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== Next Release Notes ==
[[Starward Rogue:Post-1.0 Release Notes]]
== Version 1.000 ==
(Released January 22nd, 2016)
* Floor skipping abilities will no longer work on the last floor of the run.
* Fixed a bug where the space invaders boss's little spawning guys were granting absolutely obscene amounts of EXP per kill (400!!).  They no longer generate any, as one would expect.
** Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
* Fixed a bug that was causing the enemy health and damage multipliers (as you go down in floors) to not work properly on Misery difficulty.
* Now on Misery difficulty, any enemy (not boss) can seed at any floor.  At least, they can seed early now -- the ones that get phased out over time stay phased out.  But now you can have late-run enemies suddenly popping up early in the run on this crazy difficulty.
* Kickback (recoil that knocks you back when you fire) has been removed from all the player weapons, since this was causing issues with high level play.
* The "lash" from the Reaper miniboss has been disabled for now, as it was confusing and seemed buggy even though it technically was not.  We may revisit that mechanic on the reaper design, but it's plenty threatening even without that.
** Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
* Keycards from glass pots are now only 1/4 as likely to spawn.
* Fixed an issue where a lot of the items in the cheap item shop had no description.
** Thanks to Apathetic for reporting.
* Fixed Cinth_FroggerV3 to not be an inescapeable trap.
** Thanks to robdon for reporting.
* Fixed an issue with the Banshees being able to fire its reactive shots 5 times a second, which was way too much.  Now it's every 1.5 seconds.  The alternative melted a few CPUs. ;)
** Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
* Descriptions for difficulty levels are now in place -- kinda important information when deciding how to play!
** Thanks to zharmad for writing most of the text for it, and to kingisaaclinksr and zharmad for reporting.
* Use SHMUP-style controls has had its text reworded to no longer talk about ships.
** Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where enemies and items were able to show up one floor before intended.
* The escape menu stats that are shown are now more concise and appropriate.  It shows what your level and floor is, but does not show what modifiers you have anymore (this really isn't meant to be a numbers game like that).
* The inset wall corners on all floors tilesets are now visually distinct.
* The exploding alien eggs now have a cooler animation to them.
* A huge number of updates to hard mode in particular.  Way too much stuff to point out.  Hard mode is definitely pretty darn tough now.
* Fixed a bug where monsters would sometimes get stuck firing towards the upper left instead of towards the player.
* The list of powerups on the escape menu now no longer includes things that go in your 4 equipment slots, or anything you've dropped or otherwise had removed.
** Thanks to nas1m, Apathetic, and Amitiel for inspiring this change.
* Added level and floor display on the upper-left hud.
* Fixed a bad interaction between the flamethrower and the overkiller perk: it would spawn just unholy numbers of shots.
** Further fixed a bad interaction between overkiller and vindictive perks where it would spawn shots off of the scenery, adding to potentially thousands of shots running around like popcorn.
** Thanks to Cinth for reporting this madness.
* The Warden is now properly balanced for difficulties under Hard mode.  He's still very hard, but not harder than Terminus anymore.
* Fixed a bug where the "don't duplicate-seed a reward room unless all have already been used" logic was never actually tracking whether it had seeded such a room previously for that floor
* Changed the newish item seeding rule "If it was seeded before as a shop item, don’t do it again as a shop item" to "if it was seeded before on this floor as a shop item, don't do it again as a shop item on this floor"
** Thanks to Cinth and crazyroosterman for inspiring this change.
* The story intro and tutorial is now in place.
== Version 0.970 ==
(Released January 21st, 2016)
* Unique icons for all of the boss-related achievements are now in place.
* The mine graphic in the prior version looks cool but was a bit hard to see against dark backgrounds.  It now has a flashing red set of lights on it to make it more visible.
* Fixed a typo in the description of the new green envy mech, and another one in the deep blue mech's description.
* Repulsive hornet mines now have substantially more repulsion power, making them more obviously useful.
** They also now cost twice as much energy per mine, though, so you can't just spam them.
* The Indigo Dipole mech no longer gets offered any missile upgrade perks as it levels up.
* The magnetic missile launcher now: no longer destroys enemy shots, moves faster, and has a lower range.
** Overall that makes it so that these are still quite useful, but they have more of a chaotic effect in boss rooms that might be very dangerous rather than a pure exploit.
* Spiders and cross-claws are now a little more CPU-friendly with their masses of shots.
* Fixed a bug where shots with "drift towards enemies" modifiers could drift towards entities with no hitbox (like some invisible spawning things).
** Thanks to waylon531 for the report and save.
* Substantially improved performance of obstacle lasers.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Six new enemies from community member ptarth have been added to the game (and a couple of them made a little meaner by Chris -- watch out!).
* Two new sizes of "test only" room types have been added.  These are used during tutorials as well.
* The graphics for the antigrav shards, and the thing they burst out of, have been improved and in general made clearer.  Now you see the pieces more easily, and it just looks better all the way around.
** Thanks to Apathetic for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where enemy systems with timed modifiers still lost time on those modifiers when the player was loitering in the doorway invincibility.
* Player missiles can now destroy two enemy shots without being destroyed themselves. Hitting a third shot will destroy the missile as before.
** Thanks to Spikey00 for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where mapgen could lock secret doors.
** In existing saves those will still be locked, but once you reveal them you can unlock them.
* Fixed a bug where the game would show secret doors that were erroneously "locked"
** Thanks to Cinth for the report and save.
* Now when you clear a room all enemy shots present at the time are destroyed.
** Thanks to Watashiwa for suggesting.
* Fixed since-the-beginning bugs where the mysterious circuit item names and descriptions were obfuscated for unknown circuits, but the system names and descriptions (which are almost always used) were not obfuscated.
* Fixed bugs where picking up a mysterious circuit item that somehow isn't in the list of circuits available for that run would cause errors.
* Fixed up the gamepad and mouse mode switching (for the virtual cursor) so that with some unusual gamepad setups it should still not be a problem switching back to the mouse mode if you are in the gamepad mode.
* The gamepad support for clicking dropdowns, sliders, scrollbars, etc, is now much more robust.
* Made the file select menu all one big long horizontal list of items in terms of how things are selected.  This solves the fiddly nature of it that was otherwise happening because it kept switching between rows rapidly if you were off even just a bit on the axis.
* Surprise!  All of the mechs have unique shapes now.  White Gloss is the same as before (that was the one meant for that), but the others all have new shapes.
* A very cool new boss for floors 2 and 3 has been created by community member ptarth.
* Many various changes to Condemned Rooms to make them look better etc.
* Weapons were altered to show their stats (hopefully) more accurately.
* More bug-fixes for consumables and other various stuff.
* Disabled 2 items for release until they're working properly (MLRS and Smart Gun).
* The math behind knockback and kickback has been completely redone.  It feels way more natural now (and never pulls you way across the room).  The scale of numbers you need to use to see any result is roughly 10x higher than it was before.
** Thanks to waylon531, Watashiwa, Apathetic, and Cinth for reporting.
* 8 more room designs.
* No more Reaper on the very first floor.
* The game no longer clamps to the room boundaries by default (unlike the last few versions).  For some people that behavior will be preferable, but since a lot of people liked it fine without that, we've made the default not to use the clamping.  The option to enable that is now in the Game tab directly in the settings menu.
** Thanks to Bluddy and Cyborg for suggesting.
* The megalith graphic no longer draws behind the boss intro screens.
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
* The start of the first tutorial is in place, but it still needs more work.
* The existing intro story, which has nothing to do with anything anymore, has been removed.  The tutorial actually has the intro story in it now (thanks to those who suggested it), although as noted that's not fully implemented just yet.
== Version 0.960 ==
(Released January 21st, 2016)
* Enemy spawners are now animated.
* Locked doors are now more obvious in their difference from simply-shut doors.
*Substantially improved performance during the Centrifuge boss fight.
**Thanks to Omgaar and kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
* There is now a Performance tab in the settings window.
** This now has options for disabling shadows, reflections, the forcefield effect on windows, and floating background debris.  These effects are awesome but relatively subtle, and it's possible to get better performance on older graphics cards without the various ones of them on.
* More balance and expansions for harder versions of bosses.
** Terminus in particular now is properly difficult.
* Torpedo Cannons can now ONLY be bought in shops, and are very expensive.  However, they are now able to break blockages.
** Thanks to Bluddy for inspiring this change.
* The sheltering module now provides protection from your grenade launchers, hornet mines, napalm strike, detonating rose, cluster launcher, and repulsive hornet mines.
** These all now use a new DamageType of LowExplosive, which the sheltering module now protects against.  These don't use the full Explosive DamageType because that breaks down blockades and we don't want that to happen.
** Thanks to Spikey00 for reporting.
* The last mech has been added to the game!  Green Envy.
** 10% chance of gaining a credit on every enemy kill, and 1% chance of gaining a keycard on every enemy kill.  eak missile launcher with very high blast radius, making it able to chew through more obstacles or shots with per shot.  However, more EXP is required for each level up, so more emphasis is placed on shops and looting -- this is a treasure hunter mech for sure.
* The Bounty Hunter and Repo Van items now actually work as percent chances rather than just giving you partial-inventory-items like they did before.  Aka they now do what it says in the tin.
== Version 0.950 ==
(Released January 20th, 2016)
* A ton of stuff for enemies in Hard mode, making them appropriately harder there.
* Four new rooms by community member ptarth.
* Ten new rooms by community member Cinth.
* Two new rooms by community member Waylon.
* Other new rooms as well!
* Berserker no longer gives 5% attack speed per kill for the duration of a room (it was breaking everything we hold dear)
** It now gives 15% attack speed per kill! (but it doesn't stack anymore and it lasts 3 seconds)
* The health bar for bosses now disappear after bosses are killed.
* Fixed an issue where do_not_seed_until_x_floors_down and do_not_seed_if_x_floors_down were both off by one (so if you said don't seed if you're on floor 3 or greater, it would seed up _through_ floor 3.
* Fixed several typos.
** Thanks to robdon for reporting.
* Redid end-of-floor screen
* Now when you click the button on the end-of-floor screen, if all the result text hasn't been shown, it shows the rest of the result text rather than immediately leaving the screen.
** Thanks to Apathetic for suggesting.
* Now when you fail a run, in addition to the normal continue button, there's a button for starting a new run with the same settings.
** Thanks to Castruccio for suggesting.
* There's now an ending story window after the last end-of-floor screen on a successful run.
* Fixed up the ZMC_SittingDucks room so that it no longer requires missiles (or for you to take a hit from a mine) to complete.
** Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
* Redid the WimpyLaser sound effect to have more of a plasma pulse sound to it that is lower-pitched and therefore not so annoying.
** Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
* The tag team blaster no longer leads to a constant whooshing of shots being fired from it to you.
* Fixed a bug where walking over missile/health/etc pickups you didn't have the capacity to hold would still cause those pickups to disappear.
** Thanks to nas1m, Apathetic, chemical_art, and others for reporting
* Now if you walk over an item that matches an equipped system of exactly the same type, it says that you already have it equipped and cannot pick it up (or, notably, buy it)
** Thanks to Ljas for inspiring this change.
* Added more direct gamepad support for the file select menu and the in-file menu.
* The older, uglier bullet graphics have been completely phased out of use in favor of the ones created in the last month.
* The New Run screen now has more direct gamepad support.
* Fixed a bug that broke some savegames from 0.855.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where the blue mech's familiar could get stuck on corners.
** If your familiar is currently stuck in a wall, you'll need to leave the room to get it unstuck. Should be fine after that.
** Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
* "Wakes when shot" enemies can now only be woken by something fired by the player mech itself. So your familiars won't pick a fight with the shopkeeper.
* Pressing cancel/open-menu on the level up screen now exits it, rather than opening the escape menu.
* Fixed bug where the player death-throes "everything goes red" effect would not be turned off if you exited early via the escape menu.
* The "you're invincible while you're still in the doorway after entering a room" logic now extends to cases when you've just entered a room and the game puts you somewhere other than the door (like when entering a boss room) and there are enemies present.
** It breaks when you move at all.
** You still cannot fire until you break it, as with the doorway situation.
** Bosses won't start their patterns until you move.
** Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
* Now holding any key that fires any equipped system will cause time to move forward with the Redshift, instead of just the main gun key.
** Thanks to donblas and Apathetic for suggesting.
* Substantially improved the performance of blowing up a whole pile of alien eggs at once.
** Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
* We had been planning on making simpler enemy patterns for the Easy and Very Easy modes, but have now decided to go a different way.
** There are still harder patterns for Hard and Misery mode, because that's what makes sense once you go above the baseline: you need more complexity to keep it interesting, not just less health or whatnot,
** However, stripping down the car (so to speak) to its bones for the easier modes doesn't really make a lot of sense, we realized.  Instead what players need on those modes is less penalty for mistakes, so that they can hone their skills.
*** Therefore, on easy mode you now have 2x as much health as you do on Normal (and all max-health-increasers give you twice as much increase, too).  And on very easy mode, it's 4x.
* The melee weapons now look visually 1000x better.
* Many existing probations were missing descriptions (oops!).
* Another sweep of balance changes to many items.
* Incredibilities weren't receiving their description changes, that is fixed.
* Changed Risky Assassin, it now reduces max life to 1 when you pick it up.
* Lots of sound effects work on both player weapons and enemies.
* The game now has much more hefty sound effects when enemies and bosses die, and also particle effect explosions.
* There are now visible particles as your shots hit enemies and deal damage, or different ones if they hit and do not deal damage.
* There is now a door click sound that plays ominously when doors lock behind you.
== Version 0.900 ==
(Released January 19th, 2016)
* Fixed a longstanding bug where enemies with multiple stages would have their health bars appear to refill at the start of each stage.
* Fixed some bugs causing the item gain/loss log in the bottom right to show double amounts.
** Thanks to Apathetic, Omgaar, and Amitiel for reporting.
* Condemned rooms now have boss intros when you enter.
** Thanks to crazyroosterman, Castruccio, and Pepisolo for inspiring this change.
* The last-enemy-shot health bar at the bottom now never shows for entities that are not actually hostile to you (notably yourself and/or your familiars, who tended to show up down there after missile explosions or whatever).
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* The upper-right message log no longer blocks mouse interaction (like holding left-click to fire).
** Thanks to dfinlay and Cinth for reporting.
* A couple of new item room variants have been added in general.  Additionally, the one with lasers that you have to dodge now just has some more passive lasers that are not threatening.  The ones you had to dodge bugged some people.
** Thanks to The Hunter for suggesting.
* Made the hitboxes on caltrops substantially more forgiving.
** Thanks to Apathetic and zharmad for reporting.
* Mirror now has two versions, Mark I and Mark II.  One appears very early in the game, and the other very late.
* Centrifuge and Periphery both have Hard mode patterns
* Some enemies also have hard mode patterns. 
* Some boss HP values changed
* Aberration now has a different appearance
* Bunches of updates to the Green Ship tileset.
* Shots hitting a one-way tile at an angle more steep than 45 degrees now disappear.
** Thanks to Enrymion and zharmad for inspiring this change.
* One-way tiles now no longer affect things whose center points are less than halfway across their main axis.
* The game now generally restricts the resolution to no-bigger-than 1920x1080, since the text gets unreadable much higher than that. If you're in windowed mode and manually resize the window higher it will let you (for that run).
** Thanks to zharmad and Tridus for inspiring this change.
* The way that the game detects which slot to put energy and consumable systems in is now better; this now prevents Overloading circuit and Supernova circuits from going into the wrong slot.
** Thanks to waylon531 and Apathetic for reporting.
* Fixed some other general issues with Supernova.
** Thanks to Maurog for reporting.
* Trying to hide behind Mirror or Wallmaster (either version of each) is now a really bad idea.
* The standard "shootable" objects (the ones that generally have three stages of breakage when you shoot them) no longer transform into their later stages on death when they've been hit with a missile, so that missiles don't just make them break one stage.
** Thanks to Enrymion for inspiring this change.
* Fixed an issue where the confirm button didn't work for confirming a perk on the gamepad, but rather only the interact button did (now both buttons do).
** Thanks to Cyprene for reporting.
* The boss intro screens now have a background.
* Fixed an issue with some of the various tunnel rooms where it was not providing you a handy teleporter on both sides to make backtracking (if required) a breeze.
* Fixed an issue where facerippers just sat there and ripped no faces in the last two versions.
** Thanks to Nargasse and RockyBst for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where loading a file, exiting that file, opening settings from the file select screen, and cancelling would open the in-game escape menu rather than going back to the file select screen.
* Aligned the file select slot images with the slots.
* Fixed a bug where on non-windows machines, only boss music would play during the in-game sections.
** Thanks to garpu for reporting.
* Fixed up the text in item boxes so that if the text is too large to fit, it shrinks it down a bit in order to fit.
* Fixed up the level up screen to have enough width for the text in their items.
* Fixed up the non-system-granting items to show the same sort of header and cues as their cousins.
* Health gains are halved while using Risky Assassin.
* MLRS is now substantially more rare, only showing up in secret rooms on floors 5+.
* The map editor now supports checking to make sure that walls and other solids are not placed directly in front of doors.
** Fixed three rooms that did have this issue.
* Fixed an issue where doors were being drawn offset in certain room sizes, thus causing things like familiars getting stuck in walls, etc.
** Thanks to Amitiel, Ljas, and Apathetic for reporting.
* Fixed a variety of case-sensitivity issues that were causing invisible images and a variety of other woes on Linux in particular.
** Thanks to Tolc for reporting.
* Possible fix for Steam not knowing the game is closed on OSX.
** Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
* Shrunk the spatial partitions in rooms from 512px to 128px, which seems to help when there are a ton of bullets and the CPU is the limiting factor.
* Updated the ZMC_LaserGrid room so that it now used 1x1 indestructible blocks instead of bombable blocks.  This makes it so that a Banshee in that room isn't an instant-game-over.
* Now if you're in a boss room, condemned room, or miniboss room the doors out use the graphics appropriate for the room on the other side, rather than all looking bossy.
* Now when you pick up an item in a free-loot secret room, the others disappear (and it tells you this will happen in the walkover tooltip for the item).
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* Obstacle lasers now fire a thinner, non-damaging, purple beam a bit before firing the real one, so you always have some cue even if you're too far from the emitter to see its glowy cue.
** Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
* The down-to-next-floor doors now say NEXT FLOOR on them in a somewhat subtle fashion (noticeable but not garish).
** Thanks to Apathetic for inspiring this change.
* The interact button no longer acts a confirm button at all on the level up window, because that could lead to instantly passing by the screen and picking the first perk unintentionally.
** Thanks to Watashiwa and kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
* Now when you use a teleporter, it clears shots (including yours) near your new location for a few seconds.
** And your familiars will respawn near you.
** Thanks to Misery and Gemzo for inspiring this change.
* Now when you fire a fire-at-reticule weapon in gamepad mode, it aims at something 550 pixels away in the reticule's direction, rather than as far away as possible.
** Thanks to mrhanman for inspiring this change
* Now when you go through a door with the Compact Molecules effect, it puts you far enough in to not be entirely within the door (and thus not flipping constantly back and forth between rooms).
** Thanks to ShopkeeperB, Apathetic, and ptarth for inspiring this change.
* Now when a bullet is fired so near a wall that it would instantly be stopped by the wall (and doesn't ignore walls), it's offset towards the firing entity until it's free to fly for at least one frame.
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* The collision boxes (for the player only) with the little auto-pickup things (credits, health, missiles, etc) is now substantially larger.  So you don't have to aim very well with your mech to pick them up now, heh.
* Fixed an issue with doors drawing that led to nowhere from shops sometimes.  That SHOULD be fixed, anyway -- if you see it again, please let us know!
** Thanks to Apathetic, nas1m, and Cinth for reporting.
* Now when you clear a condemned room you can fire again.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
* Now when you click on an empty file slot when you already have a non-empty file slot, it prompts you to confirm creating a new file rather than doing it immediately.
** Thanks to Sounds for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where used consumables still showed up in comparisons.
** Thanks to waylon531 and Apathetic for reporting.
* The white gloss mech now has an unusually high amount of health compared to other mechs.  Since it's otherwise the most basic, that seemed only fitting.
* A new "wishing for more wishes" perk is now in place and available at different spots in the level-up process for various mechs.  That's the last of these pre-1.0.
* A new "magnetic personality" incredibility is now in place.  That's the last of these pre-1.0.
* A new Indigo Dipole Mech has been added.  It has overall average stats, though a bit extra in terms of missiles.  It has hornet mines as its default special weapon, and then a really unique and amazing specialty missiles weapon
== Version 0.855 ==
(Released January 18th, 2016)
* The bombable graphics for all of the ships are now darker, since it could be hard to tell them apart on the red ship in particular.
* Fixed an issue where certain offscreen indicators could show up under the image they were pointing to.
* The non-white mechs now have their proper colors of legs.  As Blue put it, it looked like they were running around without pants on before.  Now they are properly garbed.
* All of the familiars except for Basic Drone and the Giant Paperweight and Scrap Piece no longer block shots, as that was simply super exploitable.
* More tweaks and tuning to bosses, etc, and more Hard mode patterns for a variety of them.
* Three new enemies each with three variants from community member Zharmad -- awesome, thank you!
* The east and west doors were offset visually from where they should have been, looking bad and making it hard to get through them.
* The confirm popup and regular popup now have better direct gamepad and keyboard support.
* Updated the viewport handling to feel more polished.  It no longer so rigidly centers on your player if that would mean a bunch of your view is just of wall outside the room.  Instead it clamps that bit to the room so that you can still see more of the room when you go into the corner of rooms.
* The map editor is now more forgiving with the various small on-the-floor items and those being put near to multi-tile enemies and such.
* The map editor now verifies that you don't have mysterious pipes or lasers pointing straight into walls.  Also corrected the few rooms that did have this happening.
* Now items with can_seed_multiple_times_per_run false can seed once in a shop and (if you don't buy it) once outside a shop.
* Now the game no longer tries to seed all kinds of terminal-reward room on every floor, though it does always try to seed Item, HealthUpgrade, and CheapItemShop
* Now if the game is trying to seed a terminal reward room, and that would require linking it to an existing terminal reward room, it just doesn't seed the newer one.
* Now the game no longer considers terminal reward rooms eligible to cross-link with other tendrils.
* Further polish for level-up screen.
* Fixed a recent bug that made teleporter pads invisible.
* Now when you try to load a save that cannot due to errors, it no longer presents the Delete and Keep options, since saves should no longer be being broken.
** Also, if it detects that the save was broken by modding renaming or removing a necessary internal name, it tells you this and tells you the first such internal name (it doesn't know the other ones, not being able to continue loading).
* The visuals for the way that player shields and player health are shown is now much improved.
* The central-screen-message for leveling up is now delayed until there are no enemies left in the current room.
* Tuned the timing of the Prox's systems to more reliably act like something that blows up when the player gets near.
* Completely revised the weapon of the flame tank -- note that this will only take effect in new runs.  The new one has more range and behaves a bit differently, starting smaller as if coming out of a nozzle, and then getting larger rapidly.
* The DarkShip tileset finally has its real graphics for the floating scrap in the background.  It's now a lot more uniquely thematic than before.
* A new GreenShip tileset is partially in place -- some of its graphics are still being converted to being the new style for it.  But its glass, starfields, debris, floors, walls, and various other things are already ready.  The decorations on the floor and walls and some of the shootable objects are not in their final form is all.
** Floors 1-3 now only use the blue and green tilesets.  The red tileset is now just for floors 4 and 5.  (And for those keeping score, the dark tileset was only for floors 6 and 7 already).
* Fixed some issues with familiars seeding in the upper left of rooms when you moved between rooms while having one.
* A new Deep Blue mech option has been added for players.  This one starts out with a familiar as well as a charging weapon, and is more challenging to use than the others, although plays pretty differently in a fun way -- once you get the hang of it.
* Tons of other balance work, and some new rooms and enemies.
== Version 0.854 ==
(Released January 17th, 2016)
* The EXP drops from glass pots are now way less frequent, but also give more.  Credits and keycards are more frequent now.
* The amount of EXP dropped by regular enemies is now substantially larger.
* Fixed up a bunch of collision stuff and the way that melee works from enemies and caltrops and similar.  Previously caltrops were an enormous drain on CPU, and/or were not hitting the player reliably.  The on-touch melee systems from entities were also causing problems.
* Fixed an issue where there could be extreme slowdown in some circumstances due to internal "flocks" whose ships had died but the flock was still around, thus leading to a ton of excessive calculations for nothing.  In some random circumstances this was completely tanking the performance, but now those flocks automatically clean themselves up from RAM.
* The DarkShip tileset is now complete!  This is floors 6 and 7.
* The icons on the File Select screen are now updated to their final versions.
* Several of the minimap icons have been improved, and there are now distinct icons for the defensive shop and the consumables shop.
== Version 0.853 ==
(Released January 17th, 2016)
* Fixed up the RedShift mech so that time literally does stop when it's not moving, versus just moving super slow.
* Vestige, Shrapnel, Aberration, and Aggressor now have Hard-mode patterns.
* New enemy "Accelerator" added
* New boss "Periphery" added
* Fixed an issue in recent versions where lasers and so on had become unkillable with missiles.
** Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
* Enemies should no longer target indestructible familiars you might have.  This hasn't been tested yet, but it should work.
** Thanks to Apathetic and TheVampire100 for reporting.
* More sound effects for the player are now in place.
* Fixed the issue with the choppiness once again -- this time better. ;)
* The doors have all been updated to the new style that doesn't have overlap issues.
== Version 0.852 ==
(Released January 16th, 2016)
* Depending on your level of progression in the game, there is now a bit of story text relevant for that level of progression on the new run screen.
* A variety of more rooms.
* Some new doors in a few of the tilesets.  Not finished yet.
* Previously the game was trying to set a target framerate of 60fps.  However, that just inevitably caused a lot of woe and strange lagging in certain areas, even with the framerate being "fine."  This was because of small inter-frame inconsistencies between our physics limiters saying "you can't go faster than this" and so "just slightly missing the bus," so to speak.
** This was something that was particularly notable on computers that are able to run this at a beastly framerate, such as uncapped it running at 900+ fps on Chris's 980M.
** At any rate, the cap is removed now and this seems to fix the issue.
** Thanks to kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
* Two new kinds of shops have been added: defensive and consumables.
** This also now gets all the consumables out of the robot shop, where they were not supposed to be.
* A new Redshift Mech hull type has been added.  It's extremely difficult to play, but also fascinating.
** It has almost no health, and it has no starting shields at all, but time only moves when it moves, which makes it so that the game isn't about reflexes at all when you are playing with it.
* A pretty wicked new Flame Tank mech has been added to the game.  It has its own pro's and cons but also feels really different to play compared to the main mech people have been used to.
== Version 0.851 ==
(Released January 16th, 2015)
* Fixed a bug where minibosses trying to use a non-standard size of miniboss room were giving an error and failing to seed.
** Thanks to dumpsterKEEPER, zharmad, and others for reporting.
* The Warden and Terminus have had their HP lowered a bit again.
* Blaze Cannon has also had it's HP lowered, it was a bit too tanky for the type of enemy it was.
* All 3 types of Bubbles now move slower.
* Blaze Turrets no longer tank the framerate.
* The "Familiar" ship category has been split into two: PlayerFamiliar and EnemyFamiliar.
** These really should be acting differently, since of course one is friendly to players and the other is friendly to enemies.  All of the existing ships have been updated to the two new ones.
* The three different types of shops now all have distinctive decorations in them (glass breakables, bombables, and lasers respectively) that make them way easier to identify what they are.
** Same with the health upgrade rooms: they now use repulsors as a quick visual indicator of what they are.
** Also the free loot rooms and the health for item rooms are now more unique-looking, too.
* Hidden rooms now show up as being very dark and dim, helping to add to their sense of being hidden.
* Your mech no longer reacts to what your mouse cursor or gamepad are doing in other windows if the mech is still visible.
* Fixed a bug wherein the test chamber was losing enemies in it due to the "don't seed to close to me" rules for the regular game.
* Fixed a bug where the melee damage from enemies, spikes, etc, was very overzealous and could hit you from getting too close to the thing rather than actually touching it.
* Rather than removing all enemies within 600px of players on entering a room, it's now only 300px.
* After you complete at least one run, the shops now have shopkeepers.  Hmm... ;)
* Redid New Run screen.
