Release Raptor:Level Editor Components: Level 2 - Apartments

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Overall Concept

Level 2 - Apartments is an apartment building that is in partial ruins. It mixes nonlinear traversal through these apartments and halls and so forth with traditional architecture. Aka, the rooms are build based on the normal modern rules that we expect (an apartment has one door, which leads to a hall outside it, etc). However, holes in walls and the floors and ceilings provide the violations of those traversal rules so that you can go into one apartment and jump through the floor down into the apartment below, etc.

Source Folder

In the level editor load/save menu, all the parts for this level are in the Level2_Apartments folder.

Don't save anything directly in that folder, because the procedural level generator won't know how to use it. Instead, inside this are subfolders for various types of rooms that the level generator WILL know how to use.

Level Chunk Types

Release Raptor Main Page