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== Next Release Notes ==
[[Valley 1:Post-Launch Series 2 Release Notes]]
== Post Launch Series 1 Statistics And Extended Thoughts ==
Post Launch Series 1 spanned from April 25 through June 14, and it was quite a transformative period!  800 distinct changes were made as part of 62 different releases over the course of 56 days. 
For extended thoughts about the design decisions during this period, please see [http://christophermpark.blogspot.com/2012/06/reflections-on-valley-without-winds.html Reflections On A Valley Without Wind's Transformation From 1.0 to 1.1] on our Games By Design blog.
A full 205 (whoa!) players are thanked. Some big hitters:
* jruderman with 78 mentions
* GauHelldragon - 63
* lavacamorada - 38
* misery - 25
* TechSY730 - 24
* khadgar - 21
* bluddy - 18
* SerinityFyre - 16
* MouldyK - 15
* nanostrike - 14
* Penumbra - 13
* BenMiff - 12
* Ipkins - 12
* LayZboy - 11
Some of new additions include:
* More than 160 new room maps
* 37 New enemies, including 15 elite types and 7 Minibosses.
* 5 New awesome tracks from Pablo
* 9 Major feature changes/improvements
* 5 New Major features
* 5 New Enchant types
* 3 New Spells
* 2 New Mission types
Some new/improved feature highlights:
* Texture pack support
* The "shopping list"
* The Opal Store
* Infestations/Traps
* Character re-roll and rename
* No more upgrade stones -> Better character customization!
* Better minimap function
* Time Period based Character Bonuses!
== Official 1.101 ==
(Released June 14, 2012)
* Fixed an unfortunate last-minute glitch in 1.1 that was causing slide-the-wall projectiles to instead stick on the wall.
** Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
== Pre-Official 1.100 ==
(Released June 14, 2012)
* Fixed a longstanding issue where windstorms, knockback, and things like boomstick and storm dash wouldn't cause the camera to move with you properly.
** Thanks to 7foot_sativa, Underfot, and Kio for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where if you were standing right on the 1px edge of a placed wooden platform that you would flip out all glitchily.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
== Beta 1.061 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1061-release.html Release Candidate 8] ==
(Released June 13, 2012)
* Vastly improved the performance of the logic that computes whether a region is connected via land or non-turbulent water to a settlement or non-stormy port.
** In the last couple of versions this was leading to very pronounced hitching every so often, especially in larger worlds.
** Thanks to Psyren, Acetyl, Misery, and TechSY730 for the report that led to this discovery.
* Fixed a bug that's apparently been around for a while where Advanced and Expert starts would dump you in the chunk next to the settlement rather than the settlement itself, which was rather problematic seeing as you had no items and you could be in a deep cave or something like that.
** Thanks to Ixiohm for the report.
* The pathfinding enemies/projectiles that navigate around obstacles now have vastly less of a performance hit in rooms of moderate to large size.  Previously they would try to path through the entire room and solve the maze no matter how large it was.  Now most enemies are limited to a 20 tile radius around themselves, meaning that you can hide from them if you are far enough away in terms of travel distance (even if you're just a few tiles away on the other side of a wall that goes for a long way off, you're considered "far away" in this sense.)
** For NPCs and the like in rescue missions, their limit is a 1000 tile radius, so they'll act the same as before.  There's not much performance hit from them anyhow, since there is only ever one of them active at a time.
== Beta 1.060 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1060-release.html Release Candidate 7] ==
(Released June 13, 2012)
* Put in some logic to make picking up floating consciousness shards easier.
* Lots of general improvements to minimap refreshing, such that too many updates don't get queued up all at once as well as not having it go too long between updates.  Generally speaking, now the minimap will not update the background stuff (ie not the player or enemies) more frequently than every 1 second, and not less frequently than every 4 seconds.
** Thanks to Psyren for reporting.
* Lots of improvements to minimap image sizing—it now uses a variety of textures that are sized more appropriately to the size of the room they are in.
** Thus rooms up to 512x512 are supported again, but it has zero performance impact on the rest of the game.  And in fact the rest of the game will run even smoother thanks to using smaller images than 256x256 in many cases now.
** Thanks to Psyren for inspiring these changes.
== Beta 1.059 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1059-release.html Release Candidate 6] ==
(Released June 13, 2012)
* Fire Touch:
** Base Mana Cost from 114 => 57.
** Base Attack from 63 => 32.
** Mainly this is to prevent the rather serious issue that would happen in the intro mission if you had picked a character with the minimum mana for ice age characters (100 or so) : being unable to progress past the crates on the second screen.
* The maximum minimap size has been returned to 256 rather than 512, as that was causing more lag than anticipated.
** Thanks to Misery and Acetyl for reporting.
== Beta 1.058 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1058-release.html Release Candidate 5] ==
(Released June 12, 2012)
* Fixed longstanding bug where bear traps did not scale up with tier.
* An all-new music theme is now used in the craggy highlands interiors and undergrounds.
* Fixed a bug where the settlement structures that increase enemy elemental vulnerability were not doing so for bosses.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
* Fixed an outdoor boss arena that was throwing errors and causing all sorts of other issues. This won't fix the existing arenas, but new ones will work just fine.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
* NPCs now get two inherent enchant-like effects, not just the wanderers (which was previously intentional but, well, what the hay)
** Old worlds will get their NPCs upgraded thus, as well.  Ones that already have them (due to glyph transplant) won't get more.
** Old worlds will also add them to any player-characters that don't have them (for whatever reason).
** Thanks to jruderman for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where +spell-power and +fire-power enchant-like effects (from enchants, guardian power buffs, settlement structures, inherent bonuses, mission effects, and chunk effects) on the player would increase the power of fire damage-over-time effects on that player.  This was particularly disturbing in Journey to Perfection missions, which give the player a +10000% spell-power effect.
** Thanks to darke for reporting (his untimely demise).
* Fixed a typo in the description of the anachronism missions.
** Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
* When you land on an island where you would be stuck due to being cut off from that continent's settlement, the following message is now shown:
** You have been marooned on an island and cannot progress!
** Warp To Settlement in the escape menu to reach the settlement.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, jruderman, and Ghost Matter for reporting.
* Removed "(underground)" from the name of the boss delve missions, as that was redundant.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Fixed a bug with the logic that's supposed to make the first time a player picks up a specific rare enchant container or small rare enchant container count towards enchant quality (in MP or serial-SP multiple players might pick up the same one) where it was... doing exactly the opposite, and increasing quality on all pickups except the first.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Supply Depot Meteor Storm missions no longer seed in Ocean Shallows due to the monster population there not really working for it.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* World Map missions no longer seed on regions that are not connected (by land and non-turbulent water) to either a settlement or a non-stormy port.
** Thanks to jruderman for pointing out that missions could spawn in inaccessible areas like that.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where it was possible to cross impassable ocean by cutting diagonally across a corner between two passable regions.
** Thanks to Misery for the report.
* Previously if you tried to load a world that was from a later version than your copy of AVWW it would cause unhandled exceptions (specifically, an exception telling about the version problem, but still).  It now pops up a much more friendly message telling you why it cannot load that world.
** Thanks to Talonj for the report.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions where special monster seeding could seed more monsters than it was supposed to (for example, umbra vortex with the 10-microboss unlock seeding 11 or 15 or whatever).
** Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
* Previously, any chunk that was larger than 512 tiles wide or tall would automatically not be able to have a minimap.  Now the barrier is set at 512 tiles wide and high.
** This makes minimap generation take slightly longer, as it now has to do calculations for 4x as many pixels, but in most cases 75% of those pixels are just going to be transparent (and easily detected as such) anyhow.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting that some random boss delve caverns were slightly too large and would then not have a minimap.
* Now that larger chunks can be represented by the minimap, lava escape missions show you a minimap.  This should help to ease the frustration of players who are going up blind alleys without Greater Teleport on their side.
* Fixed an issue where sometimes the HUD could get in the way of your character in interiors.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, Teal_Blue, and SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Previously touching the lava for 5 consecutive seconds in a lava escape mission caused an automatic loss (and the lava to recede so death wasn't inevitable).  Now that lava escape missions have a minimap and are thus easier we've changed it so that touching the lava even for about half a second will cause the automatic loss.
** This is also a bit of a kindness, because it means you are less likely to die if you get caught in the lava, since the lava starts receding as soon as you lose.
* Fixed a longstanding-but-rare annoying issue where warp gates could seed partly off the side of a surface chunk.  Thus making them impossible to warp out from them, as well as making it so that you would blip through several chunks when you warped in to them.
** Thanks to lavacamorada and Ipkins for reporting.
* Fixed an issue in the last version or two where players were seeding at the top of ocean chunks rather than at the ocean floor.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where if the confirm popup was already open and another event happened that wanted to open the confirm popup with different text and behavior it would overwrite the title with the new stuff but none of the rest.  Since the idea is that the popup is supposed to be dealt with before other actions are taken we've made it consistent by making the second opening not overwrite the title (and thus do nothing at all) rather than having it overwrite the rest of the stuff.
** One example of this was how clicking a health enchant in the opal guardian store and then clicking another one while the confirm was still up would change the title, but not the description or what would be bought if you clicked the button, etc.
** Thanks to Penumbra for the report.
* In Lava Escape missions the lava now no longer rises while all players in the chunk are invincible.
* Fixed a bug where stinging nettles (and the deep small tentacles) and various forms of "exhaust" (like the magma rhino's magma exhaust) were interacting strangely with angled terrain.
** One manifestation of this is that exhaust that landed on _just_ the right part of a slope would technically never touch the ground and thus never begin the process of counting down its time-to-live, and just continuing to burn forever.
** Another was stinging nettles hovering over slopes instead of sinking down into them (existing ones will probably stay where they are, but new chunks should be fine).
** Thanks to lavacamorada for the reports.
* Now when you try to glyph transplant to someone who would lose their profession in the process, it gives you a confirmation prompt explaining what will happen and giving you a chance to cancel.
** Thanks to jonasan for the suggestion.
* Previously it was possible for a boss chunk to be the last chunk on a region's surface, and they're not guaranteed to have terminating walls, leading to weirdness if the player tries to walk off the edge in that direction.  Now all newly generated region surfaces will always have an extra "normal" chunk added on to the end if the last one is not already a normal chunk.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Fixed an issue with recent versions of the chunk seeding logic where in rare cases sometimes a surface chunk could be completely closed off in the sky except for an underground cavern.
** This won't fix existing bad chunks, but it will prevent new ones from getting created.
** Thanks to darke for reporting.
* The recent rule about enemies not meleeing crates and other similar objects unless they were actively chasing a player has been removed, as that was causing some enemies to get stupidly stuck in some cases.
** The recent rule about them not meleeing crates they are walking over remains in effect, of course.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where some of the outdoor boss chunks as well as some of the windstorm shelter mission chunks could have sharp background edges with no grass on them.
** Thanks to many players for reporting, most recently GauHelldragon, lavacamorada, and jruderman.
* Fixed an issue where bosses could sometimes seed in blocked-to-bosses areas anyhow.
** Note that this won't fix existing boss rooms that may be broken.
** Thanks to Ghost Matter for reporting.
* The draconite and skelebot overlords have both gotten rather complete overhauls.  Previously they were... underwhelming.
** Now they're larger than ever, and a lot more visually intimidating.  Their attacks are also a lot faster-paced and scary-seeming, although they don't do huge amounts of damage with each hit
** Basically, we're taking a page out of the modern game design book of making you feel like you're getting your behind kicked without that actually being so; though it's still just as hard a fight as before (perhaps a bit moreso, actually), it now feels a lot more epic.
** As part of this, these overlords are just too large and imposing to be constrained by gravity—they now fly around the room.  On the plus side they also no longer do melee damage to you, so there's at least that going for you!
** Right now the draconite and skelebot overlords have become identical to one another in terms of the attacks they launch (though they differ visually), but that's just because of time limitations that we had so close to 1.1.  We'll be doing more to differentiate them, and adding more overlord types, through 1.2 and beyond.
** Thanks to Ghost Matter for providing the savegame that inspired these changes.
== Beta 1.057 ==
(Released June 9, 2012)
* Fixed bug where shrapnel damage was not scaling with tier.
* Previously there was a bug that if your character had been transformed into another form, NPCs would use the potentially wrong dialogue.
** This was most obvious with the draconites, which nobody speaks to because the draconites don't understand language.  But as a small dinosaur form, people would suddenly start chatting.
** Thanks to Zair for reporting.
* The brimstone cyclone now fires two shots at varying angles, and these shots now slide along walls and do very mild homing toward the player, leading to interesting loops.
** This prevents situations where the player can find a completely safe zone that feels cheesy to hide in.
** Related to this, the melee attack of brimstone cyclones has been reduced from 60 to 15, and the ranged attack of their shots has been increased from 10 for 15.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting the exploit.
* Because of the nature of their attack, Highland Lights can no longer be seeded indoors.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for suggesting.
* Fixed an exception that would occur when being touched by stinging nettles in the prior version.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Fixed a bug with craggy highlands often not having a proper spawn point to walk between surface chunks in the prior version.
** Also fixed a related issue where the passage to the next chunk would be completely walled off in the prior version in this region type.
** This won't fix existing chunks, but any new chunks that you visit for the first time even in existing worlds should not have this problem.
** Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.056 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1056-brimstone.html Brimstone Highlands] ==
(Released June 8, 2012)
* Previously there was a bug that was causing clinging fetor to do too little damage, and to not do increasing damage with increasing tiers.  Fixed.
** This was found with some more self-checking code to look for this sort of discrepancy with spells.
* Added in-game instructions for using Power Slide
** Thanks to AlexxKay for pointing out the need for this.
* The attack power and mana cost of storm fist have both been halved again, since players were using this more as a logistical spell than anything else.
* New continents now have more sections of ocean dividing them up, causing more of a need for buoys and your wind shelter networks than before.
** Thanks to Gemzo for inspiring this change.
* Previously, multiple stacks of the same condition (the frost slowing effect from an ice bat or a few other ice-based monster abilities; previously fire DoTs stacked too) would also draw that many sets of particles.  That visual effect is generally undesirable, so now only the first copy of a particular type of effect on a particular entity will do its visual stuff.
* The Big-Honkin-Encyclopedia entries for unlocked enchants now say what slot they can be equipped from (and thus what random-loot item in the store to aim at to try to get one).
** Locked enchants still withhold this (and all other, except name) information, since it is of no use until the enchant is unlocked.
** Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
* The way that the dimming of the screen behind an active window happens is now a lot more dynamic and flexible.
** For instance, now it dims the screen behind your character select screen, making that easier to read; and then it does a further dim when you click a character who you can then rename or change the profile name of.
* Fixed a bug where the loot goals window would partially draw (just the box, usually in the upper-left-hand corner) on the escape menu even when there was nothing to show.
* Finally fixed a longstanding issue with giant jellyfish graphics not loading entirely properly and throwing errors when they should not have been.  This wasn't some mysterious low-RAM situation (as many of us thought), it was just a bad definition.  Which is a relief!
** Thanks to jruderman, TechSY730, Ipkins, FrostDragon, GauHelldragon, Chthon, topper, and Saladien for reporting.
* Residential and storage towers now cost 10 cedar logs rather than 10 granite, making them easier to get up on new continents.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
* Improved the way that allies collide with one another.  Now rhinos and similar won't collide with the battlefield allies, and the small summoned butterflies won't collide with any of the above.  And none of them will collide with the decoy fireworks.
** Thanks to jruderman and Kio for reporting.
* Ride the lightning and lightning rocket are once again allowed in journey to perfection missions, as it shouldn't particularly be helpful anymore except insofar as normal movement is helpful.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
* Fixed bug where the fire damage-over-time condition that happens from fire bat melee and whatnot was not using the tier-adjusted damage calculation it was handed.
* The monster Stormy Sine ability (used by Clockwork Probes and Draconite Overlords) has had its time-to-live (and thus range) reduced to 3/5 of what it used to be.
** Thanks to LayZboy, MouldyK, Gemzo (and probably others) for reminding us about how painful these were.
* All 6 types of enemy tower in the battlefield missions now use short-ranged variants of the abilities they used to have that have time-to-live (and thus range) reduced to 1/2 of what it used to be.
** Thanks to Gemzo, LayZboy (and probably others) for reminding us that the tower range was still longer than anybody was really comfortable with.
* Fixed a bug with sometimes invisible crates being present in a boss room because the crates were removed-but-not-removed-properly.
** Thanks to Psyren for reporting.
=== Revamped Balance For Player Spells ===
* A new AttackInfo.csv file is now written into the RuntimeData folder every time the game is launched; this to let people help make decisions about spell balance using the same information we're using.
** There are three overall groups of stats in this file.
*** Group 1 just has the name of the spell and the "final attack quotient" that we come up with as its final power rating compared to other spells (taking all considerations into effect as best we can in a mathematical sense).
*** Group 2 has all of the factors that go into that final rating, including DPS and DPM.  All of the values in this section are multiplied against one another in order to arrive at the final number.
**** Note that if a cell here is blank, you can assume it's counting as 1 for the multiplier (ie, not changing the end value at all).
*** Group 3 has some of the base stats that go into the group 2 calculations, for those who are interested.
* Lots of spell balance changes based on the preliminary data from AttackInfo.csv.
** Creeping Death movement speed from 400 to 300.
** Death touch mana cost from 720 to 600, cooldown from 1 to 3, attack from 495 to 395.
** Ice burst cooldown from 1 to 2.
** Insect orb attack increased from 9 to 20.
** Splashback attack increased from 0.6 to 12;
** Launch rock and launch ice block are no longer piercing, but instead explode on contact.
** The attack power of launch rock has increased from 50 to 70 to compensate for the fact that it is harder to use than launch ice block, particularly indoors.
** The cooldown of luminance arc is now 2 instead of 1.
** Both death touch and ice burst now have crafting prerequisites of fire touch 3.
** Ice burst cooldown reduced from 2 to 1, and attack reduced from 315 to 150.
** Rockslide now fires 8 rocks instead of 4, making it substantially more powerful.
** Meteor shower mana cost from 120 to 480, attack from 99 to 200 (per meteor).
** Rockslide mana cost from 120 to 600, attack from 26 to 70 (per rock).
** Energy orb mana cost from 40 to 60.
** Flamethrower attack from 20 to 13.
** Geyser mana cost from 80 to 40, attack power from 40 to 12.
** Luminance arc no longer slides along walls.
** Cleft Smoglet mana cost from 30 to 40.
** Clinging fetor cooldown time from 1.5 to 0.75.
** Energy slice attack power from 16 to 20.
** Cleft Smoglet mana cost from 30 to 40.
** Clinging fetor cooldown time from 1.5 to 0.75.
** Energy slice attack power from 16 to 20.
** Miasma whip cooldown from 0.5 to 0.75.
** Leafy whip cooldown from 0.5 to 0.75, and attack from 66 to 63.
** Launch meteor mana cost from 130 to 180.
** Creeping death cooldown from 1.5 to 5, and attack power from 380 to 240.
** Ice Cross attack from 24 to 38.
=== Direct Bonuses From Settlement Structures ===
* Each settlement structure now has some beneficial-to-the-player effect (either by giving all players a bonus, all non-player allies a bonus, or all enemies a penalty) on that continent.  The structure descriptions will tell you what they do.
** Thus there is now both a long-term and a short-term gain from building any settlement structure.
** The long-term gains were already there in the form of guardian power scrolls, but if you'd already advanced a survivor to skill level 5 in each of the most important professions, then further buildings would be pointless.  Now these added minor effects keep it so that there is always an ongoing benefit to building up your settlement more.
** Even more to the point, many new players seemed to think that the citybuilding components were pointless in the past, because they weren't yet getting the guardian power scrolls yet that would make use of those buildings.  This creates at least a small instant bonus to each building, providing immediate gratification while also still allowing players to discover the longer-term benefits in due course.
** Plus this just fits thematically, anyhow—the more your settlement is built up, the more powerful you and your allies are, which provides yet another nice feedback loop from your citybuilding efforts.
=== Extra Randomized Bonus Effects On Characters ===
* When picking a new character (when just starting, or after death), each of the new characters gets 2 random enchant-like effects unique to them. 
** It's possible for both random effects to be on the same stat, in which case it will display as only one "individual special", but naturally the magnitude will be higher.
** This is something that people were super excited about a few weeks back when we talked about redoing our character selection process, and now it's finally here!
=== New Craggy Highlands Region Type ===
* Added an entirely new region type (biome, if you will): Craggy Highlands.
** This one is the second region to be set during the pre-industrial time period.
** It's also the third region to share a time period with another region type (as oceans and wild garden age do, and the ocean shallows and deciduous forests do with one another).
** The terrain of this region type lives up to its name, and is based around a lot of the code that had once been used for the surface journey to perfection missions.  Some folks really liked that sort of complex vertical outdoor structures, and so this region type now provides that once again.
** These are now available right from the first continent on new worlds, but they'll show up on whatever your next continent is for existing worlds.
=== One New Monster And One New Miniboss ===
* Added a new monster: Highland Lights
** Has an extreme repulsive power to it, so it's almost impossible to hit it with ranged spells.  Ice cross, fire touch, or similar is your best bet, and it goes down pretty fast when you attack it that way.
** Doesn't harm you much on contact, but uses a Rockslide spell against you to throw a bunch of rocks upwards when you are near.  The good news is that the rocks are spaced such that you can reasonably dodge them.
** Exclusive to the new craggy highlands regions.
* Added a new miniboss that shows up in the magic-themed areas: Brimstone Cyclone
** It is extremely repulsive to ranged spells, so you pretty much have to go melee or area of effect, which is unique among bosses so far.
** Chases you around and shoots some small brimstone drill-like shots at you with high frequency, making the timing tricky to jump over it and hit it with ice cross or similar.
== Beta 1.055 ==
(Released June 7, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the previous version where killing a monster outside a mission could cause null reference exceptions.
** Thanks to FAButzke for the report.
== Beta 1.054 ==
(Released June 7, 2012)
* Added some self-correcting checks when loading a chunk such that if it detects a live NPC in a former mission area that was any kind of Rescue-NPC mission, it whisks them away to the settlement.  Hopefully we can find the bug that happens occasionally where the NPC is not whisked away on mission-success, but for the time being this will help players who hit that bug.
** Thanks to Ghost Matter for the report and save.
* Added another new boss room
** Thanks to Coppermantis for this one.
* Ocean shallows are no longer able to hold evil outposts or evil overlord lairs.
** This won't alter existing outposts/lairs, but it will prevent new ones from spawning in such a manner in new worlds.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase and dis astranagant for reporting.
* Added in a further fix to prevent evil outposts that get added on upgrade of old worlds (to include 4 outposts instead of 3) to prevent them from seeding in bad locations like the deep, lava flats, oceans, etc.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase and dis astranagant for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where the third stage of bramblestorm canisters would cause the game to lock up.
** Not only is that bad ability type definition fixed, but it's now put in place so that if a similar bad definition comes up anytime in the future it will display a message about the bad definition rather than crashing the game.
** Thanks to Gemzo, FrostDragon, barkface, and Misery for reporting.
== Beta 1.053 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1053-industrial.html Industrial Vision] ==
(Released May 6, 2012)
* Fixed an issue in interior room generation that could sometimes cause certain room templates to flood.
** Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
* Previously, when you tried and failed to use a glyph transplant scroll it would really spam your message log.  Fixed.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and jruderman for reporting.
* When your character is invincible, they will no longer get attacked by things like small tentacles or stinging nettles (which couldn't hurt them anyhow, but which would play the sound effect and particles, etc).
** Thanks to Gemzo for reporting.
* X% Melee Protection has been split into two stats:
** X% Melee Ward (Armor) and X% Melee Ward (Body).
** The armor-based melee ward works like the melee protection previously did; if you put on different armor (snowsuit, heatsuit) or change form, you lose that melee reduction.
** The body-based melee ward, however, gets retained even if you change forms or put on a heatsuit/snowsuit.
** Thanks to Kio for suggesting.
* In addition to their prior 50% melee (armor) ward, medieval characters now have an added 10% melee (body) ward.
** Thanks to Kio for suggesting.
* Improved the clarity of the "this is what you currently have of that stat" parts of the enchant mouseover tooltips, particularly for cooldown reduction and incoming-damage-reduction (which have a rating and an effective percent modifier due to not being linear stats by nature).
** Thanks to Jerebaldo1 for reminding us of the likely confusion.  This may not solve all that, but it's at least more explicit about what it's saying.
* Added mana and profession display to the pause-mouseover for npcs.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for the suggestion.
* Industrial Revolution characters have a new inherent ability in addition to their bonus to dungeon scouting: "Enemies Shown On Minimap."
** Thanks to a variety of players for complaining about these being less exciting than most of the other time periods to play as.
* Did a fair bit of internal refactoring for how various internal spell data is tracked, so that we can start showing that data in the interface better (showing stats in place of vague descriptive text for key spell attributes) in an upcoming version; and also so that we can do better mathematical analysis of spell balance versus each other.
** Until now we've had part of the formula to help us decide spell balance, and then have had to kind of eyeball it for things like piercing or sliding on walls or having very short range in terms of determining final balance.
** We're not completely done with this work, but in the next day or two it should let us move to a better balance with the melee spells versus the ranged spells versus each other, etc.
== Beta 1.052 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1050-release.html Release Candidate 4] ==
(Released June 5, 2012)
* Luminance Arc's mana cost increased from 300 to 360.
** Thanks to Jerebaldo1 for suggesting.
* Melee spell balance changes:
** The mana costs of both leafy whip and miasma whip have been halved.
** Fire touch, death touch, and ice touch have all had both their mana cost and attack powers tripled, and their cooldowns doubled.
** Storm fist has had its mana cost and attack power doubled.
** Thanks to Jerebaldo1 and BenMiff for inspiring these changes.
* The mana cost of clinging fetor, and its cooldowns, have been doubled, while its attack power has been quadrupled.
* The mana cost and cooldown of cleft smoglet have both been halved, but they no longer do any knockback on enemies they hit.
* In interiors and undergrounds for The Deep, a new "Dark World Waltz" music track now plays.
* Previously if a character went through a door that had its other side submerged in lava, the character would get displaced somewhere random, potentially embedded into a wall.  Fixed.
** Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
== Beta 1.051 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1050-release.html Release Candidate 3] ==
(Released June 5, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where the item-description-mouseover-tooltip from having your mouse cursor over an enchant would keep partially rendering (specifically, the box around the tooltip but not the text itself) while the "Can Only Equip/Unequip when..." message was being displayed because you tried to equip a health enchant while damaged, etc.
** Thanks to Underfot for the report and SerinityFyre for the screenshot.
* The "Get a Level (X) NPC of Profession (Y)" items on the things-to-do list now have click-on popups for levels 4 and 5; previously those were only present for 1-3.  The ones for 4 and 5 are nowhere near as precise as the earlier ones because that would potentially involve listing a ton of personality buildings that they could pick from to build, etc.  But at least there's a popup for each now.
** Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
* The fast-travel exits from dead-ends in buildings (stash rooms in particular) now look like green warp gates and can float anywhere in the room.  This makes it so that they don't show up so infrequently if the room is small or crowded with stuff.
* Mission exits now also look like the green warp gates (same as fast travel exits) just for the sake of consistency and clarity (and so that they can hover in the air if they ever need to, also).  This generally makes them a bit easier to see, and it makes them a lot more visually distinct from the mission info sign.
* Rescue missions now include a distance counter between yourself and the survivor you are rescuing, so that you can tell how far behind or ahead they are when they are not onscreen.  That way you don't have to wonder if they got bogged down in monsters and trapped if you are ahead of them, for instance.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version where some monsters would become invincible while launching their attacks at you.
** Thanks to Kio and Acetyl for reporting.
== Beta 1.050 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1050-release.html Release Candidate 2] ==
(Released June 5, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where damaging a sub-part of a multi-part monster (like an urban mech) would not cause the "core" entity to think it had been damaged by a player.  And entities that die without being damaged by a player do not drop health or shards.  Now the setting and reading of the "has been damaged by a player" flag always happens on the parent entity, regardless of which particular piece is being worked with.
** Thanks to Ipkins and GauHelldragon for the report.
* Fixed an issue with monsters and characters getting strange near the edge of the chunk in the prior version.
** Thanks to jruderman, NyQuil, leb0fh, and Misery.
* Made it so that the pull speed of the Will O The Wisp gravity wells is affected by the combat difficulty.
** This also affects the repulsive dust storms, just in reverse.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where sometimes an image would show up invisibly when it should not have; this may only have been possible to happen in dev mode, or it might be related to that occasional giant jellyfish issue that people have been seeing very occasionally for months.
* Fixed a bug in the seeding logic that could sometimes lead to small pockets in the undergrounds or exteriors that were inaccessible without greater teleport.
** Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the exterior seeding logic that was causing some minor oddness when there was a lot of water in the caves (as with the swamps).
* Fixed a bug in the previous version where the loot goals window was displaying multiple distinct entries for the same material type if that material was required for multiple different spells (it's supposed to lump all requirements of a specific material together, and display the breakdown on the tooltip).
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Fixed a relatively longstanding bug where homing projectiles could laterally "decelerate" at like a million gravities for a single frame rather than simply decelerating to zero when they wanted to turn around.  This generally only happened when you were directly above the projectile, and it would wildly flicker back and forth between points to either side of you.  Now it just decelerates to a stop (in terms of x-movement) and moves towards you.
** Thanks to darkchair for the report and save.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes warp gates weren't seeding when they should have been—again.  This was particularly prevalent in ocean caves, where they would never seed at all.
** Thanks to Kio for reporting.
* A variety of error messages have not displaying in a player-visible fashion for quite some time now.  These were just dumped silently into logs, and thus if something then seemed amiss in the game after that the player wouldn't have an inkling why or even necessarily know to report it to us.  Fixed.
* Fixed a bug that was causing summoned rhinos to not be able to attack enemies in the prior version.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
* Fixed an issue where in the past if an entity was in their Falling stance and they did not have a falling stance, they would be invisible.  This was problematic with the summoned rhinos being sucked up into the air by the will o the wisps, for instance.
** Now the attack stance is used instead if this happens.
== Beta 1.049 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1049-yet-more-polish.html Yet More Polish] ==
(Released June 4, 2012)
* Fixed a Boss room that was flooding unintentionally.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Fixed a typo in the random villain names.
** Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
* The "Seize" spell has been renamed to "Seize Object" for added clarity.
* Fixed a small typo in the description of warp gates
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions where very few (or no) native monsters were seeding in some anachronism missions.
** Thanks to Misery, TechSY730, and ncthornock for providing saves, and to many players for reporting.
* Fixed some problems where some pieces of the code for the effects of many mission-specific rules would end once you completed the mission they were in, rather than persisting until you left the mission area.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* The mechanics of Will O The Wisps have been changed around fairly substantially.
** They no longer have a ranged attack—that was really pushing things in terms of their difficulty.
** They now lift you up into the air and prevent you from jumping or falling as you move toward them.
** They now pull you toward themselves slower on the X axis, but you also can't resist their pull by pushing away from them.
*** This prevents issues with your screen automatically looking the wrong way, or being unable to attack them with movement-directed aiming because of having to resist them, etc.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and LayZboy for inspiring these changes.
* Bats and fire bats no longer seed in the swamp; will o the wisps are thus a lot more common there.
* Will O The Wisps now require line of sight to you in order to use their gravity effect on you.  This is not true of spells, however, which are still affected through walls.
** Note that destructible objects like crates won't help in terms of preventing line of sight.
** Thanks to LayZboy for inspiring this change.
* Boss Gang and Umbra Vortex missions now display the number of remaining bosses in the message log.
** Thanks to Yiab for the suggestion.
* Miasma/Entropic bats are now barred from battlefield missions because their ranged attacks are too short-ranged to work with the intended AI for those missions.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the ClockworkProbe behaviors where its pursuit range (which is only really relevant for drawing its detection line, since it does not ever intentionally pursue) was about 10x its firing range.  Changed pursuit/firing range from 5000/500 => 3000/3000, which will also keep it from chasing you from quite so far away.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Red and Green fairies were supposed to always have a fixed set of elemental weaknesses/strengths in recent versions, but instead had none.  Fixed.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Coffers now show the icon of what they held in them, just lower and faded-out, when you have already opened them.  This helps to provide a reminder as to what was in them, as well as potentially a clue about what kind of equipment might be needed in an upcoming mission if the coffer is in a mission staging area, for instance.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Removed the consciousness shard cache just to the left of the start in the intro mission, as that could be needlessly confusing if that was the first item that a new player got.
* The heatsuits that are given in the staging rooms of lava escape missions now are given via coffers so that you don't have to jump over them to avoid them if you already have one.  Same with the moderate inner light enchants in the freefall missions.
* Fixed a bug where Gold Boomerang shots would not try to seek the player if the horizontal distance was less than 200 (totally ignoring vertical distance).
** Thanks to BobTheJanitor for the report.
* Fixed a bug with the outdoor seeding logic that was interacting poorly with one of the "hard to traverse outdoor boss arenas" and seeding players in strange places.
** Thanks to Acetyl, GauHelldragon, and LayZboy for reporting.
* Fixed bug where boss gangs (and probably other special-monster-seeding-rules missions) were not seeding the proper number of bosses.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* The game no longer displays the skill level or personality buildings of characters with the Adventurer profession since they are not relevant.
** Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
* Interior secret mission entrances, and staging rooms, now all use a new class of room templates which are specifically designed to not get in the way of being able to seed entrances, or have lots of excess space, etc.  Previously they were mostly using the general large atrium templates except for freefall missions, but now they all use the style like freefall.
** Thanks to topper, jruderman, Yiab, and lavacamorada for reporting.
* The Learn New Spell and Crafting Grimoire interfaces have been improved as follows:
** Rather than always showing each individual spell component as a distinct icon, it now shows the icon followed by the number of that ingredient which are required, leading to a more compact display.
** Additionally, the text of the number after the ingredient icon is shown in light red if you don't have enough of that material to craft the spell at present—saving you lots of time with the tooltips to figure out what you're short on.
** Thanks to Tux and Kio for suggesting.
* 12 New rooms added of various types.
** Thanks to Coppermantis and lavacamorada for sending these in.
* Fixed a bug that could cause large enemies to jump up onto high ledges and then get scared to come down.  They may have seemed stuck, but they weren't in a literal sense—they were simply unwilling to jump off the ledge!
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed an issue with elder black bulls and other similar bosses being so scared of falling off of ledges with an angled slope near them that they would just stand paralyzed at the edge even though they could easily turn around.  Cowards!
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Fixed another issue with elder black bulls and other similar enemies getting so scared of finding themselves on a staircase or slope if they would normally try to avoid one that they would just stop moving all together.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* The game will no longer allow you to unequip an enchant that you cannot immediately re-equip (due to not being in a safe place or not being at full health in the case of the health enchants).
** Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
* Fixed an issue where, previously, rooms templates could be defined such that ladders went all the way to the floor, which is not generally allowed (since it can cause many seeding issues with things not having enough room to seed.
** The ladders are now automatically stripped to only go within 3 tiles of the floor, thus self-correcting any rooms defined thusly.
* Fixed an issue for underground cavern room templates where the top-solid platforms were being parsed incorrectly and thus all sorts of cleanup logic with them probably wasn't being run before.
* Enemies will no longer launch melee attacks against things like crates unless they are actually pursuing a player.
* Enemies no longer launch melee attacks against things like crates that they are walking on top of, unless they are flying.
* Fixed several issues relating to how the walking-on-slope-averse enemies like the black bull and overlords handle being on a slope if they get stuck on one.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Added in logic so that if an enemy or player somehow gets stuck in an invalid position (usually embedded in a wall) for more than 12 seconds, they will teleport to a random valid position in the current chunk.
** Obviously it is more ideal if they never get stuck in the first place, and generally they don't, but this acts as something for an overflow valve for the strange situations when they do.
* Mission staging areas are now considered safe rooms where you can change your upgrade enchants.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
== Beta 1.048 ==
(Released June 2, 2012)
* Fixed a null reference exception that could happen on multiplayer clients in some rare cases when they were calculating the starting time to live on new entities.
** Thanks to LayZboy for reporting.
== Beta 1.047 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/06/avww-post-release-1047-actually-back-to.html Actually, Back To More Polish For A Few Days] ==
(Released June 1, 2012)
* One more room from Benmiff added.
* Fixed a bug where ability descriptions for stuff with a mana-per-second cost was displaying the cost-per-second plus your regen rate.  Which was way off even with normal regen but more obviously off when it would change as your mana regen changed due to enchants or whatever.  Now it just displays the cost-per-second. 
** Of course, to figure out how long you can maintain it you need to factor in your mana regen yourself, but since you can have multiple spells going at once with cost-per-second (shield and storm dash), and be using other abilities, etc, "baking" regen into the ability description's calculation of the cost-per-second really wouldn't help in the general case anyway even if it was factoring regen in the right direction.
** Thanks to Tarmandan for the report.
* Fixed a couple messages in the tutorial mission to reflect changes in the game.
** Thanks to Isumi5 for reporting this one.
* Fixed up some attributes-on-character display things:
** Fixed display issues where the "no ghost on death" and "max enchant upgrade points" would get altered in your visible stats in the escape menu when you did things like equip a snowsuit.  The actual functionality was fine, though.
** Fixed an issue where the "darkvision" and falling damage immunity, of characters would be disabled if they transformed themselves in any way.  This affected both functionality and display.
** Note that cold/heat/acid resistance, run speed, jump speed, fall speed, and melee resistance still vary when you transform—all of those are based on your current form (including if you're wearing a bulky heatsuit/snowsuit or not) rather than your base character's stats.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Characters with extra stat points previously were being confused for characters with extra enchant upgrade points, because the names are very similar.
** Stat points are used internally to determine the amount of base health, attack, and mana a character will have.  It's something that, when you have extra of them, your stats are a bit better across the board (which otherwise you'd have to look at a lot of characters serially, and pull out your calculator, to figure out for sure).
** Now the wording instead says "X% Starting Stats" instead of "Extra Stat Points: Y."  What was previously 1 extra stat point is now 110% Starting Stats, and what was 2 extra stat points is now 120% base stats.
** This hasn't changed the underlying functionality at all, but it makes it more clear what is going on.
** The "Extra Enchant Upgrade Points" are for contemporary characters only, and were clear enough already—they have remained the same.
** Thanks to Kio and vadatajs for reporting.
* The following types of missions are now barred from having any infestations:
** Journey To Perfection, Fix The Anachronisms, Lava Escape, Freefall, Stealth Assasination, and Umbra Vortex.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase and others for reporting the various problems that could occur in some of these related to infestations.
* When you pick a new character when just starting or after dying, it now gives you a prompt where you can change their name before entering the world.  Incidentally, you can now cancel the selection at that point.
** During testing, one of the characters' already-generated name was Cornelius Rippringham.  Why exactly do people want to rename characters, again?
** You can also change your profile name here now, and can no longer enter a profile name on the starting-new-world window.
** Thanks to Ghost Matter for suggesting a confirmation of the character selection.
* Dangerfalls are now half as frequent in the rooms that they are in, to prevent slowdown issues if a lot of them get stacked in there in general.
** Thanks to BenMiff for inspiring this change.
* Infestations are now limited by type as to the total number of tiles that can be in the chunk they are spawning in (so, width x height in tiles).
** Stinging Nettles, possess statues, small tentacles, and traps of all kinds now limited to 51,200-tile chunks.
** Dangerfalls now limited to 20,000-tile chunks.
** The default is 300,000 tile chunks as a limit, and that's what applies to the wall slimes.
** The goal here is to prevent insane numbers of infestations spawning in really large chunks; or in the case of dangerfalls, to keep them from showing up in the really oversized caverns.
* Previously, when urban mechs were damaged they were not having their range of attack increased like most monsters do.  Fixed.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug with the "Things To Do" section of the reference window where when determining "should I tell the player to spend the rest of their 'upgrade' points" it was adding mana + mana + attack instead of health + mana + attack.
** Thanks to Hyfrydle for the report that the computation wasn't doing what it should and MouldyK and jruderman for sleuthing out exactly what the computation was doing.
* Fixed a bug where a client receiving a chunk-metadata-update message from the server would try to do things that require having the region's interior data in memory even if it did not in fact have it in memory.  Normally that situation should not arise but it is possible, so it's now better about just skipping that message on a client that doesn't have the interior data to work with.
** Thanks to MouldyK for the report.
* Fixed a bug that could lead to caverns having missing pieces of ceiling or floor.
* Fixed a bug that could lead to doors seeding in "blocked to boss" locations and thus leading to really strange situations with doors inside small enclosed areas, etc.
** Thanks to LayZboy and BenMiff for reporting.
* Creeping Death now costs 550 mana to use.
** Thanks to LayZboy for suggesting.
* Battlefield command flares are now just called command flares, and work differently than they did before.  Their new description:
** During battlefield missions and rescue missions, your allies will automatically converge on the nearest command flare that is within 18 meters of their current location.  This lets you group them up and use them as you wish, or have them hang back when being rescued, rather than always following their normal behavior.  Command flares can't be removed, but expire after fifteen seconds.
** This fixes the previous bugs that they had in not working right in multiplayer, as well as adding a "stay here for a moment" option for rescue missions.
** These are also now seeded in the staging areas of rescue missions as well as battlefield missions.
** Thanks to a lot of players, including jruderman, for making comments and suggestions over the last months that have led to this.
== Beta 1.046 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1046-release.html Release Candidate 1] ==
(Released May 31, 2012)
* 99 new rooms added to the game. No, that's not a typo, and, I must say that some of these rooms are absolutely awesome!
** Thanks a BUNCH to Benmiff for taking the time to create these!
* Updated the description text on the cedar logs to be more clear, as well as more accurate for changes to the recent versions.
** Cedar logs are created when your spells destroy cedar trees, which can be found mainly in the (non-thawing) ice age and abandoned towns, and to a lesser extent in the grasslands.
** Thanks to mlah for reporting.
* Added an awesome new music theme for the freefall missions featuring a lot of electric guitar and a chaotic, driving beat.
* Monster nests are now slightly taller in their hitboxes so that they are more accurate to hit when you are trying to hit them (previously you had to aim pretty darn low).
* The "final solution" to microbosses and minibosses not spawning has now been implemented.  All we'll say is this:
** There's a new miniboss that is part of the game, but which you will never encounter unless all other miniboss/microboss types have failed to seed.
** This one will definitely seed no matter what the level layout is.
** You'll be a bit sorry when it does.
** Think of this kind of like "Warmech" from FF1.  Super, super rare.  Though not so unreasonably deadly as in that game (it's more like fighting a lieutenant when it should be just a miniboss).
* Some changes regarding espers and amoebas:
** Explosive Espers have been added to the deserts.
** Lightning espers have been removed from the swamps, and blue amoebas have been added in their place.
** Water espers have been added to the grasslands, and red amoebas have been removed from the grasslands.
** Blue amoebas have been removed from the pre-industrial forests.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase for pointing out that explosive and water espers were not available on continent 1 anymore, and TechSY730 for prodding us about it further.
* The mana cost of fireball has been reduced from 38 to 34, and its cooldown has been reduced from 0.75 to 0.6 seconds.
** Thanks to a number of players for pointing out that red was really lacking in a spell with enough punch to hold up compared to other elements.
* Creeping Death now moves twice as fast but lives half as long.  Also, its attack has been increased from 126 to 380.
** Thanks to a number of players for commenting that this spell was underpowered and not terribly fun.
* Fixed an issue in recent versions where oceans would be unable to seed a mission entrance and then would complain about it.  There is now a new kind of mission entrance that looks like a red warp gate—these are used when the other two forms of mission entrances don't fit, and are much more flexible in terms of where they can be positioned (basically anywhere).
** Thanks to death2cupbots for reporting.
* The static discharges from clockwork wasps no longer strike invincible players (which did nothing anyway, but made an annoying sound).
* Previously, the static discharge effect of the clockwork wasps was really confusing to people because we never had gotten the visual particle effect in there for the line of electricity that they are zapping you with (potentially through walls, even).  The visual effect is now in place, so hopefully that's a lot clearer!
* Characters that get extra magical attack points now get 15% per point rather than 10% per point.  The upgrade enchants still work at 10%, but this gives high-attack characters more of an edge compared to their high-mana counterparts.
** Thanks to jruderman, TechSY730, and lavacamorada for weighing in on this.
* Previously, characters that were resistant to knockback were also resistant to recoil from their own spells.  Spell recoil is now handled independently of knockback, and resistance to knockback no longer has any effect on recoil.
** This is why some people were thinking that the freefall missions did not have any knockback—they were playing ice age characters or similar.
== Beta 1.045 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1045-pre-official.html Pre-Official Polish Round 5] ==
(Released May 31, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where ongoing conditions that consume mana (shields, storm dash) were not properly factoring in the presence of mana-increasing enchants and thus cutting off earlier than they should have (because during the mana consumption step it really did look like mana was zero; the mana-increasing-enchants had not yet been fully re-applied).
** This was also causing activating such a mana-consuming condition (like storm dash) when very low on mana to _raise_ your current mana to what it thought was the zero-line.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, Fezi, and El_Kamoo for reporting.
* Changed damage calculation so that the innate damage reduction you get from the continent tier is applied after damage is deducted from your active water/air/earth/fire shield (if any).
** Previously, the shields were getting both that reduction AND increased in power at higher tiers of shield spell, which caused them to rise in power rather than stay similarly effective against threats of the matching tier.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Previously, spike traps, blade traps, and mines could be pierced through by piercing spells—even when they couldn't be destroyed—which seemed odd when contrasted with explode-on-contact spells that would hit them.  Now these objects block all spells equally.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* The various dangerfalls now do about 3x as much damage since they're so obvious and (relatively) easy to not get hit by, and were being a lot less dangerous than spike traps and whatnot.  Miasma falls were only increased to about 1.5x of what it was, since it was already pretty high and tends to be in already-insanely-dangerous places.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
* Fixed bug with the loot goals mouseover (that's been there since it was added) where when it was telling you what spells on your shopping list require that material it shows the currently-available tier of the spell rather than the tier that's actually on your shopping list.
** Thanks to Bluddy, khadgar, and TechSY730 for reporting.
* Previously the expanded inventory interface (for either ability items or enchants) would display an extra row at the top if you were dragging something around, so that you could start a new row if you wanted.  This was causing problems because it made left-clicking an equipped enchant pretty likely to unequip that enchant because the new row would appear under your cursor.
** So now the extra empty row is always present while the inventory interface is expanded.  The only times it won't show are when you're only showing one row of inventory or when you've already reached the maximum number of rows for that inventory category.
** Thanks to many players for reporting the problem with the left-click-unequipping, including yllamana, techsy730, and timtim, and to GauHelldragon for figuring out that it was the empty row popping up causing the problem.
* MP: Fixed a generalized issue where the behaviors of immobile entities were not being properly synced to players—and actually, new players just entering a chunk that had been going on for a while also would probably experience issues even with mobile enemies for about 10–15 seconds.
** The most obvious manifestation of this was that immobile mines and spike traps were not doing any damage to players on contact in multiplayer; but this was a longstanding issue that likely had other effects, too.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
== Beta 1.044 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1044-pre-official.html Pre-Official Polish Round 4] ==
(Released May 31, 2012)
* Umbra Embers are now available starting at tier 1, rather than tier 2, missions.
** Thus granting earlier access to lesser teleport in particular on new continents.
** Thanks to EtherealOne for suggesting.
* Fixed a longstanding bug where the battlefield mission towers were supposed to have randomized 50% weaknesses applied to themselves but the weaknesses would not survive past a chunk save and reload.
* Improved the seeding logic for entities such that if a randomized valid position is calculated for an entity that it won't then collide and get invalidated and removed upon being added to that location.
** The logic for actual collisions of various sorts versus checking for validity are a bit different, and so the secondary checks would sometimes do this to our frustration—and wasting CPU cycles, as well, we might add.
** The result should be many fewer (hopefully no?) cases of objects not seeding when they are supposed to when there is legitimately room for them to do so, and it also results in somewhat faster chunk generation for entity-dense chunks since it's not having to double-check the validity of a position for an entity that it has already decided is valid.
* Fixed an issue in recent versions where the elemental strengths and weaknesses of enemies were getting blown out of normal proportions by being applied several times in a row.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the vertical positioning of the "Active Continent Effects" display on the escape menu that was causing it to overlap various other bits of info depending on resolution.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Boss Delve gauntlet rooms and journey to perfection missions have always had invincible monster nests rather than the normal kinds of monster nests that you can destroy.
** If you paused and hovered over these nests they would say "Invincible Monster Nest," but that was the only clue.  Now there is a wholly different graphic used, which is a much freakier and different form of monster nest than seen before.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase for reporting.
* Normally when the game's installation is missing an image file for some reason, it will throw and exception stating such and then use pink boxes.  We had presumed that was enough of a clue for people to reinstall, but lately have realized that some folks then just assume the game is buggy rather than corrupt.  This is particularly problematic when Steam occasionally forgets to download a file for some reason (interrupted download), which is rare but happens.
** Therefore, after a missing image has been detected the game will continue showing a pair of big messages at the top of the chat log until the player restarts the game (same as we do with fatal errors).
** The first line always reads:
*** X image(s) have been detected as missing (these are the pink boxes you may be seeing).  This generally indicates a corrupt install; perhaps you have missed an intermediate update somehow or other.
** The second line reads as follows on a Steam install:
*** To fix this issue, simply exit the game and open the properties for it in Steam.  Verify Steam Cache to make sure that Steam has downloaded all of the files from the last official update; then re-update to the latest beta if you're playing the betas.
** The second line reads as follows on a non-Steam install:
*** The best solution is to reinstall the game over top of itself from the latest installer, and then update to the latest version again.  Make sure to back up settings.dat, inputbindings.dat, and the Worlds folder in the RuntimeData folder of the game, just in case—reinstallation shouldn't harm them, but you never can be too careful.
** Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and others for inspiring this change.
* To clarify our update process, which we only today realized is not stated anywhere central to the game itself or our site, we've added the following message tooltip to our updates button on the main menu:
** Official updates are more rare, but are stable—if you have a strong aversion to bugs, and just want to play the game, these are the versions for you.
** Post-release beta updates are raw and frequent—they have all the latest and greatest changes and additions to the game, but that includes bugs as well.
** Periodically we go through a polish phase on the cumulative beta updates and then do a new official release, updating our installers and so forth.  So if you skip the betas you won't miss out on any functionality, you'll just get it a few months later than those who play the betas.
** All in all we maintain pretty low bug counts even in the betas, and anything critical is fixed as soon as we absolutely can.  But it's definitely not the smooth experience of our official updates, nor can it be given the usual pace of our updates.
** Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and others for inspiring this change.
* Fixed a bug where, in certain interiors, Miasma bats' miasma whips had a time-to-live of 3 seconds instead of the normal 0.16 seconds (making them go way further than intended).
** Thanks to jruderman for the report and funknapkin for the save.
* Put in a fix for the boss room BossWaterTrap, which would tend to lead to just a floor of water or lava if something like an Elder T-Rex tried to seed in there.
** This won't fix existing rooms that have already generated, but it will prevent the problem from occurring in future versions.
** Thanks to Garde for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where some caverns, particularly in journey to perfection and a few other mission types with low overheads, could create side passages that were impossible to get through.
** This won't fix existing caverns that have already generated, but it will prevent the problem from occurring in future versions.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* The list of time-period-unique things on the skelebots now includes "No Ghost On Death."  That's always been the case, but now it's clear that is the case when you are choosing characters.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes the interior fast-travel exits in stash rooms could be floating way up in the air if there was no room for them anywhere on the ground.
** Now it tries a bit harder to find a place for them on the ground, and then simply doesn't seed them at all if there really is no room for them.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Freefall missions are now intially much easier, and grow harder after the player has had some practice:
** Initially, they have no monsters, and only half the normal amount of mines.
** After you've beaten 3 freefall missions, they have half the normal amount of monsters and half the normal amount of mines.
** After you've beaten 6 freefall missions, they have half the normal amount of monsters and 2/3rds the normal amount of mines.
** After you've beaten 9 freefall missions, they have 2/3rds the normal amount of monsters and the normal amount of mines.
** After you've beaten 12 freefall missions, they have the normal amount of monsters and the normal amount of mines.
* The beat-10-lava-escape-missions and beat-5-journey-to-perfection-missions unlocks have been removed from the game since they no longer unlocked anything.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Lava Escape missions are now initially much easier, and grow harder after the player has had some practice:
** Initially, the lava rise-rate is about 1/3rd normal.
** After you've beaten 3 lava escape missions, the lava rise-rate is about 2/3rds normal.
** After you've beaten 6 lava escape missions, the lava rise-rate is normal.
** Note: even though the beat-10-lava-missions unlock has been removed in this version, loading an old world with progress on that one should count properly against these 2 unlocks; let us know (with a copy of the old world that isn't upgrading right) if that doesn't happen correctly for you.
** Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
* Previously if a player or an enemy tried to use a spell like ice cross that was taller than the caster was, you could run into cutoff issues where things like the horizontal arm of the spell wouldn't seed, etc.  Fixed so that the components in question now offset themselves up or down by a third of the size of the spell in order to avoid this happening if it does.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre and Misery for reporting.
* Removed the "spells try to scale up really fast when spawned" logic from the game.  That was a mild CPU drain, but more to the point it was the cause of numerous bugs.  The problem it was trying to solve can actually be solved a different way, it turns out, anyhow.
** Thanks to jruderman and others for reporting bugs related to this (not yet sure what other bugs will be fixed by this, but there will be others).
* When spells like fireball or energy orb or similar are fired by players or enemies, if it can't seed them straight on where the normal seeding would happen it instead shifts by a third of the height or width of the spell to each side to see if it can see if it can seed it there.
** This prevents the "can't fire when right under ceiling" and "can't fire certain spells when really short" issues a lot better than the older "scale spells up really fast" logic ever did.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting the issue that led to this change.
* Previously, player-controlled micro-rexes were unable to fire spells without pausing in their movements.  Fixed.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.042-1.043 ==
(Released May 30, 2012)
* Fixed another old-worlds-deserialization bug arising from the combination of an old minor optimization (that wouldn't write out an ongoing condition's duration to disk or the network if it wasn't the sort of condition that _has_ a duration) and some old ongoing-condition types that haven't been used in a while (and didn't have a duration) being repurposed for the recently added element-vulnerability-causing abilities (which do have a duration).
** Thanks to freeformschooler for the report and save.
* Fixed a debug message that was accidentally left on in 1.041.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase and death2cupbots for reporting.
== Beta 1.041 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1041-pre-official.html Pre-Official Polish Round 3] ==
(Released May 30, 2012)
* The maximum distance that meteor shower meteors and rockslide rocks can travel has been greatly increased, so that they actually have enough room to fall back below the height at which you launched them after they go up.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* When clicking to see the details of the "Rescue NPC" unlockables, the game now lists specifically which region types are associated with that time period.
** Thanks to jruderman, AlexxKay, and GauHelldragon for suggesting.
* Previously, the chance of T-rexes spawning had been reduced far enough that they were far too rare.  Now their seeding rate is back up to what it originally was, and they also can now seed underground and in interiors again (given that now they have spacing logic to prevent them from spawning trapped in a stairwell now).
** Thanks to amonchakad, GauHelldragon, and Misery for reporting.
* The sign at the edge of the settlements now makes sure to mention both upgrade enchants and the opal guardian store, to aid new players.
** New players will also have encountered upgrade enchants through the intro mission, at this point, but it's good to reinforce.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* The "Things You Should Do" section of the planning menu now advises you to Defeat Lieutenants when they are still alive—including explaining briefly what the consequences of doing so will be.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* When all the lieutenants are dead but the overlord still lives, the "Things You Should Do" section of the planning menu now advises you to Defeat The Overlord, along with a few tips related to that.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* The "Things You Should Do" part of the planning menu now tells you to use your upgrade enchant points as the very first item on its list if you've not yet done so.  This provides yet another way of catching new players to make sure that they take advantage of these key mechanics.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* For like the third time, fixed the issue with the warp gates showing on the dungeon map when they aren't actually supposed to have a warp gate and won't have one in the chunk.
** This version of the problem only happened when the dungeon was first generated, and the map would be corrected next time you saved and loaded the dungeon.  Now it should always be correct from the start.
** Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Updated the continent-seeding logic so that a minimum number of region tiles of each type is now maintained.  For most region types this number is 5, but for many of the middle-sized regions it's 14, and for some of the larger ones it's 20.
** This helps to insure that you're never getting just a single tile of some particular region that you need, for instance.  However, sub-region-types like grasslands-with-groves might still be completely absent or in very short supply.
** This also has a side effect of making more interesting region layouts right on the first continent and beyond, with more islands and peninsulas and bays and such.
** This won't help existing continents, since they have already been generated, but it will affect new continents generated even in existing worlds.
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for inspiring this change.
* Rather than trying to keep the frequency of a given mission type to 1/3 of the world map missions at most, instead the game now tries to keep it to 1/8th that amount or lower.
** This lowers the chances of getting stuck with a ton of mission types that you're really just not a fan of.
** Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.
* The number of starting missions on the world map is still 4, but more missions on the world map now unlock more quickly—they go up by 2 instead of by 1, to a max of 40 mission per continent rather than 20.