* The frequency of various things that seed in the fragile shootable glass has been greatly optimized for giving you better stuff.  More money, more keycards, more missiles.
* You now start with 10 max missiles, but only filled to 5 of them.  Rather than 10 out of 10 for two releases back, or 3 out of 3 for the prior version.
* On the gamepad, walk is no longer a toggle by default.  That way people aren't accidentally turning it on and not knowing what is happening.
* The mix of item drops in item rooms should now be substantially better.
* The range on the default weapon has been returned to 500 from 750.  The bulk of the game has been designed with that in mind, so shifting that up was probably not the best idea.
== Version 0.850 ==
(Released January 15th, 2016)
* Knockback and kickback effects now function by applying momentum, rather than instantly changing location.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
* Fixed an issue where certain enemies could drop loot that were not supposed to.
* Redid the post-file-select Main Menu screen.
** And added a delete button to it.
* Fixed a bug in the last version where losing a condemned room and thus losing a point of max health would kill you as soon as you changed rooms.
* Added toggle to New Run screen: Play With Everything Unlocked
** If this is checked, this single run will consider everything unlocked and will have a full-sized dungeon, which is useful for testing. You won't gain achievements or long-term stats in this mode.
* The walls in the game all now have baseboards (skirting boards), making it a lot clearer where walls are vs floor.
* The game now seeds a more rare secondary or main weapon on the first floor item room compared to other item rooms where that is weighted less.
* There are now little color-coded boxes around the things you are picking up and dropping in the recent transactions list in the bottom right corner of your screen.
* Some of the things you picked up or used were still showing in the message log rather than down in the lower right transaction log of icons.  Fixed.
* You now have to collect only half as many health shards per health upgrade, but the health upgrades are now 1 health point rather than 2.
* Your max shields can now never exceed 2.
* Redid upper left corner HUD again.
* New enemies added: Vex, Remnant, Obtrusion, Desideratum.  These are mostly mid or late-game enemies and tend to be a bit tanky.
* Fusillade's HP in all 3 forms has been lowered.
** It also will not appear before floor 3.
* The Warden, Terminus, Palisade, and Sentinel have all gotten a major HP increase.
** This is to allow them to better deal with late game builds; the original HP values hadn't considered that... oops.
* Blowing up one of the special blocks that normally drops a health shard will now instead reveal adjacent secret rooms, if there are any. If there are none it drops a shard like normal.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change
* Since players do not want their monsters fitted nasally: now when you enter a room, any non-boss enemy that is within 600px and has line of sight to you is silently removed.
* Now when you click through the title screen, it consumes the mouse event so it can't also be considered a click on a slot or button.
* Now the game keeps track of when you perfect-clear (no damage, no missiles, no consumables) a room, and the stats screen shows perfects for each enemy type as well as kills.
* Now when you're in a cleared room, there are pointers at the edge of the screen to each door and each prize item (i.e. that doesn't cost anything and gives a system or familiar)
* The game now uses a custom mouse cursor for easier aiming, and for us to also tie in with gamepad mouse emulation.
* None of the enemies spawned from enemy spawners cause doors to be shut any more.  This was annoying, and could also cause a few rooms to be impassible depending on whether you had missiles or not.
* Fixed a bug where the health item rooms were spawning anything but. ;)
* Redid the statistics screen.
* Your laser sight no longer draws in condemned rooms.
* When you die, all your shots die.
** Thanks to Mission for inspiring this change.
* The enemies on the stats window are now sorted bosses first, then minibosses, then condemned bosses, then regular enemies, and alpha by name within those categories.
* Player mechs now start out with a default energy weapon.  For the white gloss mech, this default energy weapon is the Rain Cannon.
* Savegames are now compressed, because otherwise they were needlessly large.  They're now closer to 23kb in the early game rather than 1mb.  This makes it so that savegames for bug reports can actually be loaded to mantis in the late game!
* The final art for the main menu is now in place, showing the Megalith that you are exploring!
* Redid the bottom left HUD.
* Fixed a bug where periodic movement modes could throw a null exception.
* The gamepad now controls a "virtual" cursor on the menus.
* Fixed a bug where the "just hit by something" red overlay was drawing very intermittently on the player and other stuff.
* There's now a special glow around the player whenever the player is invincible (just hit, still in a door, etc)
* Battleswarm has been rejiggered to no longer eat framerates for lunch.
* Fixed an issue where caltrops would very rarely actually hurt you.
* Fixed up the performance on all the remaining bosses so that they should have excellent performance.
* Fixed up the boss rooms so that you start closer to the boss, and so that their structures are different and have both some glass breakables that you might be able to get helpful loot drops from, as well as so they have a tad of caltrops to keep you on your toes.
** The exploits with weapons of your own that can fire through walls are also no longer possible.
=== Ability Points removed, Experience Points added ===
* You gain XP pretty much the same way you gained AP, though you don't use XP for pretty much anything you used AP for.
* When monsters drop XP (formerly AP) you just get it instantly rather than it actually dropping into the map and sitting there or flying around or whatever.
* You don't lose XP the way you lost AP (time in battle, hits taken, unfilled capsule, etc).
* When you get enough XP you level up and get to select a perk (when the room is clear, or immediately if it's already clear).
** XP, levels and perks do not cross over to the next run.
* You now default to 3 max missiles rather than 10, to give more room for upgrades.
* You now default to 1 shield rather than 2.
* You now default to 8 health rather than 6.
* There are now 37 distinct perks that are organized into 24 levels (some of them repeats obviously, for things like health up or whatnot).
** The higher levels are meant to be really unobtainable, just so that you can actually still have something to shoot for if you have a ton of EXP generation going on.
** Unique things actually stop happening after level level 12, which is the last "true level" in terms of main upgrades.  The stuff beyond that is as much icing as you can stuff into your face, basically. ;)
* You gain substantially more EXP on every floor down you go.  Right now it's a whopping floor level * EXP amount.
** In general the speed of EXP gain versus the amount of EXP cost per level is something we need to adjust.
=== Difficulty Level Adjustments ===
* The Very Easy and Easy difficulty levels slow down all enemy movement and shot patterns -- the patterns and whatnot stay coherent, as everything is slowed down as if time were moving in slow-motion (relative to the frantic pace of the higher difficulties, anyway; it's still plenty snappy).
** This doesn't affect your own shots or movements at all.  It simply gives you more time to react to enemies.
** On normal mode, things are actually slowed down a bit compared to before, too.  Not so much, just a bit.
* As you move deeper into floors, the game now ramps up a variety of things for enemies:
** Enemies start getting an extra point of damage added to their shots after a bit.  It happens faster on Misery difficulty where more and more get added, and much slower on Normal.  Basically you start having to be increasingly more precise, OR you need to increase your max health to compensate.
** Enemies on all difficulties Easy and up start getting increasing amounts of health.  For Hard and Misery this may be too much, we'll have to see.  We don't want this to turn into a grind against the health of enemies in the late game.  But basically we didn't want this to be a situation where your own attack upgrades make the game trivial.  So this does create a bit of a "keeping up with the Joneses" effect, which we do want to some degree; the question is if we overdid it.
** Basically none of this applies on Easy or Very Easy modes.
** If you want to see all the hundreds of lines of xml that controls this (which you can easily mod), then look in RuntimeData/Configuration/FloorGeneration/floors.xml.
* Several bosses are now closer to being tuned for hard-mode-and-up in their patterns: Crystal Mother, Battleswarm, Lady Staccato, and Vestige.
* The range of the player's default weapon has been increased from 550 to 750.  This makes some of the later-game higher-difficulty bosses actually feasible, as dodging while firing from a distance is a pretty big deal.
=== Revised Default Controls ===
* A bunch of the controls have been reworked, yet again.  This time is probably final!
** The walk  button on the gamepad is now the left analog stick click, and is a toggle by default.
** On run button on the gamepad is now the left trigger again.
** There is no longer a switch-special-weapon button.  Instead, the energy weapon is always your right mouse button and the right trigger.
** There is now a dedicated missile launcher button again.  On the gamepad this is the right bumper, and on the keyboard this is now spacebar.
** Since consumables are used less frequently, on the keyboard they are now bound to F by default, rather than spacebar.
=== Music! ===
* The first three music tracks are now in place for the main in-game areas, and then the a boss track as well.
* There are now ambient tracks that are played when you are in a secret room, or when you are in the main menu.
== Version 0.804 ==
(Released January 12th, 2016)
* Fixed a recently introduced bug that treated all inventory item types with no maximum (keycards, etc) as having a maximum of zero, thus making keycard pickups appear to do nothing, etc.
** Thanks to zharmad, Omgaar, and Misery for reporting.
* Alien Eggs now detonate on room clear same as mines, and now both actually set off their charges in that case rather than a graphical-only explosion.
* Now when you enter a floor boss room for the first time, if that room script has a player starting location defined, you're placed there instead of at the door.
** Thanks to Pepisolo and Misery for suggesting.
* Fixed an issue with the nanite squids being invisible if you had not woken them up yet.  Oops!
** Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
* More new rooms!
* New minibosses!
* The turrets no longer damage enemies -- it was an oversight that they did in the first place.
* Shots now always stop at the edge of the room's outer rectangle.
* Made the "once you walk in the door, you're in" logic only apply to floor bosses, not minibosses or condemned rooms.
* Made the health drain on some entities (condemned rooms, notably) not apply while you loiter in the doorway before entering.
* Now when you "lose" a condemned room, instead of dying, all the enemies die and you lose one max health (and any pickups on the floor or that would be dropped by the enemies).
** If you're already at 1 max health you lose all credits, keycards, and missiles instead.
* Fixed an issue where the enemy spawner could spawn any kind of entity set as a spawnee, not just those that were actually enabled, or actually set for the proper floors, etc.
* The shield graphics on the player now allow you to still see the underlying health indicator colors so that if you have shields but almost no health, that is now apparent.
** Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
* The WallMaster has now had some major revisions both to its visual shots, and to the number of shots it spawns.  The end effect is pretty much the same, but it no longer remotely eats your framerate (whereas it pretty much guaranteed did before).
* A second, substantially harder version of the wallmaster has been added that only seeds on lower floors and only after you've beaten the primary wallmaster a few times.
* 21 new Monster-Free rooms from Endymion!
* The fragile shootable and enemy drops now include health drops, and very rarely also keycards.
== Version 0.803 ==
(Released January 12th, 2016)
* New boss "Dark Aberration" added
** Is not ready to seed yet.
* Fusillade now has a third phase
* 10 new very difficulty rooms have been added by community member Endymion.
* Given the fact that room difficulty can really vary, we've now got a system where if you put (FX) at the end of the name of a room file, you can make a room type only seed at that floor and downward.  So (F4) would only seed on floor 4 and down, (F2) would only start on the second floor and down, etc.
* All of the bosses now have their own test chamber for use in testing them or just testing YOURSELF against them.
* Fixed a bug that was causing no enemies to load into test chamber rooms in the last build.
* Redid the File Select screen.
* The statistics screen now shows information about items that you've found and hides info on those that you've never found and enemies you've never killed, etc.
* The room editor now has "glass blockades," which block ships and players but no shots, allowing for interesting shootouts across them.
* There are now four different types of spinning turrets that can be put into rooms via the room editor, rather than one.  These greatly increase the utility of these sorts of turrets, because each one presents different kinds of challenges for level designers to inflict on players.
* Added intro screen for floor bosses.
* Ability point drops no longer chase you and make you think bullets are coming inexorably for you.
** Thanks to donblas for inspiring this change.
== Version 0.802 ==
(Released January 11th, 2016)
* Alien Eggs and Mines now are able to break bombable blocks with their explosions, which adds to all sorts of other interesting possibilities.  They basically have the same ability to break stuff that your own missile system does.
* Anti Gravitate shards now move substantially faster.
* The actual art for Terminus is now complete!
* There is now a dedicated boss health bar up at the top of the screen, more like what people would expect.
** In condemned rooms, this now shows a tip about what your objective in that room is.
** This also lets the bottom-part-of-the-screen health bars and tooltips continue to work as usual.  So for multi-body bosses, or multi-boss rooms, you can see how damaged the specific body or boss is.
* The way that health and shields are shown in the upper left corner has shifted again and is no longer done in full health boxes (unlike Zelda or whatnot), but instead is more Megaman-like again.  1 box = 1 health, which is less confusing all around and also allows for more granularity for us, and extra health on lower difficulties compared to even what we had before.
* Alien eggs now have a larger explosion radius, making them substantially more interesting in room design.
* The tooltips for the locked doors and the locked loot containers are now in place.
*Added support on room_setup tag in test chamber script for:
**use_boss_data (entity), use_boss_room_node_index (int)
***used together, these tell the test chamber to initialize as if you had just walked into a boss/miniboss/condemned room to face (use_boss_data) when it rolled its (use_boss_room_node_index) room node
***so if you want to test the hunter with its first room node, do:
**suppress_normal_test_chamber_win_behavior (bool)
***when true, prevents the test chamber from checking for "if all enemies are dead, say 'Won!' and reset the test chamber" logic
* New boss "Fusillade" added
** Again, unsure on what this one's difficulty will be perceived as, but it's not really intended as an early-game boss.
* Fixed some rooms having even width/height on the minimap, despite only having a single entrance on the relevant sides, which caused the game to think it could connect rooms on that side but not actually being able to (because a door can't go in the "middle" of a wall of even length).
** This was causing the remaining cases of invalid door connections that were leading to you being stuck in walls when switching rooms, etc.
** Thanks to Misery, Arc-3N-4B, Omgaar, Enrymion, Arnos, zharmad, and crazyroosterman for the reports and saves.
* The pickup log in the upper right message log has been moved to the bottom right and made far less obtrusive.
** It also shows when you drop an item, use a consumable, spend credits or AP, etc.
* Fixed up the missile and energy displays in the bottom left corner so that they look completely correct now.
* Removed the DPS display in the bottom left, as that was not needed anymore.
* The graphic for health is now different.
* Health shards now have a new graphic that is more clearly related to health, and is also animated.
* Fixed up the comparison item boxes so that they look better and center properly when there is only one of them.
* Added a new RegularEnemyLaterStage that is different from BossLaterStage and thus doesn't trigger any of the boss logic.
* The game now has actual real icons for the minimap -- at long last!
* Additionally, it now has icons for the new kinds of rooms, AND items that are left behind in existing rooms.
* The after-floor reports screen now makes it way more clear what floor you're heading into.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the final boss to not seed properly in the game.
** Related, there were some entities and enemies that were likely spawning on incorrect floors in general as well, and that is also now fixed if that was the case.
* Four new particle-based enemies have been added to the game (nanite squids).
** These also serve as both very low-level and high-level "deadly pursuers," and thus make it so that category is never coming up empty.
* The sacrifice shops now have 11 different items that can seed in them, and which no longer seed other places.
* The credit cost of all the drones has been doubled.  Credits are now a lot more plentiful.
* There are now 8 different items that can appear in health upgrade rooms, three of which are new.
* Bunches of new rooms, some other new enemies, and a load of new condemned rooms.
* The proper gating for the condemned room bosses is now in place.
** There are still 3 easier versions that we intend to make as variants for earlier on in to give more variety earlier in the game when a lot of the harder stuff is locked.
== Version 0.801 ==
(Released January 9th, 2016)
* New boss "Vestige" added
** While the boss's patterns are pretty much finished, I'm unsure of the thing's difficulty without further testing, so consider this one a bit experimental.
* New enemies "Bubble" and "Larva" added
** These only appear on the final two floors (after the fight with the Warden).  Be careful of the Bubble, and be ready to dive behind cover when you defeat it!
* Lots of HUD revisions
* Fixed a bug where the game's logic for creating connections between rooms during floor generation could give you a door into a side of a room that just had solid wall, thus neatly ending your run.
** Thanks to garpu, DirtyPaws, Morslok, and zharmad for reporting.
== Version 0.800 ==
(Released January 9th, 2016)
'''* You know, there's just so much stuff we didn't even document all of it.  This list would be like 5x longer if we had, sorry about that.  We don't normally neglect things like that.  Also note this eats your savegames again.  We won't be keeping that up much longer.'''
*Added a new slider to the graphics tab of the settings window: Zoom
**If you have a resolution smaller than 1920x1080 you may want to use this to "zoom out" the game area (not the HUD) a bit. Reduces graphical quality somewhat.
**Default: 1, Max Zoom Out: 0.64
**Thanks to Bluddy for inspiring this change.
* Lasers, Gravity Wells, Repulsors, repeaters (all four kinds), and mysterious pipes can now all be destroyed by missiles.
** Now you can get them out of the way if you really want to, but at some cost.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
* Final Boss "Crescendo" added
** This boss has 5 phases
** In the first phase, the boss cannot be damaged until the defending turrets are destroyed.
** Second phase is pretty normal, no unique qualities
** Third and fourth phases both include a shield for the boss; this blocks your bullets and occasionally switches position, requiring you to navigate the bullet swarms in order to position yourself somewhere where you can actually hit it.  However, you can use missiles to break it, but it doesn't take long before it simply reappears.
** The fifth phase, the boss loses the shield, but will begin assaulting you directly, creating a minefield as it goes.
** A sixth phase (which would be a second minefield phase) may be added depending on the perceived difficulty of this boss.
* The patterns for the Charger, and Crystal Mother's third phase have been fixed
* Crystal Mother now has the first Misery-difficulty-only pattern in the game
* Multiple turrets added: Accelerator, Blaze, Wave, and Full Range
** These are special indestructible entities for an upcoming room type and will not seed in normal rooms
* New enemy "Burst Guard" added
* Some parts of the bullet script have been altered a bit to be ready for difficulty gating
* Guardian entities "Palisade" and "Sentinel" added
** These appear only in the room of the "true final boss", and they block your path and must be destroyed before you can advance further into the room
* Room for true final boss added
** This isn't finished yet!
* Fixed a bug where the replumbing of the axis-based input back on December 18th did not override previous settings for the "alternate right" keybind, and so folks with settings from before that would have their targeting snap directly right after letting go of the movement keys under the keyboard+mouse input scheme.
** Thanks to Penumbra and Bluddy for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the energy-restore-on-room-switch logic was happening before the player's modifiers were reapplied, causing it to fill to the default energy cap (100) instead of a bigger number if you'd picked up something that increases your cap (e.g. big leaky battery)
** Thanks to Pepsisolo and crazyroosterman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the "let the player walk into a door even though it's beyond the normal play area" logic didn't exclude locked doors.
** Thanks to Dominus Arbitrationis and crazyroosterman for reporting.
* Familiars that orbit in a now try to stay within line of sight of the ship they're orbiting, to avoid them going into the walls. Whether this looks less strange, or more, remains to be seen.
* The whole idea of the "quick change" stuff on the gamepad is gone.
** So is the idea of having multiple main guns.  Instead you just swap out your main gun at will, like other systems.  And your main gun is always equipped.
* During the player death animation the player's familiars also die (the player isn't actually dead until the end of that, so it wasn't happening naturally).
** Thanks to Dominus Arbitrationis for suggesting.
* Gravity well objects (not shots with gravity) now destroy shots that they pull in close. This includes bouncing mines.
* Bouncing mines now block shots like stationary mines do, which means they can now be destroyed by firing a missile at them (previously they wouldn't block, and thus would not detonate, the missile).
* Now when you enter a room you spawn mostly inside the door. And until you actually fully enter the room:
** The doors will not shut (so you can go back where you came from, even if there are enemies present)
** You and your familiars are invincible and are ignored for targeting purposes.
** All AI (enemy and your familiars) is disabled.
** All systems (guns, etc) are disabled.
** All gravitational pull is disabled.
** Your familiars do not draw or simulate at all.
*** They fade in quickly when you actually enter the room.
** Thanks to Cinth and donblas for inspiring these changes.
* Items spawned in secret rooms now cost AP to pick up. 40 for the first, 70 for the second, and so on.
* New enemy "Snare" added
** The first of the late-game-only enemies, this guy and his alternate versions will not spawn until area 6 or later
* Enemies and bosses that were previously using placeholder sprites now have their own artwork!  I'm pretty sure I didnt miss any...
* Fixed a bug where melee weapon bullets at the end of their pattern would start moving forward during their "scale out" time.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
* True final boss "Terminus" added
** Appearing only on floor 7 in it's own unique room, this is the game's final goal, and it is guarded by both Palisade and Sentinel, which must be defeated before you can confront this guy.
* Crystal Mother no longer has the Flak Launcher device that she got from who knows where.  That wasnt supposed to be there...
* Fixed an issue where bullet-pattern bullets would not do the rest of their logic if killed by an AOE explosion.
* Player missiles now detonate when they hit an enemy shot (still clearing out that shot and any others around it that can be cleared out).
* The shot-clearing explosions of bosses no longer have a visible component.  Additionally, it only affects non-player shots, and causes them to char and black out quickly.
* New boss "Centrifuge" added
** This guy is a bit experimental, so as of the time of me writing this it is set to not seed.
== Version 0.207 ==
(Released December 22nd, 2015)
* Fixed a bug where rooms horizontally flipped were actually flipped and then flipped back to normal, but the laser emitters and mysterious pipe openings were only flipped once, resulting in them pointing the wrong way.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where charge weapons would not fully update when you switched to a different room, causing their charged states to not work.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo, Misery, and The Hunter for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where picking up a shop item gave you credits rather than took them away.
** Thanks to Misery for pointing out the unorthodox business model.
* Made more sure that the "things I've picked up this floor/run" lists are cleared between runs, so you don't run into item-room/AP pedestals with nothing on them.
** Also made it so that if for some reason there really aren't any unlocked items eligible for a pedestal spot (in a shop, for example), it doesn't spawn the pedestal either.
** Thanks to Pepsisolo and The Hunter for reporting.
* Added new toggle to the New Run screen: Temp Dev Mode
** If this is checked, this single run will essentially be in "developer mode" which allows various debugging features. Since those features can be used to cheat, you won't gain achievements, permanent Ability Points, or long-term stats in this mode.
** A big chunk of what this enables is the "L" menu, where pressing L during the game will bring up a window in the upper-left corner with various nefarious buttons.
** Among them is a new "Unlock All AP Items" button.
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* Entities that pass through both wall terrain and non-wall terrain (like Ability Point drops) now also pass through anything else that can block passage.
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* Ability Point drops are now immune to gravity/repulsion.
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions where on XBox controllers you could not reassign the left and right triggers in the key bindings.
* The game now uses icons for the gamepad buttons that previously would just show as numbers.  This should help with confusion on what each thing is in prompts, etc.
* There are now 360-specific gamepad button images for when players are using that controller.
* Energy no longer regenerates over time during play inside rooms.
* Energy is now fully replenished every time you move between rooms.
== Version 0.206 ==
(Released December 21st, 2015)
* Now when you pick up health/missiles/credits/keycards/ability-points it waits part of a second before announcing it, so you get "100x Ability Points" rather than 100 messages in the log.
* Health pickup announcement now puts it in terms of health boxes rather than health points (2 points per box).
* Now when you win a room any mines remaining in it go boom.
** Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
* Now when enemies drop items on death, and the point would be inaccessible, the game tries to find a nearby open tile to spawn the item on.
** Thanks to Cinth for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where the boss health bars were relative to the max health of the current and future forms, rather than including previous forms.
* Fixed a bug where the "do not seed until floor X" and "do not seed on or after floor Y" rules for items, bosses, etc were inverted.
* Player-directed beam weapons are now blocked by walls.
** Thanks to The Hunter for suggesting.
* Door traversal now happens by moving into the door, not just touching it.
** Thanks to pumpkin and mooncows for inspiring this change.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version with the wrong version of the player legs not looking right.  Wow glitchy!
** Thanks to Pepisolo and The Hunter for reporting.
* Fixed some bugs with the quick select always using X and B for that regardless of whether or not LB was held down.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
* Previously, all of our pursuer enemies just had a single category: Pursuer_1x1.  However, this was not sufficient to handle some of the small pursuers that really require a lot of room for extra kiting.  Looking at you, Charger!
** We've now added a new DeadlyPursuer_1z1 enemy class that is used in fewer rooms and only in appropriate contexts.  The Charger now gets seeded there, and future enemies in that general design space will also go there.
** Thanks to The Hunter, crazyroosterman, and others for reporting.
* The special weapons now have graphics that get swapped in on your mech when you switch between them and the missile launcher.
* The various special weapons all now have at least provisional recoils set on them.
* The three Arc enemies are now Pearl enemies and have actual graphics.  This also includes new shot graphics for them.
* The Shifter is now the Chaotic Core instead, and now has real graphics and new shot graphics.  It's also now a Chaos_5x5 enemy rather than a Wanderer_3x3, because goodness it does create chaos.
* Two new versions of the Chaotic Core have been added, and they are dastardly indeed.  Actually one is a bit easier and the other one is dastardly.
== Version 0.205 ==
(Released December 18th, 2015)
* An awesome new version of the loot chest that both looks nicer and is animated has been added to the game.
** It also now has an unlocking animation, although it does not yet have sound effects during the unlock process (that is planned).
* A new shop room variant has been added that has a chest in it.
* The junk-themed rooms now have some even better updated graphics.
* The game now does a better job of switching out of gamepad mode into keyboard+mouse mode (and thus restoring the mouse cursor to visibility).  You no longer have to press a keyboard key for it to happen, but at the same time small jostlings of the mouse should still not cause it to switch.
*Now tiles in non-boss rooms that normally drop loot after you win the room only have a roughly 10% chance of doing so.
* The game now uses recoil on the two visible weapons that you have, and there is no longer kickback on your actual player mech itself anymore.  We will likely use kickback on some very large weapons, but not these smaller ones (not even missiles).
** Thanks to Pepisolo, TheVampire100, and The Hunter for suggesting we remove the kickback.
* Added a new option to the map editor that lets us put in very-broken shootable objects that can take some damage, but only explode the one time.  It's the third stage of the regular shootable objects.
* Updated the one big boss room that was exploitable to use the very-broken shootable objects instead of the solid walls.
* Updated all the existing bosses to use a new boss room in a new giant-sized boss room chamber that has almost no cover but a little extra space to the center to give you buffer between entering the room and facing the boss.
* All 3 forms of the Charger enemy have had their speed reduced a bit
* The Shifter and it's core were both mistakenly named "Blue Crystochet", this has been fixed
* The Shifter Core has had it's movement speed reduced, as well as the speed of it's bullets
** It also no longer spawns on it's own; no more sudden explosive attacks from this crazy thing the moment you enter a room!
* The number of health shards required for a new health box has been increased for normal difficulty and higher.
* The text in the escape menu now talks about the Current Run instead of the Current Campaign, and the formatting is better and now has the amount of time spent in the current run rather than since the entire save slot was started.
** In here you can also see your stored ability points now for more than one run, and your unlocked item and enemy counts.
* Glass pots now have a 90% chance of dropping something rather than a 40% chance.
** They also now drop ability points much more commonly than anything else, so that they can drop something low-value (individually-speaking) and not flood the player with health and whatnot.
* The laser sight of the mech is now always visible.
** Thanks to TheVampire100 for suggesting.
* There is no longer a default keybind for zooming on the gamepad.  We want to move away from there being much in the way of zooming anyhow -- the only reason it's there at all is for people with other screen resolutions.
* Fixed some issues with the calculation of the location of the reticule on the mouse controls that were making it bonkers at times.
* Missiles no longer ever slide along walls.  However, players can no longer accidentally friendly-fire themselves with missiles, either.
* The range of missiles has been cut from 2000 to 1000.
* Fixed an issue where area of effect shots were playing the on-hit sound twice, and also ignoring the "don't play a sound if no damage was done" rule.
* There is now a slight angling-inward of the systems that you have equipped that points shots more to the center of where your mouse cursor is rather than on parallel tracks beside it.  It's not as extreme as the aiming was in prior versions, as the firing angle offset is still fixed.  But it makes aiming at a distance more accurate when you're trying to hit a small target.
** Thanks to mooncows for reporting.
* Fixed several layer-ordering issues that were causing some oddities when on the very far sides of extra-long rooms, among other things.
