Starward Rogue:Post-1.0 Release Notes

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Version 1.006

(This isn't done yet, we're still working on it.)

  • Added new toggle to extras tab of settings window: Always Use OS Cursor
    • If this is on, the game never uses the gamepad "virtual cursor" even if the gamepad is in use.
    • Thanks to Saphirahk and nas1m for inspiring this change.
  • Now if the revealed minimap is so big that it overruns its borders on the escape menu, it is scaled down to at least roughly fit within it.
    • Thanks to Tolc for reporting.
  • New "Gemini siblings" enemies from community member zharmad!
  • Fixed a bug where shopkeeper kills were not checked for achievements because it never did the room-win logic for shops.
    • Thanks to Matruchus for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where one of the three code-branches that checks for waking the shopkeeper was checking the thing doing the damage rather than the shopkeeper for the waking-immunity to stuff not directly fired by the player.
    • Thanks to Reinhark, Cinth, and Matruchus for reporting.
  • Fixed a null exception that could occur shortly after loading a save.
    • Thanks to Danjuro for reporting.
  • Changed the logic of using keycards to unlock all doors in the room on the other side, rather than just the door facing you.
    • Otherwise a shop/item-room/etc that was locked could take two keys to get "through" to the other side, and if there was literally only one available and that was between you and the boss, well...
    • Also changed mapgen logic so that the next-to-start item room which often spawns cannot be locked, as that can cut off other areas of the map.
    • Thanks to SourKiwi for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the cryofreeze and other aoe effects would try to affect invincible stuff like caltrops.
    • In the case of cryofreeze, this could mean a lot of unnecessary sound effects.
    • Thanks to dumpsterKEEPER for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the "if you destroy a health shard block in a room adjacent to an unknown secret room, reveal that secret room instead of spawning the health shard" logic was instead checking for _known_ secret rooms. Cute.
    • Also, now when you enter a room bordering an unknown secret room, and the room you're entering has no heath-shard blocks (that normally reveal the secret when you blow them up, if there is one to reveal), it tries to convert a normal bombable block to one of those.
      • If it fails to do that, it just reveals the secret room(s).
    • Thanks to nas1m, Watashiwa, and many others for reporting the frustration with secret rooms not being revealed.
  • Now when the game is seeding pickups that go in your main gun, energy, missile, or attachment slots it will never pick what you've already got equipped at the time of the seeding.
    • Thanks to TheVampire100 for inspiring this change.
  • New enemy "Demesne" added
    • This is another "Fearsome" type of foe... be careful around this guy!
  • Fixed a potential null exception bug when starting up the game.
    • Thanks to mrhanman for reporting.
  • Updated the game engine to Unity 4.7 instead of 4.6.7.
    • We generally try to avoid doing engine updates unless there are benefits or bugfixes that actually impact us. Past experience has taught us that new engine bugs appear unannounced, and we prefer to avoid those when possible by staying on known-stable versions until we need to not.
    • That said, this new version seems to be stable, and also is required in order to support the new InControl plugin.
  • We have completely gutted the underlying gamepad support and rebuilt it from the ground up with the InControl asset store plugin as the underlying basis for it.
    • This solves the XBox One controller compatibility issues, as well as making default bindings for the playstation 4 controller and many other main controllers now automatically kick into place.
  • Backfire now always uses BOTH of it's phases instead of randomly skipping to the second one.
    • It also now has more HP in both phases
  • The "Fire Up" and "Fire Up (Alt)" keybinds (and their down, left, and right counterparts) now cause your energy and missile weapons to target that direction too, even if normally they would target the mouse cursor.
    • Thanks to dfinlay for inspiring this change.
  • There is a new Debug: Show Gamepad Raw Inputs option in the extras tab of the settings menu.
    • If this is on, then any detected raw input from your gamepads will be shown on the left side of the screen. Useful for debugging but not much else.
  • Now the game tracks when you pick up multiples of the same powerup (for instance, level up perks that may be picked multiple times) and displays x2, x3, etc to show that.
    • This won't show that for powerups picked up multiple times in older saves because it wasn't tracked.
    • Thanks to Kevin Feederline, FroBrodine, and waylon531 for suggesting.
  • Fixed an issue accidentally introduced in version 1.005 where you could only pick up perks of each type one time, which would lead to blank perk selection screens on later levels.
    • Thanks to Reinhark for reporting.
  • The confirm popup now supports gamepad left-right (on either the dpad or the analog stick) to switch between the buttons, and the execute button to simulate a click on the highlighted button.
    • Thanks to Cyprene for inspiring this change.
  • ItemGainChanceOnEnemyKill and ItemGainOnEnemyKill modifiers now only proc against Ship entities; so not shots or obstacles.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.

Version 1.005

(Released January 25th, 2016)

