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== Official 1.007 ==  
== Official 1.008 ==  
(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)
(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)
== Official 1.007 Stats Fit For A God ==
(Released May 30th, 2013)
* Put in some safety-syncing code to make sure that if players somehow get out of sync, it never lasts for more than one turn.  Specifically, it now does this safety-sync right before it goes to the after-turn playback phase, so if there are any differences that would cause errors in playback, it fixes those on the clients to match the server.
* Put in some safety-syncing code to make sure that if players somehow get out of sync, it never lasts for more than one turn.  Specifically, it now does this safety-sync right before it goes to the after-turn playback phase, so if there are any differences that would cause errors in playback, it fixes those on the clients to match the server.

Revision as of 22:08, 30 May 2013

Official 1.008

(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)

Official 1.007 Stats Fit For A God

(Released May 30th, 2013)

  • Put in some safety-syncing code to make sure that if players somehow get out of sync, it never lasts for more than one turn. Specifically, it now does this safety-sync right before it goes to the after-turn playback phase, so if there are any differences that would cause errors in playback, it fixes those on the clients to match the server.
    • Ideally there are no desyncs anyhow, but this at least mitigates their effect to almost nil.
  • The game now properly lets multiplayer clients see which players they are waiting on when they have finished their turns and are hanging out.
    • Thanks to Munsta for reporting.
  • When other players have finished their turn and are now waiting on you, or have finished playback and are now waiting on you, a message now shows to that effect so that you know to get a move on.
    • Thanks to yllamana for suggesting.
  • Bandits are no longer allowed to pick up the Nemean Lion token, since it's useless to them.
    • Thanks to nas1m, Winge, and FooBarTheLittle for reporting.
  • Buildings that do not unlock until a certain round were previously unavailable in sandbox mode. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Pepisolo for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug with the midgard serpent and a few other similar global-effect tokens where they could remove tiles after units had already precalculated that they would move there, thus leading to units leaping over holes and doing other really strange stuff like stacking up on top of one another, etc.
    • This also was affecting the labyrinth and Yggdrasil in terms of causing unit stacking.
    • Thanks to Mick, Bluddy, Misery, and matobinder for reporting.
  • The tooltips for the resources on the sidebar now show the count of buildings for that faction that are involved in the production chain of that resource (just one building for raw resources, several for finished goods). Sunstone does not include moonstone production, as it's a raw resource.
    • Thanks to FooBarTheLittle, zespri, and yllamana for suggesting.
  • In the left sidebar, when you are placing buildings, it now shows a count of how many of those buildings that faction already has on the map.
    • As an added bonus, when placing lands it also shows how many lands of each type are on the map.
    • Also also, this now shows the counts of directly-placeable units and tokens that are currently out on the map for that faction.
    • Thanks to James Allen, FooBarTheLittle, zespri, and yllamana for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue specific to the Lake Lure map where the starting towns were too close together and thus all sorts of wonky issues could happen.
    • Thanks to onyhow and Misery for reporting.
  • When you can't play a token from the sidebar because of it being on cooldown, it now shows as grayed out.
  • When you use the undo button while having a sidebar submenu extended, the sidebar submenu status now updates.
    • Thanks to FooBarTheLittle for reporting.
  • When your cursor is outside the game window, it no longer shows tooltips for things you are hovering over outside the game window. MAN was that annoying in windowed mode.
  • A couple of the finished goods producers have been moved around in the left sidebar to make them easier to find relative to their raw resource counterparts.
  • The right-hand sidebar has been revamped so that its data is more compact horizontally, and thus can support two rows. Now you can thus see all your raw resources in one column (to the left), and all your finished goods in another column (to the right).
    • This solves a lot of requests of players without actually increasing the side of that sidebar much at all (less than 10 pixels wide) and without reducing the size of the font (though it is now overlaid over the images).
  • The sword, pike, warhammer, and battle axe finished goods have all just been condensed down into a single "melee weapon" finished good. Also, the Bow finished good has been renamed to "ranged weapon."
    • This keeps from there being a fiddly number of weapons specific to individual units, which didn't add much except extra things to look at and take up space that could be better used for other things. Shifting these all to one finished good hardly even affects balance, interestingly.
  • In the tooltip for finished goods on the right-hand sidebar, it now says "on demand: X amount of the finished good from Y amount of the other resources needed to convert into that."
    • Hopefully this will help to stop the confusion from people who think that they already have X amount of cut stone and Y amount of rock, and that they could get more cut stone if only the rock would be converted over.
  • Whenever you view Nick's comic, it now plays the track "Running In The Sun" rather than whatever else happened to be playing in the background at the time (likely the title music).
    • This is a lot more appropriate of a tone for the comic, as one reviewer pointed out.

Official 1.006 Listen When I Command!

(Released May 28th, 2013)

