Tidalis:0.418 Beta Release
New & Updated Levels
New & Updated Art/Music/Sound
Gameplay Additions
- A new Solitaire game mode has been added.
- Blocks don't fall into the well except when the player uses the fast forward button. This mode is won by dropping a certain number of blocks (which increases by action difficulty) into the well.
- A new Scrambler item has been added.
- Scrambles the direction arrows of the blocks all throughout a well.
- A new Insta-Streams item has been added.
- All streams in the chosen well will move at a near-instantaneous rate for 30 seconds.
- A new Molasses-Streams item has been added.
- All streams in the chosen well will move extremely slowly for 30 seconds.
Gameplay Updates
- Jumping Bean mode has been updated so that it no longer allows players to trigger streams at any time. However, even when you cannot trigger streams you can still trigger blocks to jump, which actually makes it significantly easier to create jumping-based chains.
New Level Editor Features
- Added "Crystallization" clear type option to block clearing objectives, for blocks cleared via the crystal item or the crystallizer special block.
- Added Item Frequency subwindow to Level Editor, which controls the frequency of embedded items in randomly generated blocks (both for the randomly generated initial well population if any, and blocks which fall during play). Unused frequency (meaning the totals not equaling 1000) is the chance of a randomly generated block not having an embedded item at all.
- The Scene definition xml format now supports ThemeOffsetX and ThemeOffsetY attributes on the Scene Segment nodes. This allows for more dynamic scene backgrounds to be created in the smaller viewport that is being used for cutscenes.