** Thanks to The Hunter and Pepisolo for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where rooms with non-symmetrical door locations (NE and SW right now) could wind up with their doors permanently blocked in some cases because of flipped tiles inside the room.  Those rooms just no longer flip the tiles.
* Fixed a bug where the game could get very loud with lots of sounds stacking on top of one another.
** Thanks to The Hunter for reporting.
* Now at the end of a floor, or a run, you get a stats screen.
* Now when the player takes fatal damage, there's a short period where:
** the player's still there
** is made invisible
** emits a normal death explosion (that shattering effect)
** the simulation slows down to about 20% speed just to make sure you notice that the game has owned you again
** then you're shown the end-of-run stats
** Thanks to Cinth and others for inspiring these changes.
* The visual for ability points now uses the blue version of what was previously credits.  It was too confusing what credits were in practice while playing, but this animation works great for ability points.
* A new graphic for credits has been implemented, based on the same concept in Bionic Dues.  (Hey, why not tie things together.)
* The bottom-left HUD now shows whichever system is active for your special weapon button, and shows what your inactive system is (if there is one).
* There are now sound effects for when you die and for when you fire missiles.
* Lots of new item updates, as with all of our new builds.
* The gating of items behind floors and ability point unlocks is now in place.
=== Gamepad Updates ===
* Thanks to the insanity of how unity 3D maps some of the internal stuff for xbox 360 controllers on multiple platforms in particular, we've replumbed all of the axis-based stuff (the analog sticks and d-pad) so that they are checked differently now, and are consistent between platforms.  Other types of gamepads will continue to use the regular unity internal stuff, but now the 360 controllers will behave better and have the proper defaults on all OSes.
** Well, they should.  We've not actually tested it yet outside of windows.
* All of the xbox controller settings should now be consistent across platforms for the buttons themselves, too.
* At long last fixed the core issue with the 360 controls (well, aside from the cross-platform stuff): the left and right triggers can now both independently be used.  Previously they would cancel one another out.
* The gamepad controls have been revamped once more.  There are no longer any functions mapped to the analog stick clicks.
** The run button is now RB rather than LB.
** The menu button is now Start, like you'd expect.
** The use consumable button is now Back, which is inconvenient but the most convenient we could think of for something used that infrequently (relatively speaking).
** Interact/use is now LB, which is much easier to reach.  And it's also easier to use while moving and firing at the same time if need be.
** Holding down LB now activates the gamepad zoom mode, which we may or may not keep on as a default.  But it does seem to work pretty well.
** Holding down LB now activates a whole new "quick switch" mode for weapons, which causes the X button to switch between your missiles and special weapon, and your B button to cycle your main weapons.
*** This was a big reason that the interact button was made LB instead of RB: LB+X is easy, where RB+X is a contortionist move.
=== Ability Points ===
* There's now an "ability points bar" near your minimap.
** It has four blocks; the bottom fills at 100 points, the next fills when your total is 400, the third when your total is 1200, and the fourth when your total is 2400.
* When you go to the next floor, you gain permanently (stays between runs) any ability points in a full capsule (or in the bottom capsule, if none are full), and lose any excess on top of that.
* If a capsule is full, you cannot lose points below that threshold during the floor.
* Enemies drop ability points when you kill them.
** They sit and glow for a short time, then hunt you down with unerring accuracy and stuff themselves into your inventory.
* Every second you spend in a room with enemies (i.e. before you win the room) you lose 0.2 AP.
* Every time you get damaged (regardless of how much the damage was for, just more than zero) you lose 10 AP.
* When you die, whatever AP you were carrying (regardless of full/partial capsules) goes to your permanent balance.
*When you go to the next floor, your accuracy during the floor you're leaving gives you bonus AP.
*When you start a new run, if you have enough AP to afford anything, the first starting room will have one or more items to choose from.
**Some you have to pay a certain amount to unlock, and they will seed normally in the future. You also get a copy for that run.
**Others you don't have to unlock (because you already did, or because it just doesn't need it) and you can spend AP to buy a copy for that run.
**Either way the other items available for AP disappear when you buy one.
*In shops you may find Deposit Boxes, which allow you to spend credits to earn permanent AP (that's not subject to how you do the rest of the floor/run).
== Version 0.204 ==
(Released December 15th, 2015)
*There was an incident involving a tea cup, a banana, and a sledgehammer. We broke all old saves again.
**(actually it's because the gun layout on player ships is so different now)
* Substantially improved the effectiveness of the pathfinding used by player-following familiars (the ones that use pathfinding, anyway), and to a lesser degree the enemies that chase the player via pathfinding.
* Now non-boss rooms have a 50% chance of flipping the room population script horizontally, and a further 50% chance of doing so vertically. Relevant laser emitters have their directions reversed.
* Dumbfire weapons are no longer inherently unable to home, since homing range can now be finite.
** Thanks to Pepisolo for inspiring this change.
* New keybind: Slow Down (defaults to C and Ctrl and left trigger on the 360 controller)
** Hold down to enter slow-down mode, which lets you move roughly half as fast as normal so you have more precise control to evade bullets.
** If both it and afterburner are on, slow-down takes precedence on the actual movement speed.
** Follows to the "make afterburner a toggle" setting, so if that is set Z will toggle slow-down on and off without you having to hold the key.
** This may be removed if further work on movement and speed makes it less necessary.
* The escape menu lower-right text now lists the power-ups the player has picked up, and the modifiers currently operative on the player.
* To avoid sea-sickness, the momentum logic for the camera now handles small recenterings in a more timely fashion, and avoids swaying back and forth if it doesn't quite fully center.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
* Fixed several issues preventing gamepad right-stick firing angle from being anything like precise much of the time.
** This may make it too sensitive, if so you can tone it down a bit by adjusting the axis noise cancelling for Fire Up, Fire Down, etc by going to settings -> controls.
* Arc enemy has been rebalanced and should be less of a complete terror now, though it can tank a bit more damage than before.  These changes affect all 3 versions of this enemy.
** Firing rate has been cut in half
** Bullet speed has been lowered
** Movement speed slightly reduced.
** HP increased by a small amount
** Size of the initial bullet has been doubled to make it more noticable
** Thanks to the many people on the forum that pointed out the fact that this enemy was just too irritating to deal with.
* The Charger's third form now moves slightly slower.
* The Shifter Core's bullets now move a little slower, and dont stick around quite as long as before.
** Thanks to Gemzo for pointing out the tedium of waiting for those shots to go away.
*Now you only have one active "main gun", on the left, and your "special" (i.e. missile) weapon is now on the right rather than the aft-central position it used to be.
**While firing the main gun, a short line draws from the special to show where it would fire.
*Added new key bind: Switch To Next Main Weapon
**If you're carrying an alternate main gun, this switches you to it.
*Added new key bind: Switch To Next Special Weapon
**Switches your special weapon back and forth from your missile system to your energy system.
*Your missiles now fire on the key-bind that fires energy weapons; to switch to having it fire the energy weapon you use the new key bind above.
*Added 2 new high-difficulty enemies, Flak Launcher and Sideshot, both of which are "Fearsome" types and will only appear in certain rooms.
**These are meant to be late-game only enemies and as such are much more dangerous than most others and are intended to provide quite the challenge.
*Added a couple of new rooms designed for "Fearsome" type enemies, so they have more chances to make an appearance.
*Added a new "sniper" type of enemy, Blaze Cannon
*Added a new boss, Aggressor
** Right now this one only has one pattern, but will have another one added later
** This boss is not yet gated by difficulty
** Does not appear until floor 3 or later
* All of the issues with the analog inputs not being precise are now fixed, finally -- from aiming to moving, including proper dead zones and so on.
* When you are not aiming anywhere in particular while playing with the gamepad, your guns now rotate to face forward.
* Exiting the game by pressing escape on the title screen now has a confirm popup to exit the program, rather than simply exiting the program.
** Thanks to garpu for inspiring this change.
* The player avatars no longer leave any exhaust -- during afterburner or otherwise.
* After winning 10 runs in a profile, the runs now become 7 floors in length instead of 5.
* The player bullet effects for their main guns are now clearer/better-looking.
* The game now has two new ship categories: FinalBoss and SuperFinalBoss.
* Fixed a bug with do_not_seed_until_x_floors_down, where it was limiting seeding in reverse.
* Added a bunch of new seed-limiting flags for entities that are all focused around stopping seeding things that you used to seed.  Detailed here: https://arcengames.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Starward_Rogue:XML_-_GameEntity_Definitions#Seed-Limiting_Stuff
* Now that the game no longer has such a strong momentum-based feel to it -- since we're now doing mechs and not trying to emulate flight some of the time and SHMUPs the other time -- the SMHUP-mode toggle has been demoted to only appear in the settings menu and not also in the start-new-run menu.  The number of people using this should be a much-increased minority now.
* Now that we are a mech instead of a flying ship, afterburners are called "sprint" and "slow down mode" is just called "walk slow."
** On the keyboard, the default mappings for this are now both Ctrl and C, since those are common for crouch.
* Fixed an issue in previous versions where if you were moving faster than your new top speed (aka sprinting and then no longer sprinting, or moving and then shifting to walk mode), then you would not actually slow down at all!
* The default controls for a lot of the secondary functions, including sprinting and walking slowly, have been rebound.
** Increased prominence has been given to walking slowly even above sprinting on the gamepad, because the former is more commonly important during battle and thus should be more easily accessible.
* Added new item pickup xml options:
** frequency_in_item_pools (int, default 100)
*** If this is set to more than 100, then it will show up with greater frequency than it otherwise would -- 200 would mean twice as often as it otherwise would.
*** Similarly, 50 means half as often as usual, and 1 is 1% as often as usual.
* There is now a small chance of finding keycards in the fragile glass shootable objects.
* The shop now actually has room definitions!
** Note that the shop functionality hasn't been tested lately, though.
** Also please note that the deposit boxes in these rooms do not yet function.
* Previously there was an invisible "spawns entities that drop a missile if you have no missiles" spawner in certain rooms that had no way to destroy all enemies without using a missile.  This was to prevent situations where the player becomes permanently trapped due to lack of missiles.
** However, this didn't feel right to some players, was confusing to many, and was also exploitable by some.  So... yeah.  That's gone.
** Now the rule for proper room design is that bombable blocks can be used to block off rewards that are optional, but not main passages or places where enemies are.  Makes sense actually!
** Thanks to Pepisolo, mooncows, Bluddy, ElOhTeeBee, and dfinlay for reporting.
* The game now has an updated development status.
* The number of player choices has temporarily been reduced to 1, while we're polishing out the mech feel.
* 600 new shot graphics (12 colors each of 50 shapes) have been added to the image folders, although they are still yet to be integrated into the full game proper.
* The new mech designs include a cockpit that changes colors/designs as your health gets lower and your shields are on/off.  This central cockpit is also brightly colored and the exact size of your hitbox, which is pretty useful for dodging.
** Thanks to ElOhTeeBee and mrhanman for inspiring this change.
* Something like 35 new rooms?  Ish?  A lot, anyway.
== Version 0.203 ==
(Released December 6th, 2015)
* Further tightened how close you spawn to the door on the other side, because some rooms have interior walls very close to the door spot that you can otherwise get stuck in.
* Improved the logic for "unstucking" the player from walls.
** Thanks to crazyroosterman for the report and save.
* Made the Tutorials button just pop up a "Not Ready Yet!" message rather than baiting unsuspecting testers into errors of their doom.
** Thanks to crazyroosterman, Cinth, and ElOhTeeBee for being thus baited.
* Now when you enter a room where there's no population scripts defined (Shop rooms, Challenge rooms), the game presents a much nicer-sounding not-implemented-yet messages rather than yelling "Error!" and sending you scurrying off to mantis.
** Thanks to crazyroosterman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the "Load" button on the Load Bug Report Save screen didn't work, even though double-clicking a save did.
** Thanks to crazyroosterman for finding the bug on the bug report window.
* Added new settings toggle on the Extras tab: Skip Intro
** If this is on, the game doesn't show the intro when starting a new game.
* Changed floor generation logic for seeding boss rooms to not allow seeding at the "second farthest" available distance-from-starting-room if that distance is less than 2.
** This should avoid situations where the boss room seeds directly adjacent to the starting room.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Fixed a couple bugs in the invisible bouncing-mine emitter (which only launches one mine, right at the start of the room) where there was a few seconds delay before it spawned the mine, which could lead to an... unpleasant surprise.
* The screenshot key is no longer considered "any key" for the check on whether to close the title screen or the win-or-loss screen.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* Fixed some bugs where not all of the "draw single screen background image" calls were scaling and centering appropriately.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* Added a new boss, "Labyrinth".  This is the first non-standard boss, and comes with it's own unique room.  Some different tactics are required to deal with this one.
** As this boss uses some new ideas and a completely different style from all of the others, consider this one "experimental" for now.  As in, not balanced at all.
** Going along with this, a "buddy" entity for the boss was also added.  Four of these will spawn in the room with the boss.
* Mirror has gained additional weaponry and should be a much more formidable opponent.
** In addition, the nature of the added bullets should prevent exploits from being usable now.
** It's health in both forms has also been doubled.
** No longer spawns until floor 4
== Version 0.202 ==
(Released December 4th, 2015)
* Enemies can no longer pass through stationary mines.
* Fixed some other bugs that could lead to the player spawning on top of the boss, or otherwise not next to the boss room door.
* Some performance improvements for cases where there are a LOT of bullets flying around (I'm looking at you, Battleswarm).
* Many other internal progress points toward more items, etc.
== Version 0.201 ==
(Released December 3rd, 2015)
* The walls and doors have been updated to the newer visual style.
* Fixed an issue where doors were drawing too high in the draw order (a relic from a much older version of the game), thus clipping over the ship.
** Thanks to Pepisolo and mrhanman for reporting.
* More tuning has been done on the handling for the player ships, to make them control substantially better.  Part of that is lowering their speeds a bit to be about halfway between where they were last version and in versions prior to that.
** Thanks to mooncows for reporting the speed issue.
* Fixed up a number of issues with diagonal walls that had odd visual cutoffs.
* If you get stuck in a wall due to insane speeds it now pushes you out.
** Thanks to Cinth and mrhanman for reporting.
* The player now has completely unique shots for themselves, so that when you see shots coming off of rebounds or mysterious pipes, etc, you never wonder if they are yours!
* The repulsor and gravity well now have new graphics.
== Version 0.200 ==
(Released December 2nd, 2015)
* Melee weapons (e.g. the implicit ones created from hitboxes by the shot_damage_per_second_from_touching flag) on a one-hitbox entity now have their range adjusted by anything that adjusts the size of that hitbox. This should cover all shot cases.
* In a pretty major structural change, we're now reading the metadata from images out of central flat files within their folder than out of the image names themselves.  This is needed so that when we do pushes of further versions of the game, we don't wind up with images sitting next to old versions of themselves if we change the metadata.
** This is rather important for having the ability to push updates of the game that play nice with the version they're updating.
* Ctrl+F6 now also reloads the image metadata regarding animations, making it quicker to tune those as we implement them.
* Fixed bug where the description flag was ignored for all but ships.
* The DamagePerSecond and DamagePerSecond_IfMoving modifiers have been changed to no longer apply per tick but instead literally per second. So as long as the damage is in whole numbers it should be accurate now, rather than applying at least one damage every tick.
* Fixed a bug where the behavior flag wasn't working on familiars (for use with familiar_type="NormalShipBehavior")
* Improved the tracking of SimpleCircleOrbit familiar angle, so that accumulated rounding differences over time didn't put familiars of that type out of sync with each other.
* Removed the randomness of the distance at which SimpleCircleOrbit familiars are put from the parent entity, to make them look more in sync (previously the ones "inside" would revolve faster, naturally).
* New keycard graphics!
* Three new "Arc" enemies have been added, replacing the previous broken "Brick" enemy
* The graphics for health pickups and credits are now animated and completely different (way more thematically appropriate).
* Fixed an issue with the angled floor edges flickering above and below the straight ones in rooms.
* Changed the color of the shop and major item rooms to be greenish instead of blue.
* The game now has the player ships visually over 0.2 seconds when they make a 180 degree turn, and the appropriate percentage of that when they make smaller turns.
** Most other ships already did an effect of something along these lines, but the player ships were turning instantly, which did feel kind of cheap and odd.
** The key thing is that this doesn't actually impact your movement, it's just a visual thing.  Well, it does impact how quickly your guns swing around, but that's a super subtle piece of information.  And it doesn't affect how quickly your ship changes direction, which is the key thing.
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
* Some corrections and clarifications to the intro story.
* There is now some simplistic reflection code in place for ships and shots and such as they pass in front of the windows.  We'll refine this further in another build.
* New enemy "Shifter" added
** Though it doesnt seem like much at first, it's a very dangerous enemy. Tip: Clear out everything else in the immediate area before attacking this guy.  Be ready to move!
** There is only one version of this enemy for now. It's possible that one is enough.
** This enemy will not spawn until at least floor 4
* Shrapnel Rose no longer has any safe-spots
** Thanks to The Hunter for reporting
* Shrapnel Rose has had the color of the bullets in it's second pattern changed
** Thanks to Ptarth for suggesting
* New Enemy "Charger" added
** This enemy puts out beams to all sides, with limited range, and simply chases you.  However, it becomes faster and faster as it takes damage.
** This enemy will not spawn until at least floor 4
* Fixed a bug where losing one hull health would cause it to show 1.5 empty hull health boxes instead of just 0.5.
* Fixed a bug where the escape key didn't work to bring you out of the continue/new-run/etc menu (thus preventing a normal way to exit the game at all) after you lost or won a run.
** Thanks to mrhanman and Cinth for reporting.
* Made mines not trigger on other enemies, unless that enemy had just been knocked back in the last tenth of a second or so.
* Most AOE shots (notably, player missiles) will no longer chain-explode shots from the same gun fired by the same entity.
* Ships with a Wanderer AI now pre-check their random destinations to make sure they can move at least half a tile along the designated angle before colliding with the terrain.
* Fixed a bug where turning via the gamepad analog stick from SW to NW caused a weird hitch in the turn for about a frame.
* Battleswarm boss now has more HP in both forms
* Crystal Mother boss now has altered patterns depending on the difficulty level, as does Battleswarm
** The difficulty of the Hard mode patterns for both of these have actually been increased a bit beyond the originals, so these might be tougher than ever
* The "foreshield" enemies are now named more clearly, and no longer use cueing times, and now have a bit of a glow on their rear ends to make that a bit more noticeable.
* Now when seeding a boss/miniboss, the game tries to find a type that has not already been seeded this run. If it fails, it falls back on trying to find a type it's only seeded once this run, and so on.
** Thanks to mrhanman for suggesting.
* The obstacle line laser emitters now have a cue animation telling you when they're about to resume fire.
* Floors now show scuffs sometimes, and walls now sometimes have some (test, in this case) blinking lights on them.  These are mainly test art for us in actually testing out some new engine capabilities that we're integrating.
* When you try to load a savegame and it fails for whatever reason, it now no longer logs the error to the chat log.
** Instead it prompts you with a more human-readable explanation that there was a problem and asks you to click "Keep" or "Delete", the latter of which will free up the slot for a new save.
* There is now a slight hovering effect on ships, keeping them moving about.
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
* There is now a faintly visible forcefield pulsing in the background in all the "window" areas of ships.
* Ships and shots have faint reflections against the forcefield.
* The game has a new icon.
* Now you get a very small "icon box" tooltip-like thing above and to the right of your ship when you:
** Are over a health, missile, keycard, or credit drop that you cannot pick up because you're full on whatever it is; it shows an icon that you're full.
** Are over an item pickup that isn't automatically picked up; it shows the key to press to pick it up.
** Are over a teleport pad; it shows the key to activate it.
* The display of enemy health now uses graphical bars.
* New graphics for player health bar.
* Now when you've "won" a room all enemy systems are considered disabled, so the obstacle lasers will stop firing, etc.
** Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
* Added new settings toggle: Afterburners Are Toggled Instead Of Held Down
** When this is on, the afterburner key functions as a toggle instead of something you have to hold down to keep the effect.
** Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
* Updated two boss rooms to have slightly more room on the left hand side, thus hopefully avoiding conflicts with players coming into the room there and then spawning inside the boss.
** Thanks to mooncows, Cinth, and mrhanman for reporting.
* Player familiars with the SimpleCircleOrbit type are now always evenly spaced in a circle around the player.
** And any beyond 8 go in an outer circle a bit further out.
* Tightened up the door transitions so it doesn't try to put you so far from the door.
* All of the player main guns and the missile now have muzzle flashes.
* The dark knight has been rebalanced some to fire a bit faster but have a lower overall DPS.
** Thanks to TheVampire100 for suggesting.
* The default player ship now moves 50% faster, which should be pleasing to a lot of folks.
* The hotrod bomber player ship has been removed -- it wasn't unique enough to be worth it for players to have to choose between it and others.
* There is now a momentum-based movement mode by default that gives more of a feeling of flight to the player ships.
** There is a toggle that lets you easily switch to a more SHMUP-like mode where you're stopping on a dime, too.
** The actual numbers for acceleration and deceleration are easily editable in the file RuntimeData/Configuration/EntitySystem/CMP_PlayerSystems.xml, so if you don't like how ships feel then you can tweak those numbers and make suggestions on things that you do like.  The underlying system here is super flexible.
* The game no longer gives multipliers to health and shields in a generalized sense based on the difficulty level.  Instead each player hull now has specialized added health and shields based on the difficulty level that more appropriately mirror what their actual functions are.  Previously the easier difficulties could get some absolutely absurd values.
* The game now has slight kickback on the weapons that are being fired, and slight knockback when they hit non-boss enemies.  Definitely helps a bit with the feeling of momentum.
** Note: this doesn't yet apply to special weapons.
* The camera for the game is now momentum-based rather than being harshly clamped to having the player in the center.  This gives a definite feeling of better polish to the game, and makes things like kickback not so jarring.
== Version 0.137 ==
(Released November 24, 2015)
* '''All prior savegames are now broken, because we had some substantial things to move around again.'''
* '''ALSO!! The in-game updater should not be used to upgrade from a version older than this to this version.  You'll get strange errors because of old files.  It was easier to just send a completely new build to the alpha players.'''
* All bosses now emit a massive bullet-clearing shockwave upon either death, or phase change. No more deaths from leftover bullets after a boss goes down!
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* "Brick" enemy was unfinished and had been leaving static bullets behind that never vanished; it has been disabled until it is finished
** Thanks to dfinlay for reporting
* New boss "Shrapnel Rose" added
* New boss "Lady Staccato" added
** Note: these bosses are not currently calibrated for "normal" difficulty or below.  They only show up on floor 4 or more, though.
* A lot of stuff from the sub-tileset has moved into the tileset, for purposes of a bit of new organization.
* The tilesets are now per-floor rather than per-dungeon, and are things that we'll use to indicate depth rather than what sort of ship in general you are in.
* The sub-tilesets are now per-room rather than per-floor, and are things we'll use to indicate room function (thematically speaking) rather than part-of-ship for the entire floor.
* The game now has edges that get drawn where the floors meet up with the windows.  These can be ragged or orderly or whatever we need, and they help to make the transitions there feel more intentional as well as making things a little less blocky.
* The game now has shadows!  The shadows respond to your movement around the room, making things seem more alive.
* The game now has some new stencil buffer shaders, which it uses in order to do clipping for shadows to draw properly.
* The teleporter pads are now smaller, look nicer, and are animated.
* The standard item pickup plates have been redone in a more cel-shaded style that is better in keeping wiht the main ship art.
* All of the bombable objects have been redone in the more cel-shaded format.
** The special bombable ones (that have goodies in them) now stand out more)
* New graphics for the floor panels have been introduced.
* The game now has angled half-tile floor tiles that it uses, and edges around those as well, in order to make things look a lot more polished and less tile-bound.
* The game now has a new glass shattering sound effect that it plays when fragile objects break, to make it clearer what they are in an auditory fashion as well as a visual one.
* The game now supports quick reloading of images using Ctrl+F6, which is really useful for purposes of doing image tweaks.
* The game now supports angled walls in long sections that were previously "ribbed"-looking with lots of sharp corners.
* The game now uses an "overhead image" for the walls so that it's not so hugely contrasting with the walls themselves.  This makes the overall game feel brighter, and also makes the small sections of wall not feel strange.
* The graphics for all the walls have been redone to no longer mess with perspective in the way that they previously were.
* The battleswarm boss has real graphics now, and proper sizing to it.
* Fixed a bug that was charging you credits for items with a shop cost even outside of the shop.
* The minimap is now drawn a bit larger in both the menu and in the main view, and also now has a black underlay and border that makes it a lot easier to see the minimap against any form of background.
* The difference in color between the visited and unvisited rooms on the minimap is now clearer.
* Going over a teleporter or item pickup now immediately makes it show that tooltip rather than whatever enemy you're shooting or recently shot.
* There is now a visible missile system on player ships.  Only one missile is now fired from it, and it comes from this system rather than from the two main player guns.  The missile that is fired also now moves faster and does more damage.  The targeting lines also now behave more sensibly between the two modes.
* Fixed a bug where things that deal different amounts of damage to players and enemies were using the player-level damage against enemies as well.
** Thanks to Mission and TheVampire100 for reporting.
* Updated the game so that entities that are set to never take damage no longer play any on-hit sounds when shot.
* The graphics for the Mirror boss have been updated to something nicer-looking and more appropriately threatening.
* Now if the player has any systems that can be toggled off, are not toggled off, and are disabled for some other reason (lack of energy, for example) then they toggle off and will not automatically resume function if the disabling condition ceases. Otherwise we get stuff like energy draining stuff constantly keeping the energy from regenerating and not functioning long enough at a stretch to be useful.
* Added modifier target "OnUse_ParentEntityFutureShots" for entity system modifiers.
* Three new enemies, "Foreshields," have been added.  They are the first ones actually in the Attacker_5x5 category.
* Added a trio of new swarm-type enemies.  The first one is considered an Attacker_3x3, whereas the other two are considered chaos-adders, because... well, they are. ;)
** There's a neat Ender's Game style of trick to these particular enemies...
* Three new "flea" enemies, all of which are Attacker_3x3, have been added.
* Two new rooms have been added.
== Version 0.136 ==
== Version 0.136 ==
(This isn't done yet, we're still working on it.)
(Released November 20th, 2015)
* ''' All prior savegames are now broken, because it wasn't worth maintaining them yet and we had some things to remove.'''
* ''' All prior savegames are now broken, because it wasn't worth maintaining them yet and we had some things to remove.'''
Line 59: Line 1,664:
* Fixed a bug that was making it so that you couldn't go down a floor without having a bunch of errors.
* Fixed a bug that was making it so that you couldn't go down a floor without having a bunch of errors.
** And if you tried to back out of the game at this time, it would have some errors that would make it so you couldn't close it, too.
** And if you tried to back out of the game at this time, it would have some errors that would make it so you couldn't close it, too.
* The three "Persistence" enemies now do less damage, emit fewer shots, have shots that don't last as long, and have less health.
** Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
* "Ammo" weapons still use energy, like before, but energy now recharges from 0 energy to 100 over the course of 7 seconds.  Or when you change rooms it moves to full.
** However, energy doesn't recharge for 1 second after you have been firing your energy weapon, so just leaning on your energy weapon is not a great idea.
** Energy can still be upgraded by some passive ship upgrades, meaning that you can use an energy weapon for more shots before having to let it recharge, etc.
** We may have a change where we give some combo bonuses between your main and secondary/ammo/energy weapon (let's just call this secondary from now on).  But for now not.
** Also please note that a number of our secondary weapons now need some tuning in light of this change.  Aside from in general still needing some work on "feel."
* On ammo weapons, it now shows their DPS as well as their their energy per second.
* There is no longer a dedicated full-screen-map window or button, but rather the map is shown in the normal escape menu now.  Additionally, the map is shown in a larger scale (twice as large) when on that screen now.
* A bunch of new powerups have been added to the game.
** Known issue: descriptions are not being shown for powerups.
* Rather than tapping the main fire button to pick up items and use teleporters now, you press E on the keyboard or you press Start on the 360 controller.
** The Select button is now what is used for the menu on the 360 controller, since that is less convenient to reach than Start when it comes to quickly picking stuff up.
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[[Starward_Rogue:Main|Starward Rogue Main Page]]
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Latest revision as of 17:35, 25 October 2018

