The Last Federation:Alliances and Federations

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Alliances and Federations are agreements between two or more races for peace and security. They generally come in two main forms, the player Federation, and Anti-Federation Alliances.

Player Federation

Formed initially by 2 or 3 races. The player wins by adding all remaining races to the federation, or by destroying all non-federation races with at least 1 federation race surviving.

Perfect Utopia

When a race has over 1000 in one of its planetary stats and positive trends in the others, it will form a Perfect Utopia. This means they will no longer seek Federation help, but will also no longer attack anyone else. Driving their stats down will result in the utopia disbanding.

Solar Axis Pact

When 2+ non-fed races each control more than one planet, and have reasonable attitudes toward one another, they form the SAP. The SAP does not dissolve until there is only one member race left alive in it. However, if a race has -50 or worse attitude toward any other members of the SAP, then it will grow increasingly discontented over time and eventually abandon the SAP (happens when your "Dislike Of Other Members Of SAP" influence with them reaches 100).

Fear Empire

When a non-fed race controls 4+ planets, a Fear Empire forms. The Fear Empire does not dissolve until the race is dead, meaning they cannot live if you wish the fed to be universal. It is impossible to gain influence with a Fear Empire race.

Thoraxian Protectorate

When the fed controls 4+ planets, and the Thoraxians control 2+ outside the fed, if the Andors, Evucks, Peltians, or Boarines are also outside the fed, they seek shelter behind the Thoraxians in the TP. The TP only dissolves when the Thoraxians are dead.

Union Of Independent States

When the fed controls 4+ planets, and some combination of the Acutians, Boarines, and/or Burlusts are not in it, they may form the UIS. The UIS does not dissolve until there is only one member race left alive in it. However, if a race has -50 or worse attitude toward any other members of the UIS, then it will grow increasingly discontented over time and eventually abandon the UIS (happens when your "Dislike Of Other Members Of UIS" influence with them reaches 100).

Trifecta Of Superiority

When the fed has been formed but only consists of the Acutians, Burlusts, and Thoraxians, they are likely to abandon the fed to establish their own TOS. The TOS does not dissolve until there is only one member race left alive in it. However, if a race has -50 or worse attitude toward any other members of the TOS, then it will grow increasingly discontented over time and eventually abandon the TOS (happens when your "Dislike Of Other Members Of TOS" influence with them reaches 100).

The Betrayed

When you do certain actions against a fed race, you lose influence with them in the category Betrayal From Within. If that amount reaches 1000ish (but varies by difficulty), they will leave to form or join TB. TB does not dissolve; for the fed to survive, all TB members must be destroyed. It is impossible to gain influence with a TB race.

Smuggler Empire

When there are more than 100m smugglers active on a planet, they overthrow the government and either form or join the SE. The SE does not dissolve; for the fed to survive, all the SE members must be destroyed.


(Added in The Lost Technologies DLC)

When a non-federation race has a Science rating (As seen in the racial power screen) twice as high as that of the race with the second highest Science rating, it can form the Technocracy. As long as the Technocracy exists, your influence with many non-Technocracy races will decrease fairly rapidly. The Technocracy will only disband when it loses its scientific edge. Be warned: since the Technocracy race gains a further 1.2x boost to science from being a Technocracy, and it is most likely to lose its lead via the large swings of the science rating caused by the end of resource-based boosts, destruction of outposts during wars, and/or quarantine due to plagues, whichever is the second highest race may well immediately replace it as a new Technocracy.


game resources in RuntimeData\Language\en\a_bionic.xml

The Last Federation