon and rare) seem fairly unimpressive at the beginning of the game. And in general the +2 on common was causing more perception problems than it was solving. So now this is +0/+2/+5/+8/+12.
    • Thanks to Misery, chemical_art, and others for inspiring this change.
  • Adjusted the occurrence frequency of several types of parts to lessen the impact of "how many variants of this part are defined?" on the frequency that you will get them. This was particularly noticeable with the sentry turret part (which only had 2 variants, compared to others with 4 or 5).
    • Thanks to Misery and others for putting us on the trail of this one.
  • Fixed a bug introduced back during the switch from 50 item tiers to 25, where power generation/consumption was generally (10*level) and (-5*level), respectively. Those numbers have now been doubled accordingly. Math-wise the only real impact is to bring the default power production of the exos back into line in terms of what it gets you effectively.
  • Significantly reworked the progressions of the following stats away from a purely exponential model to a sort of three-stage linear model that hopefully will give a more pleasing sense of "numbers going up" at all stages of the game:
    • +Attack (for a specific weapon)
    • +Ammo
    • +Overload
    • +Shields
    • +Regen
    • +Damage-Resistance
    • +Virus-Points
    • Attack and Overload were also buffed in the process, in terms of the overall max at the end of the game. Ammo also got something of a buff there. The others more or less stayed the same in terms of max-tier stats.
    • Thanks to chemical_art, Misery, and others for inspiring this change.
  • Put a cap on just how high trap skill can boost sentries/mines.
  • Since it looked a bit weird (or at least underwhelming) to have uncommon parts (greens) that were exactly the same (aside from power consumption) as common parts (whites) 2 mk-levels higher, changed greens from 80% chance of either prefix or suffix => 100% chance.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for inspiring this change.
  • When a new part is generated for loot or the store's stock, the mark level is no longer always exactly determined by the day but instead:
    • 20% chance of 1 mk level low (minimum mk 1)
    • 25% chance of 1 mk level high
    • 20% chance of 2 mk levels high
    • 1% chance of 3 mk levels high
    • 34% chance of normal mk level
    • Thanks to khadgar, Tridus, and others for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.919

(Released September 20, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where holding shift would not show your attack ranges for non-AOE weapons in the prior version.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
  • Hostage rescue missions no longer include fuel tanks, since those were often too dangerous around hostages and could create unfair situations where a hostage was un-rescuable even with stealth.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
  • Fixed the description of TeslaBots, which implied that they would sometimes miss shots, which they do not.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
  • Fuel tanks, sentry turrets, and robots on the player's team (virused bots) no longer show the "virus points to convert" part of their tooltip.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a regression from the early alpha period where RadarBot had stopped making shots landing near it miss. Instead it was making shots fired FROM near it miss, which is not remotely the same thing.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed several ways in which fuel tanks could be "alerted" as if they were enemies.
    • Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
  • The base health of CommandBots has been reduced by 50%, to make them less of a pain.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Improved the clarity of the tooltip about the computer terminal - intel to make it clear that you do indeed have to hack it.
    • Thanks to Coppermantis for suggesting.
  • Removed the "Multiplayer?" checkbox that was still in the start new game menu.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • Improved the wording of the hot tip about how you find loot so that it's more clear.
    • Thanks to Arnos for suggesting.
  • The description of the switchplate now makes it clear that all non-Exo machinery gets shut down by it (so, that includes turrets), rather than just bots themselves.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Hovering over the actual icons, not just the text, in the bar at the bottom of the city map now gives you the tooltips.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.

Alpha 0.918 - Better, But Please Keep Watch

(Released September 20, 2013)

  • Put in another ton of changes aimed at not just generalized efficiency, but specifically at resolving a performance issue that strikes OSX builds of the game for some reason.
    • And, naturally, this could mean a whole slew of new and exciting bugs. Sigh. Apologies for this, it's regrettable but part of why we're still in an alpha.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not simply right-click to fire at an object that was not an enemy or fuel tank in the prior version.
    • Thanks to Winge, Tridus, and Arnos for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where AOE weapons would not show their radius when targeting an enemy or other target unless you were doing ground-targeting (holding shift).
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue with the game where parts of a large multi-tile object could be one visibility while others were a different visibility.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version where certain types of pathfinding would not work, such as enemies trying to move along with one another in a line down a narrow corridor.
    • Thanks to Winge and Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in the previous version where sensors would go up to a door but not onto the door itself.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a number of other oddities with sensor scanning in the prior version.
    • Thanks to Misery and Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where sentry turrets would attack other sentry turrets as soon as you placed the new one, but no further.
    • Thanks to bytestream and Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where destroyed tiles and in some cases explosions could show up in or over the blackness of unexplored areas.
    • Thanks to windgen for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug on Linux/OSX where the EMPBot was not showing its graphics due to case sensitivity in the OS.
    • Thanks to windgen and Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where splash damage from exploding cover objects was always centering on the player.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.

Alpha 0.917 - Please Still Keep An Eye Out

(Released September 19, 2013)

  • Put in a fix for a bug in the prior version that would cause savegames that were on the city map to error out.
    • Thanks to Hyfrydle and orzelek for reporting.
  • Put in some self-check code that should make the game not completely disallow your continued movement if there is an error inside of the game AI code. Which obviously we don't want in the first place, but a failsafe is also good.
    • Thanks to bytestream for reporting.

Alpha 0.916 - Please Watch For Strange Behavior

(Released September 19, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where Overload was considered a stealthy action (and thus could be done without the enemy bots responding). Maybe you were pressing the "partially blow myself up" button very carefully?
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed a couple tooltips still referring to "trap avoidance level" instead of "trap skill level".
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the game to seem extremely laggy when it was technically just being really... well, kind of stupid. When a bunch of instantaneous commands were queued for the game to execute (like enemies powering up other entities, or even thinking about doing it—commandbots, etc), the game was only executing each one one-per-frame, which is an extremely silly thing to do that made the game seem laggy just because it was twiddling its thumbs.
    • Thanks to Misery for tipping us off about this.
  • Put in looooaaads of performance improvements under the hood. This may have some blowback in the form of new bugs, but it should make things run more smoothly on lower-powered machines.
  • Virused bots and turrets are something that enemy bots will deal with better now, preferring to strike them if they are closer than the player rather than being single-minded after the player.
  • Adjusted how vsync is set in the game, and how some other internal graphical settings work. This should improve performance on older GPUs.
  • Got rid of the custom cursor from the prior version, as it didn't work except on windows anyhow, apparently.

Alpha 0.915 Linux Support!

(Released September 18, 2013)

  • Fixed a continual expansion of managed memory that wasn't really so much a memory leak as it was a memory inefficiency. Probably. At any rate, it's fixed now; this was to do with mapgen.
  • The health of non-boss bots on hard difficulty is now 2x instead of 4x, and on expert is now 3x instead of 7x.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
  • Added a new custom cursor for the game - hardware cursor.
  • Upgraded the Unity 3D game engine from 3.3 to 4.2.1. Knock on wood, this has finally gone without a hitch after a number of issues in prior versions between 3.3 and 4.2 preventing us from upgrading. If you see any anomalies, please do let us know.
  • Now that we are on Unity 4.2.1, we've added a linux build for the game. This is 100% untested at the moment, as we are still getting our VMs set up. If you have a linux box and would not mind testing it, please do!