Next Release Notes

Starward Rogue:Post-1.0 Release Notes

Version 1.000

(Released January 22nd, 2016)

  • Floor skipping abilities will no longer work on the last floor of the run.
  • Fixed a bug where the space invaders boss's little spawning guys were granting absolutely obscene amounts of EXP per kill (400!!). They no longer generate any, as one would expect.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the enemy health and damage multipliers (as you go down in floors) to not work properly on Misery difficulty.
  • Now on Misery difficulty, any enemy (not boss) can seed at any floor. At least, they can seed early now -- the ones that get phased out over time stay phased out. But now you can have late-run enemies suddenly popping up early in the run on this crazy difficulty.
  • Kickback (recoil that knocks you back when you fire) has been removed from all the player weapons, since this was causing issues with high level play.
  • The "lash" from the Reaper miniboss has been disabled for now, as it was confusing and seemed buggy even though it technically was not. We may revisit that mechanic on the reaper design, but it's plenty threatening even without that.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Keycards from glass pots are now only 1/4 as likely to spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where a lot of the items in the cheap item shop had no description.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for reporting.
  • Fixed Cinth_FroggerV3 to not be an inescapeable trap.
    • Thanks to robdon for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue with the Banshees being able to fire its reactive shots 5 times a second, which was way too much. Now it's every 1.5 seconds. The alternative melted a few CPUs. ;)
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Descriptions for difficulty levels are now in place -- kinda important information when deciding how to play!
    • Thanks to zharmad for writing most of the text for it, and to kingisaaclinksr and zharmad for reporting.
  • Use SHMUP-style controls has had its text reworded to no longer talk about ships.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies and items were able to show up one floor before intended.
  • The escape menu stats that are shown are now more concise and appropriate. It shows what your level and floor is, but does not show what modifiers you have anymore (this really isn't meant to be a numbers game like that).
  • The inset wall corners on all floors tilesets are now visually distinct.
  • The exploding alien eggs now have a cooler animation to them.
  • A huge number of updates to hard mode in particular. Way too much stuff to point out. Hard mode is definitely pretty darn tough now.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters would sometimes get stuck firing towards the upper left instead of towards the player.
  • The list of powerups on the escape menu now no longer includes things that go in your 4 equipment slots, or anything you've dropped or otherwise had removed.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Apathetic, and Amitiel for inspiring this change.
  • Added level and floor display on the upper-left hud.
  • Fixed a bad interaction between the flamethrower and the overkiller perk: it would spawn just unholy numbers of shots.
    • Further fixed a bad interaction between overkiller and vindictive perks where it would spawn shots off of the scenery, adding to potentially thousands of shots running around like popcorn.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting this madness.
  • The Warden is now properly balanced for difficulties under Hard mode. He's still very hard, but not harder than Terminus anymore.
  • Fixed a bug where the "don't duplicate-seed a reward room unless all have already been used" logic was never actually tracking whether it had seeded such a room previously for that floor
  • Changed the newish item seeding rule "If it was seeded before as a shop item, don’t do it again as a shop item" to "if it was seeded before on this floor as a shop item, don't do it again as a shop item on this floor"
    • Thanks to Cinth and crazyroosterman for inspiring this change.
  • The story intro and tutorial is now in place.

