AI War 2:Special Mechanics

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Tachyon Beams


Tractor Beams


Gravity Fields


Bubble Forcefields


Personal Shields


Engine Stun




Ion Damage








Repairs To Ships (Engineering)

These ships are able to heal other ships that are damaged.


To set up a ship as able to assist, you must define an assist_range on the ship. Most engineers use VeryTiny3, or Tiny3 if you want it to be a bit larger. As the mark level of the ship increases, the range will automatically increase by the assist_range_multiplier that is defined on the central MarkLevel definitions that you can see in GameData/Configuration/Balance_MarkLevel.

You also must define at least one metal flow sub-node on the entity. In most cases, you will actually want to define multiple. The purposes available are as follows:

  • RepairingHullsOfFriendlies lets you repair the hulls of ships.
  • ReplacingLocalSquadLosses lots you repair dead sub-squads on multi-sub-squad ships. Without this, even if you have RepairingHullsOfFriendlies, you can't fully repair a ship that has lost a subsquad.
  • RepairingShieldsOfFriendlies lets you repair the personal or bubble shields of ships.
  • RepairingEnginesOfFriendlies lets you remove engine stun from ships.


These ships are able to rebuild ships that have been destroyed and turned into burnt-out husks of themselves. This goes for things like golems that die and turn inactive, and things like turrets as well (this is a convenience so that you don't have to manually rebuild your turret placements every time one dies -- you just have to have rebuilders handy and then pay for the metal costs).


To set up a ship as able to rebuild, you must define an assist_range on the ship, with the same notes on that as are on repair/assistance above.

You also must define a metal flow sub-node of the entity with a purpose of RebuildingRemains.

Assisting Ship Construction (Also Engineering)

These ships are able to speed up the construction of ships that are either self-building or which are being constructed via a queue inside a space dock or similar. This ability is typically on engineers, but can be given to other ships as well.


To set up a ship as able to assist construction, you must define an assist_range on the ship, with the same notes on that as are on repair/assistance above.

You also must define a metal flow sub-node of the entity with a purpose of AssistConstruction.

Claiming Neutral Entities

These ships are able to go over to neutral ships or structures (anything from golems or other ships that are capturable to simple metal harvester spots) and repair them to turn your team color and start working for you.


To set up a ship as able to claim neutral entities, you must define an assist_range on the ship, with the same notes on that as are on repair/assistance above.

You also must define a metal flow sub-node of the entity with a purpose of ClaimingNeutrals.

Spawning Drone Ships