The Last Federation:Thoraxians

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TLFThoraxianIcon.png Thoraxians
Alignment Evil
Ship strength
Ground strength 24
Construction speed 0.2
Shipbuilding speed 1.5
Research speed Slow
Population growth Medium
The Thoraxians are something out of a nightmare. No-one in their right mind would risk an invasion by them.

Monstrous nightmares. Each planet is ruled by a hive queen, who controls all the workers on her world. They are efficient killers, the most deadly race in the solar system now that the Hydrals are gone. They aren't evil per se, but they have no concept of the value of others' lives. They can be a powerful ally if you manage it, but they are very hard to please.


This race is generally the hardest race to befriend. Each hive queen has a particular mood that restricts the options that she will agree to undertake, e.g. warlike queens will not listen to peace bargains, brooding ones concentrate mostly on her population, etc. Mood swings comes at pre-determined, random intervals, which is estimated on the political screen. This interval can be shortened by bribes, and players should note that bribes have no Influence benefit.

Therefore, players seeking to befriend Thoraxians will likely spend a lot more time doing dispatches for them relative to other races. Federation prospects are better if their planet has many resources to trade, as the only attitude building that Thoraxians like are also hated by Andors and Peltians. It may be better to play pretend-peacebroker by encouraging pliable races to attack Thoraxians, and swooping in for peace treaties before relations get out of hand. Keeping bribe items on stock to minimise their bloodlust will also be important.


Each Thoraxian planet has its own hive queen, and she has her own mood based on her local circumstances as well as the Thoraxian situation in general. Dealing with one hive queen versus another, you may get a better or worse deal depending on their respective moods. Bribing a hive queen is interesting, as there isn't a whole lot she can't get for herself. But if you please her, your influence with her race goes up. The time to her next mood shift also goes down.