Version 0.970

(Released January 21st, 2016)

  • Unique icons for all of the boss-related achievements are now in place.
  • The mine graphic in the prior version looks cool but was a bit hard to see against dark backgrounds. It now has a flashing red set of lights on it to make it more visible.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of the new green envy mech, and another one in the deep blue mech's description.
  • Repulsive hornet mines now have substantially more repulsion power, making them more obviously useful.
    • They also now cost twice as much energy per mine, though, so you can't just spam them.
  • The Indigo Dipole mech no longer gets offered any missile upgrade perks as it levels up.
  • The magnetic missile launcher now: no longer destroys enemy shots, moves faster, and has a lower range.
    • Overall that makes it so that these are still quite useful, but they have more of a chaotic effect in boss rooms that might be very dangerous rather than a pure exploit.
  • Spiders and cross-claws are now a little more CPU-friendly with their masses of shots.
  • Fixed a bug where shots with "drift towards enemies" modifiers could drift towards entities with no hitbox (like some invisible spawning things).
    • Thanks to waylon531 for the report and save.
  • Substantially improved performance of obstacle lasers.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Six new enemies from community member ptarth have been added to the game (and a couple of them made a little meaner by Chris -- watch out!).
  • Two new sizes of "test only" room types have been added. These are used during tutorials as well.
  • The graphics for the antigrav shards, and the thing they burst out of, have been improved and in general made clearer. Now you see the pieces more easily, and it just looks better all the way around.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where enemy systems with timed modifiers still lost time on those modifiers when the player was loitering in the doorway invincibility.
  • Player missiles can now destroy two enemy shots without being destroyed themselves. Hitting a third shot will destroy the missile as before.
    • Thanks to Spikey00 for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where mapgen could lock secret doors.
    • In existing saves those will still be locked, but once you reveal them you can unlock them.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would show secret doors that were erroneously "locked"
    • Thanks to Cinth for the report and save.
  • Now when you clear a room all enemy shots present at the time are destroyed.
    • Thanks to Watashiwa for suggesting.
  • Fixed since-the-beginning bugs where the mysterious circuit item names and descriptions were obfuscated for unknown circuits, but the system names and descriptions (which are almost always used) were not obfuscated.
  • Fixed bugs where picking up a mysterious circuit item that somehow isn't in the list of circuits available for that run would cause errors.
  • Fixed up the gamepad and mouse mode switching (for the virtual cursor) so that with some unusual gamepad setups it should still not be a problem switching back to the mouse mode if you are in the gamepad mode.
  • The gamepad support for clicking dropdowns, sliders, scrollbars, etc, is now much more robust.
  • Made the file select menu all one big long horizontal list of items in terms of how things are selected. This solves the fiddly nature of it that was otherwise happening because it kept switching between rows rapidly if you were off even just a bit on the axis.
  • Surprise! All of the mechs have unique shapes now. White Gloss is the same as before (that was the one meant for that), but the others all have new shapes.
  • A very cool new boss for floors 2 and 3 has been created by community member ptarth.
  • Many various changes to Condemned Rooms to make them look better etc.
  • Weapons were altered to show their stats (hopefully) more accurately.
  • More bug-fixes for consumables and other various stuff.
  • Disabled 2 items for release until they're working properly (MLRS and Smart Gun).
  • The math behind knockback and kickback has been completely redone. It feels way more natural now (and never pulls you way across the room). The scale of numbers you need to use to see any result is roughly 10x higher than it was before.
    • Thanks to waylon531, Watashiwa, Apathetic, and Cinth for reporting.
  • 8 more room designs.
  • No more Reaper on the very first floor.
  • The game no longer clamps to the room boundaries by default (unlike the last few versions). For some people that behavior will be preferable, but since a lot of people liked it fine without that, we've made the default not to use the clamping. The option to enable that is now in the Game tab directly in the settings menu.
    • Thanks to Bluddy and Cyborg for suggesting.
  • The megalith graphic no longer draws behind the boss intro screens.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • The start of the first tutorial is in place, but it still needs more work.
  • The existing intro story, which has nothing to do with anything anymore, has been removed. The tutorial actually has the intro story in it now (thanks to those who suggested it), although as noted that's not fully implemented just yet.

Version 0.960

(Released January 21st, 2016)

  • Enemy spawners are now animated.
  • Locked doors are now more obvious in their difference from simply-shut doors.
  • Substantially improved performance during the Centrifuge boss fight.
    • Thanks to Omgaar and kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
  • There is now a Performance tab in the settings window.
    • This now has options for disabling shadows, reflections, the forcefield effect on windows, and floating background debris. These effects are awesome but relatively subtle, and it's possible to get better performance on older graphics cards without the various ones of them on.
  • More balance and expansions for harder versions of bosses.
    • Terminus in particular now is properly difficult.
  • Torpedo Cannons can now ONLY be bought in shops, and are very expensive. However, they are now able to break blockages.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for inspiring this change.
  • The sheltering module now provides protection from your grenade launchers, hornet mines, napalm strike, detonating rose, cluster launcher, and repulsive hornet mines.
    • These all now use a new DamageType of LowExplosive, which the sheltering module now protects against. These don't use the full Explosive DamageType because that breaks down blockades and we don't want that to happen.
    • Thanks to Spikey00 for reporting.
  • The last mech has been added to the game! Green Envy.
    • 10% chance of gaining a credit on every enemy kill, and 1% chance of gaining a keycard on every enemy kill. eak missile launcher with very high blast radius, making it able to chew through more obstacles or shots with per shot. However, more EXP is required for each level up, so more emphasis is placed on shops and looting -- this is a treasure hunter mech for sure.
  • The Bounty Hunter and Repo Van items now actually work as percent chances rather than just giving you partial-inventory-items like they did before. Aka they now do what it says in the tin.

Version 0.950

(Released January 20th, 2016)

  • A ton of stuff for enemies in Hard mode, making them appropriately harder there.
  • Four new rooms by community member ptarth.
  • Ten new rooms by community member Cinth.
  • Two new rooms by community member Waylon.
  • Other new rooms as well!
  • Berserker no longer gives 5% attack speed per kill for the duration of a room (it was breaking everything we hold dear)
    • It now gives 15% attack speed per kill! (but it doesn't stack anymore and it lasts 3 seconds)
  • The health bar for bosses now disappear after bosses are killed.
  • Fixed an issue where do_not_seed_until_x_floors_down and do_not_seed_if_x_floors_down were both off by one (so if you said don't seed if you're on floor 3 or greater, it would seed up _through_ floor 3.
  • Fixed several typos.
    • Thanks to robdon for reporting.
  • Redid end-of-floor screen
  • Now when you click the button on the end-of-floor screen, if all the result text hasn't been shown, it shows the rest of the result text rather than immediately leaving the screen.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for suggesting.
  • Now when you fail a run, in addition to the normal continue button, there's a button for starting a new run with the same settings.
    • Thanks to Castruccio for suggesting.
  • There's now an ending story window after the last end-of-floor screen on a successful run.
  • Fixed up the ZMC_SittingDucks room so that it no longer requires missiles (or for you to take a hit from a mine) to complete.
    • Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
  • Redid the WimpyLaser sound effect to have more of a plasma pulse sound to it that is lower-pitched and therefore not so annoying.
    • Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
  • The tag team blaster no longer leads to a constant whooshing of shots being fired from it to you.
  • Fixed a bug where walking over missile/health/etc pickups you didn't have the capacity to hold would still cause those pickups to disappear.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Apathetic, chemical_art, and others for reporting
  • Now if you walk over an item that matches an equipped system of exactly the same type, it says that you already have it equipped and cannot pick it up (or, notably, buy it)
    • Thanks to Ljas for inspiring this change.
  • Added more direct gamepad support for the file select menu and the in-file menu.
  • The older, uglier bullet graphics have been completely phased out of use in favor of the ones created in the last month.
  • The New Run screen now has more direct gamepad support.
  • Fixed a bug that broke some savegames from 0.855.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where the blue mech's familiar could get stuck on corners.
    • If your familiar is currently stuck in a wall, you'll need to leave the room to get it unstuck. Should be fine after that.
    • Thanks to nas1m for the report and save.
  • "Wakes when shot" enemies can now only be woken by something fired by the player mech itself. So your familiars won't pick a fight with the shopkeeper.
  • Pressing cancel/open-menu on the level up screen now exits it, rather than opening the escape menu.
  • Fixed bug where the player death-throes "everything goes red" effect would not be turned off if you exited early via the escape menu.
  • The "you're invincible while you're still in the doorway after entering a room" logic now extends to cases when you've just entered a room and the game puts you somewhere other than the door (like when entering a boss room) and there are enemies present.
    • It breaks when you move at all.
    • You still cannot fire until you break it, as with the doorway situation.
    • Bosses won't start their patterns until you move.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • Now holding any key that fires any equipped system will cause time to move forward with the Redshift, instead of just the main gun key.
    • Thanks to donblas and Apathetic for suggesting.
  • Substantially improved the performance of blowing up a whole pile of alien eggs at once.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • We had been planning on making simpler enemy patterns for the Easy and Very Easy modes, but have now decided to go a different way.
    • There are still harder patterns for Hard and Misery mode, because that's what makes sense once you go above the baseline: you need more complexity to keep it interesting, not just less health or whatnot,
    • However, stripping down the car (so to speak) to its bones for the easier modes doesn't really make a lot of sense, we realized. Instead what players need on those modes is less penalty for mistakes, so that they can hone their skills.
      • Therefore, on easy mode you now have 2x as much health as you do on Normal (and all max-health-increasers give you twice as much increase, too). And on very easy mode, it's 4x.
  • The melee weapons now look visually 1000x better.
  • Many existing probations were missing descriptions (oops!).
  • Another sweep of balance changes to many items.
  • Incredibilities weren't receiving their description changes, that is fixed.
  • Changed Risky Assassin, it now reduces max life to 1 when you pick it up.
  • Lots of sound effects work on both player weapons and enemies.
  • The game now has much more hefty sound effects when enemies and bosses die, and also particle effect explosions.
  • There are now visible particles as your shots hit enemies and deal damage, or different ones if they hit and do not deal damage.
  • There is now a door click sound that plays ominously when doors lock behind you.

Version 0.900

(Released January 19th, 2016)

  • Fixed a longstanding bug where enemies with multiple stages would have their health bars appear to refill at the start of each stage.
  • Fixed some bugs causing the item gain/loss log in the bottom right to show double amounts.
    • Thanks to Apathetic, Omgaar, and Amitiel for reporting.
  • Condemned rooms now have boss intros when you enter.
    • Thanks to crazyroosterman, Castruccio, and Pepisolo for inspiring this change.
  • The last-enemy-shot health bar at the bottom now never shows for entities that are not actually hostile to you (notably yourself and/or your familiars, who tended to show up down there after missile explosions or whatever).
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • The upper-right message log no longer blocks mouse interaction (like holding left-click to fire).
    • Thanks to dfinlay and Cinth for reporting.
  • A couple of new item room variants have been added in general. Additionally, the one with lasers that you have to dodge now just has some more passive lasers that are not threatening. The ones you had to dodge bugged some people.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for suggesting.
  • Made the hitboxes on caltrops substantially more forgiving.
    • Thanks to Apathetic and zharmad for reporting.
  • Mirror now has two versions, Mark I and Mark II. One appears very early in the game, and the other very late.
  • Centrifuge and Periphery both have Hard mode patterns
  • Some enemies also have hard mode patterns.
  • Some boss HP values changed
  • Aberration now has a different appearance
  • Bunches of updates to the Green Ship tileset.
  • Shots hitting a one-way tile at an angle more steep than 45 degrees now disappear.
    • Thanks to Enrymion and zharmad for inspiring this change.
  • One-way tiles now no longer affect things whose center points are less than halfway across their main axis.
  • The game now generally restricts the resolution to no-bigger-than 1920x1080, since the text gets unreadable much higher than that. If you're in windowed mode and manually resize the window higher it will let you (for that run).
    • Thanks to zharmad and Tridus for inspiring this change.
  • The way that the game detects which slot to put energy and consumable systems in is now better; this now prevents Overloading circuit and Supernova circuits from going into the wrong slot.
    • Thanks to waylon531 and Apathetic for reporting.
  • Fixed some other general issues with Supernova.
    • Thanks to Maurog for reporting.
  • Trying to hide behind Mirror or Wallmaster (either version of each) is now a really bad idea.
  • The standard "shootable" objects (the ones that generally have three stages of breakage when you shoot them) no longer transform into their later stages on death when they've been hit with a missile, so that missiles don't just make them break one stage.
    • Thanks to Enrymion for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed an issue where the confirm button didn't work for confirming a perk on the gamepad, but rather only the interact button did (now both buttons do).
    • Thanks to Cyprene for reporting.
  • The boss intro screens now have a background.
  • Fixed an issue with some of the various tunnel rooms where it was not providing you a handy teleporter on both sides to make backtracking (if required) a breeze.
  • Fixed an issue where facerippers just sat there and ripped no faces in the last two versions.
    • Thanks to Nargasse and RockyBst for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where loading a file, exiting that file, opening settings from the file select screen, and cancelling would open the in-game escape menu rather than going back to the file select screen.
  • Aligned the file select slot images with the slots.
  • Fixed a bug where on non-windows machines, only boss music would play during the in-game sections.
    • Thanks to garpu for reporting.
  • Fixed up the text in item boxes so that if the text is too large to fit, it shrinks it down a bit in order to fit.
  • Fixed up the level up screen to have enough width for the text in their items.
  • Fixed up the non-system-granting items to show the same sort of header and cues as their cousins.
  • Health gains are halved while using Risky Assassin.
  • MLRS is now substantially more rare, only showing up in secret rooms on floors 5+.
  • The map editor now supports checking to make sure that walls and other solids are not placed directly in front of doors.
    • Fixed three rooms that did have this issue.
  • Fixed an issue where doors were being drawn offset in certain room sizes, thus causing things like familiars getting stuck in walls, etc.
    • Thanks to Amitiel, Ljas, and Apathetic for reporting.
  • Fixed a variety of case-sensitivity issues that were causing invisible images and a variety of other woes on Linux in particular.
    • Thanks to Tolc for reporting.
  • Possible fix for Steam not knowing the game is closed on OSX.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
  • Shrunk the spatial partitions in rooms from 512px to 128px, which seems to help when there are a ton of bullets and the CPU is the limiting factor.
  • Updated the ZMC_LaserGrid room so that it now used 1x1 indestructible blocks instead of bombable blocks. This makes it so that a Banshee in that room isn't an instant-game-over.
  • Now if you're in a boss room, condemned room, or miniboss room the doors out use the graphics appropriate for the room on the other side, rather than all looking bossy.
  • Now when you pick up an item in a free-loot secret room, the others disappear (and it tells you this will happen in the walkover tooltip for the item).
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • Obstacle lasers now fire a thinner, non-damaging, purple beam a bit before firing the real one, so you always have some cue even if you're too far from the emitter to see its glowy cue.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
  • The down-to-next-floor doors now say NEXT FLOOR on them in a somewhat subtle fashion (noticeable but not garish).
    • Thanks to Apathetic for inspiring this change.
  • The interact button no longer acts a confirm button at all on the level up window, because that could lead to instantly passing by the screen and picking the first perk unintentionally.
    • Thanks to Watashiwa and kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
  • Now when you use a teleporter, it clears shots (including yours) near your new location for a few seconds.
    • And your familiars will respawn near you.
    • Thanks to Misery and Gemzo for inspiring this change.
  • Now when you fire a fire-at-reticule weapon in gamepad mode, it aims at something 550 pixels away in the reticule's direction, rather than as far away as possible.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for inspiring this change
  • Now when you go through a door with the Compact Molecules effect, it puts you far enough in to not be entirely within the door (and thus not flipping constantly back and forth between rooms).
    • Thanks to ShopkeeperB, Apathetic, and ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • Now when a bullet is fired so near a wall that it would instantly be stopped by the wall (and doesn't ignore walls), it's offset towards the firing entity until it's free to fly for at least one frame.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • The collision boxes (for the player only) with the little auto-pickup things (credits, health, missiles, etc) is now substantially larger. So you don't have to aim very well with your mech to pick them up now, heh.
  • Fixed an issue with doors drawing that led to nowhere from shops sometimes. That SHOULD be fixed, anyway -- if you see it again, please let us know!
    • Thanks to Apathetic, nas1m, and Cinth for reporting.
  • Now when you clear a condemned room you can fire again.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • Now when you click on an empty file slot when you already have a non-empty file slot, it prompts you to confirm creating a new file rather than doing it immediately.
    • Thanks to Sounds for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where used consumables still showed up in comparisons.
    • Thanks to waylon531 and Apathetic for reporting.
  • The white gloss mech now has an unusually high amount of health compared to other mechs. Since it's otherwise the most basic, that seemed only fitting.
  • A new "wishing for more wishes" perk is now in place and available at different spots in the level-up process for various mechs. That's the last of these pre-1.0.
  • A new "magnetic personality" incredibility is now in place. That's the last of these pre-1.0.
  • A new Indigo Dipole Mech has been added. It has overall average stats, though a bit extra in terms of missiles. It has hornet mines as its default special weapon, and then a really unique and amazing specialty missiles weapon

Version 0.855

(Released January 18th, 2016)

  • The bombable graphics for all of the ships are now darker, since it could be hard to tell them apart on the red ship in particular.
  • Fixed an issue where certain offscreen indicators could show up under the image they were pointing to.
  • The non-white mechs now have their proper colors of legs. As Blue put it, it looked like they were running around without pants on before. Now they are properly garbed.
  • All of the familiars except for Basic Drone and the Giant Paperweight and Scrap Piece no longer block shots, as that was simply super exploitable.
  • More tweaks and tuning to bosses, etc, and more Hard mode patterns for a variety of them.
  • Three new enemies each with three variants from community member Zharmad -- awesome, thank you!
  • The east and west doors were offset visually from where they should have been, looking bad and making it hard to get through them.
  • The confirm popup and regular popup now have better direct gamepad and keyboard support.
  • Updated the viewport handling to feel more polished. It no longer so rigidly centers on your player if that would mean a bunch of your view is just of wall outside the room. Instead it clamps that bit to the room so that you can still see more of the room when you go into the corner of rooms.
  • The map editor is now more forgiving with the various small on-the-floor items and those being put near to multi-tile enemies and such.
  • The map editor now verifies that you don't have mysterious pipes or lasers pointing straight into walls. Also corrected the few rooms that did have this happening.
  • Now items with can_seed_multiple_times_per_run false can seed once in a shop and (if you don't buy it) once outside a shop.
  • Now the game no longer tries to seed all kinds of terminal-reward room on every floor, though it does always try to seed Item, HealthUpgrade, and CheapItemShop
  • Now if the game is trying to seed a terminal reward room, and that would require linking it to an existing terminal reward room, it just doesn't seed the newer one.
  • Now the game no longer considers terminal reward rooms eligible to cross-link with other tendrils.
  • Further polish for level-up screen.
  • Fixed a recent bug that made teleporter pads invisible.
  • Now when you try to load a save that cannot due to errors, it no longer presents the Delete and Keep options, since saves should no longer be being broken.
    • Also, if it detects that the save was broken by modding renaming or removing a necessary internal name, it tells you this and tells you the first such internal name (it doesn't know the other ones, not being able to continue loading).
  • The visuals for the way that player shields and player health are shown is now much improved.
  • The central-screen-message for leveling up is now delayed until there are no enemies left in the current room.
  • Tuned the timing of the Prox's systems to more reliably act like something that blows up when the player gets near.
  • Completely revised the weapon of the flame tank -- note that this will only take effect in new runs. The new one has more range and behaves a bit differently, starting smaller as if coming out of a nozzle, and then getting larger rapidly.
  • The DarkShip tileset finally has its real graphics for the floating scrap in the background. It's now a lot more uniquely thematic than before.
  • A new GreenShip tileset is partially in place -- some of its graphics are still being converted to being the new style for it. But its glass, starfields, debris, floors, walls, and various other things are already ready. The decorations on the floor and walls and some of the shootable objects are not in their final form is all.
    • Floors 1-3 now only use the blue and green tilesets. The red tileset is now just for floors 4 and 5. (And for those keeping score, the dark tileset was only for floors 6 and 7 already).
  • Fixed some issues with familiars seeding in the upper left of rooms when you moved between rooms while having one.
  • A new Deep Blue mech option has been added for players. This one starts out with a familiar as well as a charging weapon, and is more challenging to use than the others, although plays pretty differently in a fun way -- once you get the hang of it.
  • Tons of other balance work, and some new rooms and enemies.

