HotM:Unit Visual Previews

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These were originally images I shared on discord in February of 2024. There are a number of things which have changed since these shots were taken:

  • A few of the full-color units have been demoted to silhouette units.
  • The colorization on some of the units have been improved, like the Convictor mech, Keanu, etc.
  • Some additional units have been added in several categories.
  • The "bulk android" forms for a bunch of player units have been added since then, and this also involved recoloring the mains a bit.

It's also worth noting that these images don't include vehicles at all; it's just humans, androids, and mechs.

General Style Note: Shadow Vs Color

There are units that are full-color in various spots, but they are key units of various sorts.

In other words, when you see a full-color one with extra details, it's time to pay attention as they are a big deal.


These are the main mechs, to scale but out of context:

UnitPreview Mechs.png


These are all of the animals, though more will be added:

UnitPreview Animals.png

Each animal form has a colored type, and a golden type. The regular colored one is a big deal; otherwise you would not even be seeing them at all. Hence why none of the animals are shadow-style.

The glowing golden kind are uplifted ones.