** However, as a corollary to that, it won't let you generate more missions than would fill 1/3 of the total non-windstorm tiles on a continent—or 8, whichever is higher.  This means that if you want more mission variety, you need to expand your borders!  The missions won't just pile up on your tiny starting amount of non-windstorm land on later continents.
** Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.
== Beta 1.040 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1040-pre-official.html Pre-Official Polish Round 2] ==
(Released May 30, 2012)
* Fixed a bug introduced in 1.036 where on death you would not spawn a vengeful ghost you would spawn an npc of the same base type as yourself.  A pity, it was hilarious.
* 42 Various rooms added
** Thanks to Benmiff for the awesome job on these!
* The "Supplies Manifest" no longer includes the enchants that are store-bought (whereas before it included a couple of dozen of them).  This cuts down on the clutter of things like seeker enchants, the upgrade enchants, etc, and makes it much easier to see just the supplies themselves.
** Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for suggesting.
* The "Enchant Categories" has now been split into two parts: "Enchants (Random Loot)" which details what you can find via exploration and enemies; and "Enchants (Store Bought)" which details those that you can find at the store.
* Fixed an issue in the description text of the mission type unlockables in the prior version that still referred to a specific mission type rather than the overall mission category.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes climbing rooms could have a gap in one of their side walls.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug from 1.037 onward where all monster weakspots had been removed.
** Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
* Dangerfalls now space themselves out a bit more, so that they won't get in such narrow passages or as bunched up on one another as they previously could.  This makes it so that it's a lot less likely for you to encounter positions where you can't get past them without lesser teleport or taking damage.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* Charred Amber is now a lot more frequent in both the desert and swamp regions, since some players were finding it particularly hard to come by.
** Thanks to FrostDragon for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where previously if you were falling past a warp gate and pressed the button to initiate warping, you could get stuck in a "Waiting on chunk gen" mode.  Now it just warps you.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, khadgar, jruderman, and yllamana for reporting.
* The message you get when picking up an enchant for the first time when you have not yet equipped an enchant is now an opt-out type message rather than one you can't avoid.
** Thanks to jruderman for inspiring this change.
* Nightmare Octopi and Jellyfish no longer can appear as part of Supply Depot missions because they would just float around at the top annoyingly.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* The requirement to kill all the monsters in a Supply Depot mission was annoying and time consuming in a variety of situations.  Now all you have to kill is the meteors themselves (though of course you have to survive the monsters).
** Thanks to Nanostrike, lavacamorada, and jruderman for suggesting.
* Insect orb's base attack strength has increased from 2.4 to 9.  It spawns 36 projectiles in a cloud, many of which may or may not hit the enemies you are attacking, so this is deceptively powerful spell.  However, before it was too much on the weak side (and now it may still be but it's more of a question than a certainty at least).
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where the crafting costs have been going up ridiculously exponentially in order to get to the higher spell tiers.  Goodness those costs were getting way higher than we had meant them to!  On the order of 3-5 times as high, in a few cases.
** There is also now a hard rule that we'll never have more than 14 crafting ingredients in a given spell tier; this is partly just to keep things smooth, and also partly to keep it all on one line in the interface, which looks nicer and is easier to read.
* Given the change in crafting costs of spells, missions now give you only 4 ingredients per mission rather than 5.
* Put in a fix to prevent healing orbs from following you but not healing you in the prior version.
** Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
* The crafting grimoire has been substantially upgraded: it now shows the costs for each tier of a spell, rather than just showing the costs for the next tier of that same spell.
** This really lets you plan a lot more in advance, especially since many spells get new requirements the further along they go.
* The "By Material" part of the crafting grimoire now looks at all tiers of each spell, rather than just the next tier.  This, again, is to help with planning—and it helps to show that sunstone and moonstone have more uses than just sunrise and nightfall, for instance.  Charred amber and white witch hair still are only used in one spell each at the moment, but it's a lot clearer in general what is used where now.
* Fixed a typo in the description of the Seek Resources Guardian Scroll.
** Thanks to SerinityFrye for reporting this.
* Fixed an issue with the seeding logic for the underground freefall staging rooms that could cause a lockup when generating these.
* The distance meter is no longer shown in the staging area of the freefall missions.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* The various underground ferns and mushrooms now have a further-back draw depth so that they are not obscuring things you want to get at so often.
* The stinging nettles have a further-forward draw depth so that they are a lot less likely to be obscured by other things.
* Fixed an old-worlds-deserialization bug arising from the combination of an old minor optimization (that wouldn't write out an ongoing condition's duration to disk or the network if it wasn't the sort of condition that _has_ a duration) and the shield spells having recently being given a duration.  If you had a world saved before version 1.023 with a player character with a shield spell active during the save operation, said world would die horribly upon attempting to load.
** Thanks to Barty for the report and save.
* Added a pair of new "Dry Plum tree" objects which can be found in deserts with low frequency; this gives a new way to get plums when there are few abandoned towns and grasslands-with-groves.  There's always lots of desert!
** Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
* "Minor" monsters that are more like a shot than a monster (things like dragon fire, etc), as well as dangerfall particles, no longer draw detection lines when you are being stealthy.
** The exception is minor monsters that are a sub-component of a larger monster—you can see each individual gun tracking you still on things like the urban predator.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for suggesting.
== Beta 1.039 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1039-pre-official.html Pre-Official Polish Round 1] ==
(Released May 30, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where Flamethrower was increasing the monsters' weakness to fire rather than water.
** Thanks to RetroNutcase for reporting.
* The updates button now notes "Post-Release Beta Updates" rather than just "Beta Updates" to be more clear to some folks who thought the game itself was still in beta (it's not—we have an official stable build and then a series of beta builds before the next official build).
* Previously, the cold severity of the thawing ice age areas was low enough that medieval characters' armor was enough to keep them warm.  Now the cold severity of the thawing ice age is high enough that you definitely have to be wearing a snowsuit to stay warm.  The cold severity just affects how much damage you take from the cold, and the weight of the clothing of the character also factors into that.  Only those with perfect protection from the cold/heat are shown as having protection in the menus, however.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* The order of categories in the opal guardian store have been revised to make more sense in terms of category importance and so forth.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* The way that character names are handled internally is now different.  Previously it was storing the firstname, lastname, and separator for between the two (usually a space except for skelebots, which had a hyphen).  Then it had a nickname field that you could write to when you were renaming your character.
** Now it just has a single Name field that contains the whole name, and which you can write to when renaming your character.  This makes the on-disk footprint of characters slightly smaller, and fixes a number of small display issues related to nicknames and performance is slightly better with this also (nothing noticeable in gameplay, but every small efficiency is always good).
* A new profession has been added: Adventuring.
** All player characters are considered Adventuerers, and now glyph transplant scrolls include the following additional warning:
** Note that the character you are switching to have their profession permanently changed to Adventurer, so they will no longer be able to use guardian power scrolls (via one of the normal magical professions).
** This prevents a number of exploity ways of getting new NPCs of a certain profession on a given continent.
** Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and jruderman for inspiring this change.
* Green Amoebas that pop out of the Giant Green Amoebas are now invincible for 1 second after spawning; this prevents cheesy tactics with hitting them all right as soon as they spawn.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Made the unlockables related to missions a lot more clear—they were previously acting like you had to complete a specific sub-variant of a mission in order to win it, but that was not the case.
** Now it just shows a generalized name for the class of missions instead, which is far more clear.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* In the last few versions, given the new way of handling the enchants for upgrading health, if the character's health was too low when doing a glyph transplant then they would be killed.
** Since transplants are only allowed in settlements anyhow, and healing is free in settlements, the transplant itself now just sets both characters to full health as part of the transplant to avoid these issues (and hey, it avoids that annoying issue with NPCs wandering around your settlement with partial health, too).
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Previously, if a settlement's chunk had to be regenerated (due to data corruption from a power outage or whatever), the game made no effort to update which chunk the settlement-resident NPCs should spawn in, so the regenerated settlement chunk would be empty (despite the NPCs showing up fine under the planning menu).
** Added a check before the "seed all NPCs that should be here" logic to update the ChunkID of any NPC records that the continent's settlement's macrogame data claims is a resident.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report and saves.
* It is no longer possible to drop enchants that you currently have equipped.  You must first unequip them, then drop them.
* When craftable spellgems are dropped, they now are destroyed rather than falling into a bag on the ground—the idea here is to prevent clutter.
** In settlements it does this without any sort of confirm prompt.
** Outside settlements, the following message is shown:
*** Destroy Spellgem?
*** This sort of spellgem can be freely equipped at a spellgem workbench at any time.  To prevent clutter, these sort of gems disappear when you drop them, rather than actually dropping to the ground.
*** In a settlement you would not get this warning message; but given you are outside a settlement and might need this spellgem to get safely home, we thought we'd check to make sure you meant to incinerate this one.
** Thanks to MouldyK for suggesting.
* Put in a fast-equip option for spells that are already known.  Now all you have to do (and a tooltip tells you this) is right-click the spells you want to add to your inventory.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Previously, if a multi-part monster was damaged and thus put on alert, its range increases and such would not transfer over to its sub-components.  The most obvious effect of this was being able to shoot a small urban mech without its sub-guns getting alerted and thus having larger range to shoot back at you.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Previously, if monsters were damaged via non-player-based means they were still alerted when the player was trying to be stealthy.  Fixed so that now only damage from player sources will affect this.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Previously the "you just picked up an enchant" tip that would show when you picked up an enchant and had none equipped only fired on enchants that were literally on the ground, and not on enchants from enchant containers.
** Now it will check for this when picking up an enchant from an enchant container.
** Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
* Mission and Chunk-based (i.e. lieutenant tower) enchant effects no longer ever apply to "minor" scale monsters like homing fire, traps, etc.
** Notably, this means that traps and stuff-spawned-from-boss-attacks (unless those spawns are somehow larger than minor-scale) in stealth assassination missions will no longer get the punishingly high damage buff that normal monsters get there.
** Thanks to jruderman for the reports.
* Enemies in Journey To Perfection missions now no longer drop health, since it was basically irrelevant to the mission.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for the suggestion.
* The store descriptions for the upgrade enchants now properly show the maximum number of upgrade points based on your current character, rather than always just saying the maximum is 10.
** Thanks to FrostDragon for suggesting.
* Fixed a longstanding bug where guardians and health orbs would not heal you if your current health was less than a full point below your max health.
** Thanks to mrhanman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Boss Gang missions are now unlocked after just 3 boss tower missions are completed, rather than 10.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Umbra Vortex missions are now unlocked after just 1 boss tower missions are completed, rather than 3.
* Previously, it was possible for a mission to be possible as a secret mission but not on the world map until a certain number of that mission had been completed in a secret fashion.  Now if a mission is ever to be available on the world map, it is now available as soon as it is available as a secret mission.
** The only mission this really applied to was the lava escape at this point.
** With the de-emphasis on secret missions and the larger variety of world map missions in general, this mechanic no longer made sense to retain.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug in recent versions where elite versions of monsters were always counting as non-anachronistic even when they were.
** Thanks to lavacamorada and GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Microbosses and minibosses now drop 60/300 shards rather than the former 20/100 that they previously dropped.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing out that the prior values were hilariously low.
== Beta 1.038 ==
(Released May 30, 2012)
* Fixed two null reference exceptions related to OngoingConditionTypeData.GetTotalFromList and GameEntity.GetEffectiveElementalDamageMultiplier that were causing errors in a variety of cases in the prior version of the game.  Sorry about that!
** Thanks to RetroNutcase, GauHelldragon, Misery, Yiab, xaeros, and NyQuil for reporting this.
== Beta 1.037 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1037-luminance-arc.html Luminance Arc] ==
(Released May 29, 2012)
* The "Miniature" spell has been renamed to "Miniaturize Self," and the "Shrink" spell has been renamed to "Shrink Object" in order to avoid confusion.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and jruderman for suggesting.
* Changes to the strategic difficulty:
** On Absurd you now get 9 tier orbs per tier rather than 8.
** On Vicious you still get 15 tier orbs
** On Wily you now get 24 tier orbs per tier rather than 25.
** On Restless you now get 36 tier orbs per tier rather than 35.
** On Forgiving you now get 48 tier orbs per tier rather than 50.
** Thanks to FrostDragon for pointing out that this would work better as always being a multiple of three.
* New elite monster: Skelebot Titan.
** Upgraded version of Skelebot Giant that gets unlocked after 10 kills of the regular skelebot giant.
** Has a new Fire Cloud Mass Attack, does a much higher-damage version of Flame Pulse, and has more health.
* "Giant ??? Head" has been renamed to "Thul Head."
* The guardian power for creating a wind shelter mission can now also be used on a non-stormy region that is adjacent to a stormy region (previously it could only be used in a stormy region adjacent to a non-stormy region).
** The catch is that a build-wind-shelter mission now always makes the region it is stormy until the mission is completed successfully (or expires).  No free lunch here, just preventing edge cases where you can't get the storm off of a square due to how the geometry fell.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting a case where the overlord lair could not be "unstormed" due to the restrictiveness of the previous rules.
* Made all references to "back up" and "backup" in game consistently say "back up".
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting this.
* Previously startup enchant containers (seeded in the original settlement) and rare/small-rare enchant containers (the former dropped by lieutenants and overlords, the latter by chests, etc) never increased enchant quality.  This was intentional to prevent MP/multiple-player-accounts-in-SP exploits but led to bug reports and some duplicate enchants, etc.
** Now startup enchant containers increase enchant quality if that base type's current quality is less than 5.
** And rare/small-rare enchant containers increase enchant quality the first time they are picked up (can be picked up multiple times in MP).
** Thanks to many players for feedback on this.
* Crippled Dragons are now unlocked by killing 8 giant blue amoebas instead of 12.
* The melee attack of giant blue amoeba has dropped from 25 to 10, to match its base ranged attack.
* The melee attack of giant red amoeba has dropped from 50 to 20, to match its base ranged attack.
* The melee attack of giant green amoeba has dropped from 50 to 20, to match its base ranged attack.
* New enemy elite: Restive Giant Blue Amoeba
** Upgrade of the giant blue amoeba, unlocked after killing 12 of the giant blue amoebas.
** Has a base attack (ranged and melee) of 20 instead of 10.
** Has randomized double elemental resistances, which is something that no other monsters currently do.
* Fixed a bug in a semi-recent network-message-size optimization that was causing some chunk transition logic to fire twice on the server, leading to bugs where people would never get their initial chunk invincibility in MP (that bug was sidestepped by simply changing it to never remove initial-chunk-invincibility).
* Since the underlying bug causing the erroneous application of the "remove chunk invincibility if entering a chunk you were in less than 10 seconds ago" rule has been fixed, that rule has been re-instituted.
* Two more Overlord Boss rooms added
** Thanks to vadatajs for those!
* Fixed a bug with recent versions of the game where weakspots on enemies were being serialized and deserialized improperly, resulting in lots of duplicate in-memory weakspots.  That was likely to cause all sorts of trouble and small slowdowns.
* Giant Blue Amoebas are no longer slowed by water attacks.
* The cost of Leafy Whip has been increased from 190 mana to 220 mana.
* Damage Per Mana (DPM) is now shown to two significant digits rather than one.
* Fixed an issue where catch-up enchants did not increase quality.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting this.
=== Three New Spells ===
* New spell: Flamethrower
** A sustained-fire blast of mid-power fire cooks multiple foes without knocking them back, making them more susceptible to water/ice/steam attacks for five seconds.  Also strikes background entities.
* New spell: Geyser
** A sustained-fire blast of mid-power water douses multiple foes without knocking them back, making them more susceptible to air/electric attacks for five seconds.  Also strikes background entities.
* New spell: Luminance Arc
** A curving, semi-controllable lance of light leaps forward and strikes through multiple enemies at long range.  As you learn the angles at which it strikes, you can hit with greater accuracy (which is useful given its long range).  Also strikes background entities.
** Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting a white spell that damages background entities.
=== New Method For Boss Elemental Weaknesses/Resistances ===
* The way that boss elemental weaknesses/resistances are handled is now completely different:
** Previously it had some that were hardwired into a given boss type, as with the regular monsters.  Now there are no hardwired weaknesses or resistances on any of the enemy types that are miniboss or up.
** Additionally, when it comes to microbosses, those now ignore whatever their base resistances/strength would have been if they were not a microboss.
** Also previously, the randomized upgrade points from the bosses had a low chance of being applied to a new resistance (but never a weakness).  The chance was low enough that most bosses didn't even have a resistance.
*** Now, instead all those randomized upgrade points from the bosses go into just the two main stats of health and attack (which they mostly were anyway), and none of the points are used for resistances.
** Most bosses now follow what we call the "normal" randomized elemental pattern:
*** 66% chance of having 75% resistance to one random element and a 30% weakness to another random element.
*** 33% chance of instead having 66% resistance to one random element and a 15% weakness to another random element.
** A few bosses follow the "extreme healing" randomized elemental pattern instead (mainly Giant Red Amoeba)
*** 100% chance of having 200% resistance to (so, 100% healing from) one random element and a 15% weakness to another random element.
** The new Restive Giant Blue Amoeba follows what we call the "double strong" randomized elemental pattern:
*** 66% chance of having 60% resistance to one random element, 60% resistance to another random element, and a 15% weakness to another random element.
*** 33% chance of instead having 75% resistance to one random element, 75% resistance to another random element, and a 30% weakness to another random element.
** Thanks to darkchair for inspiring these changes.
* All of the components of a multi-part enemy now have the same weaknesses/strengths as their parent entity.  Important for the randomly-rolled elemental multipliers for things like the urban mechs.
== Beta 1.036 ==
(Released May 26, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version that was causing all spells to hit player-placed wood platforms.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, RealistTK, and SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Fixed an issue in prior versions where some of the underground freefall mission entrances had no roof.
** Thanks to Buccee for reporting.
* The falling rubble's speed in the underground freefall missions has been halved.  No idea if this is the proper balance yet, more testing is needed, but it should help at least.
== Beta 1.035 ==
(Released May 26, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where, if the game was unable to seed a boss in a boss room, it would essentially lock up.
** Thanks to Blackdate and Buccee for reporting.
* Monsters and spells were previously colliding with background ladders during their seeding, which led to all manner of tomfoolery with them not seeding when they should.  That's now been fixed so that this no longer happens and thus a much wider variety of monsters (and bosses) can seed in a much wider variety of chunks.
** Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
* Improved the boss seeding logic yet again so that if it can't seed a boss at first, it will remove all the crates.  If it still can't seed them, it will remove all the background ladders.  This dramatically increases the chance that a boss can seed in any boss room, although ideally in most cases this would never even come up.
* Since lieutenant boss types are pre-chosen and can't be tailored to the type of boss room they will seed in, the general boss rooms really aren't suitable for lieutenants.  Therefore they now use the same larger rooms that are used for the overlord battles.
** Thanks to Niass for reporting a lieutenant not seeding.
* Ten new overlord boss rooms have been created, bringing the total of those up to 17.  If anyone else wants to create some of those, we're always open to submissions, by the way!
* Put in code so that if a lieutenant or overlord does not spawn in their throne room it now shows the "temporal flux" error message and lets you recreate the chunk.
** This way if a prior version of the game had generated in such a way that they could not spawn, you can have them properly spawn in the new version of the game.
* Improved the temporal flux respawn logic so that it puts you back where you were rather than shunting you to the world map.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where the neutral draconites were getting 80% protection from melee rather than 20%.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where hidden one-way teleporters were still fully functional including popping up their messages.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the recent versions where if your health was too low when you loaded a savegame or went through a door, and your health was being buffed a substantial amount through upgrade enchants, you would die.
** The reason is that it was checking to see if your health was <= 0 before it was re-applying the buffs from your enchants.  Now it adds the enchant buffs first before it checks death from health that is too low, so it really shouldn't be happening anymore.
** Thanks to Garde and GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.034 ==
(Released May 25, 2012)
* Put in a fix to a bug that was causing exceptions to be thrown on multiplayer servers when players tried to make certain kinds of inventory shifts.  We're not sure exactly how this was being triggered, but at any rate it shouldn't cause errors anymore; the result of the errors was an unstable multiplayer server and a character who couldn't move.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.033 ==
(Released May 25, 2012)
* The new enemies from The Deep now have proper unlockables on them so that they don't start showing up in battlefield missions until continent 2.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
* The giant ??? heads no longer spawn in battlefield, supply depot, umbra vortex, or anachronism missions in general.  Same with the large tentacles.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version that made the rate of boss seeding exceedingly low (whereas that release was supposed to do just the opposite, go figure).
** As it now stands, the odds of getting a room without a boss should be incredibly low—knock on wood.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
* Fixed an extremely longstanding issue where a lot of the room templates for building interiors and boss rooms and the like simply weren't coming up in the rotation.  Josh thought this might be happening months ago, but we couldn't find it at the time.  But a huge amount of the variety of the rooms of the interiors and boss rooms simply were being lost because of the way some of the randomization was being initialized.
== Beta 1.032 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1032-rising-deep.html The Rising Deep] ==
(Released May 25, 2012)
* Previously, the shard costs of the upgrade enchants ranged from 300 to 2700.  Now they range from 10 to 90 instead.
** This way people don't feel like they need to grind shards to get these enchants upon updating, AND they also don't need to carry around all the enchants all the time; it's incredibly cheap to re-buy the enchants if ever need be.
** Thanks to omegajasam for inspiring this change.
* Fixed the description of the random legs enchant in the opal guardian store, as it was still referring to jumping-related enchants despite those having moved to the feet slot.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Fixed a misspelling on Balsam Poplars.
** Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
* The mana recharge rate added by each point of upgrade to mana is no longer 8%, it's now 4%.  It was way too much before.
** Thanks to Misery for reporting.
* The lava escape missions now use the lava flats music theme for themselves.
* Rescue missions and journey to perfection missions now both use a brand-new music track called "Special Mission" that was composed by Pablo Vega and Jared Anderson, with Jared Anderson on the guitar.
* References to Upgrade Stones have been removed from the in-game text.
* Fixed some bugs with how enemy behaviors were being synced for stationary enemies.
* Fixed a bug in multiplayer where the mines would not explode when you touched them.  Their attack was simply defined incorrectly.
** Thanks to LayZboy for reporting.
* Clockwork probes no longer have a melee attack.
** Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the NPCs being rescued that could lead to them zipping around too fast as well as to them getting stuck on geometry and being unable to follow you.  The latter was more prevalent when the former was happening.
** If you see this one again, please let us know, but knock on wood we think we got it this time.
** Thanks to kizumuki and techsy730 for reporting the most recent batch of these issues.
* Fixed a bug from the past couple of versions where enemies that were supposed to be not walking off cliffs were instead walking off cliffs anyway.
* Improved the AI on some of the enemies that are larger to not attempt to go up and down slopes if they would look really strange and/or be likely to get stuck doing so.
* The mana cost of sunrise and nightfall has dropped from 480 to 150.
** Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
* Explosive espers now seed in the lava flats but not in the swamp.
* Ice espers now seed in the ice age but not in the swamp.
* Put in a fix so that oversized monsters now do a better job of not seeding in super-confined spaces.
* Put in some improvements so that the likelihood of having a boss room that simply does not seed a boss at all is vastly lower (hopefully zero).  Please let us know if you continue to see this in future versions.
* The overlord rooms have all had the areas in which the overlord can actually seed enlarged so that these fights aren't remotely so cramped as before.
* In general enemies will do a better job now of not being squashed into too-small areas that they shouldn't be in when being initially seeded.  So with some of the crazier boss rooms or even hallways, the larger enemies should tend now to be more in the larger parts of the rooms versus being crammed into some tiny nook.
** Additionally, with halls or similar that are very small you should only be seeing smaller enemies rather than seeing large enemies crammed in and completely blocking your way as much.  Granted, even a skelebot can block your way in a hall, but it's not like having a sea worm in there.
** This relies on having a variety of sizes for both bosses and regular enemies, so that no matter what the size of the room is there is something that can fit in there in an intelligent way.  We think we have enough of all the various sizes where this should work out, but if there are lapses where there just aren't enemies being seeded in some locale when they should be then please let us know.  Better than having t-rexes crammed sideways onto staircases, at least, in terms of moving forward toward the ideal balance.
* Lieutenant towers now have a staircase room between the lieutenant's actual showdown room and the climbing room below.  This way there can still be a warp gate near the lieutenant if you get up there and die, but it's not something that you can use to bypass the climbing room.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
=== Freefall Mission Balance Improvements ===
* Heavy characters (including characters in heatsuits) are no longer barred from being immune to falling damage.
** Given that falling damage is heavily based around the platforming difficulty and other factors (such as availability of platforms) there was really no reason to do this at this point.
** This also fixes issues with the neutral skelebots and falling damage in the missions.
** Thanks to timesend for reporting.
* Heavy characters (including characters in suits and neutral skelebots) now have their fall rates appropriately set when a mission effect (such as the freefall missions) would cause them to fall slower than normal.
** Enchant effects that modify the falling rate of heavy characters still don't have any effect on them, however.
** And additionally, now if the lower falling speed is granted from a mission (as in freefall) you can't hold the down key to go faster; your movement rate is fixed.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* The floating mines in freefall missions now emit light, making them easier to see as well as making it so that you can see the geometry of interior passages better.
** Thanks to MaxAstro for inspiring this change.
* The Freefall missions now disallow:
** Storm dash (which would be pointless in them and something that you could accidentally trigger while trying to do precision dodging of this sort in particular).
** All the shields (which could easily be abused in this mission type, and which kind of skewed the point of them in terms of dodging versus just absorbing hits).
** Ride the Lightning and Lightning Rocket (which again could really mess with things).
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting the balance issues with the shields.
* The amount of damage incoming damage that players take during freefall missions has now been reduced by 40%.  This makes the missions less brutally hard in terms of mistakes with enemies and mines and so forth.
* Players now get a moderate recoil added to all their spells during a freefall mission, making it so that shooting their spells is a way of minorly maneuvering—and adding a cost to shooting the spells, too, as it's going to adjust your course in a way you might not want.  This adds another layer of strategy to how you attack the enemies that are after you in particular.
* Freefall missions are now 7/10ths as long as they previously were.
* The interior freefall room generation logic has been majorly redone so that it's now got more small flat obstacles and no longer ever should have deep spike-filled holes that you can fall into and then never escape.
** Thanks to MaxAstro for reporting that this was previously possible.
* A distance meter is now shown by the feet of your character during freefall missions, so that you know how far you have left to go.
** The reason we don't show it in the upper left like in journey to perfection is that you're moving too fast to be able to look up there (as with lava escape, which also shows the distance meter by your feet for the same reason).
** Thanks to MouldyK for suggesting.
=== More Time-Period-Based Character Bonuses ===
* Neutral skelebots now have immunity to acid water as well as enough anti-knockback that pretty much nothing will ever knock them back.
** Thanks to Bluddy, Nanostrike, and BenMiff for suggesting.
* Ice age characters now have anti-knockback that makes it so that only a very few things would knock them back much at all.
** This seemed like a good thing to be giving to new players as their "basic bonus stat."  Especially as some folks are really not that crazy about getting knocked back at all.
* Ice age characters now have a 10% protection from melee attacks, and neutral draconites now have a 20% protection from the same.
* Medieval characters now get the same new anti-knockback as the ice age characters (makes sense, given the armor), and also now have 50% protection from melee attacks made against them.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
* Time of Magic characters now get an extra stat point.
** Three more of their base stat points are now applied to mana, however, meaning that their base attack is now by default 2 points lower and their mana stores are incredibly high.
* Time of Magic characters also now get an inherent 30% bonus to their mana recharge rate, making all that extra mana something that they can deal with more easily.
* Industrial revolution characters now get +1 to dungeon scouting distance (so they can see out 3 nodes instead of the usual 2).
** Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
* Contemporary-era characters now get an extra two enchant upgrade points assigned to them, which lets them use points totaling up to 12 instead of 10.
* The pre-industrial characters now float downward more slowly, take no falling damage, and jump extra high.
==== Added Clarity To The Choose New Character Screen ====
* The choose new character screen now shows "extra stat points" for those character types that have them.  Previously it was invisible that the ice age characters had this, though it was something you could calculate from their stats if you were so inclined and had a lot of time on your hands.
** Likewise, the fact that the draconites get two extra stat points to make up for their variety of drawbacks was not something that was previously clear.
* "Resistance To Knockback" is now shown as "Anti-Knockback" and is shown as a general number rather than a percentage.
** This stat is also now shown on the character select screen.
* Greatly improved the way that the choose new character screen centers its view on smaller screens in particular.
* The choose new character screen now also shows the negative attributes of characters such as skelebots and draconites, both of whom have movement and/or running limitations.  This way players know what they are getting into before they choose a given character.
=== The Deep Enemy Overhaul ===
* New Infestation Type: Tentacles
** Like stinging nettles, but instead uses lots of small tentacles.  And hits a lot harder.
** Only in The Deep.
* New Enemy: Large Tentacle
** Kind of like the possessed lion statues or dread gazebos: stationary, only hit by stuff that hits the background, nasty magic attack.
** Only in The Deep.
* New Enemy: Giant ??? Head
** Some kind of weird creature.
** Slow moving mage.
** Nasty.
** Only in The Deep.
* New Enemy: Entropy Bat
** Pretty similar to the bat, but hits harder.
** Has an elite upgrade, Miasma Bat, that gets the miasma whip spell too.
** Only in The Deep.
* New Miniboss: Dark Dragon
** Similar to the flying version of the crippled dragon.  Hits a lot harder.
** No homing fire.  Instead, A... different sort of breath weapon.
* The Deep no longer gets monsters from nearby regions when the continent tier is high enough for migration, but the nearby regions can still get monsters from The Deep.  This is a dangerous thing.
* Monsters and spells in The Deep no longer get blacked out, which makes The Deep a lot more interesting and viable to play in.
* Also, the tier of The Deep regions is no longer inflated by 2.  The monsters themselves, which are unique to The Deep, are instead stat-inflated such that they are the equivalent of about two tiers higher.  But you don't get any of the benefits of a higher tier, and when those monsters migrate out of The Deep to other nearby regions they retain their nasty overpoweredness.  Yikes!
** The Deep was always supposed to be the most combat-intense area but the tier inflation was just kind of a stopgap that we put in as a placeholder for better mechanics.  We'll continue to develop this out over time, but this is a big giant leap toward where we ultimately want The Deep to head.
== Beta 1.031 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1031-light-our-way-as.html Light Our Way As We Delve] ==
(Released May 24, 2012)
* Player enchants are now synchronized across clients and simulated on all clients.
** This allows for health to show up properly when another player switches their health enchant.
** This also allows for the light-emitting enchants on other players to be factored into the lighting, allowing for brave groups to have just one or two folks "holding the torch" rather than everyone needing their own personal light-emit in dark areas.
* Added the Legendary Boomstick and Elven Boots enchants to Steam.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for letting us know this needed to be done.
* Put in further improvements to make sure that the mission staging areas in freefall missions are always traversable.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where all of the enchants in the "Random Enchants" category of the opal guardian's store just said "Error No Name Set."
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where if an Urban Mech was a lieutenant, its right arm and left arm entities would not be generated (they would still be drawn since the whole thing is drawn together, but would not actually be present in the simulation to fire or intercept shots or whatever).
* Fixed a bug in the previous version where, if you had previously put upgrade stones on your loot-goals list, opening the escape menu would now throw unhandled exceptions.
** Thanks to Singularity125 for the report and save.
* "Small Chests" have small rare enchant containers in them, and so are certainly minimap-worthy.  They are now shown on the minimap.
** Thanks to Theodis for suggesting.
* Consciousness shards that you get from killing enemies no longer fall to the ground—they now hang in the air in the center of where you killed the enemy.
** This keeps you from having to chase the shards down holes and similar like before, but at the same time it also doesn't just have them fly to you.
** Part of the reason for avoiding them flying to you is that the shards are a bit of an extra reward and having to get in where the enemy died to get them makes it more interesting when there's a crowd of enemies.  Part of the reason is that these are a "whitelisted" type of object in MP, meaning that every player in the chunk can pick up a copy of them (so it's not possible for someone to steal your shards, but having the shards fly from player to player would be really odd and strange).
** Thanks to Nanostrike for suggesting something similar to this.
* Consciousness shard drops from enemies are also now completely non-colliding and so should definitely never be spawning way up in the upper left corner of the map where you can't get them.  Knock on wood. ;)
* The Upgrade Enchants now show up as supply items and have their descriptions properly filled out in both the supply section and the enchant categories section (previously you had to visit the store to actually see what their values were).
** Thanks to Yurka_Maku for reminding us to finish this out.
* Moderate Inner Light, Minor Inner Light, and all the various Upgrade Enchants no longer show up as having quality tiers in the enchant categories screens (since they do not have any quality tiers).
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Fixed a bug from the prior version where the just-entered-room invincibility was not working in multiplayer.
** We're not exactly sure how this code ever worked there or why it suddenly stopped, but the fix itself was really clear-cut so that's a good thing.  Apparently some other condition elsewhere in the code had been preventing this longstanding issue from occurring, but a recent change elsewhere removed the preventative condition.  Just as well: now the root issue itself is fixed.
** Thanks to LayZboy, MouldyK, and GauHelldragon  for reporting.
=== New "Boss Delve" Mission Type ===
* This is a pretty straightforward mission, so it's one that's available right from the start like the Boss Tower and the Freefall ones are.  However, the idea with this one is to provide some variety from boss towers, as well as a way to "kill two birds with one stone" and get both gems as well as the normal arcane ingredients / scrolls.
* New Mission: '''Boss Delve (Underground)'''
** A hidden stash has been discovered in a rich-gem-vein-filled cave in this region, but access is blocked by a strong monster.  Further, to reach that monster you have to go through other heavily infested caves.
* Basically it's kind of like a boss tower in reverse, except with tricky downward climbing through some new structures of caves for the first two rooms (with a microboss in each that you have to fight), then a boss fight in a big cave, then a wide and open mission end cavern with 9 gem veins instead of the usual 3, plus the mission exit.  Ka-ching!
** We may need to make these get progressively harder like some of the other missions do in order to keep them balanced, but for now these seem to be balanced well for their starting state.
* Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.
== Beta 1.030 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1030-and-then-there.html And Then There Were Nine] ==
(Released May 24, 2012)
* The Startup Enchant Containers now always give players unique enchants to work with—previously it was really prone to handing out duplicates of enchant types that you already had in your inventory.
** Only if there is absolutely nothing non-unique to give the player in terms of base enchant types will it give the player an enchant effect that could be considered duplicate.  This would be in cases like joining a multiplayer server on an advanced continent and getting your catchup enchants, then getting the startup enchants after that.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* Previously if a player was transformed into a bat and then went into a mission where they were not allowed to use transform bat scrolls, they would remain a bat but be unable to transform out of being a bat.  This would of course be particularly problematic with things like the freefall mission.
** Now it automatically untransforms you when you enter such a mission.
* Urban crude sentinels and urban sniper balloons are no longer valid for fix the anachronism missions, because they are simply too hard there (same reason bats aren't allowed).
** Thanks to TechSY730, GauHelldragon, and yllamana for reporting.
* Previously the number of consciousness shards that were dropped in windstorm areas were increased depending on how far into the windstorms you went.  This has been altered so that now there is no gain in shards at all.
** Thanks to several players for pointing out that this created a counter-incentive to actually put up wind shelters.  Wind is supposed to be a nasty mean thing that you don't like, and not something that is a farming opportunity.
* Fixed an issue from the last couple of versions where "Jump-Augmenting Legs Enchant" was still an option in the purchase menu.  Now it's "Jump-Augmenting Foot Enchant" instead.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Given that the number of enchants in the opal guardian stone's store have increased quite dramatically, the store has now been broken out into categories that make navigation much easier.
* Since the change that made missions never seed in windstorm areas, it's become far more possible for a mission to not have anywhere to seed due to the "cannot have another mission for X seconds after the last one went away" rule.  This could lead to a world having no missions after being left on overnight with noone playing, etc.  So now if world map mission seeding cannot find an eligible region, it tries again while suppressing the too-recently-had-a-mission check.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and TracerFox for the report.
* Previously the staging areas of the freefall missions could make it impossible to reach the door to the freefall node itself without ride-the-lightning or double-jump or something like that due to the lack of ability to place platforms.
** Now it uses a different interior generation routine for those specific staging areas to reduce the jumping requirements.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
* Lieutenant and Overlord boss rooms now get the same sort of "interior fast travel exit" device that stash rooms in complex buildings usually get.  It's a one-way-out, basically.  They're only visible once the boss is gone, though.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for the suggestion.
* The balance on the Elven Boots enchant has been substantially altered:
** They never include enemy range reduction anymore.
** They now include minor buffs to any of the six elements rather than just to a single element.
** They no longer provide any buffs to jump or falling velocity (optional or otherwise).
** They now always emit light rather than having that as one of their optionals.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing out that they had some jumping-related buffs on them, and prompting the rebalance.  These are definitely now the elveniest boots ever.
* New infestations of spike and blade traps will now include 50% fewer of these traps.  Existing infestations will be unaffected.
** Thanks to Misery, LintMan, techsy730, and Yurka_Maku for suggesting.
* New infestations of possessed ancient lion statues will now include 66% fewer of these entities.  Existing infestations will be unaffected.
** Thanks to Nanostrike for inspiring this change.
* Descriptions for tier 2 and 3 enchants changed in-game to reflect the fact that they can now be used with any higher level tier orb, not just tier 5.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* The description of Seek Resources no longer states that you can get Guardian Scrolls as a reward for these.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* The general variance in player health is now being shifted around substantially.
** Previously, the "base health" that all characters started with and built up from was 45.  Now it's 100.
** Previously, the minimum health a player could have was 16.  This was the baseline that Time Of Magic characters would wind up with.  Now the minimum health is 52.
** Previously, the "natural maximum" that a character could have on health (ignoring time period bonuses and later upgrades) was 205.  As a result of these changes, the natural maximum is now 260.
*** In other words, we didn't actually mess with the base spread of character healths—we just shifted both the floor and ceiling upwards.
*** However, based on the changes to the upgrade stones (see below) the "augmented max" of health is now substantially less varied while still allowing for an enormous range of character builds.
* Fixed a problem with one of the Vortex Battle rooms that made it cause errors.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting this one.
* It is no longer possible for infestations of any sort to seed in puzzle rooms.
** Thanks to Yiab and Zair for reporting how impossible this would make the puzzles in question.
* The number of posessed ancient lion statues that can seed in a chunk outside of a chunk infestation should now be limited to 1.  Previously, it was effectively limited to 8 by mistake.
** Thanks to Nanostrike for reporting.
* Fixed a bug from the prior version where certain types of melee monsters were unable to hit characters.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, TechSY730, SlayneLonewolf, SerinityFyre, and Lunarknight64 for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where lieutenants were always still tier 4 (and overlords still tier 5) even since the recent region-level changes to overlords and lieutenants.  This made lieutenants far harder than they were supposed to be!
** Thanks to PatchouliKnowledge and GauHelldragon for reporting.
=== Improvements To The Enchants System ===
* It is now possible to click an equipped enchant item without it jumping into your inventory.
* Filtering is now applied to all the enchants in your inventory whenever you click a given enchant or enchant slot.
** All of the enchants that match that slot, plus the slot itself, show up normally; all the other slots and enchants show up darkened.
** The actual slots themselves are no longer hidden while you are dragging things around; instead it's just this darkening effect, which is a lot more effective and less confusing.
** Click any empty inventory location to restore the enchants inventory to showing all the enchants at full brightness.
** The idea here is to make the management and comparison and assignment of enchants vastly simpler especially as the number of enchant slots has grown.
** Thanks to MouldyK, LintMan, yllamana, khadgar, and others for suggesting.
* Fixed a bug where the definitions for some of the leg enchants were off and you would be unable to gain any effects giving you red fire, yellow air, or white light outgoing damage boosts; those effects would simply be invisible due to a parsing error.
** Not only did we fix the actual error, but we also made it so that future parsing errors will alert us when they happen rather than silently failing.
** Also, this will retroactively fix any enchants that were previously cheating you out of their full effects.
* The former enchant-effect "Magic Power" is now called "Spell Strength" to be more clear compared to some of the new enchant-effects.
* The former enchant-effect "Mana" is now called "Mana Points" to be more clear compared to some of the new enchant-effects.
* The opal guardian store now shows the count of non-randomized enchants that you have in your inventory—for instance, if you already have a seeker enchant it will show you how many you have.
=== Improvements To The Character Select Screen (Including Re-Roll Option) ===
* There is now a button on the character select screen that lets you re-roll your randomized characters.  This is something that was really frequently requested; players were doing their own "custom re-rolling" by suiciding their characters and then choosing again, instead.
** Thanks to misery, khadgar, and others for suggesting this.
* A new filter has been added to the character select screen, which allows you to choose just a specific time period to get characters from.  This way if you know that you want an Industrial Age character, for instance, you can have it only show you industrial-age characters so that there is less scrolling around for you.
* Previously, the character select screen would generate large numbers of characters for you to choose from (which made sense when you couldn't re-roll).  At minimum it was generating 6 characters, but as you opened up more and more time periods that got increasingly long.
** Now it always generates exactly four characters: always two male and two female, unless you've filtered to a time period that only has characters of a specific gender.
** This keeps it much quicker to look at a selection of characters before deciding whether or not to re-roll.
* The general presentation of the character select screen is now completely different since there are always exactly four characters being shown.
** The spacing between the characters is better.
** The buttons for scrolling the list left and right are gone, since there is no longer a need for that.
** The confusing style of scrolling through the list in general is now gone; you can see everything much more easily and directly, and whatever character you click will be the character that you play as.
** In general the new presentation is a lot more direct and pleasant.
=== Better Character Upgrade Process: Out With Upgrade Stones, In With Three New Enchant Slots ===
* Upgrade Stones, in their various prior forms, have always been problematic.  Either they were too grindy and too much of a penalty on death, or they were something that was too easy and thus trivial to maintain.
** Their most recent incarnations meant that there tended to be a small bit of grinding near the start of the game for them, and then they were utterly trivialized after that point.
** There were also a number of drawbacks to having them permanently grafted onto your character: for one thing, if you made a mistake in your buildout you were just stuck.  And if you wanted to change your buildout in general, then you'd need to switch to another character via glyph transplant—confusing for new players.
** For the full rationale on why these changes needed to be made, see the forum topic [http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,10776.0.html Dealing with the divide: customization vs randomization].
* So, first off, upgrade stones have been removed from the game.
** Any stones that were in your inventory have been translated into consciousness shards at a 1:1 ratio.
** Any upgrades you'd applied to your character are simply gone for now.
** Any upgrade stones that were already dropped in the wild have been translated into consciousness shards at a 1:1 ratio.
** Any places in the wild where you would be finding upgrade stones in prior versions of the game now seed consciousness shards at a 4:1 ratio.
*** Excepting a few places in the intro mission, where instead specific Upgrade Enchants (see below) are now provided directly.
* Three new enchant slots have been added to the game: Health, Mana, and Attack.
* Nine new enchants have been added for each slot: Upgrade Health 1-9, Upgrade Mana 1-9, and Upgrade Attack 1-9.
** Each of these Upgrade Enchants works very similarly to how the upgrade stone effects previously would have worked.
*** In other words, equipping the "Upgrade Health 5" enchant into your Health slot is very much like previously having upgraded your Health five times via upgrade stones.
** Each Upgrade Enchant has a point value attached to it (what it says on the tin—Upgrade Health 5 has a point value of 5).
*** The combined point value of all your upgrade enchants in your Health, Mana, and Attack slots cannot exceed 10.
*** If health plus mana exceeds the point value together, then the mana slot will be disabled.  If the health plus mana plus attack exceeds the point value together, then the attack slot will be disabled.
* All of these new Upgrade Enchants cannot be equipped/unequipped except in "safe zones."
** A safe zone is considered one of the following: in a settlement, inside a warp gate, or in a destroyed room.
** The Upgrade Health enchants have a further requirement that you cannot change them out while you are damaged
*** Removing an enchant and dying from lowered health would not be fun
*** But even more than that, being able to upgrade your health in the field when you are running low on health is counter to the general goals of the health stat (it's a "how long can I stay out on an expedition" stat).
* As hinted at above, there are some differences between the upgrade paths of the older Upgrade Stone mechanics and the newer Upgrade Enchants.  Pretty much everything is the same between their paths except the following:
** It is no longer possible to put all 10 upgrade points into a single stat.  You can do 9, but not 10.
** Health:
*** Previously, health would start by doubling your base health, and then decaying by 20% with each further upgrade.
*** Now health starts by increasing your base health by only 150%, and then decay 10% per upgrade until the 5th upgrade, after which it decays by 20%.
*** The net effect is that the middle-point-value health volumes are reduced a little (5-point-upgrade is down from 436% to 305%), but the low point-value and high point-value upgrades each give you substantially less (that initial 150% instead of 200% on the first upgrade is a big difference at that level; also a 9-point upgrade is down from 533% to 382%.
*** Paired with other changes to player character health in this version, the overall goal is not quite so extreme a difference in character healths—the difference is still massive, but it's no longer possible to have a several thousand percent difference between characters.
** Max Mana:
*** Previously the percentage of improvements that you would get from mana per point was actually affected by your starting mana.  This was needlessly complex and has been removed.
*** Also previously, the amount of improvement that you would get from mana per point was pretty low and decayed at a 30% rate.
*** Now it's about twice as high of an improvement per point, and the decay is only 10%.  This makes the mana option a lot more attractive, although further balancing may be needed.
*** Mana Regen:
**** Previously and currently, the rate of mana regen is improved by having max mana upgraded.
**** Previously it was a 5% improvement per point, with a 10% decay.  Now it's an 8% improvement per point, with the same 10% decay.
*** All in all this makes starting with a high-mana character less important, which we felt was important for allowing players to play with a wider variety of characters.  The Mana Upgrade Enchants are now much better as a way to improve your max mana compared to what they were before, making a wider variety of character builds possible.
** Attack Strength:
*** Previously the percentage of improvements that you would get from attack strength per point was actually affected by your base attack strength.  This was needlessly complex and has been removed.
*** Also previously, the amount of improvement that you would get from strength upgrades per point was only 10% and decayed at a 10% rate.
*** Now the amount of improvement that you get from strength upgrades per point is 20%, still with the 10% decay rate.
*** The general goal here was to make attack strength more competitive with the other two stats—previously it was too little benefit compared to the health or mana upgrades.  This may need further tuning, but the overall feel seems more solid now compared to before.
== Beta 1.029 ==
(Released May 22, 2012)
* Put in a fix that should prevent errors that could sometimes occur in multiplayer in the prior two versions.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and TracerFox for reporting.
* Put in a variety of error-prevention code additions to prevent unhandled exceptions that could arise from edge cases with the new area enchantments and other related "ongoing conditions" added in the last main version.
** Thanks to Sanatorious, SerinityFyre, and TechSY730 for reporting.
* The orange squares on the minimap now disappear as you pick items up, rather than stick around till you leave.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon and GrimerX for reporting.
== Beta 1.028 ==
(Released May 22, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where unhandled exceptions would be thrown when you tried to view the enchants inventory.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon, lavacamorada, topper, and edrobot for reporting.
== Beta 1.027 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1027-lieutenants-in.html Lieutenants In Freefall] ==
(Released May 22, 2012)
* New infestations will now seed half as many of the dangerfalls as they previously did—thus saving your GPU/CPU from quite so much overload.
* Spike Traps and Blade Traps:
** Damage now scales by platforming difficulty:
*** "I Have No Desire To Be The Guy": 0.125 * the previous damage.
*** "I Am Afraid Of Heights": 0.25 * the previous damage.
*** "I Can Jump, Thank You":  0.375 * the previous damage.
*** "They Mistake Me For a Certain Plumber": 0.5 * the previous damage.
*** "I Am Not The Guy But I Am Close": 1.0 * the previous damage.
*** "I Am Already The Guy": 2.0 * the previous damage.
** Can now be passed through by players (it's gonna hurt, of course).
* Infestations now don't happen until continent 2.
* The "startup" (formerly "catchup") enchant containers seeded into the very first settlement on an Expert start are now seeded on Normal and Advanced starts too.
** Why?  To give you more interesting customization options right as soon as you reach that first settlement.
* World Map missions will no longer seed in windstorms.
** Why?  Because windstorms are now really brutal, and seeding the world map missions there is just mean at this point.  Also: if you really want to do missions in windstorms, the secret missions are now practically the same as world map missions.  So you still have the flexibility if you want it, but your key building on the world map won't accidentally seed in some stormy region anymore, etc.
* Fixed a bug where secret missions could give higher-than-continent-tier tier orbs.
** Thanks to jruderman for the report.
* Fixed a bunch of typos regarding the achievements.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* The icon for the "scan for resources" guardian power scroll has been improved.
* Previously, the player micro rexes were unable to jump onto top-solid platforms.  Whoops!  Fixed.
* The base stamina of the possessed ancient lion statues has dropped from 800 to 250, making them far quicker and less annoying to kill.
** The amount of health and shards they drop has also been reduced from 2x to 1.5x.
* A few of the existing elemental strengths/weaknesses of monsters have been tweaked around, and then an absolutely enormous number of additions have been made so that monsters that previously had only an elemental strength now also have an elemental weakness to a lesser degree.
** The idea is to further encourage use of different spell elements not just via the stick but also with the carrot.
** A lot of times the opposite spell elements are used (strong to red fire, then weak to blue water), but this isn't universally true depending on what feels thematically appropriate for the monster in question.
** Thanks to TechSY730 for suggesting.
* Previously, all of the dangerfalls were dealing red fire damage rather than their appropriate color's damage.  Fixed.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
* The "Kill 100 Explosive Espers" unlockable (which unlocks boomstick) has now been reduced to killing 10 explosive espers.
** It used to be that espers were all over the place so this was easy to hit, but lately as espers have become more rare this was suddenly very hard.
** Thanks to Nanostrike for suggesting.
* The "Kill 40 Lightning Espers" unlockable for the double jump unlock has been replaced by a new "Win 3 Freefall Missions" instead.
** Thanks to Nanostrike for inspiring this change.
* Instead of starting out with only one mission available on the world map when you first start the game, now 4 missions are available.  This lets there be some choice between mission types right from the start, as well as missions in different areas and with differing rewards.
* Some various changes to when specific spell components are required on specific spells based on when you can comfortably unlock a spell component:
** Charred amber is not required by ball lightning until tier 3 now, rather than tier 2.
** Sea essence is not required by launch ice block until tier 4.
** Sea essence is not required by tidal pulse until tier 4.
** Sea essence is not required by splash back until tier 4.
** Cherry is not required by miasma whip until tier 3.
** Cherry is not required by leafy whip until tier 3.
** Cherry is not required by circle of fire at all anymore, but an extra magma is now required at tier 1 for it.
** Cherry is not required by ice cross at all anymore, but an extra two welkin gel are now required at tier 2 for it.
** Cherry is not required by cleft smoglet at all anymore, but an extra two welkin gel are now required at tier 2 for it.
** Thanks to Chthon, lavacamorada, Remliel, and Magestic Inspired for suggesting a bit of a smoother flow for new players.
* The progression of required quartz and plums on the higher-tier shields are now a lot lower, making those easier to get.
** Thanks to LayZboy for suggesting.
* The dimensions of spike traps have been narrowed somewhat so that they now fit better along the ground and are less likely to stack up inappropriately.
* The base damage from spike traps has been halved for every difficulty, making them not nearly so lethal as they were.
* Put in some pretty massive CPU performance improvements for various collision and melee checks, particularly relating to things like traps or dangerfalls or so on.  On a latest-generation "sandy bridge" Intel i7, the difference in performance in a Freefall mission filled with about 600 enemies/spikes/mines and 800 entities overall was 100fps due to these changes.
=== Lieutenant Tower Renovations ===
* Rather than being a scaled-down version of the overlord keeps with multiple wings and switch-rooms and all that sort of thing, the lieutenant towers now are structured extremely differently:
** Each tower now has precisely two rooms: a very tall and narrow "climbing room" and then the same lieutenant boss room at the top that you've always fought them in.
* The climbing room in lieutenant towers is pretty open-ended and involves you climbing about 400 tiles upwards to a door at the top.  These rooms are filled with various special properties, however:
** There are n number of microbosses (where n is # continents + 1) in this room that you have to kill on your way up before you can get into the lieutenant's room.
** Once infestations are unlocked in the game, there is always a severe infestation inside these rooms.
** There is always an Area Enchantment on these rooms (see below for details on these).
** All monsters in the tower are upgraded automatically to the most-elite versions of themselves that have been unlocked (if there are unlockables gating them) regardless of what is broadly chosen by the overlord on the continent at the current time.
* The overall idea here is to make these towers go a lot faster while still providing a new and concentrated sort of challenge.
==== Area Enchantments, And A New Disjunction Guardian Power Scroll ====
* Currently these are used only in the climbing rooms in lieutenant towers, but they are basically a way to apply a chunk-wide rules-change outside of a mission.
** Most of these are recycled ideas from missions (which players actually asked us to do), and likely these will grow in number with time same as the missions do and the infestations do and all that.
** We're keeping these particularly limited to lieutenant towers specifically so that these towers have some mechanics that you don't see all over the place elsewhere in the game.  Since lieutenant towers are something you must do periodically, we figure that making them more unique and interesting is a very good thing.
* So what the heck do these area enchantments do?  Currently there are 4:
** Infinite Jumping (so basically like umbra vortex)
** Monsters More Powerful, Glyphbearer Very Stealthy (so basically like stealth assassination)
** Everyone Takes More Damage (kind of like risktaker except moreso, also a bit like JTP)
** All Shots Cause Recoil (a lot like boomstick)
* With the lieutenant towers, there is currently a 30% chance of a climbing room getting one of those area enchantments.
* A new guardian power scroll has been added for Technozoologists: Disjunction.
** The Ilari will break any Area Enchantment on the chunk you are currently in (you can see it labeled "Area Enchantment: (something)" in the chat log).  If no such effect is present in the chunk you are in, you cannot use this power.
** The idea is that if an Area Enchantment is making a lieutenant's climbing room just impossible for you, then you can use a disjunction scroll to have your NPCs help you solve that problem!
* The Area Enchantments also provide yet another tie from the NPCs in your settlement to helping you with your
=== New "Freefall" Mission Type ===
* This new mission type is now available right from the start of the game.  It has two variants, both of which are the same general idea, but which play out pretty substantially differently from one another.
* Note that the balance on this mission is really preliminary; it's a lot harder in the current version than we ultimately plan for it to start out as, so just bear that in mind when you're testing it right now.
* '''Freefall (Building)'''
** A hidden stash has been discovered in a building in this region, but access is blocked by a strange devce at the bottom of an improbably deep pit.  The good news is that there's no falling damage and you fall at a reduced rate.  The bad news is that the chasm is filled with spiky platforms, floating mines, and flying monsters.
* '''Freefall (Underground)'''
** A hidden stash has been discovered in a cave in this region, but access is blocked by a strange devce at the bottom of an improbably deep pit.  The good news is that there's no falling damage and you fall at a reduced rate.  The bad news is that the chasm is filled with falling rubble, floating mines, and flying monsters.
* You can't use bat scrolls or any deployed items (including wood platforms, crates, etc) during freefall missions.
* Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting!
== Beta 1.026 ==
(Released May 19, 2012)
* Fixed an issue in the prior two versions where the magma blobs in trap rooms were causing extreme CPU/GPU slowdown.
** Thanks to TrentonZero for reporting.
* "Immune To Windstorms" was understandably confusing terminology.  The enchants in question now say "Cannot Be Blown By Windstorms," which is a more accurate description.  There are no enchants that prevent windstorm damage.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
* The "choose new character" stats now shows the time period that each type of character is from, and it also only shows abilities that they actually have—being heat tolerant or cold tolerant, etc.
* Neutral skelebots are now inherently immune to falling damage, unlike any other kinds of characters (other character types will be getting special abilities of their own).
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting the skelebot immunity.
* The bronze age characters are now considered "fast runners" and can move twice as fast as other characters.
* The neutral draconite characters can now see in the dark without need of lights—at least, their darkvision cuts through 70% of the darkness.  So you'll still notice a bit of help from light sources, but nothing terribly substantial with these characters.
== Beta 1.025 ==
(Released May 19, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where the player could not jump off top-solid platforms in the background in the prior version.
** Thanks to Kazmahu, Cinth, Psyren, and AdJOffCourse for reporting.
== Beta 1.024 ==
(Released May 19, 2012)
* Put in a few general performance improvements with regard to collisions in particular.
* Fixed an issue with waterfall-heavy rooms where the CPU would get pegged and sit at 1fps.
** Thanks to FrostDragon, NyQuil, and Coppermantis for reporting.
== Beta 1.023 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1023-at-foot-of-urban.html At The Foot Of Urban Renewal] ==
(Released May 18, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where light snake was no longer revealing the minimap properly unless you were on a different client in multiplayer.
** Thanks to Corvo for reporting.
* Fixed bug with the "deploy_item_in_settlement"-permission-related admin commands where they weren't working in multiplayer.  Which is kind of where they need to work.
** Thanks to Lokas for the report.
* On the Enchant Categories screen in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, the current quality tier for each enchant is now shown.  As the "Next Quality" goes up, the enchants that any player on the server gets from that category will be better; given a lot of folks didn't know this, that makes this information actually available in the game.
** Thanks to Andrew Whipple III for inspiring this change.
* Shields have been a bit abusable, as some players found:
** Therefore shields now have a maximum duration of 12 seconds (most players would run out of mana far before that point anyhow; it was just with mana-reducing enchants that the shields would not last this long).
** And also shields now take damage just as you do when you are in a windstorm or ambient cold/heat or acid/lava, etc.
* 8 new hallways added into the game.
** Thanks to Sexyvortigaunt for these rooms.
* Fixed an issue with blade traps sometimes jumping around unpredictably instead of moving smoothly.
** Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
* Previously, all forms of infestations were not reacting to the size of their containing rooms/caverns/etc at all.
** This meant that even heavy infestations would be trivial in huge rooms/caverns, but that even light ones could be incredibly over-deadly in very small rooms.  Talk about frustrating if you ran into it!  Sorry about that.
** Thanks to Buccee and Ipkins for reporting.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where eagles were getting stuck unable to move.
** Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and Ipkins for reporting.
* Fixed an issue from the prior couple of versions where switching texture packs would not actually swap out all the images anymore.
** Thanks to Nethellus for reporting.
* Monsters that grow and shrink (like the sea worms) now do less damage and take more damage when they are smaller.  The percentage less and more is dependent on their scale at the time.
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
=== Leg Enchant Overhaul, New Feet Enchant Slot, New "Elven Boots" Enchant Base Type ===
* Leg Enchants have been split into two slots: Legs and Feet
** Legs still have:
*** Power Legs (first effect is +Movement Speed)
*** Featherweight (first effect is Immunity to falling damage)
*** Stone Legs (first effect is Immunity to being blown back by windstorms)
*** Powerslide
** Feet have:
*** Niche Air (first effect is +Jump Power)
*** Double Jump
*** Triple Jump
* Leg enchants no longer grant +Jump or -FallingSpeed effects, and existing effects of those types have been removed from existing enchants.
** Yea, that's messing with your gear; sorry, but it was necessary to avoid tons of problems with "legacy gear" causing old worlds to have a (possibly very) different balance than newer worlds.  And you're still gaining more than you're losing due to the ability to equip both a leg enchant and a feet enchant.
* To add some variety back:
** Power Legs enchants now can have moderate +YellowDamage as an optional effect.
** Featherweight enchants now can have moderate +WhiteDamage as an optional effect.
** Powerslide enchants now can have moderate +RedDamage as an optional effect.
** (note: Stone Legs enchants could already have moderate +GreenDamage as an optional effect.)
* Feet enchants no longer grant -IncomingDamage effects, and Double Jump and Triple jump no longer grant +Move effects (Niche Air still grants that), and existing effects fo those types hve been removed from existing enchants.
** Double Jump and Triple Jump can now grant moderate +ShotSpeed effects.
* Added a new enchant base type: "Elven Boots"
** Go in the Feet slot.
** 3 innate effects: +Move, -FallingSpeed, +Jump; all very modest in magnitude but the 3 together are fairly good.
** Optional effects include... well now, that would be telling ;)  No new effect types, but a fairly wide variety of the existing effects, including one some of you min-max'ers will probably appreciate.
* To make a long story short: Feet enchants are now the "all about mobility" enchants and Legs enchants are now... well, sort of a middle ground between Torso and Feet.  Odd how that works out.
* Thanks to a variety of players for weighing in on these changes, including Bluddy, TechSY730, Nanostrike, BenMiff, MouldyK, lavacamorada, IIE16 Yoshi, Martyn van Buren, LintMan, Jerebaldo1, Vinraith, omegajasam, zebramatt, and Tallgeese.
=== Two New Enemies For Abandoned Towns ===
* New enemy for abandoned towns: Urban Sniper Balloon
** These fly around kind of like espers but faster, and they actually chase you.  They also have about twice as much health as an esper.
** Their shots are kind of like those from the explosive esper except that they move about twice as fast (really feeling like a sniper here), do knockback on you, and do about half as much actual damage.  Oh, and their shots have no telegraphing period to warn you of the incoming attack (0.3 seconds on explosive espers by contrast), but these also only fire every 3 seconds instead of every 1 second.
** These also have no form of melee against you whatsoever, like all of the other urban mechanical monsters.  So you can literally leap onto these as a form of platform to climb to higher areas if you find yourself inclined to do so and can time it right with their shots against you.
** These are earth-elemental themed in both their resistance element and in the shots they fire against you.
** Oh, and watch out for the small explosion when they die.  It's not enormously damaging, but you don't want to be riding on them when it happens.
* New enemy for abandoned towns: Crude Urban Sentinel
** These fly around kind of like espers but faster, and they actually chase you.  They also have about twice as much health as an esper.  All same as the sniper balloons, basically.
** Their shots work very differently, however—they are basically like the cleft smoglet of the player, firing straight to both sides an unable to target you directly.
** These also have no form of melee against you whatsoever, like all of the other urban mechanical monsters.  So you can literally leap onto these as a form of platform to climb to higher areas if you find yourself inclined to do so—and since they only can fire to the side, if you can get right under them or above them you can attack them with literal impunity.  Hooray
*** That's assuming that one of the other kinds of enemies doesn't knock you off, and that you're able to get into good position.
** These are light-elemental themed in both their resistance element and in the shots they fire against you.
** Definitely watch out for the small explosion when they die.  If you're standing right under or above them and killing them with ease, that explosion is going to get you as payback.
* Together, these two new enemy types really change up the feel of the abandoned town areas.  Their mechanics combine in some pretty interesting ways to make them more challenging together than either one is alone.
* And now that we've got a good selection of enemies for the abandoned towns, the espers have finally been removed from this region type—hooray again!  One less region type with espers in them.
== Beta 1.022 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1022-streamlined.html Dangerfalls And Other Hazards] ==
(Released May 17, 2012)
* Fixed an issue in previous versions where some of the logs, like most notably ArcenDebugLog.txt, could have unrestricted file growth.  That was bound to be problematic in a variety of ways.
* Fixed an issue with some recent versions where some log data were mistakenly being written to the Unity Debug Log again, causing unity to then leak that memory if you played over a really long session.
* Made it so that a lot of the logging that does occur is now more brief; some information-only messages simply don't need to include stack traces but were doing so, causing the files to grow faster than they needed to.
* Fixed a rare bug where the overlord keep was not seeding.
** Thanks to Garde for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where those sources of enchants that did not increment world "enchant quality progress" were also not being counted for purposes of achievements.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
* Made the seeding of vases in hallways more frequent. Clay should be pretty easy to get.
** Thanks to IIE16 Yoshi, timtim, and Brandon402 for letting us know it wasn't as easy as it should be.
=== Substantial Minimap Scouting Improvements ===
* Greatly altered how the scouting of a chunk's minimap works.  Rather than it revealing stuff based on where you are standing, it's now based on what is on your screen at the time.  This makes exploration of caves a lot faster and less tedious, and in general gives a better correlation between the minimap and what is on your screen at the time.
** Thanks to wigglestick for suggesting this way back at the start of beta, and Procyon, shinseitom, stblr, oobleckthegreen, BobTheJanitor, Archonsod, Nenad, huw, Enrymion, Shadowsand, lujan22, rjblackwolf, paramime, ShadowSirius07, Rices, jinksy, lisa107b, kof91, and Xeph for supporting it.
=== Further Journey To Perfection Extensions ===
* The basic version of the Journey To Perfection missions are now a bit too easy—which is great!  They are meant to be something that can start easy and then get harder as you go.  So, with that in mind:
** After you win 3 JTP missions: Invincible Monster Spawners
*** Until this mechanic unlocks, there are no monster spawners at all, but after you unlock this game mechanic there are instead invincible monster spawners that keep you on your toes.
** After you win 10 JTP missions: 1.5x Monsters From Spawners
*** Monster spawners in these missions now have 1.5x as much "budget," so they spawn more and/or larger enemies.
** After you win 20 JTP missions: 2x Monsters From Spawners
*** Monster spawners in these missions now have 2x as much "budget," so they spawn more and/or larger enemies.
** This keeps the missions combat-focused in a really intense fashion, while at the same time letting there be a ramp-up period so that players can get used to the idea of the missions in general before getting faced with their full brutality.
** Thanks to Bluddy for helping to inspire these changes.
=== More Infestation Types: Blade Traps, Spike Traps, and Dangerfalls ===
* A new kind of infestation type has been added for both undergrounds and interiors in any region: blade traps.  These traps simply move horizontally or vertically, and the chunk might have a larger or smaller number of these.  Be ready to be nimble when dealing with these—and it actually makes lesser teleport even more valuable since if you run into a trap in a really narrow space this might prove one of the only ways to get past unscathed.
** There are actually six variants of these in all: three speeds each of both horizontal and vertical movement.
* Another new kind of infestation has been added for undergrounds and interiors in any region: spike traps.  These traps come in three variants.  One that just sits there and hurts you if you bump them.  Another that bounces a little when you try to jump over them, and another that bounces a lot when you try to jump over them.
* There is also a mixed traps new infestation type that mixes both the blade and spike trap types.
* There are now four different variants of "Dangerfalls" that can spawn as infestations in various regions.  Each of these is a themed fluvial mass coming out of a hole in a cave wall.
** Waterfalls—these slow you down as you move through them, but not enemy spells or enemies.  They also damage you lightly as you are caught in them.  You'll find these most places except The Deep, or really hot or cold areas.
** Lavafalls—these slow you down the same as waterfalls, but do a lot more damage.  You'll run into these really deep underground, or in lava flats.
** Miasmafalls—these slow you down an incredibly high amount, and do a huge amount more damage.  You'll run into these in swamps and The Deep.
** Icefalls—these slow you down an incredibly high amount, but do damage roughly halfway between a regular waterfall and the lavafall.  You run into these in really cold areas.
** The timing of the dangerfalls (how long of a gap there is between one burst of deadly-stuff and the next) is based around the platforming difficulty.  The higher you crank the difficulty, the smaller the gaps and thus the more precise your jumps have to be.
** In general, there are three variants of each kind of dangerfall: a short, medium, and long duration version.  You'll find a mix of these in each infestation.
== Beta 1.021 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1021-combat-journeys.html Combat Journeys] ==
(Released May 16, 2012)
* Fixed a bug from the last three versions where ice burst, fire touch, and death touch were iffy with their collision boxes in the last few versions.  As were any of the other "quick poof" type spells.  They didn't work well with the quickly-scaling-up logic that is so useful for other kinds of spells.
** Thanks to 7foot_sativa, Zem, and techsy730 for reporting.
* Fixed a bug from the prior version where the Difficulty Shrine would not actually save your changes to the Strategic Difficulty Level unless you also changed one of the two other difficulty levels at the same time.
** Thanks to NyQuil and Brandon402 for reporting.
* It is now possible to buy the four most-vital settlement structures through the opal guardian's store: Aquaurgist's Well, Lumbermancy Focal Station, Residential And Storage Tower, and Stonebinder Tri-Tower.
** These are all really super expensive at 20,000 consciousness shards; the ideal way to find these is definitely still through missions.  But if these now do provide an outlet for times when the random number generator simply hates you and you would otherwise get completely stuck in your progression.
** Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
* The balance of the leg enchants is now intertwined with your max mana, making a wider array of choices more attractive rather than triple jump and double jump just being the always obvious go-to enchants for everyone to use.
** All of the non-jumping legs-related enchants now add to your max mana pool.
** The amount of mana increase is based on the base type of the enchant (what the icon of it is), and does not vary at all with the extra stats that the enchant might have based on its other attributes.
** The specific amounts of mana changes for each base enchant type (again, solely based on the icon) are:
*** Power Legs Enchant: +20 mana
*** Featherweight Enchant: +20 mana
*** Stone Legs Enchant: +30 mana
*** Powerslide Enchant: +30 mana
** Thanks to Bluddy, nanostrike, and lunarknight64 for inspiring these changes.
* Guardian Power Scrolls that create a continent-wide buff now last for 10 minutes instead of 5.
** Thanks to Misery for this one.
* Two boss rooms added.
** Thanks to Sexyvortigaunt for these rooms.
* Two new music tracks have been added to the game.
** The first is "an ambient, kind of terrifying theme" as Pablo describes it.  This track is now what is used throughout the Ocean regions, as those are dark and dangerous.  The ocean shallows continue to use the more upbeat tracks that they were previously using.
** Again in Pablo's words, we also have the Warp Stage Theme "for when you jump into the warp area. It's only 1ish minute long (since you're not in that stage very long before you leave to warp), however... if you sit and listen to the whole theme, there's a nice little surprise in the second half."
* Made it so that diluter enchants once again work regardless of what your current tier is.  Since you're no longer getting tier orbs at the same time as you get CP (since CP no longer exists), you can't shoot yourself with the foot with this anymore.  It's just a minor annoyance at worst.  However, given the recent changes, if you were to kill two lieutenants at once before getting enough intermediate tier orbs you really could shoot yourself in the foot with diluters only working at tier 5 -- yikes!  So we changed this back.
** Thanks to largesock for reporting.
* Lots of additions have been made to the terrain/interior/cavern generation logic in order to allow us to do a number of new things.
=== Frequency Of Puzzle Rooms And Plums ===
* Player reports were that puzzle rooms (with mystery clues in them) were frustratingly few and far between—or always behind a bunch of maze rooms.  Well, this should help:
** There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in pyramids instead of an 80% chance.
** There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in lava towers instead of a 10%, 20%, or 40% chance.
** There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in windmills instead of a 10% chance.
** There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in dark gatehouses instead of a 10% chance.
** There is now a 30% chance of finding puzzle rooms in houses in The Deep instead of a 0% chance.
** Thanks to a variety of players for commenting on this.
* Plum trees are now more common in the regions that house them.
** Thanks to Brandon402 for pointing this one out.
=== Journey To Perfection Alterations ===
* Transmogrifying Into A Bat is now disallowed inside all three of the journey to perfection mission types, and the anti-air towers have now been removed from them.
* The interior, underground, and exterior journey to perfection terrains have been massively redone.  They all now emphasize more linear horizontal movement and combat without a substantial platforming element.
** The combination of the platforming elements in with the combat elements in such a perfectionist type of mission was really messing with people previously.  These missions are now a heck of a lot more fun and also don't require cheap tricks to win.
** There are probably still more changes that we'll make in the short term to make these even better, but we want to get feedback on this evolution of them before we go too crazy with changes to them.
* Thanks to a great many players for commenting on these mission types and how they could be improved.
* The frequency of enchant containers in interior JTP missions was also toned down to a reasonable level.
** Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
== Beta 1.020 ==
(Released May 15, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where the death of any entity (including shots fired) were monsters to spawn as if a non-anachronistic monster had been killed.
** Thanks to PDerp for reporting.
== Beta 1.019 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1019-streamlined.html Streamlined Continental Progression] ==
(Released May 15, 2012)
* Added in a new Graphics Compression option in the Graphics tab of the settings menu.
** This allows players to choose from several compression schemes that will reduce RAM use over long play sessions.  The new default, Normal, is slightly more compressed than the old default of Low (which is basically no compression at all).  You can crank it up to Semi or Heavy if you want to really have very low RAM use from the game, but that comes at a cost of reducing visual quality and increasing load times of the affected assets.
** Unless you're having a marathon play session in one sitting this is unlikely to even come up, but for a couple of players in that situation (or who don't meet the minimum system requirements for RAM but still want to play the game anyway), this provides new options.
** Thanks to LintMan, FAButzke, and Platypus for inspiring this addition.
* Put in a number of internal graphics pipeline changes so that the unity materials are now pooled rather than created as-needed for specific graphics.
** This doesn't seem to harm performance any, but we haven't tested this on a wide array of machines.  And in fact this should actually improve loading speed slightly on most machines, as well as provide a slightly lower memory footprint; particularly over long play sessions where we suspect the engine may have been leaking small amounts of RAM when materials are disposed and recreated many times.
** Thanks to LintMan, FAButzke, and Platypus for inspiring this search.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where if the game tried to draw some text before the font's image was loaded, the game would instad just draw a lot of blankness even after the font's text was loaded.  This rarely happened, but was confusing and annoying when it did.
* Consciousness shards drops from enemies now have a smaller collision box so that they are less likely to get stuck in invalid positions or similar.
** Thanks to quinton, ZCaliber, Quaix and Kazhmahu for telling us about this.
* Also fixed an issue where items dropped on death (including the rare consciousness shards and otherwise) often would not work right in a variety of circumstances (monsters near walls, monsters indoors sometimes, etc, etc).  If you see any more strangenesses with monster drops on death please do let us know.
** Thanks to quinton, ZCaliber, Quaix and Kazhmahu for telling us about this.
* Fixed a bug where the stats of characters would be incorrectly set after loading from a savegame if they were wearing a suit or transmogrified into some other entity type.
** Thanks to Nethellus and Zem for reporting.
* Fixed a display bug where characters who were transmogrified or wearing suits would not show up as having a time period in the escape menu.
** Thanks to lavacamorada and Zem for reporting.
* "Distance Into Windstorm" is now shown in the escape menu's stats about the area you are in—this is useful information for knowing what kinds of rewards and such you can expect from the enemies you kill, same as it is with tier-inflated enemies.
* Fixed a bug where the distance you were into a windstorm was not being properly calculated if you had never visited the world map in your current play session (or if buoys had been placed since your last visit to the world map).
** Thanks to Nethellus for reporting.
* "Small Chests" that you find in random buildings no longer drop consciousness shards (the amount they were dropping was seriously lame in recent version anyhow).
** Now there is a new "Small Rare Enchant Container" that these drop, which grants a weaker rare enchant compared to the full Rare Enchant Containers dropped by lieutenants and overlords.  These tend to be more in the Uncommon enchant color range rather than the Rare or higher enchant range (but there is a chance of higher).
** Thanks to SerinityFyre for suggesting we do something revise these.
* Previously it was possible to get stuck where a deep sea port was permanently in storms because it was next to land that was not stormy but it still wasn't in range of a wind shelter.
** This has been fixed by making it so that deep sea ports are now always considered to be non-stormy if they are next to any non-turbulent water or non-windy land.
* Previously if you opened a number of different sections of the planning menu while out in the deep sea, exceptions would get thrown.  Fixed.
** Thanks to khadgar and ironunseenone for reporting.
* Previously, the whips used by possessed lion statues could strike various background objects that they should not have, as well as having trouble in water and in certain caves.  Fixed.
** Thanks to quintron for reporting this.
* The effects of storm dash, ride the lightning/rocket, and the four kinds of shields are now automatically removed from your character whenever you switch chunks.  This prevents a variety of issues with states being out of sync of actual stats versus visuals, of players carrying these effects over to new continents or into JTP missions, or otherwise.
** Thanks to MaxwellDemonic, tbouge, and timesend for reporting this.
* Previously, icicle leapers worked pretty poorly in umbra vortex missions based on how their AI combined with the altered physics of those missions.  Now icicle leapers simply won't appear in those missions at all.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
* Non-regularly-seeded monsters like the possessed statues, the wall slimes, crashed landspeeders, etc, are all now considered native to any time period they are in for purposes of anachronism missions.  So you can't kill them without more regular monsters popping out (which might actually be a good tradeoff, depending), but at the same time you're not going to be forced to be out looking for some statue that is supposedly anachronistic.
** Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
=== Strategic Difficulty Settings, Removal Of Civilization Progress (CP), Revised Lieutenants, Buffed Secret Missions ===
* The long-missing Strategic Difficulty option has been reintroduced to the game, now that we are moving back in the direction of having variable-difficulty long-form thinking challenges.  Currently this affects:
** Number of tier orbs (spells you can craft) available at each tier.  The limits per difficulty are:
*** Forgiving: 50 tier orb limit per tier
*** Restless: 35 tier orb limit per tier
*** Wily (default): 25 tier orb limit per tier
*** Vicious: 15 tier orb limit per tier
*** Absurd: 8 tier orb limit per tier
** When more tier orbs would be added than the settlement stockpile can hold, it instead shows a chat message telling you how many were not added because of the limit.
** As with the other difficulty levels, players can change the strategic difficulty level around at any time.  If they wind up with more tier orbs in their stockpile than they are supposed to have for the current difficulty, it simply won't let them have any more; it won't remove any that they already have accumulated.
** Thanks to Bluddy and others for inspiring this change
* Non-destroyed overlord and lieutenant locations are now marked on the world map with red text in the same way that the missions are marked with yellow text.
** The tier of the region that the overlord or lieutenant is in is now shown as part of this as well, adding to the clarity of when you can go attack them.
* Lieutenants are no longer all tier 4.  Instead, their region is Continent Tier + 1.  This makes it so that you can go and attack any of the lieutenants as soon as you are ready, rather than being forced to target a specific one or waiting all the way until you are tier 4 or 5.
* The entire concept of Civilization Progress (CP) has been removed.  Instead, the continent tier is based on how many lieutenants are currently alive.  The more lieutenants you kill, the higher the continent tier goes.  This puts you in the driver's seat and does not require you to avoid world map missions in favor of secret missions just because of the CP-factor (as used to happen).
* The lieutenants no longer physically move to help the overlord in the overlord's throne room.  That was filled with various problems, and among them it was something that some clever players were exploiting.
** Instead, the aid that the overlord receives from the lieutenants is now indirect: each living lieutenant causes the overlord's tier—which is normally 5 -- to get inflated by 2.
** So as you kill lieutenants, you're literally seeing the overlord weaken on the world map and become more attempt-able, even while the general monsters throughout the land are getting stronger due to the continent tier increasing.
* There are now always exactly four lieutenants per continent, rather than it generally being 3 but occasionally varying to 2 or 4.  Given the way that the continent tier now increases based on killing the lieutenants, this is pretty important.
** Old worlds will be upgraded so that this is true, and new continents will also gain this.  For most old worlds this means you'll have a new lieutenant on every continent, and your continent tier may be much lower than it was previously—a bonus for you, since your spells will still be powerful.
* Old worlds that happen to have more than 4 living lieutenants now will have all of them get killed except for 4; making it so that some of the ancient giant continents won't suddenly become a giant pain to finish.
* The internal "overlord escalation points" that were mentioned a few releases back and which are what control when the elites start showing up are now based solely on shifts in tier (and when the overlord is killed) rather than being based on increases in CP (since that no longer exists).
** This means that rather than elites showing up gradually as you complete missions, you'll have them in larger bursts after you kill lieutenants.  And then you'll have another burst after you kill the overlord as well, which previously didn't happen at all.
* The differences between secret missions and world map missions are shrinking away to almost nothing:
** Previously, world map missions granted CP but secret missions did not.  Now that CP doesn't exist, of course neither do.
** Previously, world map missions granted tier orbs but secret missions did not.  Now they both do.
** Previously, secret missions granted less than half of the arcane ingredients and half the guardian power scrolls that world map missions did.  Now they all grant the higher amount, helping to avoid a sense of grinding when players are using secret missions.
** There are still some sorts of missions that are secret-mission-only (rescue missions, mainly, at the moment) or guardian-power-only (wind shelter missions, etc).  Those still grant no resources or tier orbs or anything beyond the special reward of those missions (a rescued NPC or an erected wind shelter, etc).
** There are still some missions (like lava escape) that only show up as secret missions unless you play several of them (after which it assumes you like them well enough to see them in the general circulation).
** The purpose of the secret missions always was and still is to give players flexibility in their choices of what missions to do, as well as a way of shoring up missing resources when the random number generator was being unkind on the world map.  Despite world map missions and secret missions becoming a bit more similar, this vital role of the secret missions is still very much served and needed.
** And before anyone asks, the reason for the world map missions are twofold: first, it provides a focal point for new players that random exploration does not.  But secondly, even for extremely experienced players it provides a quick way to evaluate several missions and make a choice quickly and easily, rather than having to explore at length for secret missions; so these still have very much a needed role as well, and also aren't going anywhere.
* There is no longer a special popup for secret missions, since they are so similar to world map missions now that there's not a compelling reason to bother the player with yet another popup anymore.
* A great many tooltips and popups have been updated to reflect the new mechanics for lieutenants and continent tiers.
* Thanks to all of our players and forum members for helping to steer us in this direction of removing CP, but in particular to Bluddy and Terraziel for really codifying some of the issues and some potential solutions.
=== Several Typo Fixes ===
* Removed a "1" from the list of possible NPC names.
** Thanks to Izumi5 for pointing this out.
* Changed tutorial message to reflect that some monsters can occasionally have more than one resistance.
** Thanks to Kazmahu for this one.
* Fixed a typo in the description of the junkyards.
** Thanks to zem for pointing this out.
* Fixed a small typo in the descriptions of shields.
** Thanks to jruderman for this one.
* Fixed a couple typos in achievements.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing it out.
== Beta 1.018 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1018-turn-yourself.html Turn Yourself Into A Tiny Dinosaur] ==
(Released May 11, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where the rename commands were looking for the wrong strings in the localization file for some of the "why this did not work" messages that they use.
** Thanks to Zem for the report.
* Sea Worms are now able to scale up and down as part of their behavior patterns, making them more interesting and more able to get through small cracks.
** Thanks to many players for pointing out that sea worms were particularly prone to getting lamely stuck.
* Put in a change so that spells and explosions now start out tiny and then scale up very quickly.  This makes it so that even when an enemy or character is right up against a wall (or an exploding missile is the same), the shots/shrapnel/etc that gets emitted from this comes out anyhow.
** The one worry with this is a performance drain on the CPU.  We saw this quite a bit in internal testing when we first were doing this today, but then put in a number of optimizations and now it seems quite fine.  But if you're able to get a performance drop in some scenario in this version that you wouldn't have gotten in a past version, we definitely want a copy of your world folder with you in the affected chunk so that we can profile that down.
* "Kill Enemy" and "Kill Enemy Of Tier" unlockables are no longer affected by killing non-boss entities in missions.
** The reason for this change is that either this was exploitable for positive rewards (aka Journey To Perfection Missions) or it was too punishing for negative enemy unlocks (aka Battlefields, etc).  It made more sense for regular monsters to just have their unlockables triggered via free exploration only.
** Killing bosses still works the same, however, since most bosses you fight are actually in missions.
** Thanks to Izumi5, khadgar, and Bluddy for suggesting.
* "Reach Cave System Of X Depth," "Find Stash In Building X," and "Destroy All Monsters In Surface Chunk Of X" unlockable types no longer get unlocked in missions as that was too exploitable as well.
** Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
* If your town already has one NPC of each profession, then rescue missions no longer seed as secret missions at all; instead making it so that you can get more focus on resources.
** Thanks to Izumi5 for inspiring this change.
* The strength of the miniaturize spell normally makes your character 25% of their full size.  However, depending on the form of your character that can be pretty... crazy.
** Player bats and male neutral skelebots (the pink ones) are now capped at 80% of their normal size instead.
* A new continent-wide guardian power buff can now be unlocked by killing 20 T-Rexes.  There are still 19 others that we need later-continent monsters for, but we'll get to those as we go!
* Instead of using the (over-used by this point) dragon-breath homing attack, the Elder T-Rex now has a new ability in place of that: spawn micro-rexes.  These things are super fast, can jump really high, come in a great swarm, and ultimately die to just a shot or two.
** However, they also block piercing shots so they can't just be all slammed in one big batch.  If you can get to higher ground or behind some sort of cover, they'll die after 20 seconds.  You can also fool them into jumping early if you're careful with what you do, same as with the utahraptors (just on a much more ridiculous scale here).
* Instead of using the (over-used by this point) dragon-breath homing attack, the Elder T-Rex now has a new ability in place of that: spawn micro-rexes.  These things are super fast, can jump really high, come in a great swarm, and ultimately die to just a shot or two.
** However, they also block piercing shots so they can't just be all slammed in one big batch.  If you can get to higher ground or behind some sort of cover, they'll die after 20 seconds.  You can also fool them into jumping early if you're careful with what you do, same as with the utahraptors (just on a much more ridiculous scale here).
* Espers no longer seed in the pre-industrial forests.
* Elder T-Rexes are now only unlocked once you've killed one regular t-rex.
* The way that minibosses are divided up is now into just two groups rather than trying to segment them by region type (as that just made them seem to repetitious in boss towers and such in particular): magical and robotic.
** There are also underground-based minibosses which get added anywhere, too.
** The robotic minibosses start in the industrial revolution time period and move forward.
** The magical minibosses start in the industrial revolution time period and move backward.
** A few outlier region types like the oceans and ocean shallows still do their own thing; right now those are the only two, however.
* The Elder Black Bulls and the larger Deepwoods Gargans must be unlocked via killing 5 of their smaller counterparts.  This isn't meant as serious gating, but is mainly there so that you get some familiarity with the smaller entity's mechanics before running into their larger cousins.
* Previously, if you were set on fire by multiple sources, the damage would stack (as would the particle effects).  This made fire-damage-over-time really overpowered.
** Now the fire damage from the last source just overwrites the fire damage from any prior sources.  So if you had 4 seconds of being-on-fire remaining prior to being hit with fire again (out of a total of 5 seconds), then it just resets you to 5 seconds and keeps you burning.
* Player bat scrolls now only cost 300 mana instead of 400, making them available to more characters.
* The amount of mana gained from each upgrade stone improvement is now about 1.3x more than it was in prior versions, helping to ease too-low mana woes that have bothered a number of players.  Let us know what you think on the new balance—remember, mana is mainly about gating off powerful spells that will start at around 400 mana, so we don't want all characters to be able to reach that too easily.
=== New Spell Scroll ===
* Added a new kind of spell scroll: Transmogrify Into Micro-Rex Scroll
** Single-use magic scroll that transmogrifies you into a micro-rex.  As a miniature T-Rex you can do everything as normal as well as run really fast and jump really high—you can even block piercing shots from enemies.  However, as a rex your magic is only 80% as powerful, you're unable to use most jumping-related enchants, and the crazy-high jumping can be pretty hard to master (tip: pair it with Ride The Lightning to ease falls).  Must have another scroll available to transform back—or you'll be stuck as a rex!
** Only found in stashes in buildings in the lava flats.
=== New Enemy And New Miniboss ===
* New Enemy: Tiny Deepwoods Gargan
** Zippy little ground-based things that can melee you but really don't hit very hard.
** They have a fairly fast-moving ranged fire shot that also hits for very small damage but does additional damage over time.
* New Miniboss: Deepwoods Gargan
** Totally non-zippy ground based thing that can melee you like a pickup truck (compared to the Elder Black Bull's freight train).
** Their ranged attack is a long-cooldown large slow-moving earth-elemental shot that is a good signal to either get a lot of distance between you and it or get behind cover (or _make_ cover, somehow), because after about 3 seconds of flying it bursts into a couple of other projectiles, which after about 3 seconds burst into still more, and so on for a few more generations until you're in a veritable storm of the things.  Don't stand in the storm.
== Beta 1.017 ==
(Released May 11, 2012)
* Fixed the description of the Ocean Shallows region to reflect that they are now from the Time of Magic.
** Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing this out.
* Fixed the elemental multipliers on the possessed lion statues to not be so annoyingly high.
* Halved the damage from the possessed lion statues since they were a bit on the extreme side to say the least.
** Thanks to MouldyK, nanostrike, and Misery for inspiring this change.
* Halved the damage of the wall slimes.
** Thanks to Finndibaenn for inspiring this change.
* The formulas for calculating the percentage chance that no infestation on a chunk will happen has been dramatically altered:
** Note: in these new formulas, currentTierIndex starts from 0 and moves up, rather than starting from 1; and it's also capped at 4.  continentIndex starts at 0 for whatever your first continent is (even if you start on the second continent) and moves up, and is also capped at 4.
** Previously, most chunks had a flat 90% chance: now the formula is 95 - ( 2 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 1 * continentIndex )
** Previously, most underground boss chunks had a flat 50% chance: now the formula is 80 - ( 8 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 4 * continentIndex )
** Previously, underground boss chunks in missions had a flat 70% chance: now the formula is 95 - ( 4 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 4 * continentIndex )
** Thanks to nanostrike, Misery, and Finndibaenn for inspiring this change.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version where T-Rexes were showing up inside and underground when they should not have been.
** However, Elder T-Rexes can still show up inside.
** Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where the monster elemental whips (from the possessed statues) were not working right in multiplayer and were throwing exceptions.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.016 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1016-slimy-t-rex.html Slimy T-Rex Infestation] ==
(Released May 10, 2012)
* Red Slimes and Red/Yellow slimes are now actually healed by the shots they are resistant to, rather than just being 99% resistant to those kinds of shots.  For the players who still found that they wanted to try to attack those slimes a jillion times with the wrong element in the intro mission, hopefully this will send a clearer message of "look for something else, don't just sit here and spam an attack 500 times."
* Added new admin commands:
** grant_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
** revoke_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
** set_default_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
** This are like the other grant|revoke|set_default trios, and this one simply controls whether or not a player can deploy items (platforms, crates, moon lamps, bear traps, grow gems, etc) in a settlement chunk.
** These have also been added to the in-game tips section.
** Thanks to Lokas for the suggestion.
* Added new chat-line commands:
** rename_my_character
** rename_my_profile
** Usage example:
*** cmd:rename_my_character Dead Meat
** These should be fairly self-explanatory; "profile" is the username you enter when starting or first joining a world, and is displayed when you chat.
*** Please note: changing your profile name in a world only changes it in that world; if you then go log into some other world where you'd used that profile name before it will not have been changed there (and you may need to pick it from a list when logging in as your local currently-in-use profile name may be different now).
** Thanks to Chthon and others for the suggestion.
* Nightmare Octopi can no longer seed in supply depot missions, since they have a tendency to then just hang around way up in the sky.
** Thanks to nanostrike for reporting.
* When the game has logged an achievement locally but Steam failed to log it for whatever reason, the game was supposed to resubmit those achievements to Steam every time it loads.  And that was happening—but too early.  It was doing the resubmission before the status of the local achievements themselves were loaded, meaning that nothing was ever sent.  This came about because of some unrelated changes we made to our initialization order of operations in the game, which impacted this without our realizing it.  It's now fixed, and any old achievements that you have locally but not on Steam should now resubmit.
** Thanks to xyroclast, Lokarin, Lalyth, and TentacleMayor for reporting.
* Improved the clarity of the descriptions of cooldown-modifying and incoming-damage-modifying enchant effects, calling them "Haste Rating" and "Deflection Rating" instead.  So instead of "-20% Cooldown Duration (Active Total Reduction: -17%)" it says "20 Haste Rating (Active Total Cooldown Modifier: -17%)", etc.
** Thanks to Quaix for the suggestion, and others for similar feedback on the recent enchant changes.
* Fixed a whole raft of bugs relating to multi-part enemies in multiplayer.  This made it so that all sorts of strange things would happen with enemies like the urban mechs in multiplayer in past versions.
** Among the issues were that clients were wholly uninformed of the parent/child relationship between the parts and the main body of the entity, and so lots of things then didn't work right.
** Another issue was that for entities that pass the damage from themselves to their parent, that was not being synced properly in multiplayer from the client to the server or the server to the client, so that could lead to all sorts of oddities of a different sort.
** Thanks to Remliel for reporting.
* The Ocean Shallows are now considered to be from the Time Of Magic rather than the Contemporary time period.  This means that you can actually get the Time Of Magic folks before reaching the third continent.
** The Medieval and Wild Garden NPCs still can't be rescued until the second continent; but since having high-mana characters as an option from early in is really useful, we wanted to make sure that right from the first continent there was a way to get Time of Magic NPCs.
=== Making It Easier To Find Early NPCs And Critical Structures ===
* Previously, the guardian power scrolls for "critical structures" that you don't already have in your settlement inventory would only have an inflated priority for seeding on one world map mission, and then that was it.  This meant that if players were trying to avoid CP increases and just went looking for secret missions, that their chances of finding those critical buildings were pretty low.
** Now their chances of finding those critical buildings via secret missions is also inflated.  This can lead to players accidentally picking up duplicates of a type of building scroll through secret missions if they aren't careful, but so it goes—better than wandering around for hours not finding what you need.
* Previously, NPC Rescue Missions were never available as regular secret missions—only as the one-off rescue mission rooms (which work sort of like secret missions but give you a 100% chance of getting a rescue mission no matter how many mission types have been unlocked—regular secret missions can get pretty diluted).
** However, this made it pretty hard for some people to find NPCs because they would just look for secret mission spots and never find any, and it also meant that on the second continent you could get into situations where there were few and far between NPC rescue missions in general.
** Now NPC rescue missions seed as normal interior and underground secret missions in addition to their regular rescue mission rooms.
** Additionally, if the local continent's settlement does not yet have a lumbermancer, stonebinder, aquaurgist, and apothokineticist, then the frequency of those missions seeding will be greatly inflated (proportionate to the number of mission types currently unlocked to you) to help you get to that first step more easily.
** Note that it should only be seeding lumbermancers until you have one of those, and then only stonebinders until you have one of those, and then only aquaurgists and then only apothokineticists.  So if you're just running past all the lumbermancers while waiting for an apothokineticist, you're going to be perpetually disappointed (and that would be pointless anyhow, because you can't get an apothokineticist to skill level 3 without first having a lumbermancer anyhow).
=== Three New Enemies And One New Miniboss, As Well As "Infestations" ===
* New Enemy: Tyrannosaur
** Ground-based melee enemy for the lava flats, a little help for that poor lonely Utahraptor.
** Pretty tough to kill, try headshots.
* New Miniboss: Elder Tyrannosaur
** Not any bigger (the normal one is already huge), but a lot tougher and stronger.
** Has a couple different ranged fire attacks to make your life (and living) difficult.
** Note that the homing dragon breath attack is placeholder, we have something cooler coming for that hopefully tomorrow.  The rapid-shot fire attacks are the real deal, though (and boy are those intense).
* New Enemy: Possessed Ancient Lion Statue
** This actually comes in 4 variants (like the regular lion statues do), each one with a different element of whip attack (fire, leafy, lightning, and miasma).
** Until you damage them, these are disguised even in the pause menu to look like a regular lion statue; so there's no way to tell if a given lion statue will attack you now unless you get near enough that it attacks you (and that really hurts) or unless you manage to damage it first.
** These are now mixed in with regular lion statues anywhere that you previously would see such statues (The Deep, Lava Flats, most underground caves, etc).
* New Enemy: Wall Slime
** This actually comes in 18 variants of different elements and element-pairs.
** Similar to the red and red/yellow slimes in the intro mission, but are background rather than foreground objects and thus can't be hit by most spells but also don't block your movement.
** Generally the best approach is to just get by these, trying to kill them isn't very efficient.
** The colors of these slimes vary by the type of region you're in; one of the colors of the slime will match the "primary element" of that region.
* Added concept of a chunk having an "infestation" of some sort of hostile typically-unmoving entity type.  Only about 1 out of 10 chunks will have any kind of infestations, and they range in intensity (though a smaller chunk will tend to have denser populations).
** Current infestations include severe to mild versions of: stinging nettles, the new wall-slimes, or possessed lion statues.
** The reason for this new concept is basically for us to be able to seed a lot of environmental hazards or traps or whatever in a single-chunk fashion rather than having it be something that is global throughout a type of region or cavern system or whatever.  This gives us enormous flexibility for more environmental hazards moving forward as well.
** This is the only way to get wall slimes right now (and probably it will stay that way).
** Entities spawned during chunk-generation due to an infestation do not "repop" if killed, so if you really want to go through the trouble of eradicating the stuff, it will stay gone.
** Underground boss rooms that are not part of a mission have a higher chance of an infestation: 50%; while underground boss rooms that are part of a mission have only a 30% chance.
** Fix The Anachronism and Journey To Perfection missions never have infestations at all.
== Beta 1.015 ==
(Released May 10, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where if you had unlocked a time period whose NPCs are all of one gender, you could wind up having a very large selection of robots to pick from on the new character screen.  The less known, the better.
** Thanks to many players for reporting this.
* Fixed a bug in the prior version where occasionally unhandled exceptions could be thrown when generating certain chunks.  We couldn't duplicate it, but we found the likely culprit in the code.
** Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
== Beta 1.014 ==
== Beta 1.014 ==
(Not yet released; we're still working on it!)
(Released May 10, 2012)
* Fixed an issue that could cause exceptions if the TexturePacks folder was somehow missing.
* Fixed an issue that could cause exceptions if the TexturePacks folder was somehow missing.
** Thanks to shoukanjuu for reporting.
** Thanks to shoukanjuu for reporting.
* Fixed an issue in the prior version where it was seeding "passages to lower dungeons" all sorts of places it was not supposed to be.  This was part of the fix for the goodies seeding better; but now the goodies just seed and not those passages.
** Note that this won't fix existing buggy rooms, but just don't use those passages down.  The only ones that were particularly buggy (aside from giving you way more cave systems that you needed) were in mission instances, so those will get erased anyhow.
** Thanks to Underfot, CodexArcanum, greyslayer, MouldyK, 7foot_sativa, quinton, kuliksco, mrhanman, and nflftw for reporting.
* Previously, if you tried to go into a door where the way was blocked for whatever reason, it would have you hang around in the darkness for a while saying "Waiting on chunk-gen" before popping back in to let you play more.  But monsters could still attack you and such.  Now it properly just fades you back in immediately.
** Thanks to greyslayer and MouldyK for reporting.
* Fixed a bug where warp gates in the ocean regions didn't lead anywhere.  This won't fix existing broken warp gates in oceans you've already visited, but it will prevent new ones from spawning.
** Thanks to greyslayer and MouldyK for reporting.
* Previously, there were a wide variety of bugs with the mossy barrels that you could find in stashes.  They didn't collide properly, they didn't have any falling physics, the graphics on the bottom of them were clipped off, they didn't have a proper icon in the ability bar (not a horrible one, but not the best either), they didn't show up in the "Where To Find Supplies" section of the planning menu, they didn't have a description or info on where to find them, and there was thus also no way to set them as one of your loot goals.  All fixed.
* Previously, the shrapnel from various exploding objects (or exploding missiles from enemies) could damage the supply stashes in meteor storm missions.  This made some enemies ridiculously extra difficult to play with in those missions.  Fixed.
** Thanks to nflftw for reporting.
== Beta 1.013 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1013-nightmare-octopi.html Nightmare Octopi] ==
== Beta 1.013 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1013-nightmare-octopi.html Nightmare Octopi] ==
(Released May 9th, 2012)
(Released May 9, 2012)
* The larger Urban Mechs were erroneously being treated as a regular enemy before, and showing up everywhere.  Now they are properly treated as a miniboss and just show up in boss rooms.  They are allowed to show up inside and outside buildings, and in underground caverns.
* The larger Urban Mechs were erroneously being treated as a regular enemy before, and showing up everywhere.  Now they are properly treated as a miniboss and just show up in boss rooms.  They are allowed to show up inside and outside buildings, and in underground caverns.
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== Beta 1.012 ==
== Beta 1.012 ==
(Released May 9th, 2012)
(Released May 9, 2012)
* Fixed a bug that was causing exceptions to be thrown in some worlds when missions were completed in the prior version; it had to do with the changes to how we were checking for diluter enchants, but only showed up under certain character conditions.
* Fixed a bug that was causing exceptions to be thrown in some worlds when missions were completed in the prior version; it had to do with the changes to how we were checking for diluter enchants, but only showed up under certain character conditions.
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== Beta 1.011 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1011-dread-mechanical.html The Dread Mechanical Bull] ==
== Beta 1.011 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1011-dread-mechanical.html The Dread Mechanical Bull] ==
(Released May 8th, 2012)
(Released May 8, 2012)
* Fixed the description of Consciousness Shards to reflect the store.
* Fixed the description of Consciousness Shards to reflect the store.
Line 181: Line 2,458:
== Beta 1.010 ==
== Beta 1.010 ==
(Released May 5th, 2012)
(Released May 5, 2012)
* Fixed a bug where purchasing an enchant could give an enchant that doesn't have optional conditions (like the enchants that only emit light).  Those would be bad deals and cause errors in the enchant-generation process anyway.
* Fixed a bug where purchasing an enchant could give an enchant that doesn't have optional conditions (like the enchants that only emit light).  Those would be bad deals and cause errors in the enchant-generation process anyway.
Line 200: Line 2,477:
* In the prior version, it was very confusing because "general loot drops" looked like green consciousness shards when in fact they were just a general loot drop.  This was compounded by the fact that enemies were dropping empty loot drops when they should not have been,
* In the prior version, it was very confusing because "general loot drops" looked like green consciousness shards when in fact they were just a general loot drop.  This was compounded by the fact that enemies were dropping empty loot drops when they should not have been,
** First of all, the graphics have been made more clear so that general loot drops no longer look anything like consciousness shards -- they now look like a bag of stuff instead.
** First of all, the graphics have been made more clear so that general loot drops no longer look anything like consciousness shards—they now look like a bag of stuff instead.
** Secondly, fixed the bug that was causing those useless drops to happen in the first place.
** Secondly, fixed the bug that was causing those useless drops to happen in the first place.
** Thanks to Izumi5, Misery, GauHelldragon, dboyle92, TechSY730, and Purlox, for reporting.
** Thanks to Izumi5, Misery, GauHelldragon, dboyle92, TechSY730, and Purlox, for reporting.
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== Beta 1.009 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1009-opal-guardians.html The Opal Guardian's Store] ==
== Beta 1.009 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1009-opal-guardians.html The Opal Guardian's Store] ==
(Released May 4th, 2012)
(Released May 4, 2012)
* In the prior version, it was possible for a low-health character to get instantly killed by the windstorms.  Fixed.
* In the prior version, it was possible for a low-health character to get instantly killed by the windstorms.  Fixed.
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* In the prior version, we forgot to update the opt out popup message that explains windstorms when you enter one for the first time.  That's now been updated.
* In the prior version, we forgot to update the opt out popup message that explains windstorms when you enter one for the first time.  That's now been updated.
* Fixed a bug where monster nests were not properly spawning in ocean shallows regions -- either in boss rooms or in rescue missions.
* Fixed a bug where monster nests were not properly spawning in ocean shallows regions—either in boss rooms or in rescue missions.
** Thanks to khadgar, and Ipkins for reporting this.
** Thanks to khadgar, and Ipkins for reporting this.
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* Finally figured out how to fix a longstanding bug where vents could spawn behind crates and players would get stuck inside them upon entering the chunk.
* Finally figured out how to fix a longstanding bug where vents could spawn behind crates and players would get stuck inside them upon entering the chunk.
** Thanks to Hyfrydle, Toll, GUDare, and Dino for reporting this one.
** Thanks to Hyfrydle, Toll, Wanderer, and Dino for reporting this one.
* A brand-new music track now plays during Umbra Vortex and Fix The Anachronism missions.  It's called "Angsty Pants."  Don't ask. :)
* A brand-new music track now plays during Umbra Vortex and Fix The Anachronism missions.  It's called "Angsty Pants."  Don't ask. :)
Line 263: Line 2,540:
* There is now an Enchant Categories section in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, which lists the 38 current categories of enchants.
* There is now an Enchant Categories section in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, which lists the 38 current categories of enchants.
** Details are not really shown about any of the ones that you find through enchant containers -- it just tells you that this is how they are find and that you can later examine them for details in that fashion.
** Details are not really shown about any of the ones that you find through enchant containers—it just tells you that this is how they are find and that you can later examine them for details in that fashion.
** However, for those enchant types that require an unlockable to be completed before they start appearing (such as double jump, triple jump, and boomstick), the unlockable that must be completed is now able to easily be found; previously that was really difficult information to come by, and for double jump in particular it's very nice to have on hand.
** However, for those enchant types that require an unlockable to be completed before they start appearing (such as double jump, triple jump, and boomstick), the unlockable that must be completed is now able to easily be found; previously that was really difficult information to come by, and for double jump in particular it's very nice to have on hand.
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== Beta 1.008 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1008-windy-boomstick.html Windy Boomstick] ==
== Beta 1.008 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1008-windy-boomstick.html Windy Boomstick] ==
(Released March 3rd, 2012)
(Released March 3, 2012)
* Added new enchant base type: "Boomstick".
* Added new enchant base type: "Boomstick".
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** This drain varies by difficulty and by whether or not the chunk is a higher tier than you, as well as by how many regions' depth into the windstorms you are on the world map.
** This drain varies by difficulty and by whether or not the chunk is a higher tier than you, as well as by how many regions' depth into the windstorms you are on the world map.
** In other words, the drain doesn't go up when you go further into the chunks of a given region, but rather when you go into regions on the world map that are further from non-stormy areas.
** In other words, the drain doesn't go up when you go further into the chunks of a given region, but rather when you go into regions on the world map that are further from non-stormy areas.
** The drain is something that also scales downward the lower your health gets, and finally it stops all together once your health has reached 1.  So the windstorm by itself won't ever kill you outright -- however it will put you on the teetering brink of death for sure.
** The drain is something that also scales downward the lower your health gets, and finally it stops all together once your health has reached 1.  So the windstorm by itself won't ever kill you outright—however it will put you on the teetering brink of death for sure.
*** This makes it increasingly dangerous to venture into windstorm areas that are further from your wind shelter network, but it doesn't make it instantly lethal like it could be before with the supercharged enemies.
*** This makes it increasingly dangerous to venture into windstorm areas that are further from your wind shelter network, but it doesn't make it instantly lethal like it could be before with the supercharged enemies.
** Also, it is important to note that you can keep your health up either by coming in with a high-health character or by simply making efficient use of killing "trash mobs" fast for health, thus keeping yourself going even in such a hostile climate.
** Also, it is important to note that you can keep your health up either by coming in with a high-health character or by simply making efficient use of killing "trash mobs" fast for health, thus keeping yourself going even in such a hostile climate.
** Unlike ambient cold or ambient heat damage, no popups show right on your character (because that would be incredibly annoying), and there are no suits or other magical means that will ever protect you from the wind -- aside from expanding your wind shelter network, of course!
** Unlike ambient cold or ambient heat damage, no popups show right on your character (because that would be incredibly annoying), and there are no suits or other magical means that will ever protect you from the wind—aside from expanding your wind shelter network, of course!
** Thanks to zebramatt, Bluddy, Misery, khadgar, and Penumbra for suggestions that helped lead to these changes.
** Thanks to zebramatt, Bluddy, Misery, khadgar, and Penumbra for suggestions that helped lead to these changes.
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== Beta 1.007 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1007-now-where-did-i.html Now Where Did I Put That Grocery List?] ==
== Beta 1.007 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/05/avww-post-release-1007-now-where-did-i.html Now Where Did I Put That Grocery List?] ==
(Released May 1st, 2012)
(Released May 1, 2012)
* Fixed the spelling of assassination.
* Fixed the spelling of assassination.
Line 507: Line 2,784:
* Removed a small but pointless warning message that could be written to the debug log on loading of existing chunks.
* Removed a small but pointless warning message that could be written to the debug log on loading of existing chunks.
** Thanks to GUDare for reporting.
** Thanks to Wanderer for reporting.
* Fixed a longstanding issue where lesser teleport would wind up causing you too much or too little falling damage based on how you used it.  Now when you teleport it puts you out at the other end at zero vertical velocity so that you start falling from that location fresh (for better or for worse, and rather like you'd expect with teleporting).
* Fixed a longstanding issue where lesser teleport would wind up causing you too much or too little falling damage based on how you used it.  Now when you teleport it puts you out at the other end at zero vertical velocity so that you start falling from that location fresh (for better or for worse, and rather like you'd expect with teleporting).
Line 592: Line 2,869:
The name of the texture pack in the game will be the name of the folder.  So if you make a folder called BobsTextures, that's what it will show up as in the game.
The name of the texture pack in the game will be the name of the folder.  So if you make a folder called BobsTextures, that's what it will show up as in the game.
Inside your texture pack folder, simply duplicate the contents of the Images folder that you want to replace.  Don't bother moving over images that you aren't doing custom versions of -- the game will first look into the active texture pack folder and then will look into the base images folder if nothing was found.
Inside your texture pack folder, simply duplicate the contents of the Images folder that you want to replace.  Don't bother moving over images that you aren't doing custom versions of—the game will first look into the active texture pack folder and then will look into the base images folder if nothing was found.
So, for instance, if you want to replace the keyboard cursor (normally located at AVWW/RuntimeData/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png) you would add AVWW/RuntimeData/TexturePacks/BobsTextures/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png.
So, for instance, if you want to replace the keyboard cursor (normally located at AVWW/RuntimeData/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png) you would add AVWW/RuntimeData/TexturePacks/BobsTextures/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png.
Line 602: Line 2,879:
That would alter the keyboard cursor, but no other parts of the game.  You can do that for as many or as few images as you like.
That would alter the keyboard cursor, but no other parts of the game.  You can do that for as many or as few images as you like.
Line 608: Line 2,885:
Inside your texture pack folder, make a Configuration folder.  Then make a Particles.xml file that is a copy of the main Particles.xml file in AVWW/RuntimeData/Configuration/Particles.xml.
Inside your texture pack folder, make a Configuration folder.  Then make a Particles.xml file that is a copy of the main Particles.xml file in AVWW/RuntimeData/Configuration/Particles.xml.
Simply make <g pattern="Fireball"></g> entries for particle effects that you wish to change.  Don't worry about trying to do them all -- just do the ones you're actually making changes to.  The others will load from the main Particles.xml file just fine, but your custom particle definitions will selectively override whatever you wish.
Simply make <g pattern="Fireball"></g> entries for particle effects that you wish to change.  Don't worry about trying to do them all—just do the ones you're actually making changes to.  The others will load from the main Particles.xml file just fine, but your custom particle definitions will selectively override whatever you wish.
Did you know?  When you have the game open, you can hit Ctrl+F4 to reload the Particles.xml files at will.  That way you can make a small tweak, hit that key combo, and then test your change immediately without having to restart the application.
Did you know?  When you have the game open, you can hit Ctrl+F4 to reload the Particles.xml files at will.  That way you can make a small tweak, hit that key combo, and then test your change immediately without having to restart the application.
Line 630: Line 2,907:
== Beta 1.006 ==
== Beta 1.006 ==
(Released April 28th, 2012)
(Released April 28, 2012)
* MP: Added suppression of the "Rejected S_SendUpdateOnLocalClientPlayerEntity because fromPlayerAccount == null" message because it can arise in legitimate circumstances and tends to cause a ton of logging when that happens, causing lag on the server.
* MP: Added suppression of the "Rejected S_SendUpdateOnLocalClientPlayerEntity because fromPlayerAccount == null" message because it can arise in legitimate circumstances and tends to cause a ton of logging when that happens, causing lag on the server.
Line 639: Line 2,916:
== Beta 1.005 ==
== Beta 1.005 ==
(Released April 28th, 2012)
(Released April 28, 2012)
* Further changes to spell "maximum distance to live" are as follows:
* Further changes to spell "maximum distance to live" are as follows:
Line 650: Line 2,927:
* MP: Fixed a bug in the prior version with spells not traveling for other players anymore.
* MP: Fixed a bug in the prior version with spells not traveling for other players anymore.
** Thanks to GUDare for reporting.
** Thanks to Wanderer for reporting.
== Beta 1.004 ==
== Beta 1.004 ==
(Released April 27th, 2012)
(Released April 27, 2012)
* Put in a fix that was causing unhandled exceptions in the prior version when guardian powers were attempted to be used.
* Put in a fix that was causing unhandled exceptions in the prior version when guardian powers were attempted to be used.
Line 659: Line 2,936:
== Beta 1.003 ==
== Beta 1.003 ==
(Released April 27th, 2012)
(Released April 27, 2012)
* Fixed a bug in the last version that broke loading old worlds that had progress towards the unlocks that were tied to elites and are now no longer used.
* Fixed a bug in the last version that broke loading old worlds that had progress towards the unlocks that were tied to elites and are now no longer used.
Line 665: Line 2,942:
== Beta 1.002 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/04/avww-post-release-1002-upgraded-elitism.html Upgraded Elitism] ==
== Beta 1.002 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/04/avww-post-release-1002-upgraded-elitism.html Upgraded Elitism] ==
(Released April 27th, 2012)
(Released April 27, 2012)
* An echoing, melancholy new track has been added to some of the underground areas of the game.  It's called ''Sad Cave''. :)
* An echoing, melancholy new track has been added to some of the underground areas of the game.  It's called ''Sad Cave''. :)
Line 740: Line 3,017:
** Applying 10 mana upgrades now gives a maximum 2.63x (so 30% decay) compared to 6x previously (0% decay).
** Applying 10 mana upgrades now gives a maximum 2.63x (so 30% decay) compared to 6x previously (0% decay).
*** With a character of base mana 100, that gives the following progression: 100,150,185,210,227,239,247,253,257,260,262,263
*** With a character of base mana 100, that gives the following progression: 100,150,185,210,227,239,247,253,257,260,262,263
** Cumulatively, these changes do help to encourage players to choose characters with base stats that somewhat mirror what they want the final stats to be -- because the changes you can make to a given character are somewhat less extreme, although still really notable.  The penalty for diversification is also a lot less now compared to what it was, but the penalty for stacking everything into one stat is now a penalty of effectiveness rather than of cost.
** Cumulatively, these changes do help to encourage players to choose characters with base stats that somewhat mirror what they want the final stats to be—because the changes you can make to a given character are somewhat less extreme, although still really notable.  The penalty for diversification is also a lot less now compared to what it was, but the penalty for stacking everything into one stat is now a penalty of effectiveness rather than of cost.
* Mana upgrades have been the least useful of the three kinds of stat upgrades for a while.  Part of that is because most of the really high-mana-cost spells that we have planned are not yet in the game.  So some of that is just a matter of intent for later stuff.
* Mana upgrades have been the least useful of the three kinds of stat upgrades for a while.  Part of that is because most of the really high-mana-cost spells that we have planned are not yet in the game.  So some of that is just a matter of intent for later stuff.
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** Now when you kill a miniboss, you get 5 upgrade stones.  When you kill a microboss you get 1.
** Now when you kill a miniboss, you get 5 upgrade stones.  When you kill a microboss you get 1.
* Thanks to Purlox, TechSY730, Terraziel, martyn_van_buren, khadgar, GUDare, Penumbra, MouldyK, zebramatt, madcow, jordot42, Drjones013, KingIsaacLinksr, LintMan, and bvchaosinc for weighing in on how upgrade stones should be balanced.  Ultimately we pulled something a bit out of the hat on this one, but it incorporates ideas from a lot of things being tossed around in the (long) discussions.  Thanks all!
* Thanks to Purlox, TechSY730, Terraziel, martyn_van_buren, khadgar, Wanderer, Penumbra, MouldyK, zebramatt, madcow, jordot42, Drjones013, KingIsaacLinksr, LintMan, and bvchaosinc for weighing in on how upgrade stones should be balanced.  Ultimately we pulled something a bit out of the hat on this one, but it incorporates ideas from a lot of things being tossed around in the (long) discussions.  Thanks all!
=== Overhaul to Elite Monsters ===
=== Overhaul to Elite Monsters ===
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* Player spells now have a "maximum distance to live" as well as a maximum time to live.
* Player spells now have a "maximum distance to live" as well as a maximum time to live.
** This means that spells can only travel so far before disappearing, as well as only lasting so long (since some spells can sit near one location for a while if they are moving slowly against a wall, the time to live is also still important).
** This means that spells can only travel so far before disappearing, as well as only lasting so long (since some spells can sit near one location for a while if they are moving slowly against a wall, the time to live is also still important).
** This also means that enchants that improve the speed of spells don't also increase the distance the spells are able to travel -- it just improves the speed of how fast the spell gets to their maximum distance.
** This also means that enchants that improve the speed of spells don't also increase the distance the spells are able to travel—it just improves the speed of how fast the spell gets to their maximum distance.
** In general, being able to kite enemies from very far off screen was something that some of our new players were taking extreme advantage of; and it also created a major disadvantage for those playing on smaller monitors.  Now the playing field is more level.
** In general, being able to kite enemies from very far off screen was something that some of our new players were taking extreme advantage of; and it also created a major disadvantage for those playing on smaller monitors.  Now the playing field is more level.
** Thanks to Bluddy and bvchaosinc for suggesting.
** Thanks to Bluddy and bvchaosinc for suggesting.
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== Beta 1.001 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/04/avww-post-release-1001-arrival-of.html Arrival Of The Elites] ==
== Beta 1.001 [http://arcengames.blogspot.com/2012/04/avww-post-release-1001-arrival-of.html Arrival Of The Elites] ==
(Released April 25th, 2012)
(Released April 25, 2012)
* Updated the Left-Handed controls preset to correct some duplicate bindings.
* Updated the Left-Handed controls preset to correct some duplicate bindings.
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== Previous Release Notes ==
== Previous Release Notes ==
[[AVWW - Beta Series 3 Release Notes]]
[[Valley 1:Beta Series 3 Release Notes]]
[[Category:Release Notes]]