Version 0.854

(Released January 17th, 2016)

  • The EXP drops from glass pots are now way less frequent, but also give more. Credits and keycards are more frequent now.
  • The amount of EXP dropped by regular enemies is now substantially larger.
  • Fixed up a bunch of collision stuff and the way that melee works from enemies and caltrops and similar. Previously caltrops were an enormous drain on CPU, and/or were not hitting the player reliably. The on-touch melee systems from entities were also causing problems.
  • Fixed an issue where there could be extreme slowdown in some circumstances due to internal "flocks" whose ships had died but the flock was still around, thus leading to a ton of excessive calculations for nothing. In some random circumstances this was completely tanking the performance, but now those flocks automatically clean themselves up from RAM.
  • The DarkShip tileset is now complete! This is floors 6 and 7.
  • The icons on the File Select screen are now updated to their final versions.
  • Several of the minimap icons have been improved, and there are now distinct icons for the defensive shop and the consumables shop.

Version 0.853

(Released January 17th, 2016)

  • Fixed up the RedShift mech so that time literally does stop when it's not moving, versus just moving super slow.
  • Vestige, Shrapnel, Aberration, and Aggressor now have Hard-mode patterns.
  • New enemy "Accelerator" added
  • New boss "Periphery" added
  • Fixed an issue in recent versions where lasers and so on had become unkillable with missiles.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.
  • Enemies should no longer target indestructible familiars you might have. This hasn't been tested yet, but it should work.
    • Thanks to Apathetic and TheVampire100 for reporting.
  • More sound effects for the player are now in place.
  • Fixed the issue with the choppiness once again -- this time better. ;)
  • The doors have all been updated to the new style that doesn't have overlap issues.

Version 0.852

(Released January 16th, 2016)

  • Depending on your level of progression in the game, there is now a bit of story text relevant for that level of progression on the new run screen.
  • A variety of more rooms.
  • Some new doors in a few of the tilesets. Not finished yet.
  • Previously the game was trying to set a target framerate of 60fps. However, that just inevitably caused a lot of woe and strange lagging in certain areas, even with the framerate being "fine." This was because of small inter-frame inconsistencies between our physics limiters saying "you can't go faster than this" and so "just slightly missing the bus," so to speak.
    • This was something that was particularly notable on computers that are able to run this at a beastly framerate, such as uncapped it running at 900+ fps on Chris's 980M.
    • At any rate, the cap is removed now and this seems to fix the issue.
    • Thanks to kingisaaclinksr for reporting.
  • Two new kinds of shops have been added: defensive and consumables.
    • This also now gets all the consumables out of the robot shop, where they were not supposed to be.
  • A new Redshift Mech hull type has been added. It's extremely difficult to play, but also fascinating.
    • It has almost no health, and it has no starting shields at all, but time only moves when it moves, which makes it so that the game isn't about reflexes at all when you are playing with it.
  • A pretty wicked new Flame Tank mech has been added to the game. It has its own pro's and cons but also feels really different to play compared to the main mech people have been used to.

Version 0.851

(Released January 16th, 2015)

  • Fixed a bug where minibosses trying to use a non-standard size of miniboss room were giving an error and failing to seed.
    • Thanks to dumpsterKEEPER, zharmad, and others for reporting.
  • The Warden and Terminus have had their HP lowered a bit again.
  • Blaze Cannon has also had it's HP lowered, it was a bit too tanky for the type of enemy it was.
  • All 3 types of Bubbles now move slower.
  • Blaze Turrets no longer tank the framerate.
  • The "Familiar" ship category has been split into two: PlayerFamiliar and EnemyFamiliar.
    • These really should be acting differently, since of course one is friendly to players and the other is friendly to enemies. All of the existing ships have been updated to the two new ones.
  • The three different types of shops now all have distinctive decorations in them (glass breakables, bombables, and lasers respectively) that make them way easier to identify what they are.
    • Same with the health upgrade rooms: they now use repulsors as a quick visual indicator of what they are.
    • Also the free loot rooms and the health for item rooms are now more unique-looking, too.
  • Hidden rooms now show up as being very dark and dim, helping to add to their sense of being hidden.
  • Your mech no longer reacts to what your mouse cursor or gamepad are doing in other windows if the mech is still visible.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the test chamber was losing enemies in it due to the "don't seed to close to me" rules for the regular game.
  • Fixed a bug where the melee damage from enemies, spikes, etc, was very overzealous and could hit you from getting too close to the thing rather than actually touching it.
  • Rather than removing all enemies within 600px of players on entering a room, it's now only 300px.
  • After you complete at least one run, the shops now have shopkeepers. Hmm... ;)
  • Redid New Run screen.
  • The frequency of various things that seed in the fragile shootable glass has been greatly optimized for giving you better stuff. More money, more keycards, more missiles.
  • You now start with 10 max missiles, but only filled to 5 of them. Rather than 10 out of 10 for two releases back, or 3 out of 3 for the prior version.
  • On the gamepad, walk is no longer a toggle by default. That way people aren't accidentally turning it on and not knowing what is happening.
  • The mix of item drops in item rooms should now be substantially better.
  • The range on the default weapon has been returned to 500 from 750. The bulk of the game has been designed with that in mind, so shifting that up was probably not the best idea.

Version 0.850

(Released January 15th, 2016)

  • Knockback and kickback effects now function by applying momentum, rather than instantly changing location.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue where certain enemies could drop loot that were not supposed to.
  • Redid the post-file-select Main Menu screen.
    • And added a delete button to it.
  • Fixed a bug in the last version where losing a condemned room and thus losing a point of max health would kill you as soon as you changed rooms.
  • Added toggle to New Run screen: Play With Everything Unlocked
    • If this is checked, this single run will consider everything unlocked and will have a full-sized dungeon, which is useful for testing. You won't gain achievements or long-term stats in this mode.
  • The walls in the game all now have baseboards (skirting boards), making it a lot clearer where walls are vs floor.
  • The game now seeds a more rare secondary or main weapon on the first floor item room compared to other item rooms where that is weighted less.
  • There are now little color-coded boxes around the things you are picking up and dropping in the recent transactions list in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • Some of the things you picked up or used were still showing in the message log rather than down in the lower right transaction log of icons. Fixed.
  • You now have to collect only half as many health shards per health upgrade, but the health upgrades are now 1 health point rather than 2.
  • Your max shields can now never exceed 2.
  • Redid upper left corner HUD again.
  • New enemies added: Vex, Remnant, Obtrusion, Desideratum. These are mostly mid or late-game enemies and tend to be a bit tanky.
  • Fusillade's HP in all 3 forms has been lowered.
    • It also will not appear before floor 3.
  • The Warden, Terminus, Palisade, and Sentinel have all gotten a major HP increase.
    • This is to allow them to better deal with late game builds; the original HP values hadn't considered that... oops.
  • Blowing up one of the special blocks that normally drops a health shard will now instead reveal adjacent secret rooms, if there are any. If there are none it drops a shard like normal.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change
  • Since players do not want their monsters fitted nasally: now when you enter a room, any non-boss enemy that is within 600px and has line of sight to you is silently removed.
  • Now when you click through the title screen, it consumes the mouse event so it can't also be considered a click on a slot or button.
  • Now the game keeps track of when you perfect-clear (no damage, no missiles, no consumables) a room, and the stats screen shows perfects for each enemy type as well as kills.
  • Now when you're in a cleared room, there are pointers at the edge of the screen to each door and each prize item (i.e. that doesn't cost anything and gives a system or familiar)
  • The game now uses a custom mouse cursor for easier aiming, and for us to also tie in with gamepad mouse emulation.
  • None of the enemies spawned from enemy spawners cause doors to be shut any more. This was annoying, and could also cause a few rooms to be impassible depending on whether you had missiles or not.
  • Fixed a bug where the health item rooms were spawning anything but. ;)
  • Redid the statistics screen.
  • Your laser sight no longer draws in condemned rooms.
  • When you die, all your shots die.
    • Thanks to Mission for inspiring this change.
  • The enemies on the stats window are now sorted bosses first, then minibosses, then condemned bosses, then regular enemies, and alpha by name within those categories.
  • Player mechs now start out with a default energy weapon. For the white gloss mech, this default energy weapon is the Rain Cannon.
  • Savegames are now compressed, because otherwise they were needlessly large. They're now closer to 23kb in the early game rather than 1mb. This makes it so that savegames for bug reports can actually be loaded to mantis in the late game!
  • The final art for the main menu is now in place, showing the Megalith that you are exploring!
  • Redid the bottom left HUD.
  • Fixed a bug where periodic movement modes could throw a null exception.
  • The gamepad now controls a "virtual" cursor on the menus.
  • Fixed a bug where the "just hit by something" red overlay was drawing very intermittently on the player and other stuff.
  • There's now a special glow around the player whenever the player is invincible (just hit, still in a door, etc)
  • Battleswarm has been rejiggered to no longer eat framerates for lunch.
  • Fixed an issue where caltrops would very rarely actually hurt you.
  • Fixed up the performance on all the remaining bosses so that they should have excellent performance.
  • Fixed up the boss rooms so that you start closer to the boss, and so that their structures are different and have both some glass breakables that you might be able to get helpful loot drops from, as well as so they have a tad of caltrops to keep you on your toes.
    • The exploits with weapons of your own that can fire through walls are also no longer possible.

Ability Points removed, Experience Points added

  • You gain XP pretty much the same way you gained AP, though you don't use XP for pretty much anything you used AP for.
  • When monsters drop XP (formerly AP) you just get it instantly rather than it actually dropping into the map and sitting there or flying around or whatever.
  • You don't lose XP the way you lost AP (time in battle, hits taken, unfilled capsule, etc).
  • When you get enough XP you level up and get to select a perk (when the room is clear, or immediately if it's already clear).
    • XP, levels and perks do not cross over to the next run.
  • You now default to 3 max missiles rather than 10, to give more room for upgrades.
  • You now default to 1 shield rather than 2.
  • You now default to 8 health rather than 6.
  • There are now 37 distinct perks that are organized into 24 levels (some of them repeats obviously, for things like health up or whatnot).
    • The higher levels are meant to be really unobtainable, just so that you can actually still have something to shoot for if you have a ton of EXP generation going on.
    • Unique things actually stop happening after level level 12, which is the last "true level" in terms of main upgrades. The stuff beyond that is as much icing as you can stuff into your face, basically. ;)
  • You gain substantially more EXP on every floor down you go. Right now it's a whopping floor level * EXP amount.
    • In general the speed of EXP gain versus the amount of EXP cost per level is something we need to adjust.

Difficulty Level Adjustments

  • The Very Easy and Easy difficulty levels slow down all enemy movement and shot patterns -- the patterns and whatnot stay coherent, as everything is slowed down as if time were moving in slow-motion (relative to the frantic pace of the higher difficulties, anyway; it's still plenty snappy).
    • This doesn't affect your own shots or movements at all. It simply gives you more time to react to enemies.
    • On normal mode, things are actually slowed down a bit compared to before, too. Not so much, just a bit.
  • As you move deeper into floors, the game now ramps up a variety of things for enemies:
    • Enemies start getting an extra point of damage added to their shots after a bit. It happens faster on Misery difficulty where more and more get added, and much slower on Normal. Basically you start having to be increasingly more precise, OR you need to increase your max health to compensate.
    • Enemies on all difficulties Easy and up start getting increasing amounts of health. For Hard and Misery this may be too much, we'll have to see. We don't want this to turn into a grind against the health of enemies in the late game. But basically we didn't want this to be a situation where your own attack upgrades make the game trivial. So this does create a bit of a "keeping up with the Joneses" effect, which we do want to some degree; the question is if we overdid it.
    • Basically none of this applies on Easy or Very Easy modes.
    • If you want to see all the hundreds of lines of xml that controls this (which you can easily mod), then look in RuntimeData/Configuration/FloorGeneration/floors.xml.
  • Several bosses are now closer to being tuned for hard-mode-and-up in their patterns: Crystal Mother, Battleswarm, Lady Staccato, and Vestige.
  • The range of the player's default weapon has been increased from 550 to 750. This makes some of the later-game higher-difficulty bosses actually feasible, as dodging while firing from a distance is a pretty big deal.

Revised Default Controls

  • A bunch of the controls have been reworked, yet again. This time is probably final!
    • The walk button on the gamepad is now the left analog stick click, and is a toggle by default.
    • On run button on the gamepad is now the left trigger again.
    • There is no longer a switch-special-weapon button. Instead, the energy weapon is always your right mouse button and the right trigger.
    • There is now a dedicated missile launcher button again. On the gamepad this is the right bumper, and on the keyboard this is now spacebar.
    • Since consumables are used less frequently, on the keyboard they are now bound to F by default, rather than spacebar.


  • The first three music tracks are now in place for the main in-game areas, and then the a boss track as well.
  • There are now ambient tracks that are played when you are in a secret room, or when you are in the main menu.

Version 0.804

(Released January 12th, 2016)

  • Fixed a recently introduced bug that treated all inventory item types with no maximum (keycards, etc) as having a maximum of zero, thus making keycard pickups appear to do nothing, etc.
    • Thanks to zharmad, Omgaar, and Misery for reporting.
  • Alien Eggs now detonate on room clear same as mines, and now both actually set off their charges in that case rather than a graphical-only explosion.
  • Now when you enter a floor boss room for the first time, if that room script has a player starting location defined, you're placed there instead of at the door.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo and Misery for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue with the nanite squids being invisible if you had not woken them up yet. Oops!
    • Thanks to zharmad for reporting.
  • More new rooms!
  • New minibosses!
  • The turrets no longer damage enemies -- it was an oversight that they did in the first place.
  • Shots now always stop at the edge of the room's outer rectangle.
  • Made the "once you walk in the door, you're in" logic only apply to floor bosses, not minibosses or condemned rooms.
  • Made the health drain on some entities (condemned rooms, notably) not apply while you loiter in the doorway before entering.
  • Now when you "lose" a condemned room, instead of dying, all the enemies die and you lose one max health (and any pickups on the floor or that would be dropped by the enemies).
    • If you're already at 1 max health you lose all credits, keycards, and missiles instead.
  • Fixed an issue where the enemy spawner could spawn any kind of entity set as a spawnee, not just those that were actually enabled, or actually set for the proper floors, etc.
  • The shield graphics on the player now allow you to still see the underlying health indicator colors so that if you have shields but almost no health, that is now apparent.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
  • The WallMaster has now had some major revisions both to its visual shots, and to the number of shots it spawns. The end effect is pretty much the same, but it no longer remotely eats your framerate (whereas it pretty much guaranteed did before).
  • A second, substantially harder version of the wallmaster has been added that only seeds on lower floors and only after you've beaten the primary wallmaster a few times.
  • 21 new Monster-Free rooms from Endymion!
  • The fragile shootable and enemy drops now include health drops, and very rarely also keycards.

Version 0.803

(Released January 12th, 2016)

  • New boss "Dark Aberration" added
    • Is not ready to seed yet.
  • Fusillade now has a third phase
  • 10 new very difficulty rooms have been added by community member Endymion.
  • Given the fact that room difficulty can really vary, we've now got a system where if you put (FX) at the end of the name of a room file, you can make a room type only seed at that floor and downward. So (F4) would only seed on floor 4 and down, (F2) would only start on the second floor and down, etc.
  • All of the bosses now have their own test chamber for use in testing them or just testing YOURSELF against them.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing no enemies to load into test chamber rooms in the last build.
  • Redid the File Select screen.
  • The statistics screen now shows information about items that you've found and hides info on those that you've never found and enemies you've never killed, etc.
  • The room editor now has "glass blockades," which block ships and players but no shots, allowing for interesting shootouts across them.
  • There are now four different types of spinning turrets that can be put into rooms via the room editor, rather than one. These greatly increase the utility of these sorts of turrets, because each one presents different kinds of challenges for level designers to inflict on players.
  • Added intro screen for floor bosses.
  • Ability point drops no longer chase you and make you think bullets are coming inexorably for you.
    • Thanks to donblas for inspiring this change.

Version 0.802

(Released January 11th, 2016)

  • Alien Eggs and Mines now are able to break bombable blocks with their explosions, which adds to all sorts of other interesting possibilities. They basically have the same ability to break stuff that your own missile system does.
  • Anti Gravitate shards now move substantially faster.
  • The actual art for Terminus is now complete!
  • There is now a dedicated boss health bar up at the top of the screen, more like what people would expect.
    • In condemned rooms, this now shows a tip about what your objective in that room is.
    • This also lets the bottom-part-of-the-screen health bars and tooltips continue to work as usual. So for multi-body bosses, or multi-boss rooms, you can see how damaged the specific body or boss is.
  • The way that health and shields are shown in the upper left corner has shifted again and is no longer done in full health boxes (unlike Zelda or whatnot), but instead is more Megaman-like again. 1 box = 1 health, which is less confusing all around and also allows for more granularity for us, and extra health on lower difficulties compared to even what we had before.
  • Alien eggs now have a larger explosion radius, making them substantially more interesting in room design.
  • The tooltips for the locked doors and the locked loot containers are now in place.
  • Added support on room_setup tag in test chamber script for:
    • use_boss_data (entity), use_boss_room_node_index (int)
      • used together, these tell the test chamber to initialize as if you had just walked into a boss/miniboss/condemned room to face (use_boss_data) when it rolled its (use_boss_room_node_index) room node
      • so if you want to test the hunter with its first room node, do:
        • use_boss_data="Hunter"
        • use_boss_room_node_index="0"
    • suppress_normal_test_chamber_win_behavior (bool)
      • when true, prevents the test chamber from checking for "if all enemies are dead, say 'Won!' and reset the test chamber" logic
  • New boss "Fusillade" added
    • Again, unsure on what this one's difficulty will be perceived as, but it's not really intended as an early-game boss.
  • Fixed some rooms having even width/height on the minimap, despite only having a single entrance on the relevant sides, which caused the game to think it could connect rooms on that side but not actually being able to (because a door can't go in the "middle" of a wall of even length).
    • This was causing the remaining cases of invalid door connections that were leading to you being stuck in walls when switching rooms, etc.
    • Thanks to Misery, Arc-3N-4B, Omgaar, Enrymion, Arnos, zharmad, and crazyroosterman for the reports and saves.
  • The pickup log in the upper right message log has been moved to the bottom right and made far less obtrusive.
    • It also shows when you drop an item, use a consumable, spend credits or AP, etc.
  • Fixed up the missile and energy displays in the bottom left corner so that they look completely correct now.
  • Removed the DPS display in the bottom left, as that was not needed anymore.
  • The graphic for health is now different.
  • Health shards now have a new graphic that is more clearly related to health, and is also animated.
  • Fixed up the comparison item boxes so that they look better and center properly when there is only one of them.
  • Added a new RegularEnemyLaterStage that is different from BossLaterStage and thus doesn't trigger any of the boss logic.
  • The game now has actual real icons for the minimap -- at long last!
  • Additionally, it now has icons for the new kinds of rooms, AND items that are left behind in existing rooms.
  • The after-floor reports screen now makes it way more clear what floor you're heading into.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the final boss to not seed properly in the game.
    • Related, there were some entities and enemies that were likely spawning on incorrect floors in general as well, and that is also now fixed if that was the case.
  • Four new particle-based enemies have been added to the game (nanite squids).
    • These also serve as both very low-level and high-level "deadly pursuers," and thus make it so that category is never coming up empty.
  • The sacrifice shops now have 11 different items that can seed in them, and which no longer seed other places.
  • The credit cost of all the drones has been doubled. Credits are now a lot more plentiful.
  • There are now 8 different items that can appear in health upgrade rooms, three of which are new.
  • Bunches of new rooms, some other new enemies, and a load of new condemned rooms.
  • The proper gating for the condemned room bosses is now in place.
    • There are still 3 easier versions that we intend to make as variants for earlier on in to give more variety earlier in the game when a lot of the harder stuff is locked.

Version 0.801

(Released January 9th, 2016)

  • New boss "Vestige" added
    • While the boss's patterns are pretty much finished, I'm unsure of the thing's difficulty without further testing, so consider this one a bit experimental.
  • New enemies "Bubble" and "Larva" added
    • These only appear on the final two floors (after the fight with the Warden). Be careful of the Bubble, and be ready to dive behind cover when you defeat it!
  • Lots of HUD revisions
  • Fixed a bug where the game's logic for creating connections between rooms during floor generation could give you a door into a side of a room that just had solid wall, thus neatly ending your run.
    • Thanks to garpu, DirtyPaws, Morslok, and zharmad for reporting.

Version 0.800

(Released January 9th, 2016)

* You know, there's just so much stuff we didn't even document all of it. This list would be like 5x longer if we had, sorry about that. We don't normally neglect things like that. Also note this eats your savegames again. We won't be keeping that up much longer.

