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Mouse Basics

The basic mouse controls of Tidalis are very simple. You either right-click or shift-click and drag through lines of blocks to turn their arrows in the desired direction. Then you left-click a block to make it emit a stream, which then will follow the arrows that you turned.

Except in Frenzy mode, you cannot emit streams from blocks unless there are no streams active on the board at that time; clicking frantically around the board won't help you at all.

In action-oriented modes, you can also click and hold on your Fast Forward and Ultra Fast Forward buttons to make blocks fall into your board more quickly. A single click on those controls will make just the immediately next column have some blocks fall.

In modes where there are items, you can simply left-click the item that is in your palette (one of the five slots to the right of your board), and then left-click the tile on either any game board where you would like the item to take effect (it doesn't have to be your own game board). If you have loaded an item into your cursor and then change your mind, just right-click or shift-click and your cursor will go back to normal.


Keyboard Basics

The basic keyboard controls of Tidalis are very simple, and you can customize them via the Settings screen if the default keys are not comfortable for you.

You can move your cursor around with the arrow keys. If you hold the F key while moving, the arrows will turn in the direction you are moving. If you hold the V key while moving, arrows will turn in the opposite direction from which you are moving. Thus you can set up paths of arrows by starting at either the start or end of the desired path.

When you are ready to emit a stream from the block under your cursor, hit the G key, and that stream will then will follow the arrows that you turned.

Except in Frenzy mode, you cannot emit streams from blocks unless there are no streams active on the board at that time; moving frantically around the board and hitting the emit button won't help you at all.

In action-oriented modes, you can also hit the Fast Forward (Spacebar) and Ultra Fast Forward (Ctrl+Spacebar) keys to make blocks fall into your board more quickly. A single tap on those controls will make just the immediately next column have some blocks fall.

In modes where there are items, you can press the numbers 1-5 to load the corresponding item from your palette (one of the five slots to the right of your board). When there is an item loaded into your cursor, you can move back and forth between either board by pressing the Tab key, or by simply moving off the left and right of the boards. When you have selected a place to use your item, simply use the G key to use it. If you have loaded an item into your cursor and then change your mind, just press the same 1-5 key again that you used to load the item in the first place.


Helpful Tips And Tricks