Latest revision as of 19:51, 1 February 2015


Next Release Notes

Valley 1:Post-Launch Series 2 Release Notes

Post Launch Series 1 Statistics And Extended Thoughts

Post Launch Series 1 spanned from April 25 through June 14, and it was quite a transformative period! 800 distinct changes were made as part of 62 different releases over the course of 56 days.

For extended thoughts about the design decisions during this period, please see Reflections On A Valley Without Wind's Transformation From 1.0 to 1.1 on our Games By Design blog.

A full 205 (whoa!) players are thanked. Some big hitters:

  • jruderman with 78 mentions
  • GauHelldragon - 63
  • lavacamorada - 38
  • misery - 25
  • TechSY730 - 24
  • khadgar - 21
  • bluddy - 18
  • SerinityFyre - 16
  • MouldyK - 15
  • nanostrike - 14
  • Penumbra - 13
  • BenMiff - 12
  • Ipkins - 12
  • LayZboy - 11

Some of new additions include:

  • More than 160 new room maps
  • 37 New enemies, including 15 elite types and 7 Minibosses.
  • 5 New awesome tracks from Pablo
  • 9 Major feature changes/improvements
  • 5 New Major features
  • 5 New Enchant types
  • 3 New Spells
  • 2 New Mission types

Some new/improved feature highlights:

  • Texture pack support
  • The "shopping list"
  • The Opal Store
  • Infestations/Traps
  • Character re-roll and rename
  • No more upgrade stones -> Better character customization!
  • Better minimap function
  • Time Period based Character Bonuses!

Official 1.101

(Released June 14, 2012)

  • Fixed an unfortunate last-minute glitch in 1.1 that was causing slide-the-wall projectiles to instead stick on the wall.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.

Pre-Official 1.100

(Released June 14, 2012)

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where windstorms, knockback, and things like boomstick and storm dash wouldn't cause the camera to move with you properly.
    • Thanks to 7foot_sativa, Underfot, and Kio for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where if you were standing right on the 1px edge of a placed wooden platform that you would flip out all glitchily.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.

Beta 1.061 Release Candidate 8

(Released June 13, 2012)

  • Vastly improved the performance of the logic that computes whether a region is connected via land or non-turbulent water to a settlement or non-stormy port.
    • In the last couple of versions this was leading to very pronounced hitching every so often, especially in larger worlds.
    • Thanks to Psyren, Acetyl, Misery, and TechSY730 for the report that led to this discovery.
  • Fixed a bug that's apparently been around for a while where Advanced and Expert starts would dump you in the chunk next to the settlement rather than the settlement itself, which was rather problematic seeing as you had no items and you could be in a deep cave or something like that.
    • Thanks to Ixiohm for the report.
  • The pathfinding enemies/projectiles that navigate around obstacles now have vastly less of a performance hit in rooms of moderate to large size. Previously they would try to path through the entire room and solve the maze no matter how large it was. Now most enemies are limited to a 20 tile radius around themselves, meaning that you can hide from them if you are far enough away in terms of travel distance (even if you're just a few tiles away on the other side of a wall that goes for a long way off, you're considered "far away" in this sense.)
    • For NPCs and the like in rescue missions, their limit is a 1000 tile radius, so they'll act the same as before. There's not much performance hit from them anyhow, since there is only ever one of them active at a time.

Beta 1.060 Release Candidate 7

(Released June 13, 2012)

  • Put in some logic to make picking up floating consciousness shards easier.
  • Lots of general improvements to minimap refreshing, such that too many updates don't get queued up all at once as well as not having it go too long between updates. Generally speaking, now the minimap will not update the background stuff (ie not the player or enemies) more frequently than every 1 second, and not less frequently than every 4 seconds.
    • Thanks to Psyren for reporting.
  • Lots of improvements to minimap image sizing—it now uses a variety of textures that are sized more appropriately to the size of the room they are in.
    • Thus rooms up to 512x512 are supported again, but it has zero performance impact on the rest of the game. And in fact the rest of the game will run even smoother thanks to using smaller images than 256x256 in many cases now.
    • Thanks to Psyren for inspiring these changes.

Beta 1.059 Release Candidate 6

(Released June 13, 2012)

  • Fire Touch:
    • Base Mana Cost from 114 => 57.
    • Base Attack from 63 => 32.
    • Mainly this is to prevent the rather serious issue that would happen in the intro mission if you had picked a character with the minimum mana for ice age characters (100 or so) : being unable to progress past the crates on the second screen.
  • The maximum minimap size has been returned to 256 rather than 512, as that was causing more lag than anticipated.
    • Thanks to Misery and Acetyl for reporting.

Beta 1.058 Release Candidate 5

(Released June 12, 2012)

  • Fixed longstanding bug where bear traps did not scale up with tier.
  • An all-new music theme is now used in the craggy highlands interiors and undergrounds.
  • Fixed a bug where the settlement structures that increase enemy elemental vulnerability were not doing so for bosses.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
  • Fixed an outdoor boss arena that was throwing errors and causing all sorts of other issues. This won't fix the existing arenas, but new ones will work just fine.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
  • NPCs now get two inherent enchant-like effects, not just the wanderers (which was previously intentional but, well, what the hay)
    • Old worlds will get their NPCs upgraded thus, as well. Ones that already have them (due to glyph transplant) won't get more.
    • Old worlds will also add them to any player-characters that don't have them (for whatever reason).
    • Thanks to jruderman for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where +spell-power and +fire-power enchant-like effects (from enchants, guardian power buffs, settlement structures, inherent bonuses, mission effects, and chunk effects) on the player would increase the power of fire damage-over-time effects on that player. This was particularly disturbing in Journey to Perfection missions, which give the player a +10000% spell-power effect.
    • Thanks to darke for reporting (his untimely demise).
  • Fixed a typo in the description of the anachronism missions.
    • Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
  • When you land on an island where you would be stuck due to being cut off from that continent's settlement, the following message is now shown:
    • You have been marooned on an island and cannot progress!
    • Warp To Settlement in the escape menu to reach the settlement.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, jruderman, and Ghost Matter for reporting.
  • Removed "(underground)" from the name of the boss delve missions, as that was redundant.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug with the logic that's supposed to make the first time a player picks up a specific rare enchant container or small rare enchant container count towards enchant quality (in MP or serial-SP multiple players might pick up the same one) where it was... doing exactly the opposite, and increasing quality on all pickups except the first.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Supply Depot Meteor Storm missions no longer seed in Ocean Shallows due to the monster population there not really working for it.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • World Map missions no longer seed on regions that are not connected (by land and non-turbulent water) to either a settlement or a non-stormy port.
    • Thanks to jruderman for pointing out that missions could spawn in inaccessible areas like that.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where it was possible to cross impassable ocean by cutting diagonally across a corner between two passable regions.
    • Thanks to Misery for the report.
  • Previously if you tried to load a world that was from a later version than your copy of AVWW it would cause unhandled exceptions (specifically, an exception telling about the version problem, but still). It now pops up a much more friendly message telling you why it cannot load that world.
    • Thanks to Talonj for the report.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions where special monster seeding could seed more monsters than it was supposed to (for example, umbra vortex with the 10-microboss unlock seeding 11 or 15 or whatever).
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
  • Previously, any chunk that was larger than 512 tiles wide or tall would automatically not be able to have a minimap. Now the barrier is set at 512 tiles wide and high.
    • This makes minimap generation take slightly longer, as it now has to do calculations for 4x as many pixels, but in most cases 75% of those pixels are just going to be transparent (and easily detected as such) anyhow.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting that some random boss delve caverns were slightly too large and would then not have a minimap.
  • Now that larger chunks can be represented by the minimap, lava escape missions show you a minimap. This should help to ease the frustration of players who are going up blind alleys without Greater Teleport on their side.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the HUD could get in the way of your character in interiors.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, Teal_Blue, and SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Previously touching the lava for 5 consecutive seconds in a lava escape mission caused an automatic loss (and the lava to recede so death wasn't inevitable). Now that lava escape missions have a minimap and are thus easier we've changed it so that touching the lava even for about half a second will cause the automatic loss.
    • This is also a bit of a kindness, because it means you are less likely to die if you get caught in the lava, since the lava starts receding as soon as you lose.
  • Fixed a longstanding-but-rare annoying issue where warp gates could seed partly off the side of a surface chunk. Thus making them impossible to warp out from them, as well as making it so that you would blip through several chunks when you warped in to them.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada and Ipkins for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in the last version or two where players were seeding at the top of ocean chunks rather than at the ocean floor.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where if the confirm popup was already open and another event happened that wanted to open the confirm popup with different text and behavior it would overwrite the title with the new stuff but none of the rest. Since the idea is that the popup is supposed to be dealt with before other actions are taken we've made it consistent by making the second opening not overwrite the title (and thus do nothing at all) rather than having it overwrite the rest of the stuff.
    • One example of this was how clicking a health enchant in the opal guardian store and then clicking another one while the confirm was still up would change the title, but not the description or what would be bought if you clicked the button, etc.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for the report.
  • In Lava Escape missions the lava now no longer rises while all players in the chunk are invincible.
  • Fixed a bug where stinging nettles (and the deep small tentacles) and various forms of "exhaust" (like the magma rhino's magma exhaust) were interacting strangely with angled terrain.
    • One manifestation of this is that exhaust that landed on _just_ the right part of a slope would technically never touch the ground and thus never begin the process of counting down its time-to-live, and just continuing to burn forever.
    • Another was stinging nettles hovering over slopes instead of sinking down into them (existing ones will probably stay where they are, but new chunks should be fine).
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for the reports.
  • Now when you try to glyph transplant to someone who would lose their profession in the process, it gives you a confirmation prompt explaining what will happen and giving you a chance to cancel.
    • Thanks to jonasan for the suggestion.
  • Previously it was possible for a boss chunk to be the last chunk on a region's surface, and they're not guaranteed to have terminating walls, leading to weirdness if the player tries to walk off the edge in that direction. Now all newly generated region surfaces will always have an extra "normal" chunk added on to the end if the last one is not already a normal chunk.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Fixed an issue with recent versions of the chunk seeding logic where in rare cases sometimes a surface chunk could be completely closed off in the sky except for an underground cavern.
    • This won't fix existing bad chunks, but it will prevent new ones from getting created.
    • Thanks to darke for reporting.
  • The recent rule about enemies not meleeing crates and other similar objects unless they were actively chasing a player has been removed, as that was causing some enemies to get stupidly stuck in some cases.
    • The recent rule about them not meleeing crates they are walking over remains in effect, of course.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where some of the outdoor boss chunks as well as some of the windstorm shelter mission chunks could have sharp background edges with no grass on them.
    • Thanks to many players for reporting, most recently GauHelldragon, lavacamorada, and jruderman.
  • Fixed an issue where bosses could sometimes seed in blocked-to-bosses areas anyhow.
    • Note that this won't fix existing boss rooms that may be broken.
    • Thanks to Ghost Matter for reporting.
  • The draconite and skelebot overlords have both gotten rather complete overhauls. Previously they were... underwhelming.
    • Now they're larger than ever, and a lot more visually intimidating. Their attacks are also a lot faster-paced and scary-seeming, although they don't do huge amounts of damage with each hit
    • Basically, we're taking a page out of the modern game design book of making you feel like you're getting your behind kicked without that actually being so; though it's still just as hard a fight as before (perhaps a bit moreso, actually), it now feels a lot more epic.
    • As part of this, these overlords are just too large and imposing to be constrained by gravity—they now fly around the room. On the plus side they also no longer do melee damage to you, so there's at least that going for you!
    • Right now the draconite and skelebot overlords have become identical to one another in terms of the attacks they launch (though they differ visually), but that's just because of time limitations that we had so close to 1.1. We'll be doing more to differentiate them, and adding more overlord types, through 1.2 and beyond.
    • Thanks to Ghost Matter for providing the savegame that inspired these changes.

Beta 1.057

(Released June 9, 2012)

  • Fixed bug where shrapnel damage was not scaling with tier.
  • Previously there was a bug that if your character had been transformed into another form, NPCs would use the potentially wrong dialogue.
    • This was most obvious with the draconites, which nobody speaks to because the draconites don't understand language. But as a small dinosaur form, people would suddenly start chatting.
    • Thanks to Zair for reporting.
  • The brimstone cyclone now fires two shots at varying angles, and these shots now slide along walls and do very mild homing toward the player, leading to interesting loops.
    • This prevents situations where the player can find a completely safe zone that feels cheesy to hide in.
    • Related to this, the melee attack of brimstone cyclones has been reduced from 60 to 15, and the ranged attack of their shots has been increased from 10 for 15.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting the exploit.
  • Because of the nature of their attack, Highland Lights can no longer be seeded indoors.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for suggesting.
  • Fixed an exception that would occur when being touched by stinging nettles in the prior version.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug with craggy highlands often not having a proper spawn point to walk between surface chunks in the prior version.
    • Also fixed a related issue where the passage to the next chunk would be completely walled off in the prior version in this region type.
    • This won't fix existing chunks, but any new chunks that you visit for the first time even in existing worlds should not have this problem.
    • Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.056 Brimstone Highlands

(Released June 8, 2012)

  • Previously there was a bug that was causing clinging fetor to do too little damage, and to not do increasing damage with increasing tiers. Fixed.
    • This was found with some more self-checking code to look for this sort of discrepancy with spells.
  • Added in-game instructions for using Power Slide
    • Thanks to AlexxKay for pointing out the need for this.
  • The attack power and mana cost of storm fist have both been halved again, since players were using this more as a logistical spell than anything else.
  • New continents now have more sections of ocean dividing them up, causing more of a need for buoys and your wind shelter networks than before.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for inspiring this change.
  • Previously, multiple stacks of the same condition (the frost slowing effect from an ice bat or a few other ice-based monster abilities; previously fire DoTs stacked too) would also draw that many sets of particles. That visual effect is generally undesirable, so now only the first copy of a particular type of effect on a particular entity will do its visual stuff.
  • The Big-Honkin-Encyclopedia entries for unlocked enchants now say what slot they can be equipped from (and thus what random-loot item in the store to aim at to try to get one).
    • Locked enchants still withhold this (and all other, except name) information, since it is of no use until the enchant is unlocked.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for the suggestion.
  • The way that the dimming of the screen behind an active window happens is now a lot more dynamic and flexible.
    • For instance, now it dims the screen behind your character select screen, making that easier to read; and then it does a further dim when you click a character who you can then rename or change the profile name of.
  • Fixed a bug where the loot goals window would partially draw (just the box, usually in the upper-left-hand corner) on the escape menu even when there was nothing to show.
  • Finally fixed a longstanding issue with giant jellyfish graphics not loading entirely properly and throwing errors when they should not have been. This wasn't some mysterious low-RAM situation (as many of us thought), it was just a bad definition. Which is a relief!
    • Thanks to jruderman, TechSY730, Ipkins, FrostDragon, GauHelldragon, Chthon, topper, and Saladien for reporting.
  • Residential and storage towers now cost 10 cedar logs rather than 10 granite, making them easier to get up on new continents.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
  • Improved the way that allies collide with one another. Now rhinos and similar won't collide with the battlefield allies, and the small summoned butterflies won't collide with any of the above. And none of them will collide with the decoy fireworks.
    • Thanks to jruderman and Kio for reporting.
  • Ride the lightning and lightning rocket are once again allowed in journey to perfection missions, as it shouldn't particularly be helpful anymore except insofar as normal movement is helpful.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
  • Fixed bug where the fire damage-over-time condition that happens from fire bat melee and whatnot was not using the tier-adjusted damage calculation it was handed.
  • The monster Stormy Sine ability (used by Clockwork Probes and Draconite Overlords) has had its time-to-live (and thus range) reduced to 3/5 of what it used to be.
    • Thanks to LayZboy, MouldyK, Gemzo (and probably others) for reminding us about how painful these were.
  • All 6 types of enemy tower in the battlefield missions now use short-ranged variants of the abilities they used to have that have time-to-live (and thus range) reduced to 1/2 of what it used to be.
    • Thanks to Gemzo, LayZboy (and probably others) for reminding us that the tower range was still longer than anybody was really comfortable with.
  • Fixed a bug with sometimes invisible crates being present in a boss room because the crates were removed-but-not-removed-properly.
    • Thanks to Psyren for reporting.

Revamped Balance For Player Spells

  • A new AttackInfo.csv file is now written into the RuntimeData folder every time the game is launched; this to let people help make decisions about spell balance using the same information we're using.
    • There are three overall groups of stats in this file.
      • Group 1 just has the name of the spell and the "final attack quotient" that we come up with as its final power rating compared to other spells (taking all considerations into effect as best we can in a mathematical sense).
      • Group 2 has all of the factors that go into that final rating, including DPS and DPM. All of the values in this section are multiplied against one another in order to arrive at the final number.
        • Note that if a cell here is blank, you can assume it's counting as 1 for the multiplier (ie, not changing the end value at all).
      • Group 3 has some of the base stats that go into the group 2 calculations, for those who are interested.
  • Lots of spell balance changes based on the preliminary data from AttackInfo.csv.
    • Creeping Death movement speed from 400 to 300.
    • Death touch mana cost from 720 to 600, cooldown from 1 to 3, attack from 495 to 395.
    • Ice burst cooldown from 1 to 2.
    • Insect orb attack increased from 9 to 20.
    • Splashback attack increased from 0.6 to 12;
    • Launch rock and launch ice block are no longer piercing, but instead explode on contact.
    • The attack power of launch rock has increased from 50 to 70 to compensate for the fact that it is harder to use than launch ice block, particularly indoors.
    • The cooldown of luminance arc is now 2 instead of 1.
    • Both death touch and ice burst now have crafting prerequisites of fire touch 3.
    • Ice burst cooldown reduced from 2 to 1, and attack reduced from 315 to 150.
    • Rockslide now fires 8 rocks instead of 4, making it substantially more powerful.
    • Meteor shower mana cost from 120 to 480, attack from 99 to 200 (per meteor).
    • Rockslide mana cost from 120 to 600, attack from 26 to 70 (per rock).
    • Energy orb mana cost from 40 to 60.
    • Flamethrower attack from 20 to 13.
    • Geyser mana cost from 80 to 40, attack power from 40 to 12.
    • Luminance arc no longer slides along walls.
    • Cleft Smoglet mana cost from 30 to 40.
    • Clinging fetor cooldown time from 1.5 to 0.75.
    • Energy slice attack power from 16 to 20.
    • Cleft Smoglet mana cost from 30 to 40.
    • Clinging fetor cooldown time from 1.5 to 0.75.
    • Energy slice attack power from 16 to 20.
    • Miasma whip cooldown from 0.5 to 0.75.
    • Leafy whip cooldown from 0.5 to 0.75, and attack from 66 to 63.
    • Launch meteor mana cost from 130 to 180.
    • Creeping death cooldown from 1.5 to 5, and attack power from 380 to 240.
    • Ice Cross attack from 24 to 38.

Direct Bonuses From Settlement Structures

  • Each settlement structure now has some beneficial-to-the-player effect (either by giving all players a bonus, all non-player allies a bonus, or all enemies a penalty) on that continent. The structure descriptions will tell you what they do.
    • Thus there is now both a long-term and a short-term gain from building any settlement structure.
    • The long-term gains were already there in the form of guardian power scrolls, but if you'd already advanced a survivor to skill level 5 in each of the most important professions, then further buildings would be pointless. Now these added minor effects keep it so that there is always an ongoing benefit to building up your settlement more.
    • Even more to the point, many new players seemed to think that the citybuilding components were pointless in the past, because they weren't yet getting the guardian power scrolls yet that would make use of those buildings. This creates at least a small instant bonus to each building, providing immediate gratification while also still allowing players to discover the longer-term benefits in due course.
    • Plus this just fits thematically, anyhow—the more your settlement is built up, the more powerful you and your allies are, which provides yet another nice feedback loop from your citybuilding efforts.

Extra Randomized Bonus Effects On Characters

  • When picking a new character (when just starting, or after death), each of the new characters gets 2 random enchant-like effects unique to them.
    • It's possible for both random effects to be on the same stat, in which case it will display as only one "individual special", but naturally the magnitude will be higher.
    • This is something that people were super excited about a few weeks back when we talked about redoing our character selection process, and now it's finally here!

New Craggy Highlands Region Type

  • Added an entirely new region type (biome, if you will): Craggy Highlands.
    • This one is the second region to be set during the pre-industrial time period.
    • It's also the third region to share a time period with another region type (as oceans and wild garden age do, and the ocean shallows and deciduous forests do with one another).
    • The terrain of this region type lives up to its name, and is based around a lot of the code that had once been used for the surface journey to perfection missions. Some folks really liked that sort of complex vertical outdoor structures, and so this region type now provides that once again.
    • These are now available right from the first continent on new worlds, but they'll show up on whatever your next continent is for existing worlds.

One New Monster And One New Miniboss

  • Added a new monster: Highland Lights
    • Has an extreme repulsive power to it, so it's almost impossible to hit it with ranged spells. Ice cross, fire touch, or similar is your best bet, and it goes down pretty fast when you attack it that way.
    • Doesn't harm you much on contact, but uses a Rockslide spell against you to throw a bunch of rocks upwards when you are near. The good news is that the rocks are spaced such that you can reasonably dodge them.
    • Exclusive to the new craggy highlands regions.
  • Added a new miniboss that shows up in the magic-themed areas: Brimstone Cyclone
    • It is extremely repulsive to ranged spells, so you pretty much have to go melee or area of effect, which is unique among bosses so far.
    • Chases you around and shoots some small brimstone drill-like shots at you with high frequency, making the timing tricky to jump over it and hit it with ice cross or similar.

Beta 1.055

(Released June 7, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the previous version where killing a monster outside a mission could cause null reference exceptions.
    • Thanks to FAButzke for the report.