  • Added a new slider to the graphics tab of the settings window: Zoom
    • If you have a resolution smaller than 1920x1080 you may want to use this to "zoom out" the game area (not the HUD) a bit. Reduces graphical quality somewhat.
    • Default: 1, Max Zoom Out: 0.64
    • Thanks to Bluddy for inspiring this change.
  • Lasers, Gravity Wells, Repulsors, repeaters (all four kinds), and mysterious pipes can now all be destroyed by missiles.
    • Now you can get them out of the way if you really want to, but at some cost.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
  • Final Boss "Crescendo" added
    • This boss has 5 phases
    • In the first phase, the boss cannot be damaged until the defending turrets are destroyed.
    • Second phase is pretty normal, no unique qualities
    • Third and fourth phases both include a shield for the boss; this blocks your bullets and occasionally switches position, requiring you to navigate the bullet swarms in order to position yourself somewhere where you can actually hit it. However, you can use missiles to break it, but it doesn't take long before it simply reappears.
    • The fifth phase, the boss loses the shield, but will begin assaulting you directly, creating a minefield as it goes.
    • A sixth phase (which would be a second minefield phase) may be added depending on the perceived difficulty of this boss.
  • The patterns for the Charger, and Crystal Mother's third phase have been fixed
  • Crystal Mother now has the first Misery-difficulty-only pattern in the game
  • Multiple turrets added: Accelerator, Blaze, Wave, and Full Range
    • These are special indestructible entities for an upcoming room type and will not seed in normal rooms
  • New enemy "Burst Guard" added
  • Some parts of the bullet script have been altered a bit to be ready for difficulty gating
  • Guardian entities "Palisade" and "Sentinel" added
    • These appear only in the room of the "true final boss", and they block your path and must be destroyed before you can advance further into the room
  • Room for true final boss added
    • This isn't finished yet!
  • Fixed a bug where the replumbing of the axis-based input back on December 18th did not override previous settings for the "alternate right" keybind, and so folks with settings from before that would have their targeting snap directly right after letting go of the movement keys under the keyboard+mouse input scheme.
    • Thanks to Penumbra and Bluddy for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the energy-restore-on-room-switch logic was happening before the player's modifiers were reapplied, causing it to fill to the default energy cap (100) instead of a bigger number if you'd picked up something that increases your cap (e.g. big leaky battery)
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo and crazyroosterman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the "let the player walk into a door even though it's beyond the normal play area" logic didn't exclude locked doors.
    • Thanks to Dominus Arbitrationis and crazyroosterman for reporting.
  • Familiars that orbit in a now try to stay within line of sight of the ship they're orbiting, to avoid them going into the walls. Whether this looks less strange, or more, remains to be seen.
  • The whole idea of the "quick change" stuff on the gamepad is gone.
    • So is the idea of having multiple main guns. Instead you just swap out your main gun at will, like other systems. And your main gun is always equipped.
  • During the player death animation the player's familiars also die (the player isn't actually dead until the end of that, so it wasn't happening naturally).
    • Thanks to Dominus Arbitrationis for suggesting.
  • Gravity well objects (not shots with gravity) now destroy shots that they pull in close. This includes bouncing mines.
  • Bouncing mines now block shots like stationary mines do, which means they can now be destroyed by firing a missile at them (previously they wouldn't block, and thus would not detonate, the missile).
  • Now when you enter a room you spawn mostly inside the door. And until you actually fully enter the room:
    • The doors will not shut (so you can go back where you came from, even if there are enemies present)
    • You and your familiars are invincible and are ignored for targeting purposes.
    • All AI (enemy and your familiars) is disabled.
    • All systems (guns, etc) are disabled.
    • All gravitational pull is disabled.
    • Your familiars do not draw or simulate at all.
      • They fade in quickly when you actually enter the room.
    • Thanks to Cinth and donblas for inspiring these changes.
  • Items spawned in secret rooms now cost AP to pick up. 40 for the first, 70 for the second, and so on.
  • New enemy "Snare" added
    • The first of the late-game-only enemies, this guy and his alternate versions will not spawn until area 6 or later
  • Enemies and bosses that were previously using placeholder sprites now have their own artwork! I'm pretty sure I didnt miss any...
  • Fixed a bug where melee weapon bullets at the end of their pattern would start moving forward during their "scale out" time.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • True final boss "Terminus" added
    • Appearing only on floor 7 in it's own unique room, this is the game's final goal, and it is guarded by both Palisade and Sentinel, which must be defeated before you can confront this guy.
  • Crystal Mother no longer has the Flak Launcher device that she got from who knows where. That wasnt supposed to be there...
  • Fixed an issue where bullet-pattern bullets would not do the rest of their logic if killed by an AOE explosion.
  • Player missiles now detonate when they hit an enemy shot (still clearing out that shot and any others around it that can be cleared out).
  • The shot-clearing explosions of bosses no longer have a visible component. Additionally, it only affects non-player shots, and causes them to char and black out quickly.
  • New boss "Centrifuge" added
    • This guy is a bit experimental, so as of the time of me writing this it is set to not seed.

Version 0.207

(Released December 22nd, 2015)

  • Fixed a bug where rooms horizontally flipped were actually flipped and then flipped back to normal, but the laser emitters and mysterious pipe openings were only flipped once, resulting in them pointing the wrong way.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where charge weapons would not fully update when you switched to a different room, causing their charged states to not work.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo, Misery, and The Hunter for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where picking up a shop item gave you credits rather than took them away.
    • Thanks to Misery for pointing out the unorthodox business model.
  • Made more sure that the "things I've picked up this floor/run" lists are cleared between runs, so you don't run into item-room/AP pedestals with nothing on them.
    • Also made it so that if for some reason there really aren't any unlocked items eligible for a pedestal spot (in a shop, for example), it doesn't spawn the pedestal either.
    • Thanks to Pepsisolo and The Hunter for reporting.
  • Added new toggle to the New Run screen: Temp Dev Mode
    • If this is checked, this single run will essentially be in "developer mode" which allows various debugging features. Since those features can be used to cheat, you won't gain achievements, permanent Ability Points, or long-term stats in this mode.
    • A big chunk of what this enables is the "L" menu, where pressing L during the game will bring up a window in the upper-left corner with various nefarious buttons.
    • Among them is a new "Unlock All AP Items" button.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • Entities that pass through both wall terrain and non-wall terrain (like Ability Point drops) now also pass through anything else that can block passage.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • Ability Point drops are now immune to gravity/repulsion.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions where on XBox controllers you could not reassign the left and right triggers in the key bindings.
  • The game now uses icons for the gamepad buttons that previously would just show as numbers. This should help with confusion on what each thing is in prompts, etc.
  • There are now 360-specific gamepad button images for when players are using that controller.
  • Energy no longer regenerates over time during play inside rooms.
  • Energy is now fully replenished every time you move between rooms.

Version 0.206

(Released December 21st, 2015)

  • Now when you pick up health/missiles/credits/keycards/ability-points it waits part of a second before announcing it, so you get "100x Ability Points" rather than 100 messages in the log.
  • Health pickup announcement now puts it in terms of health boxes rather than health points (2 points per box).
  • Now when you win a room any mines remaining in it go boom.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • Now when enemies drop items on death, and the point would be inaccessible, the game tries to find a nearby open tile to spawn the item on.
    • Thanks to Cinth for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where the boss health bars were relative to the max health of the current and future forms, rather than including previous forms.
  • Fixed a bug where the "do not seed until floor X" and "do not seed on or after floor Y" rules for items, bosses, etc were inverted.
  • Player-directed beam weapons are now blocked by walls.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for suggesting.
  • Door traversal now happens by moving into the door, not just touching it.
    • Thanks to pumpkin and mooncows for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version with the wrong version of the player legs not looking right. Wow glitchy!
    • Thanks to Pepisolo and The Hunter for reporting.
  • Fixed some bugs with the quick select always using X and B for that regardless of whether or not LB was held down.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Previously, all of our pursuer enemies just had a single category: Pursuer_1x1. However, this was not sufficient to handle some of the small pursuers that really require a lot of room for extra kiting. Looking at you, Charger!
    • We've now added a new DeadlyPursuer_1z1 enemy class that is used in fewer rooms and only in appropriate contexts. The Charger now gets seeded there, and future enemies in that general design space will also go there.
    • Thanks to The Hunter, crazyroosterman, and others for reporting.
  • The special weapons now have graphics that get swapped in on your mech when you switch between them and the missile launcher.
  • The various special weapons all now have at least provisional recoils set on them.
  • The three Arc enemies are now Pearl enemies and have actual graphics. This also includes new shot graphics for them.
  • The Shifter is now the Chaotic Core instead, and now has real graphics and new shot graphics. It's also now a Chaos_5x5 enemy rather than a Wanderer_3x3, because goodness it does create chaos.
  • Two new versions of the Chaotic Core have been added, and they are dastardly indeed. Actually one is a bit easier and the other one is dastardly.

Version 0.205

(Released December 18th, 2015)

  • An awesome new version of the loot chest that both looks nicer and is animated has been added to the game.
    • It also now has an unlocking animation, although it does not yet have sound effects during the unlock process (that is planned).
  • A new shop room variant has been added that has a chest in it.
  • The junk-themed rooms now have some even better updated graphics.
  • The game now does a better job of switching out of gamepad mode into keyboard+mouse mode (and thus restoring the mouse cursor to visibility). You no longer have to press a keyboard key for it to happen, but at the same time small jostlings of the mouse should still not cause it to switch.
  • Now tiles in non-boss rooms that normally drop loot after you win the room only have a roughly 10% chance of doing so.
  • The game now uses recoil on the two visible weapons that you have, and there is no longer kickback on your actual player mech itself anymore. We will likely use kickback on some very large weapons, but not these smaller ones (not even missiles).
    • Thanks to Pepisolo, TheVampire100, and The Hunter for suggesting we remove the kickback.
  • Added a new option to the map editor that lets us put in very-broken shootable objects that can take some damage, but only explode the one time. It's the third stage of the regular shootable objects.
  • Updated the one big boss room that was exploitable to use the very-broken shootable objects instead of the solid walls.
  • Updated all the existing bosses to use a new boss room in a new giant-sized boss room chamber that has almost no cover but a little extra space to the center to give you buffer between entering the room and facing the boss.
  • All 3 forms of the Charger enemy have had their speed reduced a bit
  • The Shifter and it's core were both mistakenly named "Blue Crystochet", this has been fixed
  • The Shifter Core has had it's movement speed reduced, as well as the speed of it's bullets
    • It also no longer spawns on it's own; no more sudden explosive attacks from this crazy thing the moment you enter a room!
  • The number of health shards required for a new health box has been increased for normal difficulty and higher.
  • The text in the escape menu now talks about the Current Run instead of the Current Campaign, and the formatting is better and now has the amount of time spent in the current run rather than since the entire save slot was started.
    • In here you can also see your stored ability points now for more than one run, and your unlocked item and enemy counts.
  • Glass pots now have a 90% chance of dropping something rather than a 40% chance.
    • They also now drop ability points much more commonly than anything else, so that they can drop something low-value (individually-speaking) and not flood the player with health and whatnot.
  • The laser sight of the mech is now always visible.
    • Thanks to TheVampire100 for suggesting.
  • There is no longer a default keybind for zooming on the gamepad. We want to move away from there being much in the way of zooming anyhow -- the only reason it's there at all is for people with other screen resolutions.
  • Fixed some issues with the calculation of the location of the reticule on the mouse controls that were making it bonkers at times.
  • Missiles no longer ever slide along walls. However, players can no longer accidentally friendly-fire themselves with missiles, either.
  • The range of missiles has been cut from 2000 to 1000.
  • Fixed an issue where area of effect shots were playing the on-hit sound twice, and also ignoring the "don't play a sound if no damage was done" rule.
  • There is now a slight angling-inward of the systems that you have equipped that points shots more to the center of where your mouse cursor is rather than on parallel tracks beside it. It's not as extreme as the aiming was in prior versions, as the firing angle offset is still fixed. But it makes aiming at a distance more accurate when you're trying to hit a small target.
    • Thanks to mooncows for reporting.
  • Fixed several layer-ordering issues that were causing some oddities when on the very far sides of extra-long rooms, among other things.
    • Thanks to The Hunter and Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where rooms with non-symmetrical door locations (NE and SW right now) could wind up with their doors permanently blocked in some cases because of flipped tiles inside the room. Those rooms just no longer flip the tiles.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could get very loud with lots of sounds stacking on top of one another.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for reporting.
  • Now at the end of a floor, or a run, you get a stats screen.
  • Now when the player takes fatal damage, there's a short period where:
    • the player's still there
    • is made invisible
    • emits a normal death explosion (that shattering effect)
    • the simulation slows down to about 20% speed just to make sure you notice that the game has owned you again
    • then you're shown the end-of-run stats
    • Thanks to Cinth and others for inspiring these changes.
  • The visual for ability points now uses the blue version of what was previously credits. It was too confusing what credits were in practice while playing, but this animation works great for ability points.
  • A new graphic for credits has been implemented, based on the same concept in Bionic Dues. (Hey, why not tie things together.)
  • The bottom-left HUD now shows whichever system is active for your special weapon button, and shows what your inactive system is (if there is one).
  • There are now sound effects for when you die and for when you fire missiles.
  • Lots of new item updates, as with all of our new builds.
  • The gating of items behind floors and ability point unlocks is now in place.

Gamepad Updates

  • Thanks to the insanity of how unity 3D maps some of the internal stuff for xbox 360 controllers on multiple platforms in particular, we've replumbed all of the axis-based stuff (the analog sticks and d-pad) so that they are checked differently now, and are consistent between platforms. Other types of gamepads will continue to use the regular unity internal stuff, but now the 360 controllers will behave better and have the proper defaults on all OSes.
    • Well, they should. We've not actually tested it yet outside of windows.
  • All of the xbox controller settings should now be consistent across platforms for the buttons themselves, too.
  • At long last fixed the core issue with the 360 controls (well, aside from the cross-platform stuff): the left and right triggers can now both independently be used. Previously they would cancel one another out.
  • The gamepad controls have been revamped once more. There are no longer any functions mapped to the analog stick clicks.
    • The run button is now RB rather than LB.
    • The menu button is now Start, like you'd expect.
    • The use consumable button is now Back, which is inconvenient but the most convenient we could think of for something used that infrequently (relatively speaking).
    • Interact/use is now LB, which is much easier to reach. And it's also easier to use while moving and firing at the same time if need be.
    • Holding down LB now activates the gamepad zoom mode, which we may or may not keep on as a default. But it does seem to work pretty well.
    • Holding down LB now activates a whole new "quick switch" mode for weapons, which causes the X button to switch between your missiles and special weapon, and your B button to cycle your main weapons.
      • This was a big reason that the interact button was made LB instead of RB: LB+X is easy, where RB+X is a contortionist move.

Ability Points

  • There's now an "ability points bar" near your minimap.
    • It has four blocks; the bottom fills at 100 points, the next fills when your total is 400, the third when your total is 1200, and the fourth when your total is 2400.
  • When you go to the next floor, you gain permanently (stays between runs) any ability points in a full capsule (or in the bottom capsule, if none are full), and lose any excess on top of that.
  • If a capsule is full, you cannot lose points below that threshold during the floor.
  • Enemies drop ability points when you kill them.
    • They sit and glow for a short time, then hunt you down with unerring accuracy and stuff themselves into your inventory.
  • Every second you spend in a room with enemies (i.e. before you win the room) you lose 0.2 AP.
  • Every time you get damaged (regardless of how much the damage was for, just more than zero) you lose 10 AP.
  • When you die, whatever AP you were carrying (regardless of full/partial capsules) goes to your permanent balance.
  • When you go to the next floor, your accuracy during the floor you're leaving gives you bonus AP.
  • When you start a new run, if you have enough AP to afford anything, the first starting room will have one or more items to choose from.
    • Some you have to pay a certain amount to unlock, and they will seed normally in the future. You also get a copy for that run.
    • Others you don't have to unlock (because you already did, or because it just doesn't need it) and you can spend AP to buy a copy for that run.
    • Either way the other items available for AP disappear when you buy one.
  • In shops you may find Deposit Boxes, which allow you to spend credits to earn permanent AP (that's not subject to how you do the rest of the floor/run).

Version 0.204

(Released December 15th, 2015)

  • There was an incident involving a tea cup, a banana, and a sledgehammer. We broke all old saves again.
    • (actually it's because the gun layout on player ships is so different now)
  • Substantially improved the effectiveness of the pathfinding used by player-following familiars (the ones that use pathfinding, anyway), and to a lesser degree the enemies that chase the player via pathfinding.
  • Now non-boss rooms have a 50% chance of flipping the room population script horizontally, and a further 50% chance of doing so vertically. Relevant laser emitters have their directions reversed.
  • Dumbfire weapons are no longer inherently unable to home, since homing range can now be finite.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for inspiring this change.
  • New keybind: Slow Down (defaults to C and Ctrl and left trigger on the 360 controller)
    • Hold down to enter slow-down mode, which lets you move roughly half as fast as normal so you have more precise control to evade bullets.
    • If both it and afterburner are on, slow-down takes precedence on the actual movement speed.
    • Follows to the "make afterburner a toggle" setting, so if that is set Z will toggle slow-down on and off without you having to hold the key.
    • This may be removed if further work on movement and speed makes it less necessary.
  • The escape menu lower-right text now lists the power-ups the player has picked up, and the modifiers currently operative on the player.
  • To avoid sea-sickness, the momentum logic for the camera now handles small recenterings in a more timely fashion, and avoids swaying back and forth if it doesn't quite fully center.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed several issues preventing gamepad right-stick firing angle from being anything like precise much of the time.
    • This may make it too sensitive, if so you can tone it down a bit by adjusting the axis noise cancelling for Fire Up, Fire Down, etc by going to settings -> controls.
  • Arc enemy has been rebalanced and should be less of a complete terror now, though it can tank a bit more damage than before. These changes affect all 3 versions of this enemy.
    • Firing rate has been cut in half
    • Bullet speed has been lowered
    • Movement speed slightly reduced.
    • HP increased by a small amount
    • Size of the initial bullet has been doubled to make it more noticable
    • Thanks to the many people on the forum that pointed out the fact that this enemy was just too irritating to deal with.
  • The Charger's third form now moves slightly slower.
  • The Shifter Core's bullets now move a little slower, and dont stick around quite as long as before.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for pointing out the tedium of waiting for those shots to go away.
  • Now you only have one active "main gun", on the left, and your "special" (i.e. missile) weapon is now on the right rather than the aft-central position it used to be.
    • While firing the main gun, a short line draws from the special to show where it would fire.
  • Added new key bind: Switch To Next Main Weapon
    • If you're carrying an alternate main gun, this switches you to it.
  • Added new key bind: Switch To Next Special Weapon
    • Switches your special weapon back and forth from your missile system to your energy system.
  • Your missiles now fire on the key-bind that fires energy weapons; to switch to having it fire the energy weapon you use the new key bind above.
  • Added 2 new high-difficulty enemies, Flak Launcher and Sideshot, both of which are "Fearsome" types and will only appear in certain rooms.
    • These are meant to be late-game only enemies and as such are much more dangerous than most others and are intended to provide quite the challenge.
  • Added a couple of new rooms designed for "Fearsome" type enemies, so they have more chances to make an appearance.
  • Added a new "sniper" type of enemy, Blaze Cannon
  • Added a new boss, Aggressor
    • Right now this one only has one pattern, but will have another one added later
    • This boss is not yet gated by difficulty
    • Does not appear until floor 3 or later
  • All of the issues with the analog inputs not being precise are now fixed, finally -- from aiming to moving, including proper dead zones and so on.
  • When you are not aiming anywhere in particular while playing with the gamepad, your guns now rotate to face forward.
  • Exiting the game by pressing escape on the title screen now has a confirm popup to exit the program, rather than simply exiting the program.
    • Thanks to garpu for inspiring this change.
  • The player avatars no longer leave any exhaust -- during afterburner or otherwise.
  • After winning 10 runs in a profile, the runs now become 7 floors in length instead of 5.
  • The player bullet effects for their main guns are now clearer/better-looking.
  • The game now has two new ship categories: FinalBoss and SuperFinalBoss.
  • Fixed a bug with do_not_seed_until_x_floors_down, where it was limiting seeding in reverse.
  • Now that the game no longer has such a strong momentum-based feel to it -- since we're now doing mechs and not trying to emulate flight some of the time and SHMUPs the other time -- the SMHUP-mode toggle has been demoted to only appear in the settings menu and not also in the start-new-run menu. The number of people using this should be a much-increased minority now.
  • Now that we are a mech instead of a flying ship, afterburners are called "sprint" and "slow down mode" is just called "walk slow."
    • On the keyboard, the default mappings for this are now both Ctrl and C, since those are common for crouch.
  • Fixed an issue in previous versions where if you were moving faster than your new top speed (aka sprinting and then no longer sprinting, or moving and then shifting to walk mode), then you would not actually slow down at all!
  • The default controls for a lot of the secondary functions, including sprinting and walking slowly, have been rebound.
    • Increased prominence has been given to walking slowly even above sprinting on the gamepad, because the former is more commonly important during battle and thus should be more easily accessible.
  • Added new item pickup xml options:
    • frequency_in_item_pools (int, default 100)
      • If this is set to more than 100, then it will show up with greater frequency than it otherwise would -- 200 would mean twice as often as it otherwise would.
      • Similarly, 50 means half as often as usual, and 1 is 1% as often as usual.
  • There is now a small chance of finding keycards in the fragile glass shootable objects.
  • The shop now actually has room definitions!
    • Note that the shop functionality hasn't been tested lately, though.
    • Also please note that the deposit boxes in these rooms do not yet function.
  • Previously there was an invisible "spawns entities that drop a missile if you have no missiles" spawner in certain rooms that had no way to destroy all enemies without using a missile. This was to prevent situations where the player becomes permanently trapped due to lack of missiles.
    • However, this didn't feel right to some players, was confusing to many, and was also exploitable by some. So... yeah. That's gone.
    • Now the rule for proper room design is that bombable blocks can be used to block off rewards that are optional, but not main passages or places where enemies are. Makes sense actually!
    • Thanks to Pepisolo, mooncows, Bluddy, ElOhTeeBee, and dfinlay for reporting.
  • The game now has an updated development status.
  • The number of player choices has temporarily been reduced to 1, while we're polishing out the mech feel.
  • 600 new shot graphics (12 colors each of 50 shapes) have been added to the image folders, although they are still yet to be integrated into the full game proper.
  • The new mech designs include a cockpit that changes colors/designs as your health gets lower and your shields are on/off. This central cockpit is also brightly colored and the exact size of your hitbox, which is pretty useful for dodging.
    • Thanks to ElOhTeeBee and mrhanman for inspiring this change.
  • Something like 35 new rooms? Ish? A lot, anyway.