Alpha 0.914

(Released September 18, 2013)

  • Dissolver, Shotgun, Volatizer, and Welding Laser were previously not properly treated as AOE weapons. Fixed.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the self-destruct (now overload) ability was not drawing explosion particles on all tiles in the area of effect.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for the report.
  • Fixed the Explosion Booster description incorrectly claiming that the AOE-boost caused targets to take more damage (it used to slow down the rate of splash-damage attenuation, but no longer does so).
    • Thanks to GrimerX for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the potion-terminal effect that was supposed to give all bots a ton of extra attack power was instead reducing it to a minimal level.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the current robot level was being applied twice for a +shields boost from a CommandBot, leading to some pretty wacky numbers on bots thus buffed.
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report.
  • Plasma Cannon:
    • AOE radius from 7 => 6. To bring the max from parts down from 28 to 24, mainly. Goodness it's still huge.
    • Range from 12 => 13.
    • AOE damage is now reduced by 10% for every 2 squares distance from the point of impact, to a minimum of 20%. This is most noticeable for the plasma cannon, but applies to all AOE weapons. In general the idea is that the actual number of tiles hit goes up hugely with each additional point of radius past a certain point, so you're still definitely getting your money's worth.
    • Thanks to Tridus and Winge for inspiring these changes.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not virus bots that were standing on anything other than empty floor.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Clicking the hacking button now gives you an actual error message when you are pointed at something invalid.
  • There are now little popups off your exo when you successfully activate an ability like stealth, hacking, mines, or whatever.
  • When you try and fail to virus something that is not a bot but fail, it now does a little popup saying this.
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to take an ability like virusing an enemy, but failed, it would still give enemies a turn.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where virused bots would in some cases state that they were granting double moves to enemies when they moved, whereas they don't actually ever grant moves to enemies at all.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Bahamut missions no longer spawn so many bots as before; these were pretty interminable on higher difficulties in particular.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The higher difficulties no longer add more bots, instead just using the same number of bots as are in medium difficulty.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • On hard difficulty, non-boss bots now get 4x the shields they previously did. On expert, it's 7x. Boss bots already had plenty of shields and do not get a bonus.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a null reference exception when players ctrl-hovered over enemies with disabled weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltips for enemies were not updating in realtime with their actual stats changes.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Ipkins, mrhanman, and Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug that was likely affecting all sorts of stat buffs on exos and bots: when in-mission effects were applied to them, they were always applied twice.
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the TethysBot was getting well more than 5 boosts from its ability.
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.

Part Stats Polish, Round 2

  • The "+X% Sentry/Mine Strength" stat has been removed and its function rolled into the "Trap Avoidance Level" stat, which has been renamed "Trap Skill Level". This moves the main burden of that particular role from the computer to the propulsion system, helping to balance propulsion with the other systems and the Trap stat with the other two propulsion stats (Stealth and Overload).
    • Since the sentry-turret and minelayer parts no longer have to split their item budget across their main stat and the strength-boost stat, their magnitude calculations:
      • For +sentry-turrets, from (3+level) => (1+level).
      • For +mines, from (7+level) => (3+(level*2)). So now it's much easier to get mines in quantity than sentry turrets.
  • The Self-Destruct-Level part stat and ability have been reimagined as "Overload".
    • The effect is pretty similar, except that instead of instakilling you, it just hits you with the aoe (like if you shot an AOE weapon at yourself somehow). It also only does 25% normal damage to you, though this multiplier may need tweaking.
    • The end result is that it's basically a point-blank-aoe weapon that drains your shields instead of ammo. We are confident in your ability to make hilarity ensue.
      • More to the point, we hope this ability's potential hilarity will better compete with Stealth for your propulsion slots, on at least one exo.
    • It also still fires on-death, but does 4x as much damage then, and does a radius-8 explosion instead of radius-4.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo and others for inspiring this change.

Exo-Customization Screen Polish

  • The Exo Customization Window now has mouseover tooltips for each of the weapons (if your cursor is within their area without being over a filled slot of theirs; otherwise it shows what's in that filled slot), listing attack power, range, aoe radius and type (if any), and ammo capacity.
    • Thanks to Tridus, Misery, nas1m, and orzelek for inspiring this change.
  • The Exo-Customization Window's lower-left scrollable stat block now uses a standard format regardless of current stat values, so you can always go there to see all the important info in a summary form. It also groups the stats by "shield-related", "propulsion-related", etc.
    • Thanks to nas1m, khadgar, Misery, Tridus, and others for inspiring this change.
  • Added a "Remove All Parts" button to the exo-customization screen that... well, does pretty much what it says. After a confirmation.
    • Thanks to Tridus, mrhanman, Pepsisolo, and Winge for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.913

(Released September 17, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug in the previous version that could cause the game to experience massive slowdown on the exo-customization screen within a mission due to a ton of debug-logging.
  • Since system-damage-resistance recently became irrelevant on difficulties below Hard anyway, and it's been confusing people even before that: Removed the System Hardener part type and the System-Damage-Resistance stat.
    • No difficulty now has the possibility of causing system damage from normal enemy shots.
    • All boss shots now have a 10% chance of causing system damage (on all difficulties).
    • Shields, Propulsion, and Computer are now immune to system damage, only leaving weapons capable of being disabled that way (by boss damage or a bad potion terminal).
  • Fixed a bug in the last version where the exo-customization screen's summary of exo-wide stats could factor in an inherent exo-wide +% boost (like the science guy's +50% to computer stats) twice, leading to an incorrect readout.
  • The exo-wide computer, shields, and propulsion % boost stats now no longer draw in the exo-customization-screen's bottom-right summary or the part-picker's comparison block. All the stats they actually affect are drawn in those areas (where relevant, in the comparison's case) already, so it was confusing and largely redundant.
  • Refactored the generation of BalanceInfo_ModuleEffectType.csv (the game writes it to your RuntimeData directory during the game's initialization) to be easier to read. It's helpful when giving balance feedback, at least.
  • The last two floor graphics are now in place.
  • When a bot has its weapons disabled, it no longer stops showing its stats for that weapon. This helps you plan better for when it comes back from being disabled.
  • The "I'm lonely!" popups for CannonBots no longer show if they are not in current vision.
  • Fixed a bug where splash damage would not work if you shot directly at an EMPBot.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in recent versions where empty slots in your exo customization window could have a mark level.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • In the first "Hot Tips: City Map" screen, it now tells you to not worry about the final battle quite yet, that more info will be forthcoming after the first mission.
  • After you click out of your mission results of your first mission, there is now a "Hot Tips: Final Battle" that says the following:
    • During the final battle, your exos will face off against hundreds of enemy bots in a mission taking place inside your HQ. You will have a couple of tries to win it, each time whittling down the final forces more, based on how much health your HQ has.
    • Doing Lion's Den and Assassination missions can help whittle down the number of regular enemies and bosses in the final battle. Attacking Factories can reduce the level of enemies in the final battle.
    • Most other missions are based around improving your own Exos. Which kinds of missions you choose to undertake is up to you.
    • Over on the right-hand sidebar here on the city map, you can see exactly what enemies are currently slated to be in the final battle.
  • The current and proposed modules in the part picker now show their icons next to their text so that it's easier to see what they are (and just more attractive in general).
  • The current selected part no longer shows in the part picker list of potential parts, as that was visually confusing. Now it just shows down in the bottom textual section, as previously mentioned.
  • There is now a dedicated "Clear Current Part" button on the part picker, rather than having you click the current part to unequip it (which was confusing).
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • For purposes of "things that affect AOE weapons," grenade launcher was previously not counting as an AOE weapon. Fixed.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Winge, and Misery for reporting.
  • HideBots have had their base attack range reduced from 4 to 2, since they are invisible from more than 5 tiles away.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where Casual mode was not seeding any bots, and thus could also throw some exceptions.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • The tooltip on the robot command icon on the far right of the city map was still referring to training grounds missions instead of lion's den. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
  • The tooltip of the sniper exo no longer refers to the alert range being increased, as that was not true anymore.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Improved the clarity of the wording on Hot Tips: Missions.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • The Hot Tips: Missions now explicitly tells you what your reward is per exo surviving (more loot).
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
  • The human cryopod text has been updated with the following extra text in its description:
    • To win the mission, you must have at least one of these still alive, and you get more loot for each one that lives.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
  • The hostage mission has been updated with the following extra text in its description:
    • To win the mission, you must kill all of the bots in it.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.
  • Improved the clarity of the tooltip text for the parts fabricator, armory, science station, bahamut device, construction vehicle, propulsion lab, reactor fabricator, and shieldworks.
    • Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
  • Virus points were in one place incorrectly called "virus level." Fixed.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • ScorpionBots accidentally had their weapons surgically removed!
    • Thanks to Aeson, Misery, Winge, and Tridus for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where you could still give queued orders to your exo while windows were open like the escape menu.
    • Thanks to GrimerX, Pepisolo, and Winge for reporting.
  • Put in code such that you cannot give any orders to your exo if there are more than 1 queued move/attack actions left to playback from the bots or yourself. This lets you still move fluidly, but keeps you from being able to queue actions that are then irrevocable if there is too much going on and you click or press a button without realizing how much is still happening.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • "Hates Everyone" robots now also hate each other, rather than just hating the player and non-Hates-Everyone robots.
    • Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
  • Salvage, Assassination, Lion's Den, Bahamut, and Robot Command Center missions are no longer allowed to seed directly next to the home command of the humans, as that makes the start of the game far too constrained.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • The "Customization and Loot" hot tip now only shows up once per visit to the city map in a game.
  • Fixed that issue with the left side of the city map not being clickable unless you were zoomed in, thanks to the bounds of the sidebar there.
    • Thanks to PattyG for reporting.

