Shattered Haven:Beta Release Notes

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Beta .803

(This hasn't been released yet. We're still working on it.)

Beta .802

(Released March 9th, 2013)

  • The key bindings for the two original action buttons have had their default bindings (and current bindings) reset, and are now to 1 and 2 instead of Q and W.
  • There are now four active inventory slots on the HUD, rather than two. The two new ones map to 3 and 4 for player 1, and multiply and divide for player two.
    • Note that both the P2 defaults, and the gamepad defaults for both players, could stand to be better for these new controls. But for now these are serviceable, and are definitely good for player 1.
    • Thanks to madcow, mrhanman, and Teal_Blue for suggesting.
  • The various refinements that were made to the axis noise canceling indexes in Valley 2 have now been ported to Shattered Haven.
    • The default noise canceling for the movement directions has also been increased dramatically, but that will only take effect for new players (or if you delete your settings.dat and settings.bak files).
    • Thanks to mrhanman for suggesting.

Beta .801

(Released March 8th, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug with the timing of cutscene playback if you're running at anything other than 60fps.
  • The offsets of the characters in their sitting-in-boats poses were all a bit hilariously off after the recent upgrades to their graphics. Fixed.
  • Previously the game would default to your desktop resolution, which could easily be wildly too large, making the game tiny.
    • Now the screen defaults to 1440x900 if your graphics card supports that, or 1024x768 if your graphics supports that, or whatever your smallest supported (by both the game and your GPU) resolution is. Only if unity for some reason can't detect any supported screen resolutions at all will it now use your desktop resolution.
    • Thanks to madcow and Misery for inspiring this change.
  • The description for "Small Red Life Gem" in the Encyclopedia was out of date. Fixed.
    • Thanks to Aklyon for reporting.
  • The second-player stand-in NPCs that are just waiting for you to complete the level no longer attract grays in quite the same pathfinding way. This prevents the grays from getting annoyingly distracted with player 2 in The Farm, mainly.
  • Adjusted the checkboxes to be colorblind friendly as well as clearer in general.
    • Thank to madcow for suggesting.

Previous Release Notes

Shattered Haven - Pre-Beta Release Notes