AI War 2:Cheats

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Are There Cheats In The Game?

A: As of version 2.040 of the game, yes there are. At the moment, cheats do not have to be explicitly enabled in order to be used.

You simply have to type the cheat into the chat textbox (hit Enter/Return while playing) and it will happen. The capitalization of the cheats does not matter, nor does spacing. The other players will be able to see cheats that you have entered like any other chat message, along with the result (error or success). If a cheat has been used during this campaign by any player, then achievements will no longer be logged for this game.

Cheat/Command Format

This is a bit different from AI War Classic, which did not take arguments (at first) and which also just took specific phrases as cheats. If you happened to say "bombs away" to a friend during multiplayer, with no capitalization, you were activating a cheat potentially by accident (assuming you had cheats enabled). This sequel doesn't require specific enabling of cheats (for your convenience), so to make sure you don't accidentally conversationally cause a cheat, it now requires the prefix "cmd:" to let us know you mean to have a cheat or command.

  • Your cheat or command must start with the characters cmd:.
  • Whitespace and capitalization doesn't matter.
    • EXCEPT that the very first few characters must be cmd:, exactly like that.
    • And in cases where it is asking you for something else, like the name of an entity type, that might be case-sensitive.
  • Commas (,), are used to separate a cheat from its arguments, if it has any.


  • An old example would be Give Me K in the first game.
    • Typing that exact phrase would give you 10,000 knowledge immediately.
  • In this game, however, you need to start out by typing cmd:For Science instead.
    • But then you also need to tell it how much. Remember, capitalization and whitespace also don't matter.
      • You can thus say cmd:forscience,10000 to get 10,000 science like in the first game.
      • Or cmd: FoR sCience , 4000 to get 4000 science.
      • Or you can even take away science from yourself and all players by typing cmd:For Science,-1000 to lose 1000.
    • It's worth noting that cheats in this game work on all human players rather than just whoever did it.

Base Game

  • For Science, [number]
    • Gain or lose the [number] amount of science.
    • Does NOT count as a cheat if you are reducing science with this. Feel free to inflict that on yourself.
  • Riches, [number]
    • Gain or lose the [number] amount of metal.
    • Does NOT count as a cheat if you are reducing metal with this. Feel free to inflict that on yourself.
  • Anger Management, [number]
    • Gain or lose the [number] amount of AI Progress
    • Does NOT count as a cheat if you are increasing AIP with this. Feel free to inflict that on yourself.
  • I Can See My House
    • All Planets Are Scouted
  • Multiply Strikecraft, [float number]
    • All player strikecraft-type ship lines in fleets are multiplied permanently by the amount you type in. Use coarse numbers like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, etc.
    • This will also apply to capturable fleets that you would encounter in the wild but have not found yet.
  • Multiply Frigates, [float number]
    • All player frigate-type ship lines in fleets are multiplied permanently by the amount you type in. Use coarse numbers like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, etc.
    • This will also apply to capturable fleets that you would encounter in the wild but have not found yet.
  • Multiply Drones, [float number]
    • All player drone-type ship lines in fleets are multiplied permanently by the amount you type in. Use coarse numbers like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, etc.
    • This will also apply to capturable fleets that you would encounter in the wild but have not found yet.
    • Note that the frigate and strikecraft multipliers specifically skip drones
  • cleanup aisle three
    • wipes out all non-flagship/command station ships on the planet the issuing player is on
  • I c u
    • Causes a tachyon pulse on the planet the issuing player is on.


  • journal, [name or blank], [groupID or blank], [related faction partial name], [related planet partial name], [related unit type]
    • Causes a journal entry to immediately be logged to the sidebar, based on the parameters above.
    • name or blank: This is the unique ID / name that it should try to log. Must be exact, including capitalization.
    • related faction partial name: This can be blank, but otherwise it will return the first faction that has part of this text in the name. Capitalization matters.
    • related planet partial name: This can be blank, but otherwise it will return the first planet that has part of this text in the name. Capitalization matters.
    • related unit type: This can be blank, but otherwise it will return the exact GameEntityTypeData named. Capitalization matters.
    • Example usage:
      • cmd:journal, CP_FullTest,, AI, ex, VWing
        • Works infinite times.
      • cmd:journal, ,CP_GTest, AI, ex, VWing
        • Works three times, three different messages in random order.
      • cmd:journal, CP_CTest1,, AI, ex, VWing
        • Works twice, two different messages in specific order.