Part Stats Polish, Round 1

  • Note: generally speaking, none of the changes below affect parts already generated in saves from previous versions.
  • Sentry Turret stat magnitude from 5+level => 3+level.
  • Mine stat magnitude from 12+((level-1)/2) => 7+level.
    • It actually ended up lower than the Sentry Turret, before. Whoops!
  • AOE-boost stat magnitude from 4.17%*level (capping at 100% at level 22) => 25%+((level-1)*3.125%) (will cap out at 100% at level 25).
  • Overcharger stats rebalance:
    • The following second-order stats:
      • Exo-wide-Attack-boost.
      • Exo-wide Computer-related-stats boost.
      • Exo-wide Propulsion-related-stats boost.
      • Exo-wide Shields-related-stats boost.
    • Used to be 5+(1.13^level)%, and so started at 6.13% and grew to 26.23% at level 25. The problem is that they grow so very slowly in the early levels, when second-order stats don't need to really be exponential in that way (the stats they modify largely already are, to the extent necessary):
    • So now they're simply (5+level)%, giving 6% to 30% with linear growth.
  • Similar to the above, the +%-to-all-power-generation stat from 12.26%-52.46% exponentially => ((5+level)*2)%, so 12% to 60% by linear growth.

Alpha 0.912

(Released September 16, 2013)

  • Removed a few ways in which it was still previously possible to (for example) get +Hacking from a part in a Shield slot, etc.
    • Won't affect parts already generated in old saves.
  • Part-Picker UI:
    • Added "Sort and Filter By" dropdown.
      • With the following options:
        • Normal
        • Kind
        • Power Impact
        • And then one for every effect that is actually present in any of the parts eligible for the slot. So "+X Max Shields", etc.
      • When an effect is selected, it also filters out (doesn't show) any parts that simply don't have that effect (for that system) at all.
      • When Power Impact or an effect are selected, it also shows the actual value for that stat above each displayed part, instead of displaying the mark level for each part.
    • Reworked the comparison area to:
      • Show exo-wide values for stats in the comparison area, rather than showing you what's coming from that specific system.
        • Except for stats like Ammo which are inherently system-specific. But even for these they're displayed below all the exo-wide stats, in a sub-section specifically marked "(System-Specific)".
      • Focus only on what would actually change from the part switch being considered at that specific moment, rather than including other stats that would remain the same. While it would be nice in some sense to display absolutely all the exo's stats, in practice this would require a radically different layout and even if it fit... honestly, that'd be an awful lot of text to have to parse for a "comparison" that should be far simpler than that.
    • Thanks to Tridus, Misery, Pepsisolo, and many other players for feedback leading to these changes.
  • Added the above-mentioned "Sort And Filter By" dropdown to the Inventory and Store interfaces, too.
  • The game now maintains a "LogicLog_PartGeneration.txt" file in your RuntimeData directory that gives details on the computations used to generate a part's stats. Not all the details, by a significant margin, but enough to be helpful to us in debugging why you're seeing very high values in some cases, etc.
    • So basically while you're welcome to look at this for curiosity's sake, this is mainly for you to include along with a bug report about some part's stats.
  • Fixed a bug where coolant-tank parts could give... curiously large +maxHealth and such stats.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Explosive Runes no longer show up in Bahamut, defense, assassination, or lion's den missions. These were trivialized by the runes.
  • Explosive runes are now only triggered by direct hits, rather than via splash damage, which was their original design anyhow.
  • In the keybindings editing screen, there are now 15 items per page rather than 10, making it much easier to see what is going on.
  • Rather than just lumping everything into a semi-organized General tab, the input bindings screen now has Basics, Abilities, and Switching. These are also better organized than previously.
  • The "hold middle mouse button down to pan" keybind is now actually visible, and is also re-bindable.
    • Thanks to greywolf22 for reporting how that was invisible.
  • All six of the special abilities now have keybinds (all default unbound) that you can set order to trigger them without use of the mouse.
  • The MurderBot now cannot be converted with the Virus ability, and the DoomBots and WyvernBot and RaptorBot and Boss Bots all now cost more virus points to convert, though still possible to convert.
    • Thanks to Tridus, Misery, Winge, Aeson, khadgar, MaxAstro, Hyfrydle, Histidine, and madcow for suggesting.
  • The number of virus points required to infect a bot is now shown in its tooltips.
  • The tooltips for the exos no longer doubles their descriptions.
  • Probably fixed an issue with Explosive Runes not in LOS not being triggered, although this hasn't been definitively tested.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
  • When you win or lose a mission, and the mission results window pops up, it now immediately takes you back to the city map view instead of being in the mission view.
    • This gives you a more relevant view of things, as well as preventing some strangeness such as after a fuel depot mission when it seems like nothing blew up.
  • Fuel Depots no longer have a mission exit that you are required to step on; simply destroying the large fuel tank itself now wins the mission.
  • Fuel Depots are no longer crammed with cover objects, as that made traversing them rather a pain (and too easy, what with the way the bots were arranged).
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes specific missions would fail to load with an Exo in them.
    • Thanks to Hyfrydle, Gemzo, and Ipkins for reporting.
  • Fixed a strange bug where very rarely after one Exo died, the next would not swap in properly and the game would just be at a standstill.
    • Thanks to Coppermantis for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where attacking an explosive rune tile with a sufficiently large AOE weapon like a plasma cannon with lots of AOE upgrades could make the game interminably slow and then crash.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Bots now prefer to attack the player instead of the player turrets.
  • Bots now get a turn after the player takes a turn regardless of how far away the bots are, making bots more effective at chasing you. And getting rid of some strange issues where they would do nothing because they were slightly outside of your turn-propagation range.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Stealth. So it looks like this is basically OP right now. And also a little more confusing than necessary with the "consecutive" thing.
    • Firing a weapon, deploying a mine, or deploying a sentry will now cause your stealth to break (and be unable to resume until the next turn).
      • The Ninja Exo is exempt from this new rule (bwahahaha).
    • The concept of "consecutive stealth turns" as a stat has been removed: you can now burn your whole pile of stealth turns all in a row if you really want to. We were seeing lots of confusion on how that worked and it wasn't making the job of displaying stats any easier. So this is basically the buff to go with the nerf of not being able to stay stealthed while firing (unless you're a ninja, bwahahaha).
    • Thanks to khadgar, Misery, chemical_art, MaxAstro, Histidine, Hyfrydle, nas1m, and others for inspiring these changes.
  • Since the "Regen Window" concept is a source of frequent confusion among new (and even not-so-new) players, it's been removed as a stat. The mechanic is still there (unlimited autoheal would lead to a lot of waiting around), but is just internally always 5 now, with the description of Regen updated to just say it works on damage "a few turns" old.
  • Put in a few performance improvements related to pathfinding.
  • Made it so that when the AI is taking a bit longer than usual to calculate its moves, the game doesn't get jumpy in the sense that it starts skipping animations.

