Extragalactic War Phoenix Stats
Metal Cost |
Energy Use |
Ship Cap |
Strength |
Hull |
Shields |
Speed |
Armour |
Engine |
Albedo |
0 |
15,000 GW |
? |
38 |
6,000,000 (VII) |
3,000,000 (VII) |
2,200 |
180mm |
25 gx |
0.4 |
7 tX
Extragalactic War Phoenix Weapon Stats
Shot Damage |
Seconds per Salvo |
Shots Per Salvo |
Range |
Single Ship DPS |
100,000 (40x 2,500) |
1s |
40 |
15,000 |
100,000 |
Extremely fast vessel with rapid fire pulses.
A savage fiend designed to obliterate large groups of Strikecraft very quickly. These will kill your smaller ships very fast unless they're sturdy enough or too numerous for it to make a dent on your forces. They come from outside the galaxy, and will only enter the Murdoch Quadrant once the AI starts taking you seriously.