Tidalis:0.411 Beta Release

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New & Updated Levels

New & Updated Art/Music/Sound

Gameplay Additions

Gameplay Updates

New Level Editor Features


  • Changed Custom Game "Allowed Embedded Items" selection from specific items to item categories; so currently just place-color-block items and place-special-block items.
  • Updated the Custom Game window to make a bit more efficient use of space, and be more 800x600 screen-resolution-friendly.


Internal Programming Notes

  • The internals of the Usable Item handling have been heavily modified to match the existing enum/enumData pattern, which has superior flexibility for things like the AI handling, UI handling, etc. However, this has been married to the existing superclass patterns that were already there, which have superior flexibility for things like subclassing based on various sub-properies, etc. The result is a mix of both models, with the strengths of both and extensibility that is as simple as it is for the special blocks.