Alpha 0.911

(Released September 14, 2013)

  • The concept of the scavenging level has been removed in favor of just having items get better with each passing day. Otherwise it was far too complicated to understand, and in general players were not getting the top-tier items anyhow.
    • This probably also fixes the "no energy cost" or "negative energy cost" bug from the prior version, but let us know.
  • The progression of item levels is now a bit faster, so that you wind up with the max item level a few days before the last day, rather than exactly on the last day.

Alpha 0.910

(Released September 14, 2013)

  • The scavenging computer terminal has been made more clear in terms of what it means when you hack it.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • Previously, the first slot in each system in the customization screen was not showing a mark level. Fixed.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • The changes to how many prefix/suffixes/stats each part grants have been rolled back to the way they were in .908.
    • Thanks to a variety of players for suggesting.
  • The prefixes and suffixes that granted ability points had previously been removed in .909. That has now changed so that:
    • Stealth-related and self-destruct ability points in prefixes/suffixes only come in propulsion slots.
    • Hacking, virus, sentry turret, and mine ability points in prefixes/suffixes only come in computer slots.
    • This returns the ability to get more hacking points without it being quite so crazy in terms of getting things from all systems and sides: it was previously far too easy to get too many abilities very strongly on even an exo with a cruddy computer.
  • The hacking cost has been returned to just the level of the tile, rather than 5 plus the level of the tile.
    • Thanks to orzelek and Winge for reporting.
  • The number of random loot drops from enemies has decreased dramatically, although they are still there, since it was filling up your inventory pretty fast.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
  • The first three levels of robots now give relatively more credits than they previously did.
  • The granularity of the item levels has been cut in half, which should be a very good thing for players who have been thinking the individual increments were too small. Basically the balance is still the same as it ever was, but rather than there being a max of 50 item levels, there is now a max of 25, and you progress through them half as fast. But level 25 is the same as level 50 used to be, and level 10 now is like level 20 was before, etc.
    • As a part of this, this makes it so that you actually will stay on a given item level at least for a few missions, rather than constantly having item levels just fly past you before you can really stay there long.
    • This is easy to change back if the adjustment is not popular, but we hope you'll like it.
  • There are now quick buttons for getting back and forth between the player inventory and the store when the player is on the city map.
    • Thanks to Winge for suggesting.
  • The following explanation has been added to the layaway line on the store window: "Layaway costs you nothing, but keeps the item around for future purchase."
    • Thanks to GrimerX for suggesting.

Alpha 0.909

(Released September 13, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where installing or removing parts with the "-X power cost of other parts in same system" effect would not properly update the exo's power consumption numbers.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • In the prior version, your first exo was still getting a free hacker piece of loot by accident. Removed.
  • Added two new floor types to the game.
  • Player turrets no longer rotate to face the player, and they also now a red glow like enemies do.
  • Player turrets are now fully lit and animated.
  • Turrets can now be destroyed by holding shift and firing at them, and the tooltip for them now states this.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and Hyfrydle for reporting.
  • HideBot, SilenceBot, and StealthBot are all now fully lit and animated.
  • Emma's special ability turned out not to be that great, and so has been completely redefined into something a lot more exciting:
    • A young socialite from the relatively privileged upper-middle classes, she still was not able to afford the expensive bionic implants that could have saved her from the accident that claimed part of her face and neck. Still, she is able to use her social connections to open up useful doors into the deeper black market: the store carries three times as many items for her compared to other Exo drivers. This allows her great flexibility in kitting out her Exos exactly as she wants to.
  • Fixed a bug that was making player turrets act extremely stupid; they would often want to target guys outside their range, and thus just do nothing.
    • Thanks to Misery, Aquohn, and Winge for reporting.
  • Made it so that "hates everyone" enemies and player turrets will not target cover objects and computers and the like.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where when Exos had too much damage reduction on, enemy AI would go wonky if they could not do any damage to the Exo anymore. Now the damage reduction can never reduce enemy damage below 1 (which, come on, is already tiny). This fixes the AI, aside from making enemies not totally pointless in that sort of case.
  • Fixed a bug where "Hates Everyone" enemies would act really strange around cover objects, often getting stuck.
  • Adjusted the bottom left scrolling section in the exo customization screen so that it doesn't have bad line breaks and in general has more room.
    • Thanks to Winge and mrhanman for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where half of the 5th computer slot was unclickable.
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
  • TreadBot, PantherBot, and TigerBot are now fully lit and animated, meaning that all the bots are now fully lit and animated!
  • The wall edges no longer ever get dimmed by the "have seen here but don't have current LOS" fog of war, making it so that the edges of the play area are much more distinct from the "never seen this" fog of war.
    • Thanks to Penumbra, mrhanman, and Winge for helping to figure this out.
  • Added in some bits of flavor machinery behind the walls, very dark and dim, just hinting at more in there.
  • All three of the wall edge graphic types have been updated to be more mechanical-looking and not have any organic flavor to them at all.
  • Increased the damage dealt by the LeaderBot, CommandBot, and MasterMindBot 4x, so that they actually have some combat value directly.
  • Put in a fix to a very strange issue where apparently a Player Squad robot was selected instead of the Exo. The game now autocorrects this if this happens.
    • Thanks to Tridus for providing a save where this was happening.
  • BombBot, EMPBot, AvalancheBot, BatBot, EagleBot, and GaffeBot are no longer allowed to be in the final battle.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • The internal per-level scaling exponent for enemy shields and attack now varies by difficulty, and is now different for bosses and regular enemies (generally bosses need to grow slower since they start more crazy to begin with).
    • Previously, this was always 1.08. Now it is typically 1.08 for bosses and 1.11 for normal enemies.
    • On hard difficulty, this is now 1.11 for bosses and 1.16 for normal enemies.
    • On expert difficulty, this is now 1.13 for bosses and 1.19 for regular enemies.
    • This matters _enormously_ in terms of enemy balance, because, you know, exponents.
    • Specifically the formula is exponent^level * (attack or shields).
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting that the per-level effects of enemies were not really enough, particularly on higher difficulties.
  • Fixed a bug where the Expert difficulty level was only granting 9 levels to bots per day instead of the slated 20.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Factory missions, if won, now blocks most bots from leveling up at the end of that day!
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The range at which enemies are alerted to you if they have LOS on you now varies by difficulty level. Normally it is 7, which is what it was before.
    • On hard it is now 10.
    • On expert is is now 14.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Added a new "Show Robot Forces Window In Missions" option in the Extras tab:
    • With this on, you'll see the city map's right-hand window even during missions. Normally this is not something you'd want to do, as this blocks some of your screen real estate. But particularly if you have a condition where your eyes need (relatively) equal amounts of light coming into them at once, this helps to balance out the amount of light hitting each eye during missions.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for reporting the potential issue.
  • The self-destruct button has been moved to the bottom of the list of abilities. Thus if you have more than 5 abilities this is the one that disappears.
    • If you have more than 5 abilities equipped now, it properly only shows the first 5 rather than doubling up #5 and #6 on the same slot.
    • The idea of finite space for abilities is intentional, although we'd not expected players to be able to get all the abilities on one exo due to limited slot space. However, the way some of the loot is set up, this became surprisingly possible and is potentially something we need to deal with. But for the moment, it doesn't act bugged at least.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • AOE damage rebalance:
    • Rocket launcher default range is now up to 9 instead of 7, but its AOE range is down from 3 to 2. Its ammo is also down from 11 to 7.
    • Grenade launcher default range is now down from 9 to 6, and its ammo is down from 26 to 14.
    • The reasoning is that these things can be upgraded pretty enormously, and they go from being powerful to being ridiculous. Now they go from being moderate to being powerful. Otherwise it's too easy to just AOE your way through all the levels.
    • Thanks to Misery for sort-of-kind-of suggesting this.
  • New parts are now much less likely to have prefixes and/or suffixes.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for pointing out the issues with how easy it was to stack lots of stuff, and to various players for pointing out how overwhelming it was to have extra stats on so many items.
  • Ability-granting stats now no longer occur in prefixes or suffixes.
    • This does not affect gear generated in older saves.
    • Thanks to various players for pointing out how easy it was to get every ability on every exo.
  • Fixed an issue where health on objects was being reported as shields instead of health.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reporting.
  • The volatizer now uses a new Ring pattern of attack, rather than a line attack. Thus making it more distinct from the welding laser, for instance.
    • The ring attack hits the center tile, as well as the outermost layer of tiles around it, leaving everything else in the center untouched.
  • The shotgun now uses a conical damage pattern rather than the radial damage pattern used by grenades and so forth.
    • Thanks to GrimerX for reminding us to do this.
  • The "Hot Tips: Missions" now mentions the keybinds for switching weapons and exos.
  • Fixed a bug where the walls could be carved out (!) by explosions of tiles from the ThunderBot or the explosive cover in destruction missions.
    • Thanks to Misery and Histidine for reporting.
  • Finally got the zooming in the city map to work smoothly with more clamped edges of where you can pan. This way you don't start panned off into the middle of nowhere!
  • When enemies get EMPed, it no longer says that they ran out of ammo.
  • Fuel tanks will no longer be granted buffs from nearby enemies, or be vampirized by them, etc. If you see anything more like this, please do let us know, as it's not all in one place.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for reporting.
  • Fuel tanks can no longer be disarmed by EMPs, and never say "out of ammo."
    • Thanks to Aquohn and GrimerX and Histidine for reporting.
  • Fixed an incorrect description of the "Exo-Wide Shield-Related Boost" stat.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • Emma's new commander ability is now more impressive:
    • Instead of getting 8 Rares and 16 Epics in the store, she gets 6 uncommons, 6 rares, 6 epics, and 6 legendaries. The ability to buy uncommons is nice because they're cheap, the ability to buy legendaries is nice because... we shouldn't have to tell you that.
    • For Emma, when the store rolls a new part it has a higher chance of rolling a part type that is not already present in the store. Rolling an already-present type is still very possible, though, since you may want more options of the same type.
    • Now the store only normally pays you 75% of an item's value when you sell it, but for Emma will still pay 100%.
  • When you switch exos, it automatically deselects stealth as that happens.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to cascade-lose several exos in one attack volley if the first one died. Now it can't even damage the one that gets swapped in until you take your next action.
    • Thanks to Penumbra and greywolf22 for reporting.

