Fragmenting Guardian Stats
Metal Cost |
Energy Use |
Ship Cap |
Strength |
Hull |
Shields |
Speed |
Armour |
Engine |
Albedo |
80000 |
5000 |
1 |
37 |
5000 |
5000 |
500 |
80 |
14 |
0.2998046875 |
Fragmenting Guardian Weapon Stats
Shot Damage |
Seconds per Salvo |
Shots Per Salvo |
Range |
Single Ship DPS |
300 |
4 |
1 |
6000 |
75 |
Fairly weak Guardian, but when the AI is outnumbered on the planet it is on, permanently fragments into a pack of overall deadlier, smaller versions.
Fairly weak Guardian, but when the AI is outnumbered on the planet it is on, permanently fragments into a pack of overall deadlier, smaller versions.