  • The maximum resolution of the game has been increased to support the 7680x1600 EyeFinity resolution.
    • Thanks to Mikuki for suggesting.
  • Previously, resource costs were improperly refunded during the setup phase, letting you gain tons of resources just by placing and undoing.
    • Thanks to vince0018 and FooBarTheLittle for reporting.
  • Fixed a huge bug that was causing MP desyncs as well as causing some melee units to act insanely during solo play -- but ONLY when you didn't skip to the end of combat, but instead watched it all the way through. The speed of playback could also mess with this.
    • Thanks to matobinder, Munsta, and Crimdal for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where the "What's New" link directed to the wrong wiki page.
    • Thanks to seiferkatt for reporting.
  • "What's New" on the main menu has been replaced with a more clear "Recent Patch Notes" name, so that more players will know what that is.
  • The range-of-one siege units now all have the mountainwalk ability, letting them no longer get bogged down in the same lines of travel with the main human entities.
    • This means the greek trojan horse, greek battering ram, and norse arsonist.
    • All of the ranged siege units are useful enough as it is, and can just keep moving with the crowd. But the range-of-one guys were a bit hard to use depending on the terrain.
      • If you still want to block them, of course you can use lakes; that just won't protect you from the ranged siege units, so you'd have to do double duty with mountains and lakes to make perfect protection.
  • Mountains and lakes now cost 2AP to place, rather than one; this makes their use something to consider more -- as with smiting -- but still not something that is impossible to do.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • Minotaurs and Trolls now only damage units on the cardinally-adjacent tiles to their target, not buildings as well. This makes it so that they aren't leveling towns in one or two blows.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • Military commandments were accidentally broken right prior to the release of the game, but have now been fixed. Sorry about that!
    • Thanks to orzelek, Misery, restingsound, boho, nas1m, TropeSage, cnemus, Kamiyama, and Film11 for reporting.
  • Updated military commandments so that they disappear as soon as the god on their tile is dead.

Official 1.005 Player's Choice

(Released May 28th, 2013)

  • Mountains and lakes can now be placed on any difficulty level (having them on lower difficulty levels but not higher ones was a bit disorienting; and not having them on lower difficulty levels anymore has been massively unpopular).
  • The bandit keeps are no longer immune to mythological creatures, and have had their health returned to 30k instead of 15k like they were recently reduced to. Again, these changes were hugely unpopular with players, so they're gone. You know we listen!

Official 1.004 Rise of the Valkyrie

(Released May 27th, 2013)

  • The walls of bandit keeps have been upgraded with magical safeguards that prevent them from taking any damage from mythological creatures!
    • However, also reduced the health of bandit keeps from 30,000 to 15,000.
      • Bear in mind that the keeps are meant to be something you have to have siege units to deal with; that was their original intent, and not only were players circumventing that with mythologicals, in at least one case there was extreme cheese possible with the mythologicals.
    • Thanks to Levi and Mick for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed the issue with the town names being different for each player in multiplayer.
    • Thanks to Zeyurn for reporting.
  • Fixed a definite desync with norse mortars attacking and having a different amount of chance for themselves to die on each machine.
    • This was still something quite sporadic, but definitely could cause issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the Undo feature where it would trigger Eldhrimnir, Odin, (theoretically) Tartarus Rising, and similar.
    • Thanks to brammel for reporting.
  • Minotaurs and Chimera have lost their target bonuses against both buildings and heavy infantry.
  • The frost giant bonus against gods has been converted to instead being a bonus against enemy mythologicals.
    • The light elf bonus against gods and light siege have also been converted to a bonus against enemy mythologicals.
    • The Valkyrie have had their base attack power dropped in general, but now get a massive bonus against enemy mythologicals.

Official 1.003

(Released May 26th, 2013)

  • Fixed a rather embarrassing issue where a testing flag got left on and no more than two players were allowed to connect to a game, instead of 8. Sorry about that!
    • Thanks to Spud_02 for reporting.
  • Previously, mountains and lakes were only place-able on medium difficulty and down, because they were known to be exploit-y but some people really like doing designs with them, etc. This was prior to the addition of sandbox mode, though, that we last evaluated this; so now we've made this sandbox-mode only.
    • Does this make the easier versions of the game harder? Yeah... you can't just plop down a mountain when the going gets rough. But really this seems pretty much in line with the game, you know?
    • Thanks to Trisdino for suggesting.

Official 1.002 Hunting Through Rubble

(Released May 24th, 2013)

  • Fixed a small inaccuracy in the "no gods currently" text in the left sidebar, which said you could still choose gods.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Cerberus now has stats that actually increase with each upgrade to him.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The score tooltip is now clearer that "red kills" means "kills by red" and so forth.
  • The attack AP cost for Oxybele has been increased from 3 to 5.
    • Thanks to Misery and Ipkins for suggesting.
  • Minotaur rebalance:
    • Health in general has been increased, while auto-regen has been dropped dramatically.
    • Attack AP cost from 3 -> 5.
    • No longer ranged at all, but instead are just melee.
    • Thanks to Misery, zharmad, and Mick for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes entities, particularly gods, could spawn in different places in multiplayer.
    • Thanks to restingsound for reporting.
  • When buildings are destroyed by whatever means (actual warfare, getting taken over by mountains, etc), their tooltips now show what kind of building they used to be before they bit the dust.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where the town names would differ between players in multiplayer.
    • Thanks to restingsound for reporting.
  • On the right sidebar, the tooltips for the finished goods now shows the explanation:
    • (Amount Available On Demand - This Is Not Produced Or Stored Until Needed)
    • Also, on the right sidebar in general, the finished goods counts now show up a bit darker and with some markings around them to immediately make them look different.
  • Holding down the Ctrl key now shows all the building names in your view.
    • Even better, for all of the destroyed building ruins, it shows the name of what they used to be in a light red color.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for suggesting.
  • Holding down the U key now shows all the unit and token names in your view.
    • Even better, all of the gods have their names highlighted in a pale purple, and all the tokens have their names highlighted in a pale blue, to make them easier to find.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for suggesting.
  • Fixed a typo in the iron mine part of the tutorial.
    • Thanks to Breach for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where smiting your own buildings would grant you points and increase the building kill counts and loss counts for your faction.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
  • The cooldown on Brokkr has been increased a great deal, and the points from him are also now negative.
    • However, the cost in steel that he requires has been halved.
    • The same is true for Norns, except in this case it is the incense cost that has been reduced by 1/3rd.
    • Thanks to Misery for suggesting.

Previous Release Notes

Skyward Collapse - Pre-Beta Release Notes