AI War:Neinzul Preservation Wardens

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What Are Neinzul Preservation Wardens?

Neinzul Preservation Wardens are an optional minor faction introduced in the Children of Neinzul micro-expansion.

In-Game Explanation / What Do Wardens Do?

The Wardens are a group of long-wandering neinzul roaming enclaves that periodically wander through this galaxy and seek to eliminate that which is destroying the natural order. The AI apparently is not doing anything like this (in this galaxy, at least) so the wardens leave the AI alone. You, on the other hand, have the temerity to impinge upon the sovereign right of all asteroids to Not. Be. Mined. So the wardens will periodically come by and seek to liberate the rocks.

What's Actually Going On?

During the initial "grace period", the wardens do not spawn or do anything at all. The length of that grace period is: 15 minutes * (10 - First' AI's Difficulty) / (First AI's Handicap Multiplier)

So if the first AI has Difficulty 7.3 and no handicap (handicap = 100%) it's 15 * 2.7 / 1 = 40.5 minutes. If the first AI has Difficulty 7.3 and a 200% handicap it's 15 * 2.7 / 2 = 20.25 minutes.

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