Tidalis:0.402 Beta Release

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You are my breathing in, I possess few blogs and very sporadically run out from to brand. akecfcbegddbgkcd

Release Notes

-Changed the description for "Allow Drag Across Any Colors" setting to match the feature (it previous described the opposite effect).

-All of the advanced tutorials have been updated

-A new advanced tutorial (9 - Using Falling Blocks in Reactions) has been added

The following has been corrected for 0.402 (in 0.401 it was saying the Shift key for both Windows and OSX):

-There is now a new "Use In-Game Resolution Settings" checkbox in the settings menu. When checked, the game will listen to the screen resolution that you choose on this page. When unchecked, it will use whatever screen resolution is configured directly through Unity. To configure a screen resolution on startup, hold the Shift key (on Windows) or the Option key (on OSX) while clicking to open the game. This provides a workaround for a bug in the current version of Unity for OSX.

- Changed Custom Game and Level Editor Properties Game Style single-select dropdowns to multi-select toggle sets

- Implemented basic extrinsic adventure rewards system. Beware the sheep.

- Added Color frequency controls to Level Editor Block Frequencies Window

- simplified computation of "how many blocks were in the chain leading to this block's removal" and thus the setting of the block-above's "what block count do I contribute to a chain I start by this fall-and-emit?" (this fixes the scoring inconsistency based on the order of chain merges of a chain involving a block that caused the hard fall of a block above that started another chain)

- opening the play menu no longer rescans disk for saved adventures (was causing some slowdown)

- fixed bug that wasn't erasing the contents of a saved adventure file before appending the next state to it

- now saves a .bak file of the saved adventure before deleting the .dat and re-writing it

- added X Chains of Y Blocks objective type

- added X Combos of Y Depth objective

- objectives now continue to show after win/loss

- combo detection for objectives counting now waits 20 cycles after the last of one of these: stream on the board, block in dying animation, block hard-falling

- special loss condition fulfillment now takes priority over special win condition fulfillment inside the same frame (any frame difference has priority)

- added the following objective types:

  • X Combos of Y+ Blocks
  • X Combos of Y+ Chains
  • X Blocks Dropped
  • All Blocks Cleared
  • All Blocks of Color Cleared
  • All Blocks of Special Type Cleared

- Objective progress display on in-game HUD now color codes by:

  • is this a win or loss condition (it was already doing this)
  • is this complete
  • is this impossible (currently this is only true if it is incomplete and the game is over; we could get more sophisticated on this determination)

- Clearing all blocks on a puzzle with remaining incomplete win objectives now results in a loss (it waits about 60 frames after the last block clear to make the call, since combo objectives take about 20 frames or so to update with the last combo)

-Lots of adventure mode changes. 6 new levels, some updates to existing levels.

-When the game is in trial mode, Quick Games now only allow for 1 or 2 minute time limits per quick game, but there is no longer an overall time limit on the trial mode in general. The prior 20 minute time limit was annoying players in early beta versions, so we listened to that feedback and have come up with something that is less annoying as a way to evaluate the game without us "giving away the farm."

-The "Puzzles" items on the single player menu is now called "Levels" instead, to be clearer.

-Now that there is no overall time limit on the game trial, the following features are instead disabled:

  • Level/Adventure/Theme Editors (was already previously disabled)
  • Custom Games (was already previously disabled)
  • Player-Created or Standalone Levels
  • Quick Games Limited to 2 minutes maximum
  • Only the first 15 levels of adventure mode are available
  • Not all special blocks, game modes, etc, are available. (All of the prior ones that were present will still be available, but not all future ones will be)

- updated loss/win visual cues and "what do I do next" buttons

- moved the HUD closer to the board

-The Tidalis Auto Updater tool has been updated rather extensively to have a Tidalis-themed GUI that is now shown instead of always working in unattended mode. This adds three clicks for players who are getting a group of updates (three clicks no matter how many updates are being batched together), but prevents the prior issues with the updates not really working, or encountering locked files because the program was still open, etc. The Tidalis Auto Updater tool also now supports deleting files and folders from the game installation, to properly support file renames (thus not having duplicates of the same level just because it was renamed). The Auto Updater is ONLY allowed to delete files and folders in the Tidalis folder, so no security concerns there.

-Because the Tidalis Auto Updater was not functioning correctly in 0.400 and 0.401, the prior update path has been cut off, and a new manual patch has to be installed before the auto updater can again be set to work with 0.403 and onwards.

-This definitely should solve the comparably rare issues with the updater on windows, and further testing will not be done with how this affects the Mac.

-Previously, the application was not exiting on command in OSX (when launching the updater). Fixed.

-Previously, the updater was corrupting the permissions of the files and folders used by the game on OSX, causing it to be unable to run after an update. Fixed.

-An external patch has been developed to bring versions 0.400 and 0.401 up to the new 0.402, also fixing any corruption caused by past updates on OSX.
