Difference between revisions of "Template:AIWarTableMicroParasite"

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Latest revision as of 20:45, 7 July 2013

Ship Cap Ammo Type Armor Type Immunities Damage Bonuses
98 Shell Ultra-Light Reclamation, Nuclear Explosions, EMPs 4 Heavy, 4 Artillery, 4 Polycrystal

Damage Attack Range Reload Health Armor Speed Engine Health Single Ship DPS Ship Cap DPS Abilities
8,000 6,000 2 sec 72,000 3,000 92 100 4,000 dmg/sec 392,000 dmg/sec Reclaims Enemy Ships, Armor Piercing 3,000

Knowledge Metal Cost Crystal Cost Total Cost Energy Cost Build Time Cap Metal Cost Cap Crystal Cost Cap Total Cost Cap Energy Cost Cap Build Time
Exp Fab 2,800 6,800 9,600 800 00:00:57 274,400 666,400 940,800 78,400 01:33:06