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Latest revision as of 12:55, 2 October 2019

The entries in SpecialEntityType are an enum that can be referenced in various tutorial bits, or via TypeData.SpecialType on entities themselves.

Here's a list of them:

  • None: default.
  • AIKingCommandStation: only the AI Overlord Phase 1.
  • AIKingMobile: only the AI Overlord Phase 2.
  • HumanHomeCommand: the human king unit.
  • AIGuardian: any AI guardians EXCEPT dire ones. Some other factions occasionally also use this.
  • SpecialForcesSecretNinjaHideout: warden guard posts.
  • AIDireGuardian: the dire AI guardians.
  • NormalHumanCommandStation: any human command station except the king.
  • Frigate: any frigate-level unit (formerly known as starships).
  • FactoryForPlayerMobileFleets: factories for humans.
  • GuardPost: guard posts for AIs, including dire ones.
  • MobileOfficerCombatFleetFlagship: Arks, Golems, etc that are in command of a mobile combat fleet for the humans.
  • MobileStrikeCombatFleetFlagship: a transport that is in command of a mobile combat fleet for the humans.
  • MobileSupportFleetFlagship: usually a combat factory or similar in command of a "support fleet" with things like combat engineers and whatnot in it.
  • MobileLoneWolfFleetFlagship: some sort of big thing, like the lost spire frigate, which is a one-ship fleet for players.
  • BattlestationBasic: regular battlestations (not citadels) for human players.
  • BattlestationCitadel: a citadel-style battlestation for human players.
  • DroneGeneral: any sort of drone created by player or AI or other faction units, or in the case of players these would all be strikecraft-level.
  • DroneFrigate: for players in particular, these are frigate-level drones.
  • LoneGolem: a golem that doesn't have a fleet. This is mainly used by other factions, not humans.
  • AICommandStationOriginal: an AI command station that is NOT a reconquest one (aka the planet hasn't been lost and recaptured).
  • AICommandStationReconquest: an AI command station that has been rebuilt on a planet after the AI took the planet back.
  • ThirdPartySellerToPlayers: some sort of other faction that will sell to players and probably the AI. The Zenith Trader, in other words, for now.
  • NPCFactionCenterpiece: the center of some NPC faction's fleet, like a nanocaust hive.
  • LargeShipNotStackable: some sort of big ship that we don't want to stack.
  • SmallShipNotStackable: some sort of small ship that we don't want to stack.
  • LargeShipYesStacks: some sort of big ship that we do want to be able to stack.
  • SmallShipYesStacks: some sort of small ship that we do want to be able to stack.