Valley 1:Beta Series 3 Release Notes

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Beta 0.901

(Note: this prerelease is not available yet, we're still working on it)

  • Fixed a bug that was causing tombstones to seed in stash rooms instead of enchant containers!
    • Thanks to Moo for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug from a couple versions ago where a monster would always only drop one "item drop" entity on death, and packed everything into that one drop. So bosses dropped a single "shard" (that was actually all of them) instead of a cloud of them, etc.
    • Thanks to BobTheJanitor for the report.
  • Battlegrounds:
    • Now work in MP. Previously ally minions would just ignore enemy minions and run right by them. Enemy minions generally did the same. Now they actually target each other and fight, etc. This should also help NPCs in MP NPC-rescue missions actually shoot and be shot at.
      • Thanks to Underfot for the report.
    • Minions now close up the range a bit tighter before standing still.
    • Along with that, they now try to spread out a bit better so that your allies aren't all standing on one spot (and generally taking aoe damage from even simple projectiles).
    • Fixed a bug that was effectively creating a 0.5 second "global" cooldown on ally shots in the sense that at most 1 ally could should per 0.5 seconds. This was causing a lot of strangeness, and some other bugs elsewhere in the game.

Previous Release Notes

AVWW - Beta Series 2 Release Notes