Beta 1.054

(Released June 7, 2012)

  • Added some self-correcting checks when loading a chunk such that if it detects a live NPC in a former mission area that was any kind of Rescue-NPC mission, it whisks them away to the settlement. Hopefully we can find the bug that happens occasionally where the NPC is not whisked away on mission-success, but for the time being this will help players who hit that bug.
    • Thanks to Ghost Matter for the report and save.
  • Added another new boss room
    • Thanks to Coppermantis for this one.
  • Ocean shallows are no longer able to hold evil outposts or evil overlord lairs.
    • This won't alter existing outposts/lairs, but it will prevent new ones from spawning in such a manner in new worlds.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase and dis astranagant for reporting.
  • Added in a further fix to prevent evil outposts that get added on upgrade of old worlds (to include 4 outposts instead of 3) to prevent them from seeding in bad locations like the deep, lava flats, oceans, etc.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase and dis astranagant for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where the third stage of bramblestorm canisters would cause the game to lock up.
    • Not only is that bad ability type definition fixed, but it's now put in place so that if a similar bad definition comes up anytime in the future it will display a message about the bad definition rather than crashing the game.
    • Thanks to Gemzo, FrostDragon, barkface, and Misery for reporting.

Beta 1.053 Industrial Vision

(Released May 6, 2012)

  • Fixed an issue in interior room generation that could sometimes cause certain room templates to flood.
    • Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
  • Previously, when you tried and failed to use a glyph transplant scroll it would really spam your message log. Fixed.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and jruderman for reporting.
  • When your character is invincible, they will no longer get attacked by things like small tentacles or stinging nettles (which couldn't hurt them anyhow, but which would play the sound effect and particles, etc).
    • Thanks to Gemzo for reporting.
  • X% Melee Protection has been split into two stats:
    • X% Melee Ward (Armor) and X% Melee Ward (Body).
    • The armor-based melee ward works like the melee protection previously did; if you put on different armor (snowsuit, heatsuit) or change form, you lose that melee reduction.
    • The body-based melee ward, however, gets retained even if you change forms or put on a heatsuit/snowsuit.
    • Thanks to Kio for suggesting.
  • In addition to their prior 50% melee (armor) ward, medieval characters now have an added 10% melee (body) ward.
    • Thanks to Kio for suggesting.
  • Improved the clarity of the "this is what you currently have of that stat" parts of the enchant mouseover tooltips, particularly for cooldown reduction and incoming-damage-reduction (which have a rating and an effective percent modifier due to not being linear stats by nature).
    • Thanks to Jerebaldo1 for reminding us of the likely confusion. This may not solve all that, but it's at least more explicit about what it's saying.
  • Added mana and profession display to the pause-mouseover for npcs.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for the suggestion.
  • Industrial Revolution characters have a new inherent ability in addition to their bonus to dungeon scouting: "Enemies Shown On Minimap."
    • Thanks to a variety of players for complaining about these being less exciting than most of the other time periods to play as.
  • Did a fair bit of internal refactoring for how various internal spell data is tracked, so that we can start showing that data in the interface better (showing stats in place of vague descriptive text for key spell attributes) in an upcoming version; and also so that we can do better mathematical analysis of spell balance versus each other.
    • Until now we've had part of the formula to help us decide spell balance, and then have had to kind of eyeball it for things like piercing or sliding on walls or having very short range in terms of determining final balance.
    • We're not completely done with this work, but in the next day or two it should let us move to a better balance with the melee spells versus the ranged spells versus each other, etc.

Beta 1.052 Release Candidate 4

(Released June 5, 2012)

  • Luminance Arc's mana cost increased from 300 to 360.
    • Thanks to Jerebaldo1 for suggesting.
  • Melee spell balance changes:
    • The mana costs of both leafy whip and miasma whip have been halved.
    • Fire touch, death touch, and ice touch have all had both their mana cost and attack powers tripled, and their cooldowns doubled.
    • Storm fist has had its mana cost and attack power doubled.
    • Thanks to Jerebaldo1 and BenMiff for inspiring these changes.
  • The mana cost of clinging fetor, and its cooldowns, have been doubled, while its attack power has been quadrupled.
  • The mana cost and cooldown of cleft smoglet have both been halved, but they no longer do any knockback on enemies they hit.
  • In interiors and undergrounds for The Deep, a new "Dark World Waltz" music track now plays.
  • Previously if a character went through a door that had its other side submerged in lava, the character would get displaced somewhere random, potentially embedded into a wall. Fixed.
    • Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.

Beta 1.051 Release Candidate 3

(Released June 5, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where the item-description-mouseover-tooltip from having your mouse cursor over an enchant would keep partially rendering (specifically, the box around the tooltip but not the text itself) while the "Can Only Equip/Unequip when..." message was being displayed because you tried to equip a health enchant while damaged, etc.
    • Thanks to Underfot for the report and SerinityFyre for the screenshot.
  • The "Get a Level (X) NPC of Profession (Y)" items on the things-to-do list now have click-on popups for levels 4 and 5; previously those were only present for 1-3. The ones for 4 and 5 are nowhere near as precise as the earlier ones because that would potentially involve listing a ton of personality buildings that they could pick from to build, etc. But at least there's a popup for each now.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
  • The fast-travel exits from dead-ends in buildings (stash rooms in particular) now look like green warp gates and can float anywhere in the room. This makes it so that they don't show up so infrequently if the room is small or crowded with stuff.
  • Mission exits now also look like the green warp gates (same as fast travel exits) just for the sake of consistency and clarity (and so that they can hover in the air if they ever need to, also). This generally makes them a bit easier to see, and it makes them a lot more visually distinct from the mission info sign.
  • Rescue missions now include a distance counter between yourself and the survivor you are rescuing, so that you can tell how far behind or ahead they are when they are not onscreen. That way you don't have to wonder if they got bogged down in monsters and trapped if you are ahead of them, for instance.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version where some monsters would become invincible while launching their attacks at you.
    • Thanks to Kio and Acetyl for reporting.

Beta 1.050 Release Candidate 2

(Released June 5, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where damaging a sub-part of a multi-part monster (like an urban mech) would not cause the "core" entity to think it had been damaged by a player. And entities that die without being damaged by a player do not drop health or shards. Now the setting and reading of the "has been damaged by a player" flag always happens on the parent entity, regardless of which particular piece is being worked with.
    • Thanks to Ipkins and GauHelldragon for the report.
  • Fixed an issue with monsters and characters getting strange near the edge of the chunk in the prior version.
    • Thanks to jruderman, NyQuil, leb0fh, and Misery.
  • Made it so that the pull speed of the Will O The Wisp gravity wells is affected by the combat difficulty.
    • This also affects the repulsive dust storms, just in reverse.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where sometimes an image would show up invisibly when it should not have; this may only have been possible to happen in dev mode, or it might be related to that occasional giant jellyfish issue that people have been seeing very occasionally for months.
  • Fixed a bug in the seeding logic that could sometimes lead to small pockets in the undergrounds or exteriors that were inaccessible without greater teleport.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs with the exterior seeding logic that was causing some minor oddness when there was a lot of water in the caves (as with the swamps).
  • Fixed a bug in the previous version where the loot goals window was displaying multiple distinct entries for the same material type if that material was required for multiple different spells (it's supposed to lump all requirements of a specific material together, and display the breakdown on the tooltip).
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Fixed a relatively longstanding bug where homing projectiles could laterally "decelerate" at like a million gravities for a single frame rather than simply decelerating to zero when they wanted to turn around. This generally only happened when you were directly above the projectile, and it would wildly flicker back and forth between points to either side of you. Now it just decelerates to a stop (in terms of x-movement) and moves towards you.
    • Thanks to darkchair for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes warp gates weren't seeding when they should have been—again. This was particularly prevalent in ocean caves, where they would never seed at all.
    • Thanks to Kio for reporting.
  • A variety of error messages have not displaying in a player-visible fashion for quite some time now. These were just dumped silently into logs, and thus if something then seemed amiss in the game after that the player wouldn't have an inkling why or even necessarily know to report it to us. Fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing summoned rhinos to not be able to attack enemies in the prior version.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where in the past if an entity was in their Falling stance and they did not have a falling stance, they would be invisible. This was problematic with the summoned rhinos being sucked up into the air by the will o the wisps, for instance.
    • Now the attack stance is used instead if this happens.

Beta 1.049 Yet More Polish

(Released June 4, 2012)

  • Fixed a Boss room that was flooding unintentionally.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed a typo in the random villain names.
    • Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
  • The "Seize" spell has been renamed to "Seize Object" for added clarity.
  • Fixed a small typo in the description of warp gates
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions where very few (or no) native monsters were seeding in some anachronism missions.
    • Thanks to Misery, TechSY730, and ncthornock for providing saves, and to many players for reporting.
  • Fixed some problems where some pieces of the code for the effects of many mission-specific rules would end once you completed the mission they were in, rather than persisting until you left the mission area.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • The mechanics of Will O The Wisps have been changed around fairly substantially.
    • They no longer have a ranged attack—that was really pushing things in terms of their difficulty.
    • They now lift you up into the air and prevent you from jumping or falling as you move toward them.
    • They now pull you toward themselves slower on the X axis, but you also can't resist their pull by pushing away from them.
      • This prevents issues with your screen automatically looking the wrong way, or being unable to attack them with movement-directed aiming because of having to resist them, etc.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and LayZboy for inspiring these changes.
  • Bats and fire bats no longer seed in the swamp; will o the wisps are thus a lot more common there.
  • Will O The Wisps now require line of sight to you in order to use their gravity effect on you. This is not true of spells, however, which are still affected through walls.
    • Note that destructible objects like crates won't help in terms of preventing line of sight.
    • Thanks to LayZboy for inspiring this change.
  • Boss Gang and Umbra Vortex missions now display the number of remaining bosses in the message log.
    • Thanks to Yiab for the suggestion.
  • Miasma/Entropic bats are now barred from battlefield missions because their ranged attacks are too short-ranged to work with the intended AI for those missions.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the ClockworkProbe behaviors where its pursuit range (which is only really relevant for drawing its detection line, since it does not ever intentionally pursue) was about 10x its firing range. Changed pursuit/firing range from 5000/500 => 3000/3000, which will also keep it from chasing you from quite so far away.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Red and Green fairies were supposed to always have a fixed set of elemental weaknesses/strengths in recent versions, but instead had none. Fixed.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Coffers now show the icon of what they held in them, just lower and faded-out, when you have already opened them. This helps to provide a reminder as to what was in them, as well as potentially a clue about what kind of equipment might be needed in an upcoming mission if the coffer is in a mission staging area, for instance.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Removed the consciousness shard cache just to the left of the start in the intro mission, as that could be needlessly confusing if that was the first item that a new player got.
  • The heatsuits that are given in the staging rooms of lava escape missions now are given via coffers so that you don't have to jump over them to avoid them if you already have one. Same with the moderate inner light enchants in the freefall missions.
  • Fixed a bug where Gold Boomerang shots would not try to seek the player if the horizontal distance was less than 200 (totally ignoring vertical distance).
    • Thanks to BobTheJanitor for the report.
  • Fixed a bug with the outdoor seeding logic that was interacting poorly with one of the "hard to traverse outdoor boss arenas" and seeding players in strange places.
    • Thanks to Acetyl, GauHelldragon, and LayZboy for reporting.
  • Fixed bug where boss gangs (and probably other special-monster-seeding-rules missions) were not seeding the proper number of bosses.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • The game no longer displays the skill level or personality buildings of characters with the Adventurer profession since they are not relevant.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
  • Interior secret mission entrances, and staging rooms, now all use a new class of room templates which are specifically designed to not get in the way of being able to seed entrances, or have lots of excess space, etc. Previously they were mostly using the general large atrium templates except for freefall missions, but now they all use the style like freefall.
    • Thanks to topper, jruderman, Yiab, and lavacamorada for reporting.
  • The Learn New Spell and Crafting Grimoire interfaces have been improved as follows:
    • Rather than always showing each individual spell component as a distinct icon, it now shows the icon followed by the number of that ingredient which are required, leading to a more compact display.
    • Additionally, the text of the number after the ingredient icon is shown in light red if you don't have enough of that material to craft the spell at present—saving you lots of time with the tooltips to figure out what you're short on.
    • Thanks to Tux and Kio for suggesting.
  • 12 New rooms added of various types.
    • Thanks to Coppermantis and lavacamorada for sending these in.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause large enemies to jump up onto high ledges and then get scared to come down. They may have seemed stuck, but they weren't in a literal sense—they were simply unwilling to jump off the ledge!
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue with elder black bulls and other similar bosses being so scared of falling off of ledges with an angled slope near them that they would just stand paralyzed at the edge even though they could easily turn around. Cowards!
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Fixed another issue with elder black bulls and other similar enemies getting so scared of finding themselves on a staircase or slope if they would normally try to avoid one that they would just stop moving all together.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • The game will no longer allow you to unequip an enchant that you cannot immediately re-equip (due to not being in a safe place or not being at full health in the case of the health enchants).
    • Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
  • Fixed an issue where, previously, rooms templates could be defined such that ladders went all the way to the floor, which is not generally allowed (since it can cause many seeding issues with things not having enough room to seed.
    • The ladders are now automatically stripped to only go within 3 tiles of the floor, thus self-correcting any rooms defined thusly.
  • Fixed an issue for underground cavern room templates where the top-solid platforms were being parsed incorrectly and thus all sorts of cleanup logic with them probably wasn't being run before.
  • Enemies will no longer launch melee attacks against things like crates unless they are actually pursuing a player.
  • Enemies no longer launch melee attacks against things like crates that they are walking on top of, unless they are flying.
  • Fixed several issues relating to how the walking-on-slope-averse enemies like the black bull and overlords handle being on a slope if they get stuck on one.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Added in logic so that if an enemy or player somehow gets stuck in an invalid position (usually embedded in a wall) for more than 12 seconds, they will teleport to a random valid position in the current chunk.
    • Obviously it is more ideal if they never get stuck in the first place, and generally they don't, but this acts as something for an overflow valve for the strange situations when they do.
  • Mission staging areas are now considered safe rooms where you can change your upgrade enchants.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.

Beta 1.048

(Released June 2, 2012)

  • Fixed a null reference exception that could happen on multiplayer clients in some rare cases when they were calculating the starting time to live on new entities.
    • Thanks to LayZboy for reporting.

Beta 1.047 Actually, Back To More Polish For A Few Days

(Released June 1, 2012)

  • One more room from Benmiff added.
  • Fixed a bug where ability descriptions for stuff with a mana-per-second cost was displaying the cost-per-second plus your regen rate. Which was way off even with normal regen but more obviously off when it would change as your mana regen changed due to enchants or whatever. Now it just displays the cost-per-second.
    • Of course, to figure out how long you can maintain it you need to factor in your mana regen yourself, but since you can have multiple spells going at once with cost-per-second (shield and storm dash), and be using other abilities, etc, "baking" regen into the ability description's calculation of the cost-per-second really wouldn't help in the general case anyway even if it was factoring regen in the right direction.
    • Thanks to Tarmandan for the report.
  • Fixed a couple messages in the tutorial mission to reflect changes in the game.
    • Thanks to Isumi5 for reporting this one.
  • Fixed up some attributes-on-character display things:
    • Fixed display issues where the "no ghost on death" and "max enchant upgrade points" would get altered in your visible stats in the escape menu when you did things like equip a snowsuit. The actual functionality was fine, though.
    • Fixed an issue where the "darkvision" and falling damage immunity, of characters would be disabled if they transformed themselves in any way. This affected both functionality and display.
    • Note that cold/heat/acid resistance, run speed, jump speed, fall speed, and melee resistance still vary when you transform—all of those are based on your current form (including if you're wearing a bulky heatsuit/snowsuit or not) rather than your base character's stats.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Characters with extra stat points previously were being confused for characters with extra enchant upgrade points, because the names are very similar.
    • Stat points are used internally to determine the amount of base health, attack, and mana a character will have. It's something that, when you have extra of them, your stats are a bit better across the board (which otherwise you'd have to look at a lot of characters serially, and pull out your calculator, to figure out for sure).
    • Now the wording instead says "X% Starting Stats" instead of "Extra Stat Points: Y." What was previously 1 extra stat point is now 110% Starting Stats, and what was 2 extra stat points is now 120% base stats.
    • This hasn't changed the underlying functionality at all, but it makes it more clear what is going on.
    • The "Extra Enchant Upgrade Points" are for contemporary characters only, and were clear enough already—they have remained the same.
    • Thanks to Kio and vadatajs for reporting.
  • The following types of missions are now barred from having any infestations:
    • Journey To Perfection, Fix The Anachronisms, Lava Escape, Freefall, Stealth Assasination, and Umbra Vortex.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase and others for reporting the various problems that could occur in some of these related to infestations.
  • When you pick a new character when just starting or after dying, it now gives you a prompt where you can change their name before entering the world. Incidentally, you can now cancel the selection at that point.
    • During testing, one of the characters' already-generated name was Cornelius Rippringham. Why exactly do people want to rename characters, again?
    • You can also change your profile name here now, and can no longer enter a profile name on the starting-new-world window.
    • Thanks to Ghost Matter for suggesting a confirmation of the character selection.
  • Dangerfalls are now half as frequent in the rooms that they are in, to prevent slowdown issues if a lot of them get stacked in there in general.
    • Thanks to BenMiff for inspiring this change.
  • Infestations are now limited by type as to the total number of tiles that can be in the chunk they are spawning in (so, width x height in tiles).
    • Stinging Nettles, possess statues, small tentacles, and traps of all kinds now limited to 51,200-tile chunks.
    • Dangerfalls now limited to 20,000-tile chunks.
    • The default is 300,000 tile chunks as a limit, and that's what applies to the wall slimes.
    • The goal here is to prevent insane numbers of infestations spawning in really large chunks; or in the case of dangerfalls, to keep them from showing up in the really oversized caverns.
  • Previously, when urban mechs were damaged they were not having their range of attack increased like most monsters do. Fixed.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug with the "Things To Do" section of the reference window where when determining "should I tell the player to spend the rest of their 'upgrade' points" it was adding mana + mana + attack instead of health + mana + attack.
    • Thanks to Hyfrydle for the report that the computation wasn't doing what it should and MouldyK and jruderman for sleuthing out exactly what the computation was doing.
  • Fixed a bug where a client receiving a chunk-metadata-update message from the server would try to do things that require having the region's interior data in memory even if it did not in fact have it in memory. Normally that situation should not arise but it is possible, so it's now better about just skipping that message on a client that doesn't have the interior data to work with.
    • Thanks to MouldyK for the report.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to caverns having missing pieces of ceiling or floor.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to doors seeding in "blocked to boss" locations and thus leading to really strange situations with doors inside small enclosed areas, etc.
    • Thanks to LayZboy and BenMiff for reporting.
  • Creeping Death now costs 550 mana to use.
    • Thanks to LayZboy for suggesting.
  • Battlefield command flares are now just called command flares, and work differently than they did before. Their new description:
    • During battlefield missions and rescue missions, your allies will automatically converge on the nearest command flare that is within 18 meters of their current location. This lets you group them up and use them as you wish, or have them hang back when being rescued, rather than always following their normal behavior. Command flares can't be removed, but expire after fifteen seconds.
    • This fixes the previous bugs that they had in not working right in multiplayer, as well as adding a "stay here for a moment" option for rescue missions.
    • These are also now seeded in the staging areas of rescue missions as well as battlefield missions.
    • Thanks to a lot of players, including jruderman, for making comments and suggestions over the last months that have led to this.

Beta 1.046 Release Candidate 1

(Released May 31, 2012)

  • 99 new rooms added to the game. No, that's not a typo, and, I must say that some of these rooms are absolutely awesome!
    • Thanks a BUNCH to Benmiff for taking the time to create these!
  • Updated the description text on the cedar logs to be more clear, as well as more accurate for changes to the recent versions.
    • Cedar logs are created when your spells destroy cedar trees, which can be found mainly in the (non-thawing) ice age and abandoned towns, and to a lesser extent in the grasslands.
    • Thanks to mlah for reporting.
  • Added an awesome new music theme for the freefall missions featuring a lot of electric guitar and a chaotic, driving beat.
  • Monster nests are now slightly taller in their hitboxes so that they are more accurate to hit when you are trying to hit them (previously you had to aim pretty darn low).
  • The "final solution" to microbosses and minibosses not spawning has now been implemented. All we'll say is this:
    • There's a new miniboss that is part of the game, but which you will never encounter unless all other miniboss/microboss types have failed to seed.
    • This one will definitely seed no matter what the level layout is.
    • You'll be a bit sorry when it does.
    • Think of this kind of like "Warmech" from FF1. Super, super rare. Though not so unreasonably deadly as in that game (it's more like fighting a lieutenant when it should be just a miniboss).
  • Some changes regarding espers and amoebas:
    • Explosive Espers have been added to the deserts.
    • Lightning espers have been removed from the swamps, and blue amoebas have been added in their place.
    • Water espers have been added to the grasslands, and red amoebas have been removed from the grasslands.
    • Blue amoebas have been removed from the pre-industrial forests.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase for pointing out that explosive and water espers were not available on continent 1 anymore, and TechSY730 for prodding us about it further.
  • The mana cost of fireball has been reduced from 38 to 34, and its cooldown has been reduced from 0.75 to 0.6 seconds.
    • Thanks to a number of players for pointing out that red was really lacking in a spell with enough punch to hold up compared to other elements.
  • Creeping Death now moves twice as fast but lives half as long. Also, its attack has been increased from 126 to 380.
    • Thanks to a number of players for commenting that this spell was underpowered and not terribly fun.
  • Fixed an issue in recent versions where oceans would be unable to seed a mission entrance and then would complain about it. There is now a new kind of mission entrance that looks like a red warp gate—these are used when the other two forms of mission entrances don't fit, and are much more flexible in terms of where they can be positioned (basically anywhere).
    • Thanks to death2cupbots for reporting.
  • The static discharges from clockwork wasps no longer strike invincible players (which did nothing anyway, but made an annoying sound).
  • Previously, the static discharge effect of the clockwork wasps was really confusing to people because we never had gotten the visual particle effect in there for the line of electricity that they are zapping you with (potentially through walls, even). The visual effect is now in place, so hopefully that's a lot clearer!
  • Characters that get extra magical attack points now get 15% per point rather than 10% per point. The upgrade enchants still work at 10%, but this gives high-attack characters more of an edge compared to their high-mana counterparts.
    • Thanks to jruderman, TechSY730, and lavacamorada for weighing in on this.
  • Previously, characters that were resistant to knockback were also resistant to recoil from their own spells. Spell recoil is now handled independently of knockback, and resistance to knockback no longer has any effect on recoil.
    • This is why some people were thinking that the freefall missions did not have any knockback—they were playing ice age characters or similar.

Beta 1.045 Pre-Official Polish Round 5

(Released May 31, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where ongoing conditions that consume mana (shields, storm dash) were not properly factoring in the presence of mana-increasing enchants and thus cutting off earlier than they should have (because during the mana consumption step it really did look like mana was zero; the mana-increasing-enchants had not yet been fully re-applied).
    • This was also causing activating such a mana-consuming condition (like storm dash) when very low on mana to _raise_ your current mana to what it thought was the zero-line.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, Fezi, and El_Kamoo for reporting.
  • Changed damage calculation so that the innate damage reduction you get from the continent tier is applied after damage is deducted from your active water/air/earth/fire shield (if any).
    • Previously, the shields were getting both that reduction AND increased in power at higher tiers of shield spell, which caused them to rise in power rather than stay similarly effective against threats of the matching tier.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Previously, spike traps, blade traps, and mines could be pierced through by piercing spells—even when they couldn't be destroyed—which seemed odd when contrasted with explode-on-contact spells that would hit them. Now these objects block all spells equally.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • The various dangerfalls now do about 3x as much damage since they're so obvious and (relatively) easy to not get hit by, and were being a lot less dangerous than spike traps and whatnot. Miasma falls were only increased to about 1.5x of what it was, since it was already pretty high and tends to be in already-insanely-dangerous places.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
  • Fixed bug with the loot goals mouseover (that's been there since it was added) where when it was telling you what spells on your shopping list require that material it shows the currently-available tier of the spell rather than the tier that's actually on your shopping list.
    • Thanks to Bluddy, khadgar, and TechSY730 for reporting.
  • Previously the expanded inventory interface (for either ability items or enchants) would display an extra row at the top if you were dragging something around, so that you could start a new row if you wanted. This was causing problems because it made left-clicking an equipped enchant pretty likely to unequip that enchant because the new row would appear under your cursor.
    • So now the extra empty row is always present while the inventory interface is expanded. The only times it won't show are when you're only showing one row of inventory or when you've already reached the maximum number of rows for that inventory category.
    • Thanks to many players for reporting the problem with the left-click-unequipping, including yllamana, techsy730, and timtim, and to GauHelldragon for figuring out that it was the empty row popping up causing the problem.
  • MP: Fixed a generalized issue where the behaviors of immobile entities were not being properly synced to players—and actually, new players just entering a chunk that had been going on for a while also would probably experience issues even with mobile enemies for about 10–15 seconds.
    • The most obvious manifestation of this was that immobile mines and spike traps were not doing any damage to players on contact in multiplayer; but this was a longstanding issue that likely had other effects, too.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.

Beta 1.044 Pre-Official Polish Round 4

(Released May 31, 2012)

  • Umbra Embers are now available starting at tier 1, rather than tier 2, missions.
    • Thus granting earlier access to lesser teleport in particular on new continents.
    • Thanks to EtherealOne for suggesting.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where the battlefield mission towers were supposed to have randomized 50% weaknesses applied to themselves but the weaknesses would not survive past a chunk save and reload.
  • Improved the seeding logic for entities such that if a randomized valid position is calculated for an entity that it won't then collide and get invalidated and removed upon being added to that location.
    • The logic for actual collisions of various sorts versus checking for validity are a bit different, and so the secondary checks would sometimes do this to our frustration—and wasting CPU cycles, as well, we might add.
    • The result should be many fewer (hopefully no?) cases of objects not seeding when they are supposed to when there is legitimately room for them to do so, and it also results in somewhat faster chunk generation for entity-dense chunks since it's not having to double-check the validity of a position for an entity that it has already decided is valid.
  • Fixed an issue in recent versions where the elemental strengths and weaknesses of enemies were getting blown out of normal proportions by being applied several times in a row.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the vertical positioning of the "Active Continent Effects" display on the escape menu that was causing it to overlap various other bits of info depending on resolution.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Boss Delve gauntlet rooms and journey to perfection missions have always had invincible monster nests rather than the normal kinds of monster nests that you can destroy.
    • If you paused and hovered over these nests they would say "Invincible Monster Nest," but that was the only clue. Now there is a wholly different graphic used, which is a much freakier and different form of monster nest than seen before.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase for reporting.
  • Normally when the game's installation is missing an image file for some reason, it will throw and exception stating such and then use pink boxes. We had presumed that was enough of a clue for people to reinstall, but lately have realized that some folks then just assume the game is buggy rather than corrupt. This is particularly problematic when Steam occasionally forgets to download a file for some reason (interrupted download), which is rare but happens.
    • Therefore, after a missing image has been detected the game will continue showing a pair of big messages at the top of the chat log until the player restarts the game (same as we do with fatal errors).
    • The first line always reads:
      • X image(s) have been detected as missing (these are the pink boxes you may be seeing). This generally indicates a corrupt install; perhaps you have missed an intermediate update somehow or other.
    • The second line reads as follows on a Steam install:
      • To fix this issue, simply exit the game and open the properties for it in Steam. Verify Steam Cache to make sure that Steam has downloaded all of the files from the last official update; then re-update to the latest beta if you're playing the betas.
    • The second line reads as follows on a non-Steam install:
      • The best solution is to reinstall the game over top of itself from the latest installer, and then update to the latest version again. Make sure to back up settings.dat, inputbindings.dat, and the Worlds folder in the RuntimeData folder of the game, just in case—reinstallation shouldn't harm them, but you never can be too careful.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and others for inspiring this change.
  • To clarify our update process, which we only today realized is not stated anywhere central to the game itself or our site, we've added the following message tooltip to our updates button on the main menu:
    • Official updates are more rare, but are stable—if you have a strong aversion to bugs, and just want to play the game, these are the versions for you.
    • Post-release beta updates are raw and frequent—they have all the latest and greatest changes and additions to the game, but that includes bugs as well.
    • Periodically we go through a polish phase on the cumulative beta updates and then do a new official release, updating our installers and so forth. So if you skip the betas you won't miss out on any functionality, you'll just get it a few months later than those who play the betas.
    • All in all we maintain pretty low bug counts even in the betas, and anything critical is fixed as soon as we absolutely can. But it's definitely not the smooth experience of our official updates, nor can it be given the usual pace of our updates.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and others for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed a bug where, in certain interiors, Miasma bats' miasma whips had a time-to-live of 3 seconds instead of the normal 0.16 seconds (making them go way further than intended).
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report and funknapkin for the save.
  • Put in a fix for the boss room BossWaterTrap, which would tend to lead to just a floor of water or lava if something like an Elder T-Rex tried to seed in there.
    • This won't fix existing rooms that have already generated, but it will prevent the problem from occurring in future versions.
    • Thanks to Garde for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where some caverns, particularly in journey to perfection and a few other mission types with low overheads, could create side passages that were impossible to get through.
    • This won't fix existing caverns that have already generated, but it will prevent the problem from occurring in future versions.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • The list of time-period-unique things on the skelebots now includes "No Ghost On Death." That's always been the case, but now it's clear that is the case when you are choosing characters.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the interior fast-travel exits in stash rooms could be floating way up in the air if there was no room for them anywhere on the ground.
    • Now it tries a bit harder to find a place for them on the ground, and then simply doesn't seed them at all if there really is no room for them.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Freefall missions are now intially much easier, and grow harder after the player has had some practice:
    • Initially, they have no monsters, and only half the normal amount of mines.
    • After you've beaten 3 freefall missions, they have half the normal amount of monsters and half the normal amount of mines.
    • After you've beaten 6 freefall missions, they have half the normal amount of monsters and 2/3rds the normal amount of mines.
    • After you've beaten 9 freefall missions, they have 2/3rds the normal amount of monsters and the normal amount of mines.
    • After you've beaten 12 freefall missions, they have the normal amount of monsters and the normal amount of mines.
  • The beat-10-lava-escape-missions and beat-5-journey-to-perfection-missions unlocks have been removed from the game since they no longer unlocked anything.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Lava Escape missions are now initially much easier, and grow harder after the player has had some practice:
    • Initially, the lava rise-rate is about 1/3rd normal.
    • After you've beaten 3 lava escape missions, the lava rise-rate is about 2/3rds normal.
    • After you've beaten 6 lava escape missions, the lava rise-rate is normal.
    • Note: even though the beat-10-lava-missions unlock has been removed in this version, loading an old world with progress on that one should count properly against these 2 unlocks; let us know (with a copy of the old world that isn't upgrading right) if that doesn't happen correctly for you.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
  • Previously if a player or an enemy tried to use a spell like ice cross that was taller than the caster was, you could run into cutoff issues where things like the horizontal arm of the spell wouldn't seed, etc. Fixed so that the components in question now offset themselves up or down by a third of the size of the spell in order to avoid this happening if it does.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre and Misery for reporting.
  • Removed the "spells try to scale up really fast when spawned" logic from the game. That was a mild CPU drain, but more to the point it was the cause of numerous bugs. The problem it was trying to solve can actually be solved a different way, it turns out, anyhow.
    • Thanks to jruderman and others for reporting bugs related to this (not yet sure what other bugs will be fixed by this, but there will be others).
  • When spells like fireball or energy orb or similar are fired by players or enemies, if it can't seed them straight on where the normal seeding would happen it instead shifts by a third of the height or width of the spell to each side to see if it can see if it can seed it there.
    • This prevents the "can't fire when right under ceiling" and "can't fire certain spells when really short" issues a lot better than the older "scale spells up really fast" logic ever did.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting the issue that led to this change.
  • Previously, player-controlled micro-rexes were unable to fire spells without pausing in their movements. Fixed.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.042-1.043

(Released May 30, 2012)

  • Fixed another old-worlds-deserialization bug arising from the combination of an old minor optimization (that wouldn't write out an ongoing condition's duration to disk or the network if it wasn't the sort of condition that _has_ a duration) and some old ongoing-condition types that haven't been used in a while (and didn't have a duration) being repurposed for the recently added element-vulnerability-causing abilities (which do have a duration).
    • Thanks to freeformschooler for the report and save.
  • Fixed a debug message that was accidentally left on in 1.041.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase and death2cupbots for reporting.

Beta 1.041 Pre-Official Polish Round 3

(Released May 30, 2012)

  • The maximum distance that meteor shower meteors and rockslide rocks can travel has been greatly increased, so that they actually have enough room to fall back below the height at which you launched them after they go up.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • When clicking to see the details of the "Rescue NPC" unlockables, the game now lists specifically which region types are associated with that time period.
    • Thanks to jruderman, AlexxKay, and GauHelldragon for suggesting.
  • Previously, the chance of T-rexes spawning had been reduced far enough that they were far too rare. Now their seeding rate is back up to what it originally was, and they also can now seed underground and in interiors again (given that now they have spacing logic to prevent them from spawning trapped in a stairwell now).
    • Thanks to amonchakad, GauHelldragon, and Misery for reporting.
  • The sign at the edge of the settlements now makes sure to mention both upgrade enchants and the opal guardian store, to aid new players.
    • New players will also have encountered upgrade enchants through the intro mission, at this point, but it's good to reinforce.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • The "Things You Should Do" section of the planning menu now advises you to Defeat Lieutenants when they are still alive—including explaining briefly what the consequences of doing so will be.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • When all the lieutenants are dead but the overlord still lives, the "Things You Should Do" section of the planning menu now advises you to Defeat The Overlord, along with a few tips related to that.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • The "Things You Should Do" part of the planning menu now tells you to use your upgrade enchant points as the very first item on its list if you've not yet done so. This provides yet another way of catching new players to make sure that they take advantage of these key mechanics.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • For like the third time, fixed the issue with the warp gates showing on the dungeon map when they aren't actually supposed to have a warp gate and won't have one in the chunk.
    • This version of the problem only happened when the dungeon was first generated, and the map would be corrected next time you saved and loaded the dungeon. Now it should always be correct from the start.
    • Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Updated the continent-seeding logic so that a minimum number of region tiles of each type is now maintained. For most region types this number is 5, but for many of the middle-sized regions it's 14, and for some of the larger ones it's 20.
    • This helps to insure that you're never getting just a single tile of some particular region that you need, for instance. However, sub-region-types like grasslands-with-groves might still be completely absent or in very short supply.
    • This also has a side effect of making more interesting region layouts right on the first continent and beyond, with more islands and peninsulas and bays and such.
    • This won't help existing continents, since they have already been generated, but it will affect new continents generated even in existing worlds.
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for inspiring this change.
  • Rather than trying to keep the frequency of a given mission type to 1/3 of the world map missions at most, instead the game now tries to keep it to 1/8th that amount or lower.
    • This lowers the chances of getting stuck with a ton of mission types that you're really just not a fan of.
    • Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.
  • The number of starting missions on the world map is still 4, but more missions on the world map now unlock more quickly—they go up by 2 instead of by 1, to a max of 40 mission per continent rather than 20.
    • However, as a corollary to that, it won't let you generate more missions than would fill 1/3 of the total non-windstorm tiles on a continent—or 8, whichever is higher. This means that if you want more mission variety, you need to expand your borders! The missions won't just pile up on your tiny starting amount of non-windstorm land on later continents.
    • Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.

Beta 1.040 Pre-Official Polish Round 2

(Released May 30, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.036 where on death you would not spawn a vengeful ghost you would spawn an npc of the same base type as yourself. A pity, it was hilarious.
  • 42 Various rooms added
    • Thanks to Benmiff for the awesome job on these!
  • The "Supplies Manifest" no longer includes the enchants that are store-bought (whereas before it included a couple of dozen of them). This cuts down on the clutter of things like seeker enchants, the upgrade enchants, etc, and makes it much easier to see just the supplies themselves.
    • Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for suggesting.
  • The "Enchant Categories" has now been split into two parts: "Enchants (Random Loot)" which details what you can find via exploration and enemies; and "Enchants (Store Bought)" which details those that you can find at the store.
  • Fixed an issue in the description text of the mission type unlockables in the prior version that still referred to a specific mission type rather than the overall mission category.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes climbing rooms could have a gap in one of their side walls.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug from 1.037 onward where all monster weakspots had been removed.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
  • Dangerfalls now space themselves out a bit more, so that they won't get in such narrow passages or as bunched up on one another as they previously could. This makes it so that it's a lot less likely for you to encounter positions where you can't get past them without lesser teleport or taking damage.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Charred Amber is now a lot more frequent in both the desert and swamp regions, since some players were finding it particularly hard to come by.
    • Thanks to FrostDragon for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where previously if you were falling past a warp gate and pressed the button to initiate warping, you could get stuck in a "Waiting on chunk gen" mode. Now it just warps you.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, khadgar, jruderman, and yllamana for reporting.
  • The message you get when picking up an enchant for the first time when you have not yet equipped an enchant is now an opt-out type message rather than one you can't avoid.
    • Thanks to jruderman for inspiring this change.
  • Nightmare Octopi and Jellyfish no longer can appear as part of Supply Depot missions because they would just float around at the top annoyingly.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • The requirement to kill all the monsters in a Supply Depot mission was annoying and time consuming in a variety of situations. Now all you have to kill is the meteors themselves (though of course you have to survive the monsters).
    • Thanks to Nanostrike, lavacamorada, and jruderman for suggesting.
  • Insect orb's base attack strength has increased from 2.4 to 9. It spawns 36 projectiles in a cloud, many of which may or may not hit the enemies you are attacking, so this is deceptively powerful spell. However, before it was too much on the weak side (and now it may still be but it's more of a question than a certainty at least).
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where the crafting costs have been going up ridiculously exponentially in order to get to the higher spell tiers. Goodness those costs were getting way higher than we had meant them to! On the order of 3-5 times as high, in a few cases.
    • There is also now a hard rule that we'll never have more than 14 crafting ingredients in a given spell tier; this is partly just to keep things smooth, and also partly to keep it all on one line in the interface, which looks nicer and is easier to read.
  • Given the change in crafting costs of spells, missions now give you only 4 ingredients per mission rather than 5.
  • Put in a fix to prevent healing orbs from following you but not healing you in the prior version.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.
  • The crafting grimoire has been substantially upgraded: it now shows the costs for each tier of a spell, rather than just showing the costs for the next tier of that same spell.
    • This really lets you plan a lot more in advance, especially since many spells get new requirements the further along they go.
  • The "By Material" part of the crafting grimoire now looks at all tiers of each spell, rather than just the next tier. This, again, is to help with planning—and it helps to show that sunstone and moonstone have more uses than just sunrise and nightfall, for instance. Charred amber and white witch hair still are only used in one spell each at the moment, but it's a lot clearer in general what is used where now.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of the Seek Resources Guardian Scroll.
    • Thanks to SerinityFrye for reporting this.
  • Fixed an issue with the seeding logic for the underground freefall staging rooms that could cause a lockup when generating these.
  • The distance meter is no longer shown in the staging area of the freefall missions.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • The various underground ferns and mushrooms now have a further-back draw depth so that they are not obscuring things you want to get at so often.
  • The stinging nettles have a further-forward draw depth so that they are a lot less likely to be obscured by other things.
  • Fixed an old-worlds-deserialization bug arising from the combination of an old minor optimization (that wouldn't write out an ongoing condition's duration to disk or the network if it wasn't the sort of condition that _has_ a duration) and the shield spells having recently being given a duration. If you had a world saved before version 1.023 with a player character with a shield spell active during the save operation, said world would die horribly upon attempting to load.
    • Thanks to Barty for the report and save.
  • Added a pair of new "Dry Plum tree" objects which can be found in deserts with low frequency; this gives a new way to get plums when there are few abandoned towns and grasslands-with-groves. There's always lots of desert!
    • Thanks to jruderman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • "Minor" monsters that are more like a shot than a monster (things like dragon fire, etc), as well as dangerfall particles, no longer draw detection lines when you are being stealthy.
    • The exception is minor monsters that are a sub-component of a larger monster—you can see each individual gun tracking you still on things like the urban predator.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for suggesting.

Beta 1.039 Pre-Official Polish Round 1

(Released May 30, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where Flamethrower was increasing the monsters' weakness to fire rather than water.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase for reporting.
  • The updates button now notes "Post-Release Beta Updates" rather than just "Beta Updates" to be more clear to some folks who thought the game itself was still in beta (it's not—we have an official stable build and then a series of beta builds before the next official build).
  • Previously, the cold severity of the thawing ice age areas was low enough that medieval characters' armor was enough to keep them warm. Now the cold severity of the thawing ice age is high enough that you definitely have to be wearing a snowsuit to stay warm. The cold severity just affects how much damage you take from the cold, and the weight of the clothing of the character also factors into that. Only those with perfect protection from the cold/heat are shown as having protection in the menus, however.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • The order of categories in the opal guardian store have been revised to make more sense in terms of category importance and so forth.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • The way that character names are handled internally is now different. Previously it was storing the firstname, lastname, and separator for between the two (usually a space except for skelebots, which had a hyphen). Then it had a nickname field that you could write to when you were renaming your character.
    • Now it just has a single Name field that contains the whole name, and which you can write to when renaming your character. This makes the on-disk footprint of characters slightly smaller, and fixes a number of small display issues related to nicknames and performance is slightly better with this also (nothing noticeable in gameplay, but every small efficiency is always good).
  • A new profession has been added: Adventuring.
    • All player characters are considered Adventuerers, and now glyph transplant scrolls include the following additional warning:
    • Note that the character you are switching to have their profession permanently changed to Adventurer, so they will no longer be able to use guardian power scrolls (via one of the normal magical professions).
    • This prevents a number of exploity ways of getting new NPCs of a certain profession on a given continent.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and jruderman for inspiring this change.
  • Green Amoebas that pop out of the Giant Green Amoebas are now invincible for 1 second after spawning; this prevents cheesy tactics with hitting them all right as soon as they spawn.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Made the unlockables related to missions a lot more clear—they were previously acting like you had to complete a specific sub-variant of a mission in order to win it, but that was not the case.
    • Now it just shows a generalized name for the class of missions instead, which is far more clear.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • In the last few versions, given the new way of handling the enchants for upgrading health, if the character's health was too low when doing a glyph transplant then they would be killed.
    • Since transplants are only allowed in settlements anyhow, and healing is free in settlements, the transplant itself now just sets both characters to full health as part of the transplant to avoid these issues (and hey, it avoids that annoying issue with NPCs wandering around your settlement with partial health, too).
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Previously, if a settlement's chunk had to be regenerated (due to data corruption from a power outage or whatever), the game made no effort to update which chunk the settlement-resident NPCs should spawn in, so the regenerated settlement chunk would be empty (despite the NPCs showing up fine under the planning menu).
    • Added a check before the "seed all NPCs that should be here" logic to update the ChunkID of any NPC records that the continent's settlement's macrogame data claims is a resident.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report and saves.
  • It is no longer possible to drop enchants that you currently have equipped. You must first unequip them, then drop them.
  • When craftable spellgems are dropped, they now are destroyed rather than falling into a bag on the ground—the idea here is to prevent clutter.
    • In settlements it does this without any sort of confirm prompt.
    • Outside settlements, the following message is shown:
      • Destroy Spellgem?
      • This sort of spellgem can be freely equipped at a spellgem workbench at any time. To prevent clutter, these sort of gems disappear when you drop them, rather than actually dropping to the ground.
      • In a settlement you would not get this warning message; but given you are outside a settlement and might need this spellgem to get safely home, we thought we'd check to make sure you meant to incinerate this one.
    • Thanks to MouldyK for suggesting.
  • Put in a fast-equip option for spells that are already known. Now all you have to do (and a tooltip tells you this) is right-click the spells you want to add to your inventory.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Previously, if a multi-part monster was damaged and thus put on alert, its range increases and such would not transfer over to its sub-components. The most obvious effect of this was being able to shoot a small urban mech without its sub-guns getting alerted and thus having larger range to shoot back at you.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Previously, if monsters were damaged via non-player-based means they were still alerted when the player was trying to be stealthy. Fixed so that now only damage from player sources will affect this.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Previously the "you just picked up an enchant" tip that would show when you picked up an enchant and had none equipped only fired on enchants that were literally on the ground, and not on enchants from enchant containers.
    • Now it will check for this when picking up an enchant from an enchant container.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the suggestion.
  • Mission and Chunk-based (i.e. lieutenant tower) enchant effects no longer ever apply to "minor" scale monsters like homing fire, traps, etc.
    • Notably, this means that traps and stuff-spawned-from-boss-attacks (unless those spawns are somehow larger than minor-scale) in stealth assassination missions will no longer get the punishingly high damage buff that normal monsters get there.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the reports.
  • Enemies in Journey To Perfection missions now no longer drop health, since it was basically irrelevant to the mission.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the suggestion.
  • The store descriptions for the upgrade enchants now properly show the maximum number of upgrade points based on your current character, rather than always just saying the maximum is 10.
    • Thanks to FrostDragon for suggesting.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where guardians and health orbs would not heal you if your current health was less than a full point below your max health.
    • Thanks to mrhanman and GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Boss Gang missions are now unlocked after just 3 boss tower missions are completed, rather than 10.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Umbra Vortex missions are now unlocked after just 1 boss tower missions are completed, rather than 3.
  • Previously, it was possible for a mission to be possible as a secret mission but not on the world map until a certain number of that mission had been completed in a secret fashion. Now if a mission is ever to be available on the world map, it is now available as soon as it is available as a secret mission.
    • The only mission this really applied to was the lava escape at this point.
    • With the de-emphasis on secret missions and the larger variety of world map missions in general, this mechanic no longer made sense to retain.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug in recent versions where elite versions of monsters were always counting as non-anachronistic even when they were.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada and GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Microbosses and minibosses now drop 60/300 shards rather than the former 20/100 that they previously dropped.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing out that the prior values were hilariously low.

Beta 1.038

(Released May 30, 2012)

  • Fixed two null reference exceptions related to OngoingConditionTypeData.GetTotalFromList and GameEntity.GetEffectiveElementalDamageMultiplier that were causing errors in a variety of cases in the prior version of the game. Sorry about that!
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase, GauHelldragon, Misery, Yiab, xaeros, and NyQuil for reporting this.

Beta 1.037 Luminance Arc

(Released May 29, 2012)

  • The "Miniature" spell has been renamed to "Miniaturize Self," and the "Shrink" spell has been renamed to "Shrink Object" in order to avoid confusion.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and jruderman for suggesting.
  • Changes to the strategic difficulty:
    • On Absurd you now get 9 tier orbs per tier rather than 8.
    • On Vicious you still get 15 tier orbs
    • On Wily you now get 24 tier orbs per tier rather than 25.
    • On Restless you now get 36 tier orbs per tier rather than 35.
    • On Forgiving you now get 48 tier orbs per tier rather than 50.
    • Thanks to FrostDragon for pointing out that this would work better as always being a multiple of three.
  • New elite monster: Skelebot Titan.
    • Upgraded version of Skelebot Giant that gets unlocked after 10 kills of the regular skelebot giant.
    • Has a new Fire Cloud Mass Attack, does a much higher-damage version of Flame Pulse, and has more health.
  • "Giant ??? Head" has been renamed to "Thul Head."
  • The guardian power for creating a wind shelter mission can now also be used on a non-stormy region that is adjacent to a stormy region (previously it could only be used in a stormy region adjacent to a non-stormy region).
    • The catch is that a build-wind-shelter mission now always makes the region it is stormy until the mission is completed successfully (or expires). No free lunch here, just preventing edge cases where you can't get the storm off of a square due to how the geometry fell.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting a case where the overlord lair could not be "unstormed" due to the restrictiveness of the previous rules.
  • Made all references to "back up" and "backup" in game consistently say "back up".
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting this.
  • Previously startup enchant containers (seeded in the original settlement) and rare/small-rare enchant containers (the former dropped by lieutenants and overlords, the latter by chests, etc) never increased enchant quality. This was intentional to prevent MP/multiple-player-accounts-in-SP exploits but led to bug reports and some duplicate enchants, etc.
    • Now startup enchant containers increase enchant quality if that base type's current quality is less than 5.
    • And rare/small-rare enchant containers increase enchant quality the first time they are picked up (can be picked up multiple times in MP).
    • Thanks to many players for feedback on this.
  • Crippled Dragons are now unlocked by killing 8 giant blue amoebas instead of 12.
  • The melee attack of giant blue amoeba has dropped from 25 to 10, to match its base ranged attack.
  • The melee attack of giant red amoeba has dropped from 50 to 20, to match its base ranged attack.
  • The melee attack of giant green amoeba has dropped from 50 to 20, to match its base ranged attack.
  • New enemy elite: Restive Giant Blue Amoeba
    • Upgrade of the giant blue amoeba, unlocked after killing 12 of the giant blue amoebas.
    • Has a base attack (ranged and melee) of 20 instead of 10.
    • Has randomized double elemental resistances, which is something that no other monsters currently do.
  • Fixed a bug in a semi-recent network-message-size optimization that was causing some chunk transition logic to fire twice on the server, leading to bugs where people would never get their initial chunk invincibility in MP (that bug was sidestepped by simply changing it to never remove initial-chunk-invincibility).
  • Since the underlying bug causing the erroneous application of the "remove chunk invincibility if entering a chunk you were in less than 10 seconds ago" rule has been fixed, that rule has been re-instituted.
  • Two more Overlord Boss rooms added
    • Thanks to vadatajs for those!
  • Fixed a bug with recent versions of the game where weakspots on enemies were being serialized and deserialized improperly, resulting in lots of duplicate in-memory weakspots. That was likely to cause all sorts of trouble and small slowdowns.
  • Giant Blue Amoebas are no longer slowed by water attacks.
  • The cost of Leafy Whip has been increased from 190 mana to 220 mana.
  • Damage Per Mana (DPM) is now shown to two significant digits rather than one.
  • Fixed an issue where catch-up enchants did not increase quality.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting this.