Alpha 0.908

(Released September 12, 2013)

  • LeaderBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • When you hover over an enemy while holding the Ctrl key, it now shows the attack range of their current (biggest) gun.
    • We considered making it always do this, but it felt too fiddly and strange when we tested that out.
    • Thanks to madcow and mrhanman for suggesting.
  • CommandBot and MastermindBot are now fully lit and colored.
  • A new keybind has been added that triggers your whistle ability. It is unbound by default.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
  • Added keybinds (default unbound) for cycling forward and backwards through the list of exos on your roster.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
  • Added keybinds (default unbound) for cycling forward and backwards through the list of weapons on your left sidebar.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where the +%-to-(shield,computer, or propulsion)-stat was being _added_ to each related stat, rather than multiplied in. So the science exo's +50% computer stats thing was giving it an effective +0.5 hacking points, rather than adding half-again as many hacking points as it would otherwise have.
    • It had been showing correctly in the bottom-left of the exo customization screen, but not actually behaving properly in-game, hence further confusion.
    • Thanks to Winge for the report.
  • The "+% to power generated by parts in the same system" effect (which is featured most prominently on the Magnetic Containment Chamber part-type), has been changed to "+% Total Power Generation", with the following new description:
    • "Increases all power generated by this exo (including the reactor's base amount, and any power-generating parts installed in any system)."
    • Also fixed a bug where this % wasn't even being fully factored in for power generation by parts in the same system.
    • This may result in an overall effect that's just too nice to the player. Our kindly players would _surely_ inform us of such an intolerable discrepancy, right?
    • Thanks to orzelek and others for inspiring this change.
  • DragonBot, BombBot, EMPBot, RaptorBot, and WyvernBot are all now fully lit and colored.
  • The amount of (primarily) loot per level has been dropped:
    • The frequency of the locked doors with loot behind them has dropped from a general range of 5-8 to a range of 3-5.
    • The frequency of hull repair and stealth repair stations also has dropped substantially.
    • The frequency of the small loot chests that are scattered throughout levels has been reduced as well.
    • In particular, this cuts out the higher volume of lesser loot. The goal here is to make it so that your customization stage between each mission is not so lengthy.
    • Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
  • Put in a fix for a rare issue where if you wind up being stuck in a mission that couldn't seed you for some reason, you can still abandon—and most importantly, abandon it without losing a point of HQ health.
    • Thanks to Aeson for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where level 0 items could crash the game when viewed in your inventory or the store.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The hacking cost of hacking doors and computers is now 5 + ( TileLevel / 3 ), where TileLevel is the day ( 50 - DaysRemaining). Previously the hacking cost was just ( TileLevel / 3 ). There are some exceptions that are cheaper or more expensive than this baseline.
  • The virus cost of converting enemies is now 5 plus the robot's level, rather than just the robot's level.
  • Thanks to Aquohn for inspiring this change.
  • The level of tiles that are relevant to have a level (locked doors, traps, and computer terminals) now shows in their name in their tooltip.
    • Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
  • Updated the description of normal and glass doors to encourage players to shoot them for tactical reasons (since walking up and opening them is usually the stupid choice).
    • Thanks to Aquohn for suggesting.
  • Automatic Doors now have 100x more health, so that it's more likely you'll have to walk up to them and actually open them yourself, verus shooting them.
    • Hey, variety is good.
  • Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
  • Rather than getting a piece of loot that provides hacking points, the science computers just get an inherent 6 hacking points. This is more powerful, and simpler for the player.
    • Thanks to Histidine for inspiring this change.
  • Rather than getting an incredibly-unusually-good stealth generator at the start of the game, each exo now gets those same stealth points and consecutive turns as inherent effects. That both feels more natural and frees up one of the propulsion slots for other stuff later on.
    • Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
  • A number of the robot voice prompts no longer play when in fog of war, and a number of the more frequent ones play only some of the time now (such as the BatBot).
    • Thanks to khadgar for suggesting.
  • Splash damage no longer has a damage falloff as the range gets further from itself. This was never represented in the GUI very well, and was generally a bit confusing.
  • Previously the locations that splash damage could hit did not match up with the actual overlay of where it said it would hit. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Winge for reporting.
  • Adjusted the difficulty levels around so that the lower ones are more appropriate.
    • Added a new Casual difficulty level, which has more or less the stats that Easy used to, except with 10 HQ health rather than 7.
    • Easy difficulty now has 5x exo health rather than 10x.
    • Normal difficulty now has 2x exo health rather than 4x.
    • Thanks to Tridus, mrhanman, and Histidine for suggesting.
  • The following mission types now give at least rare-quality loot instead of at least uncommon-quality loot:
    • Armory
    • Science Station
    • Shieldworks
    • Reactor Fab
    • Propulsion Lab
    • Their descriptions have also been corrected to not imply giving Epic or Legendaryy loot (there's a small chance of it, but certainly not guaranteed).
    • Thanks to Histidine for the report.
  • Keeping up with the Joneses! Enemy ranges were quickly getting outclasses by player ranges, but no more. Now the enemy ranges increase by 1 every X number of levels for that enemy, where X varies by difficulty:
    • Casual: 12 levels
    • Easy: 9 levels
    • Normal: 6 levels
    • Hard: 5 levels
    • Expert: 4 levels
    • This may be too extreme, we'll see. But we want players to have an easy time of it at the start, relatively speaking, and then get into increasing hot water as the campaign progresses. This way those range extenders don't become balance-breaking, they become quite important.
    • Thanks to Tridus and Misery for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.907 Alpha Round 2 Start

(Released September 11, 2013)

