Stars Beyond Reach Beta Release Notes

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Version 0.701

(This isn't done yet, we're still working on it.)

  • The recent changes button now properly points here.
  • The default profile name is now "Benevolent Dictator" instead of Hydral.
    • Thanks to Watashiwa for reporting.
  • Savegame size has been reduced to about 2/3 its prior amount (and is now much faster to save and load, too) thanks to some shifts with what is being saved about specific layers on each tile.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • Savegames have been shrunk a further 10% or so by adjusting some of what is recalculated upon savegame load with regard to tiles themselves.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.
  • Another bit of savings on savegame size in particular in savegames that are very high up in turn counts, by culling the number of event log entries from more than 100 turns ago.
    • Thanks to ptarth for inspiring this change.