AI War 2:Plasma Guardian

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Revision as of 16:29, 19 October 2018 by Dominus Arbitrationis (talk | contribs) (Update unit stats)
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Plasma Guardian Stats
Metal Cost Energy Use Ship Cap Strength Hull Shields Speed Armour Engine Albedo Mass
80000 7000 1 225 30000 2500 500 90 14 0.39990234375 6
Plasma Guardian Weapon Stats
Shot Damage Seconds per Salvo Shots Per Salvo Range Single Ship DPS Cap DPS
3500 9 1 10100 388.89 388.89

The AI had a large gun. It put an engine on that gun. You are looking at that gun. Said gun does AOE damage and increased damage to bubble forcefields only. The AI had a large gun. It put an engine on that gun. You are looking at that gun. Said gun does high single target damage and does much more to bubble forcefields. The AI had a large gun. It put an engine on that gun. You are looking at that gun. Said gun does high single target damage and does much more to bubble forcefields.