  • The full (as opposed to the partial preview that was there before) title track for Bionic Dues, "The Home That We Once Knew," is now integrated into the game!
  • Completely redid Tuck's bonus, since he was kind of useless with his other bonus:
    • Tough and resourceful, Tuck's skills at sleuthing lend him an enormous tactical advantage in missions: he can see both his objectives and the location of all terminals and loot without first exploring to them.
    • Thanks to Histidine for suggesting.
  • The description of Axis has been rewritten to make it clear how powerful she is:
    • A professional scout drone pilot before she became an Exo driver, Axis has the ability to see 4 missions out on the city map instead of the usual 3. Even more importantly, she has the ability to undertake missions that are 2 away rather than the usual 1, thereby letting her skip missions at will.
    • Thanks to Histidine for inspiring a shift.
  • Added text to the bottom of the missions hot tips:
    • The finishing touch to any mission is to find the Warp Pad and get your Exos out of here!
    • Thanks to Breach for suggesting.
  • The health stats on all the bosses have been majorly scaled down so that they are still impressive on the last day, but not insane.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and Cyborg for reporting.
  • The function of the whistle has been redefined a bit, so that it now alerts all enemies that you have detected which are not currently alerted, rather than those in your (invisible) sensor range. This basically makes it work like probably everyone thought it already did.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • The system stats for mines were garbled in the customization view. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Winge and nas1m for reporting.
  • When Rey's fifth Exo is restored, it now comes in with full ammo and no disabled systems, unlike before. If you see anything more strange with this, please do let us know!
    • Thanks to Coppermantis for reporting.
  • The font of the normal tooltips has changed to the more compact font used for the Exos.
  • Fixed a bug with the tooltips of scrolling textline areas where the tooltip detection was not being offset for the scrollbar's current position. This was causing the wrong tooltip to show for items once the scrollbar had been used.
    • Thanks to Tridus for reporting.
  • Fixed the missing localization for ModuleEffect_Desc_IncreaseSpawnedUnitStrength.
    • Thanks to Winge, orzelek, mrhanman, nas1m and Tridus for reporting.
  • The tooltips on locked doors now note that you should walk into them to hack them.
    • Thanks to Coppermantis for suggesting.
  • Previously, using some of the in-game keybinds on the main menu or the city map would cause unhandled exceptions. Fixed.
  • GalaxyBot has been mildly redefined such that it now increases the range at which enemies are alerted to you without increasing your sight range. Doing both was confusing.
  • Added more to descriptions of the difficulty levels to make it clearer to players which they should choose:
    • Easy: For people new to the game who want to ease into things without being slagged in the face by robots all the time.
    • Normal: For people who want a bit more of a challenge, but still are playing without optimizing every last piece or loot or every last move they make. You can definitely get slagged in the face, but it probably won't kill you most of the time.
    • Hard: The baseline difficulty of serious play for the game. Your health is much lower, the enemies are more numerous. To live you must optimize your Exos and economize your moves.
    • Expert: For, well, expert players. Your health is even lower, the enemies are even more numerous. You must play well, very well, to live.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The sight range for all exos has been increased to 16 instead of 8, and 20 instead of 12 for the snipers.
    • Now that sight range does not (improperly) affect the alerting of enemies, this doesn't matter too much (well, not in a negative sense). It lets you see more of the level more clearly, and frankly better models what might be considered some form of reality.
    • On the positive side, this also lets your longer-range weapons be fired at the extents of their ranges more (speaking here of longer-ranged weapons further upgraded with range-enhancing parts).
    • This also does let enemies with long range weapons fire at you from the same sort of longer range, since enemies can only fire when in your line, although there are not many enemies that are that long-ranged to begin with. So that doesn't really change much.
    • Thanks to Aeson for inspiring these changes.
  • The following enemy attack ranges have been adjusted to make for a more interesting playing field:
    • TigerBot: 5 to 5
    • DoomBot: 6 to 7
    • TethysBot: 5 to 7
    • DumBot: 3 to 4.
    • Invigorated DumBot: 4 to 5.
    • BlasterBot: 4 to 5.
    • BlasterMaster: 3 to 4.
    • DragonBot: 5 to 7
    • WyvernBot: 5 to 7
    • ClawBot: 4 to 7
    • ViperBot: 3 to 5
    • The reasoning? This makes being out in the open more dangerous than it was previously. It also makes for more of a mixed field in terms of ranges, and makes the ranged assault bots (DumBot, BlasterBot, BlasterMaster) more distinct from the "melee" assault bots (BatBot, EagleBot, NinjaBot) in terms of range.
    • For the bosses in particular, this also gives them all a quite-long engagement range, meaning that you'll want to resort to things like mines and sentry turrets for them in particular, since they hit hard and hit far.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring these changes.
  • Greatly updated the way that bot highlights are done, both in sensor range and out of it. Should be way more clear, and it still looks attractive.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
  • BatBot, EagleBot, and NinjaBot are all now fully lit and animated.
  • The MurderBot, ScorpionBot, TethysBot, and ViperBot are now fully lit and animated.
  • You can now get full tooltips on bots that have been detected (show with the gold wireframe) but not visual range just as if they were in visual range.
    • This lets you make tactical decisions a lot better without having to memorize wireframes.
    • Thanks to Tridus and mrhanman for suggesting.
  • WyvernBots and RaptorBots no longer can seed prior to day 30, since players need time to prepare.
    • Thanks to Tridus for suggesting.
  • PantherBots and AvalancheBot no longer appear prior to day 20, since their effects also require some preparation before you can meet them properly.
  • On the exo customization screen, it now shows the base mark level of each item in your slots, so that you can easily tell how old in general these things are.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • The store now shows the level of the items in it, and also no longer shows the money values overlapping the items above them inappropriately.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • And lastly, in the inventory and part picker windows, it now shows the level of all the items there, as well.
  • Fixed the explanation of which stats get boosted by the stat-enhancing shield-related, computer-related, and propulsion-related stat boosters. Previously the explanation lied to you, apologies.
  • Each part's description now explicitly states what kinds of slots it can go in.
  • The text descriptions of each part now states what systems it can be mounted in.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and nas1m for suggesting.
  • The horrendously ugly borders for the part buttons have been made pretty.
  • Fixed the lion's den missions to give much more open, difficult terrain, which is what they were supposed to have been doing all along.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The Lion's Den and Assassination missions now warn you that they are very difficult and should not be attempted until there are 30–40 days remaining or fewer.
  • Opposite day! Fixed a bug where missions that were supposed to give awesome loot of a specific type (shieldworks giving you shield-related stuff, for instance) were explicitly giving you anything BUT those kinds of loot. Whoops!
    • Thanks to nas1m, Winge, and Misery for reporting.

Alpha 0.906

(Released September 10, 2013)

  • Player ammo reductions relative to 0.904 (increases from 0.905, though):
    • Laser Rifle 50 to 35.
    • Machine Gun 80 to 55.
    • Rocket Launcher 14 to 11.
    • Gamma Ray Laser 20 to 18.
    • Grenade Launcher 36 to 16.
    • Chaingun 100 to 70.
    • Shotgun 30 to 24.
    • Volatizer 20 to 17.
    • The prior changes were a bit too harsh, so this is the middle ground. Further feedback welcome!
  • Fixed a bug with ClawBot where it was healing itself (!) as well as its nearby allies each turn. Wow OP.