Version 0.203

(Released December 6th, 2015)

  • Further tightened how close you spawn to the door on the other side, because some rooms have interior walls very close to the door spot that you can otherwise get stuck in.
  • Improved the logic for "unstucking" the player from walls.
    • Thanks to crazyroosterman for the report and save.
  • Made the Tutorials button just pop up a "Not Ready Yet!" message rather than baiting unsuspecting testers into errors of their doom.
    • Thanks to crazyroosterman, Cinth, and ElOhTeeBee for being thus baited.
  • Now when you enter a room where there's no population scripts defined (Shop rooms, Challenge rooms), the game presents a much nicer-sounding not-implemented-yet messages rather than yelling "Error!" and sending you scurrying off to mantis.
    • Thanks to crazyroosterman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Load" button on the Load Bug Report Save screen didn't work, even though double-clicking a save did.
    • Thanks to crazyroosterman for finding the bug on the bug report window.
  • Added new settings toggle on the Extras tab: Skip Intro
    • If this is on, the game doesn't show the intro when starting a new game.
  • Changed floor generation logic for seeding boss rooms to not allow seeding at the "second farthest" available distance-from-starting-room if that distance is less than 2.
    • This should avoid situations where the boss room seeds directly adjacent to the starting room.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed a couple bugs in the invisible bouncing-mine emitter (which only launches one mine, right at the start of the room) where there was a few seconds delay before it spawned the mine, which could lead to an... unpleasant surprise.
  • The screenshot key is no longer considered "any key" for the check on whether to close the title screen or the win-or-loss screen.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • Fixed some bugs where not all of the "draw single screen background image" calls were scaling and centering appropriately.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • Added a new boss, "Labyrinth". This is the first non-standard boss, and comes with it's own unique room. Some different tactics are required to deal with this one.
    • As this boss uses some new ideas and a completely different style from all of the others, consider this one "experimental" for now. As in, not balanced at all.
    • Going along with this, a "buddy" entity for the boss was also added. Four of these will spawn in the room with the boss.
  • Mirror has gained additional weaponry and should be a much more formidable opponent.
    • In addition, the nature of the added bullets should prevent exploits from being usable now.
    • It's health in both forms has also been doubled.
    • No longer spawns until floor 4

Version 0.202

(Released December 4th, 2015)

  • Enemies can no longer pass through stationary mines.
  • Fixed some other bugs that could lead to the player spawning on top of the boss, or otherwise not next to the boss room door.
  • Some performance improvements for cases where there are a LOT of bullets flying around (I'm looking at you, Battleswarm).
  • Many other internal progress points toward more items, etc.

Version 0.201

(Released December 3rd, 2015)

  • The walls and doors have been updated to the newer visual style.
  • Fixed an issue where doors were drawing too high in the draw order (a relic from a much older version of the game), thus clipping over the ship.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo and mrhanman for reporting.
  • More tuning has been done on the handling for the player ships, to make them control substantially better. Part of that is lowering their speeds a bit to be about halfway between where they were last version and in versions prior to that.
    • Thanks to mooncows for reporting the speed issue.
  • Fixed up a number of issues with diagonal walls that had odd visual cutoffs.
  • If you get stuck in a wall due to insane speeds it now pushes you out.
    • Thanks to Cinth and mrhanman for reporting.
  • The player now has completely unique shots for themselves, so that when you see shots coming off of rebounds or mysterious pipes, etc, you never wonder if they are yours!
  • The repulsor and gravity well now have new graphics.

Version 0.200

(Released December 2nd, 2015)

  • Melee weapons (e.g. the implicit ones created from hitboxes by the shot_damage_per_second_from_touching flag) on a one-hitbox entity now have their range adjusted by anything that adjusts the size of that hitbox. This should cover all shot cases.
  • In a pretty major structural change, we're now reading the metadata from images out of central flat files within their folder than out of the image names themselves. This is needed so that when we do pushes of further versions of the game, we don't wind up with images sitting next to old versions of themselves if we change the metadata.
    • This is rather important for having the ability to push updates of the game that play nice with the version they're updating.
  • Ctrl+F6 now also reloads the image metadata regarding animations, making it quicker to tune those as we implement them.
  • Fixed bug where the description flag was ignored for all but ships.
  • The DamagePerSecond and DamagePerSecond_IfMoving modifiers have been changed to no longer apply per tick but instead literally per second. So as long as the damage is in whole numbers it should be accurate now, rather than applying at least one damage every tick.
  • Fixed a bug where the behavior flag wasn't working on familiars (for use with familiar_type="NormalShipBehavior")
  • Improved the tracking of SimpleCircleOrbit familiar angle, so that accumulated rounding differences over time didn't put familiars of that type out of sync with each other.
  • Removed the randomness of the distance at which SimpleCircleOrbit familiars are put from the parent entity, to make them look more in sync (previously the ones "inside" would revolve faster, naturally).
  • New keycard graphics!
  • Three new "Arc" enemies have been added, replacing the previous broken "Brick" enemy
  • The graphics for health pickups and credits are now animated and completely different (way more thematically appropriate).
  • Fixed an issue with the angled floor edges flickering above and below the straight ones in rooms.
  • Changed the color of the shop and major item rooms to be greenish instead of blue.
  • The game now has the player ships visually over 0.2 seconds when they make a 180 degree turn, and the appropriate percentage of that when they make smaller turns.
    • Most other ships already did an effect of something along these lines, but the player ships were turning instantly, which did feel kind of cheap and odd.
    • The key thing is that this doesn't actually impact your movement, it's just a visual thing. Well, it does impact how quickly your guns swing around, but that's a super subtle piece of information. And it doesn't affect how quickly your ship changes direction, which is the key thing.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • Some corrections and clarifications to the intro story.
  • There is now some simplistic reflection code in place for ships and shots and such as they pass in front of the windows. We'll refine this further in another build.
  • New enemy "Shifter" added
    • Though it doesnt seem like much at first, it's a very dangerous enemy. Tip: Clear out everything else in the immediate area before attacking this guy. Be ready to move!
    • There is only one version of this enemy for now. It's possible that one is enough.
    • This enemy will not spawn until at least floor 4
  • Shrapnel Rose no longer has any safe-spots
    • Thanks to The Hunter for reporting
  • Shrapnel Rose has had the color of the bullets in it's second pattern changed
    • Thanks to Ptarth for suggesting
  • New Enemy "Charger" added
    • This enemy puts out beams to all sides, with limited range, and simply chases you. However, it becomes faster and faster as it takes damage.
    • This enemy will not spawn until at least floor 4
  • Fixed a bug where losing one hull health would cause it to show 1.5 empty hull health boxes instead of just 0.5.
  • Fixed a bug where the escape key didn't work to bring you out of the continue/new-run/etc menu (thus preventing a normal way to exit the game at all) after you lost or won a run.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and Cinth for reporting.
  • Made mines not trigger on other enemies, unless that enemy had just been knocked back in the last tenth of a second or so.
  • Most AOE shots (notably, player missiles) will no longer chain-explode shots from the same gun fired by the same entity.
  • Ships with a Wanderer AI now pre-check their random destinations to make sure they can move at least half a tile along the designated angle before colliding with the terrain.
  • Fixed a bug where turning via the gamepad analog stick from SW to NW caused a weird hitch in the turn for about a frame.
  • Battleswarm boss now has more HP in both forms
  • Crystal Mother boss now has altered patterns depending on the difficulty level, as does Battleswarm
    • The difficulty of the Hard mode patterns for both of these have actually been increased a bit beyond the originals, so these might be tougher than ever
  • The "foreshield" enemies are now named more clearly, and no longer use cueing times, and now have a bit of a glow on their rear ends to make that a bit more noticeable.
  • Now when seeding a boss/miniboss, the game tries to find a type that has not already been seeded this run. If it fails, it falls back on trying to find a type it's only seeded once this run, and so on.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for suggesting.
  • The obstacle line laser emitters now have a cue animation telling you when they're about to resume fire.
  • Floors now show scuffs sometimes, and walls now sometimes have some (test, in this case) blinking lights on them. These are mainly test art for us in actually testing out some new engine capabilities that we're integrating.
  • When you try to load a savegame and it fails for whatever reason, it now no longer logs the error to the chat log.
    • Instead it prompts you with a more human-readable explanation that there was a problem and asks you to click "Keep" or "Delete", the latter of which will free up the slot for a new save.
  • There is now a slight hovering effect on ships, keeping them moving about.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • There is now a faintly visible forcefield pulsing in the background in all the "window" areas of ships.
  • Ships and shots have faint reflections against the forcefield.
  • The game has a new icon.
  • Now you get a very small "icon box" tooltip-like thing above and to the right of your ship when you:
    • Are over a health, missile, keycard, or credit drop that you cannot pick up because you're full on whatever it is; it shows an icon that you're full.
    • Are over an item pickup that isn't automatically picked up; it shows the key to press to pick it up.
    • Are over a teleport pad; it shows the key to activate it.
  • The display of enemy health now uses graphical bars.
  • New graphics for player health bar.
  • Now when you've "won" a room all enemy systems are considered disabled, so the obstacle lasers will stop firing, etc.
    • Thanks to nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Added new settings toggle: Afterburners Are Toggled Instead Of Held Down
    • When this is on, the afterburner key functions as a toggle instead of something you have to hold down to keep the effect.
    • Thanks to nas1m for suggesting.
  • Updated two boss rooms to have slightly more room on the left hand side, thus hopefully avoiding conflicts with players coming into the room there and then spawning inside the boss.
    • Thanks to mooncows, Cinth, and mrhanman for reporting.
  • Player familiars with the SimpleCircleOrbit type are now always evenly spaced in a circle around the player.
    • And any beyond 8 go in an outer circle a bit further out.
  • Tightened up the door transitions so it doesn't try to put you so far from the door.
  • All of the player main guns and the missile now have muzzle flashes.
  • The dark knight has been rebalanced some to fire a bit faster but have a lower overall DPS.
    • Thanks to TheVampire100 for suggesting.
  • The default player ship now moves 50% faster, which should be pleasing to a lot of folks.
  • The hotrod bomber player ship has been removed -- it wasn't unique enough to be worth it for players to have to choose between it and others.
  • There is now a momentum-based movement mode by default that gives more of a feeling of flight to the player ships.
    • There is a toggle that lets you easily switch to a more SHMUP-like mode where you're stopping on a dime, too.
    • The actual numbers for acceleration and deceleration are easily editable in the file RuntimeData/Configuration/EntitySystem/CMP_PlayerSystems.xml, so if you don't like how ships feel then you can tweak those numbers and make suggestions on things that you do like. The underlying system here is super flexible.
  • The game no longer gives multipliers to health and shields in a generalized sense based on the difficulty level. Instead each player hull now has specialized added health and shields based on the difficulty level that more appropriately mirror what their actual functions are. Previously the easier difficulties could get some absolutely absurd values.
  • The game now has slight kickback on the weapons that are being fired, and slight knockback when they hit non-boss enemies. Definitely helps a bit with the feeling of momentum.
    • Note: this doesn't yet apply to special weapons.
  • The camera for the game is now momentum-based rather than being harshly clamped to having the player in the center. This gives a definite feeling of better polish to the game, and makes things like kickback not so jarring.

Version 0.137

(Released November 24, 2015)

  • All prior savegames are now broken, because we had some substantial things to move around again.
  • ALSO!! The in-game updater should not be used to upgrade from a version older than this to this version. You'll get strange errors because of old files. It was easier to just send a completely new build to the alpha players.
  • All bosses now emit a massive bullet-clearing shockwave upon either death, or phase change. No more deaths from leftover bullets after a boss goes down!
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • "Brick" enemy was unfinished and had been leaving static bullets behind that never vanished; it has been disabled until it is finished
    • Thanks to dfinlay for reporting
  • New boss "Shrapnel Rose" added
  • New boss "Lady Staccato" added
    • Note: these bosses are not currently calibrated for "normal" difficulty or below. They only show up on floor 4 or more, though.
  • A lot of stuff from the sub-tileset has moved into the tileset, for purposes of a bit of new organization.
  • The tilesets are now per-floor rather than per-dungeon, and are things that we'll use to indicate depth rather than what sort of ship in general you are in.
  • The sub-tilesets are now per-room rather than per-floor, and are things we'll use to indicate room function (thematically speaking) rather than part-of-ship for the entire floor.
  • The game now has edges that get drawn where the floors meet up with the windows. These can be ragged or orderly or whatever we need, and they help to make the transitions there feel more intentional as well as making things a little less blocky.
  • The game now has shadows! The shadows respond to your movement around the room, making things seem more alive.
  • The game now has some new stencil buffer shaders, which it uses in order to do clipping for shadows to draw properly.
  • The teleporter pads are now smaller, look nicer, and are animated.
  • The standard item pickup plates have been redone in a more cel-shaded style that is better in keeping wiht the main ship art.
  • All of the bombable objects have been redone in the more cel-shaded format.
    • The special bombable ones (that have goodies in them) now stand out more)
  • New graphics for the floor panels have been introduced.
  • The game now has angled half-tile floor tiles that it uses, and edges around those as well, in order to make things look a lot more polished and less tile-bound.
  • The game now has a new glass shattering sound effect that it plays when fragile objects break, to make it clearer what they are in an auditory fashion as well as a visual one.
  • The game now supports quick reloading of images using Ctrl+F6, which is really useful for purposes of doing image tweaks.
  • The game now supports angled walls in long sections that were previously "ribbed"-looking with lots of sharp corners.
  • The game now uses an "overhead image" for the walls so that it's not so hugely contrasting with the walls themselves. This makes the overall game feel brighter, and also makes the small sections of wall not feel strange.
  • The graphics for all the walls have been redone to no longer mess with perspective in the way that they previously were.
  • The battleswarm boss has real graphics now, and proper sizing to it.
  • Fixed a bug that was charging you credits for items with a shop cost even outside of the shop.
  • The minimap is now drawn a bit larger in both the menu and in the main view, and also now has a black underlay and border that makes it a lot easier to see the minimap against any form of background.
  • The difference in color between the visited and unvisited rooms on the minimap is now clearer.
  • Going over a teleporter or item pickup now immediately makes it show that tooltip rather than whatever enemy you're shooting or recently shot.
  • There is now a visible missile system on player ships. Only one missile is now fired from it, and it comes from this system rather than from the two main player guns. The missile that is fired also now moves faster and does more damage. The targeting lines also now behave more sensibly between the two modes.
  • Fixed a bug where things that deal different amounts of damage to players and enemies were using the player-level damage against enemies as well.
    • Thanks to Mission and TheVampire100 for reporting.
  • Updated the game so that entities that are set to never take damage no longer play any on-hit sounds when shot.
  • The graphics for the Mirror boss have been updated to something nicer-looking and more appropriately threatening.
  • Now if the player has any systems that can be toggled off, are not toggled off, and are disabled for some other reason (lack of energy, for example) then they toggle off and will not automatically resume function if the disabling condition ceases. Otherwise we get stuff like energy draining stuff constantly keeping the energy from regenerating and not functioning long enough at a stretch to be useful.
  • Added modifier target "OnUse_ParentEntityFutureShots" for entity system modifiers.
  • Three new enemies, "Foreshields," have been added. They are the first ones actually in the Attacker_5x5 category.
  • Added a trio of new swarm-type enemies. The first one is considered an Attacker_3x3, whereas the other two are considered chaos-adders, because... well, they are. ;)
    • There's a neat Ender's Game style of trick to these particular enemies...
  • Three new "flea" enemies, all of which are Attacker_3x3, have been added.
  • Two new rooms have been added.

Version 0.136

(Released November 20th, 2015)

  • All prior savegames are now broken, because it wasn't worth maintaining them yet and we had some things to remove.
  • Inversion of a bool accidentally broke the test chamber and starting new runs in existing saves. Facepalm. Fixed.
  • Battleswarm boss temporarily disabled due to high degrees of insanity.
  • Test work is being done on interior backgrounds under the rooms. Temp graphics for now, but testing approaches.
  • Special door graphics are now included for boss doors, doors to evil chambers, and doors to reward chambers and shops. Definitely makes it a lot easier to know where to go without immediately needing to look to your map!
  • The changelog link in the game now actually points to the release notes page (which also now exists).
  • All of the enemies that are those that sit still until you approach them now also wake on being shot, since the alternative was not just confusing -- it was actually annoying even if you knew what was happening.
  • Secret rooms were not actually secret before, and were not showing the doors that you bust open, etc. Now they are!
  • The secret rooms now actually have good stuff in it rather than test stuff.
  • All new graphics for the mysterious circuits.
  • Mysterious circuits now actually say what they do if you know what they do.
    • Note: some mysterious circuits are already known from the start of a given run.
  • Improved the display of mysterious circuits so that you can tell what they are if you don't know what one is (aka, you can tell they are "potions").
  • Fixed a bug that was always marking circuits as known to you if you picked them up.
  • When you use a consumable item, it now writes what it did into the message log.
  • The concept of "interior backgrounds" versus "starfields" has been removed. Now it's all either floor (in the room) or a starfield background, end of story. This will let us focus more energy on the rooms themselves in particular (the starfields already seem pretty great).
  • The energy drops have been removed from the game, and energy pickups in general. Energy pickups that were in the map editor are now "random minor items" that might be missiles, health, or more likely a small number of credits.
  • Updated the development status note in the game to reflect the latest.
  • When you shoot enemies, it show shows the last-shot enemy's health down there at the bottom of the screen in the tooltip area. And their name.
  • When you are in a boss room, it now shows the name of the boss and the health down at the bottom of the screen.
    • Later on, this and the enemy thing will show health bars.
  • Fixed an issue where mysterious circuits that were not actually assigned to a specific run could still spawn from the item pools containing them.
  • VASTLY improved the gamepad movement, thanks to improved deadzone math.
    • There's still a hitch when moving across the West axis, and the aiming reticule movement still leaves a lot to be desired, but none of that is caused by the actual input area of the game now, at least.
  • Fixed up all the issues with the walls having bad overlaps in both images and the code.
    • The way that the wall bottoms are shaved off is a bit temp, but it at least prevents the overlap issue.
    • There were a ton of issues in this area, so if you were complaining about overlaps or whatnot before, these should all be gone now. Will be interesting to see how that changes the perception of walls.
  • There are now actually some consumables that seed in the freestanding consumable seed spots, and in the after-room reward plates.
  • The game now supports having difficulty level restrictions on specific bullets in bullet patterns, which lets us use our variables to have multiple variants of a boss (or regular enemy) pattern with relative ease, all in one file.
    • The first example of this is with Backfire, which now has individual patterns for every difficulty level. Only the one for Normal is what the designer (Misery) actually intended, though, so other difficulty levels should be treated as a bit suspect for the moment.
  • Fixed a bug that was making it so that you couldn't go down a floor without having a bunch of errors.
    • And if you tried to back out of the game at this time, it would have some errors that would make it so you couldn't close it, too.
  • The three "Persistence" enemies now do less damage, emit fewer shots, have shots that don't last as long, and have less health.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • "Ammo" weapons still use energy, like before, but energy now recharges from 0 energy to 100 over the course of 7 seconds. Or when you change rooms it moves to full.
    • However, energy doesn't recharge for 1 second after you have been firing your energy weapon, so just leaning on your energy weapon is not a great idea.
    • Energy can still be upgraded by some passive ship upgrades, meaning that you can use an energy weapon for more shots before having to let it recharge, etc.
    • We may have a change where we give some combo bonuses between your main and secondary/ammo/energy weapon (let's just call this secondary from now on). But for now not.
    • Also please note that a number of our secondary weapons now need some tuning in light of this change. Aside from in general still needing some work on "feel."
  • On ammo weapons, it now shows their DPS as well as their their energy per second.
  • There is no longer a dedicated full-screen-map window or button, but rather the map is shown in the normal escape menu now. Additionally, the map is shown in a larger scale (twice as large) when on that screen now.
  • A bunch of new powerups have been added to the game.
    • Known issue: descriptions are not being shown for powerups.
  • Rather than tapping the main fire button to pick up items and use teleporters now, you press E on the keyboard or you press Start on the 360 controller.
    • The Select button is now what is used for the menu on the 360 controller, since that is less convenient to reach than Start when it comes to quickly picking stuff up.

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