AI War 2:Pre-And-Post Launch Polish

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Known Issues

  • Multiplayer is disabled until post-1.0 while we focus on tightening up the single-player loop (more info here).

What's this phase all about?

The game is solid at this point and something we're really proud of and that players are having fun with. But inevitably, the more people we have playing it, the more things get brought to our attention to refine and make as smooth and fun as possible. This is basically a period we've set aside for doing that sort of thing, rather than focusing on any major new content drops or other major new features.

There may still be the odd major new thing, who knows -- sometimes the volunteers or modders wind up creating something and we're certainly not going to turn that down! But by the start of this phase the game was mature and really huge already, so focusing on polish seems like the way to best serve the largest group of people.

Version 0.901

(Not yet released -- we're still working on it!)

  • More work on adding support for numStacksKilled when handling death effects. Should get most everything now
    • Including Dark Spire, Metabolization, Zombification, etc...


  • When unloading ships from a Transport, they inherit "time spent on planet" from the Transport so you can't cheese First Few Seconds On Planet bonus effects
    • Thanks to Smaug on Steam for reporting and Puffin for testing the fix
  • Remove some outdated text in the Scouting objective tooltip
    • Thanks to Telkir for reporting

UI improvements

  • Clicking on the Energy Usage bar now gives detailed feedback for what is consuming your energy (broken down by fleet) and what planets are generating the most energy
    • Requested by darkarchon
  • The Tooltip for Tech Vault objectives now list which ship lines will benefit from hacking the tech vault
    • Badgers are very lazy creatures
  • For the Flagship/GCA objectives, show the count of ship lines before listing the ship lines so I don't have to count them
    • Badgers are very lazy creatures

Changes for lower AI difficulties (<= 5)

  • Seed extra ARSs and Tech Vaults in the galaxy
  • Seed more low-mark planets near the player
  • Nerf AI income
  • Nerf AI defenses

Version 0.900 Custom Fleets With Empty Slots

(Released October 11th, 2019)

Balance Improvements

  • Instead of spawning instantly, a Dyson Antagonizer now warps in over time, giving the player a chance to destroy it before the Sphere gets Antagonized.
    • Requested by zeus almighty. You'd think he could have just struck it with a lightning bolt or seduced it in the form of a goose...

Tutorial and Tips Work

  • Added a new "Tutorial 99", which is even in its description just a note to be sure and check out the "How to Play" section of the game and other resources.
    • Since various people seem to miss those other resources but easily see the tutorials list, having this always be the last tutorial in the list no matter how many other tutorials we add seemed like a good idea.
  • Also got rid of the "Example Tutorial" that was junking up the tutorials screen, since now there are plenty of much more involved examples that are also actually fully-functional tutorials.
  • Add a Tip under the Modding section to explain how to make your own Quick Starts


  • Fix a bug where units sometimes were waiting out of range instead of closing to firing distance
    • Reported by kmunoz and Telcontar on Steam
  • Fix a bug where flagships could just wander away from where you told them to go
    • Reported by kmunoz.
  • Fixed a rare nullref exception that could happen in the wave notifications.
  • Fixed a really rare nullref that could happen in Network.OnClient_SendClientBatchToServer.
    • Thanks to Badger for reporting.
  • Put in some extra debugging to fix ships not rendering right in some rare circumstances and thus causing a cascade of all things not rendering. Now it should fail gracefully if it fails at all, and give us more information on where it failed, then let you keep playing without making everything disappear.
    • Thanks to OzoneGrif for reporting.

"Custom Fleets", Aka The Remedy For Control Groups

  • Fixed things up so that fleet flagships can be constructed from the build sidebar, or other self-constructing means. This was never possible before in the engine, turns out.
  • There are 9 possible fleets that you can create at any of your command stations, now. Each one has 7 empty ship lines in it, and they are 3x cloaked, 3x velocity (fast flagship), and 3x workhorse (normal flagship).
    • These can be constructed at any point and you can start putting some of your specialized ships into them via ship swapping. The interface makes this clear and suggests it, as well. Basically for people who wanted to pull aside just their melee ships or cloaked raiders or whatever, now you can do that; this lets you control "sub fleets" in effect, by splitting your existing ship lines among more fleets, exchanging empty slots for ship lines you find elsewhere.
    • This was something that Chris went back and forth on a lot of times in terms of how to handle control groups that were more specific than 1+ fleets at a time. Ultimately the display and automation benefits of having control groups always stay linked to just 1+ fleets outweighed the benefits of changing that; but in order to allow for players to have smaller custom fleets as they may desire, activated by control group as they may desire, here's this new feature.
    • This is, of course, in addition to the hotkeys for quickly selecting units of specific criteria a while ago (cloaked units, melee units, whatever). This is for when you want to make a permanent or semi-permanent sub-grouping of ships for whatever reason (of which there are many valid ones to have).
    • Thanks to a lot of people, including Nameless Terror, ulu, Asteroid, and others for inspiring this change.

UI Improvements

  • Standing order buttons now display their key shortcut on the button itself, provided it can be expressed in a single letter (so X and V are displayed, Delete isn't).
    • Implemented by Asteroid
  • Science bar now has icons for the various techs.
    • Implemented by Asteroid
  • Wave progress indicator on galaxy map links now animates smoothly instead of once every second. (No associated visual at the moment, Chris didn't find the proposed particle effect good enough.)
    • Implemented by Asteroid
  • For all mobile flagships and citadels (not lone flagships, though), there is a new "Flagship Movement Mode" in their fleet status window.
    • Your flagships are usually precious enough that you don't want them to roam around in pursuit mode or attack-move mode. HOWEVER, you will often want to set them into those modes in order to make any ships they construct pop out in those modes.
    • When this is set to"Stay Put Unless Direct Order", it acts as you might expect and causes the flagship to ignore things like Pursuit mode, but for ships it creates to be put in that mode (and obey it).
    • When this is set to "Roam If Instructed" mode, the flagship will pursue when in pursuit mode, attack when in attack-move mode, and so on. This can be useful for Arks and Golems in some cases, or even for things like Combat Factories (on peaceful worlds).

Prior Release Notes

AI War 2: The Refinement of Fleets