Three New Spells

  • New spell: Flamethrower
    • A sustained-fire blast of mid-power fire cooks multiple foes without knocking them back, making them more susceptible to water/ice/steam attacks for five seconds. Also strikes background entities.
  • New spell: Geyser
    • A sustained-fire blast of mid-power water douses multiple foes without knocking them back, making them more susceptible to air/electric attacks for five seconds. Also strikes background entities.
  • New spell: Luminance Arc
    • A curving, semi-controllable lance of light leaps forward and strikes through multiple enemies at long range. As you learn the angles at which it strikes, you can hit with greater accuracy (which is useful given its long range). Also strikes background entities.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting a white spell that damages background entities.

New Method For Boss Elemental Weaknesses/Resistances

  • The way that boss elemental weaknesses/resistances are handled is now completely different:
    • Previously it had some that were hardwired into a given boss type, as with the regular monsters. Now there are no hardwired weaknesses or resistances on any of the enemy types that are miniboss or up.
    • Additionally, when it comes to microbosses, those now ignore whatever their base resistances/strength would have been if they were not a microboss.
    • Also previously, the randomized upgrade points from the bosses had a low chance of being applied to a new resistance (but never a weakness). The chance was low enough that most bosses didn't even have a resistance.
      • Now, instead all those randomized upgrade points from the bosses go into just the two main stats of health and attack (which they mostly were anyway), and none of the points are used for resistances.
    • Most bosses now follow what we call the "normal" randomized elemental pattern:
      • 66% chance of having 75% resistance to one random element and a 30% weakness to another random element.
      • 33% chance of instead having 66% resistance to one random element and a 15% weakness to another random element.
    • A few bosses follow the "extreme healing" randomized elemental pattern instead (mainly Giant Red Amoeba)
      • 100% chance of having 200% resistance to (so, 100% healing from) one random element and a 15% weakness to another random element.
    • The new Restive Giant Blue Amoeba follows what we call the "double strong" randomized elemental pattern:
      • 66% chance of having 60% resistance to one random element, 60% resistance to another random element, and a 15% weakness to another random element.
      • 33% chance of instead having 75% resistance to one random element, 75% resistance to another random element, and a 30% weakness to another random element.
    • Thanks to darkchair for inspiring these changes.
  • All of the components of a multi-part enemy now have the same weaknesses/strengths as their parent entity. Important for the randomly-rolled elemental multipliers for things like the urban mechs.

Beta 1.036

(Released May 26, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version that was causing all spells to hit player-placed wood platforms.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, RealistTK, and SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in prior versions where some of the underground freefall mission entrances had no roof.
    • Thanks to Buccee for reporting.
  • The falling rubble's speed in the underground freefall missions has been halved. No idea if this is the proper balance yet, more testing is needed, but it should help at least.

Beta 1.035

(Released May 26, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where, if the game was unable to seed a boss in a boss room, it would essentially lock up.
    • Thanks to Blackdate and Buccee for reporting.
  • Monsters and spells were previously colliding with background ladders during their seeding, which led to all manner of tomfoolery with them not seeding when they should. That's now been fixed so that this no longer happens and thus a much wider variety of monsters (and bosses) can seed in a much wider variety of chunks.
    • Thanks to jruderman for suggesting.
  • Improved the boss seeding logic yet again so that if it can't seed a boss at first, it will remove all the crates. If it still can't seed them, it will remove all the background ladders. This dramatically increases the chance that a boss can seed in any boss room, although ideally in most cases this would never even come up.
  • Since lieutenant boss types are pre-chosen and can't be tailored to the type of boss room they will seed in, the general boss rooms really aren't suitable for lieutenants. Therefore they now use the same larger rooms that are used for the overlord battles.
    • Thanks to Niass for reporting a lieutenant not seeding.
  • Ten new overlord boss rooms have been created, bringing the total of those up to 17. If anyone else wants to create some of those, we're always open to submissions, by the way!
  • Put in code so that if a lieutenant or overlord does not spawn in their throne room it now shows the "temporal flux" error message and lets you recreate the chunk.
    • This way if a prior version of the game had generated in such a way that they could not spawn, you can have them properly spawn in the new version of the game.
  • Improved the temporal flux respawn logic so that it puts you back where you were rather than shunting you to the world map.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where the neutral draconites were getting 80% protection from melee rather than 20%.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where hidden one-way teleporters were still fully functional including popping up their messages.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the recent versions where if your health was too low when you loaded a savegame or went through a door, and your health was being buffed a substantial amount through upgrade enchants, you would die.
    • The reason is that it was checking to see if your health was <= 0 before it was re-applying the buffs from your enchants. Now it adds the enchant buffs first before it checks death from health that is too low, so it really shouldn't be happening anymore.
    • Thanks to Garde and GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.034

(Released May 25, 2012)

  • Put in a fix to a bug that was causing exceptions to be thrown on multiplayer servers when players tried to make certain kinds of inventory shifts. We're not sure exactly how this was being triggered, but at any rate it shouldn't cause errors anymore; the result of the errors was an unstable multiplayer server and a character who couldn't move.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.033

(Released May 25, 2012)

  • The new enemies from The Deep now have proper unlockables on them so that they don't start showing up in battlefield missions until continent 2.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
  • The giant ??? heads no longer spawn in battlefield, supply depot, umbra vortex, or anachronism missions in general. Same with the large tentacles.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version that made the rate of boss seeding exceedingly low (whereas that release was supposed to do just the opposite, go figure).
    • As it now stands, the odds of getting a room without a boss should be incredibly low—knock on wood.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
  • Fixed an extremely longstanding issue where a lot of the room templates for building interiors and boss rooms and the like simply weren't coming up in the rotation. Josh thought this might be happening months ago, but we couldn't find it at the time. But a huge amount of the variety of the rooms of the interiors and boss rooms simply were being lost because of the way some of the randomization was being initialized.

Beta 1.032 The Rising Deep

(Released May 25, 2012)

  • Previously, the shard costs of the upgrade enchants ranged from 300 to 2700. Now they range from 10 to 90 instead.
    • This way people don't feel like they need to grind shards to get these enchants upon updating, AND they also don't need to carry around all the enchants all the time; it's incredibly cheap to re-buy the enchants if ever need be.
    • Thanks to omegajasam for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed the description of the random legs enchant in the opal guardian store, as it was still referring to jumping-related enchants despite those having moved to the feet slot.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Fixed a misspelling on Balsam Poplars.
    • Thanks to ncthornock for reporting.
  • The mana recharge rate added by each point of upgrade to mana is no longer 8%, it's now 4%. It was way too much before.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • The lava escape missions now use the lava flats music theme for themselves.
  • Rescue missions and journey to perfection missions now both use a brand-new music track called "Special Mission" that was composed by Pablo Vega and Jared Anderson, with Jared Anderson on the guitar.
  • References to Upgrade Stones have been removed from the in-game text.
  • Fixed some bugs with how enemy behaviors were being synced for stationary enemies.
  • Fixed a bug in multiplayer where the mines would not explode when you touched them. Their attack was simply defined incorrectly.
    • Thanks to LayZboy for reporting.
  • Clockwork probes no longer have a melee attack.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs with the NPCs being rescued that could lead to them zipping around too fast as well as to them getting stuck on geometry and being unable to follow you. The latter was more prevalent when the former was happening.
    • If you see this one again, please let us know, but knock on wood we think we got it this time.
    • Thanks to kizumuki and techsy730 for reporting the most recent batch of these issues.
  • Fixed a bug from the past couple of versions where enemies that were supposed to be not walking off cliffs were instead walking off cliffs anyway.
  • Improved the AI on some of the enemies that are larger to not attempt to go up and down slopes if they would look really strange and/or be likely to get stuck doing so.
  • The mana cost of sunrise and nightfall has dropped from 480 to 150.
    • Thanks to Gemzo for suggesting.
  • Explosive espers now seed in the lava flats but not in the swamp.
  • Ice espers now seed in the ice age but not in the swamp.
  • Put in a fix so that oversized monsters now do a better job of not seeding in super-confined spaces.
  • Put in some improvements so that the likelihood of having a boss room that simply does not seed a boss at all is vastly lower (hopefully zero). Please let us know if you continue to see this in future versions.
  • The overlord rooms have all had the areas in which the overlord can actually seed enlarged so that these fights aren't remotely so cramped as before.
  • In general enemies will do a better job now of not being squashed into too-small areas that they shouldn't be in when being initially seeded. So with some of the crazier boss rooms or even hallways, the larger enemies should tend now to be more in the larger parts of the rooms versus being crammed into some tiny nook.
    • Additionally, with halls or similar that are very small you should only be seeing smaller enemies rather than seeing large enemies crammed in and completely blocking your way as much. Granted, even a skelebot can block your way in a hall, but it's not like having a sea worm in there.
    • This relies on having a variety of sizes for both bosses and regular enemies, so that no matter what the size of the room is there is something that can fit in there in an intelligent way. We think we have enough of all the various sizes where this should work out, but if there are lapses where there just aren't enemies being seeded in some locale when they should be then please let us know. Better than having t-rexes crammed sideways onto staircases, at least, in terms of moving forward toward the ideal balance.
  • Lieutenant towers now have a staircase room between the lieutenant's actual showdown room and the climbing room below. This way there can still be a warp gate near the lieutenant if you get up there and die, but it's not something that you can use to bypass the climbing room.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.

Freefall Mission Balance Improvements

  • Heavy characters (including characters in heatsuits) are no longer barred from being immune to falling damage.
    • Given that falling damage is heavily based around the platforming difficulty and other factors (such as availability of platforms) there was really no reason to do this at this point.
    • This also fixes issues with the neutral skelebots and falling damage in the missions.
    • Thanks to timesend for reporting.
  • Heavy characters (including characters in suits and neutral skelebots) now have their fall rates appropriately set when a mission effect (such as the freefall missions) would cause them to fall slower than normal.
    • Enchant effects that modify the falling rate of heavy characters still don't have any effect on them, however.
    • And additionally, now if the lower falling speed is granted from a mission (as in freefall) you can't hold the down key to go faster; your movement rate is fixed.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • The floating mines in freefall missions now emit light, making them easier to see as well as making it so that you can see the geometry of interior passages better.
    • Thanks to MaxAstro for inspiring this change.
  • The Freefall missions now disallow:
    • Storm dash (which would be pointless in them and something that you could accidentally trigger while trying to do precision dodging of this sort in particular).
    • All the shields (which could easily be abused in this mission type, and which kind of skewed the point of them in terms of dodging versus just absorbing hits).
    • Ride the Lightning and Lightning Rocket (which again could really mess with things).
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting the balance issues with the shields.
  • The amount of damage incoming damage that players take during freefall missions has now been reduced by 40%. This makes the missions less brutally hard in terms of mistakes with enemies and mines and so forth.
  • Players now get a moderate recoil added to all their spells during a freefall mission, making it so that shooting their spells is a way of minorly maneuvering—and adding a cost to shooting the spells, too, as it's going to adjust your course in a way you might not want. This adds another layer of strategy to how you attack the enemies that are after you in particular.
  • Freefall missions are now 7/10ths as long as they previously were.
  • The interior freefall room generation logic has been majorly redone so that it's now got more small flat obstacles and no longer ever should have deep spike-filled holes that you can fall into and then never escape.
    • Thanks to MaxAstro for reporting that this was previously possible.
  • A distance meter is now shown by the feet of your character during freefall missions, so that you know how far you have left to go.
    • The reason we don't show it in the upper left like in journey to perfection is that you're moving too fast to be able to look up there (as with lava escape, which also shows the distance meter by your feet for the same reason).
    • Thanks to MouldyK for suggesting.

More Time-Period-Based Character Bonuses

  • Neutral skelebots now have immunity to acid water as well as enough anti-knockback that pretty much nothing will ever knock them back.
    • Thanks to Bluddy, Nanostrike, and BenMiff for suggesting.
  • Ice age characters now have anti-knockback that makes it so that only a very few things would knock them back much at all.
    • This seemed like a good thing to be giving to new players as their "basic bonus stat." Especially as some folks are really not that crazy about getting knocked back at all.
  • Ice age characters now have a 10% protection from melee attacks, and neutral draconites now have a 20% protection from the same.
  • Medieval characters now get the same new anti-knockback as the ice age characters (makes sense, given the armor), and also now have 50% protection from melee attacks made against them.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
  • Time of Magic characters now get an extra stat point.
    • Three more of their base stat points are now applied to mana, however, meaning that their base attack is now by default 2 points lower and their mana stores are incredibly high.
  • Time of Magic characters also now get an inherent 30% bonus to their mana recharge rate, making all that extra mana something that they can deal with more easily.
  • Industrial revolution characters now get +1 to dungeon scouting distance (so they can see out 3 nodes instead of the usual 2).
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for suggesting.
  • Contemporary-era characters now get an extra two enchant upgrade points assigned to them, which lets them use points totaling up to 12 instead of 10.
  • The pre-industrial characters now float downward more slowly, take no falling damage, and jump extra high.

Added Clarity To The Choose New Character Screen

  • The choose new character screen now shows "extra stat points" for those character types that have them. Previously it was invisible that the ice age characters had this, though it was something you could calculate from their stats if you were so inclined and had a lot of time on your hands.
    • Likewise, the fact that the draconites get two extra stat points to make up for their variety of drawbacks was not something that was previously clear.
  • "Resistance To Knockback" is now shown as "Anti-Knockback" and is shown as a general number rather than a percentage.
    • This stat is also now shown on the character select screen.
  • Greatly improved the way that the choose new character screen centers its view on smaller screens in particular.
  • The choose new character screen now also shows the negative attributes of characters such as skelebots and draconites, both of whom have movement and/or running limitations. This way players know what they are getting into before they choose a given character.

The Deep Enemy Overhaul

  • New Infestation Type: Tentacles
    • Like stinging nettles, but instead uses lots of small tentacles. And hits a lot harder.
    • Only in The Deep.
  • New Enemy: Large Tentacle
    • Kind of like the possessed lion statues or dread gazebos: stationary, only hit by stuff that hits the background, nasty magic attack.
    • Only in The Deep.
  • New Enemy: Giant ??? Head
    • Some kind of weird creature.
    • Slow moving mage.
    • Nasty.
    • Only in The Deep.
  • New Enemy: Entropy Bat
    • Pretty similar to the bat, but hits harder.
    • Has an elite upgrade, Miasma Bat, that gets the miasma whip spell too.
    • Only in The Deep.
  • New Miniboss: Dark Dragon
    • Similar to the flying version of the crippled dragon. Hits a lot harder.
    • No homing fire. Instead, A... different sort of breath weapon.
  • The Deep no longer gets monsters from nearby regions when the continent tier is high enough for migration, but the nearby regions can still get monsters from The Deep. This is a dangerous thing.
  • Monsters and spells in The Deep no longer get blacked out, which makes The Deep a lot more interesting and viable to play in.
  • Also, the tier of The Deep regions is no longer inflated by 2. The monsters themselves, which are unique to The Deep, are instead stat-inflated such that they are the equivalent of about two tiers higher. But you don't get any of the benefits of a higher tier, and when those monsters migrate out of The Deep to other nearby regions they retain their nasty overpoweredness. Yikes!
    • The Deep was always supposed to be the most combat-intense area but the tier inflation was just kind of a stopgap that we put in as a placeholder for better mechanics. We'll continue to develop this out over time, but this is a big giant leap toward where we ultimately want The Deep to head.

Beta 1.031 Light Our Way As We Delve

(Released May 24, 2012)

  • Player enchants are now synchronized across clients and simulated on all clients.
    • This allows for health to show up properly when another player switches their health enchant.
    • This also allows for the light-emitting enchants on other players to be factored into the lighting, allowing for brave groups to have just one or two folks "holding the torch" rather than everyone needing their own personal light-emit in dark areas.
  • Added the Legendary Boomstick and Elven Boots enchants to Steam.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for letting us know this needed to be done.
  • Put in further improvements to make sure that the mission staging areas in freefall missions are always traversable.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where all of the enchants in the "Random Enchants" category of the opal guardian's store just said "Error No Name Set."
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where if an Urban Mech was a lieutenant, its right arm and left arm entities would not be generated (they would still be drawn since the whole thing is drawn together, but would not actually be present in the simulation to fire or intercept shots or whatever).
  • Fixed a bug in the previous version where, if you had previously put upgrade stones on your loot-goals list, opening the escape menu would now throw unhandled exceptions.
    • Thanks to Singularity125 for the report and save.
  • "Small Chests" have small rare enchant containers in them, and so are certainly minimap-worthy. They are now shown on the minimap.
    • Thanks to Theodis for suggesting.
  • Consciousness shards that you get from killing enemies no longer fall to the ground—they now hang in the air in the center of where you killed the enemy.
    • This keeps you from having to chase the shards down holes and similar like before, but at the same time it also doesn't just have them fly to you.
    • Part of the reason for avoiding them flying to you is that the shards are a bit of an extra reward and having to get in where the enemy died to get them makes it more interesting when there's a crowd of enemies. Part of the reason is that these are a "whitelisted" type of object in MP, meaning that every player in the chunk can pick up a copy of them (so it's not possible for someone to steal your shards, but having the shards fly from player to player would be really odd and strange).
    • Thanks to Nanostrike for suggesting something similar to this.
  • Consciousness shard drops from enemies are also now completely non-colliding and so should definitely never be spawning way up in the upper left corner of the map where you can't get them. Knock on wood. ;)
  • The Upgrade Enchants now show up as supply items and have their descriptions properly filled out in both the supply section and the enchant categories section (previously you had to visit the store to actually see what their values were).
    • Thanks to Yurka_Maku for reminding us to finish this out.
  • Moderate Inner Light, Minor Inner Light, and all the various Upgrade Enchants no longer show up as having quality tiers in the enchant categories screens (since they do not have any quality tiers).
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug from the prior version where the just-entered-room invincibility was not working in multiplayer.
    • We're not exactly sure how this code ever worked there or why it suddenly stopped, but the fix itself was really clear-cut so that's a good thing. Apparently some other condition elsewhere in the code had been preventing this longstanding issue from occurring, but a recent change elsewhere removed the preventative condition. Just as well: now the root issue itself is fixed.
    • Thanks to LayZboy, MouldyK, and GauHelldragon for reporting.

New "Boss Delve" Mission Type

  • This is a pretty straightforward mission, so it's one that's available right from the start like the Boss Tower and the Freefall ones are. However, the idea with this one is to provide some variety from boss towers, as well as a way to "kill two birds with one stone" and get both gems as well as the normal arcane ingredients / scrolls.
  • New Mission: Boss Delve (Underground)
    • A hidden stash has been discovered in a rich-gem-vein-filled cave in this region, but access is blocked by a strong monster. Further, to reach that monster you have to go through other heavily infested caves.
  • Basically it's kind of like a boss tower in reverse, except with tricky downward climbing through some new structures of caves for the first two rooms (with a microboss in each that you have to fight), then a boss fight in a big cave, then a wide and open mission end cavern with 9 gem veins instead of the usual 3, plus the mission exit. Ka-ching!
    • We may need to make these get progressively harder like some of the other missions do in order to keep them balanced, but for now these seem to be balanced well for their starting state.
  • Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting.

Beta 1.030 And Then There Were Nine

(Released May 24, 2012)

  • The Startup Enchant Containers now always give players unique enchants to work with—previously it was really prone to handing out duplicates of enchant types that you already had in your inventory.
    • Only if there is absolutely nothing non-unique to give the player in terms of base enchant types will it give the player an enchant effect that could be considered duplicate. This would be in cases like joining a multiplayer server on an advanced continent and getting your catchup enchants, then getting the startup enchants after that.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • Previously if a player was transformed into a bat and then went into a mission where they were not allowed to use transform bat scrolls, they would remain a bat but be unable to transform out of being a bat. This would of course be particularly problematic with things like the freefall mission.
    • Now it automatically untransforms you when you enter such a mission.
  • Urban crude sentinels and urban sniper balloons are no longer valid for fix the anachronism missions, because they are simply too hard there (same reason bats aren't allowed).
    • Thanks to TechSY730, GauHelldragon, and yllamana for reporting.
  • Previously the number of consciousness shards that were dropped in windstorm areas were increased depending on how far into the windstorms you went. This has been altered so that now there is no gain in shards at all.
    • Thanks to several players for pointing out that this created a counter-incentive to actually put up wind shelters. Wind is supposed to be a nasty mean thing that you don't like, and not something that is a farming opportunity.
  • Fixed an issue from the last couple of versions where "Jump-Augmenting Legs Enchant" was still an option in the purchase menu. Now it's "Jump-Augmenting Foot Enchant" instead.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Given that the number of enchants in the opal guardian stone's store have increased quite dramatically, the store has now been broken out into categories that make navigation much easier.
  • Since the change that made missions never seed in windstorm areas, it's become far more possible for a mission to not have anywhere to seed due to the "cannot have another mission for X seconds after the last one went away" rule. This could lead to a world having no missions after being left on overnight with noone playing, etc. So now if world map mission seeding cannot find an eligible region, it tries again while suppressing the too-recently-had-a-mission check.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and TracerFox for the report.
  • Previously the staging areas of the freefall missions could make it impossible to reach the door to the freefall node itself without ride-the-lightning or double-jump or something like that due to the lack of ability to place platforms.
    • Now it uses a different interior generation routine for those specific staging areas to reduce the jumping requirements.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
  • Lieutenant and Overlord boss rooms now get the same sort of "interior fast travel exit" device that stash rooms in complex buildings usually get. It's a one-way-out, basically. They're only visible once the boss is gone, though.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the suggestion.
  • The balance on the Elven Boots enchant has been substantially altered:
    • They never include enemy range reduction anymore.
    • They now include minor buffs to any of the six elements rather than just to a single element.
    • They no longer provide any buffs to jump or falling velocity (optional or otherwise).
    • They now always emit light rather than having that as one of their optionals.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing out that they had some jumping-related buffs on them, and prompting the rebalance. These are definitely now the elveniest boots ever.
  • New infestations of spike and blade traps will now include 50% fewer of these traps. Existing infestations will be unaffected.
    • Thanks to Misery, LintMan, techsy730, and Yurka_Maku for suggesting.
  • New infestations of possessed ancient lion statues will now include 66% fewer of these entities. Existing infestations will be unaffected.
    • Thanks to Nanostrike for inspiring this change.
  • Descriptions for tier 2 and 3 enchants changed in-game to reflect the fact that they can now be used with any higher level tier orb, not just tier 5.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • The description of Seek Resources no longer states that you can get Guardian Scrolls as a reward for these.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • The general variance in player health is now being shifted around substantially.
    • Previously, the "base health" that all characters started with and built up from was 45. Now it's 100.
    • Previously, the minimum health a player could have was 16. This was the baseline that Time Of Magic characters would wind up with. Now the minimum health is 52.
    • Previously, the "natural maximum" that a character could have on health (ignoring time period bonuses and later upgrades) was 205. As a result of these changes, the natural maximum is now 260.
      • In other words, we didn't actually mess with the base spread of character healths—we just shifted both the floor and ceiling upwards.
      • However, based on the changes to the upgrade stones (see below) the "augmented max" of health is now substantially less varied while still allowing for an enormous range of character builds.
  • Fixed a problem with one of the Vortex Battle rooms that made it cause errors.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting this one.
  • It is no longer possible for infestations of any sort to seed in puzzle rooms.
    • Thanks to Yiab and Zair for reporting how impossible this would make the puzzles in question.
  • The number of posessed ancient lion statues that can seed in a chunk outside of a chunk infestation should now be limited to 1. Previously, it was effectively limited to 8 by mistake.
    • Thanks to Nanostrike for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug from the prior version where certain types of melee monsters were unable to hit characters.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, TechSY730, SlayneLonewolf, SerinityFyre, and Lunarknight64 for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where lieutenants were always still tier 4 (and overlords still tier 5) even since the recent region-level changes to overlords and lieutenants. This made lieutenants far harder than they were supposed to be!
    • Thanks to PatchouliKnowledge and GauHelldragon for reporting.

Improvements To The Enchants System

  • It is now possible to click an equipped enchant item without it jumping into your inventory.
  • Filtering is now applied to all the enchants in your inventory whenever you click a given enchant or enchant slot.
    • All of the enchants that match that slot, plus the slot itself, show up normally; all the other slots and enchants show up darkened.
    • The actual slots themselves are no longer hidden while you are dragging things around; instead it's just this darkening effect, which is a lot more effective and less confusing.
    • Click any empty inventory location to restore the enchants inventory to showing all the enchants at full brightness.
    • The idea here is to make the management and comparison and assignment of enchants vastly simpler especially as the number of enchant slots has grown.
    • Thanks to MouldyK, LintMan, yllamana, khadgar, and others for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where the definitions for some of the leg enchants were off and you would be unable to gain any effects giving you red fire, yellow air, or white light outgoing damage boosts; those effects would simply be invisible due to a parsing error.
    • Not only did we fix the actual error, but we also made it so that future parsing errors will alert us when they happen rather than silently failing.
    • Also, this will retroactively fix any enchants that were previously cheating you out of their full effects.
  • The former enchant-effect "Magic Power" is now called "Spell Strength" to be more clear compared to some of the new enchant-effects.
  • The former enchant-effect "Mana" is now called "Mana Points" to be more clear compared to some of the new enchant-effects.
  • The opal guardian store now shows the count of non-randomized enchants that you have in your inventory—for instance, if you already have a seeker enchant it will show you how many you have.

Improvements To The Character Select Screen (Including Re-Roll Option)

  • There is now a button on the character select screen that lets you re-roll your randomized characters. This is something that was really frequently requested; players were doing their own "custom re-rolling" by suiciding their characters and then choosing again, instead.
    • Thanks to misery, khadgar, and others for suggesting this.
  • A new filter has been added to the character select screen, which allows you to choose just a specific time period to get characters from. This way if you know that you want an Industrial Age character, for instance, you can have it only show you industrial-age characters so that there is less scrolling around for you.
  • Previously, the character select screen would generate large numbers of characters for you to choose from (which made sense when you couldn't re-roll). At minimum it was generating 6 characters, but as you opened up more and more time periods that got increasingly long.
    • Now it always generates exactly four characters: always two male and two female, unless you've filtered to a time period that only has characters of a specific gender.
    • This keeps it much quicker to look at a selection of characters before deciding whether or not to re-roll.
  • The general presentation of the character select screen is now completely different since there are always exactly four characters being shown.
    • The spacing between the characters is better.
    • The buttons for scrolling the list left and right are gone, since there is no longer a need for that.
    • The confusing style of scrolling through the list in general is now gone; you can see everything much more easily and directly, and whatever character you click will be the character that you play as.
    • In general the new presentation is a lot more direct and pleasant.

Better Character Upgrade Process: Out With Upgrade Stones, In With Three New Enchant Slots

  • Upgrade Stones, in their various prior forms, have always been problematic. Either they were too grindy and too much of a penalty on death, or they were something that was too easy and thus trivial to maintain.
    • Their most recent incarnations meant that there tended to be a small bit of grinding near the start of the game for them, and then they were utterly trivialized after that point.
    • There were also a number of drawbacks to having them permanently grafted onto your character: for one thing, if you made a mistake in your buildout you were just stuck. And if you wanted to change your buildout in general, then you'd need to switch to another character via glyph transplant—confusing for new players.
    • For the full rationale on why these changes needed to be made, see the forum topic Dealing with the divide: customization vs randomization.
  • So, first off, upgrade stones have been removed from the game.
    • Any stones that were in your inventory have been translated into consciousness shards at a 1:1 ratio.
    • Any upgrades you'd applied to your character are simply gone for now.
    • Any upgrade stones that were already dropped in the wild have been translated into consciousness shards at a 1:1 ratio.
    • Any places in the wild where you would be finding upgrade stones in prior versions of the game now seed consciousness shards at a 4:1 ratio.
      • Excepting a few places in the intro mission, where instead specific Upgrade Enchants (see below) are now provided directly.
  • Three new enchant slots have been added to the game: Health, Mana, and Attack.
  • Nine new enchants have been added for each slot: Upgrade Health 1-9, Upgrade Mana 1-9, and Upgrade Attack 1-9.
    • Each of these Upgrade Enchants works very similarly to how the upgrade stone effects previously would have worked.
      • In other words, equipping the "Upgrade Health 5" enchant into your Health slot is very much like previously having upgraded your Health five times via upgrade stones.
    • Each Upgrade Enchant has a point value attached to it (what it says on the tin—Upgrade Health 5 has a point value of 5).
      • The combined point value of all your upgrade enchants in your Health, Mana, and Attack slots cannot exceed 10.
      • If health plus mana exceeds the point value together, then the mana slot will be disabled. If the health plus mana plus attack exceeds the point value together, then the attack slot will be disabled.
  • All of these new Upgrade Enchants cannot be equipped/unequipped except in "safe zones."
    • A safe zone is considered one of the following: in a settlement, inside a warp gate, or in a destroyed room.
    • The Upgrade Health enchants have a further requirement that you cannot change them out while you are damaged
      • Removing an enchant and dying from lowered health would not be fun
      • But even more than that, being able to upgrade your health in the field when you are running low on health is counter to the general goals of the health stat (it's a "how long can I stay out on an expedition" stat).
  • As hinted at above, there are some differences between the upgrade paths of the older Upgrade Stone mechanics and the newer Upgrade Enchants. Pretty much everything is the same between their paths except the following:
    • It is no longer possible to put all 10 upgrade points into a single stat. You can do 9, but not 10.
    • Health:
      • Previously, health would start by doubling your base health, and then decaying by 20% with each further upgrade.
      • Now health starts by increasing your base health by only 150%, and then decay 10% per upgrade until the 5th upgrade, after which it decays by 20%.
      • The net effect is that the middle-point-value health volumes are reduced a little (5-point-upgrade is down from 436% to 305%), but the low point-value and high point-value upgrades each give you substantially less (that initial 150% instead of 200% on the first upgrade is a big difference at that level; also a 9-point upgrade is down from 533% to 382%.
      • Paired with other changes to player character health in this version, the overall goal is not quite so extreme a difference in character healths—the difference is still massive, but it's no longer possible to have a several thousand percent difference between characters.
    • Max Mana:
      • Previously the percentage of improvements that you would get from mana per point was actually affected by your starting mana. This was needlessly complex and has been removed.
      • Also previously, the amount of improvement that you would get from mana per point was pretty low and decayed at a 30% rate.
      • Now it's about twice as high of an improvement per point, and the decay is only 10%. This makes the mana option a lot more attractive, although further balancing may be needed.
      • Mana Regen:
        • Previously and currently, the rate of mana regen is improved by having max mana upgraded.
        • Previously it was a 5% improvement per point, with a 10% decay. Now it's an 8% improvement per point, with the same 10% decay.
      • All in all this makes starting with a high-mana character less important, which we felt was important for allowing players to play with a wider variety of characters. The Mana Upgrade Enchants are now much better as a way to improve your max mana compared to what they were before, making a wider variety of character builds possible.
    • Attack Strength:
      • Previously the percentage of improvements that you would get from attack strength per point was actually affected by your base attack strength. This was needlessly complex and has been removed.
      • Also previously, the amount of improvement that you would get from strength upgrades per point was only 10% and decayed at a 10% rate.
      • Now the amount of improvement that you get from strength upgrades per point is 20%, still with the 10% decay rate.
      • The general goal here was to make attack strength more competitive with the other two stats—previously it was too little benefit compared to the health or mana upgrades. This may need further tuning, but the overall feel seems more solid now compared to before.

Beta 1.029

(Released May 22, 2012)

  • Put in a fix that should prevent errors that could sometimes occur in multiplayer in the prior two versions.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and TracerFox for reporting.
  • Put in a variety of error-prevention code additions to prevent unhandled exceptions that could arise from edge cases with the new area enchantments and other related "ongoing conditions" added in the last main version.
    • Thanks to Sanatorious, SerinityFyre, and TechSY730 for reporting.
  • The orange squares on the minimap now disappear as you pick items up, rather than stick around till you leave.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon and GrimerX for reporting.

Beta 1.028

(Released May 22, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where unhandled exceptions would be thrown when you tried to view the enchants inventory.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon, lavacamorada, topper, and edrobot for reporting.

Beta 1.027 Lieutenants In Freefall

(Released May 22, 2012)

  • New infestations will now seed half as many of the dangerfalls as they previously did—thus saving your GPU/CPU from quite so much overload.
  • Spike Traps and Blade Traps:
    • Damage now scales by platforming difficulty:
      • "I Have No Desire To Be The Guy": 0.125 * the previous damage.
      • "I Am Afraid Of Heights": 0.25 * the previous damage.
      • "I Can Jump, Thank You": 0.375 * the previous damage.
      • "They Mistake Me For a Certain Plumber": 0.5 * the previous damage.
      • "I Am Not The Guy But I Am Close": 1.0 * the previous damage.
      • "I Am Already The Guy": 2.0 * the previous damage.
    • Can now be passed through by players (it's gonna hurt, of course).
  • Infestations now don't happen until continent 2.
  • The "startup" (formerly "catchup") enchant containers seeded into the very first settlement on an Expert start are now seeded on Normal and Advanced starts too.
    • Why? To give you more interesting customization options right as soon as you reach that first settlement.
  • World Map missions will no longer seed in windstorms.
    • Why? Because windstorms are now really brutal, and seeding the world map missions there is just mean at this point. Also: if you really want to do missions in windstorms, the secret missions are now practically the same as world map missions. So you still have the flexibility if you want it, but your key building on the world map won't accidentally seed in some stormy region anymore, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where secret missions could give higher-than-continent-tier tier orbs.
    • Thanks to jruderman for the report.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos regarding the achievements.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • The icon for the "scan for resources" guardian power scroll has been improved.
  • Previously, the player micro rexes were unable to jump onto top-solid platforms. Whoops! Fixed.
  • The base stamina of the possessed ancient lion statues has dropped from 800 to 250, making them far quicker and less annoying to kill.
    • The amount of health and shards they drop has also been reduced from 2x to 1.5x.
  • A few of the existing elemental strengths/weaknesses of monsters have been tweaked around, and then an absolutely enormous number of additions have been made so that monsters that previously had only an elemental strength now also have an elemental weakness to a lesser degree.
    • The idea is to further encourage use of different spell elements not just via the stick but also with the carrot.
    • A lot of times the opposite spell elements are used (strong to red fire, then weak to blue water), but this isn't universally true depending on what feels thematically appropriate for the monster in question.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for suggesting.
  • Previously, all of the dangerfalls were dealing red fire damage rather than their appropriate color's damage. Fixed.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.
  • The "Kill 100 Explosive Espers" unlockable (which unlocks boomstick) has now been reduced to killing 10 explosive espers.
    • It used to be that espers were all over the place so this was easy to hit, but lately as espers have become more rare this was suddenly very hard.
    • Thanks to Nanostrike for suggesting.
  • The "Kill 40 Lightning Espers" unlockable for the double jump unlock has been replaced by a new "Win 3 Freefall Missions" instead.
    • Thanks to Nanostrike for inspiring this change.
  • Instead of starting out with only one mission available on the world map when you first start the game, now 4 missions are available. This lets there be some choice between mission types right from the start, as well as missions in different areas and with differing rewards.
  • Some various changes to when specific spell components are required on specific spells based on when you can comfortably unlock a spell component:
    • Charred amber is not required by ball lightning until tier 3 now, rather than tier 2.
    • Sea essence is not required by launch ice block until tier 4.
    • Sea essence is not required by tidal pulse until tier 4.
    • Sea essence is not required by splash back until tier 4.
    • Cherry is not required by miasma whip until tier 3.
    • Cherry is not required by leafy whip until tier 3.
    • Cherry is not required by circle of fire at all anymore, but an extra magma is now required at tier 1 for it.
    • Cherry is not required by ice cross at all anymore, but an extra two welkin gel are now required at tier 2 for it.
    • Cherry is not required by cleft smoglet at all anymore, but an extra two welkin gel are now required at tier 2 for it.
    • Thanks to Chthon, lavacamorada, Remliel, and Magestic Inspired for suggesting a bit of a smoother flow for new players.
  • The progression of required quartz and plums on the higher-tier shields are now a lot lower, making those easier to get.
    • Thanks to LayZboy for suggesting.
  • The dimensions of spike traps have been narrowed somewhat so that they now fit better along the ground and are less likely to stack up inappropriately.
  • The base damage from spike traps has been halved for every difficulty, making them not nearly so lethal as they were.
  • Put in some pretty massive CPU performance improvements for various collision and melee checks, particularly relating to things like traps or dangerfalls or so on. On a latest-generation "sandy bridge" Intel i7, the difference in performance in a Freefall mission filled with about 600 enemies/spikes/mines and 800 entities overall was 100fps due to these changes.

Lieutenant Tower Renovations

  • Rather than being a scaled-down version of the overlord keeps with multiple wings and switch-rooms and all that sort of thing, the lieutenant towers now are structured extremely differently:
    • Each tower now has precisely two rooms: a very tall and narrow "climbing room" and then the same lieutenant boss room at the top that you've always fought them in.
  • The climbing room in lieutenant towers is pretty open-ended and involves you climbing about 400 tiles upwards to a door at the top. These rooms are filled with various special properties, however:
    • There are n number of microbosses (where n is # continents + 1) in this room that you have to kill on your way up before you can get into the lieutenant's room.
    • Once infestations are unlocked in the game, there is always a severe infestation inside these rooms.
    • There is always an Area Enchantment on these rooms (see below for details on these).
    • All monsters in the tower are upgraded automatically to the most-elite versions of themselves that have been unlocked (if there are unlockables gating them) regardless of what is broadly chosen by the overlord on the continent at the current time.
  • The overall idea here is to make these towers go a lot faster while still providing a new and concentrated sort of challenge.

Area Enchantments, And A New Disjunction Guardian Power Scroll

  • Currently these are used only in the climbing rooms in lieutenant towers, but they are basically a way to apply a chunk-wide rules-change outside of a mission.
    • Most of these are recycled ideas from missions (which players actually asked us to do), and likely these will grow in number with time same as the missions do and the infestations do and all that.
    • We're keeping these particularly limited to lieutenant towers specifically so that these towers have some mechanics that you don't see all over the place elsewhere in the game. Since lieutenant towers are something you must do periodically, we figure that making them more unique and interesting is a very good thing.
  • So what the heck do these area enchantments do? Currently there are 4:
    • Infinite Jumping (so basically like umbra vortex)
    • Monsters More Powerful, Glyphbearer Very Stealthy (so basically like stealth assassination)
    • Everyone Takes More Damage (kind of like risktaker except moreso, also a bit like JTP)
    • All Shots Cause Recoil (a lot like boomstick)
  • With the lieutenant towers, there is currently a 30% chance of a climbing room getting one of those area enchantments.
  • A new guardian power scroll has been added for Technozoologists: Disjunction.
    • The Ilari will break any Area Enchantment on the chunk you are currently in (you can see it labeled "Area Enchantment: (something)" in the chat log). If no such effect is present in the chunk you are in, you cannot use this power.
    • The idea is that if an Area Enchantment is making a lieutenant's climbing room just impossible for you, then you can use a disjunction scroll to have your NPCs help you solve that problem!
  • The Area Enchantments also provide yet another tie from the NPCs in your settlement to helping you with your

New "Freefall" Mission Type

  • This new mission type is now available right from the start of the game. It has two variants, both of which are the same general idea, but which play out pretty substantially differently from one another.
  • Note that the balance on this mission is really preliminary; it's a lot harder in the current version than we ultimately plan for it to start out as, so just bear that in mind when you're testing it right now.
  • Freefall (Building)
    • A hidden stash has been discovered in a building in this region, but access is blocked by a strange devce at the bottom of an improbably deep pit. The good news is that there's no falling damage and you fall at a reduced rate. The bad news is that the chasm is filled with spiky platforms, floating mines, and flying monsters.
  • Freefall (Underground)
    • A hidden stash has been discovered in a cave in this region, but access is blocked by a strange devce at the bottom of an improbably deep pit. The good news is that there's no falling damage and you fall at a reduced rate. The bad news is that the chasm is filled with falling rubble, floating mines, and flying monsters.
  • You can't use bat scrolls or any deployed items (including wood platforms, crates, etc) during freefall missions.
  • Thanks to BenMiff for suggesting!

Beta 1.026

(Released May 19, 2012)

  • Fixed an issue in the prior two versions where the magma blobs in trap rooms were causing extreme CPU/GPU slowdown.
    • Thanks to TrentonZero for reporting.
  • "Immune To Windstorms" was understandably confusing terminology. The enchants in question now say "Cannot Be Blown By Windstorms," which is a more accurate description. There are no enchants that prevent windstorm damage.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.
  • The "choose new character" stats now shows the time period that each type of character is from, and it also only shows abilities that they actually have—being heat tolerant or cold tolerant, etc.
  • Neutral skelebots are now inherently immune to falling damage, unlike any other kinds of characters (other character types will be getting special abilities of their own).
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting the skelebot immunity.
  • The bronze age characters are now considered "fast runners" and can move twice as fast as other characters.
  • The neutral draconite characters can now see in the dark without need of lights—at least, their darkvision cuts through 70% of the darkness. So you'll still notice a bit of help from light sources, but nothing terribly substantial with these characters.

Beta 1.025

(Released May 19, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where the player could not jump off top-solid platforms in the background in the prior version.
    • Thanks to Kazmahu, Cinth, Psyren, and AdJOffCourse for reporting.

Beta 1.024

(Released May 19, 2012)

  • Put in a few general performance improvements with regard to collisions in particular.
  • Fixed an issue with waterfall-heavy rooms where the CPU would get pegged and sit at 1fps.
    • Thanks to FrostDragon, NyQuil, and Coppermantis for reporting.

Beta 1.023 At The Foot Of Urban Renewal

(Released May 18, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where light snake was no longer revealing the minimap properly unless you were on a different client in multiplayer.
    • Thanks to Corvo for reporting.
  • Fixed bug with the "deploy_item_in_settlement"-permission-related admin commands where they weren't working in multiplayer. Which is kind of where they need to work.
    • Thanks to Lokas for the report.
  • On the Enchant Categories screen in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, the current quality tier for each enchant is now shown. As the "Next Quality" goes up, the enchants that any player on the server gets from that category will be better; given a lot of folks didn't know this, that makes this information actually available in the game.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III for inspiring this change.
  • Shields have been a bit abusable, as some players found:
    • Therefore shields now have a maximum duration of 12 seconds (most players would run out of mana far before that point anyhow; it was just with mana-reducing enchants that the shields would not last this long).
    • And also shields now take damage just as you do when you are in a windstorm or ambient cold/heat or acid/lava, etc.
  • 8 new hallways added into the game.
    • Thanks to Sexyvortigaunt for these rooms.
  • Fixed an issue with blade traps sometimes jumping around unpredictably instead of moving smoothly.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for reporting.
  • Previously, all forms of infestations were not reacting to the size of their containing rooms/caverns/etc at all.
    • This meant that even heavy infestations would be trivial in huge rooms/caverns, but that even light ones could be incredibly over-deadly in very small rooms. Talk about frustrating if you ran into it! Sorry about that.
    • Thanks to Buccee and Ipkins for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where eagles were getting stuck unable to move.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III and Ipkins for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue from the prior couple of versions where switching texture packs would not actually swap out all the images anymore.
    • Thanks to Nethellus for reporting.
  • Monsters that grow and shrink (like the sea worms) now do less damage and take more damage when they are smaller. The percentage less and more is dependent on their scale at the time.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.

Leg Enchant Overhaul, New Feet Enchant Slot, New "Elven Boots" Enchant Base Type

  • Leg Enchants have been split into two slots: Legs and Feet
    • Legs still have:
      • Power Legs (first effect is +Movement Speed)
      • Featherweight (first effect is Immunity to falling damage)
      • Stone Legs (first effect is Immunity to being blown back by windstorms)
      • Powerslide
    • Feet have:
      • Niche Air (first effect is +Jump Power)
      • Double Jump
      • Triple Jump
  • Leg enchants no longer grant +Jump or -FallingSpeed effects, and existing effects of those types have been removed from existing enchants.
    • Yea, that's messing with your gear; sorry, but it was necessary to avoid tons of problems with "legacy gear" causing old worlds to have a (possibly very) different balance than newer worlds. And you're still gaining more than you're losing due to the ability to equip both a leg enchant and a feet enchant.
  • To add some variety back:
    • Power Legs enchants now can have moderate +YellowDamage as an optional effect.
    • Featherweight enchants now can have moderate +WhiteDamage as an optional effect.
    • Powerslide enchants now can have moderate +RedDamage as an optional effect.
    • (note: Stone Legs enchants could already have moderate +GreenDamage as an optional effect.)
  • Feet enchants no longer grant -IncomingDamage effects, and Double Jump and Triple jump no longer grant +Move effects (Niche Air still grants that), and existing effects fo those types hve been removed from existing enchants.
    • Double Jump and Triple Jump can now grant moderate +ShotSpeed effects.
  • Added a new enchant base type: "Elven Boots"
    • Go in the Feet slot.
    • 3 innate effects: +Move, -FallingSpeed, +Jump; all very modest in magnitude but the 3 together are fairly good.
    • Optional effects include... well now, that would be telling ;) No new effect types, but a fairly wide variety of the existing effects, including one some of you min-max'ers will probably appreciate.
  • To make a long story short: Feet enchants are now the "all about mobility" enchants and Legs enchants are now... well, sort of a middle ground between Torso and Feet. Odd how that works out.
  • Thanks to a variety of players for weighing in on these changes, including Bluddy, TechSY730, Nanostrike, BenMiff, MouldyK, lavacamorada, IIE16 Yoshi, Martyn van Buren, LintMan, Jerebaldo1, Vinraith, omegajasam, zebramatt, and Tallgeese.

Two New Enemies For Abandoned Towns

  • New enemy for abandoned towns: Urban Sniper Balloon
    • These fly around kind of like espers but faster, and they actually chase you. They also have about twice as much health as an esper.
    • Their shots are kind of like those from the explosive esper except that they move about twice as fast (really feeling like a sniper here), do knockback on you, and do about half as much actual damage. Oh, and their shots have no telegraphing period to warn you of the incoming attack (0.3 seconds on explosive espers by contrast), but these also only fire every 3 seconds instead of every 1 second.
    • These also have no form of melee against you whatsoever, like all of the other urban mechanical monsters. So you can literally leap onto these as a form of platform to climb to higher areas if you find yourself inclined to do so and can time it right with their shots against you.
    • These are earth-elemental themed in both their resistance element and in the shots they fire against you.
    • Oh, and watch out for the small explosion when they die. It's not enormously damaging, but you don't want to be riding on them when it happens.
  • New enemy for abandoned towns: Crude Urban Sentinel
    • These fly around kind of like espers but faster, and they actually chase you. They also have about twice as much health as an esper. All same as the sniper balloons, basically.
    • Their shots work very differently, however—they are basically like the cleft smoglet of the player, firing straight to both sides an unable to target you directly.
    • These also have no form of melee against you whatsoever, like all of the other urban mechanical monsters. So you can literally leap onto these as a form of platform to climb to higher areas if you find yourself inclined to do so—and since they only can fire to the side, if you can get right under them or above them you can attack them with literal impunity. Hooray
      • That's assuming that one of the other kinds of enemies doesn't knock you off, and that you're able to get into good position.
    • These are light-elemental themed in both their resistance element and in the shots they fire against you.
    • Definitely watch out for the small explosion when they die. If you're standing right under or above them and killing them with ease, that explosion is going to get you as payback.
  • Together, these two new enemy types really change up the feel of the abandoned town areas. Their mechanics combine in some pretty interesting ways to make them more challenging together than either one is alone.
  • And now that we've got a good selection of enemies for the abandoned towns, the espers have finally been removed from this region type—hooray again! One less region type with espers in them.

Beta 1.022 Dangerfalls And Other Hazards

(Released May 17, 2012)

  • Fixed an issue in previous versions where some of the logs, like most notably ArcenDebugLog.txt, could have unrestricted file growth. That was bound to be problematic in a variety of ways.
  • Fixed an issue with some recent versions where some log data were mistakenly being written to the Unity Debug Log again, causing unity to then leak that memory if you played over a really long session.
  • Made it so that a lot of the logging that does occur is now more brief; some information-only messages simply don't need to include stack traces but were doing so, causing the files to grow faster than they needed to.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the overlord keep was not seeding.
    • Thanks to Garde for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where those sources of enchants that did not increment world "enchant quality progress" were also not being counted for purposes of achievements.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for the report.
  • Made the seeding of vases in hallways more frequent. Clay should be pretty easy to get.
    • Thanks to IIE16 Yoshi, timtim, and Brandon402 for letting us know it wasn't as easy as it should be.

