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[[The Last Federation]]
[[The Last Federation]]
[[category:The Last Federation]]

Latest revision as of 12:21, 8 May 2014

Ships and flagships are the space forces available to the different races in The Last Federation.

Shown is XML code from the game tooltips, needs formatting.


A source for spawning squadrons, and often the main target for destruction in Player Combat

<ln id="Ship_Name_ThoraxianExterminator">Thoraxian Exterminator</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_ThoraxianExterminator">Fast and deadly, with a highly armored hull but poor shields.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_AcutianExecutor">Acutian Executor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_AcutianExecutor">Highly shielded, extremely fast-moving weapons, and the ability to deploy squadrons twice as quickly as normal.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PeltianSolarFortress">Peltian Solar Fortress</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PeltianSolarFortress">A specialty flagship. Slow and lumbering, but it's has a LOT of shields. Break through the shields to find a fairly fragile core.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_SkylaxianBattleCarrier">Skylaxian Battle Carrier</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_SkylaxianBattleCarrier">A specialty flagship that has a nasty machine gun that is capable of ripping its enemies to shreds, and which deploys ships very quickly.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_BurlustLongship">Burlust Longship</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_BurlustLongship">A specialty flagship that has two burst guns that chew through small ships.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_BurlustLongshipWarlord">Burlust Warlord's Longship</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_BurlustLongshipWarlord">The floating vessel of doom of one of the Burlust warlords. Engaging them in single combat is risky, but sometimes necessary.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_BoarineTusker">Boarine Tusker</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_BoarineTusker">A specialty flagship that has powerful weapons, very strong hull strength, and a faster deployment speed.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_EvuckHerald">Evuck Herald</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_EvuckHerald">A specialty flagship that has powerful weapons, hull strength, and a faster deployment speed. Has the ability to fire rings of laser bursts, excellent at killing swarms of smaller craft.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_AndorSuppressor">Andor Suppressor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_AndorSuppressor">A specialty flagship that has more powerful weapons, hull strength, and a faster deployment speed. Has interceptor missiles for blocking incoming fire near it.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_ThoraxianExterminator_PlayerVersion">Prototype Exterminator</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_ThoraxianExterminator_PlayerVersion">Mounts a passive gravity lance that fires automatically.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_AcutianExecutor_PlayerVersion">Prototype Executor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_AcutianExecutor_PlayerVersion">No passive weapons.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PeltianSolarFortress_PlayerVersion">Prototype Solar Fortress</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PeltianSolarFortress_PlayerVersion">No passive weapons.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_SkylaxianBattleCarrier_PlayerVersion">Prototype Battle Carrier</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_SkylaxianBattleCarrier_PlayerVersion">No passive weapons.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_BurlustLongship_PlayerVersion">Prototype Longship</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_BurlustLongship_PlayerVersion">Two very powerful passive missile systems that home on nearby enemies.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_BoarineTusker_PlayerVersion">Prototype Tusker</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_BoarineTusker_PlayerVersion">No passive weapons.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_EvuckHerald_PlayerVersion">Prototype Herald</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_EvuckHerald_PlayerVersion">Laser ring passive weapon system that helps chew through clouds of smaller craft that might surround you.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_AndorSuppressor_PlayerVersion">Prototype Suppressor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_AndorSuppressor_PlayerVersion">Passive interceptor missiles that target incoming shots near it.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_SpyProbe">Spy Probe</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_SpyProbe">Don't get in range of them seeing you, and you usually have nothing to worry about. Get too close, however, and they'll be all over you with ships.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Interceptor">Interceptor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Interceptor">Swarms enemy targets with low-power ballistic shots from many angles. Also great for defending via interposing them in front of incoming fire.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_KamichiInterceptor">Kamichi Interceptor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_KamichiInterceptor">Modified versions of standard Interceptors. These have to have 2x as much health, making them extra useful for blocking incoming shots.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_ZeroInterceptor">Zero Interceptor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_ZeroInterceptor">Modified versions of standard Interceptors. These have explosives packed on board which detonate when they get close to their target.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_HypersonicPod">Hypersonic Pod</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_HypersonicPod">Built for doing incredibly fast strafing runs against shielded enemies. Unable to damage enemy hulls at all, but excellent at whittling down shielding.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Cutter">Cutter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Cutter">A slightly larger, slower, attack craft with better guns and lower speed. Built for punching into larger targets at a measured pace. Doesn't do well against large swarms of enemies.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Monitor">Monitor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Monitor">A solid midsize ship that are particularly good against large hulls and shielded targets.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Predator">Predator</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Predator">An upper-midsize ship built for specialty situations like fighting around obstacles or hitting targets that are hard to track. Also a "good all around" ship that is reasonably beefy.