  • Now when you use the in-game delete function on a file slot, it actually replaces that file with a very small file (just containing the text "deleted") which the game treats as an empty slot.
    • This way, steam cloud will not "helpfully" immediately repopulate the save file.
    • Thanks to ProfessorPaul1290 for reporting.
  • Now if you get a corrupt save message you have the option (again, removed late in alpha) to keep or delete.
    • If you delete, it actually copies it to a backup location and overwrites the slot with a small file that the game will treat as empty but the steam cloud will not automatically copy back over.
  • The perk screen now continues showing the previous HUD (for stat info).
    • Thanks to robdon for suggesting.
  • The knockback_resistance stat now also applies to weapon kickback.
  • The RedShift mech now has full immunity to both kickback and knockback.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for inspiring this change.
  • set disappears_if_room_left to true on the antigravitate blockage shards
    • Thanks to Apathetic for inspiring this change.
  • The boss "Backfire" is now active!
    • This has been completely redone from the ground up from what it used to be in the alpha. Be ready to deal with it's minions!
  • The Warden no longer falls asleep during phase 4 of it's attack
  • Fixed a bug where the recently added "missiles destroy shootables without them morphing into their more-damaged states" logic was causing the pathfinding-block on shootable-A and shootable-B objects to not be cleared when they died (because it was only being cleared when the C stage died, and that was being skipped).
  • Fixed a bug where OnRoomSwitch effects could fire when switching from an old run to a new run.
  • Fixed a bug where OnRoomSwitch effects that reduced hull health on the player would not actually do any damage due to the "invincible until leaves the doorway" logic.
  • The Medical Emergency pickup now only does its damage when you enter a room for the first time, not every time you switch rooms.
    • Thanks to The Hunter for inspiring this change.
  • The Impatience level-up perk now won't show up on the perk menu if you are already on the last floor of the run.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for suggesting.
  • The minimap icon for major item rooms and health storage rooms now disappears if you've entered the room and there are no pickups on the floor.
    • Thanks to Apathetic for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug with QuadEE/ZMC_GlassPipes. It was possible to get a Pearl trapped inside of Glass Unbreakable blocks, which made it not shoot or be killable, making the room unexitable.
  • Pearls now wake on being shot.
    • Thanks to Apathetic, Cinth, Paladinlord10, and Watashiwa for reporting.

Version 1.004

(Released January 23rd, 2016)

  • The minimap on the escape menu now has mouseover tooltips on the individual rooms.
    • The tooltip also lists any items on the ground in that room, if you've been there before.
  • Fixed a bug where a familiar that was supposed to only be for that room would respawn if you spawned it, left before it died, and deployed another familiar.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Put in further logic to prevent shopkeepers from being aggroed (or damaged) from sleep by anything other than a player-directed shot.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where chests and other animated "special objects" spawned after room completion were not having their animators set up and thus were invisible (until opened, in the chest case).
    • Thanks to Apathetic for reporting.
  • Enemy Spawners now explode when the room is cleared.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • The width of columns on the Statistics screen has been broadened to accommodate some of the item names being longer than they were when that screen was set up.
    • This also prevents the close button from overlapping the next page button.
    • Thanks to robdon for reporting.
  • Added a "Fire Main Gun" key bind, replacing the hardcoded "hold down left mouse to fire main gun" logic.
    • Thanks to Cyborg for suggesting.
  • Fixed a bug where the 5-familiar achievement was counting some familiars twice (or after they died).
    • Thanks to Apathetic for the report and save.
  • Fixed a bug where occasionally a direct-fire shot would be fired as if it were "leading" the target.
    • Thanks to Misery for reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where the logic for resetting your position after dying in the tutorial was not reopening the doors, and thus causing you to be stuck there on the threshold of the door, if you entered through one.
    • Thanks to Arnos for reporting.
  • The game is now set to internally use the en-US format, so that hopefully those using other languages on the linux platform won't have to use the workaround of launching the game with the LC_ALL=C %command% or LANG=en_US %command launch option on.
    • Thanks to lessster for reporting.
  • Now the boss intro only has the boss go halfway across the screen, and then scale up to dominate the screen before fading out.
    • Thanks to Omgaar for inspiring this change.
  • The default Steam controller recommendation should is now 'Gamepad' instead of "Gamepad with high precision camera/aiming"
    • Thanks to death2cupbots for reporting.

Version 1.003

(Released January 22nd, 2016)

  • Fixed a rather serious bug in the last version that was causing the player to not be able to move upon entering rooms. Err... yeah, not sure how that slipped past us. Real sorry about that. We are very tired and clearly should not be making major changes right now. Thanks for understanding!
    • Thanks to Isaac, Cyprene, waylon531, Apathetic, and tupelocase for reporting.
  • The banshee now is more aggressive with its counterattacks again. Not so much as pre-1.0, but still a lot more than in 1.0.

Version 1.002

(Released January 22nd, 2016)

  • Fixed a bug where you could fire your weapons during just-entered-room invincibility.
    • Thanks to Moonshine Fox and others for reporting.
  • The text list of powerups at the bottom right of the escape menu is now a row/grid of icons with mouseovers for the names/descriptions.
    • Thanks to Apathetic and donblas for inspiring this change.
  • A new music track has been composed for the game! FTB 629

Version 1.001

(Released January 22nd, 2016)

  • The game will no longer seed secret rooms "from" shop, item, miniboss, secret, starting, or condemned rooms to avoid doors that look like they go to nowhere, or cannot be revealed.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where secret rooms were requiring a 2x2 free space on the grid instead of 1x1.
  • Extended the destroy-enemy-shots-on-room-clear logic to continue clearing enemy shots from the room afterward instead of just once, as there are a few things that can continue to emit shots.
    • Thanks to Cinth for reporting.
  • Updated the changelog to point to this new page.
  • Fixed up a mouse input issue that was a recent consequence of a perhaps-foolish major fix to some really unusual gamepads last night, which then broke mouse support for some folks with trackpads. The new system should work for everyone, as it is more unified and gets rid of some of the legacy input code that has been weighing down the button clicking for some time now.
    • Basically unity has an "input" way of handling clicks and such, and a "gui" way of doing it. We used to do a hybrid of both. Now it's all the "input" type, which is better for a lot of reasons.
    • Thanks to nas1m for reporting.

Previous Release Notes

Starward Rogue:Early Alpha Release Notes



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