Substantial Minimap Scouting Improvements

  • Greatly altered how the scouting of a chunk's minimap works. Rather than it revealing stuff based on where you are standing, it's now based on what is on your screen at the time. This makes exploration of caves a lot faster and less tedious, and in general gives a better correlation between the minimap and what is on your screen at the time.
    • Thanks to wigglestick for suggesting this way back at the start of beta, and Procyon, shinseitom, stblr, oobleckthegreen, BobTheJanitor, Archonsod, Nenad, huw, Enrymion, Shadowsand, lujan22, rjblackwolf, paramime, ShadowSirius07, Rices, jinksy, lisa107b, kof91, and Xeph for supporting it.

Further Journey To Perfection Extensions

  • The basic version of the Journey To Perfection missions are now a bit too easy—which is great! They are meant to be something that can start easy and then get harder as you go. So, with that in mind:
    • After you win 3 JTP missions: Invincible Monster Spawners
      • Until this mechanic unlocks, there are no monster spawners at all, but after you unlock this game mechanic there are instead invincible monster spawners that keep you on your toes.
    • After you win 10 JTP missions: 1.5x Monsters From Spawners
      • Monster spawners in these missions now have 1.5x as much "budget," so they spawn more and/or larger enemies.
    • After you win 20 JTP missions: 2x Monsters From Spawners
      • Monster spawners in these missions now have 2x as much "budget," so they spawn more and/or larger enemies.
    • This keeps the missions combat-focused in a really intense fashion, while at the same time letting there be a ramp-up period so that players can get used to the idea of the missions in general before getting faced with their full brutality.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for helping to inspire these changes.

More Infestation Types: Blade Traps, Spike Traps, and Dangerfalls

  • A new kind of infestation type has been added for both undergrounds and interiors in any region: blade traps. These traps simply move horizontally or vertically, and the chunk might have a larger or smaller number of these. Be ready to be nimble when dealing with these—and it actually makes lesser teleport even more valuable since if you run into a trap in a really narrow space this might prove one of the only ways to get past unscathed.
    • There are actually six variants of these in all: three speeds each of both horizontal and vertical movement.
  • Another new kind of infestation has been added for undergrounds and interiors in any region: spike traps. These traps come in three variants. One that just sits there and hurts you if you bump them. Another that bounces a little when you try to jump over them, and another that bounces a lot when you try to jump over them.
  • There is also a mixed traps new infestation type that mixes both the blade and spike trap types.
  • There are now four different variants of "Dangerfalls" that can spawn as infestations in various regions. Each of these is a themed fluvial mass coming out of a hole in a cave wall.
    • Waterfalls—these slow you down as you move through them, but not enemy spells or enemies. They also damage you lightly as you are caught in them. You'll find these most places except The Deep, or really hot or cold areas.
    • Lavafalls—these slow you down the same as waterfalls, but do a lot more damage. You'll run into these really deep underground, or in lava flats.
    • Miasmafalls—these slow you down an incredibly high amount, and do a huge amount more damage. You'll run into these in swamps and The Deep.
    • Icefalls—these slow you down an incredibly high amount, but do damage roughly halfway between a regular waterfall and the lavafall. You run into these in really cold areas.
    • The timing of the dangerfalls (how long of a gap there is between one burst of deadly-stuff and the next) is based around the platforming difficulty. The higher you crank the difficulty, the smaller the gaps and thus the more precise your jumps have to be.
    • In general, there are three variants of each kind of dangerfall: a short, medium, and long duration version. You'll find a mix of these in each infestation.

Beta 1.021 Combat Journeys

(Released May 16, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug from the last three versions where ice burst, fire touch, and death touch were iffy with their collision boxes in the last few versions. As were any of the other "quick poof" type spells. They didn't work well with the quickly-scaling-up logic that is so useful for other kinds of spells.
    • Thanks to 7foot_sativa, Zem, and techsy730 for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug from the prior version where the Difficulty Shrine would not actually save your changes to the Strategic Difficulty Level unless you also changed one of the two other difficulty levels at the same time.
    • Thanks to NyQuil and Brandon402 for reporting.
  • It is now possible to buy the four most-vital settlement structures through the opal guardian's store: Aquaurgist's Well, Lumbermancy Focal Station, Residential And Storage Tower, and Stonebinder Tri-Tower.
    • These are all really super expensive at 20,000 consciousness shards; the ideal way to find these is definitely still through missions. But if these now do provide an outlet for times when the random number generator simply hates you and you would otherwise get completely stuck in your progression.
    • Thanks to Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The balance of the leg enchants is now intertwined with your max mana, making a wider array of choices more attractive rather than triple jump and double jump just being the always obvious go-to enchants for everyone to use.
    • All of the non-jumping legs-related enchants now add to your max mana pool.
    • The amount of mana increase is based on the base type of the enchant (what the icon of it is), and does not vary at all with the extra stats that the enchant might have based on its other attributes.
    • The specific amounts of mana changes for each base enchant type (again, solely based on the icon) are:
      • Power Legs Enchant: +20 mana
      • Featherweight Enchant: +20 mana
      • Stone Legs Enchant: +30 mana
      • Powerslide Enchant: +30 mana
    • Thanks to Bluddy, nanostrike, and lunarknight64 for inspiring these changes.
  • Guardian Power Scrolls that create a continent-wide buff now last for 10 minutes instead of 5.
    • Thanks to Misery for this one.
  • Two boss rooms added.
    • Thanks to Sexyvortigaunt for these rooms.
  • Two new music tracks have been added to the game.
    • The first is "an ambient, kind of terrifying theme" as Pablo describes it. This track is now what is used throughout the Ocean regions, as those are dark and dangerous. The ocean shallows continue to use the more upbeat tracks that they were previously using.
    • Again in Pablo's words, we also have the Warp Stage Theme "for when you jump into the warp area. It's only 1ish minute long (since you're not in that stage very long before you leave to warp), however... if you sit and listen to the whole theme, there's a nice little surprise in the second half."
  • Made it so that diluter enchants once again work regardless of what your current tier is. Since you're no longer getting tier orbs at the same time as you get CP (since CP no longer exists), you can't shoot yourself with the foot with this anymore. It's just a minor annoyance at worst. However, given the recent changes, if you were to kill two lieutenants at once before getting enough intermediate tier orbs you really could shoot yourself in the foot with diluters only working at tier 5 -- yikes! So we changed this back.
    • Thanks to largesock for reporting.
  • Lots of additions have been made to the terrain/interior/cavern generation logic in order to allow us to do a number of new things.

Frequency Of Puzzle Rooms And Plums

  • Player reports were that puzzle rooms (with mystery clues in them) were frustratingly few and far between—or always behind a bunch of maze rooms. Well, this should help:
    • There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in pyramids instead of an 80% chance.
    • There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in lava towers instead of a 10%, 20%, or 40% chance.
    • There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in windmills instead of a 10% chance.
    • There is now a 100% chance of finding puzzle rooms in dark gatehouses instead of a 10% chance.
    • There is now a 30% chance of finding puzzle rooms in houses in The Deep instead of a 0% chance.
    • Thanks to a variety of players for commenting on this.
  • Plum trees are now more common in the regions that house them.
    • Thanks to Brandon402 for pointing this one out.

Journey To Perfection Alterations

  • Transmogrifying Into A Bat is now disallowed inside all three of the journey to perfection mission types, and the anti-air towers have now been removed from them.
  • The interior, underground, and exterior journey to perfection terrains have been massively redone. They all now emphasize more linear horizontal movement and combat without a substantial platforming element.
    • The combination of the platforming elements in with the combat elements in such a perfectionist type of mission was really messing with people previously. These missions are now a heck of a lot more fun and also don't require cheap tricks to win.
    • There are probably still more changes that we'll make in the short term to make these even better, but we want to get feedback on this evolution of them before we go too crazy with changes to them.
  • Thanks to a great many players for commenting on these mission types and how they could be improved.
  • The frequency of enchant containers in interior JTP missions was also toned down to a reasonable level.
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.

Beta 1.020

(Released May 15, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where the death of any entity (including shots fired) were monsters to spawn as if a non-anachronistic monster had been killed.
    • Thanks to PDerp for reporting.

Beta 1.019 Streamlined Continental Progression

(Released May 15, 2012)

  • Added in a new Graphics Compression option in the Graphics tab of the settings menu.
    • This allows players to choose from several compression schemes that will reduce RAM use over long play sessions. The new default, Normal, is slightly more compressed than the old default of Low (which is basically no compression at all). You can crank it up to Semi or Heavy if you want to really have very low RAM use from the game, but that comes at a cost of reducing visual quality and increasing load times of the affected assets.
    • Unless you're having a marathon play session in one sitting this is unlikely to even come up, but for a couple of players in that situation (or who don't meet the minimum system requirements for RAM but still want to play the game anyway), this provides new options.
    • Thanks to LintMan, FAButzke, and Platypus for inspiring this addition.
  • Put in a number of internal graphics pipeline changes so that the unity materials are now pooled rather than created as-needed for specific graphics.
    • This doesn't seem to harm performance any, but we haven't tested this on a wide array of machines. And in fact this should actually improve loading speed slightly on most machines, as well as provide a slightly lower memory footprint; particularly over long play sessions where we suspect the engine may have been leaking small amounts of RAM when materials are disposed and recreated many times.
    • Thanks to LintMan, FAButzke, and Platypus for inspiring this search.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where if the game tried to draw some text before the font's image was loaded, the game would instad just draw a lot of blankness even after the font's text was loaded. This rarely happened, but was confusing and annoying when it did.
  • Consciousness shards drops from enemies now have a smaller collision box so that they are less likely to get stuck in invalid positions or similar.
    • Thanks to quinton, ZCaliber, Quaix and Kazhmahu for telling us about this.
  • Also fixed an issue where items dropped on death (including the rare consciousness shards and otherwise) often would not work right in a variety of circumstances (monsters near walls, monsters indoors sometimes, etc, etc). If you see any more strangenesses with monster drops on death please do let us know.
    • Thanks to quinton, ZCaliber, Quaix and Kazhmahu for telling us about this.
  • Fixed a bug where the stats of characters would be incorrectly set after loading from a savegame if they were wearing a suit or transmogrified into some other entity type.
    • Thanks to Nethellus and Zem for reporting.
  • Fixed a display bug where characters who were transmogrified or wearing suits would not show up as having a time period in the escape menu.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada and Zem for reporting.
  • "Distance Into Windstorm" is now shown in the escape menu's stats about the area you are in—this is useful information for knowing what kinds of rewards and such you can expect from the enemies you kill, same as it is with tier-inflated enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where the distance you were into a windstorm was not being properly calculated if you had never visited the world map in your current play session (or if buoys had been placed since your last visit to the world map).
    • Thanks to Nethellus for reporting.
  • "Small Chests" that you find in random buildings no longer drop consciousness shards (the amount they were dropping was seriously lame in recent version anyhow).
    • Now there is a new "Small Rare Enchant Container" that these drop, which grants a weaker rare enchant compared to the full Rare Enchant Containers dropped by lieutenants and overlords. These tend to be more in the Uncommon enchant color range rather than the Rare or higher enchant range (but there is a chance of higher).
    • Thanks to SerinityFyre for suggesting we do something revise these.
  • Previously it was possible to get stuck where a deep sea port was permanently in storms because it was next to land that was not stormy but it still wasn't in range of a wind shelter.
    • This has been fixed by making it so that deep sea ports are now always considered to be non-stormy if they are next to any non-turbulent water or non-windy land.
  • Previously if you opened a number of different sections of the planning menu while out in the deep sea, exceptions would get thrown. Fixed.
    • Thanks to khadgar and ironunseenone for reporting.
  • Previously, the whips used by possessed lion statues could strike various background objects that they should not have, as well as having trouble in water and in certain caves. Fixed.
    • Thanks to quintron for reporting this.
  • The effects of storm dash, ride the lightning/rocket, and the four kinds of shields are now automatically removed from your character whenever you switch chunks. This prevents a variety of issues with states being out of sync of actual stats versus visuals, of players carrying these effects over to new continents or into JTP missions, or otherwise.
    • Thanks to MaxwellDemonic, tbouge, and timesend for reporting this.
  • Previously, icicle leapers worked pretty poorly in umbra vortex missions based on how their AI combined with the altered physics of those missions. Now icicle leapers simply won't appear in those missions at all.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for reporting.
  • Non-regularly-seeded monsters like the possessed statues, the wall slimes, crashed landspeeders, etc, are all now considered native to any time period they are in for purposes of anachronism missions. So you can't kill them without more regular monsters popping out (which might actually be a good tradeoff, depending), but at the same time you're not going to be forced to be out looking for some statue that is supposedly anachronistic.
    • Thanks to jruderman for reporting.

Strategic Difficulty Settings, Removal Of Civilization Progress (CP), Revised Lieutenants, Buffed Secret Missions

  • The long-missing Strategic Difficulty option has been reintroduced to the game, now that we are moving back in the direction of having variable-difficulty long-form thinking challenges. Currently this affects:
    • Number of tier orbs (spells you can craft) available at each tier. The limits per difficulty are:
      • Forgiving: 50 tier orb limit per tier
      • Restless: 35 tier orb limit per tier
      • Wily (default): 25 tier orb limit per tier
      • Vicious: 15 tier orb limit per tier
      • Absurd: 8 tier orb limit per tier
    • When more tier orbs would be added than the settlement stockpile can hold, it instead shows a chat message telling you how many were not added because of the limit.
    • As with the other difficulty levels, players can change the strategic difficulty level around at any time. If they wind up with more tier orbs in their stockpile than they are supposed to have for the current difficulty, it simply won't let them have any more; it won't remove any that they already have accumulated.
    • Thanks to Bluddy and others for inspiring this change
  • Non-destroyed overlord and lieutenant locations are now marked on the world map with red text in the same way that the missions are marked with yellow text.
    • The tier of the region that the overlord or lieutenant is in is now shown as part of this as well, adding to the clarity of when you can go attack them.
  • Lieutenants are no longer all tier 4. Instead, their region is Continent Tier + 1. This makes it so that you can go and attack any of the lieutenants as soon as you are ready, rather than being forced to target a specific one or waiting all the way until you are tier 4 or 5.
  • The entire concept of Civilization Progress (CP) has been removed. Instead, the continent tier is based on how many lieutenants are currently alive. The more lieutenants you kill, the higher the continent tier goes. This puts you in the driver's seat and does not require you to avoid world map missions in favor of secret missions just because of the CP-factor (as used to happen).
  • The lieutenants no longer physically move to help the overlord in the overlord's throne room. That was filled with various problems, and among them it was something that some clever players were exploiting.
    • Instead, the aid that the overlord receives from the lieutenants is now indirect: each living lieutenant causes the overlord's tier—which is normally 5 -- to get inflated by 2.
    • So as you kill lieutenants, you're literally seeing the overlord weaken on the world map and become more attempt-able, even while the general monsters throughout the land are getting stronger due to the continent tier increasing.
  • There are now always exactly four lieutenants per continent, rather than it generally being 3 but occasionally varying to 2 or 4. Given the way that the continent tier now increases based on killing the lieutenants, this is pretty important.
    • Old worlds will be upgraded so that this is true, and new continents will also gain this. For most old worlds this means you'll have a new lieutenant on every continent, and your continent tier may be much lower than it was previously—a bonus for you, since your spells will still be powerful.
  • Old worlds that happen to have more than 4 living lieutenants now will have all of them get killed except for 4; making it so that some of the ancient giant continents won't suddenly become a giant pain to finish.
  • The internal "overlord escalation points" that were mentioned a few releases back and which are what control when the elites start showing up are now based solely on shifts in tier (and when the overlord is killed) rather than being based on increases in CP (since that no longer exists).
    • This means that rather than elites showing up gradually as you complete missions, you'll have them in larger bursts after you kill lieutenants. And then you'll have another burst after you kill the overlord as well, which previously didn't happen at all.
  • The differences between secret missions and world map missions are shrinking away to almost nothing:
    • Previously, world map missions granted CP but secret missions did not. Now that CP doesn't exist, of course neither do.
    • Previously, world map missions granted tier orbs but secret missions did not. Now they both do.
    • Previously, secret missions granted less than half of the arcane ingredients and half the guardian power scrolls that world map missions did. Now they all grant the higher amount, helping to avoid a sense of grinding when players are using secret missions.
    • There are still some sorts of missions that are secret-mission-only (rescue missions, mainly, at the moment) or guardian-power-only (wind shelter missions, etc). Those still grant no resources or tier orbs or anything beyond the special reward of those missions (a rescued NPC or an erected wind shelter, etc).
    • There are still some missions (like lava escape) that only show up as secret missions unless you play several of them (after which it assumes you like them well enough to see them in the general circulation).
    • The purpose of the secret missions always was and still is to give players flexibility in their choices of what missions to do, as well as a way of shoring up missing resources when the random number generator was being unkind on the world map. Despite world map missions and secret missions becoming a bit more similar, this vital role of the secret missions is still very much served and needed.
    • And before anyone asks, the reason for the world map missions are twofold: first, it provides a focal point for new players that random exploration does not. But secondly, even for extremely experienced players it provides a quick way to evaluate several missions and make a choice quickly and easily, rather than having to explore at length for secret missions; so these still have very much a needed role as well, and also aren't going anywhere.
  • There is no longer a special popup for secret missions, since they are so similar to world map missions now that there's not a compelling reason to bother the player with yet another popup anymore.
  • A great many tooltips and popups have been updated to reflect the new mechanics for lieutenants and continent tiers.
  • Thanks to all of our players and forum members for helping to steer us in this direction of removing CP, but in particular to Bluddy and Terraziel for really codifying some of the issues and some potential solutions.

Several Typo Fixes

  • Removed a "1" from the list of possible NPC names.
    • Thanks to Izumi5 for pointing this out.
  • Changed tutorial message to reflect that some monsters can occasionally have more than one resistance.
    • Thanks to Kazmahu for this one.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of the junkyards.
    • Thanks to zem for pointing this out.
  • Fixed a small typo in the descriptions of shields.
    • Thanks to jruderman for this one.
  • Fixed a couple typos in achievements.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing it out.

Beta 1.018 Turn Yourself Into A Tiny Dinosaur

(Released May 11, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where the rename commands were looking for the wrong strings in the localization file for some of the "why this did not work" messages that they use.
    • Thanks to Zem for the report.
  • Sea Worms are now able to scale up and down as part of their behavior patterns, making them more interesting and more able to get through small cracks.
    • Thanks to many players for pointing out that sea worms were particularly prone to getting lamely stuck.
  • Put in a change so that spells and explosions now start out tiny and then scale up very quickly. This makes it so that even when an enemy or character is right up against a wall (or an exploding missile is the same), the shots/shrapnel/etc that gets emitted from this comes out anyhow.
    • The one worry with this is a performance drain on the CPU. We saw this quite a bit in internal testing when we first were doing this today, but then put in a number of optimizations and now it seems quite fine. But if you're able to get a performance drop in some scenario in this version that you wouldn't have gotten in a past version, we definitely want a copy of your world folder with you in the affected chunk so that we can profile that down.
  • "Kill Enemy" and "Kill Enemy Of Tier" unlockables are no longer affected by killing non-boss entities in missions.
    • The reason for this change is that either this was exploitable for positive rewards (aka Journey To Perfection Missions) or it was too punishing for negative enemy unlocks (aka Battlefields, etc). It made more sense for regular monsters to just have their unlockables triggered via free exploration only.
    • Killing bosses still works the same, however, since most bosses you fight are actually in missions.
    • Thanks to Izumi5, khadgar, and Bluddy for suggesting.
  • "Reach Cave System Of X Depth," "Find Stash In Building X," and "Destroy All Monsters In Surface Chunk Of X" unlockable types no longer get unlocked in missions as that was too exploitable as well.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting.
  • If your town already has one NPC of each profession, then rescue missions no longer seed as secret missions at all; instead making it so that you can get more focus on resources.
    • Thanks to Izumi5 for inspiring this change.
  • The strength of the miniaturize spell normally makes your character 25% of their full size. However, depending on the form of your character that can be pretty... crazy.
    • Player bats and male neutral skelebots (the pink ones) are now capped at 80% of their normal size instead.
  • A new continent-wide guardian power buff can now be unlocked by killing 20 T-Rexes. There are still 19 others that we need later-continent monsters for, but we'll get to those as we go!
  • Instead of using the (over-used by this point) dragon-breath homing attack, the Elder T-Rex now has a new ability in place of that: spawn micro-rexes. These things are super fast, can jump really high, come in a great swarm, and ultimately die to just a shot or two.
    • However, they also block piercing shots so they can't just be all slammed in one big batch. If you can get to higher ground or behind some sort of cover, they'll die after 20 seconds. You can also fool them into jumping early if you're careful with what you do, same as with the utahraptors (just on a much more ridiculous scale here).
  • Instead of using the (over-used by this point) dragon-breath homing attack, the Elder T-Rex now has a new ability in place of that: spawn micro-rexes. These things are super fast, can jump really high, come in a great swarm, and ultimately die to just a shot or two.
    • However, they also block piercing shots so they can't just be all slammed in one big batch. If you can get to higher ground or behind some sort of cover, they'll die after 20 seconds. You can also fool them into jumping early if you're careful with what you do, same as with the utahraptors (just on a much more ridiculous scale here).
  • Espers no longer seed in the pre-industrial forests.
  • Elder T-Rexes are now only unlocked once you've killed one regular t-rex.
  • The way that minibosses are divided up is now into just two groups rather than trying to segment them by region type (as that just made them seem to repetitious in boss towers and such in particular): magical and robotic.
    • There are also underground-based minibosses which get added anywhere, too.
    • The robotic minibosses start in the industrial revolution time period and move forward.
    • The magical minibosses start in the industrial revolution time period and move backward.
    • A few outlier region types like the oceans and ocean shallows still do their own thing; right now those are the only two, however.
  • The Elder Black Bulls and the larger Deepwoods Gargans must be unlocked via killing 5 of their smaller counterparts. This isn't meant as serious gating, but is mainly there so that you get some familiarity with the smaller entity's mechanics before running into their larger cousins.
  • Previously, if you were set on fire by multiple sources, the damage would stack (as would the particle effects). This made fire-damage-over-time really overpowered.
    • Now the fire damage from the last source just overwrites the fire damage from any prior sources. So if you had 4 seconds of being-on-fire remaining prior to being hit with fire again (out of a total of 5 seconds), then it just resets you to 5 seconds and keeps you burning.
  • Player bat scrolls now only cost 300 mana instead of 400, making them available to more characters.
  • The amount of mana gained from each upgrade stone improvement is now about 1.3x more than it was in prior versions, helping to ease too-low mana woes that have bothered a number of players. Let us know what you think on the new balance—remember, mana is mainly about gating off powerful spells that will start at around 400 mana, so we don't want all characters to be able to reach that too easily.

New Spell Scroll

  • Added a new kind of spell scroll: Transmogrify Into Micro-Rex Scroll
    • Single-use magic scroll that transmogrifies you into a micro-rex. As a miniature T-Rex you can do everything as normal as well as run really fast and jump really high—you can even block piercing shots from enemies. However, as a rex your magic is only 80% as powerful, you're unable to use most jumping-related enchants, and the crazy-high jumping can be pretty hard to master (tip: pair it with Ride The Lightning to ease falls). Must have another scroll available to transform back—or you'll be stuck as a rex!
    • Only found in stashes in buildings in the lava flats.

New Enemy And New Miniboss

  • New Enemy: Tiny Deepwoods Gargan
    • Zippy little ground-based things that can melee you but really don't hit very hard.
    • They have a fairly fast-moving ranged fire shot that also hits for very small damage but does additional damage over time.
  • New Miniboss: Deepwoods Gargan
    • Totally non-zippy ground based thing that can melee you like a pickup truck (compared to the Elder Black Bull's freight train).
    • Their ranged attack is a long-cooldown large slow-moving earth-elemental shot that is a good signal to either get a lot of distance between you and it or get behind cover (or _make_ cover, somehow), because after about 3 seconds of flying it bursts into a couple of other projectiles, which after about 3 seconds burst into still more, and so on for a few more generations until you're in a veritable storm of the things. Don't stand in the storm.

Beta 1.017

(Released May 11, 2012)

  • Fixed the description of the Ocean Shallows region to reflect that they are now from the Time of Magic.
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing this out.
  • Fixed the elemental multipliers on the possessed lion statues to not be so annoyingly high.
  • Halved the damage from the possessed lion statues since they were a bit on the extreme side to say the least.
    • Thanks to MouldyK, nanostrike, and Misery for inspiring this change.
  • Halved the damage of the wall slimes.
    • Thanks to Finndibaenn for inspiring this change.
  • The formulas for calculating the percentage chance that no infestation on a chunk will happen has been dramatically altered:
    • Note: in these new formulas, currentTierIndex starts from 0 and moves up, rather than starting from 1; and it's also capped at 4. continentIndex starts at 0 for whatever your first continent is (even if you start on the second continent) and moves up, and is also capped at 4.
    • Previously, most chunks had a flat 90% chance: now the formula is 95 - ( 2 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 1 * continentIndex )
    • Previously, most underground boss chunks had a flat 50% chance: now the formula is 80 - ( 8 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 4 * continentIndex )
    • Previously, underground boss chunks in missions had a flat 70% chance: now the formula is 95 - ( 4 * currentTierIndex ) - ( 4 * continentIndex )
    • Thanks to nanostrike, Misery, and Finndibaenn for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version where T-Rexes were showing up inside and underground when they should not have been.
    • However, Elder T-Rexes can still show up inside.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the monster elemental whips (from the possessed statues) were not working right in multiplayer and were throwing exceptions.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.016 Slimy T-Rex Infestation

(Released May 10, 2012)

  • Red Slimes and Red/Yellow slimes are now actually healed by the shots they are resistant to, rather than just being 99% resistant to those kinds of shots. For the players who still found that they wanted to try to attack those slimes a jillion times with the wrong element in the intro mission, hopefully this will send a clearer message of "look for something else, don't just sit here and spam an attack 500 times."
  • Added new admin commands:
    • grant_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
    • revoke_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
    • set_default_player_deploy_item_in_settlement_permission
    • This are like the other grant|revoke|set_default trios, and this one simply controls whether or not a player can deploy items (platforms, crates, moon lamps, bear traps, grow gems, etc) in a settlement chunk.
    • These have also been added to the in-game tips section.
    • Thanks to Lokas for the suggestion.
  • Added new chat-line commands:
    • rename_my_character
    • rename_my_profile
    • Usage example:
      • cmd:rename_my_character Dead Meat
    • These should be fairly self-explanatory; "profile" is the username you enter when starting or first joining a world, and is displayed when you chat.
      • Please note: changing your profile name in a world only changes it in that world; if you then go log into some other world where you'd used that profile name before it will not have been changed there (and you may need to pick it from a list when logging in as your local currently-in-use profile name may be different now).
    • Thanks to Chthon and others for the suggestion.
  • Nightmare Octopi can no longer seed in supply depot missions, since they have a tendency to then just hang around way up in the sky.
    • Thanks to nanostrike for reporting.
  • When the game has logged an achievement locally but Steam failed to log it for whatever reason, the game was supposed to resubmit those achievements to Steam every time it loads. And that was happening—but too early. It was doing the resubmission before the status of the local achievements themselves were loaded, meaning that nothing was ever sent. This came about because of some unrelated changes we made to our initialization order of operations in the game, which impacted this without our realizing it. It's now fixed, and any old achievements that you have locally but not on Steam should now resubmit.
    • Thanks to xyroclast, Lokarin, Lalyth, and TentacleMayor for reporting.
  • Improved the clarity of the descriptions of cooldown-modifying and incoming-damage-modifying enchant effects, calling them "Haste Rating" and "Deflection Rating" instead. So instead of "-20% Cooldown Duration (Active Total Reduction: -17%)" it says "20 Haste Rating (Active Total Cooldown Modifier: -17%)", etc.
    • Thanks to Quaix for the suggestion, and others for similar feedback on the recent enchant changes.
  • Fixed a whole raft of bugs relating to multi-part enemies in multiplayer. This made it so that all sorts of strange things would happen with enemies like the urban mechs in multiplayer in past versions.
    • Among the issues were that clients were wholly uninformed of the parent/child relationship between the parts and the main body of the entity, and so lots of things then didn't work right.
    • Another issue was that for entities that pass the damage from themselves to their parent, that was not being synced properly in multiplayer from the client to the server or the server to the client, so that could lead to all sorts of oddities of a different sort.
    • Thanks to Remliel for reporting.
  • The Ocean Shallows are now considered to be from the Time Of Magic rather than the Contemporary time period. This means that you can actually get the Time Of Magic folks before reaching the third continent.
    • The Medieval and Wild Garden NPCs still can't be rescued until the second continent; but since having high-mana characters as an option from early in is really useful, we wanted to make sure that right from the first continent there was a way to get Time of Magic NPCs.

Making It Easier To Find Early NPCs And Critical Structures

  • Previously, the guardian power scrolls for "critical structures" that you don't already have in your settlement inventory would only have an inflated priority for seeding on one world map mission, and then that was it. This meant that if players were trying to avoid CP increases and just went looking for secret missions, that their chances of finding those critical buildings were pretty low.
    • Now their chances of finding those critical buildings via secret missions is also inflated. This can lead to players accidentally picking up duplicates of a type of building scroll through secret missions if they aren't careful, but so it goes—better than wandering around for hours not finding what you need.
  • Previously, NPC Rescue Missions were never available as regular secret missions—only as the one-off rescue mission rooms (which work sort of like secret missions but give you a 100% chance of getting a rescue mission no matter how many mission types have been unlocked—regular secret missions can get pretty diluted).
    • However, this made it pretty hard for some people to find NPCs because they would just look for secret mission spots and never find any, and it also meant that on the second continent you could get into situations where there were few and far between NPC rescue missions in general.
    • Now NPC rescue missions seed as normal interior and underground secret missions in addition to their regular rescue mission rooms.
    • Additionally, if the local continent's settlement does not yet have a lumbermancer, stonebinder, aquaurgist, and apothokineticist, then the frequency of those missions seeding will be greatly inflated (proportionate to the number of mission types currently unlocked to you) to help you get to that first step more easily.
    • Note that it should only be seeding lumbermancers until you have one of those, and then only stonebinders until you have one of those, and then only aquaurgists and then only apothokineticists. So if you're just running past all the lumbermancers while waiting for an apothokineticist, you're going to be perpetually disappointed (and that would be pointless anyhow, because you can't get an apothokineticist to skill level 3 without first having a lumbermancer anyhow).

Three New Enemies And One New Miniboss, As Well As "Infestations"

  • New Enemy: Tyrannosaur
    • Ground-based melee enemy for the lava flats, a little help for that poor lonely Utahraptor.
    • Pretty tough to kill, try headshots.
  • New Miniboss: Elder Tyrannosaur
    • Not any bigger (the normal one is already huge), but a lot tougher and stronger.
    • Has a couple different ranged fire attacks to make your life (and living) difficult.
    • Note that the homing dragon breath attack is placeholder, we have something cooler coming for that hopefully tomorrow. The rapid-shot fire attacks are the real deal, though (and boy are those intense).
  • New Enemy: Possessed Ancient Lion Statue
    • This actually comes in 4 variants (like the regular lion statues do), each one with a different element of whip attack (fire, leafy, lightning, and miasma).
    • Until you damage them, these are disguised even in the pause menu to look like a regular lion statue; so there's no way to tell if a given lion statue will attack you now unless you get near enough that it attacks you (and that really hurts) or unless you manage to damage it first.
    • These are now mixed in with regular lion statues anywhere that you previously would see such statues (The Deep, Lava Flats, most underground caves, etc).
  • New Enemy: Wall Slime
    • This actually comes in 18 variants of different elements and element-pairs.
    • Similar to the red and red/yellow slimes in the intro mission, but are background rather than foreground objects and thus can't be hit by most spells but also don't block your movement.
    • Generally the best approach is to just get by these, trying to kill them isn't very efficient.
    • The colors of these slimes vary by the type of region you're in; one of the colors of the slime will match the "primary element" of that region.
  • Added concept of a chunk having an "infestation" of some sort of hostile typically-unmoving entity type. Only about 1 out of 10 chunks will have any kind of infestations, and they range in intensity (though a smaller chunk will tend to have denser populations).
    • Current infestations include severe to mild versions of: stinging nettles, the new wall-slimes, or possessed lion statues.
    • The reason for this new concept is basically for us to be able to seed a lot of environmental hazards or traps or whatever in a single-chunk fashion rather than having it be something that is global throughout a type of region or cavern system or whatever. This gives us enormous flexibility for more environmental hazards moving forward as well.
    • This is the only way to get wall slimes right now (and probably it will stay that way).
    • Entities spawned during chunk-generation due to an infestation do not "repop" if killed, so if you really want to go through the trouble of eradicating the stuff, it will stay gone.
    • Underground boss rooms that are not part of a mission have a higher chance of an infestation: 50%; while underground boss rooms that are part of a mission have only a 30% chance.
    • Fix The Anachronism and Journey To Perfection missions never have infestations at all.

Beta 1.015

(Released May 10, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where if you had unlocked a time period whose NPCs are all of one gender, you could wind up having a very large selection of robots to pick from on the new character screen. The less known, the better.
    • Thanks to many players for reporting this.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where occasionally unhandled exceptions could be thrown when generating certain chunks. We couldn't duplicate it, but we found the likely culprit in the code.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for reporting.

Beta 1.014

(Released May 10, 2012)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause exceptions if the TexturePacks folder was somehow missing.
    • Thanks to shoukanjuu for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in the prior version where it was seeding "passages to lower dungeons" all sorts of places it was not supposed to be. This was part of the fix for the goodies seeding better; but now the goodies just seed and not those passages.
    • Note that this won't fix existing buggy rooms, but just don't use those passages down. The only ones that were particularly buggy (aside from giving you way more cave systems that you needed) were in mission instances, so those will get erased anyhow.
    • Thanks to Underfot, CodexArcanum, greyslayer, MouldyK, 7foot_sativa, quinton, kuliksco, mrhanman, and nflftw for reporting.
  • Previously, if you tried to go into a door where the way was blocked for whatever reason, it would have you hang around in the darkness for a while saying "Waiting on chunk-gen" before popping back in to let you play more. But monsters could still attack you and such. Now it properly just fades you back in immediately.
    • Thanks to greyslayer and MouldyK for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where warp gates in the ocean regions didn't lead anywhere. This won't fix existing broken warp gates in oceans you've already visited, but it will prevent new ones from spawning.
    • Thanks to greyslayer and MouldyK for reporting.
  • Previously, there were a wide variety of bugs with the mossy barrels that you could find in stashes. They didn't collide properly, they didn't have any falling physics, the graphics on the bottom of them were clipped off, they didn't have a proper icon in the ability bar (not a horrible one, but not the best either), they didn't show up in the "Where To Find Supplies" section of the planning menu, they didn't have a description or info on where to find them, and there was thus also no way to set them as one of your loot goals. All fixed.
  • Previously, the shrapnel from various exploding objects (or exploding missiles from enemies) could damage the supply stashes in meteor storm missions. This made some enemies ridiculously extra difficult to play with in those missions. Fixed.
    • Thanks to nflftw for reporting.

Beta 1.013 Nightmare Octopi

(Released May 9, 2012)

  • The larger Urban Mechs were erroneously being treated as a regular enemy before, and showing up everywhere. Now they are properly treated as a miniboss and just show up in boss rooms. They are allowed to show up inside and outside buildings, and in underground caverns.
    • Thanks to MouldyK and nanostrike for reporting.
  • Previously the central body of the urban mechs had different elemental resistances than the arms. This is normally fine but in this case it was unintentional. Fixed so all parts take -50% from Fire and +50% from Water.
    • Thanks to Zem for the report.
  • Black Bull resistance to Entropy from 75% => 200% (so now it absorbs the full amount as healing).
    • Thanks to conductorbosh for the suggestion.
  • The "wind shelter must be placed in a stormy-land tile next to a non-stormy-land tile" rule has been changed to "wind shelter must be placed in a stormy tile next to a non-stormy-land OR non-turbulent-water tile".
    • Thanks to FrostSabre for pointing out that it was physically impossible to put a wind shelter on an ocean shallows tile that's surrounded on all sides by water.
  • Put in some improvements to the "Failed to find index!" message so that it now logs more data about what it failed to find, as well as not repeating itself a bunch of times (and thus causing massive lag) if it happens.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for inspiring this change.
  • MP: Fixed bug where settlement NPCs would not show up in the settlement resident list on the client unless the client connected after the NPCs were generated (which happens when the settlement is first entered by someone).
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
  • Enchant rebalancing:
    • Mana-Cost-Reduction effects from enchants (and guardian power buffs) now affect mana regen instead (so if you had a -20% mana cost enchant, it's now +20% mana regen)
      • This should have a roughly identical effect in terms of how much you can sustain fire (except at very high percents; +99% regen is by no means as good as -99% costs), but it doesn't have the side-effect of breaking the purpose of max-mana as the gate on usage of high-cost spells (which became much more the main purpose of mana in general in the last few weeks of the beta, but the mana enchants weren't changed at that time).
    • Cooldown-Reduction effects are now scaled non-linearly, so X cooldown reduction no longer results in (100-X)% cooldowns, it results in (100/(100+X))% cooldowns.
      • Yea, this is a nerf, but it was too easy to get 60+% cooldown reduction and just turbo-burn even overlords. That's still possible, because it's cool, but it takes a lot more concentrated stacking and guardian buffs (150% raw reduction = 60% scaled reduction, for instance).
      • Note: this change does not apply to cooldown-increase: that would be pretty brutal as each point would be significantly worse than the previous. So that's still done linearly.
    • Incoming-Damage-Reduction effects are now also scaled non-linearly in the same way as cooldown reduction.
      • The need was less acute here but it was still too easy to get really high damage reduction. If this is too severe, a gentler non-linear scaling could be used for this stat.
      • Note: this change does not apply to incoming-damage-increase: that would be pretty brutal as each point would be significantly worse than the previous. So that's still done linearly.
    • As a happy side effect of all this, listed enchant effects now show your total active percent (counting enchants, guardian power buffs, and most other effects from missions, monster debuffs, etc).
    • Thanks to lavacamorada for pointing out that linear percent reduction makes each point count more than the previous, and that in practice this was causing serious imbalances.
  • Removed restriction that prevented missions from seeding in ocean shallows regions until 30 missions had been completed, because other factors now prevent common seeding of missions in ocean shallows until a suitable time without that.
    • Thanks to MouldyK for inspiring this change.
  • Fixed an issue in the surface tunnels of some ocean shallows regions where it was possible for an all-underwater cavern to not be connected to the surface. This won't fix already-generated chunks, but it will prevent the issue from happening again even in existing worlds.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • Mission entrances now display a fairly large "Mission Entrance" text that floats up for 3 seconds, disappears, reappears a short moment later, repeat.
  • Previously, there were still warp gates sometimes showing up on the dungeon map inside of mission areas even though they were not supposed to (but the warp gates were properly absent from in the actual chunks themselves). Fixed so that now the warp gates no longer have their icons on the map either.
    • Thanks to greyslayer for reporting.
  • Fixed a pretty nasty bug where players could block each other (or themselves) by placing wooden crates at the direct entrance to outdoor chunks. Now the players properly get shifted upwards as much as is needed, or get bumped elsewhere into the chunk if someone makes a solid line of crates to the top of the sky. This will let some players back into their settlements who had literally been locked out by either themselves or other players who discovered this in the last few days.
    • Thanks to Lunarknight64, khadgar, and henwen for reporting.
  • Fixed an oversight where you would not gain access to the draconite playable characters in the character select screen after having rescued one of them (in other words, like all the other time period NPCs already worked).
    • Thanks to vadatajs, GauHelldragon, greyslayer, and r 1 for reporting.

New Enemy And New Miniboss

  • New Enemy: Nightmare Octopus
    • Encountered in the oceans and ocean shallows.
    • Fairly slow moving and not that strong flying/swimming enemy.
    • Shoots insanity burst capsules that seek after you at a fairly low rate and then explode into insanity burst shrapnel. Careful there!
    • Possibly our freakiest-looking enemy, depending on what's swimming around in your backbrain. ;)
  • New Miniboss: Elder Black Bull.
    • Similar to the normal Black Bull, but:
      • A lot meaner.
      • A lot tougher.
      • Spawns more vengeful thoughts when hit.
      • Leaves a trail of entropic flame behind it.
      • Switches between the normal "charge in direction until I hit a wall" behavior and a "pursue the player" behavior.

Ocean Exploration Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that were causing "goodies" to not seed in the surface tunnels of outdoor areas as much as they should have been. This was most apparent in the ocean chunks.
    • Thanks to Toll for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the oceans to have really high and annoying walls at both sides of their chunks, making you ride boxes way up to get anywhere. This wasn't an intended change, it was something that happened when we fixed another bug affecting other region types.
    • Thanks to Ipkins, khadgar, and Omosh for reporting.
  • Fixed a really longstanding issue where you would always enter oceans at the top of the water rather than at the bottom.
  • Previously, entering an ocean tile on the world map worked differently from all other tiles in that it dropped you out in the middle of the ocean. That was annoying and required an opt-out popup to tell you about it to boot. We've now changed it to work like any other region, as well as not bothering new players with that sort of popup anymore.
  • Previously ocean regions could seed secret mission entrances and rescue mission entrances even though they would never actually have available missions. Fixed to no longer seed the entrances at all.
    • This will correct any existing dungeons in which you haven't yet been into the secret mission node yet.
    • Thanks to BobTheJanitor, greyslayer, Underfot, Nypyren, Penumbra, and MaxwellDemonic for reporting.

Beta 1.012

(Released May 9, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug that was causing exceptions to be thrown in some worlds when missions were completed in the prior version; it had to do with the changes to how we were checking for diluter enchants, but only showed up under certain character conditions.
    • Thanks to Chthon, Finndibaenn, FShunftSr, Asterai, terrycloth, Slayne Lonewolf, nanostrike, Misery, conductorbosh, GauHelldragon, Penumbra, Arturia, lavacamorada, Barty, and freykin for reporting.

Beta 1.011 The Dread Mechanical Bull

(Released May 8, 2012)

  • Fixed the description of Consciousness Shards to reflect the store.
    • Thanks to Izumi5 for pointing this out.
  • Fixed a typo about acid gills.
    • Thanks for huw for pointing this out.
  • In Journey To Perfection missions the chat log now displays the distance between you and the goal.
  • Deployable explosive barrels (mossy barrels) can now be found in stash rooms.
  • Barrel explosions (and other on-death shrapnel) no longer happen in settlements.
    • This obviously has nothing to do with the previously mentioned change, of course.
  • Bear traps now apply a 10 second -100% movement speed debuff (so, immobilization) to the thing that hits them.
  • Fixed a fairly rare (but exceedingly annoying) bug with the "worm tunnels" algorithm for underground cavern generation where very tiny rooms could be generated.
    • Thanks to Purlox, momomo, kuliksco, and Calli for reporting.
  • Lightning Rocket plus all four variants of shields are now not usable in journey to perfection missions.
    • Thanks to Nethellus for the report of the exploit with the shields.
  • Added new Explosive Bear Trap deployable, which can be found in stash rooms.
    • Basically the same as the bear trap, but with an on-trigger explosion that hits everyone and background objects (of course, you wouldn't be so mean to the enemies as to use this in conjunction with a bunch of deployed explosive barrels, naturally).
  • The "Ocean (Continental Shelf)" areas have been renamed to simply "Ocean." The shelf bit was confusing a lot of people with the shallows.
  • Changed the way Diluters are checked for on mission success to try to prevent the strange issues people have been seeing in MP where the diluter effect was persisting after taking the diluter off.
    • Thanks to Zem for the report and thorough investigation.
  • Snowsuits, Heatsuits (not advanced ones), Diluter enchants, and Seeker enchants are now available through the store, and are no longer seeded into stashes.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for suggesting the diluter enchants be available this way.
  • Added more multiplayer server commands to the in-game help section.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for pointing out the need for this.
  • The "multiple entity" bosses (fairies which spawn in clusters of 5, as well as shadow bats which spawn in clusters of 2, etc) were previously individually dropping as many shards or enchant containers as a single boss of their type would. Fixed so that now it is equivalent for the group.
    • Thanks to jerith for reporting.
  • Urban Crawler's top armor plating now blocks piercing shots.
  • Players no longer collide with urban crawler's top armor plating, which thus keeps players from getting trapped inside urban crawlers.
    • Thanks to Toll, CodexArcanum, Spork, LintMan, Quaix, steelstiletto, Hyfrydle, and Eagleheart for reporting.
  • The urban crawler graphics now draw at a better draw depth relative to your character so that things look more proper when you are riding on top of it.
  • Espers no longer are considered native to the industrial revolution time period, now that there are enough monsters unique to that time period to omit them. Espers will be further pushed out of other time periods as more monsters are added.

Four New Enemies, Two New Minibosses

  • New Enemy: Clockwork Wasp.
    • Flying melee enemy.
    • Moderately durable.
    • Has a static charge that hits all players in a short range every 5 seconds.
    • Is resistant to Air damage and weak to Earth.
    • Is seeded in Industrial Revolution time shards.
    • Has an elite upgrade called the Clockwork Zapper whose static charge has a wider range.
  • New Miniboss: Giant Clockwork Wasp.
    • A much larger clockwork wasp.
    • Static charge hits a much wider range than the wasp's, and triggers every 3 seconds.
  • New Enemy: Dread Gazebo.
    • Stationary Ranged enemy; cannot be damaged by most spells, since it's counted as a background object. You need to get close with something like ice cross or miasma whip to damage it at all.
    • Fires a homing green-elemental shot that splits into a bunch of shrapnel when it hits you or expires due to time.
    • Seeds in Abandoned Town and Grasslands regions. Beware the Gazebo!
    • Thanks to Richard Aronson, Eric Sorenson, and Ed Whitchurch for inspiring this enemy, and to Nalgas for suggesting it directly all the way back in last June during alpha.
  • New Miniboss: Urban Mech
    • Mobile multi-part ranged enemy, with a relatively small central body and two large legs to either side.
    • Fires homing fire-elemental shots that buzz around like fireflies from its top gun.
    • Fires light elemental shots from one central gun.
    • Fires air elemental shots from the other central gun.
    • Both legs provide 90% shielding for the main body, and so you want to attack this thing from the top if at all possible. The shielding of the legs also blocks piercing shots.
    • Seeds in Abandoned Town regions.
  • New Enemy: Small Urban Mech
    • Similar to the Urban Mech but is much smaller and lacks the homing attack.
  • New Enemy: Black Bull
    • Ground-based melee enemy, similar to the Rhino.
    • When hit, spawns a "Vengeful Thought" flying melee entity that goes after you until killed or expires (about 10 seconds).
    • Seeds in Grasslands regions, and in interior boss rooms (but not interiors in general, and never underground).

Beta 1.010

(Released May 5, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where purchasing an enchant could give an enchant that doesn't have optional conditions (like the enchants that only emit light). Those would be bad deals and cause errors in the enchant-generation process anyway.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for the report.
  • Fixed an array-index-out-of-bounds error in the last version by caused a mistake in the fix to make environmental threats able to fire more than one shot per salvo.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for the report.
  • Put in a couple of extra error checks that may or may not help with a rare issue on a specific multiplayer server.
    • Also split one of our largest AI logic processing methods into several smaller methods so that when future bug reports come in without a world file we can more easily narrow down where the problem lies (since we have no line numbers to work by).
    • Thanks to Lokas for reporting.
  • "Minor" monsters like dragon fire, tiny fairies, green amoebas, black/blue whale spawn, and so forth no longer drop consciousness shards.
    • Thanks to Izumi5, Lokarin, MouldyK, Quaix, and khadgar for reporting.
  • Fixed a null exception that could happen on the server upon connection of a player whose character had been in a chunk that became invalid/corrupted in a particular way. Now those players will be dropped back to the world map in such a case.
    • Thanks to Lokas for the report and save.
  • In the prior version, it was very confusing because "general loot drops" looked like green consciousness shards when in fact they were just a general loot drop. This was compounded by the fact that enemies were dropping empty loot drops when they should not have been,
    • First of all, the graphics have been made more clear so that general loot drops no longer look anything like consciousness shards—they now look like a bag of stuff instead.
    • Secondly, fixed the bug that was causing those useless drops to happen in the first place.
    • Thanks to Izumi5, Misery, GauHelldragon, dboyle92, TechSY730, and Purlox, for reporting.
  • Journey To Perfection missions were previously impossible the last few versions in windstorms because you'd immediately take damage and fail.
    • Now your health is no longer damaged by windstorms when you are in a JTP mission, but instead your mana recharge rate is halved or worse (depending on how far into the windstorm areas you are on the map). Your recharge rate cannot drop below 10%.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes if consciousness shards could not spawn due to lack of room when an enemy died, they would appear way up in the corner of the minimap.
    • Thanks to Quaix and khadgar for reporting.
  • The purchase interface walk-by popup is now a lot more clear as well as being color-coded like all the other ones.
    • Thanks to Izumi5 for suggesting.
  • In addition to L-Click and R-Click, M-Click is now shown on the ability bar to make it clear that you can middle-click for your third ability. Since middle mouse buttons are so common.
    • Thanks to zebramatt for suggesting.
  • In the prior version, boss music would get overridden by the general mission music. Now boss music always overrides anything else.
    • Thanks to Izumi5 and TechSY730 for reporting.
  • The auto-pause function of the game no longer kicks in when you alt-tab out of the game (or accidentally click out of the game) when there are no monsters in your current chunk. That way you're not bugging other people in settlements or cleared-out stash rooms or whatever.
    • Thanks to GauHelldragon for inspiring this change.
  • The auto-pause function now only submits itself once per loss of focus. So if you alt-tab out and the game pauses, and then someone else unpauses it while you are still alt-tabbed out (meaning in MP here), then the game won't keep spamming the pause function at the others.
    • Thanks to khadgar for suggesting.

