AI War 2:Dagger

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Dagger Stats
Metal Cost Energy Use Ship Cap Strength Hull Shields Speed Armour Engine Albedo Mass
3,000 400 GW 40 (I) 0.01 2,400 (I) 100 (I) 2,200 30mm 18 gx 0.3 0.21 tX
Dagger Weapon Stats
Shot Damage Seconds per Salvo Shots Per Salvo Range Single Ship DPS Cap DPS
372 (I) 4s 1 7,100 93 (I) 3,720 (I)

Very fast, evasive, high damage and almost no durability ship that is immune to most speed penalties.


  • Weapon: Raid
  • Hull: Light


Plasma Bolt
  • 372 Damage, Reload Speed 4s, Range 7,100[1]





  1. Range is set to 0.8x (80%) of this value by default.
  2. Speed penalty immunity is conferred due to having high engine gx value