AI War 2:Zenith Onslaught Patch Notes

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This is for alpha testing for the Zenith Onslaught. I'm using this to keep patch notes.

Version 2.030

  • Minor faction stuff (ZA, Dyson, etc) can't spawn on Nomad Planets at game start time
  • Nomad Changes
    • Fix a null reference exception in the nomad planet notifier, and minor text tweaks there.
    • Don't let an AI homeworld be placed on a Nomad planet
    • Faction-specific stuff can't seed at game start time on a Nomad planet. This prevents the Dyson or ZA from being on a Nomad
    • Nomad Planets that are also player homeworlds can't be crashed into the AI
    • Nomad Planets now spawn exos in a reasonable fashion once the Nomad Planets are en route to crash. Balance levers in XML

Version 2.029

Factions open for testing: Zenith Architrave, Zenith Miners, Nomad Planets

  • Add a debug setting (in the game lobby) to make Nomad Planets move more often
  • Fix a null reference from clicking on the nomad planet notification
  • Don't let the AI homeworld be placed on a Nomad planet

Known Issues From Badger

  • Nomad Planets can get links to themselves (reproduction scenario needed)
  • Nasty Crashes when a planet is destroyed (either by Zenith Miner or Nomad). Someone needs to test this again now.
  • Nomad Planets that are player homeworlds shouldn't be allowed to crash into AI homeworlds (per discussion with Chris)
  • ZA shouldn't be able to spawn on nomads

Bug Reports

This section is to give an easy place for people to mention problems they are having