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Claymore">Claymore</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Claymore">Giant, armored, and slow, these are particularly aimed at clearing masses of smaller ships. Their shots are pretty ineffective against things like flagships, however.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_FlagshipModelX">Model X</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_FlagshipModelX">Slow, but moderately armored and shielded. Weak homing missiles for ranged fighting, and a minigun for close quarters.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_FlagshipModelT">Model T</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_FlagshipModelT">Slow, but moderately armored and shielded. Weak homing missiles for aiming in any direction, and then fires a steady stream of bullets directly in front of itself. Wondering "what are you shooting at?" Well, it's just doing what it can. Because it must.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_SpecialNote_FlagshipModelT">Only able to fire straight ahead. So it does, constantly.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_FlagshipVelociter">Velociter Type A</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_FlagshipVelociter">Much faster flagship, but with weaker armor and no shields. Tetra bullets make dodging tricky.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_FlagshipVelociterB">Velociter Type B</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_FlagshipVelociterB">Much faster flagship, but with weaker armor and no shields. Very long-range sniper shots make them able to engage you from quite a distance.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Freighter">Freighter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Freighter">Specialty craft for carrying goods or technology between planets or outposts.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_SmugglerFreighter">Smuggler Freighter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_SmugglerFreighter">Faster than a normal freighter, and armed to the teeth. Catch it and destroy it before it gets away!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_InvincibleFreighter">Freighter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_InvincibleFreighter">Specialty craft for carrying goods or technology between planets or outposts.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_TroopShip">Troop Ship</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_TroopShip">Specialty craft for delivering ground troops to the surface of planets.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_OrbitalBomber">Orbital Bomber</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_OrbitalBomber">Specialty craft for bombarding the surface of planets.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateInterceptor">Pirate Interceptor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateInterceptor">Swarms enemy targets with low-power ballistic shots from many angles. Also great for defending via interposing them in front of incoming fire.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateCutter">Pirate Cutter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateCutter">Built for punching into larger targets at a measured pace.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateLancer">Pirate Lancer</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateLancer">A fast-moving midsize craft with gravity lances built for searing through entire lines of enemy ships at once.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateSniper">Pirate Sniper</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateSniper">A high-range midsize craft with fast-moving shots meant to strike enemies from afar, but only LRG or GI ships.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateMonitor">Pirate Monitor</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateMonitor">A solid midsize ship that are particularly good against large hulls and shielded targets.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateFlagshipRaven">Pirate Raven</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateFlagshipRaven">Fast and maneuverable, with moderate hull strength and shields. Moderate homing missiles for ranged fighting, and tetra bullets for close quarters.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_FlagshipBountyHunterColossus">Bounty Hunter Colossus</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_FlagshipBountyHunterColossus">A huge ship used by bounty hunters. They put out a lot of bullets in a very short amount of time.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_RaptorLancer">Raptor Lancer</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_RaptorLancer">Modified Pirate Lancer that only fires its weapons when you fire your main gun. It aims where you aim.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_WolfPredator">Wolf Predator</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_WolfPredator">Modified Predator that only fires its weapons when you fire your main gun. It aims where you aim.</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_Sharpshooter">Sharpshooter</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_Sharpshooter">Modified Pirate Sniper that only fires its weapons when you fire your main gun. It aims where you aim.</ln>

Other structures found in combat

<ln id="Ship_Name_ManufacturingOutpost">Manufacturing Outpost</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_ManufacturingOutpost">Park your flagship near this outpost for long enough, and capture it for your own use!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_ScienceOutpost">Science Outpost</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_ScienceOutpost">Park your flagship near this outpost for long enough, and capture it for your own use!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_HydralTechnologyLab">Hydral Technology Lab</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_HydralTechnologyLab">Park your flagship near this lab for long enough, and extract a new ability for your flagship!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_OrbitalScienceLab">Orbital Science Lab</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_OrbitalScienceLab">Park your flagship near this lab for long enough, and extract the technology you have targeted!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_DetentionFacility">Detention Facility</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_DetentionFacility">A facility that houses the worst of the worst offenders -- those too dangerous to even be allowed on the surface of the world!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_MilitaryOutpost">Military Outpost</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_MilitaryOutpost">Destroy this to win the battle!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_PirateBase">Pirate Base</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_PirateBase">Destroy this to win the battle!</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Name_DropZone">Drop Zone</ln>

<ln id="Ship_Description_DropZone">Get the ships you are escorting here to have them drop to the planet's surface!</ln>

The Last Federation