Alpha 0.905

(Released September 10, 2013)

  • The DiamondBot and RecoilBot are now fully lit and animated.
  • Fixed a bug where the DragonBot's grenade launcher stats were swapped with the player ones, making the DragonBot terrifying and the player incredibly weak.
    • Thanks to orzelek for the clue that led to this finally, after a number of people mentioned it.
  • RadarBot and ShieldBot now fully lit and animated.
  • You can now opt out of repeated showings of the intro briefing text and voiceover.
  • Fixed a rare parts-related null reference exception.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • BodyBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • Only Hard and Expert difficulty levels now have system damage (in the sense of a random chance from enemies), since that's a bit more complex and can be frustrating if you are still learning.
  • The part attributes and parts that are specifically for system hardening and system damage prevention are also now limited to hard and expert difficulties.
  • Added the new Capacitor part type, which provides another way of generating power either directly in your reactor or in your computer. Actually this isn't power generation, it's power savings, but it works out either way. See the game for details, and yes we know this only sort of makes sense if you are big into electronics. The game already makes fun of this, so you don't have to. ;)
  • Updated the explosive runes a bit to be easier to use via only triggering from certain kinds of weapons. Their text has been amended as follows:
    • These runes are actually a warning label overlaid on top of sub-floor explosive equipment: so straight-shot and laser weapons won't penetrate far enough to cause any problems. Only rockets, plasma weapons, dissolver blasts, grenades, shadow torpedoes, and volatizer fire will trigger the runes.
    • Thanks to Cyborg, mrhanman, and orzelek for inspiring this change.
  • Indirect shots against explosive runes now triggers them the same as direct shots do.
  • Reduced the number of floor types (for now) to just the ones that are most attractive, and which have the tile-based grid.
    • The tile-based grid in turn makes the fog of war look nicer, and makes movement and attack ranges a bit clearer.
    • We will be doing more floors in the coming weeks, but we want all of them to be up to the standards of the very best ones we have already, so we cleaned house a bit.
  • Invisible robots and robots that are allied with you no longer draw targeting lines at you.
  • Invisible robots that are right next to an Exo now become visible no matter what. Otherwise it feels like a bug when you try to move into their tile and mysteriously cannot.
  • AS AN EXPERIMENT, the game has been updated to use pessimistic line of sight rather than the more permissive shadowcasting algorithm.
    • This prevents any instances of being able to shoot around corners on the part of yourself or bots, but it is much more restrictive view-wise.
    • In the pre-alpha stages we had a lot of unpleasantness with this, but on further recollection the problem was how we were visibly modeling the LOS rather than the LOS method itself. So this may work out fine and feel more natural than the prior approach. So far that does actually see the case, but we'll see.
    • Thanks to Misery for pushing this issue.
  • When enemies or tiles get shot, it now automatically alerts nearby enemies, as you would expect. So you can't shoot somebody and have the guy next to him just sit there.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • When enemies are not in fog of war, you can already tell if they are activated or not based on their animations and glows. However, when they are in fog of war that was not possible to tell until now.
    • Now enemies in fog of war that are deactivated show up darker in their wireframe view, and then they become full bright when they are activated.
  • Some of the overly-alert-happy logic for enemies has been changed. It was a bit unclear, and the new alert logic handles the cases that make the most sense anyhow. It should in general feel a lot more natural now.
  • Enemies which are within 7 range of you now see you when you get near. Before it was 20, which made it pretty crazy if you were a sniper.
  • Updated the pathfinding for enemies enormously; it got changed away from the kind that worked so well in Skyward at some point, but now it has been reverted to that and enemies now act much more sensibly. Dangerously so.
    • There was also some funky (lack of) pathfinding around fuel tanks that has now been fixed.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting the strangeness here.
  • When your weapons are disabled, it now shows them properly red and cracked on the sidebar.
    • Thanks to Cyborg and nas1m for reporting.
  • Meg is now the default commander for new players, as she is easier to play with than Axis.
  • Fixed an issue where the electric floors in Assassination missions could sometimes let you into loot closets without your having to unlock the door.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • There is a new Warp Page (Mission Exit) tile that now seeds in all missions.
    • When all your mission objectives have been completed, stepping onto this pad will warp your Exos out and declare mission victory!
    • In other words, these are the "stairs down" if you are thinking of other roguelikes.
    • The reason for this addition is to give you more control over when exactly you win a mission (so you can explore more prior to exiting if you want).
    • In old savegames, you may find that you insta-win your current mission if the objective is simply to find the mission exit, which doesn't exist in that mission. Later missions in that same savegame won't have this effect. We figured you'd prefer this to having the mission being unwinnable. ;)
    • Thanks to mrhanman and nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed the collision box on the reactor fabricator not being the right size.
  • Fixed an issue where old exos were not being properly cleared out of memory, and thus all sorts of strangeness could happen including auto-won and auto-lost missions, and I'm sure more. It was also a form of memory leak. Good grief!
    • Thanks to Histidine, Aeson, and Misery for reporting.
  • The trap evasion message was showing up garbled with a hex address.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for reporting.
  • The laser rifle now has range 8 instead of range 6.
  • Plasma Cannon now has no falloff in its damage that it does to enemies, it now has a range of 12 instead of 6, and its radius of splash damage is now 7 instead of 4.
    • This is the grandaddy of guns, and was not really feeling like it previously.
  • Player ammo reductions:
    • Laser Rifle 50 to 20.
    • Machine Gun 80 to 30.
    • Rocket Launcher 14 to 7.
    • Gamma Ray Laser 20 to 18.
    • Grenade Launcher 26 to 16.
    • Chaingun 100 to 40.
    • Shotgun 30 to 18.
    • Volatizer 20 to 14.
    • The idea here is that you need to actually swap out and use more of your Exos, and ammo scarcity during missions actually feels present.
    • The prior alpha balance had been based on much larger levels (about 300% larger), and we had not scaled down the ammo to match the newer, more compact (and more fun) levels.
    • Note that the ammo for the low-ammo weapons are unchanged, so aren't shown above.
  • The name for ninja exos was saying tank instead—oops. Fixed.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • The portrait of Rey no longer has his text blending in so much with his shirt.
    • Thanks to Aeson for reporting.


  • The way that the stat lines are done at the top of the part picker screen has been reorganized somewhat so that it goes by column before going by row now. This makes the visual space look more sensible, and this plus some other changes also ready us for doing tooltips on those individual line items.
  • All of the stats up at the top of the part picker screen now have tooltips that explain what each of those stats mean. This is in addition to the previously-added tooltips on the Exo stat lines on the main Exo customization screen.
  • There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the city map that shows when you first enter it (after the game start voiceover). This also has an opt-out.
    • You have 50 days. Each mission will bring you closer to the final battle.
    • Each mission has consequences that will equip your Exos or weaken the enemy in the final battle. You can take on up to 50 missions in any order, then the robots attack.
  • There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the customization screen that shows when you first enter it. This also has an opt-out.
    • You get loot from winning missions, from hacking locked doors, and from spending credits at the store on the left sidebar of the city map.
    • Customize your Exos to your play style between missions. Getting to the final battle is only half the challenge. You will need creativity in design to get there!
  • There is a new "Hot Tips" popup for the missions that shows when you first enter one. This also has an opt-out.
    • A "turn" is a single action (take one step, shoot one shot, use an ability, switch Exos). After you take a turn, any activated enemies each take their turns.
    • Go slow during fights. Hang back and let your enemy come to you. Use narrow places. Use your whistle ability (left sidebar) to draw them out.
    • Switch which of your four exos is active, which gun they are using, and activate special abilities such as Stealth on the left sidebar.
    • Mouse over your objective (the mission icon on the bottom left for each level), and try to survive with the least amount of casualties. You will be rewarded!
  • New tutorial-y text added on the end of the description of loot containers in tooltips:
    • Don't forget to actually go into the Exo Customization screen between missions (on the left sidebar in the city map). Creatively customizing your Exos is a huge part of surviving to the last day.
  • Added the following to the description of the Assassination mission type:
    • You can locate the bosses by their bluish color on sensors, as opposed to the usual gold.
    • Thanks to Aeson for inspiring this change.
  • Training Ground missions are now called Lion's Den missions to better reflect their nature. Otherwise players seemed a bit too inclined to jump into an easy-sounding mission and get killed.
    • Thanks to Aeson for suggesting.
  • When you go to start a new game, it now has some hot tips there as well. Which can be opted out of.
    • All of the pictures on this screen can be clicked to change which Exos, Commander, and City you are playing with.
    • If this is your first time, feel very free to leave the defaults alone for now. It's a strong party good for new players.

