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Starting A New Campaign

(in development)

AI War - Home World| My Home World has a lot of Structures -- What do they do?

General Gameplay

Multiplayer Co-Op


(in development) What will be in the Children of Neinzul micro expansion?


expanded detail on the objectives tab? other tabs?




this may need to include other energy sources like grav drills, human colonies, cryo, Zenith power Now have 4 types of command station and 6 types of res nodes engineers and manufacturies now run at zero energy

Ship-Specific Game Mechanics

Ship Strategies & Errata

Raid engines other new structures?? CoN structures

(in development)

now that engineers have no energy cost

(in development)

critical to know about AI supply chain or you could have a usless golem that cannot go anywhere esp on newer maps vines snake x

(in development)

probably needs to become the overview of the new types

(in development)

(in development)

(in development)

 major new section

(in development)

might just cover one or 2 special ones or refer the player to the tool tips

(in development)


Mines: How To Kill PermaMines?


Higher Difficulties Only

Design Philosophy



Release History

Please note that there are generally prerelease beta versions available at any given time of the year, and there have been literally hundreds of those in between all of the official releases noted below.