Dark Spire Eidolon Stats
Metal Cost |
Energy Use |
Ship Cap |
Strength |
Hull |
Shields |
Speed |
Armour |
Engine |
Albedo |
605000 |
500 |
1 |
393 |
50000 |
50000 |
400 |
120 |
18 |
0.2998046875 |
Dark Spire Eidolon Weapon Stats
Shot Damage |
Seconds per Salvo |
Shots Per Salvo |
Range |
Single Ship DPS |
2400 |
4 |
1 |
2800 |
600 |
A terrifying manifestation of the Dark Spire's Rage at all life.
The largest ship used by the Dark Spire. These ships are more often encountered when a Vengeance Generator is hacked by a player fleet. These are armed with a Tesla Coil to kill large groups of enemies.