Alpha 0.904

(Released September 9, 2013)

  • In the store, exo customization, and inventory windows the message log now disappears after a little while of showing like it used to (it does not hide outright since that's also where MP text chat goes).
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
  • The visuals of your sidebar abilities are now not disabled-looking all the time.
  • Fixed a number of oddities with large objects.
    • Note that this fix will not apply to existing missions you are already in, but will affect new missions in existing savegames.
    • Fixed them not completely disappearing when destroyed.
    • Fixed them looking like they were in sensors still when they were partially in line of sight.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting explosive runes was costing you extra ammo for each further rune that got triggered from it.
    • Thanks to orzelek for reporting.
  • The part picker has been heavily redesigned.
    • Rather than showing partly over the exo customization screen itself, it now hides that and shows as its own thing. While the other was great, there's just no way to show all the info that needs to be shown when space is restricted that way.
    • There is now a "Return to Customization" button that lets you easily get back to the other window.
    • The tooltips on the individual items are gone again, and instead the description texts at the bottom of the screen now include all that information in much larger spaces set aside for them. The font of the stuff at the bottom has also been shifted to a more compact one so that it can actually all fit.
    • Thanks to Aeson and Tridus for various suggestions that helped lead to these changes.
  • Fixed a couple of typos.
    • Thanks to Aeson, mrhanman and Histidine for reporting.
  • Some of the parts that increase "all shield stats" now say "all shield-system stats" to be more clear.
    • Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.
  • All references to "health" have been instead changed to "shields." This should make things a lot clearer.
    • Thanks to Aeson, Gemzo, Tridus, and orzelek for suggesting.
  • Added another group of 8 cover object graphics.
  • AmmoBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • ThiefBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • MantaBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • RazorBot is now fully lit and animated.
  • The "hover here for more stats" thing on the left side of the customization window has been replaced with a scrolling text area that gives you way more information without hovering.
  • When you are viewing the exo customization screen, all of the stats for the bot as a whole now show you descriptions of what they are. So you can find out just what the heck regen and regen window are this way, etc.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and Misery for suggesting.
  • The exos and city and character portraits all now have labels on them with their names.
    • Thanks to Coppermantis and Histidine for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug in the last version where the handcrafted bots were actually not even showing up in the first missions!
    • Thanks to orzelek and nas1m for reporting.
  • The stats scaling for the enemies toward later days had drifted into the land of insanity, and have now been brought back down.
    • This is definitely fine for bosses, or at least more in the realm of fine. But if it seems too low for regular enemies in practice, do let us know and we can split those out.
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
  • The TethysBot special ability has been altered so that it only happens for at most the first 5 shots that hit her, and sometimes fewer.
    • Thanks to Histidine for inspiring this change.
  • Robots should no longer shoot at player mines.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where new images being loaded would cause the startup screen to flash.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.

Alpha 0.903

(Released September 8, 2013)

  • Changed how mines/tripwires/etc do their "on stepped on" logic so they no longer fire when an entity is being put on a tile during game-load or because an exo is switching in to that tile.
    • This prevents the situation where you step on a mine with a weakened exo and the mines kill it, then immediately damage the next exo. In fact, if that resulted in the second exo's death sometimes this caused an immediate mission loss despite having more exos to switch in (not sure why).
  • Baseline part stats have been bumped up four rows on the table.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The "Blockade" object type has been renamed to "False Wall" as it was confusing with the Blockade missions previously (the two have nothing to do with one another).
    • Thanks to Breach for inspiring this change.
  • The default message log in the upper right corner now stays around forever, like most roguelikes.
    • Thanks to Breach for suggesting.
  • The tooltips for objects and units have all been made so they appear immediately, rather than requiring you to hold left-click.
    • They have also been greatly condensed vertically so that this is no longer an issue. The information shown is the same, as is the font size, though.
    • Thanks to Misery, Tridus, and others for suggesting.
  • Blockade missions now have half as many enemies as before, as they are supposed to be exceptionally easy.
    • Thanks to Breach for inspiring this change.
  • The amount of buffer zone between yourself and enemies at the start of the game has been increased from 6 tiles to 10. This should prevent all cases where enemies immediately have firing lines on you right at the start of a mission.
    • Thanks to Breach for inspiring this change.
  • Several part stats now have non-scaling bases to bump up their initial values. So +attack now starts at 12% instead of 2%, but the scaling up for higher-level items is only applied to the original 2%, etc.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Mines can now be blown up by players shooting them, but the mines also now have more health so that you can't just one-shot them with your pistol or something.
    • Thanks to orzelek for reminding us that this was not working properly.
  • The way that the attack overlays show over top of multi-tile objects is now much better, working like you would expect now.
  • Grenade launcher base damage is now 400 instead of 300.
    • Thanks to madcow and Coppermantis for suggesting.
  • Stealth is no longer hard-locked into the first ability slot on your ability bar (which was making it look broken if you took it off).
    • Thanks to Breach for reporting.

Alpha 0.902

(Released September 8, 2013)

  • Fixed a display bug where the amount of power generated by an auxiliary reactor or whatever would display as 4000 instead of 40, etc. FWIW it was counting correctly in the stats.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the part effect that gave a +% to attack power of all your exos weapons was... well, giving you a whole lot more than it said it would.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where your using the Minelayer would actually deploy a... well, a computer terminal. There was an accident involving testing code. And then an accident involving the programmer.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for the report.
  • Improved the sentry turret placement tooltip to say:
    • Left-click to place a sentry turret in front of you. If you don't like what direction you are facing, you can use the arrow keys to change your facing without actually moving.
    • Also updated the description for mines and virus similarly.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Toggling stealth is now an inherently stealth action, meaning that enemies don't get to fire on your when you go into or come out of stealth.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • The range on the laser rifle of the players has been reduced from 10 to 6.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Sniper Balance:
    • The range on the sniper's gamma ray laser has moved from 50 to 12, and ammo has dropped from 70 to 20. Still very powerful as an effect.
    • The sniper's sight range has moved from 50 to 12 (as opposed to the usual 8 per exo).
    • Thanks to Histidine for inspiring these changes.
  • Updated the tooltip for the human cryo pods to make it clear that they just have to survive to the end of the mission for you to get the loot.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The basic tooltip at the bottom of the screen now mentions that you can hold shift to attack the ground.
    • Thanks to Tridus and Histidine for reporting.
  • When you are in the store window, the exo customization window, or the inventory window, your outer screen will no longer pan invisibly behind there.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The part picker in the exo customization view now shows the full tooltip when you hover over anything there.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • The function of the mouse clicks in the store are now consistent with what the instructional text tells you.
    • Thanks to Histidine for reporting.
  • The "click a mission to start" tooltip no longer shows into the store or the exo customization screens.
    • Thanks to Tridus for reporting.

Better Difficulty Level Balance

  • The health of exos now varies by difficulty:
    • 10x higher on easy.
    • 4x higher on normal
    • Same on hard as it was before.
    • 0.75x on expert.
    • Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.
  • The first X missions now have hand-designed mixes of bots that should provide a more natural progression. It then becomes purely-random after these missions are done.
    • Easy: 10 days
    • Normal: 5 days
    • Hard: 3 days
    • Expert: 0 days
    • Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.
  • The first X days no longer include the "special bots" like sentry bots, razorbots, etc, instead letting you get your bearings (and your parts in order) first:
    • Easy: 20 days
    • Normal: 12 days
    • Hard: 8 days
    • Expert: 0 days
    • Thanks to Tridus for inspiring this change.

Alpha 0.901

(Released September 8, 2013)

  • Fixed a couple of typos in the stealth tooltips.
  • Possibly fixed that null reference exception in the GetEffectiveIsOnAlert logic. Do let us know if you see it again.
  • The way that the edges of the walls look has gone back to how we did it earlier (in earlier screenshots and the PAX build), to make it more clear where the lines are between that and the unexplored areas are.
  • When in the fog of war (in sensor range), objects now show up mostly as outlines, particularly the cover objects.
  • When hovering over many objects (in sight range), they now show up with an outline under them hinting at their function.
  • The radarbot now just makes you miss on a tile adjacent to it, not in a wildly different direction. This was the original design intent.
  • Fixed a bug where entities missing a shot could never miss to the left.
  • Fixed a bug where temporary system damage from EMPs was not wearing off.