AI War 2:Earlier Than Earlier Alpha Modding Instructions
(work in progress)
How To Mod Existing Unit Stats
(in progress)
Our example case here will be "Contrary to the developers, I do not agree that losing is fun. I will therefore cheat out the wazoo and make my Ark massively more powerful."
First, find your game directory and go to GameData/Configuration/ , then open the GameEntity directory.
Right-click KDL_Ships_PlayerStructures.xml and open it with whatever editor you like to use for xml (notepad, or your platform's equivalent, will do for initial experimenting).
Here's what the Ark looks like in xml. Change balance_strength_multiplier from 20 to, say, 2000, and save the file.
Now start the game (if it's already loaded, press Ctrl+F10 to reload all external stuff) and give it a whirl. You should find dying much harder to achieve.
How To Mod External C# Code
(in progress)
How To Mod Graphics/Music/Sound
This will require using the Unity Editor and a unity project we provide, but that project isn't ready yet. Sorry!