Valley 1:Fast Facts

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Fast Facts: A Crash Course On A Valley Without Wind

Want to get up to speed quickly? This list is aimed to help you do just that (and will be refined over time).

This Game Is A Side-scrolling Action-Adventure With Hints Of Strategy, Shmup, Platforming, And Citybuilding

That description sounded incredibly pretentious and over-wrought, didn't it? Sorry about that -- but it's the best we can do. Gameplay takes place from the side view, and you run around and shoot at stuff. This leads some people to make comparisons to the Metroidvania subgene, including ourselves, but that's only partly apt (this game doesn't employ the "lock and key" system that many consider vital to that subgenre).

Shmup-Style Combat

In terms of the combat itself, it's all magic-based and mostly done at some range. Your shots move relatively quickly, but enemy shots tend to move much slower while being quite plentiful -- causing you to have to jump or dodge them while positioning yourself to take your own shots. This is what we mean when we say it's a lot like a Shmup. It's also really fun and really different from what you tend to find in most action-adventure far.

Action-Adventure, Not RPG

Occasionally we get someone who thinks this is an RPG, and suddenly has all sorts of implicit expectations broken. This is not an RPG! Enemies do go up in power as the game progresses, but it's not just linear stats-grinding like in an RPG. You'll find new equipment and spells, too, but still an RPG this does not make -- there is no currency, and you don't buy stuff at shops. For the most part, you don't even get your loot from enemies. If you've ever played a Metroidvania game, then you pretty much know how the overall progression is here.

Hints Of Strategy, Did You Say?

That's right -- but before you go running off in fear (remembering our awesomely hardcore game AI War), let me put your mind at ease. Unlike early alpha versions of the game, there are no top-down strategy-game-style interfaces for your to have to learn and wrangle. This game takes place completely from the side view, except when you're walking around on the world map, which is kind of a glorified menu letting you choose what areas you want to explore next. Nothing scary about that, right?

We boiled strategy games down to their essence: you're given a set of tools, and an objective, and told "get from here to there." In AVWW, that form of long-term strategic thinking manifests in a number of ways: what spells you choose to unlock, what missions you take, how you go about buffing your character, and so on. At the shorter-term tactical level, there's obviously tactics to being in combat, but there's also preparation: what spells you have most readied for a given foe, what enchants you choose to wear at the time (you can swap these out at any time, but you can only wear one enchant per body slot).

There are also some more advanced things you can do on the world map that are strategically-oriented, such as "pushing back the wind" or "building buoys" or things of that nature, but those are more advanced and we're getting ahead of ourselves. Post-1.0, we plan to build out things like that even more, if players seem interested.

Back to the core point here, the core reason this game is different from all other action-adventure games of this nature is that it's open-ended. You can walk right into the Overlord's keep right from the start of a continent -- feel free! You know where he lives, and you can easily get... kind of near there. Just don't expect to survive to even reach his throne room, and probably not even the front door of his keep itself. If you can, major props to you.

So here you are, little underdeveloped hero-person you, and you have some basic tools and the need to go kill this overlord who is Totally Oppressing Everybody And Has It Coming. Most action-adventure games rely on a carefully-tuned set of linear levels (backtracking or not) and monsters that are used to power you up so that you're ready to face the Big Bad Guy by the time you're done. You're given the task of skillfully completing that linear progression, and that's that. In most of those games, "skillfully completing that linear progression" is darn fun enough on its own, but we wanted to do something more: give you a wide breadth of choices and ways to progress in a completely nonlinear fashion.

When you reach that overlord and kill him, you know that it's not just because you're good at shooting things and dodging bullets, it's also because you were able to set good goals for your character and see those goals to fruition. That's what the strategy genre is all about at its most basic level, and AVWW lets you experience that in the context of an action-adventure sidescroller -- controlling one character in great detail, rather than a whole army of characters with much less detail.

This Game Has Many Procedurally-Generated Elements

Most of the terrain in the game is procedural, enemy/object placement is entirely procedural, enchants are procedural, character names are procedurally combined from name lists (first name plus last name). That means, for instance, that there are over a million possible character names, that there are hundreds of thousands of unique enchants (and growing at a geometric rate as we update the game), and that there are billions of unique terrain/enemy/object combinations. Even the structures of the insides of buildings are hugely procedural.

This Game Has Many Hand-Crafted Elements

The spells and enemies themselves, most of individual the interior room floorplans (or at least floorplan-components), and the overall balance and progression of the game are hand-crafted. This is why you don't just get lost in a soupy mess of genericness as you go exploring out into the wild. There are billions of possibilities to explore, but those hand-crafted bits make a lot of difference.

Each Continent Is A "Game" In Itself

Like a linear title, there is a logical flow to how things progress in this game. You grow in power, so do your enemies, and you must ultimately defeat the Big Bad Guy. In this case, the randomly-generated Overlord of your continent. To complete a single continent takes anywhere from 4-20 hours, depending on how you play and how much of a hurry you're in. The earlier continents are easier and thus go faster, but even there 4 hours is practically a speed run.

Many Things Reset When You Move Between Continents, But Some Carry Forward

Think of your second continent like a "New Game+" option in another game. You're "starting over" in the sense that the monster tier has reverted to 1, you've lost all your spells, and so on. However, all of your unlockables carry forward, as do your enchants, and your other non-spell equipment. This means that there are really two progressions: your overall world progression, and your progression on whatever continent you are currently at. Thus each continent you face is more complicated and more challenging than the last, because you've unlocked more dangerous enemies as well as more interesting tools to fight them with.

This Game Evolves Through Continual Updates

After version 1.0 of this game comes out, we've committed ourselves to at least three months of free updates. That said, if the game does at all well, we plan to continue such updates indefinitely, alongside the occasional optional paid expansion pack. Look at AI War -- three years on, and it's still getting this treatment. For a game about adventure and exploration, this means that there will always be new stuff to find.

Further Reading

A Valley Without Wind