Beta 1.009 The Opal Guardian's Store

(Released May 4, 2012)

  • In the prior version, it was possible for a low-health character to get instantly killed by the windstorms. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • In the prior version, we forgot to update the opt out popup message that explains windstorms when you enter one for the first time. That's now been updated.
  • Fixed a bug where monster nests were not properly spawning in ocean shallows regions—either in boss rooms or in rescue missions.
    • Thanks to khadgar, and Ipkins for reporting this.
  • Fixed a bug where you could run into dead-end caverns in ocean caves that should have led you further down but would not actually do so.
    • Thanks to Toll, freykin, and vadatajs for providing us a save on this one.
  • Finally figured out how to fix a longstanding bug where vents could spawn behind crates and players would get stuck inside them upon entering the chunk.
    • Thanks to Hyfrydle, Toll, Wanderer, and Dino for reporting this one.
  • A brand-new music track now plays during Umbra Vortex and Fix The Anachronism missions. It's called "Angsty Pants." Don't ask. :)
  • The missions in general had hit or miss music previously, as they would often pick themes that were great for their region but inappropriate for the activities of the mission at hand (something really relaxed and soothing during an intense mission, etc).
    • Now the game keeps a list of appropriate generic mission music tracks for each region type, and uses those whenever the mission type in question doesn't have its own specific music track.
    • Thanks to RetroNutcase for reporting.
  • The maps for the exterior journey to perfection missions have in general really been improved so that they are not starkly hill-valley-repeat.
  • A new "How Multiplayer Works" section has been added to the Tips & Advice section of the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia to answer common questions that players otherwise would have had to use the wiki to find.
  • Fixed a bug where the "is the mouse cursor inside a GUI window?" logic was actually looking at an interior rectangle that did not describe the visual boundary of the window's border. Now it pads that by 30 pixels in all directions, which in our tests matches the actual boundary extent perfectly.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for the report.
  • Microbosses now drop 5 upgrade stones each, while minibosses now drop 25 upgrade stones each.
  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where warp gates could spawn in front of Ilari stones or workbenches.
  • For supply items that have an unlock condition, the specific unlockable is now shown when you click into their details.
  • There is now an Enchant Categories section in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, which lists the 38 current categories of enchants.
    • Details are not really shown about any of the ones that you find through enchant containers—it just tells you that this is how they are find and that you can later examine them for details in that fashion.
    • However, for those enchant types that require an unlockable to be completed before they start appearing (such as double jump, triple jump, and boomstick), the unlockable that must be completed is now able to easily be found; previously that was really difficult information to come by, and for double jump in particular it's very nice to have on hand.
  • Inside warp gates, you now get infinite jumps like you do in umbra vortex missions; falling damage is also completely negated in these rooms.
    • Thanks to khadgar for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug in prior versions that could very occasionally lead to outdoor chunks that didn't have a proper entrance and which would spawn you somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
    • This won't fix existing chunks that were messed up in this way, but it will prevent new ones from forming.
    • Thanks to kitsuneyurka for reporting.
  • Player bats no longer have their attack power reduced to 5% of their former values. Now their mana recharge rate is reduced to 10% of its normal value instead.
    • This makes player bats more viable for combat in most ways, but it also means that they still have a huge disadvantage to go along with their greatly-increased mobility.
    • Thanks to khadgar for suggesting.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where having previously used glyph transplant scrolls on your character could lead to double-fast movement and animation for them on the world map.
    • Thanks to kitsuneyurka for the world file that finally helped us track this down.
  • If you manage to somehow get stuck out at sea without a boat, or some other craziness that gets your character literally stuck on the world map, the game now automatically take you back to the origin point and makes sure you are not in a ship.
    • Thanks to yotohan and khadgar for reporting.

Consciousness Shards, Enemy Loot Drops, And The Opal Guardian's Store

  • Outside of missions, non-boss non-vengeful-ghost enemies (aka trash mobs) now drop consciousness shards.
    • The default is for them to drop between 25-30 shards, but that amount gets increased based on the scale of the enemy (in the same way that it's increasing how many health drops they have).
    • Playing in windstorms also multiplies their drop rate by 1.4 times the distance into the windstorm areas on the world map you are.
    • Playing up in tiers above the continent tier also gives you a boost of 0.4 extra multiplier per tier up. So play up one tier and it's 1.4x, two tiers up and it's 1.8x.
    • The rationale here:
      • This gives increased rewards for taking on increased risks, which is something that players have wanted for quite some time.
      • It also gives a reward for killing trash mobs (bosses already had drops of their own), which is something that a large part of the playerbase clearly wanted with some desperation.
      • It also provides an alternative to just pure exploration as a way to get enchants and other goodies (see below for exactly how), which some players wanted.
      • And finally, since this doesn't apply inside of mission areas, it does all this without violating our "monsters need to be obstacles to a reward rather than an obstacle and a reward rolled into one."
        • Aka, trash mobs inside missions are either health sources or obstacles, but never something you can or should farm. When you're in the mission, focus on beating the mission. But while you're outside the mission, killing trash mobs gives you some long-term benefit that players clearly desired to have.
  • A new guardian stone can now be found in settlements: the white opal guardian stone.
    • Interacting with this guardian stone brings up a store where you can buy various things with the consciousness shards.
      • Some of it is very expensive and is better found through exploration. However, even the expensive stuff is quite attainable and basically provides a "safety valve" for when the random number generator is being unkind to you.
    • The wares that you can currently get from the store include:
      • Guardian Power Scrolls:
        • Create Buoy (6,000 shards)
        • Create Wind Shelter Mission (9,000 shards)
        • Seek Survivors (12,000 shards)
      • Spell Scrolls:
        • Glyph Transplant Scroll (500 shards)
        • Transmogrify Into Bat Scroll x2 (1000 shards)
        • Elusion Scroll (4,000 shards)
      • Deployable Items:
        • Wooden Platform x500 (100 shards)
        • Crate x500 (200 shards)
      • Single-Use Items:
        • Upgrade Stones x100 (1,000 shards)
        • Upgrade Stones x250 (2,000 shards)
      • Enchants:
        • Random Leg Enchant (1,000 shards)
        • Random Jump-Augmenting Leg Enchant (2,000 shards)
        • Random Left Arm Enchant (1,000 shards)
        • Random Right Arm Enchant (1,000 shards)
        • Random Right-Arm Enchant In The Elemental Color Of Your Choice (8,000 shards)
        • Random Torso Enchant (1,000 shards)
        • Random Acid Gills Torso Enchant (4,000 shards)

Supply Depot Meteor Storm Overhaul

  • Fixed a bug where an environmental threat (the ice pirate patrol ships or the supply depot meteor storms) was only firing 1 shot per salvo even if the salvo was supposed to multiple shots.
    • So this was making the supply depot missions longer than intended.
    • Thanks to KDR_11k for the report.
  • Supply Crates in these missions have been replaced by Supply Stash structures that:
    • Only seeds one where a whole stack of the crates used to seed.
    • Is in the background (can be walked through, can't be stood on, is ignored by monsters except the meteors, etc).
    • You lose if any of these die.
  • Meteors now spawn significantly more frequently, but are about 1/3rd as powerful when hitting players.
  • Thanks to many players for general and specific feedback about the meteor missions :)
  • Supply Depot missions now only spawn 40 meteors instead of 100, and each meteor only comes with a 10% chance of spawning a monster rather than a 20% chance. They also only spawn the meteors every 6 seconds now rather than ever 8. It was getting a little TOO crazy before.

Beta 1.008 Windy Boomstick

(Released March 3, 2012)

  • Added new enchant base type: "Boomstick".
    • Unlocked by killing 100 Explosive Espers.
    • Goes on the left arm.
    • Always includes 30% Recoil and 12% Attack Power effects.
    • Optional effects more recoil include stronger-than-average attack power, shot speed, and cooldown reduction.
    • There are probably more uses folks will figure out as time goes on, but there are two basic uses that come to our minds:
      • Swimming; like storm fist, this lets you get altitude in water without using up extra jumps.
      • Tradeoff heavy-damage builds; it's not as obviously dangerous as the Risktaker, but it's another one where you can take something that gives you stronger-than-usual attack-power (and goes in the left-arm slot, which normally doesn't get much +damage) but makes it harder to survive (unless you get really good at compensating for the fact that your spells knock you back, in which case good for you!).
  • There's also a new achievement that goes along with Boomstick.
  • The Tips & Advice section of the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia now has a Settlements & Buildings Tips subsection which explains a lot of the common construction-related questions that players have.
    • We recognize that even more should be done in order to really make these things clear to players, but this strikes us as a necessary addition no matter what, and it was a straightforward first step to making this part of the game as easy to get into as we ultimately want it to be.
  • Put in a fix for a floating 1-pixel line that would show up for some folks under their minimap. We never could duplicate it, but we've got things set up now such that the texture should definitely clamp and not have this happen.
    • Thanks to Nypyren and dorenthas for reporting.
  • Added a new "Laptop Keyboard" option to the load-preset dropdown on the view/edit controls screen.
    • Special thanks to Bluddy for submitting this set of bindings.
  • After yet more wrestling with the underlying Unity 3D engine, we've finally managed to work around yet another of the engine bugs that really annoy people a lot. This one was related to keys not properly getting cleared when (for instance) you alt-tab out of the game. The alt key would usually remain stuck on until you tapped it again.
    • Previously we were unable to solve this at all because we could not detect loss of focus, but we discovered a hack to get around that shortly before 1.0 (to everyone's joy, ours most of all).
    • The next problem was that, even knowing when we had lost focus, the problem was that the Unity 3D engine's Input.GetKey and Input.anyKeyDown and so forth were the things returning the wrong results. Not being able to fix their code directly, we were fortunate to find a Input.ResetInputAxes method that lets us just clear all the input state in their engine when we detect the resumption of game focus using our aforementioned hack.
    • And there was much rejoicing! This will be coming to AI War as well, before anyone asks.
      • Thanks to a bunch of players for this, including: Rednax, SteelStilletto, ColdPrototype, Smiling Spectre, FallingStar, farrout000, Procyon, goodgimp, Essobie, DesiQ, UnavoidableFate, plus others, yeah, this was a pretty popular issue!
  • Previously, bringing up the Steam overlay with Shift-tab would be prey to the same stuck-keys effect as would happen with alt-tabbing. This is now also detected and should be fixed.
  • When the game is minimized from fullscreen, it now decides that it has lost focus about 20x faster than it previously did. This helps to slow the memory leak in unity that results from alt-tabbing in and out a lot (see prior release notes in very late beta for details).
  • When the game is minimized from fullscreen, and your character is in a chunk and is not currently invincible, it now pauses the local chunk. This should at least help with people with multiple monitors who click out of the main monitor and thus accidentally cause the game to minimize during a fight.
    • Thanks to many players for making requests along these lines.
  • Clinging fetor is no longer capped at 0.5 seconds for its max casting speed. Now it can go as low as 0.1 seconds, like other combat spells.
    • Thanks to Terraziel for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where accumulated enchant quality was not being properly cleared with the rest of world-state.
  • Fixed a bug in the previous version where parts of the Loot Goals window were drawing (sometimes in the upper-left corner) even when the window decided not to draw.
  • Fixed a bug where the recently-added direct-ability-use keybinds (like Use Platform, Use Crate, etc), if bound to a mouse button, could fire on a mouse click inside a GUI window.
    • Thanks to TechSY730 for reporting.
  • Now when you enter a surface chunk that is supposed to contain an overlord lair or lieutenant outpost but (for whatever reason) does not, it displays the same "temporal flux, press E to destroy this and regenerate it" message as it does if you enter a chunk that has somehow has nowhere for a player to stand.
    • Thanks to Admiral Tolwin, Liliengrund, and Artymchoket for reporting situations where the overlord was apparently ruling from a moon outpost, with no handy ventilation system to reach it from the surface.
  • Previously, the game would throw warnings if players ever managed to reach an area with monsters greater than tier 10. Now it goes all the way up to tier 15 just in case (not that anyone has come remotely close, but still).
    • Thanks to khadgar for making us think of this.
  • Fixed a bug where a couple of windows could incorrectly overlap one another when first connecting to a multiplayer server.
    • Thanks to Penumbra for reporting.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where some patrolling enemies that were not actively chasing you indoors would get indecisive next to walls and just sort of flip around uselessly for a long while.
    • Thanks to MaxwellDemonic for reporting.
  • Consciousness Shard Overhaul:
    • Shards are no longer required for any guardian powers (the building powers that had no non-shard cost now cost cedar and granite).
    • Now only have one kind, instead of six colors.
    • Are no longer stored in the settlement stockpile, but are carried directly in the player's inventory.
      • When a world created before this change is loaded, it adds up all the shards stockpiled in the settlements of the world, clears all shards out of settlement stockpiles and gives each player that total amount (which is nicer than it needs to be, but just trying to handle the transition logically).
    • So right now there's nothing to spend these on; still working on that.
  • It is now possible to have animated icons in the ability bar.
  • The consciousness shards now have an updated animated graphic that they use in the game world and in the ability bar.

Revised Windstorm Mechanics

  • The presence of windstorms was previously increasing the tier of a region by 1 or 2 tiers depending on the difficulty level. There is no longer any tier buff from windstorms, meaning that enemies are no longer any tougher or more dangerous inside windstorms than they would otherwise normally be.
  • When you venture into a region being affected by a windstorm, the negative effect of the windstorm is now felt as a constant drain on your health.
    • This drain varies by difficulty and by whether or not the chunk is a higher tier than you, as well as by how many regions' depth into the windstorms you are on the world map.
    • In other words, the drain doesn't go up when you go further into the chunks of a given region, but rather when you go into regions on the world map that are further from non-stormy areas.
    • The drain is something that also scales downward the lower your health gets, and finally it stops all together once your health has reached 1. So the windstorm by itself won't ever kill you outright—however it will put you on the teetering brink of death for sure.
      • This makes it increasingly dangerous to venture into windstorm areas that are further from your wind shelter network, but it doesn't make it instantly lethal like it could be before with the supercharged enemies.
    • Also, it is important to note that you can keep your health up either by coming in with a high-health character or by simply making efficient use of killing "trash mobs" fast for health, thus keeping yourself going even in such a hostile climate.
    • Unlike ambient cold or ambient heat damage, no popups show right on your character (because that would be incredibly annoying), and there are no suits or other magical means that will ever protect you from the wind—aside from expanding your wind shelter network, of course!
    • Thanks to zebramatt, Bluddy, Misery, khadgar, and Penumbra for suggestions that helped lead to these changes.
  • Previously there were some issues with when the windstorm sound effects would play, most specifically in mission areas. Fixed.
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • Previously there was an issue with outdoor areas having their "ceiling" set too low. This caused problems most notably in the wind shelter missions where there could easily be almost no room to maneuver because of this.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting the difficulty with the windshelter missions which helped lead to finding this, and Underfot for reporting the specific issue.
  • The number of microbosses in each outdoor section of a wind shelter mission has been reduced from 3 to 2 so the player is not so easily swarmed.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting the difficulty with the windshelter missions.
  • To prevent "cheesing" of the wind shelter missions (among other benefits), the player now takes 20x more damage from windstorms when they are transmogrified into a bat. If that tradeoff works for you in terms of the extra maneuverability in windstorms then feel free to use those scrolls in those situations; but it's certainly a lot more dangerous now!
  • Fixed a bug where wind shelter placement previously considered oceans and deep sea ports to be "non-stormy land."
    • Thanks to khadgar for reporting.
  • Previously swamps, the deep, and the lava flats could not contain wind shelters. This could cause literal stalemate situations in the game, so that restriction has been removed.
  • Deep Sea Ports are now affected by windstorms. You can exit a sailing ship at any port, but you can only get into a sailing ship when that ship is not in a storm.
    • This means that you are required to expand your wind shelter network at least somewhat in order to get to the second continent in most cases.
    • It also means that once you arrive at the second (or later) continents you are likely to be marooned there for at least a little while until you build up enough to drive the windstorms back from the ports there.
    • Thanks to lots of players for suggesting that they wanted to have the ports be a little more involved; this idea just happened to fit really well with the other windstorm-related changes we were making today.

Re-Rejiggering Anachronism Missions

  • Another overhaul for Fix-The-Anachronism missions:
    • No more damage reflection (and there was much rejoicing).
    • Now, when a native monster is killed in one of these missions, two other monsters are spawned:
      • The same logic for the initial spawns is used: these could be native monsters, or non-native.
      • It tries to put the new monsters near the location of the just-killed native monster, but if it has any real difficulty with this it doesn't try hard at all and the spawn could happen anywhere valid.
      • A floating text message and chat-log message are also shown, to help make it clear what happened.
    • Thanks to many players for ongoing feedback on these missions. We're definitely looking for logical arguments and consistent feedback rather than emotional responses that go all over the place, but we're grateful that largely we're getting the former and we can work with that.

New And Improved Multiplayer Features

  • Now when a new player account is created and picks its first character in a world where there's more than one continent or the first continent is above tier 1, the new character is given 1 "catchup" enchant per each of the 4 main slots per continent (max 3 per slot, to keep this from getting too spammy).
    • The catchup enchants (and any enchant from a rare-enchant-container drop from an overlord or lieutenant, or from a catchup-enchant-container in the first settlement of an expert-start world) use the current enchant quality levels achieved in that world, but do not increase those quality levels the way getting an enchant through charge-buildup would.
    • This happens in both SP and MP; it's mainly for MP but it's also helpful if you're handing a world around or having multiple people play it on the same machine in serial fashion, or simply create a new player account for some other reason, etc.
    • Thanks to Wanderer, nanostrike, Toll, and others for the feedback leading to this change.
  • Added new admin commands:
    • grant_player_kick_and_ban_permission (followed by player number)
      • This gives a player account the rights to use the kick_player, ban_player, and unban_player admin commands without them having to use claim_admin_rights first (so they don't have to know the admin password, and you don't have to give it to them).
      • You still need to be really careful who you give this to, but you don't have to give them full access this way.
    • revoke_player_kick_and_ban_permission (followed by player number)
      • Removes the permission given by the previous command (if it had been given).
    • echo_list_of_connected_players
      • The server sends you a chat message listing all connected players (username and player number, same as displays if they chat).
      • This command does not require admin rights.
    • echo_list_of_all_players
      • The server sends you a chat message listing all players (username and player number, same as displays if they chat), whether they are currently connected or not.
      • This command does not require admin rights.
    • Thanks to Wanderer and Agent Propagandi for the suggestions.
  • MP: Added Action Difficulty and Platforming Difficulty to the server list.
    • Thanks to huw for the report.
  • MP: made the server name column on the server list about twice as wide.
  • MP: fixed a bug where the client would count a unit of progress on a "kill X of Y" unlock as if it were 50 units. Why was it doing that? Because I (Keith) told it to during testing a fix to another bug, and never changed it back. Ah well, fixed now.
    • Thanks to Aklyon for the report and save.
  • Added new admin commands:
    • grant_player_rename_permission
    • revoke_player_rename_permission
    • set_default_player_rename_permission
    • These work basically like the other grant/revoke/set_default groups, except that these control whether rename-settlement and rename-npc operations by a player will succeed.
      • (why? Well, with some people, if you give them a blank wall, they see a canvas. In multiplayer.)
    • Thanks to Lokas for the suggestion.
  • New keybinds (not that these don't work in solo, but we can't think why you'd ever need them except to share items in co-op):
    • Force Drop Quantity To 1/2
      • Defaults to LeftShift.
      • While this is active, dropping an item will drop half of the items in the origin inventory slot, rather than just 1 item.
      • If combined with the "Force Drop Quantity To 1/3" keybind, about 1/6th of the amount will be dropped.
    • Force Drop Quantity To 1/3
      • Defaults to LeftAlt.
      • While this is active, dropping an item will drop one third of the items in the origin inventory slot, rather than just 1 item.
      • If combined with the "Force Drop Quantity To 1/3" keybind, about 1/6th of the amount will be dropped.

Beta 1.007 Now Where Did I Put That Grocery List?

(Released May 1, 2012)

  • Fixed the spelling of assassination.
    • Thanks to Andrew Whipple III for pointing that out.
  • Removed a small but pointless warning message that could be written to the debug log on loading of existing chunks.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for reporting.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where lesser teleport would wind up causing you too much or too little falling damage based on how you used it. Now when you teleport it puts you out at the other end at zero vertical velocity so that you start falling from that location fresh (for better or for worse, and rather like you'd expect with teleporting).
    • Thanks to Penumbra and Terraziel for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where leafy whip was doing purple damage instead of green.
    • Thanks to freykin for reporting.
  • Diluters only work on Tier 5 orbs now, because people were getting into situations where they had no tier 3/4 orbs due to diluting them all into tier 2 orbs.
    • There may also be an elusive bug in there somewhere that's causing the diluter effect to happen or persist where it should not, but we've not been able to reproduce that.
    • Thanks to Nuck and several other players reporting various weird unintentional dilution cases.
  • New admin command: set_worldwide_enchant_progress_sharing
    • Syntax to turn it off (defaults off): cmd:set_worldwide_enchant_progress_sharing 0
    • Syntax to turn it on: cmd:set_worldwide_enchant_progress_sharing 1
    • When it is on, enchant progress is done normally.
    • When it is on, when someone gains enchant points all player accounts on the server (connected or not) get those enchant points and check for enchant generation.
      • These gains have no impact on player accounts that are created later.
    • Basically this just makes MP easier, and there's no attempt to balance it, it's simply provided as a courtesy to those MP groups who specifically want the shared-enchant-progress mechanic (it used to be similar to this, but was changed).
    • Thanks to Tyrain for pointing out that some groups really do like the shared progress in MP.
  • Fixed a bug where the rename-settlement and rename-NPC functions were not limiting input length (it's now limited to 20, since the textbox is about 20 capital W's long).
    • Thanks to khadgar for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where normal game input (including the pause key, etc) would keep happening while the rename-settlement or rename-npc windows were open.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where players getting kicked out of a mission area (due to someone abandoning the mission or someone dying in the mission if it was fail-on-death) were not having their "respawn in mission ID #" flag cleared.
    • This won't retroactively fix situations where that flag was erroneously set (it's impossible to know when loading a world whether it was validly set or not, and just clearing it from all older worlds would lead to other edge-case bugs), but once it's been correctly set or the mission you were respawning in goes away or something like that it should be fine from then on.
    • Thanks to Partisus for the report.
  • Server: the main window now draws under the messages window in the upper-right.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for the suggestion.
  • When starting a server, it now displays an explanatory popup if either no world name was specified or the specified world could not be found or could not be successfully loaded.
    • Thanks to Greccen for pointing out that previously it would just sit there and look like there was a network problem or whatever.
  • In addition to Clinging Fetor, now Storm Dash and Ride The Lightning are disallowed in Journey To Perfection missions.
    • Storm Dash made it far too easy to game the system while playing as a bat, while Ride The Lightning made it far too easy to kill yourself unintentionally with the anti-air missile launchers.
    • Thanks to freykin for the tip on storm dash.
  • Fixed a bug where the coffers and structures for viewing the settlement and changing the difficulty were not on the right collision layer (they're now on the same layer as the crafting benches and guardian stones.
  • Pablo composed an awesome "Graveyard" track back in February, and it's been distributed with the game since then, but it never did actually get implemented into the game.
    • This track is now used for The Deep, both inside buildings, underground, and outside.
    • The track actually titled "The Deep" is used solely for the Swamp areas now (which it already was; it had been doing double duty). In the end that was a much better fit for the swamps given how those two region types diverged.
  • MP: Fixed a bug where picking up crafting ingredients from the ground only had an impact on settlement stockpiles on the server and on the client that actually picked up the item (and, probably most of the time, clients who happened to be in the same chunk as the client picking up the item). Now it is synced to all connected players.
    • Thanks to LintMan for the report.
  • Fixed a bug where resistances over 100% were not causing the target to be healed by the damage.
    • Thanks to Quaix for the report.
  • When an image fails to load, it will no longer log copious errors to the debug log about that (which would damage the stability and framerate of the game until restart).
    • Thanks to Ipkins for reporting.

Loot Goals (aka "Shopping Lists")

  • When you're looking at spells in the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, there is now an "Add To Loot Goals" button whenever you click into the details for a spell.
    • By adding spells to your Loot Goals, they will show up in a little sidebar whenever the escape menu is being shown. On your main loot goals listing you can then quickly see a list of all the remaining components you need to find in order to craft the spells you were interested in.
    • This can save you valuable time in opening up the Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, as well as give you a constant reminder of the goals that you set for yourself. Hovering over items in your Loot Goals list shows you lots of information such as where to find the needed loot.
  • When looking at supply-type enchants in the Where To Find Stuff You Want or Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, there is now an "Add To Loot Goals" button whenever you click into the details for an enchant.
    • By adding supply-style enchants to your Loot Goals, they will show up in a little sidebar whenever the escape menu is being shown. On your main loot goals listing this will show the enchant in question until you acquire it.
    • This can save you valuable time in opening up the Where To Find Stuff You Want section, as well as give you a constant reminder of the goals that you set for yourself. Hovering over items in your Loot Goals list shows you lots of information such as where to find the supplies.
  • When looking at general supplies in the Where To Find Stuff You Want or Big Honkin' Encyclopedia, there is now a slider that lets you choose how many of that type of item you want to have on hand, ranging from 1 to 9999.
    • Using this slider, you can set for yourself how many of this kind of supply item you wish to have in your inventory. Whenever your supplies fall below this value, your Loot Goals list will remind you to get more.
    • This can save you valuable time in opening up the Where To Find Stuff You Want section, as well as give you a constant reminder of the goals that you set for yourself. Hovering over items in your Loot Goals list shows you lots of information such as where to find the supplies.
  • Once you have added stuff to your shopping list, you can see the details simply by hitting the Escape key to bring up the escape menu. We don't have it showing all the time in your HUD because frankly that would just be clutter and it's only a keypress away anyhow, now.
  • Thanks to many players for suggesting shopping lists, including KDR_11k, zebramatt, Dizzard, TyberZann, Moonshine Fox, Kemeno, mathemagician, Professor Paul1290, DesiQ, and Hyfrydle. This was definitely a most-requested feature!

Texture Pack Support

  • There is now a dropdown in the Graphics tab that allows you to select from any installed Texture Packs, if any are installed.
    • Thanks to many players for requesting texture pack support, including eRe4s3r, Pseurai, and TheGodofCruelty.
  • Here are the instructions for how to create texture packs if you have an interest in doing that:

To add a texture pack, simply add a folder here in the AVWW/RuntimeData/TexturePacks folder.

The name of the texture pack in the game will be the name of the folder. So if you make a folder called BobsTextures, that's what it will show up as in the game.


Inside your texture pack folder, simply duplicate the contents of the Images folder that you want to replace. Don't bother moving over images that you aren't doing custom versions of—the game will first look into the active texture pack folder and then will look into the base images folder if nothing was found.

So, for instance, if you want to replace the keyboard cursor (normally located at AVWW/RuntimeData/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png) you would add AVWW/RuntimeData/TexturePacks/BobsTextures/Images/Misc/KeyboardCursor.png.

That would alter the keyboard cursor, but no other parts of the game. You can do that for as many or as few images as you like.


Inside your texture pack folder, make a Configuration folder. Then make a Particles.xml file that is a copy of the main Particles.xml file in AVWW/RuntimeData/Configuration/Particles.xml.

Simply make <g pattern="Fireball"></g> entries for particle effects that you wish to change. Don't worry about trying to do them all—just do the ones you're actually making changes to. The others will load from the main Particles.xml file just fine, but your custom particle definitions will selectively override whatever you wish.

Did you know? When you have the game open, you can hit Ctrl+F4 to reload the Particles.xml files at will. That way you can make a small tweak, hit that key combo, and then test your change immediately without having to restart the application.


Generally speaking, you need to keep the images to the same size and dimensions as the original. Any wildly different image sizes won't look at all correct in-game, especially when it comes to sprite dictionaries (animations).

That said, when it comes to things in the Backdrops and Ground folders, those can be set to pretty much whatever size since they are repeating tiled graphics.

Mission Seeding Changes

  • The recently-added rule that a world map mission would not pick a mission type if that type is already accounting for at least 1/3rd of the currently available world map missions has been extended to ignore whether the particular mission type is an interior, underground, or surface mission. So if there are 9 available world map missions and 1 is a Journey To Perfection (Surface), another is JtP (Interior), and a third is JtP (Underground) and it's time to seed a 10th mission it will not pick any of the JtP variants.
  • Newly-generated missions that reward crafting materials now have a 70% chance of rewarding only very commonly required ingredients (welkin gel, magma, etc) and a 30% chance of only rewarding the less commonly required ingredients.
  • Newly-generated missions that reward guardian powers:
    • First power reward previous had a 100% chance of trying to be a city-building power, and would randomly pick from all eligible-to-seed building types. Now it has a 50% to try to be a city-building power, and it always tries to get a "basic" (non-personality) building first. If it tries and cannot get a basic building type it has a 20% chance at that point to try for a personality buiding (so 10% chance overall for that). If it doesn't pick a building power for the first slot, it picks the same way as the second power reward would (has a 50% chance of picking a strategic power and a 50% chance of picking a buff power).

Beta 1.006

(Released April 28, 2012)

  • MP: Added suppression of the "Rejected S_SendUpdateOnLocalClientPlayerEntity because fromPlayerAccount == null" message because it can arise in legitimate circumstances and tends to cause a ton of logging when that happens, causing lag on the server.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for the report.
  • Balance: the base attack of Forest Rage is now 16 instead of 13, bringing it's DPS a bit higher than it otherwise would have been to compensate for the lower DPM.
    • Thanks to Terraziel and others for suggesting.

Beta 1.005

(Released April 28, 2012)

  • Further changes to spell "maximum distance to live" are as follows:
    • Most long-ranged spells now travel for 1600px instead of 800px.
    • Splashback and flameout still travel for 600px (they always did).
    • Miasma Whip: 224 (same as always)
    • Leafy whip: 320 (same as always)
    • Meteors, rocks, and ice blocks: 1800px instead of 1000px.
    • Thanks to fairly much everyone for complaining about this.
  • MP: Fixed a bug in the prior version with spells not traveling for other players anymore.
    • Thanks to Wanderer for reporting.

Beta 1.004

(Released April 27, 2012)

  • Put in a fix that was causing unhandled exceptions in the prior version when guardian powers were attempted to be used.
    • Thanks to AirstrikeIvanov for reporting.

Beta 1.003

(Released April 27, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug in the last version that broke loading old worlds that had progress towards the unlocks that were tied to elites and are now no longer used.
    • Thanks to psychogears, Omosh, and freykin, and several others for the report.

Beta 1.002 Upgraded Elitism

(Released April 27, 2012)

  • An echoing, melancholy new track has been added to some of the underground areas of the game. It's called Sad Cave. :)
  • Fixed bug where it was possible to warp out of a boss chunk (with the boss still alive) by standing in front of the warp gate (it was already preventing actual entrance into the warp gate).
    • Thanks to Penumbra for the report.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Eagle: Eagle Diver.
    • These have a higher maximum speed, always use the diving attack pattern (normal eagles only do it when tier 5), hit a bit harder, and have a bit more health.
      • Normally we aren't making the elites "tougher" stat-wise (relying on continent scaling for that), but we actually defined the Eagle Diver months ago and it just hasn't been in the game for a long time. So here it is, mind the beak! :)
  • The dungeon and region maps can now be resized based on a new "Dungeon And Region Map Scale" slider in the game tab of the settings menu. It allows you to adjust them from 50% to 400% of normal size.
    • Thanks to Revannefarious, Nypyren, mathemagician, dis astranagant, Zaggeh, and DesiQ for suggesting.
  • The wind shelter missions no longer include a miniboss in each of their outdoor chunks. Instead each chunk includes three microbosses, which tend to be far easier to avoid.
    • Thanks to Professor Paul1290, Terraziel, Penumbra, Toll, Hyfrydle, zebramatt, Misery, Wanderer, and Quaix for weighing in on this one.
  • Previously, the mission text on the world map in windstorms would flicker. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Hyfrydle for reporting.
  • Previously, monster health bars behind the chunk map or inventory would flicker. Now they are drawn on top of both.
  • Previously, the tier increase from windstorms in regions was applying only to monsters on the ground level. Now it applies to interiors and undergrounds as well.
    • As an added note, this means that the overlord likely starts out as tier 6/7 and you have the choice of whether or not you want to build a wind shelter to lower his threat level.
    • Thanks to Bluddy for suggesting all of the above.
  • Now whenever a settlement's chunk is loaded off disk it:
    • If there is no hearth guardian stone, adds one.
    • If there's more than one hearth guardian stone, strips out the extras.
    • If there is no adviser guardian stone, adds one.
    • If there's more than one adviser guardian stone, strips out the extras.
    • If there is no crafting bench, adds one.
  • All existing hearth guardian stone NPCs have been removed (but as noted above, a hearth guardian stone is added to the settlement chunk when it is first loaded, but it is not an NPC). There wasn't anything in the game left that cared about these being NPCs, so there shouldn't be any impact on the player, but the stone may be in a somewhat different place now.
  • Crafting benches and guardian stones no longer collide on the same layer as some background objects (like trees or fences, couldn't tell which, probably both).
    • Thanks to jabrazelle for reporting and providing a save where there was literally nowhere to seed a crafting bench in the settlement.
  • The damage of forest rage has gone down from 23 to 13, bringing its power more inline with other basic ranged spells (thanks to its recently increased firing rate it was definitely overpowered).
    • Thanks to AlexxKay for unintentionally inspiring this change.

Overhaul to Enchant-acquisition and Enchant-inventory-management

  • The "quality progress" of enchants (the number of each enchant type that have been generated for you, which controls how many extra effects the next enchant of that same type can have) is now tracked globally for the world, not individually for each player.
    • Older worlds being loaded will start with the highest progress for each enchant type found among the existing players in that world.
      • So if one player has gotten 20 Cooldown-reducing enchants and 10 Jump-increasing enchants, and the other player has gotten 10 Cooldown-reducing enchants and 20 Jump-increasing enchants, after loading in this version everyone will move forward as if they had previously generated 20 of both of those types.
  • "Enchant charge" is now tracked individually for each player.
    • Picking up an enchant container grants points to you and each other player in the same chunk (as opposed to everyone in the same world like it previously did).
    • However, picking up an enchant container also now gives a check for a new enchant to everyone in the chunk (as opposed to previously, when only the player actually picking up the container had any chance of getting an enchant right then).
    • Older worlds being loaded will start with all players having 0% progress to the next enchant, but this is a pretty minor inconvenience compared to the temporary advantage gained (in MP at least) from the quality-progress-tracking change.
      • Happily, this lets us clear out the 1000s of percent accumulated enchant charge that was piling up on some players in multiplayer, and that looked really weird (it's still possible to pile up extra charge by collecting containers.
    • Thanks to silverhound, hyfrydle, Terrazeil, Bluddy, and Martyn van Buren for providing feedback on how enchant charges should work in multiplayer.
  • Most enchants, when dropped, are instead (after player confirmation) "reabsorbed":
    • Reabsorbing an undroppable enchant gives you 10% progress towards the next enchant, but this process completely and irrevocably destroys the reabsorbed enchant. There is no way to undo this, and so should only be done with enchants you'll never need again.
    • The basic light-emitting enchants, seeker, and diluter enchants can still be dropped (and cannot be reabsorbed).
    • Thanks to BobTheJanitor, zebramatt, Rx09, AlexxKay, Bluddy and others for suggesting this.

Overhaul to Upgrade Stone Mechanics

  • Previously, the first health upgrade cost you 16 and then it would go up by a power of 2 from there for each further upgrade (32, 64, 128, etc). Mana and Attack were the same, except starting at 8 (so then 16, 32, 64, 128, etc).
    • Now the fee is flat for all upgrades: it's 20 stones for a health upgrade, and 10 for attack or mana.
    • After much discussion on this subject, it became clear that being able to apply 10 upgrades to your character is an important avenue for player choice, but not something that should be prohibitively time consuming to do. Even if the upgrades past the 8th were a "bad value" to encourage players to consider conserving stones, some players would push all the way to 10 upgrades no matter what and then be encouraged to save-scum to protect that character.
    • Further, not having 10 upgrades on the primary character was creating a disincentive to create a stable of other characters for various purposes.
    • Lastly, it was tricky to balance the game because if players used a full 10 upgrades then things could be far to easy; but with no upgrades it could be far too hard. Now we can balance around the general expectation of roughly 10 upgrades being on most characters; and these upgrades being more about choice than they are about a long-term slog through getting thousands of stones.
    • The reason for keeping a cost to the upgrades at all is to maintain that sense of loss on death of characters; aside from the vengeful ghosts, upgrades are the one thing that is lost when your character dies. That has seemed a very popular thing (and in fact upgrades were originally added when beta players felt there was not enough of a penalty for death), but we have been aiming to balance it so that the penalty is noticeable but not harsh.
  • Previously, each upgrade that you applied in the health, mana, or attack categories would give you a flat bonus every time you used an upgrade. That made sense when the costs of each upgrade went up exponentially. However, now that the costs are flat (not even linear, but literally flat), we chose to instead make the bonuses from each upgrade decay so that they remain balanced.
    • Applying 10 health upgrades now gives a maximum 5.57x bonus (so 20% decay) compared to 10x previously (0% decay).
      • With a character of base health 141, that gives the following progression: 141,282,395,485,557,615,661,698,728,752,771,786
    • Applying 10 attack upgrades now gives a maximum 1.65x bonus (so 10% decay) compared to 2x previously (0% decay).
      • With a character of base attack 85, that gives the following progression: 85,93,100,107,113,118,123,127,131,135,138,141
    • Applying 10 mana upgrades now gives a maximum 2.63x (so 30% decay) compared to 6x previously (0% decay).
      • With a character of base mana 100, that gives the following progression: 100,150,185,210,227,239,247,253,257,260,262,263
    • Cumulatively, these changes do help to encourage players to choose characters with base stats that somewhat mirror what they want the final stats to be—because the changes you can make to a given character are somewhat less extreme, although still really notable. The penalty for diversification is also a lot less now compared to what it was, but the penalty for stacking everything into one stat is now a penalty of effectiveness rather than of cost.
  • Mana upgrades have been the least useful of the three kinds of stat upgrades for a while. Part of that is because most of the really high-mana-cost spells that we have planned are not yet in the game. So some of that is just a matter of intent for later stuff.
    • However, to address this imbalance in general, we made it so that mana upgrades also simultaneously upgrade mana regen rates. Normally all characters have a flat 83.3 regen rate for mana unless they have had some mana upgrades via upgrade stones; given that upgrade stones are the only way to increase mana regen, that makes this suddenly a lot more interesting.
    • Applying 10 mana upgrades now gives a maximum 1.3x bonus to mana regen (so 10% decay on 1 5% boost per increase) compared to 0x previously.
      • So the progression for any character is: 83.3,87.3,91.3,94.3,97.3,100.3,103.3,105.3,107.3,109.3,110.3,112.3.
  • The logic for how you find upgrade stones has been changed up somewhat:
    • Places that previously dropped 8 upgrade stones now drop 5. Places that dropped 16 now drop 10.
      • Except in the intro mission, where the caches of 8 are now caches of 50, and the caches of 16 are now caches of 100. This lets players explore these mechanics a lot more right in the intro mission.
    • Places that previously dropped 4 upgrade stones now drop 5, and those that previously dropped 3 now drop 1.
    • Now when you kill a miniboss, you get 5 upgrade stones. When you kill a microboss you get 1.
  • Thanks to Purlox, TechSY730, Terraziel, martyn_van_buren, khadgar, Wanderer, Penumbra, MouldyK, zebramatt, madcow, jordot42, Drjones013, KingIsaacLinksr, LintMan, and bvchaosinc for weighing in on how upgrade stones should be balanced. Ultimately we pulled something a bit out of the hat on this one, but it incorporates ideas from a lot of things being tossed around in the (long) discussions. Thanks all!

Overhaul to Elite Monsters

  • Elites are no longer associated with any unlocks.
  • Instead, the game starts with no elites being eligible for seeding, but as CP increases the overlord gets "escalation" points which can then be spent on "elite upgrades". Right now that means randomly picking an elite type for which the prequisite base monster type (and, for higher elites, the preceeding lower elite type) are already eligible for seeding.
    • These picks only apply to that specific continent.
    • Each overlord starts with 800 * (continent's number - 1) escalation, so the "overall complexity" doesn't go down as you go to the next continent, but the elite picks are "reshuffled" so you won't see the same elite types there (unless there's enough points to pick all of them, but that will become increasingly unlikely as we add more elite types).
  • Elite upgrades no longer cause 100% of the base monster type to be seeded as the highest available elite upgrade for that monster type.
    • Instead, if an upgrade is available, there's a random chance of it being applied per monster, according to tier:
      • Tier 1: 20%.
      • Tier 2: 30%.
      • Tier 3: 40%.
      • Tier 4: 50%.
      • Tier 5: 60%.
    • If the upgrade happens, and a higher upgrade is available, the roll is made again. So on tier 1 with both Frost Leaper and Frost Hurler available an Icicle Leaper has an 80% chance to be an Icicle Leaper, a 16% chance to be a Frost Leaper, and a 4% chance to be a Frost Hurler. On Tier 5 the chances are 40%, 24%, and 36%.

Clamping The Ranges Of Player Spells To Avoid Abuse

  • Player spells now have a "maximum distance to live" as well as a maximum time to live.
    • This means that spells can only travel so far before disappearing, as well as only lasting so long (since some spells can sit near one location for a while if they are moving slowly against a wall, the time to live is also still important).
    • This also means that enchants that improve the speed of spells don't also increase the distance the spells are able to travel—it just improves the speed of how fast the spell gets to their maximum distance.
    • In general, being able to kite enemies from very far off screen was something that some of our new players were taking extreme advantage of; and it also created a major disadvantage for those playing on smaller monitors. Now the playing field is more level.
    • Thanks to Bluddy and bvchaosinc for suggesting.
  • Specific changes to spell "maximum distance to live" are as follows:
    • Most long-ranged spells now travel for 800px.
    • Splashback and flameout now travel for 600px.
    • Miasma Whip: 224
    • Leafy whip: 320
    • Meteors, rocks, and ice blocks: 1000px.
  • The effective range and time to live of the gold boomerang have both been toned down.

Beta 1.001 Arrival Of The Elites

(Released April 25, 2012)

  • Updated the Left-Handed controls preset to correct some duplicate bindings.
    • Thanks to Drjones013 for submitting these.
  • Fixed bug where bear traps were not colliding with monsters (and thus weren't good for much).
    • Thanks to freykin for reporting.
  • Changed all previous uses of Unity's built-in debug logging to our custom logging to avoid the consequence of Unity's build-in debug logging where the logged strings stay in the program's unmanaged memory until the program closes, and thus can eventually cause out-of-memory errors. This was really rare but it could happen, and now it will be less likely (there are still things that Unity logs itself using its own logging method, we can't change that).
    • Thanks to LintMan for reporting one of the rare cases where this actually became a problem.
  • MP: fixed a null exception that could occur on the server if a mission's time-to-expire had elapsed and one of the connected players was in the deep-sea between continents at the time.
    • Thanks to Wanderer and Toll for reporting.
  • World map mission seeding (no effect on or consideration for secret missions or missions spawned by powers) now won't seed the exact same mission type if it already accounts for 1/3rd or more of the currently available world map missions on that continent.
    • The idea is to keep your from being stuck too much with a type of mission you don't like as much and then having to wait.
  • The Use Mouse Ability 1-7 keybinds are now again visible on the Abilities tab of the View/Edit Controls window so that you can change them (this is necessary if you want to unbind mouse button 4 or 5 or something like that).
    • They can only take mouse buttons, and cannot take keyboard or gamepad input.
    • The keybinds for mouse ability 8-10 are still gone because Unity can only recognize the first 7 mouse buttons in any event.
    • Thanks to Precog for pointing out a case we had missed where rebinding these is actually necessary.

Rejiggered Anachronism Missions

  • Now in anachronism missions you don't lose if you kill a native monster, but if they take damage that damage is redirected to you instead (they take none).
    • If you attack a monster and it reflects damage to you, it also starts pulsing red so that you have a constant reminder not to attack it again.
    • This makes the anachronisms a lot less "black and white" in terms of losing the puzzle of them. If you attack the natives too much then you'll wind up killing yourself with your own damage; but aside from that you can't accidentally lose the mission by attacking the wrong enemy anymore.
  • To ease new players into the Fix The Anachronism missions more, the following opt-out popup now appears when you go into the staging area of any such mission:
    • You've just entered a "Fix The Anachronism" mission. Kill all monsters from other time periods while the natives whale away at you; if you attack the natives, they'll start flashing red and reflect your damage back at you.
    • This mission isn't about memorization! You can see how many anachronistic monsters remain, and you can test monsters to see if they reflect your damage back at you.
    • Combine those two facts with your powers of deduction to solve the puzzle instead. Deduction is always more fun than memorization, anyway!
  • "Fix The Anachronism" missions: Fixed a bug where a monster from the same time period but not "native" to that particular region type would not be counted in the "remaining monsters to kill" total but would also not cause mission failure if killed. They now count as native in both cases (though killing a native no longer causes failure, as noted above).
    • An example of that abandoned-town regions are from the same time period as ocean shallows (not ocean, though), so a sea worm is actually "native" in an abandoned-town anachronism mission.
    • Thanks to Kemeno for the report.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing proper death-processing for non-native monsters in anachronism missions.

Two New Enemies

  • New Enemy: Explosive Esper.
    • Like other espers, but fire-elemental.
    • Shoots a smaller, faster fire-shot compared to what most other espers do. This one still pierces, but explodes on impact with grounds and walls instead of sliding along them, which is helpful.
    • Massive explosion on death, which is not so helpful.
  • New Enemy: Ice Esper.
    • Like water esper, but hurls chunks of ice instead (faster, but arc with gravity).

Twelve New Elite Enemies

  • New Elite Enemy: "Frost Leaper":
    • Unlocked by killing 80 Icicle Leapers.
    • Once unlocked, newly generated Icicle Leapers become Frost Leapers instead.
    • Are like Icicle Leapers except that they apply a slowing frost effect (like Ice Bats) when they hit you.
  • New Elite Enemy: "Frost Hurler":
    • Unlocked by killing 160 Icicle Leapers (note that killing a Frost Leaper or any other elite monster "counts" as if you'd killed one of the "base" monster).
    • Once unlocked, newly generated Icicle Leapers become Frost Hurlers instead.
    • Are like Frost Leapers except that they can periodically hover in midair briefly and then throw a lump of ice at you.
  • New Elite Enemy: "Skelebot Brawler":
    • Unlocked by killing 80 Skelebot Grunts.
    • Once unlocked, newly generated Skelebot Grunts become Skelebot Brawlers instead.
    • Are like Skelebot Grunts except that they can periodically fire a longer-ranged version of the player's Ice Cross.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Skelebot Sniper: Skelebot Tri-Elementalist.
    • Unlocks when 80 Skelebot Snipers have been killed.
    • In addition to the normal sniper's Flame Pulse spell, these can cast Water Drill and Lightning Cloud.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Skelebot Sniper: Skelebot Hex-Elementalist.
    • Unlocks when 160 Skelebot Snipers have been killed.
    • In addition to the Skelebot Tri-Elementalist's spells, these can cast Luminance Sine, a green-elemental burst, and Miasma Missile.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Rhino: Magma Rhino.
    • Unlocked when 80 Rhinos have been killed.
    • Has 75% Fire resistance instead of 75% Earth resistance.
    • Leaves a huge trail of explosions behind it (like Urban Predator flame).
    • Explodes when killed.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Skelebot Dwarf: Skelebot Kneecapper.
    • Unlocked when 80 Skelebot Dwarves have been killed.
    • Instead of always firing a single ring of explosions at a roughly 300-unit radius, it fires either 2 rings at 300-radius and 200-radius, or 2 rings at 200-radius and 100-radius.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Bat: Sonic Bat.
    • Unlocked when 80 Bats have been killed.
    • Has a ranged sonic (air-elemental) attack.
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Bat: Sonic Screamer.
    • Unlocked when 160 Bats have been killed.
    • Has the Sonic Bat's sonic attack.
    • On melee-hit, increases the target's cooldowns by 10% for 10 seconds (stacks as separate effects).
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Fire Bat: Flame Bat.
    • Unlocked when 80 Fire Bats have been killed.
    • Has a ranged fire attack (that has the same fire-damage-over-time effect as the bat's melee attack).
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Ice Bat: Frost Bat.
    • Unlocked when 80 Ice Bats have been killed.
    • Has a ranged ice attack (that has the same movement-slowing effect as the bat's melee attack).
  • Added New Elite upgrade to Dust Storm: Repulsive Dust Storm.
    • Unlocked when 80 Dust Storms have been killed.
    • Repels nearby projectiles (basically it's the inverse of the will-o-wisp's gravity well, but only applies to spell projectiles).

Previous Release Notes

Valley 1:Beta Series 3 Release Notes