Valley 2:Beta Release Notes

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Beta .707

(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)

  • More slices
    • c4sc4 and zebramatt are again responsible.
  • Fixed bug where dispatch mission interface couldn't be successfully used to work with more NPCs than fit on a single page.
    • Thanks to khadgar for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where loading a world could result in it purifying a path to a destroyed farmland and/or abandoned town block tile. This logic was intended for loading earlier worlds but there was no version check; now there is.
    • Thanks to Nanashi for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would display the larger of the two distances (just walking, and walking+warping) instead of the smaller when showing the range-to-mission-region for an NPC who could not reach the mission region by either method.
    • Thanks to khadgar for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple copies of a mercenary could wind up in a particular chunk, and generally would all trail the player in a superstack of doom.
    • Thanks to khadgar for the report.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing equipment effectiveness to apply to all ongoing conditions on a player, which meant that their perks and inherent bonuses and anything affecting them from a general environment (freefall room, etc) were all getting messed with horribly.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the report that helped us find this.
  • Fixed an issue with freefall rooms where if you had too many fall speed reductions you could actually wind up flying upwards uncontrollably when you jumped!
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting this!
  • Fixed a bug where the Rocket spells were still hitting monsters with multiple pieces of shrapnel, because they were spawned on death of the original projectile and weren't really linked to it (since it was already gone).
    • Thanks to madcow for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where achievements were not being properly logged to Steam.
  • Put in some error checking code to hopefully fix the bug where perk tokens and mercenary coins would sometimes respawn after you had collected them and then left or died. Please do let us know if you see it again, though!
    • Thanks to madcow, Gemzo, and nekobaron for reporting.
  • Fixed several keyboard-navigation bugs/inconveniences with the perk selection window.
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters killed by certain kinds of "shrapnel" (such as from rockets) would not drop anything (health, ammo) for players to pick up.
    • This was basically because of the "has this enemy been damaged by a player" logic check, that was really more appropriate in the first game. Now enemies don't take damage from any source ASIDE from players, so there's no reason to even check that anymore.
    • Thanks to madcow and khadgar for reporting.
  • The freefall sections no longer adjust the camera so that you're up near the top; that was untenable on a lot of screen resolutions.
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • The text in conversations popups is no longer so visually spaced out; the line spacing is now 20% smaller than it was before, leading to more natural reading.

Major Infusion Of Updated Music

  • All of the music tracks except for the main title theme have now been finalized.
  • A second Lava music track has been added to the game to provide yet more variety in the lava areas.

Vastly Helpful New Control Option

  • Along with the existing control options, the following new behavior has been added:
    • If you are standing still on the X axis (you _can_ be jumping or falling, in other words), then all you have to to is hold or tap upwards, then release, and you will fire in an upwards 45 degree angle until you next move on the X axis.
    • If you are standing still on the X axis, and are not ducking (so you _must_ be jumping or falling, in other words), then all you have to to is hold or tap downwards, then release, and you will fire in a downwards 45 degree angle until you next move on the X axis. Even after you land.
    • The idea is that this is a quick way to do angled shots while stationary without having to use the angled-shots button. Positioning yourself where you want to be, then just tapping the up key and then laying loose with a barrage of shots at an upward arc is really really easy. We didn't do it quite the same way with the downward shots (you have to be jumping/falling for this to apply) because that would have eliminated low-shots.
    • This isn't an option to toggle on and off simply because it's so unobtrusive the way that it's been implemented. But if that later seems needed, we can certainly add a toggle.
    • Thanks to Chemuel, zaaq, and khadgar for suggesting.
  • Added in explanation of the new controls option in the "first crates" room in the start of the game.

Beta .706

(Released December 20th, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the generation logic that could allow certain rooms in the overlord keep to become horizontally-flipped and thus impassible when you need to get the next mage class in order to proceed (thus preventing any further progress in the game at that point). Sorry about that!
  • 70 more slices added.
    • Thanks to Zebramatt and c4sc4 for these.
  • Fixed a pretty bad bug in the previous version that was causing all vertically-oriented chunks to behave rather wrongly, and in all cases give TellTheDeveloper messages among other oddities. A piece of testing code had been left turned on by mistake.

Previous Release Notes

Pre Beta Release Notes

A Valley Without Wind 2 aka Valley 2