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Revision as of 14:40, 10 July 2013

Ship Cap Ammo Type Armor Type Immunities Damage Bonuses
58 Missile Artillery Sniper Shots, Fusion Cutters, Black Hole Machines, Attack Boosts, Armor Boosts, Attrition, Tractor Beams, Reclamation, Paralysis Attacks, Transport, Swallow, Nuclear Explosions, Being Insta-Killed, EMPs, Mines 2.4 Light, 2.4 Ultra-Heavy, 2.4 Structural

Damage Attack Range Reload Health Armor Speed Engine Health Single Ship DPS Ship Cap DPS Abilities
96,000 18,000 7 sec 2,200,000 3,000 140 Inf 13,714 dmg/sec 795,429 dmg/sec Warp Detection, Radar Dampening Range 19,000, Blind

Knowledge Metal Cost Crystal Cost Total Cost Energy Cost Build Time Cap Metal Cost Cap Crystal Cost Cap Total Cost Cap Energy Cost Cap Build Time
-- 12,000 12,000 24,000 1,000 00:01:40 696,000 696,000 1,392,000 58,000 01:36:40