Warrior Stats
Metal Cost |
Energy Use |
Ship Cap |
Strength |
Hull |
Shields |
Speed |
Armour |
Engine |
Albedo |
? |
400 GW |
None |
0.02 (I) |
2,600 (I) |
1,400 (I) |
1,000 |
50mm |
8 gx |
0.3 |
0.21 tX
Warrior Weapon Stats
Shot Damage |
Seconds per Salvo |
Shots Per Salvo |
Range |
Single Ship DPS |
90 (I) |
2s |
1 |
3,500 |
45 |
The most basic combat form. Does not yet exhibit the traits of the race used to construct it.
The most common Scourge unit. Twice as much firepower as the Neophyte, they're still weak enough to be defeated quickly.